Reader Question: Bonfires and Jeeps?


Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply!

Mike asks: Went to a Bonfire with my friend and his friends tonight and asked what they thought of the new Bronco for shits and giggles. Like you, they were like NO!!! That said, how do you feel about the current gen Jeeps? Figured I’d ask, I trust your opinion on these things.

My reply: The Grand Cherokee and Wrangler still have their merits – including the V8 in the GC and the real-deal capabilities of the both of them. But, they are also afflicted with much of the saaaaaaaaaafety and Big Brother equipment, including the latest generation of the FCA infotainment/telematics system, UConnect. Which might be more accurately rendered as TheyConnect (to you). I’m personally uncomfortable with being data-mined (all new cars do this) as well as this shady business of “proprietary” software/access to necessary diagnostic info for service.

That said, the Jeeps are preferable to the others. My preference, though, would be for an older Jeep, free of the encrustations of the looming technocracy!

. . .

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  1. Eric is right on the money here – look for an older Jeep that is in good shape. I have friends that have Jeeps with the 4.0 inline six and they are great vehicles, very capable and they’re free of intrusive late-model nanny state garbage.

  2. Modern Jeeps are nothing but overpriced junky Fiats- and you can’t even bleed the brakes without proprietary dealer software…..


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