Latest Radio: David Knight Show 1/11/22


Here’s the audio of today’s talk with David Knight! We discussed the lack of disclosure regarding EVs – and “vaccines” – among other things – making due diligence and intelligent cost-benefit analysis impossible.

My segment begins at around the 57 minute mark.

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  1. One thing that I think is in our favor is that true fully autonomous driving capability is years out despite what Elon Musk and his groupies want people to think. While that won’t stop them from pushing the EV agenda, that will limit their ability to deliver transportation as a service.

    I think the closest thing they’ll be able to do with that in the near term are those car share services like I see in cities like Baltimore.

    Also the battery longevity thing is gonna be a problem for that, pretty sure. For the same reason they can’t an EV out to you from the press pool for review, they won’t be able to get one to people with that range even if it full autonomous driving were available. If it gets to you dead or almost dead, that’s not gonna work very well (i.e., you’d have to charge it overnight before you could use it).

    • Hi EM,

      Yup. I’ve been trying to convey to people what I finally understood myself several years ago. Which is that the EV push is not about “electrification” – much less salving the “climate crisis.” It is about reducing and controlling mobility for the masses. Understand that – and everything else becomes understandable.


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