The Inversion of Obligation


Here are some thoughts about what I’ll style the inversion of obligation – or perhaps, “selfishness upside down.” Either way, it amounts to the same – and here’s what I mean by it:

. . . .

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  1. With regards to sickness: The video about made me sick. Reminded me of driving down a mountain pass with a hangover. Bad times. :p

    But the message is clear. It really come back to the Batman Mantra:
    “I won’t kill you, but I don’t have to save you.”

    Again, NO ONE has any obligation to save anyone from anything, just because they are part of a “community” (that word also makes me vomit). It is wrong to TRY and pass on a virus to another, or, at least, knowingly do so, and a person doing so is culpable. But the idea that I’m responsible for defending society from ANYTHING, absent a signed contract of some kind, is an egregious fallacy.

    You’re very right, Eric. Hypochondria is the TRUE pandemic.

  2. Hypochondria is now not considered “normal”, it’s considered “superior”. It’s also likely the cause of the increase in hospitalization, for two reasons. 1)The hypochondriac is fearful that any discomfort is reason to go to the hospital. 2)Hypochondria is one of, if not the most destructive influences on our immune system. Our immune system REQUIRES exposure to pathogens to continue to function. Years ago, I watched a documentary describing what would be needed for long term space travel, as in years, as in to Jupiter and/or its moons. One of the requirements was that pathogens would be part of the cargo, for the express purpose of exposing the crew to them, making them sick, to keep their immune system working. Follow the science indeed.

    • John,

      They think of everything, don’t they? Imagine being on the way to Mars, and your captain comes to you: “Time for your flu infection!”.

  3. I was a germaphobe before this shit began. I would wear a latex glove to pump gas, so I didn’t have to touch the handle or the buttons with my hands, meaning I didn’t need to wash my hands in the filthy bathrooms that have no water pressure, no soap, and no paper towels. I haven’t changed my behavior, but people probably think I’m one of these freaks that actually believe this shit.

    • Brandon, why use water when you’ve got perfectly good gasoline right there? I got stung by a wasp a few days ago in my shed. I was too lazy to walk around to the pool to get some chlorine to rub on it…so I put gas on it. (Don’t do that.). That was a good day. Yesterday was a bad day- Some wasps had built a nest, unbeknownst to me, right by my front door….they ATTACKED me! Got stung 5 times! (I went all Trump on them today and exercised some eminent domain, and their home is no more!)

      • Indeed, paper wasps are quite aggressive in defending their nests, small as they are. Most wasps are not, and are in fact mostly passive until you disturb their nests. Some not even then.

      • Eminent domain, Nunz, requires some compensation. Sounds to me like all you did was murder them. A disproportionate response to their initial NAP, trespass, and sting violation. The proper libertarian response would have been to sting them back, and then evict, peacefully. Or do these things not apply to “lesser” beings? And who defines “lesser”, Nunz, a murderous psycho such as yourself?

        And, gee, didn’t know you had a pool on your 40 acres. I bet it goes nice with your multiple V10 tanks, or, “SUVs”. Is there any luxury you don’t have?

  4. This made me think: When I was 13, my cousin and I were hanging out in this parking lot, and this older teenage girl comes and talks to us. She’s smoking a cigarette, and we’re looking at it longingly. She asks my cousin and I if we want a drag, and we gratefully oblige. “Just don’t nigger-lip it” she says. So we’re all passing around this cigarette with a complete stranger we’d never even seen before. I hope your relative sees this, Eric! 🙂

    Ah, the good old days…when people were people.

  5. Eric the Unclean! 🤣🤣🤣 Eating *straight* from a bag! Oh the humanity!

    Good grief, if there’s any bag of chips at my house… COUNT ON IT… one/more people (including yours truly) have ABSOLUTELY eaten straight from the bag! Miracle if not.

    We don’t do and have never done the hypochondria. The planet has gone nuts. Most people are just basket case insane anymore.

    • We sometimes eat each other’s leftovers, my teenagers have admitted to drinking straight from the jug of juice, eating directly from the ice cream container, etc., etc.

      I guess that’s why we haven’t been sick very much 🙂 .

      • OTOH, I once knew a family with 3 kids whose mom was a nut about hand sanitizer. This was years ago. Whenever her kids got sick, it was serious business – pneumonia, bronchitis, double something-or-other. I don’t think she ever made the connection, prolly doubled down on the hs.

      • We do the same thing at my house, Anon. I am famous for drinking out of the milk jug. Why dirty a cup? AOC and company would be proud of me….I am helping the environment by not using styrofoam or the dishwasher. 😉

        We also follow the five second rule if something hits the ground….well, unless the dogs get it first then it’s theirs.

  6. The logical end result of celebrating “diversity” – atomization of humanity. Now, you are not only expected to intuit all possible quirks and pitfalls that, ironically, vary from person to person, but you are to DEFER to them and APOLOGIZE if you didn’t have superhuman intuition. Diabolical Narcissism in a nutshell.

    The Bible says, “Let every man esteem others higher than himself.” (Phil. 2:3) It does not say that we are to esteem OURSELVES higher than others.

  7. ‘Mental illness is taken as a kind of badge of honor … people afflicted are belligerent … driven into a psychotic state …’ — EP

    Then the agonized sufferers receive redemptive validation from the ‘anything goes, nothing matters’ MSM. Vintage agitprop from the New York Slimes:

    ‘At least 28 states, largely Republican-controlled, have moved to restrict [sic] education on race and history. Another 15 states, mostly run by Democrats, have moved to expand [sic] racial education.

    ‘Much of the debate has centered on critical race theory, an advanced [sic] academic concept that analyzes racism at systemic levels and is generally not taught until college.’ — NYT

    HA HA HA HA Ink-stained wretches makin’ CRT sound like calculus or organic chemistry or differential topology: you better be really smart, really ‘advanced’ in your studies, 150+ IQ, like, to even attempt it.

    Troof is, the leading proponents of CRT flunked out of ‘hard stuff’ like STEM, with all them equations and shit, and retreated to a mushy non-analytical pop-culture field where they can just ‘make stuff up’ and pad their papers with opaque jargon from a buzzphrase generator to sound all recondite and edumacated.

    Got half a brain? If yall’s kids, nieces, nephews, grand-chillun are gettin’ taught CRT at college, they oughta transfer pronto to a real college … or apprentice to an electrician or plumber or truck mechanic.

    Otherwise, the star-struck little fools are just being sold down the river into lifetime debt servitude with a worthless degree from the modern-day slave traders and horse-whippers and panty-sniffers of leech-infested academic loan sharking.


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