Reader Question: Cool Truck?


Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply!

Pat asks: A while back I sent you a question about what pickup truck you recommend. I live in east Europe and the options were: VW Amarok, Toyota Hilux, or Mitsubishi L200 (Triton). I found a sweet garage kept 2016 L200 with 45k kilometers. I’m very happy with the Japanese quality and I put some big boots on it to compliment the 3″ suspension lift. You do outstanding work and I have read pretty much every thing you have put out. I’m not just a lurker, I have sent you $50 twice on PayPal. I still have the 89 GTA WS6 in the garage back in Canada; every time I drive it, someone stops me for a compliment. Just want to say thanks and send you a picture of the new wheels.

My reply: Dammit, man! With all the bad news raining down, you just had to make me jealous on top of it, eh? You do know that “free” Americans can’t buy vehicles like that. Or rather, we’re not allowed to. And we’ll be allowed to buy even fewer – of anything that isn’t electric – with the Diaperer as Decider.

But I’m also glad that such vehicles can be purchased in the free world. I’m not one of those people who likes to see others suffer because I must suffer. Thus, I congratulate you on your acquisition – and I thank you for your support, which is becoming all the more important given what just happened at the ballot box.

I anticipate Wrongthinkful sites and journalists will be targeted economically as well as otherwise. The “de-platforming” and “de-monetizing” will uptick and it is quite possible there will be outright bans/shut downs.

But I will continue to fly the flag and fire the guns until the barrels glow red and the last shell is spent.

. . .

Got a question about cars, Libertarian politics – or anything else? Click on the “ask Eric” link and send ’em in!

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