Needling on Their Sleeves?


The Holy Rag became a visible expression of the Sickness Cult that swept America over the course of last year. That tide appears to be receding. Literally. Almost everywhere, we’re seeing less Rag wearing. The whys are one question – dealt with here.

It’s what’s next that will be dealt with, here.

Already, we can see where this is headed. In many of the areas where Holy Rag wearing is no longer required it actually still is required. The “mandates” regarding the Holy Rag have been lifted . . . for those who’ve received the Holy Jab. If not, the Rag must still be worn.

In theory.

The problem – as unseen by the Holy – is how to tell the Faithful from the not.

Right now, anyone who wants to can remove their Rag and enter within. The presumption being they’ve received their Anointing, are “of the body.”

Of course, some have not received their Anointing – and simply going about their normal again. The same Sane Minority ho never wore the Holy Rag; but there are also probably many others who did wear it but aren’t going to get the Jab. Perhaps because you can’t take off the Jab.

As with any religious fanaticism, this is an intolerable form of invisible heresy that must be rooted out. The problem this time is the Faithful aren’t wearing the symbol of their Obedience to the catechism. But there is a way for them to know their own, as it were.   

A new form of identification – of submission to the Faith – will be demanded as the price of being allowed to live.

Figuratively, at first – and perhaps literally, eventually.

This is where it gets scary. Much more so than the wearing of a disgusting face-effacer.

Face-effacers can be seen, at a glance. It is easy to keep the Unholy outside. To know – on sight – who the heretic is. It is not only impossible to know, at a glance, whether a supplicant is Holy – or Unclean – but also more difficult to establish his state of grace (or not) via the clumsy presentation of “papers.”

An armband might do the job. But that would also allow heresy by the false witnessing thereof. An armband can also be taken off as easily as it is put on. It is hard to remove an Anointing – the “vaccine” – from within your body.

A much easier method to establish those “of the body” will be a tracking app, which can be installed in every cell phone as part of a digital ID – the likely end goal of all of this, plus one more thing (bear with).

The app can be read/ scanned at the entrance to every “church” of this new Faith – which will be everywhere you try to go but won’t be allowed within unless you present your digital proof of Holy Anointing.

No phone, no entry.

It does not take a prophet to see the scanning kiosks erected at the entrances to everywhere. Perhaps they will open – or close – the doors. Or perhaps at the cash register, where your purchases will not be rung up if you have not shown you are a Believer in good standing.

Forget cash, actually.

That is the keystone to making sure heresy cannot spread. When money becomes electronic, those who refuse to be Anointed will have no money. Which will leave them very little choice.

No need to bar them entry when they are unable to pay for anything within.

Cash has made heresy – i.e., avoidance – possible. If only via the secure possession thereof. It matters less whether you’re allowed to enter a given store to buy something than the fact that you can still buy something, someplace else.

Even if you aren’t working – or forbidden to work – so long as you have some cash, you’re still free to buy.

This is what they cannot allow – and what is likely coming. Or, rather, going.

At first, a year or so ago, it was difficult to see the whole picture. Now it’s staring us in the face, if we have the courage to look at it.

Terrorize the populace, so as to get many of them to voluntarily wear the Holy Rag – out of fear.

Enact “mandates” denying entry to grocery stores – to work or school – to any semblance of normal life – so as to force the ones not afraid to put the disgusting thing over their faces and create the sight of “universal” fear.

Let this abnormalcy percolate for six months or so, so as to condition the populace to the sight of abnormality. Then present the Holy Water, the cure for what ails them.

Then let them in, again – faces free. Let a semblance of visually normal life resume again For a little while.

Just a taste.

Then make it clear that “normal” cannot persist so long as heresy remains. Turn the relief of all those suddenly ex-Rag Wearers into fury at those who refuse to be Anointed and because of them, the Rags must return – even for the Anointed.

Until everyone is Anointed.

For this reason, all must show proof of Anointing.

If you can’t see that coming, your Diaper must be in the way.

The good news is that for now, there is enough resentment of hysteria – and of the Holy Rag wearing it conjured – such that several states have already outlawed the imposition of Proof of Anointment as a condition of being able to buy or sell.

Which is to say – to live.

The bad news is that it’s likely this will change if there is a new “spike” in “cases.” The ‘Rona is much less a threat than the hysteria so easily conjured about the ‘Rona. Which hysteria is implicitly not about ‘Rona, per se – but any putative virus that can be hystericized, which is practically any of them.

Holy Rags were bad. The Holy Jab, much worse. Far worse than both is Proof of Jab.

The task the sane face is the same the sane faced before the Holy Rags began to be worn – and after they were cast off. It is, simply, to maintain their sanity – by not giving in to the next round of insanity. By disobedience, now.

By being heretics – forever.

Come what may.

. . . 

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  1. Approximately a year ago, those with severe respiratory system problems were diagnosed with their “disease” because of “vaping”. That all disappeared when COVID came on the scene. How convenient.

  2. Natural news, infowars, etc. are reporting that in 2-3yrs of the vax, you’re dead.

    So take it and enjoy your numbered days of “Freedom” or take the proverbial beating from everyone and laugh over the Hypochondriacs graves (While grieving for those who were ill informed you cared about).

    I’m already a Jersey Pariah, don’t mask and don’t care, fuck the Karen’s, Terry’s and cucks. All I know is there’ll be lots of used cars and foreclosed houses in the future.

    • Hi Zane,

      My policy is to not take medicines I don’t need. Certainly not “experimental” ones. What is wrong with people? I mean the people who aren’t sick and aren’t at much risk of even getting sick – yet willingly have medicine (or whatever it is) shot into their bodies. It’s just bizarre to me. Like buying tires that don’t fit your car – only in this case it’s not just something you don’t need, it’s something that might actually end up causing you real harm.

      • I had the Kung Flu anyway, mild flu, got my hands on HCQ and zinc, so I got the antibodies

        If the stories are correct, Im going to be attending a ton of funerals in the future, feel bad for my buddy’s ’17 V6 Coupe though

        • Hi Zane,

          Me too, maybe. I’ve mentioned this before but, back in the fall of 2019, I had a bad respiratory bug. Not bed sick bad; just a hacky/wheezy cough and some weird crackling sounds coming from deep down when I exhaled deeply. It lasted about a week and then fine. Took no drugs, visited no quacks.

          Since then, I’ve been healthy as a Clydesdale… except for my damned left shoulder.

          • I got something around the same time. I never take time off of work for getting sick, but I spent a couple days off at home. And it too was gone in about a week. I think it is possible this bug was running around before “they” said it was.

          • It sounds like you had the same bug as me.

            In early January 2020 I had a weird bit of chest congestion that was working its way to my lungs. Being that I’ve had experience in respiratory illnesses as a pharmacy tech at a previous job I was careful to breathe in slowly then, forcefully, blow the congestion out. The first exhalations had me sounding wheezy as everything was being cleared out. But, once I got past that, I was able to get over it in about a week as the residual lingered.

            In any case, I’m healthy and will neither wear a face diaper nor get vaxxed. I’d rather stick with exercise and nutrition to keep things tip-top than use the potions peddled by Immune System Deniers (ISDs).

    • I heard test animals injected with it didn’t last longer than 2 weeks. When extrapolated for humans, it’s 1.5 years. I think that explains the big push to get as many jabs in as soon as possible.

      • University of Texas, 2012. 100% of the mice or rats died, forget which of the two exactly but same difference

        It’ll eat away at your brain or heart and like being bitten by a zombie, you’re dead at that point.

        Best protection against the vaxxed is Pine Needle Tea/Extract, heard about that one from Natural News. Such a shame, so many gonna get sick and die

  3. Speaking of needling – heard an interesting one just now – the first guy who got the vaccine has died… not saying its linked or has any relationship, but it is funny how its instantly shot down as having nothing to do with the vaccine…. while on the other hand you can get a positive PCR test and get hit by car 4 weeks later and its recorded as a covid death !

    • Hi Nasir,

      Yes, William Shakespeare (if you can believe the name). 🙂 He was 81. Apparently, the vaccine does not stop death.

    • Mr Liberty, I saw this – to me it really hi lighted how despite so many qualifications and “training” from so called world class institutions – these guys have absolutely no ability critically question anything (unless it came from a memo from their head office or something). Try asking a doctor int he west some critical questions about this con and how most will struggle and just try to evade the actual question and go to general comments about how vaccines have always worked, and how they’ve reduced rates in countries with high vaccination rates, etc… talk about misinformation on the internet….but essentially avoid any pointed question.

      • Morning, Nasir!

        It’s a two-fer, I think. One of the fers being the emphasis, in government schools, upon rote memorization. The other fer being the training to obedience to Authority, no questions asked. Anyone who has been to a government school – and survived – will be well aware of both, having lived through them.

    • Excellent, Mister!

      And: Did you see Bill Maher’s evisceration of leftist Covidians? Maher is a big liberal but even he cannot abide the sickness.

    • Should we be taking advice from someone who will not have their student loans paid off until after they retire? Seriously, if you are paying on student loans at 53 years of age that automatically makes me suspect of your intentions. It would seem when one is carrying such a high debt load they would be more open to kickbacks from pharmaceutical companies.

      • RG – I was also thinking that – a Dr in the US who hasn’t paid back their student loans at 53 (and that too someone who was in school 30 years ago when it was relatively cheaper)…. one should really question their life choices, and general level of intelligence…… even the kickbacks – I mean if he took a couple wouldn’t he pay back the student loan !????!! That didnt make any sense…. but again this is probably the kind of logic and reasoning thats been “educated” out of these doctors….

        • Hi Nasir,

          I think that is the problem with most of society. Debt is believed to be good. Finance your groceries! Finance your car! Finance your education! I actually have a 90+ year old client who just refinanced her house for 30 years. WTH are the banks thinking? I guess they hope the kids can’t pay off the balance and be forced to sell or better yet the bank just goes in and forecloses. It is sad.

          • Lol RG – a 90 year old with a 30 year mortgage ! which bank gave that!! (while on the other hand they keep insisting how deadly the Rona is and will wipe out everyone, particularly the old !)

              • That’s insane, but Wells Fargo has a terrible reputation for criminal behavior even by the exceedingly low standards of the banking industry.

                Most of the people I know are in hock up to their ears. Mortgages, home equity loans, car payments on multiple vehicles, credit card debt on multiple cards. (Revolving credit is particularly toxic.) They sweat out each month and any burp in the economy puts them into big trouble – but the important thing (to them) is they have a lot of shiny things.

                I may not have much (or anything really) in the way of expensive toys and am driving an ancient beat-up car but have no debts at all.

  4. This would be ab extra dystopian world indeed.

    If one can’t eat, work, or purchase, they have little left to lose.
    That makes a very dangerous person.

  5. Here’s a 2000 year old quote from the Book nobody dare to call the truth:

    “and he decrees that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name.” Rev 13:17

    If the Bible is right about this it seems prudent to see what else it’s right about.

  6. My thoughts:

    I see right now the narrative has shifted to whether the virus is natural or leaked from a lab. I think that isn’t important right now; in fact I see that as a red herring. That would divert attention from the mess Western leaders made with lockdowns and other crap. Heck, they may even build consensus and say something like “hey, the virus actually leaked from a lab and since we ‘lacked data’, lockdowns were justified from our point of view” (sort of an escape valve). And of course, it would keep any side effects of the magic potions under wraps.

    The important thing right now should be pushing for a complete return to normal, place mechanisms to ensure none of this ever happens again (including all those “health” passports), and hold accountable all those who caused this mess (yeah, this may be wishful thinking, but still…). Some states have actually done a bit in this direction, which is good.

    Speaking about passports, I wouldn’t be surprised if a spike in cases happens at fall/winter. Maybe the potion isn’t as effective as they are touting and there are a lot of “breakthrough cases” (as they are now calling it), despite CDC shenanigans (notice how different is the guidance for testing vaxxed persons). Or worse, some form of ADE manifests and hell breaks loose.

    Rather than suspecting the potion, I’m pretty sure they would attempt to lay out the blame on the unvaxxed and/or children. Calls for some sort of verification mechanism and mass vax of children would grow even bigger. This IMHO is where the real battle is. If this is allowed to proceed, I’m afraid there is no turning back.

  7. Let me post a bit of hopium here –

    Its a podcast by a guy named James Delingpole (the guy who blew climate gate about a decade ago, for which he was relegated from the mainstream media). Here, hes interviewing a guy named Dr Rauner Fuellmich, a lawyer who lives between Germany and California. Hes leading proceedings for Nuremberg 2, and how this covid con is basically a crime against humanity….

  8. This fall will be the final installment of their divide and conquer game.

    The shots will cause a massive spike in disease and death. The surviving genetically modified will watch other GMOs get sick and die, and blame the genetically original. The genetically original will blame the GMOs and it will be just one more catalyst for civil war, while those at the top laugh their assess off at the entertainment they are provided each minute.

    Everywhere we go we have to read a fuckin rule book before entering, not a welcoming feeling a business should create to lure clients. The rules will get unmanageable when the death and destruction materializes during the next flu season.

    • Hi DC – I think it will eventually happen but not this soon…. because there are too many around the world who havnt drank the cool aid yet. Though I was hoping it would get over soon – personally im starting to think this jab wont be the real one, as everywhere I hear they’ve already prepared the next (i suspect even holier) jab…. because when this years flu season comes in the hysteria will kick in and again the sheep will be pushed to a jab – except this time it will be more mandatory (as last time it was optional but that wasn’t enough)….

  9. “Turn the relief of all those suddenly ex-Rag Wearers into fury at those who refuse to be Anointed and because of them, the Rags must return – even for the Anointed.”

    Oh man, this is one scary sentence.

    Yes, like the Two Minutes Hate, and Hate Week all rolled into one. Like the posters being torn down as the Party shill changes his speech in mid-sentence. Fury at the traitorous Goldsteins! We’ve always been at war with Eastasia!

    The needler commie useful covidiots will be after all non-needled as soon as the Two Minutes Hate (lying media news) directs them, no need for FedGov, Inc. do do so at first! Just as Bradbury prophesied in Fahrenheit 451, when Montag is running from the scene of his home’s burning. As Montag thought, why have they not tried this before?

  10. Defiance is a virtue, too seldom displayed.
    The 0.1% is desperate to get us under their thumb before the fiat currency debt based economy crumbles.
    Since per HIPPA it is not legal to even enquire about another’s medical history, with exceptions for insurance companies, health care providers and such that cannot function without it, it will be interesting to see how the Psychopaths In Charge weasel around that to make us show our acquiescence. Weasel they will without doubt. I’ve never noticed their own laws slow them down much. I actually am more concerned about a cashless economy. In which case there will be no need of action by government. The bank cartel will take care of enforcement of whatever the Psychopaths In Charge desire. Much like corporate business enforced the masking. Make a “misinformation” or “conspiracy theory” post on social media, and suddenly you have no money. You can no longer eat or live indoors. The state doesn’t require a vaccine passport, the bank does. The state has recently done very well in passing off their otherwise criminal acts in this manner. I expect they will do better yet. God bless those States that have preempted such passports in advance. I hope they can hold their ground, but they too are currently dependent upon the bank cartel. It appears it may require serious upheaval to retain liberty of any kind. Let’s try defiance first. Getting old at this point in time really sucks.

  11. ‘Scientists’ should rename the vaccine. Grim Reaper works, extra-special death jab would qualify.

    Uncle Joe is doing as he is told. Has to be, the lunatics are in charge of the asylum and everywhere else.

    Pure lunacy, rebellion to lunatics is obedience to God. If there is no God, we need one… bad.

    A British model has died after receiving the vaccine from AstraZeneca deadly concoction. The Zen of Death, looks like it to me.

    Citizen Free Press has the news.

    The vaccines will continue until the death counts improve… in numbers.

    The Zen of Death, looks like it to me.

    The beatings will continue, doesn’t matter if you die, matters none, doesn’t matter if your morale improves or not.

    Time to drink.

    • Actually, it does matter if you die. In fact, that is their goal. Reduce the world population down to 2 billion. Also, reduce the US population down to 100 million (per

      • (to them)

        Joe Biden can’t care about your life, only you can, so it is easy to tell him to go to hell right now. Donald Trump can’t care about your life, how can he? He just can’t and he ain’t gonna. It is what it is. Sorry, but you two nutjobs don’t count. How about that one? Idiots.

        It is your life, you buy the ticket, you take the ride. You make the choice, it’s yours.

        I thought it was estimated at 53 million. Which could translate to a mass exodus, which would be of no big surprise, seems to be happening on a micro scale.

        There has been an estimated 77 billion people born for the 1970 count, the 3 million year mark of existence up to then.

        Probably at 90 billion by now, there’s only 7.8 billion left. Not a very good record. har

        If there are no births starting today and none afterwards, in one hundred years, everybody is going to be dead.

        Humans are heterotrophs, they need to use other resources to exist, they’re not potted plants, autotrophs, that can feed themselves just standing there. Not going to happen.

        Energy and Human Evolution

        Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to stay alive for as long as you can.

        Avoiding the vaccine is priority one, might be on the move for a while.

        Hence, a potential mass exodus.

  12. Interestingly, Supreme Leader Hogan’s latest dictatorial order does not distinguish between vaccinated or not. The latest order has rescinded all mask wearing outside of:
    – public transportation or school bus
    – obtaining health care services
    – in schools

    Otherwise, no masking is required. I’m getting that individual businesses are being encouraged to implement masking and a distinction between vaccinated or not but I haven’t seen that in place yet.

  13. Take two (sorry for the spam if this is indeed a duplicate):

    I’m already fully prepared and willing to endure the upcoming “guilt storm”, i.e., that it is the fault of people like *me* that the totalitarian govt. under which we now live will impose even more pointless, hysterical, inhuman, irrational, anti-science, anti-liberty, unconstitutional madness upon us.

    First and foremost, this is just abuse and there is no reasoning with “the wife beater”. No amount of compliance will ever be enough.

    Secondly, the experimental gene therapy is the most dangerous “vaccine” ever tracked by their own system with only 10% (or less) reporting. Never mind that it doesn’t prevent transmission or infection. What it surely does do is provide the opportunity for you to lose your life — a kind of Logan’s Run lottery if you will.

    I’m supposed to risk my life to appease abusive lunatics? Too effin’ bad. Not if there’s even the slightest chance that I can avoid it. Then we’ll all have to do all the stupid shit again?! Well, again, that is not the fault of anyone other than the lunatic dictators that will order it.

    The virus didn’t do any of this. The govt. did. Every single thing they have ordered in response, apart from being unconstitutional and totalitarian, had no meaningful effect and was contrary to the opinions of tens of thousands of MDs, PhDs, and scientists.

    Maybe one day, these idiot sheep, will come to their senses after enough damage/destruction of their lives and the lives of their children and loved ones? Until then, I am vastly more prepared to shrug off the abuse than they are. Challenge accepted.

    • YM: “I am vastly more prepared to shrug off the abuse than they are. Challenge accepted.”

      That’s exactly my feeling, especially after exercising my resistance muscle over the past 15 months.

    • Oh it most definitely had a meaningful effect. Just not on the virus. Alcohol sales in the US went up by FIVE HUNDRED PERCENT last year. That alone, among a plethora of other effects, clearly demonstrates that the willful destruction of our economic, social, and mental health to contain a virus a bit more dangerous than ordinary is insane.

  14. Um… am I banned from commenting or something? Seems unlikely but who knows. I tried posting three different comments under my normal user “Eure Majestat” and the comments are not showing up! Even on a different computer, I don’t see them but when I tried to post an identical comment, it said that it is a duplicate!

  15. I’m already fully prepared and willing to endure the upcoming “guilt storm”, i.e., that it is the fault of people like *me* that the totalitarian govt. under which we now live will impose even more pointless, hysterical, inhuman, irrational, anti-science, anti-liberty, unconstitutional madness upon us.

    First and foremost, this is just abuse and there is no reasoning with “the wife beater”. No amount of compliance will ever be enough.

    Secondly, the experimental gene therapy is the most dangerous “vaccine” ever tracked by their own system with only 10% (or less) reporting. Never mind that it doesn’t prevent transmission or infection. What it surely does do is provide the opportunity for you to lose your life — a kind of Logan’s Run lottery if you will.

    I’m supposed to risk my life to appease abusive lunatics? Too effin’ bad. Not if there’s even the slightest chance that I can avoid it. Then we’ll all have to do all the stupid shit again?! Well, again, that is not the fault of anyone other than the lunatic dictators that will order it.

    The virus didn’t do any of this. The govt. did. Every single thing they have ordered in response, apart from being unconstitutional and totalitarian, had no meaningful effect and was contrary to the opinions of tens of thousands of MDs, PhDs, and scientists.

    Maybe one day, these idiot sheep, will come to their senses after enough damage/destruction of their lives and the lives of their children and loved ones? Until then, I am vastly more prepared to shrug off the abuse than they are. Challenge accepted.

  16. Just don’t have a cell phone. Or if you must have one, there are faraday shield bags that will keep cell phone signals from getting in or out.
    At the present time, “vaccine cards” are easy to create…

    • I understand the idea of faking it, but decided I won’t even indulge this in that way. For the same reason I would not wear a pantyhose or cheesecloth mask – because it lends legitimacy to it on some level. I say No. At some point we have to show our line in the sand, so I’m not playing their game, and whatever happens, happens. If someone asks or accosts me, I’ll do what I did before, and that is ignore them and act as if I don’t even notice them while I go about my business. This makes them apoplectic, and some go ape shit, and that gives me a warm feeling inside. I’m not showing anyone a card, even a fake one, I’m not downloading an app and scanning some QR code, and I’m not going to converse about it.

      • It’s like the old Soviet Union in which people did their own thing DESPITE government rules and regulations. Establishing “black markets” for scarce goods was one way to “stick it to the man”.
        If it takes a fake vaccination card to “buy and sell”, so be it. Play the government’s game ON YOUR TERMS, with a fake vaccination card, which is like poking the eye of government with a sharp stick.

      • My feelings exactly. I could easily make a fake vac card, but I don’t want to. I refuse to play this game. Sneaking around and fake-complying implies that I agree “they” have the right to demand I take an experimental drug I don’t need or want with no right to sue the manufacturer if something goes wrong.

  17. “Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.”

    These words have guided me all of my adult life. They’ve served me quite well over the past 15 months, and I’ll continue to be guided by them. The vaccine push is no different from the mask push, the “LGBTQ” push, the global warming push, the systemic racism push, the terrorist push, etc. They’re all power and money grabs. History teaches that power and money grabs such as these have gone on for centuries, if not millennia. They will never end and so our fight is eternal. Once one accepts this, navigating life becomes a little less daunting.


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