Electric Social Distancing


GM has just advised owners of the Chevy Bolt electric car to park the thing at least 50 feet away from other cars, so as to avoid burning them to cinders – along with the auto-igniting Bolt.

What’s fascinating about this isn’t the advisory. It is the complete lack of “action” – to use the word so favored by government and those who reverence government – by the government.

What does it say about a government that lays claim to being The Great Protector – the issuer of fatwas and ukases with regard to safety – that it has issued no fatwas or ukases with regard to cars that are so dangerous the company that makes them has issued an advisory that they should be isolated by 50 feet from anything they might cremate?

The dissonance is halting.

Until one realizes it’s not dissonant. It is consonant  with every action of government – which merely uses the pretext of “safety” to further the thing that defines government, that being the exercise of power.

Once one understand this, one understands everything.

It begins to make sense that the same government which issued fatwas and ukases requiring every vehicle be equipped with multiple air bags – in the name of safety – not only didn’t lift a finger to take cars with dangerously defective air bags off the road, it refused to grant permission to the owners of the cars to have these known-to-be-dangerous devices even temporarily disabled, until a non-defective replacement could be installed.

Because that would have given some power – over their own lives – back to people. It would have been an admission, of sorts, that government does not always know best. And that would undermine government power.

It is the same government that is all but shoving bayonets in the backs of children and young adults to submit to injections that are demonstrably, beyond-question dangerous – in the name of keeping them “safe” from a sickness that, for them, stands a 99.9-something chance of not killing them.

The same government that does nothing to take “driverless” cars off the road – even when they kill the people not driving (as well as other people who happen to be in the way).

Mind – as regards electric cars – that the fire problem is not an unknown problem. Hardly a week goes by without another one going up in smoke.

It is also not a confined problem.

It is not just Chevy Bolts – or Teslas – that catch fire. It is a built-in problem with electric cars as such – a function of the batteries EV use, which are subject to short-circuiting, especially during “fast” charging. But also just from the formation of spider web-like “dendrites” within the cells, or damage/deterioration of the lattice-like structure of the thousands of individual cells that comprise a single battery pack.

This is arguably a design defect. It is certainly more of a threat to the “safety” of the driving, car-buying public than the relative handful of Ford Pintos out of the millions made that caught fire when rear-ended. None of them had to be parked 50 feet away from other cars as the fire risk only existed when the cars were moving – not parked.

Ford was raked over the coals over the negligent/ignorant driving of another relative handful of people who owned and abused first-generation Explorer SUVs, as by driving them at high speed on underinflated and often worn-out tires. The Explorer, itself, wasn’t unsafe if driven with respect for its limitations; i.e., not like a Corvette. Millions were made and most didn’t rollover. And the relative handful that did posed a risk to their owners, only.

A parked Explorer would not roll over onto the car parked next to it.

But electric cars have caught other cars – and houses – on fire. They will continue to catch them – as well as themselves – on fire, too. At least, until they are no longer powered by fire-prone lithium batteries – and by some form of energy storage that can store (and receive) energy safely.

Like gasoline, say.

. . .

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  1. It’s never been actual safety, at all. Ever since Ralph Nader and the Corvair bullshit, it’s been “Political Narrative” first, last, and always. The motherfucker never drove the car, didn’t even have a driver’s license then, and I’ll wager he still hasn’t, and doesn’t.

  2. Nah, they’d never reverse themselves. Gasoline actually works, which is why they want to outlaw its use.

    One would think these government fatwa-producers can’t be THAT stupid. But I’ll wager that most of them take the bus instead of driving their own cars.

  3. Hi Brother Eric,
    I’ve got one of my original surfing buddies in Hawaii who is an accomplished man with a VERY nice house. His wife drives a Bolt. I haven’t asked him yet if he’s parking it outside on the driveway. He’s very intelligent so after two recalls I imagine he is. Sadly, he bought into the jabs brainwashing. Amazing how a lot of the most intelligent people were suckered into that. Luckily me, I’m a born sceptic and rebel and not prone to believe anything the govt says. My wife is a very strong Christian (as am I) and she saw right through the whole deception as well. Thanks Eric, keep up the very good work!

  4. As a dedicated vaper, battery safety is tres important. You can’t just walk around with two spare 18650s in your pocket. You could end up with a nasty burn.
    Spares must be kept apart in a case, chargers are tres safe, slow and idiot proof.

  5. The only thing government protects is its own power base and the right to abuse and murder its citizens any time they want or when they get out of line. EV’s catching fire is akin to the injected (vaccinated) shedding harmful mRNA nano-particles…stay at least 50 feet away or risk your life.

    We have reached the point where all government, pharma, medical mafia, big tech, global warmists, and media news induced horrors and fears are now quite acceptable and not to be questioned. Trust us, they say, for we know better than nature and are above God.

  6. Well done Eric. One story you did recently that I just can’t get out of my mind is the story about, “who pulled the plug on the Chevy Volt”. Collectively it was the Marxist for more control. They could not have people being able to drive coast to coast in what could called an electric car. Just today your latest work is highlighted with Lewrockwell and another story that proves you and many of your readers right and right all along. Let me link it: https://www.lewrockwell.com/2021/09/no_author/the-conspiracy-theorists-were-right-it-is-a-poison-death-shot/

  7. In the meantime, I have an aftermarket fuel pump in my car, and this makes a car fail “smog check” in CA, and they don’t renew your registration. The fuel pump works exactly as the original, but it maintains steadier pressure, so it’s better for emissions in the end, however, the manufacturer didn’t pay a lot of money for it to be certified, hence, my car is now illegal to drive.

  8. In the tire store this morning waiting for new tires on my T-Bird the tee vee was set to the news from capital city Phoenicia. I s**t you not, the anchor said “On the 101 last night a food truck burst into flames and shut down the freeway.”
    Looking at the footage it was a tiny car, what I can only assume was an EV, turned into a blazing fireball that had run into the rear of the food truck. And the food truck wasn’t on fire. But I’m supposed to believe what smiley man said, not my lying eyes.

    • Ah yes. The *food truck* burst into flames. It must’ve transferred the fire over to the poor little car that hit it… shame. The ‘smiley man’ said so!

  9. Who wants to sit behind one of these rolling funeral pyres called EV’s in a fast food drive through lane. I Say Isolate And Segregate These Flambe’ Terrorisists From Society Now, Before We All Die……….Sounds just as stupid as segregate and isolate the unvaxed doesn’t it!

  10. Lets. hope the Feds don’t address any of the problems you’ve outlined Eric. If this mess boils over into hot war, these EVs become a huge force multiplier. I can imagine many scenarios where these fire starters would work to our advantage.

  11. The “Star Trek: The Next Generation” episode “Hide and Q” has fun imagery of Worf and Wesley on the receiving end of bayonets. Wesley (a child) even gets it in the back, but the editing is sloppy so you’ll want the HD transfer for pics.

    “Hide and Q” just ran last night on H&I. “Return of the Archons” did run this cycle of TOS last week.

    • “Wesley (a child) even gets it in the back”

      Yes, TNG was indeed liberal with the man-boy homoerotic suggestive staging, with the tender ensign frequently serving as the object of many a symbolic ravishing.

      Along with Troi’s cleavage, I always said that Wesley’s pert posterior profile should have gotten its own credit in the opening sequence…

  12. Id like to see how that F150 with tons of lithium batteries works out… or better yet the Tesla semi!!! Imagine that gone going up flames – would see it further than a mushroom cloud….

    • Hi Nasir,

      At least the electric F-150 is a factory engineered vehicle. The problem – well, one of several – with converted EVs is that it is not the same as engine-swapping, which is something that can be done properly by a competent home-garage wrench turner. But converting a vehicle to electric involves much more than the physical replacement of components. EVs are a system – an electronic system – for one thing. And for another, the vehicle itself will need to be re-engineered to safely operate as an electric vehicle, due to the battery pack’s susceptibility to fire from damage in an accident or just from jostling. A “make it fit” install – the thing that defines modding – will not do, here – unless you don’t mind going up in smoke!

      • I am convinced Trump was the chosen pressure valve by the satanic elite for the increasingly questioning and awakened American traditionalist (you know, the ones that just want to be left alone like the good old days and not bombarded with Marxist, communist, other anti-American, anti-white propaganda).

    • the left loves trump. while initially unsure of him trump plays the part of an ignorant white easily intimidated buffoon perfectly. Which he is of course.

    • Oh, now you just KNOW our Party Secretaries deserve to ride in bulletproof comfort as they work tirelessly for our New Happy Life! Why, I understand GM will be changing the badges on these SUV’s to ZIL, in honor of their philosophical forbears. Maybe GM has some old Packard engine tooling hiding out in Hamtamck somewhere to make those ZIL’s sing the old fashined Stalinist way!

      Makes me so disgusted, this whole mess in the Imperial Capital City.

  13. But the govt told me ev’s were “safe & effective” and we all know the govt would never lie…..🙄. I look forward to this article being fact checked and anyone who shares it being banned from twatter and facistbook.

  14. Wait till folks start Gerry-rigging 1000lbs of these batteries into their vehicles to support their new electric crate engines as mentioned in the other post.

  15. You failed to mention owners KILLED. It’s obvious current battery tech for vehicles is not ready for prime time. Of course since we are forced to live in the land of make believe, it matters not. We’ll just pretend they work great.

  16. Lol…

    So when tiny disposable Lithium AA batteries were a new thing back in the 90’s they promised lighter weight and functioned in far colder temperatures than conventional nicads.

    As an aspiring mountaineer in my early 20’s I loved ’em. Used to load up my Petzl Duo (4-aa) headlamp and life was much brighter and lighter in the cold darkness of 12am summit pushes.

    Until one day on Mt Rainier… probably 1999…. in the bitter cold darkness and high winds our small team was working through a series of ice walls when I heard this high pitch squeal and felt my helmet vibrating… Odd… My headlamp became very bright for a few seconds and then went dark. My partner belaying me related my helmet was on fire. Turns out the yellow battery pack had completely melted as one of these tiny AA Energizer lithium demons had apparently decided to go out in blazing glory. Burnt my fingers too when trying to pry open the melted housing.

    Ha! So apparently 20 years later of battery progress and some things don’t change.

    • To think my grandfathers worked underground coal & used carbide lamps. Basically a mini oxy/acetylene torch. As a young child I always thought it was the coolest-ubermale-super-hillbilly thing to watch them light those lamps by collecting the gas in the cup of a hand & then raking over the flint.

  17. From the linked article:

    ‘GM has taken a $1.8 billion charge so far for the cost of the recall and has been buying cars back from some disgruntled owners. The company expects to recoup much of the cost from battery supplier LG Corp.’

    GM reported $2.84 billion net income in the 2nd quarter of 2021. So a $1.8 billion charge is ‘material.’

    Most folks don’t have driveways 50 feet long. If I had a Bolt, I’d have to park it on an empty lot up the street … where it might set the long, dry grass on fire. That would make the newspaper in this no-stoplight town.

    CEO Mary Barra is getting paid $23.7 million for this? And her degree was in electrical engineering, no less. *smacks forehead with palm*

    It’s just so hard to find good help these days …

    • There are two basic kinds of engineers. One has the knack for it and the other was good at school. Mary Barra, if she does have an EE degree would strike me as one of these people who got sucked in by one of those let’s get more X into engineering programs which usually only serve to attract good at school types not the kids who built radio kits at 6 years old. Those with the knack were usually on that course long before they encounter such an initiative. The only thing that could happen is they get turned off by something or another.

      • Decades ago, in engineering school, we were earnestly discussing the notable under-representation of female engineers. It continues today.

        If women generally exceed men in verbal skills and emotional intelligence (as I fully concede), is it sexist to suppose that men might also possess innate advantages in certain fields?

        • The only reason to earnestly discuss in that environment has nothing to do with engineering. Of course today dating in all the western world has become like it was in engineering school.

        • There was one girl in my entire EE class back in the 60’s; not only was she a brainiac she was also super hot, a very unusual combination. Not sure where she ended but when the recruiters came around senior year she had dozens of offers to choose from. Way out of my league.

        • In western society, women have interests in people, men have interests in things. In eastern society women wear burqas, men are interested in power, opportunity and revenge.

      • There is also the kind who is good at manipulation. Like Commie Lawhorish. And like the Latina civil engineering major who figured out how to get me to tutor/do most of her work for her. It was, as they say, a good trade at the time… And I’m willing to bet she is way up the tree at CalTrans these days.

      • Years ago in undergrad engineering it was 10:1 male to female; mostly wasps. Then in grad school it was about 10:1 male to female; mostly imported asians. We called it “little beijing” or “little bombay” depending on the department. It always pissed me off that the imported asians who could barely communicate were put as TA’s to undergrads.

  18. RE: “fire-prone lithium batteries”

    That got me to thinking, is it just the size of the batteries in question?
    Then I recalled reading about tiny batteries in laser sights (or was it the flashlights which attach to gun barrels?) catching fire while in a pocket, or exploding, or something.

    Should I store my laptop and cordless power tools in a metal trash can when not in use? Idk.

    I’ve noticed that the batteries in my cordless power tools sure do get hot after I’ve been using them for awhile and they are nearly drained.

    • So long as you have quality bigger name stuff you don’t have worry about the smaller packs for the most part. There’s a number of safe guards in place and being small there’s really not much that will happen beyond some heat and maybe some smoke unless they really screwed up. Don’t keep them charging near stuff that will burn easy and you’ll be fine.

      However if you have no-name lowest bidder stuff then you can have a problem at any battery pack size. Remember the “hoverboards”? Well in order to make them cheap the charger had no brains and there was no BMS. A coworker and myself took apart his to see what was in it. Cheap prismatic cells and no BMS. The instructions said not to leave it on the charger unattended and not beyond the charge time. Obviously. The BMS was the human being. As a result people left them plugged in and the result was fire.

      Why do the cars’ battery packs catch fire? I would say because they are much more subject to environmental damage, road debris, the high current discharge and recharge repeatedly and ultimately their size and voltage levels and possible current delivery.

      • Hi, Brent. All that, and of course the sheer number of cells in a car’s battery pack. Every one with limited odds of causing a problem, but multiplied by many hundreds, or even thousands, the problem becomes much more apparent.


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