Reader Question: Oil Filter Adapter?


Heres’ the latest reader question, along with my reply!

John asks: I have a a Toyota Camry with the four cylinder engine and wanted to change the oil myself, to save some money. But I can’t figure out where the oil filter is or how to remove it. It doesn’t seem to have an oil filter. At least, one that I can see. Do you have any advice?

My reply: It’s tragic that the Internet is being used to enslave us – by cowing us and monitoring us – because it could be used to free us. What I am getting at here is that if you did a little searching online, you’d quickly find out that your Camry does indeed have an oil filter. Just not a traditional one. It not a traditional, spin-on disposable canister type filter that you use a generic oil filter wrench to loosen. Rather it is a disposable element, located within a re-usable plastic housing that requires a special adaptor to loosen. This adaptor can be purchased at most car stores for about $10-20 (see here). Do not try to remove the filter housing without this tool as you risk breaking the plastic housing – and that will cost you a great deal more than $10-20!

Hope this helps!

. . .

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