Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply!
Brandon asks: I love listening in when you’ve been a guest on the Tom Woods Show. Just wondered if you you could recommend a good brand for aftermarket parts, specifically for my ’07 Honda Accord. I’ve got the 3.0 engine, 6-speed manual and the dual-mass flywheel is super-expensive, especially the genuine OEM part ($1,000 MSRP). I’m going to get a clutch kit as well. Anyway, any direction on this would be greatly appreciated!
My reply: If you were into classic muscle cars – especially Pontiacs – I would steer you in the direction of Ames Performance or Year One – both of which I’ve personally bought many parts from and have always been satisfied with the quality and the prices. I’m less hip to the import-performance scene but gather that Rock Auto is generally a pretty good source for stuff. I checked and they have a dual mass flywheel for your car – for less than $400!
PS: I’m on both Bill Meyer’s show and Bryan Hyde’s show every week; the audio is always posted a few hours after my appearances. Here’s the latest!
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Got a question about cars, Libertarian politics – or anything else? Click on the “ask Eric” link and send ’em in!
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Try this:
lmperformance dot com/shop.asp?make=honda&model=accord&year=2007&category=drivetrain&sort=popularity
proimporttuners dot com/parts/2007-honda/accord-clutch-kit.html
Or just Duckduckgo 2007 Honda Accord V6 aftermarket Clutch+Flywheel, and there ya go. Enjoy going down the slipper slope of modding