Inconvenience Stores


Convenience stores are about . . . convenience. People go there chiefly in order to get out of there, quickly.

Else they’d go someplace else.

It is why you’re willing to pay more for a bag of chips and a six pack vs. the grocery store.

It’s about to get less convenient to go to 7-Elevens, where you may not be able to get in for some time – because of the electric cars that will soon be parked there for a long time, “fast” charging for 30-45 minutes  . . . while you wait for a spot to open up.

The company just virtue-signaled that it will install “at least” 500 of these not-so-fast chargers at stores around the country – using your money, naturally. Provided to 7-Eleven and other hog-troughing signalers of virtue via the government, which takes it from you via taxes and then gives it to companies like 7-Eleven, under the auspices of Heliogabalus Biden’s “infrastructure” plan. Which plans to shovel enormous sums of your money toward electrification – chiefly because very few individuals or companies are willing to freely spend their money on it.

It is hugely improbable that 7-Eleven would “invest” the millions it will take to dig up the parking lots of its stores, buy and install the heavy-duty cabling necessary to conduct 400-plus volts of electricity to each of these not-so-fast chargers nor the chargers – each of which cost thousands of dollars – and so on.

Because there’s no money it.

Unless you can get the government to give you other people’s money for it – and then signal your virtue for spending it on things the government decrees to be more important than what people would otherwise freely spend money on.

7-Eleven is also not a utility company. How will it make these electricity pumps pay once installed?

By making you pay!

In part, by making you wait.

If a given 7-Eleven store has six spots for customers to park and two of them become places to park electric cars for 30-45 minutes (the “fastest” they can partially recharge an electric car) that means fewer places to park for those who aren’t there to wait. Those people will be inconvenienced by people who – apparently – do have the 30-45 minutes to waste sitting in the parking of a 7-Eleven store. What will they do to occupy their time, while they wait? Maybe 7-Eleven will provide them with “free” Wi-Fi, so that they can watch YouTube videos while they – and you – wait.

It’s like adding another couple of handicapped spots – which come to think of it is exactly what it is, since EVs are handicapped.

The funny thing is that before the rise of the Electrification Cult (related to the Sickness Cult, both deriving from the same strange obsessive Faith in threats that don’t exist and salvation that leads to a very real Hell, right here on Earth) people who parked and sat at a 7-Eleven store for 30-45 minutes – thereby keeping others customers from parking and shopping – would have been asked to leave by the store manager.

Remember those “No Loitering” signs?

Nowadays, loitering has become a virtue – a way for the affluent (who are the only people who can afford EVs) to signal that that they “care” about “the environment.” Never mind those half-starved kids hand-digging cobalt out of pit mines in the Congo. Nor the earth-rape going on to extract and process lithium and graphite, needed in enormous quantities to make enormous electric car batteries. And then to make them again, since an EV will need at least two of them over the course of its virtue-signaling life. Assuming the EV itself isn’t just thrown away – along with its 1,000-pounds-plus of caustic materials within its no-longer-charging-at-all battery.

7-Eleven has “pledged” to reduce “carbon emissions” by “50 percent” by 2030 (there’s that number, again). But what of all the carbon produced by all of this electrification? Does the equipment and machinery that will install all of these “fast” charging rigs and associated peripherals run on “carbon free” electricity – produced by windmills and solar? It’s as “carbon neutral” as the EVs not-so-fast charging at these rigs, which suck electricity from a grid that is as “carbon free” as the last (s)election was honest.

“Adding 500 charging ports at 250 7-Eleven stores will make EV charging more convenient and help accelerate the broader adoption of EVs,” saith 7-Eleven CEO Joe DiPinto.

A real Pinto would cost less – and be far more . . . convenient.

. . . 

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  1. This article points out how bad virtue signalling can be. Of course the convenience store with electric juice pumps makes absolutely no sense. I figured Starbucks would get into this business so they could pretend the juice outside was free while they make their profits back with over priced trendy novelties and wi-fi.

    And I am also reminded of the time recently I was at a private airport terminal where folks can charter their own flights. I’m there repairing what I was there to repair and overhear some douche that just got off a charter flight brag to his friend that he was about to drive a Tesla from “A to B” on a long distance trip soon. I was floored by the virtue signalling. This guy just used the best vehicle to get from A to B if you can afford it and is going to suffer the misery of charging and limited distance for the sake of virtue. I’ve seen it over and over again, a person need not be smart to be rich, though a fool and their money are easily separated.

  2. So there are those of us who do not fret about global warming as a dire boogeyman to be feared at the mention of its name.

    There are those who believed covid is man made.

    Both groups were looked at as blasphemers

    But now the human created covid proselytizers don’t look so foolish

    One day those who fail to end their lives for fear of GW will be vindicated as well


      Plenty of ice pack out there across the Arctic Ocean. The idea of an ice-free Arctic Ocean was pure lunacy purported by Owl Gore, the world’s greatest jet set eco-warrior.

      Record temps were set in the twentieth century and still stand to this day.

      Some of the driest hottest weather I have ever seen is happening in 2021 CE.

      1988 was hot and dry, but this is probably worse. 108 degrees in the shade one day, 112 in the hot sun in 1988. You can’t stand on black dirt with your bare feet on a day like that.

      1959-61 had a dry spell and plenty of dust storms those summers.

      • The 1930’s were a bitch of hot dry weather!

        Last two years here in KY, the spring has been the coolest and wettest I’ve seen in 20 years living here. I’m usually swimming daily by mid April or early may at the latest. This year? I’ve been in the pool 3 times so far…… It was in the 40’s last week for several nights- unheard of!

        • In Missouri, I’ve lost my apple crop 3 out of the last 5 years to a late frost. In the previous 30 years I may have lost 3 or 4. The climate is always changing, as it always has. Some for the short term, some for the long. The Sahara wasn’t always a desert.

      • owl gore – love it

        he’s in it for the money. i think the rest are too.

        i don’t think covid mania is any different

  3. In the woke inner ring suburb I live in on week days they have set-up electric charging stations and they are “free” to whoever decides to use them. Electricity is on the taxpayer tab.

    7-11’s suck, haven’t been to one in decades. Go to the privately owned beverage store for my Rolling Rock.

  4. The sad thing is, many “convenience” stores will eagerly sign up for electric chargers. Especially if they don’t have to pay for it out of pocket.

    What many people forget about convenience stores that sell gas, the gas is the loss leader. At best they may be making about a penny per gallon. Most of the time they aren’t even doing that. Government is making far more per gallon than the guy selling it to you. There is a reason why we buy gas at convenience stores rather than service stations like our grandparents did. There is literally no money in selling gas retail. They do it to get you to buy a Slushie, a bag of chips or a gallon of milk for double what its going for somewhere else (the irony, milk is the loss leader for grocery stores).

    So it will take very little to make selling gas not worth it anymore. A few more restrictions on selling gas like zoning them out of many areas, and it may start getting hard finding gas stations. And much sooner then you think. Some California communities are already banning new construction or renovations of gas stations.

    • An acquaintance who is an independent Chevron dealer tells me Chevron sells their product at company owned stations for less than they charge him for the same product. So, natch, his retail price is higher than the company station’s retail price.

      As far as I can see, the only way he can stay in business is by having a location right off a busy freeway.
      Even so, the convenience store across the street sells Mobil for much less, and for less than you would pay for Mobil at the Mobil dealers in town.

      I am not really sure where Mobil brand gasoline sold in western Riverside County CA comes from, since ExxonMobil sold the Torrance refinery (a.k.a. “CherMobil” to those in the biz, due to poor safety record years ago) years ago.

  5. No doubt the 7-11 charging stations, and others to come, will have a large, and loud, Tee Vee screen that cannot be disabled by the “charging customer” (read, mark). Just think, 30-45 minutes of ads beamed to a captive audience.

    But wait, 7-11 can only peddle just so much junk food before people tune out. The solution? Go full on John Anderton, with eyeball scans or sail fawn pings to beam “targeted advertising” whilst you wait. You *WILL* get ads in any case. Wouldn’t you prefer ads which are “relevant to your needs and tastes?” A two minute ad on a 7-11 “charging station” will probably cost less than 30 seconds @ the Super Bowl, and it will guarantee an upscale captive audience. Look for Whole Foods, e.g., and other VSCs (Virtue Signaling Companies) to pounce on such an opportunity.

    Like what you see? Touch the screen to display a map to the nearest store of the advertiser. Special deal if you get there within 2 hours. Just use discount code 7-11@6th&Main to “earn” your special pricing. because *you* are special. 🙂

    And that is how 7-11 will make money on EV charging stations which (we will be told) it installs as a “public service.” Service, that is, in the animal husbandry sense of the term.

  6. Nissan Leaf 2019 unsold inventory stands at 31.4 percent.

    Rent out the unsold inventory at rental businesses. People who would rent a car for a day would/might want to try an EV for the fun of it. Have a number of drop off points to swap for a fully charged battery in another EV.

    You get the idea. Might be one that can pay.

    I’m an idea man – Billy Blaze, Night Shift

  7. Our local sheetz just installed a row of not so fast or super tesla chargers…….I want drive my truck over them.

  8. Eric,
    I saw this on Inside EVs yesterday. 7/11 is putting these fast chargers in, so customers will hang around longer and spend more money while they’re there. The article didn’t say anything about gov’t funding being used, either; from what I could gather, this was 7/11’s decision, one that they’ll implement and pay for themselves.

    Also, I follow some Teslians on Twitter, and what many of them will do is just go for a quick charge, say 10-15 minutes, at the Tesla Superchargers, so as to save on overall charging time. Rather than driving 4 hours to charge for 30-40 minutes, they’ll stop halfway, charge for 15 minutes, then go to their destination and chrage for another 15. Either that, depending on how much juice they have in the battery, they’ll simply charge overnight at their destitnation.

    What the EV owning, 7/11 customers could do is go for a quick top-off charge on the way to work or home. That’s what I’d do when I’d stop at the 7/11 near where I used to live in NJ; it was conveniently located near the Garden State Parkway on-ramp, so it was quick and easy to stop there, get a drink and/or food, then continue on my way. Likewise, EV owners, when doing something similar, could stop for a quick charge when on the way to work or home. As EVs and the charging network proliferates, charger use is evolving; people aren’t necessarily staying 30-40 minutes at a fast charger these days.

    Oh, and the 7/11 parking lots, along with the parking lots of all convenience stores, have more than 6 spaces! At least they do where I normally go. I don’t see how any convenience store could get by with a mere 6 spaces.

    Finally, speaking of chargers and parking, I imagine what most 7/11 locations will do is put the chargers out at the periphery of the parking lot; they won’t want to tie up the most desirable spaces near the door! I imagine that, since they’ll be there longer, the EV chargers will be installed away from the building, so as to not impede customer and traffic flow.

    • If one doesn’t understand that EVs are leashes, then they understand nothing.

      As soon as 2/3 of our population is killed off (and I suspect you have taken the genocide jab, but don’t worry, you sacrificed in the name of global warming, so feel good you did your part to save the planet), the survivors will be herded into prison cities. Their only form of transportation outside of a person’s own power will be Uber EVs that won’t take anyone anywhere to be free.

      • Most people don’t understand that cell phones are electronic leashes.
        They stand in line to buy their own chains, with their own money.
        Sad, IMO.

      • J,

        WRONG! I haven’t taken The Holy Jab, and I have no intention of doing so. The VA called me last night and asked me if I was interested, and I told ’em no. I probably did the wrong thing, but it’s too late to cry over spilled milk now.

        Oh, did you read what Eric had to say? He said that ALL cars, but EVs and ICEVs, are leashes; he said all cars have the capability to rein you in NOW, not the future…

        • Thank you, you made me smile tonight. Deny the jab. At all costs!

          He is correct. With the recent gas shortage in the South, it appears that the spigot can be turned off at whim.

          • J,

            I wasn’t talking about the oil spigot being turned off, though that’s undeniably true. No, Eric was referring to the fact that both EVs and ICEVs today amount to rolling computers/smart phones; as such, they can be turned off regardless of our wishes. IOW, any modern car, regardless of power plant, can be bricked by the psycho tyrants ruling over us.

          • Hi J,

            In re the Jab: I’d like anyone who can to give me a sound reason for a healthy person to assume the unknown risk of an experimental injection of god-knows-what. The risk of dying from the ‘Rona is known to be slight – while the risk of this experimental injection is not known. Would you fly in an experimental aircraft when an airplane known to be extremely low risk is waiting on the tarmac right beside it?

            • Actually experimental? Nah.

              Labelled “experimental”? Maybe. That labeling is actually a way around having to pay for hilariously expensive FAA type certification. Practically speaking, it just means everyone on/in it has to be a pilot, and you can’t use it for commercial service. There are a lot of enthusiast designs that have done just for decades that to end run onerous regulation clumsily tailored for revenue operation. By way of analogy to wheeled vehicles, it’s effectively a segment of kit cars, side-by-sides, modified antiques and motorcycles, making do amongst regulations meant for taxis, buses and heavy commercial trucks.

              Point taken, though.

  9. Eric,

    I saw this on the news last night and figured you might enter your 2-cents.

    7-Eleven might be looking for ANYTHING to change their reputation for being the worst convenience store chain in existence. I’m not even sure HOW they’re still in existence, save for they station themselves in certain places where the populace is largely immobile, and arrives on foot to the closest store for their beer and cigarettes.

    That could be a problem, because those AREN’T the aforementioned affluent types who can afford EVs.

    • Actually, 711 carries mango slices, selzer etc. If im travelling, i drop in for healthy snacks. And of course they have malt liquor, pizza and hot dogs for the local alcoholics. And they are open 24 hours a day. Evs are built to give you an hour break every 100 – 200 miles. The owners want to be stuck for a while and have some drinks/snacks. Its part of the lifestyle.

  10. 7-11 has been a long-time supporter of GUN CONTROL- for decades! I never feel the need to visit convenience stores, since I’m not a consumer of junk food….but if I did, I’d be damned if 7-11 would ever get a dime of my money. Also, their bidness practices as relates to their franchisees and employees are so shady as to make Walmart and Microsoft look philanthropic by comparison (Not that I worry about such things- let those who contract with them make their own decisions- but I’m just saying- as such things contribute to the overall negative image I have toward 7-11, and why I am loathe to even see one of their signs.).

    Now this!

    • To be fair, Some convienence stores are robbed at gunpoint on a nightly basis. Its a serious concern for all who work there. Gun control doesnt stop this cause criminals dont mind breaking multiple laws at once, but it takes an iq under 85 or above 115 to understand that.

  11. ‘People who parked and sat at a 7-Eleven store for 30-45 minutes – thereby keeping others customers from parking and shopping – would have been asked to leave by the store manager.’ — EP

    Or worse … a high-school buddy doing exactly that at 7-Eleven, rocking out to some live electric blues on the radio, quickly found himself confronted by a burly sheriff’s deputy. ‘You HIGH, aintcha boy?’ barked the AGW, as callow young ‘Bill’ stared back with slightly bloodshot eyes.

    Speaking of virtue signaling, ‘When the nation reaches the White House’s goal of 70% of adults partially vaccinated, Anheuser-Busch will buy America’s next round of beer. Adults 21+ will simply upload a picture of themselves in their favorite place to grab a beer …’

    Corporate identity theft for a free beer — yeah, sign me up, dudes. I just fell off yonder turnip truck.

    Besides making spectacularly crappy beer, and further degrading pop-country ‘music’ with endless name checks of ‘Bud Light,’ Budweiser has been on my shit list for awhile. For instance, for its swaggering ‘saluting our military heroes’ posters of several years ago, despite Bud being owned by crêpe-eating Belgian surrender monkeys of Inbev.

    Last weekend, spotting a curious ‘100%’ label on a can of Bud, I examined it more closely: ‘brewed with 100% renewable electricity* from solar and wind power. *Electricity is one type of energy we use to brew.’

    GAHHHHH … this Bud’s for pukes, cuz I ain’t drinkin’ it, or buyin’ it at 7-Eleven neither. No sun, no suds, suckers.

      • This is peer pressure plain and simple. I can see it now, “Come on Eric, i want my free beer, go and get your jab already!”

        • One has to wonder how far we have fallen as a society when a free beer equates to putting an unknown substance with a very unfavorable track record into your body as an incentive.

          I would have assumed gut reaction would have kicked in for most of the population by now. Why do they want me to have it? Why are they incentivizing it? Where are the safety records? Why should I trust pharmaceutical companies with a barrage of lawsuits over the years for misleading patients? When has my government ever cared for me? Etc. Just basic critical thinking. Not even deep thinking or research.

          • Well most of us seem to have been taught to think for ourselves. I can attest to the fact, thinking for yourself is not something taught or even encouraged at govt contolled schools. It has taken constant effort on my part to teach my boys to think for themselves. The teachers hate them for it, till they meet me then they understand it’s going to be a losing effort to get them back under govt control.

            Noone who is under the age of 35 was taught to think for themselves anymore. Many over that age never masteted the skill either. It’s hard doing research and going against the grain so just let some “expert” like fraudci do the research for you and then follow instructions like a good little subject.

            • I agree with everything you are saying, Antilles, but we are ingrained with internal gut reactions. I am surprised (although I shouldn’t be) by the amount of people that ignore them or try to talk themselves out of them. When animals sense danger they fight or flee. What do human beings do? Many kneel.

            • To the average person “doing the research” equals turning on the TV or clicking on Facetwit or Google….. The “experts” make sure that they are not exposed to any real info, or anything which contradicts the political narrative.

              • Nunz – this is a huge problem. When most do their “research” it means typing anything into google. There was an interesting case in Pakistan recently where someone did a transaction of the french Nobel prize winner who talked bout the risks of the vaccine in French. Someone did a lazy transition to Urdu staying everyone will die in 2 years (or something). so people started googling it – and it came up as “dubunked” in many articles, as he never said that. most didnt bother to properly read what he actually said in a more accurate translation to english. which is basically that you’re pretty fucked if you take the Jab…. There is another instance of research of an earlier sars Covid vaccine in 2012 resulting in a bunch of mice dying (about social media). People who google it immediately get a heading that its false from Reuters or something. Looking into it – what did the research say – well the mice got pretty messed up and well ended up having to be euthanised. and it didnt recommend trying this shit in humans….. so maybe the mice didnt drop dead – but didnt exactly live happily ever after either ! But what do the people see from google, vs the reality!!

                • It may not kill you in two years, but there’s not one shred of evidence it won’t either. Russian Roulette western style, where there are THREE rounds in the revolver.

            • Agree Antilles, and ‘effort’ is probably the hard part for most, even for like-minded people. I know it wasn’t easy for me to do the same. Lot’s of time, etc… I guess the same could be said for doing youth coaching duties. But, as you probably know (mine and their friends are now all young 20’s), that the rewards are awesome. ie… when some 20 something comes up to me in a parking lot and says “OMG, Mr. X, you were my rugby, etc.. coach, thank you for what you did, I remember x, etc…..”.
              As for my kids and group, I hammer them almost every day, the latest was not funny, as most have all graduated college recently and NONE of them have jobs. I’m coming out of my skin I’m so mad. “I’m waiting for this to happen…..etc…” Are you out of your mind? What’s your plan B if that doesn’t work. deer in the headlights………..
              At least I now here them talking “I need to figure out a plan B Frank”

              • Chris,

                Not that i like what scouting has become but this is why i got them involved and why i take an active role with them in boy scouts. It’s teaching them life skills that i as a youth did not get until i sought them out myself when i was much older. I’m hoping to give them some fallback plan b or even plan c type skills so if that corporate white collar job they are promised by shady college admissions counselors never materializes they have a marketable skill to fall back on. I’m actually hoping they skip college altogether and pick one of those skills, take some business courses and make their own way in life.

                • Excellent, Antilles!

                  I’m an Eagle Scout; had a wonderful experience in Scouting – chiefly because our scoutmaster was a hard-assed Korean War vet (my buddy’s dad) who taught us by example – as for example, if his 50-year-old ass could hump a 50 pound pack 15 miles on the AT, then our 14-year-old selves could do it, too. We called him the Old Bastard – and loved him for it.

                  • I wish I could have become an Eagle Scout.

                    I only had a limited time in scouting. I enjoyed every minute of it. The things I learned in that time my own father couldn’t teach me.

                    And as I remember being a scout in the late 80s in Southern California, I was reminded of my scoutmaster. He wasn’t Old Bastard. But he was someone who drove a VW Westie. Don’t remember his name, but I remember the van. I thought it was the coolest thing ever. Forget a Countach, this thing had a stove and slept 4! He moved 6 scouts plus himself in that van to camping trips from Lake Arrowhead to Joshua Tree NM. Granted, at the time, 2 scouts sat unbuckled on top of a chest that held supplies. Can’t do that today.

                    • Morning, Rush –

                      100 percent. BSA made the mistake of being a tax-exempt business – and that provided the opening for the imposition of Wokeness, including gay scoutmasters and girls/women. I have no animosity toward either gays or girls/women – the usual immediate gas-lit retort. It’s not about that. It’s about free association, first of all. And it’s about boys learning to be men – under the direction of sound male role models.

                      Girls have the Girl Scouts; it astounds me that some pushy people just had to force the Boy Scouts to become the Girl Scouts. As far as I know, no boys – or pushy adults supposedly acting on their behalf – demanded that boys be admitted to the Girl Scouts.

                      Why – in general – do some people have to push themselves on others who don’t want them around?

                      If you don’t like the Scout Oath – and what the Scouts once stood for – then don’t join. Found your own group. Freely associate. Don’t force others to associate with you. The latter being at odds with everything the Scouts once stood for.

                      I am often grateful beyond words for having been born just in time to experience much of what was great about America before it was taken away by people who are profoundly un-American.

          • Raider,

            As a youth, I tended to put unknown substances in my body for recreation. Seemed less risky and more legitimate, because I was dissuaded from doing so by the Powers. Of course, I also never used a needle to do so. Bypassing your body’s natural defenses is always a protocol for trouble.

            Even if on the fence regarding the Holy Anointing, the sheer pressure to partake is enough to make anyone incredulous.

            • Hi BaDnOn,

              I have never taken a recreational drug in my life. The strongest pharmaceutical drug I have ever taken was amoxicillin with the occasional Tylenol. I am very boring. 😊

              I don’t like eating, drinking, or supplementing anything where the ingredients are questionable. These vaccines are very questionable even with the ingredient lists in tact. The public has no available research to long term testing, because not enough time has passed to conduct such an experiment. No one can guarantee the safety of the jab or any future affects. Recreational drugs or alcohol will eventually expel through the body, but this jab there is no way out.

              • RG,

                I doubt you’re boring, and also, you’ve previously admitted your use of booze on occasion. That’s a recreational drug. 😉 And very recreational at that, until the next day, of course.

                With the jab, well, I believe there are many unknowns.

                We have no way of knowing which direction we are going. Are the fires of hell a-glowing? Is the grisly Reaper mowing? Yes! The danger must be growing for the rowers keep on rowing, and they’re certainly not showing any signs that they are slowing!!!

                Stop the boat.

                • Sorry, BaDnOn, I disagree.

                  Beer is as recreational as coffee or a soda (yuck). I think of beer has an enhancement to a meal – it adds flavor….steak, BBQ, pizza, steamed crab legs all go well with the pairing. It amplifies the experience. I don’t look at PCP, LSD, or cocaine as complimenting an entrée in such a way. Beer does. 🙂

                  In regards to the jab, this is going to work in either of two ways: 1) those that took it could possibly have LT side effects and regret that they did or 2) they plan to kill all of us unvaccinated by releasing another pathogen that gets rids of the last of the critical thinkers.

                  Mirror, mirror on the wall who be the fairest of them all?

                  • RG – this is what im most afraid of. We are all doing the rational thing by not having the jab – what if they realise another pathogen which then kills whoever didnt have a Jab (or even the right Jab). Kinda how roundup works with GMO crops…. just spray everything – only the GMO crops that are meant to grow live – everything else dies. We are basically now the GMO crops, and they can pick and choose which of us can live by releasing the relevant pathogen !

                    • Hi Nasir,

                      Anything is possible.
                      We really don’t know and can only use prior history as a reflection of something that is feasible. We may be making mountains out of molehills and nothing happens to either party (the vax or the unvax), but looking at the guys who are running this psych-op I am doubtful.

                      I am going to take my chances and hope that a strong immune system saves my sorry ass. If it doesn’t then it was my time to go.

                      A virus or pathogen taking me out isn’t what keeps me up at night… mysteriously disappearing from my bank account one day does, prices escalating that a family cannot afford basic necessities does, an increase of crime does, but viruses, nah.

                      Our days were numbered when we came into the world and we get a little closer every second. The fates will play out and there isn’t too much any of use can do about it.

                    • Great analogy, Nasir! I notice with people who use RoundUp, the minute they try to STOP using it, the weeds come back with a VENGEANCE- much worse than what they were before the person had started using RoundUp. I suspect it will be the same with the shots: Stop getting one’s “boosters”, and bad things happen- in addition to the bad things that will happen to the vaxxed anyway…..

                    • The vaccine doesn’t protect from anything. its purely harmful. If they release another pathogen, vaxxies will die at the same or increased rate. But there will be a vaccine for that, and they will line up for it. Vaxxies will take all vaccines till they die, even if they are in line of 20 and literally everyone in front of them screams in agony or drops dead after recieving the shot. They are as brainwashed as cattle walking into the factory

              • Hi RG,

                I enjoy a good beer, a shot of good whiskey – but liquor almost always leaves me with a headache that even handfuls of aspirin won’t tamp down. I therefore enjoy a good bud every now and then – and lately, gummies.

                • Eric,

                  Regarding herbs: I’m waiting to test my hand at the creation and optimization of tinctures. Perhaps I can find the proper balance of active ingredients to induce a nice, giggly and philosophical experience with a few drops under the tongue, so as to spare the lungs.

                  • Okay, obviously we are not talking gummie bears. I will leave this topic to the guys. I am completely out of element.

                • Eric, please, not Bud. We really need to get you to a few microbreweries. I am afraid living out in the middle of nowhere is tampering with your taste buds. There is good beer out there.

                  Gummies? Like Gummie Bears or Gummie Worms? I am hoping they are the organic ones made out of Germany. The sugar content is surreal.

                    • Glad to know you don’t suffer my ill advised beer selections. 😉

                      My ignorant little head can only assume that this bud is some concoction found in nature.

                      I think I will stick with the Gummy Bears. 🙂

                  • There used to be a number of good popular priced beers. Olympia, Schlitz, etc. I forget, its been so long ago. Then Stroh’s bought them all, and within a year they all tasted like Stroh’s. In other words, crap. And they all disappeared. There’s nothing inherently wrong with Bud. I won’t turn down a free one. I prefer other popular priced beers. I have had some from microbreweries that were good, but they are expensive. And you don’t know if you will like it or not until you get home with it. Many of them use an inordinate amount of Hops, which I DON’T like, to separate themselves from less pricy brews.

                    • Hi John,

                      Here in VA they are building an onslaught of breweries. We even have a farm that does moonshine. 🙂 Hubby and I frequent one about 5 miles from our house. In the middle of the country, farmland everywhere, lots of outdoor tables, and good cheeseburgers, too. They usually have about 7 beers and 7 hard ciders to sample daily. It is a good way to unwind and kick back.

                  • RG,

                    Eric is referring to “buds”, as in the immature flower of a plant. Yes, a cannabis plant. Also, “magic” gummy bears, containing ingredients from said plant. 😉

                    Also, I agree with beer as a compliment or on its own. But I’m quite liberal with my consumption, and not quite as critical as some. I think Bud Light Platinum is decent beer, though I’m not condoning anything the company has done.

                  • I believe he is referring to candies made with marijuana extract. Gotta be careful with those cause 1 does nothing, 2 does nothing, 3 does nothing and so you finish off the tin and have some coffee then suddenly you are nearly paralyzed and you have to lay down on the kitchen floor cause you cant make it to the couch or the bed.

            • BaDnOn- remember how as a youth, the whole point was getting the substance we weren’t allowed to get !! now the youth are making lines to be jabbed by the substance they tell us to be jabbed with !! I dont get it !! Whats changed in a couple decades that the “youth” have just become so sheepishly compliant !! Infact theres some punk rock concert where they will only essentially allow vaccinated people – Im pretty sure the point of punk rock was an F-u to the government….. now you need to show your government papers to get in !! WTF!!

              • Nasir,

                I’m absolutely and completely with you about this! Punk rockers pushing “Do what the authorities say!” means we’ve taken a walk off the map.

                Van Morrison made a song recently summarizing what I’ve been thinking for quite some time: “Where have all the rebels gone?”

                Where indeed? I’m wholly perplexed by a seemingly entire generation thinking “Doing what we’re told is cool!”.

              • “Whats changed in a couple decades that the “youth” have just become so sheepishly compliant !!”

                What changed?
                Lockdown drills in skool.
                Lockdown drills are trauma based mind control.

            • I did the same BaD. If you smoke swallow or snort, you have at least an opportunity to puke or cough it up. Once its injected, you live or die with it until its done with you.

            • Yes, but you also knew the man who sold you the product, and also that if his wares made you ill you would have to resort to vigilante justice.

              Tends to insure the purity of the product.

      • They have to get us all vaxxed before the virus up and disappears, as it looks like it might soon. The more eager the sales pitch the less likely I am to buy. I want information about the product, and the price. Start pushing, and out the door I go. Perhaps the state behaviorists haven’t figured that out yet.

    • I have been protesting the demise of Budweiser since they dissolved Louie, Frankie, and the ferrets. My feeling is if you can’t make a good Super Bowl commercial I am not buying your product. I can only stand watching Clydesdales for so long. The donkey commercial, many ages ago, was cute though.

      • Hi RG!

        The last Budweezer commercials I remember were the ones with the frogs (Gave up TV and radio a loooong time ago).

        I only remember those commercials because one day I had an old song playing when my best friend came over. He hears it playing, and goes “What’s that, the singing frogs?”. It was Al Jolson!

        • Yes, the frogs! That was around the same time as Louie and the ferrets. 😁

          The left has sucked out the humor in everything. For fun I actually watch the old Dean Martin roasts. They were hysterical. Nothing was offensive, everyone got teased, and Dean was always was drunk. I miss those days.

          • AHahaha! Yes RG, that brings back memories! Hey, today they’d probably classify Don Rickles as a “hate criminal”! I wonder if ol’ Deano ever roasted Buddy Hackett? Now THAT could be funny! (If it were today, Dean would only be allowed to roast the straight Irishmen and Eye-talians!)

            • Don Rickles was the best. You never knew what was going to come out of his mouth. 😂 I wonder how he and the comedians from the past would have handled the onslaught of today. Bob Hope, Milton Berle, George Burns would they have folded the same way that today’s comedians have.

  12. Now cities, anticipating copious slop at the Biden trough, are hiring more bureaucrats to “counter climate change.” Miami has a new “chief heat officer,” who is busy spreading climate “equity” by building shaded bus stops. His being the “chief,” of course, promises that there will be lots of deputies to come.
    How long before these parasites start barking orders at IC drivers to stay home today so as not to kill Grandma?

    • Hi Roland – dont forget, many deputies, along with a pretty decent budget for consultants, advisors and other slush fund money for whatever those at the top wish to piss it away at….

  13. Was traveling back east last week. Made the obligatory stop at Sheetz. Hard to call it a convenience store anymore, they’ve metastasized into a chimera of restaurant, gas station, liquor store, and junk food distribution center. And they now have seating. The electric charging station was off to the side of the parking lot, taking up even more square footage from the lot.

    I could almost see myself sitting in the restaurant section, waiting for the recharge. But the sensory assault from the muzak, the signage, and yes even the smells would be overwhelming. The place is designed to get you in and out in a hurry, not to relax and have a sandwich and a sugar bomb while your car recharges. And that’s at Sheetz, which is probably the best convenience store chain in the country. Most of the sketchier ones in the midwest are downright offensive to your senses.

    • Hi RK – I think this is one of the reasons that the 7-11s of the world want electric car charging points – if you’re sitting there for an hour (at best) to re-charge imagine the amount of pointless overpriced unhealthy shit you will buy to eat…. Added benefit if they are the more affluent types buying 50K electric cars who would never go close to a 7-11 otherwise….

      so basically the taxpayer will subsidise the charging points, and they then make the gain. Then when people get fatter and sicker im sure big pharma will be right there to sell them a solution !! See how the gig works !!

      • And never charge up with small children. Even if you sit with them in the vehicle while it charges (which might not be such a great idea on an old battery pack) they will quickly grow bored and restless, then demand candy and junk food!

      • A fried works at a heart hospital in Oklahoma City.
        If you look on Google Maps, you will see there is 1) McDonalds and 2) Popeye’s Fried Chicken immediately adjacent to the hospital.

        I guess those are what you might call “feeder” restaurants. 🙂

        • Gotta get some fast food after all of that time consuming & exhausting medical stuff. Dont forget the 40 oz soda to rehydrate on the way home

  14. Why do I have this feeling that Wawa’s business is about to pick up? I always preferred them to 7-11 anyway, shame they don’t have them in Kentucky.

  15. Well, when they succeed in running the US population down to 100 million by 2025 (, I am guessing that will reduce the “carbon footprint”. So, we now know the real purpose of the covid-fraud fear mongering by the US elite and the not-vax.

    • That would be an impossible task unless you had 2/3’s of the population sign up to kill themselves…………….wait, never mind. Half of them already have. The only question is how fast it will happen. No one is quite sure on the timing.

  16. Strange bedfellows, for sure. 7-11s by me are kinda sketchy lower end places. Definitely not the first choice of effete Tesla driving lefty virtue signaling types. Perhaps the CEO thinks this will upscale his clientele and boost squishy sales or something. Typical gov’t/crony boondoggle.

    • They were so “sketchy” in my neck of the woods they left town about 20 years ago. They couldn’t make a profit in the high crime areas they chose to serve.

  17. It’s so sad. The destruction of free market principals is nearly complete. It seems nothing happens without a subsidy to encourage it. From vaccines to EVs. You may not be aware of this, but members of the Sociopaths In Charge are the least conversant in economic principals there are. They’re convinced the USSR had the right idea, just the wrong Sociopaths In Charge.

  18. Ah, so now they can get their EVs charged while sitting there recording the number of unmasked during the next lockdown.

    (my local 7-11 apparently got in trouble by someone who claimed to have sat in the parking lot and counted the number of unmasked going into the store over a two hour period).

    • Personally, I think this a great idea. We need this to come to pass to prove to large cap companies (and the population in general) that EVs don’t work, they aren’t convenient, and affects the bottom line. Let 7-11 install these and let them realize that one car sitting there for 30 minutes charging vs 6 cars refueling will decrease their profit by a 1/3. After a year or two of this these electric charge stations will be discontinued and more fuel pumps reinstalled. Someone sitting at a pump for 30-45 minutes can only buy so much. They may walk in and buy a coke and a candy bar, but do they purchase enough to supplement five other customers that now must be forfeited? Time will tell. I say bring it on and let the market dictate its success.


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