Reader Question: Finding a Ram . . . ?


Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply!

Bob asks: I’m looking for a mid 1990s full-sized Dodge Ram with the Cummins turbo straight 6; can you help?

My reply: These trucks – with mechanical injection – are getting as hard to find as silver quarters and they cost a lot of silver quarters when you do find one. For reasons already known unto you, which is why you’re seeking one. The problem, as you also know, is that lots of other people are seeking them, too  – and the supply is limited. You could probably find one online – as on eBay or Craigs list – and while these are worth keeping abreast of (every now and then, you strike it lucky and find a vehicle like this at a price that isn’t Barrett-Jackson-esque) your best bet is to scrounge around your area looking for one that’s either just sitting or not being used much and approach the owner with an offer. This takes some legwork but can really pay off, if you are patient and the Motor Gods are smiling upon you.

A good friend of mine acquired a pristine ’70 Firebird Formula Ram Air III this way. The car had been owned by the husband of a woman who kept it after he died but could not drive it because it was stick. My friend saw it sitting under a car cover and knocked on the door; found out its history and got a deal on the thing.

You may be able to do the same. Keep us posted!

. . .

Got a question about cars, Libertarian politics – or anything else? Click on the “ask Eric” link and send ’em in!

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