Reader Question: The Boo Moo Shirt?


Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply!

Noelle asks: It’s always good to hear you on the David Knight show. Can you email me the merchant’s link to the Boo/Moo T-Shirt with the cow, tag and mask? I want to purchase one. I live in New York City (born and raised) but don’t follow their dogma, so wearing this will definitely ruffle feathers. ☺️ PS: Please spread the word on the real pandemic. No one talks about this betrayal enough.

My reply: You can find the Boo/Moo shirts here. Just click on the link in the text. If I had the resources, I’d have a million of them made so that a million people could wear them – and not wear a Face Diaper – and engage in a peaceful protest. Actually peaceful, I mean. When it becomes an actionable offense to be out in public without permission – and only if you’re wearing a Face Diaper – you know the state of things and it has nothing to do with “stopping the spread” of something far more lethal to the general population than medical malpractice.

. . .

Got a question about cars, Libertarian politics – or anything else? Click on the “ask Eric” link and send ’em in!

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  1. I have some ideas for shirts or stickers, etc.:

    “Bernie Sanders: For those who are not good at math and history”.

    “Defund the police? Why not? They’ve been defunding us for decades”[With a graphic of a pig with a pulled-over motorist]


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