Latest Radio: Bill Meyer Show/KMED Oregon 1/13/21


Here’s the audio of this week’s chat with Bill Meyer over at KMED radio in Oregon; weird aside: Bill always sends me a downloadable MP3 file to post here after each show. This week was no different, with one difference. Yahoo email would not download the file. A pop up said “download blocked.” This has never happened before. It is very curious that it happened the very week America went Soviet as regards the hammering of Wronthinkful speech.

I was able to get around the block by using Proton email. Which I recommend everyone use (or some other service that isn’t a member of the emergent Speech Police cartel. The game is afoot.



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  1. Eric. I read what you wrote in NMA news letter. Seems that you can verbalize yourself well on driving issues. I’d like to have conversations on driving issues, since I have lots of driving experience. My driving habits have evolved over the 50 plus years of driving. Any changes in driving standards will takes a long time to change, but it’s worth starting for those to come.


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