Latest Radio: George Gammon Show 4/18/21


Last week, George Gammon had me on his show to gabble about myriad topics; here’s the audio – and mea culpa if I sounded tired; I was low on coffee and Adrenochrome that day:

 . . .

Got a question about cars, Libertarian politics – or anything else? Click on the “ask Eric” link and send ’em in!

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  1. As an avid listener to EP Autos, I thoroughly enjoyed this new show you appeared on. I liked the longer format which allowed a deeper dive on some topics. Host seemed to be a bit more of a petrol head than the hosts of your other weekly shows, which made for some good back and forth.

    Eagerly awaiting a repeat appearance on George’s show! Great job.

  2. Eric,

    Never seen your mug before. Looks like you could easily be part of my family.

    Also, Mad Dog 20/20!! Haha, what dreadfully wonderful concoctions they make. Haven’t had any for many years, but it was part of the pragmatic intoxicants of my youth. I once drank a bottle of that (among some other things) and fell off of a boulder and into a cactus. Good times!


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