Latest Radio: Bill Meyer Show/KMED Oregon 12/2/20


Here’s the audio of my weekly chat with Bill Meyer over at KMED radio in Oregon. We talked about the Blazer – the old and new – as well as the galling hypocrisy of the Gesundheitsfuhrers:

EP on KMED 12-02-20     

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  1. The CDC and WHO have changed their tune now and don’t recommend the diaper. Of course, you couldn’t rip the damn things off a “true believer”.

    I did a lot of research months ago having nothing to do between life-changing headaches. Starting in the early 80’s, several studies were done as regards the rag in the OR. For brevity’s sake, they all showed about the same thing, no difference with or without a mask to the personnel or patient.

    Unless you’re spitting big loogies into the wound, there is no advantage.

    The big advantage lies in the power mini-Mussolini’s have in controlling everyone they can or think they can.

    The big reset is going to be the giant Soviet Worldwide Union. Policing will be the main bidness for that huge government. There will be outliers that will continually have to be mopped up and before you know it, you won’t need a screen, you can just live Mad Max once all the nukes in the world have been expended and there’s just a handful of humans alive.

    I’ve seen the video of a ship sailing into the center of the earth via a hole in near the south pole. It appears there’s a narrow opening in the land and ice. I’m ready to go right now if I can miss just one cackling session of the crazy Harris cunt.


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