Let Them Drive Teslas . . .


Every time there’s what is styled an “energy crisis” – the term in air fingers quotes to reflect the fact that the “crisis” is never about “energy” but rather about government, which makes energy harder to produce and more expensive to deliver via various edicts and fatwas – such as cancelling pipelines, for instance – the government makes transportation more expensive. 

For instance, this Let Them Drive Teslas business, articulated by the Biden Thing’s equivalent of Marie Antoinette, Pete Buttigieg. This queen suggests that people being impoverished by the artificially induced spike in the cost of energy in the form of gasoline further impoverish themselves by – somehow – buying an electric car that costs twice as much as a current non-electric economy car.

Doesn’t everyone own a $50,000 Tesla – or a $35,000 Chevy Bolt? 

Of course, no one would have to worry about the cost of energy – gas or electricity – were it not for the government and people like the Biden Thing and the Buttigieg thing.

Had the former not autocratically winnowed the supply of oil by cancelling a pipeline that – by now – would have been capable of bringing some 800,000 barrels of it per day to the United States from Canada – and encouraged rather than discouraged the production of oil here, in America – the cost of energy in the form of gasoline would probably still be closer to $2 per gallon that $5 per gallon. Even factoring in the cost of “inflation,” the sneak-term used by creatures such as the Biden Thing to get people to not think about the malicious devaluation of their money via the printing of more money. 

By the things which control the Biden Thing.

But if the energy had been allowed to flow, there would be no “energy crisis” – and that would make it a lot harder to rouse the public’s anger toward Putin Bad! (and Ukraine good!) and thereby shift the public’s attention away from the actual source of their energy woes.

And other woes, too. 

These to include woes about the other form of energy which will soon be in crisis – if the Marie Antoinette Solution were ever to be adopted as the solution to the “energy crisis”  conjured into existence to justify  it.    

Because – wait for it – electric cars use electricity. They do not have a wind-up key on the roof to make them go. They have to be plugged in, in order for them to be able to go. That plug connects – ultimately – to a power source and it’s not likely to be a free one.

The Biden and Buttigieg things either know this – and don’t care – or they don’t know it and are callously incompetent. They are trying to increase the demand for another form of energy – that would be electricity – which is already scarce because of existing demand for it – and make it scarcer, by artificially increasing demand for it. This will, of course, make electricity more expensive – on top of the expense imposed by the electric car, itself. 

As with the pipeline cancelled and production (of oil, here) discouraged, these things have cancelled and discouraged the means by which the electrical energy which will be needed in an electrified future could have been produced in quantity sufficient to reduce the cost of it. Utility plants closed – and in many cases, the generating equipment sold for pennies on the dollar to the Chinese, so that they don’t have to worry about their energy ever being in crisis. No permits issued for new nuclear generating capacity, which actually has the capacity to produce the terawatts of electricity needed – and “cleanly,” since nothing is burned and so nothing is “emitted.”

There is also this business of the things eliminating – by regulations, rather than laws- the kinds of vehicles that would dramatically palliate the artificially created “energy crisis” by making transportation more rather than less affordable. There are brand-new electric cars available  for less than $10,000 . . . in China. Where it is also possible to buy non-electric cars (and trucks) for less than $10,000. 

There also are – or rather, were – a number of diesel-powered small cars and wagons you used to be able to buy for about $23,00 (about half the price of a Tesla3) that used so little energy (50-plus MPG) that people could both afford to buy and drive them, even when the cost of energy was made artificially high.

I have written about this at length in the past so I will only write here – briefly – that the reason we’re not allowed to have such vehicles has nothing to do with either “safety” or “emissions” – the two false-flag reasons invariably given as justification for not allowing low-cost/light-weight and highly economical to drive and buy vehicles.

Rather, it is done to foment – and worsen – the serial “crises” which serve to energize creatures such as the Biden and Buttigieg things. In the manner of a tick being energized by the blood it sucks from the flesh of the healthy animal it attaches itself to.

. . .

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    • Ha, so I was right, the EV’s pollute even more and use more energy. Why do we have govt — this guy wrote an excellent article, plus we could always hire some experts, and we could all just read that and vote on it in an election… and ban EV’s (for now). But instead we have dirtbags making bad laws and wasting money and polluting the planet, all while lying to us all, and we all have no say in it. We are stupid pathetic humans on this planet… we are stupid to live like this, under evil rotten criminals having a ‘field day’. Why do we live like this? Mind control.

  1. Well. I guess one thing is clear EV’s are Coal burners. Coal is the fuel for power generation. Congratulate Elon on his coal burners. That is what they are. Same as in the days of Sam Clemons.

    • LOL, so true — they’re coal burners. I bet they’re actually LESS efficient than gas vehicles. LOLOL Not even counting the environmental cost of producing it (more toxic materials).

  2. Had a race, (not really with a Tesla). I was driving from NJ to Michigan on I-76/I-80/(90) Toll road. It passed me in PA. I stopped at an “Oasis” in PA it was pulled up to a “Tesla” charger, part of the “infra structure Tesla is not paying for”. There were 4 cars plugged in for the entire 15 minutes we were there (12 spots). We spent the time walking the dogs, etc did not buy a thing, the T was still there charging. We stopped an hour or 2 later for the night. Left our hotel near Pittsburgh early. The same Tesla passed me again an hour or 2 west of Pittsburgh. I could tell as it had some dirt on the right side. I was tempted to follow it to see when it had to stop again for a fillup and for how long. It must have stopped for the night near Pittsburgh. Are there hotels getting into the electric sheep ride?

    • Morning, Ugg-

      “electric sheep ride”- genius, sir!

      And: I have no doubt hotels are going to try to cash in; many will have the heavy duty electrical capacity to install chargers and then charge the sheep to use them – plus for the room.

      I went for my usual run yesterday. I suppose I could have stopped halfway through it and waited for 45 minutes before finishing the other half. But then, I had something else to do…

  3. Saw this comment on a Daily Mail article about Ford introducing new EVs:

    “I had my first electric vehicle in October. Worst error of judgement on my part. Always thinking days ahead in case you run out of charge. Drive around freezing cold because you’re afraid to use the electric to warm the car as it can dip so fast. I had 108 miles left for a 60 mile journey – run out 15 miles from home, no charging points and when I did find one the charge wasn’t working. Always temperamental when charging. I have nothing positive to say about a 50k car. And no, I’ve not spent all that money, it’s bought via my employer who subsided the purchase. I prefer driving my 10 year old Corsa and that’s saying something.”

    Source: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/money/cars/article-10610423/Ford-promises-SEVEN-new-electric-vehicles-2024.html

  4. Miss OrangeManBad yet? Yes, he sucked, was a narcissist and not exactly an intellectual giant, but at least he didn’t hate the country and a majority of it citizens. Hold on to your ass, it gets worse from here.

  5. Correction: you misspelled the Secretary of Transportation’s last name. There are actually two correct spellings from which to choose: “Bootygay” and Buttplug.”

  6. Whoever is behind the Biden thing is clearly bent on destroying America and ushering in the green utopia. Biden and Buttigieg are incompetent, but they don’t run this. For whoever does, this is intentional. No point in whining. Here is the plan:

    1. Own the physical assets that will be required to build these things. Might as get rich off of the massive amounts of copper, nickel, aluminum … needed to build these things.

    2. Spread the engineering information about the known non-viability of this “green energy transition.” Every Mark Mills has ever written on the subject contains everything we need to know and the GWPF (Global Warming Policy Foundation) has a cadre of top tier engineers who have done a huge amount of analysis on this as well.

    3. When this goes bad, and it will because there aren’t the metals and minerals in abundance to build these EEVs and energy deficient machines that convert photons and wind to electricity, then we are going to have to figure out if we are man enough to dish out consequences. This is going to impoverish our nation, and significantly weaken it. The consequences for all of the individuals leading this charge to the valley of energy death will need to be severe. Children can sit in the corner. But adults, no matter how child like their ignorance must be punished as adults.

    In the meantime, this is a layup for increasing your wealth. Unless they outlaw ownership of everything.

  7. We should all just start paying our taxes to the truckers — they’re the only people that ever DO anything for us.

    All the goobers do is make up war crimes they call “laws”, and we people never get to vote on anything, ever. What the he** is this?! Did we all vote to wage full-spectrum war on ourselves? No.

    (I hope this gets posted — this website keeps telling me weird messages like my post might be spam, or I’m posting too frequently, etc. GEEZ that’s lame!)

  8. Putin is speed skating on Lake Baikal at the moment. He’s taking a break from the loony bin in the Urals.

    Spoke with an Uber driver a few months back, a younger gal. She said she drives 500 miles each day, drives a newer automobile with a cvt, gas mileage is anywhere between 40 to 60 mpg. Ten gallons of gas to drive 400, 500, 600 miles is not expensive to transport yourself to a destination, ten cents a mile, maybe even less.

    https://www.thedrive.com/news/25764/cargo-ship-carrying-3500-nissan-cars-ablaze-and-adrift-in-the-pacific-ocean“>3500 cars on Sincerity Ace, ship catches fire

    “A massive cargo ship carrying thousands of brand new Nissan cars remains ablaze and adrift in a remote corner of the Pacific Ocean after a catastrophic fire broke out on New Years Eve, according to the Associated Press. Nearby merchant vessels responded to the distress call and rescued 16 crew members, while another five mariners are presumed dead.”

    Happened on New Year’s Eve 2018 in the middle of the Pacific. I did not know that.

    Don’t remember hearing a word about it.

    More than likely, another thermal runaway of a lithium battery caused the fire.

    Lithium extracts its pound of flesh.

    Not too difficult to rig a Tesla into a programmed weapon.

    Be careful what you wish for.

  9. The real agenda is no privately owned transportation whatsoever. Logical reasoning will lead to this conclusion. Make the currency worthless, take away people’s accumulated wealth, undermine civil order and reward or punish citizens based on political beliefs. What it will result in is a fascist government with 3 classes; the government class, the corporate class and everyone else. That third class would involve poverty, no property and no freedom. We’ve been heading in this direction for over 30+ years and it is quickly picking up speed.

  10. I wonder – so the Orange Douche had the right idea in terms of energy independence. But given the state of things, would it have mattered? I’m sure the smack talking Orange Douche would have dutifully saluted the neocons and sent planes to Keeeeeev. Then we’d have officially shit the bed. Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right.

  11. If Benjamin Franklin only knew what came as a result of flying that kite back in 1752 and discovering electricity. Instead he would have worked on improving Thomas Newcomen’s steam engine invented in 1712. A glorious future could have occurred. Instead we get to pay double the price and get half of the car combined with the risk of being burned out of house and home by a toxic battery fire. If Ralph Nader was happy killing off the Corvair for it’s perceived problems why not electric cars? Safety first ban them all and lets go back to sane efficient fueled vehicles.

  12. EV’s are green? haha
    Batteries: a long read but very informative.
    In case you are not aware:

    What is a battery?’ I think Tesla said it best when they called it an Energy Storage System. That’s important.
    They do not make electricity – they store electricity produced elsewhere, primarily by coal, uranium, natural gas-powered plants, or diesel-fueled generators. So, to say an EV is a zero-emission vehicle is not at all valid.

    Also, since forty percent of the electricity generated in the U.S. is from coal-fired plants, it follows that forty percent of the EVs on the road are coal-powered, do you see?
    Einstein’s formula, E=MC2, tells us it takes the same amount of energy to move a five-thousand-pound gasoline-driven automobile a mile as it does an electric one. The only question again is what produces the power? To reiterate, it does not come from the battery; the battery is only the storage device, like a gas tank in a car.

    There are two orders of batteries, rechargeable, and single-use. The most common single-use batteries are A, AA, AAA, C, D. 9V, and lantern types. Those dry-cell species use zinc, manganese, lithium, silver oxide, or zinc and carbon to store electricity chemically. Please note they all contain toxic, heavy metals
    Rechargeable batteries only differ in their internal materials, usually lithium-ion, nickel-metal oxide, and nickel-cadmium. The United States uses three billion of these two battery types a year, and most are not recycled; they end up in landfills. California is the only state which requires all batteries be recycled. If you throw your small, used batteries in the trash, here is what happens to them.

    All batteries are self-discharging. That means even when not in use, they leak tiny amounts of energy. You have likely ruined a flashlight or two from an old, ruptured battery. When a battery runs down and can no longer power a toy or light, you think of it as dead; well, it is not. It continues to leak small amounts of electricity. As the chemicals inside it run out, pressure builds inside the battery’s metal casing, and eventually, it cracks. The metals left inside then ooze out. The ooze in your ruined flashlight is toxic, and so is the ooze that will inevitably leak from every battery in a landfill. All batteries eventually rupture; it just takes rechargeable batteries longer to end up in the landfill.

    In addition to dry cell batteries, there are also wet cell ones used in automobiles, boats, and motorcycles. The good thing about those is, ninety percent of them are recycled. Unfortunately, we do not yet know how to recycle single-use ones properly.
    But that is not half of it. For those of you excited about electric cars and a green revolution, I want you to take a closer look at batteries and also windmills and solar panels. These three technologies share what we call environmentally destructive embedded costs.

    Everything manufactured has two costs associated with it, embedded costs and operating costs. I will explain embedded costs using a can of baked beans as my subject.
    In this scenario, baked beans are on sale, so you jump in your car and head for the grocery store. Sure enough, there they are on the shelf for $1.75 a can. As you head to the checkout, you begin to think about the embedded costs in the can of beans.

    The first cost is the diesel fuel the farmer used to plow the field, till the ground, harvest the beans, and transport them to the food processor. Not only is his diesel fuel an embedded cost, so are the costs to build the tractors, combines, and trucks. In addition, the farmer might use a nitrogen fertilizer made from natural gas.

    Next is the energy costs of cooking the beans, heating the building, transporting the workers, and paying for the vast amounts of electricity used to run the plant. The steel can holding the beans is also an embedded cost. Making the steel can requires mining taconite, shipping it by boat, extracting the iron, placing it in a coal-fired blast furnace, and adding carbon. Then it’s back on another truck to take the beans to the grocery store. Finally, add in the cost of the gasoline for your car.

    A typical EV battery weighs one thousand pounds, about the size of a travel trunk. It contains twenty-five pounds of lithium, sixty pounds of nickel, 44 pounds of manganese, 30 pounds cobalt, 200 pounds of copper, and 400 pounds of aluminum, steel, and plastic. Inside are over 6,000 individual lithium-ion cells.

    It should concern you that all those toxic components come from mining. For instance, to manufacture each EV auto battery, you must process 25,000 pounds of brine for the lithium, 30,000 pounds of ore for the cobalt, 5,000 pounds of ore for the nickel, and 25,000 pounds of ore for copper. All told, you dig up 500,000 pounds of the earth’s crust for just one battery.”

    Sixty-eight percent of the world’s cobalt, a significant part of a battery, comes from the Congo. Their mines have no pollution controls, and they employ children who die from handling this toxic material. Should we factor in these diseased kids as part of the cost of driving an electric car?”

    I’d like to leave you with these thoughts. California is building the largest battery in the world near San Francisco, and they intend to power it from solar panels and windmills. They claim this is the ultimate in being ‘green,’ but it is not! This construction project is creating an environmental disaster. Let me tell you why.

    The main problem with solar arrays is the chemicals needed to process silicate into the silicon used in the panels. To make pure enough silicon requires processing it with hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, nitric acid, hydrogen fluoride, trichloroethane, and acetone. In addition, they also need gallium, arsenide, copper-indium-gallium- diselenide, and cadmium-telluride, which also are highly toxic. Silicone dust is a hazard to the workers, and the panels cannot be recycled.

    Windmills are the ultimate in embedded costs and environmental destruction. Each weighs 1688 tons (the equivalent of 23 houses) and contains 1300 tons of concrete, 295 tons of steel, 48 tons of iron, 24 tons of fiberglass, and the hard to extract rare earths neodymium, praseodymium, and dysprosium. Each blade weighs 81,000 pounds and will last 15 to 20 years, at which time it must be replaced. We cannot recycle used blades. Sadly, both solar arrays and windmills kill birds, bats, sea life, and migratory insects.

    There may be a place for these technologies, but you must look beyond the myth of zero emissions. I predict EVs and windmills will be abandoned once the embedded environmental costs of making and replacing them become apparent. “Going Green” may sound like the Utopian ideal and are easily espoused, catchy buzzwords, but when you look at the hidden and embedded costs realistically with an open mind, you can see that Going Green is more destructive to the Earth’s environment than meets the eye, for sure.

    If this had been titled… “The Embedded Costs of Going Green,” would you have read it?
    Going Green” may sound like the Utopian, but it is not.

    • solar panels are green? haha
      The main problem with solar arrays is the chemicals needed to process silicate into the silicon used in the panels. To make pure enough silicon requires processing it with hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, nitric acid, hydrogen fluoride, trichloroethane, and acetone. In addition, they also need gallium, arsenide, copper-indium-gallium- diselenide, and cadmium-telluride, which also are highly toxic. Silicone dust is a hazard to the workers, and the panels cannot be recycled.

    • Tesla’s marketing plan is it is quicker 0 to 60 then any other car and it is green, so the green virtue signalling leftists love it.

      How stupid are they?……the reality….

      Sixty-eight percent of the world’s cobalt, a significant part of a battery, comes from the Congo. Their mines have no pollution controls, and they employ children who die from handling this toxic material. Should we factor in these diseased kids as part of the cost of driving an electric car?”
      Like the bioweapon injected and filthy germ laden mask wearers spreading germs, morons killing kids and grandma.

      forty percent of the electricity generated in the U.S. is from coal-fired plants, it follows that forty percent of the EVs on the road are coal-powered,

  13. Looking at his background, I think it would be a mistake to dismiss Mayor Pete as an empty headed fop who chest feeds and maintains his lifestyle with royalties from his husband’s book deal. He has been a vessel for someone’s agenda for a long time, hence his seemingly easy rise to power which has arguably placed him in position for the VP nomination in 2024 if not the top spot of the ticket in 2028.

    Mayor Pete at the top of the ticket would be an easy sell for a lot of the Democrat women in places like Loudon County Virginia who decide these things for now.

      • Mayor Pete and Tulsi Gabbard, who is just as dangerous with her public persona misdirection games IMHO.

        Go back 20 years and who could have imagined Barack Obama in the White House much less the Senate, even in Chicago.

        • Pete pushes the new urbanist NGO agenda. He’s a low level tool and most likely always will be.

          Tulsi isn’t going anywhere in politics. She’s over and done with essentially.

          Once Obama’s history is understood it’s very easy to understand George HW Bush for much the same three letters.

  14. Contributing to scarcity is lack of refinery capacity. No permits issued in at least 20 years. If a refinery goes down due to a major problem, you will have short term scarcity. Wouldn’t put it past the oil companies to have such a problem at this point while the price elasticity of supply of oil is volatile enough for some extra windfall profits to be had.

  15. Words you will practically never hear or read of escaping an elected politician’s or bureaucrat’s lips, “I’m sorry. We made a mistake. It’s our fault.”
    Government demands authority to kill any who disobey. What sane person would say, ‘Yup, that’s the job I want”?
    Those who DO want such a job come in three models. Stupid, evil, or both. Those running the political circus are the brains. Too bad they only come in the evil model.
    The entire premise of EVs is based upon the delusion, or deception, that a climate that has been changing ever since there was one, often radically, can be stopped from changing by government edict. If the species, and all evidence of our existence were to disappear, the climate would STILL change, perhaps radically, perhaps much cooler. Meanwhile DuPont, Monsanto, et al, continue poisoning the planet with little to no regulation at all.

    • “The saddest life is that of a political aspirant under democracy.  His failure is ignominious and his success is disgraceful.” H.L. Mencken

  16. ‘Pete Buttigieg. This queen …’ — eric

    What an artful juxtaposition of sentences! One tiny period serves as a first line of defense against a defamation claim, while allowing readers to draw their own snarky conclusions.

    EV huggers would have you believe that your local electric utility is warm and friendly and lovable. Nothing could be further from the truth:

    ‘House Bill 2101 would repeal the Arizona law that allows for electric retail competition.

    ‘Salt River Project (SRP), which is backing the bill, said it would remove “uncertainty in Arizona energy markets and allows utilities to continue to invest in renewable resources necessary to transition to Arizona’s energy future.”


    Gov-regulated utilities — like Big Gov itself — are merciless monopolists who will squeeze us till the pips squeak.

    Now my advice for those who die
    Declare the pennies on your eyes

    — The Beatles, Taxman

  17. Because – wait for it – electric cars use electricity. They do not have a wind-up key on the roof to make them go. – Eric. Don’t give them ideas, wind up keys and pedals will be next! 😆

    • How about a pedal powered laptop for “climate activists?”
      Picture a stationary bicycle with a docking port for the computer, and also its internet interface.
      No electric storage capacity – only allowed online until you run out of breath.

      Of course, it wouldn’t be long before someone produced a squirrel cage accessory, so “dedicated volunteers” could “help” their favorite climate activist bang out his/her “essential message.” What’s good for the goose is even better for the “proper gander.”

      Ex tenebris ad lucem.

  18. I keep ending up undecided on the push for this.

    Is it utopian idiots or evil controllers?

    Either way, if someone is forcing you to do something, it can be safely assumed it is not for your benefit.

    • Both. It’s evil controllers using all the utopian idiots.

      Ultimately, they don’t want us to have any freedom of travel or movement (no cars at all), so they can control us.

      Ultimately ultimately, they want the vast majority of us dead. But they invent silly narratives about a climate crisis to get us to corral and starve ourselves until they’re ready to take off the mask and start the mass killing.

  19. Lots of problems with EV’s

    Worldwide 80% of electricity is produced by oil, gas and coal. electric cars aren’t zero emission they are remote emission. In China most teslas are coal powered.

    The new gas powered cars run so clean they have very very low emissions, very close to zero like .00001% contaminants. The exhaust coming out of a modern diesel is cleaner then the air in a big city. ICE engines will be banned because they are not zero emission, .00001% contaminants is too high, this is leftist insanity.

    EV’s pollute more
    NOTE: The biggest pollutant emitted from new cars because they have so low emissions are from tires wearing out while driving, tire particles.
    ATTENTION: Electric cars weigh 30% more than gas powered cars so have higher tire wear, so EV’s pollute more.

    Below 90% charge EV performance keeps dropping, at 10% charge it is down quite a bit. ICE cars on a quarter tank are quicker because they got lighter.

    operating Li-ion batteries outside the safety zone (i.e. 20%–80%) state of charge, a loss in conductivity can be observed
    You can only use 60% of the advertised range, in cold weather subtract 20% more, so what is the real world range?

    ATTENTION: Only 5% of electric car batteries are recycled, a huge pollution problem.

    In their entire life cycle including manufacturing, electric cars in total pollute far more than gas powered cars, people don’t seem to understand that the vast majority of a car’s carbon footprint is made during manufacture and scrapping. Running the car, not so much. EV’s pollute far more, the leftists lied to you.

    Most electric cars are designed as performance cars so they use far more energy and resources than they should. (the government regulations don’t allow the manufacture of small light electric cars which would make more sense, china does).

    Recharging costs:
    The grid can’t handle large numbers of electric cars recharging, if all cars are electric the grid capacity has to be increased 500%. There is already power shortages, blackouts in many countries with electricity costs rapidly rising, when electricity prices go up 400% your old ice vehicle will look cheap to run.

    Open pit lithium mining for battery manufacture, often done with child slave labour, is worse then tar sands mining.

    The biggest problem…….EV fires:
    Enormous amounts of water are required: tactically, this may mean using a master stream, 2½-inch or multiple 1¾-inch fire lines, to suppress and cool the fire. Vehicle fires don’t typically call for surround-and-drown tactics, but these are not typical vehicle fires. so you need multiple fire trucks to put out the fire, this is insanity.

    One example: the flames on the Tesla were extinguished, it reignited again. Firefighters began hosing it down with copious amounts of water, up to 200 gallons per minute, but “that did not extinguish the flames,” according to the NTSB. At approximately 9:13 p.m., nearly three hours after the first alarm was received, firefighters had to pour out more than 600 gallons of water per minute. In the end the agency used 20,000 gallons of water. these should be banned from the road…..

    Then the fire still isn’t put out……..Batteries can be expected to reignite after being put out because they still have stored energy. 15 hours later it catches fire again…
    “Battery fires can take up to 24 hours to extinguish”….. the vehicle must be parked under “quarantine” for 48 hours, so that no new fire can break out.
    Batteries are difficult to extinguish, and they can burst into flames again several hours later –ATTENTION: in some cases, right up to a week later
    ……… and they allow people to buy these abortions.

    ATTENTION: EV’s can’t replace ICV’s because………global capacity for the materials for EV batteries can’t replace even 3% of fossil fuel vehicles.

    Electric cars are expensive, they are only for the rich, but they are heavily subsidized by the government with taxpayer’s money, including taxes from the poor, the poor subsidizing the rich. the poor can walk. electric cars, toys for the rich.

    NOTE: The first people to buy electric cars were the most sold on the idea, the biggest believers, 20% of them are switching back to ice powered cars because of the inconvenience factor, the charging time hassle.

    Another problem EV shares with new ice powered vehicles: Electronic components have a limited life, even if you do not use them. It’s the nature of the P-N junction that forms a transistor.

    During the first three months of ownership, EVs were 2.3 times as expensive to service as gasoline-powered cars. At the 12-month mark, repair costs were about 1.6 times what owners of gas-powered cars paid.
    It’s Not Parts. It’s Labor

    Electric cars depreciate over two times faster than their internal combustion engine counterparts, a serious black mark when it comes to tallying up your actual yearly cost to run your vehicle!

    So the new electric vehicles like the new computerized ice vehicles will have a limited lifespan, when these electronics fail the car will be scrap, too expensive to fix, more recycling and waste. Only buy cars with no computers.

    A 1913 Bugatti type 22 is 108 years old and daily driven. A Tesla is scrap after 10 years.


    But mechanical systems, like Jay Leno’s 1832 steam engine can last for centuries, get a steam powered car, they run on wood.
    Steam powered cars have the same advantage as electric cars, instant torque.

    • good stuff Anon. Please stop using the word ‘fossil fuels’, they are not. We should be using ‘natural fuels’ which is what they are. All energy/life on earth is created by the sun.

      • Except when quoting Joe Biden I call them hydrocarbon fuels.
        Hydro as in water, carbon as in carbon because that’s what they are, the things of life.

  20. Yesterday I had a 9:30 meeting in Glenwood Springs. I left plenty early just because that’s what I do. Clear, dry road. Sunshine.

    Message board at the West Rifle exit says “I-70 closed at MM 105, detour US 6.” OK, no email from CDOT, so they probably just left the sign on. Nope. Routing all traffic off at New Castle. Sat in traffic for about 45 minutes, then 20 MPH on US 6 to the Canyon Creek exit. While sitting on 6 I saw fire trucks and a flatbed carrying what looked (at the time) like a car that went through the scrapyard crusher. Just a flat burned up slab. “Geez, I guess they had to wait for someone to pronouce them dead under the semi or something” I thought.

    When I got to the meeting someone mentioned that CDOT closed the road at 1:00 am! That’s a very long time to wait for the coroner, maybe they had to come up from Denver or something.

    But then on the way through going back home I noticed a small (car sized) burned out patch of median. Very black, even the rocks were charred. You can probably see where I’m going with this, it was an EV fire. What I thought was a crushed unibody was just the “skateboard” frame without the plastic body panels. It closed the road for 9 hours while the fire crew figured out what to do with it (or, more likely, just prevent the fire from spreading). It delayed hundreds, if not thousands, of people trying to get to where they were going. My meeting wasn’t critical, but imagine if it was.

    Remember only 1% of all cars are EVs. Most are owned by people who are able to afford to maintain them and will take heed if there’s a warning from the battery. And yet they still catch fire. What happens when that 1% grows to 5%? 25%? People who ignore warning lights on the dash buying EVs. Mothers who don’t want an EV but their “car guy” kid bought it for them?

    They continue to push this not-ready-for-primetime tech on us because Uncle wishes it to be so. Will we just get used to waiting hours as the fire brigade watches helplessly as the lithium cells consume themselves?

    • When you drive down the road in your EV don’t think about this……..don’t hit anything, don’t run over debris and don’t get hit, good luck with that, you will be hit by these moron drivers eventually, make sure you aren’t in an EV when you get hit.

      The biggest problem with EV’s is the batteries in EV’s are very dangerous, a fire hazard, how they ever got passed for safety standards is a huge mystery.

      Lithium-ion batteries have a tendency to overheat and can be damaged at high voltages leading to thermal runaway and combustion. like driving around sitting on top of a huge bomb, make sure you don’t hit anything or get hit while driving one of these abortions.

      EV fires are very hard to put out the only way is with the application of huge amounts of water.

      Tactically, this may mean using a master stream, 2½-inch or multiple 1¾-inch fire lines, to suppress and cool the fire. Vehicle fires don’t typically call for surround-and-drown tactics, but these are not typical vehicle fires. so you need multiple fire trucks to put out the fire, this is insanity, they should ban these things.

      One example: the flames on the Tesla were extinguished, it reignited again. Firefighters began hosing it down with copious amounts of water, up to 200 gallons per minute, but “that did not extinguish the flames,” according to the NTSB. At approximately 9:13 p.m., nearly three hours after the first alarm was received, firefighters had to pour out more than 600 gallons of water per minute. In the end the agency used 20,000 gallons of water. these should be banned from the road…..

      Then the fire still isn’t put out……..Batteries can be expected to reignite after being put out because they still have stored energy. 15 hours later it catches fire again…
      “Battery fires can take up to 24 hours to extinguish”….. the vehicle must be parked under “quarantine” for 48 hours, so that no new fire can break out.
      Batteries are difficult to extinguish, and they can burst into flames again several hours later –ATTENTION: in some cases, right up to a week later

      another huge problem….
      – If there is a fire in an electric or hybrid car, we are acutely aware that the smoke may contain hydrogen fluoride, which is extremely harmful. Even small doses can result in water in the lungs.

      ……… and they allow people to buy these abortions.

      – these things are so dangerous they shouldn’t be sold…..remember the leftist government says 24/7 safe and effective, all lies.

      The greater the amount of energy the electric vehicle may contain, the greater the fire risk of electric vehicle fires.
      So they want to increase the range but that means bigger batteries which are far more dangerous, tesla is the worst they have up to 1800 lb of batteries, a huge fire on wheels going somewhere to happen.

      The big hidden problem:
      they can’t increase the range because the huge batteries are too dangerous, and get more dangerous with increased size, capacity, so EV’s will never have ice vehicle range, so they are too dangerous and useless.

      Tiny little electric vehicles with tiny batteries would have been safer, cheaper would have made more sense, these huge EV’s are exactly the wrong solution, but the government is stupid, corrupt, insane.

      Here is the biggest problem nobody talks about……
      31% of fire departments don’t train for electric vehicle fires. 50% of fire departments say they don’t have special protocols in place to handle electric vehicles after an accident. These EV’s shouldn’t be sold the fire departments can’t even put out the fires, these things endanger everyone.

      Remember this while driving your EV:
      Drive down the road in your EV, hit some debris, a high bump, a huge pothole (the cities don’t fix the roads anymore, so don’t buy an EV), a raised manhole cover or drive into the ditch, puncture the battery and the battery catches fire.
      In addition to crashes, some of the earlier fires involving Teslas were reportedly caused by debris in the roadway puncturing and gouging the undercarriage of the lithium-ion battery pack.

      The damaged battery pack exposed the lithium, causing an exothermal reaction and subsequent fire. This hazard was thought to have been solved with the installation of a titanium cover encasing the battery pack, giving the undercarriage more resistance to severe damage. looks like they don’t work too well, remember this while driving your EV.

      Most electric vehicle fires are caused by the thermal runaway of a damaged battery. Thermal runaway is the rapid and extreme rise in temperature and when it initiates the same reaction in adjacent cells it is known as ‘thermal runaway propagation. When thermal runaway happens, it can produce smoke, fire and even explosions.

      Fires while the electric vehicle is stationary (an EV can catch fire even while parked, don’t sleep in it), this can happen from:
      Extreme temperatures, both extreme heat and cold
      High humidity
      Internal cell failure
      ATTENTION: Overcharging or problems with the charging station (the EV can catch fire), don’t charge it in your garage, what if something goes wrong while charging?
      Is that why so many charging stations are out of order? the software shuts them down over any little issue because they can cause fires.

      why do they even allow these on the road? the leftist government is pushing these because they are morons and insane,

      Fires in gas powered vehicles is far easier to put out compared to an EV and doesn’t take 24 hours to put out. (it is very very difficult for a diesel powered vehicle to catch fire, they are by far the safest)
      they soon will ban far safer gas powered vehicles and the best and the safest by far diesel powered vehicles, throw a match in diesel, it won’t even catch fire……..

      After 10 years the battery in your EV is near dead, useless, the car is scrap now, no residual value: Lithium-ion batteries are subject to aging, losing capacity and fail frequently after a number of years.
      A bigger worry is being cremated in the thing.

      Electric car batteries are catching fire and that could be a big turnoff to buyers.

      BMW initiated a recall in the United States of 10 different BMW and Mini plug-in hybrid models because of a risk of fire caused by debris that may have gotten into battery cells during manufacturing.
      Then, in early October, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration opened an investigation into reports of apparently spontaneous battery fires in Chevrolet Bolt EVs.
      A few days later, Hyundai announced that it was recalling 6,700 Kona Electric SUVs in the United States, among about 75,000 of that model to be recalled worldwide, after it had received numerous reports of vehicles catching fire while parked.
      Tesla faced problems this last year after multiple highly publicized battery fires.

      The leftist government is pushing these EV’s like crazy, all they say is safe and effective 24/7 like their mrna vaccine, same thing, pure lies. You are not allowed to know about the safety of vaccines or EV’s.

      Container puts out inextinguishable fires in electric cars


      • Throwing a bit of lithium in water makes for an interesting high school science demonstration. Dumping gallons of water on a LiPO battery is probably not the correct procedure for extinguishing a lithium chemical fire (even though the percentage of lithium in the battery pack isn’t much), but because this is a new technology fire departments (espeically in rural areas) aren’t equipped or trained on how to proceed. Water is used to starve the fire of heat and O₂ and is very effective for hydrocarbon fires. Just giving it some thought I’d try experimenting with high pressure CO₂ tanks and install some sort of gas envelope as soon as practical to eliminate as much water vapor and O₂ from the fire as possible. As the gas is expelled from the tanks it will be extremely cold and is usually very dry. But you have to make sure your crew is equipped with PPE designed to keep them from inhaling the CO₂ and passing out.

      • “how they ever got passed for safety standards is a huge mystery”

        No it’s not. There are no standards.
        Musk started a new company free and clear of pesky legacy internal company standards. Not even a requirement to do FMEAs on things. There are no government standards for automotive battery packs.

        Remember when Wall Street was complaining about how all the established automakers weren’t being like Tesla? Well they have internal engineering standards that were in the way. Apparently one by one getting a * for battery EVs because well government and Wall Street.

  21. I wonder and hope that they have overplayed their hand. Seems so. Certainly way too early. Maybe they thought they could push their utopia sooner since they could blame in on Putin?
    Most of us know the truth.
    I will say though that gas prices are all I hear about from friends, etc…. Have even seen people I know ditch low mpg vehicles for higher ones already. This never made sense to me considering the trade loss, however, not this time. A friend who bought a used Ram last year ditched it for a Pilot mini-truck and MADE money on the RAM. Well maybe not with 10-15% inflation? Hard to follow/understand all this ‘created’ nonsense.
    For sure though our Regs/EPA crap is killing us, all to save 10 parts per million (don’t know the actual numbers, just guessing). But a few of us know it’s not about the 10 ppm, it’s about propping up 1st world financials by not allowing 3rd world to compete.
    Going Galt has never been more attractive in my lifetime. While it’s a huge life change, I think it will become more apparent and easier to justify as time moves on.


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