Reader Question: Move – or Resist?


Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply! 

Eric asks: The trained monkey Norman Oliver states he “intends  to mandate a CORONA vaccine.”  In order to “save hundreds of lives”  (ironically he’s pro abortion which destroys tens of thousands of lives in his state – mostly black lives). What will you do? Move – or resist?

My reply: Well, first I will write. Do what is in my power to rouse opprobrium and resistance, lawfully – as by getting rid of these Gesundheitsfuhrers via the ballot box.  There is a decent chance this is possible. It is certainly an avenue that must be exhausted before other steps are justified.

If the ballot box fails – and these creatures succeed in passing laws – then it becomes a question of resisting physically or physically moving. I am not convinced the latter serves much purpose given other states have Gesundheitsfuhrers, too – and if we get a new federal Gesundheitsfuhrer this November, it may not matter where you live . . . unless you live in the Woods and no one knows you do.

I’m open to the latter as a last resort but the fact is I’m a middle-aged guy and the prospect of perpetual camping doesn’t appeal to me much. And yet, it appeals to me a great deal more than being Needled and if that’s the choice then into the Woods I will go.

My hope is it will not be necessary and my intent is to do all I can to see that it isn’t.

. . .

Got a question about cars, Libertarian politics – or anything else? Click on the “ask Eric” link and send ’em in!

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