2020 F250 6.7 Diesel Walk Around


Here’s a quick look (because low battery) at the 2020 Ford F250 Super Duty mit der sehr schwerer 6.7 liter Powerstroke turbodiesel V8. It is the only diesel V8 in the 2500 class to break the four fiqure mark when it comes to torque – and the 20,000 figure when it comes to pulling power.

Have a (quick) look. More, soon!

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  1. Hey Eric, I’ll bet if you were to start another TwitBook account with a black-sounding name, and a pic of a black dude as your avatar or whatever they use on those sites, suddenly your “wrong think” would become “right-think” in their eyes, and they wouldn’t dare ban you, even if you advocated wholesale offing of all pigs!

    It’s only “wrong” when the right people say it.

    • Hi Nunz,

      Sure! It’d be a fun – and sad- experiment. How about Diatomaceous Earth? But even then, I’d still have to toe the line. Actual black conservative/Wrongthinkful writers have been given the treatment, too. Candace Owens, for example.

      Skin color is only skin deep. It’s Marxism that goes to the bone.

  2. I’m pretty sure you meant the 6.7L Powerstroke, right? ‘Cuz I couldn’t find anything about a 6.7L Cummins V8; only the straight-6.

  3. The Ford 6.7 is their own designed and built engine. International had sued them a few years ago for developing it before their contract with Ford expired.


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