AGW Dating, Part II


Armed government workers aren’t like the rest of us; among other things, we haven’t got the legal power to take/rifle through people’s stuff. Including phones. To look at other people’s pictures, for instance.

Which is what an AGW from MN has just been caught doing.

The AGW’s name is Albert Kuehne and he has been charged with felony stalking this week for taking a woman’s cell phone and using it to send himself nude photos of her, the Hennepin County Attorney’s Office announced

According to the criminal complaint,  Keuhne responded to a one-car accident at the location of I-94 and Cedar Avenue in Minneapolis where he encountered the driver of that vehicle, a 25-year-old woman.

Kuehne detained the crash victim on suspicion of DWI and she was eventually transported to the hospital where she was treated and released. She was not charged with DUI.

Upon returning home, the victim’s boyfriend was using her Macbook – which was linked to her cell phone – and discovered that  the victim’s phone was accessed and had sent I-messages containing nude photographs of her to an unknown phone. Her phone itself had no record of the messages being sent because Kuehne had deleted them.

According to the criminal complaint, the victim told investigators that she never gave Kuehne permission to access her phone much less send himself the nude photos. Despite initially denying the allegation, the warrant says Kuehne later admitted to sending the nude photos to his personal cell phone.

It gives a new meaning to the creed of AGWs: To harass and collect.

. . .

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  1. I don’t fault the police for the actions of this POS, there are other reasons aplenty. It is unusual that he was actually charged with a crime. I won’t hold my breath until he’s convicted. I forget where, but some state has decided to make police civilly liable for their actions up to $25k, which though not enough (It should be high enough to guarantee they’re made bankrupt), it is a good start. Now if we could get an offender registry like other sexual predators get, perhaps we could be on the road to at least make them think before they act. Not to mention, they could then be held civilly liable for enforcing illegal “laws”, like lock down edicts.

      • Tempe, he said the very thing I wondered about. Do you really have expectations of privacy on a cell phone when if you look at your cellphone, i Phone or Android, you’ll find it’s running a Covid app. If you have nude pics of yourself, you should be smart enough to have the phone locked.

        I’m not making excuses for what this idiot did nor am I making excuses for what the offended party did. He’s a dumbass and so is she. I can promise if somebody gets my phone they won’t see my nude photos for the best reason of all, I have none.

    • Because a significantly large number of people, perhaps even a majority, live their lives on a cell phone, viewing the wide wide world through a 3″X 5″ screen, and communicating with an abbreviated bastardization of the English language.


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