Have you ever wondered how all those people who were heavily pressured to get Jabbed (or get fired) are feeling now that most people aren’t being pressured to get Jabbed, at all?
Excepting the military – which is still pushing drugs on people in an age (and fitness) cohort least likely to need them, even assuming they “worked” – most people who haven’t been Jabbed are no longer being forced to choose between risking their health (and losing their self-respect) as the price of being allowed to keep their jobs.
Or go to bars, gyms, restaurants and so on. Even that heart of darkness – New York City – has suspended enforcement of Proof of Jab to partake of those things.
Even the airlines are beginning to back down.
This is wonderful news, for those of us who refused to give in – even if it did mean losing a job. Even if it meant no more going to the gym. No matter what it meant. We weren’t going to abide being Jabbed, contrary to our will – even if the drugs being pushed “worked,” because we understood the principle at stake. Submit to this – and you’ll be submitting again.
And again.
It will never end.
It was our resistance that led to the failure of the Vaccination Regime. As much as the superannuated kid sniffer may have wanted to needle every man, woman and kid in this country, he – or at least, those propping him up – understood that attempting to force the millions who weren’t going to go along would likely have resulted in something a bit less peaceful than the truckers’ protest in Ottawa.
If only enough people had refused to stay at home – or close the doors to their businesses – had refused to wear the loathsome Face Diaper (and refused tolerate their kids being force-Diapered) things would never have gotten to the Jab Stage in the first place. The whole thing would have dissipated more than a year ago and – just possibly – the Biden Thing wouldn’t be herding Americans toward nuclear war over . . . Keeeeeev.
In order to get their minds off the past year of him.
But here we are – with anywhere from half to two-thirds of the country “fully vaxxed,” as the saying has it. Though how that can be when a Jab – or three – isn’t the end of it, as far as those pushing them are concerned.
Regardless, it’s a lot of “vaxxed” people.
How many feel as abused by what was done to them as we were willing to stand our ground, in order to prevent such abuse being forced on them – as well as us?
They probably fall into one of two categories.
The first being the ones who are on our side now. They are the former marks who now know better; the people who aren’t mad at us but rather – rightly – at the con men and worse who wheedled and pushed them into doing what they probably would not otherwise have done. Their anger is percolating – in corollary, perhaps, with the fear that is creeping up on them, on account of the growing body of evidence that strongly suggests that the “vaccines” not only didn’t immunize – as vaccines were once upon a time understood to do, else they were something else – but that they may prove to be more harmful than the sickness they didn’t immunize anyone against.
By inducing such sicknesses as inflammation of the heart (and heart lining) in people who would otherwise be as likely to get such sicknesses as a thunderstorm in the Sahara. Including elite-level athletes and children. What is happening inside the hearts and arteries of people who are just ordinary people? How would you feel, knowing you’d been injected with the same substance an elite-level athlete had been injected with, who became very sick not long after?
Mad, probably. Vengefully so. Rightly so. If even a fourth of the “vaxxed” feel this way, we’ve already got at least half the country back, already. It is unlikely that people who understand they’ve been used will submit to being used, again.
And then there is the other category.
We know who these people are – because we can tell. By the sight of their faces. Or rather, the sight of their still-Diapered faces. These people do not want to admit they’ve been used. The admission – to themselves – being too painful, perhaps, to bear. They may also simply not wish to give up their faith – the thing which gave them meaning, so deftly exploited by the managers of this faith. To face up to what they got suckered into – to face up to what their lives were lacking – may be too much to ask.
To understand this, all you have to do is look at them.
But underneath that Diaper is what we ought to be concerned about.
These people are also resentful, all right. Of us.
The sight of us being a reproach, to them. We are the apostates and heretics. The unbelievers who threaten their faith and the peace it gives them. These people are our enemies – there is no kinder way to put it. They would have us rounded up tonight, if they had the power. Perhaps worse.
We must keep our eyes on them. And never turn our backs on them. They will likely be among us, for the rest of our lives.
Kind of like a “virus,” only one that might actually kill us.
. . .
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Social credit system is code for one word, slavery.
How can it be anything else? Who is keeping score? Why are you subjected to social credits?
Whose stupid idea is that? Pure nonsense.
Putin’s social credit score amounts to squat. Klaus’ social credit score is negative, stop digging the hole, Klaus. Pelosi, Biden, Harris, Hillary, Kerry, Schumer, Fauci, Gates, et al, all have social
creditsdebits amounting into the trillions. Just plain gone to hell in a handbasket.Might as well give them a social credit score too. You can’t fix insane.
Something ain’t right.
Bruce Willis is suddenly retiring from acting due to a brain condition called aphasia.
“Aphasia is an inability to comprehend or formulate language because of damage to specific brain regions. The major causes are stroke and head trauma. Aphasia can also be the result of brain tumors, brain infections, or neurodegenerative diseases, but the latter are far less prevalent.”
… “Why aren’t they explaining to us why this couldn’t have been caused by the vaccine
The medical authorities always tell us they want to reduce vaccine hesitancy so why not tell us how the doctors ruled out the vaccine as causal in Willis’ case?
The actual case reports show people are normal before getting vaccinated and unable to talk shortly after.
If this isn’t causal, then how do you explain all these amazing coincidences? And why are the reports so much higher after the COVID vaccines vs. all other vaccines?
More troubling are the actual case reports. […]
had a hard time finding words.[…]
It”s like we were having to concentrate more than usual to do routine stuff.[…]
Issues with finding words, conversing and conveying information to other people.” …
I don’t know about you, but I encounter those symptoms in others quite frequently when I’m out & about in public. Much more than in before times, like 1000% more.
Bayer President: The mRNA Vaccines Are Gene Therapy
Posted Mar 5, 2022 by Martin A.
Study: Pfizer mRNA Vaccine Integrates Into Our DNA
President of Bayer’s Pharmaceuticals Division, Stefan Olerich, admitted at the World Health Summit in November 2021 that the COVID mRNA vaccines are a form of gene therapy. The pharmaceutical companies knew they were administering gene therapy falsely marketed as a common flu-like vaccination.
How is this a conspiracy when a top guy at Bayer said directly: “mRNA vaccines is gene therapy.” “Two years ago, 95% of the people would have refused to take the gene therapy. But COVID made it possible.” The Bayer executive smugly stated.
The mRNA vaccines for covid are a form of gene therapy. This fact has not been hidden from the public. Unfortunately, many are unwilling to accept that they forcibly took a vaccine that may come with long-term consequences as they were unknowingly the first live sample trial on the global population.
Study: Pfizer mRNA Vaccine Integrates Into Our DNA Pfizer’s vaccine produces the LINE-1 enzyme, which is one of the enzymes required for reverse transcriptase. What does this mean for those who have taken this vaccine? There is growing concern that the vaccine is also affecting the “germ line,” which affects female eggs and male sperm cells, as well as forming fetuses. The long-term side effects of the vaccine have not been determined and the pharmaceutical companies have already lobbied governments to grant them full immunity for when those side effects are revealed.
The Two Paths to Build Back Better
“If there was ever a time when the West is crumbling from within, and the end gold is to Build Back Better creating a new world order from the ashes, there have been two schools of thought. First, there have been those who believed that creating another Great Depression would achieve that objective just as Roosevelt ended free-market capitalism. The second is that to also reduce the population, we need a war to achieve all the goals and Build Back Better as they did following World War II”
Anything less than those two types of events will not achieve their goal.
We must understand that the idea that ONLY a war will achieve this goal of a one-world government goes hand-in-hand with this theory that Marxism would have worked if it spread to Europe and the United States – not just Russia and China.
“In the future it will be about finding a way to reduce the population. We will start with the old, because as soon as he is over 60-65 years of age, man lives longer than he produces and costs society dearly. Then the weak and then the useless who do nothing for society because there will be more and more of them, and especially finally the stupid ones.”
“Euthanasia targeting these groups; euthanasia will have to be an essential instrument of our future societies, in all cases. Of course, we cannot execute people or set up camps. We will get rid of it by making them believe it is for their own good. Too large a population, and for the most part unnecessary, is something economically too expensive.”
“Socially, it is also much better for the human machine to come to a screeching halt rather than gradually deteriorating. We won’t be able to give intelligence tests to millions and millions of people, you can imagine!”
“We will find something or cause it, a pandemic that targets certain people, a real economic crisis or not, a virus that will affect the old or the big, it doesn’t matter, the weak will succumb to it, the fearful and the stupid will believe it and ask to be treated.”
“We will have taken care to have planned the treatment, a treatment that will be the solution. The selection of idiots will thus be done by themselves: they will go to the slaughterhouse on their own. “
In less than one year, they have proven that the vast majority will obey blindly. Stanley Milgram’s experiments have shown that people will even torture others if told to do so. That said, we are also influenced by mob behavior. The experiments of Stanley Milgram definitively show that people would torture another if ordered to do so. He called his discovery, Obedience to Authority.
In Britain, Graham Brady, Chairman of the Tory 1922 Committee and member of Parliament, has written an op-ed for the Daily Mail where he made it very clear that the purpose of the lockdowns is to impose social control — not to reduce COVID. He has pointed out that this is approaching what is known as STOCKHOLM SYNDROME where the greater the control to which people are subjected, the greater the dependence people develop
“The importance of the event [the storming of the Bastille] lay simply in the psychological fact that for the first time the people received an obvious proof of the weakness of an authority which had lately been formidable.
“When the principle of authority is injured in the public mind it dissolves very rapidly. What might not one demand of a king who could not defend his principal fortress against popular attacks? The master regarded as all-powerful had ceased to be so.
“The taking of the Bastille was the beginning of one of those phenomena of mental contagion which abound in the history of the Revolution. The foreign mercenary troops, although they could scarcely be interested in the movement, began to show symptoms of mutiny.”
—Gustave Le Bon, The Psychology of Revolution
power to enact Thomas Jefferson’s dictum, “When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty.”
In a galvanizing speech at a People’s Convoy USA event, attorney Tricia Lindsay outlines the responsibility of citizens to defend themselves against a tyrannical government:
Well-said Anon!
Authority depends upon acceptance of it authority to remain in authority. Anything that undermines it is therefore a step toward ending it.
You need to scroll down at the link above to find the Tricia Lindsay video, but it is a must-watch!
link here…..
Yes sirreee!
Like FDR said, “In politics, nothing happens by accident.”
Its been known for over 100 years that Anaphylaxis is the result of injecting foreign proteins into peoples veins! All vaccines contains “foreign” proteins. No they seem to hav found a way for your own body to create foreign proteins forever. Its called a mRNA shot.
also remember these shots hav been under develpment for at least a decade and the animal trials did not work out well at all. I believe all the animals died.
-see these excellent explanations.
excerpt from anaphylaxis-the-real-bio-weapon
“To my knowledge, I am the only person, outside of this eugenicist cabal, who has been
able to recognize that anaphylaxis accurately describes exactly why ALL mRNA
SUSCEPTIBLE TO DEATH AT ANY TIME – especially the ones created to combat
CV-19 and its mutations, which offer no viral immunity protection whatsoever”
now lets not forget that in at least the last what ten years flu shots and other vaccines hav been pushed relentlessly. so some people hav been primed pre covid kill shot.
the anaphylaxis article says yes the illness/kill time place etc can be fine tuned. And it makes sense. cant hav everyone drop dead within a short time. even our mockingbird media couldnt cover it up.
Morning, Billy –
One can infer malicious intent from known dishonesty/manipulation. We know they know these aren’t “vaccines.” That they lied about them being “vaccines.” That they have attempted to alter the meaning of the word,”vaccine.”
We also know they know these “vaccines” have – at the least – caused an unprecedented number of deaths and injuries and that they have not been calling for suspension of “vaccinations.” Rather they continue to urge more of them.
Given these inarguable facts, what can be inferred about their motives? About what might be the true purpose of these “vaccines”?
Well, here’s good news. The pandemic is over! The county health commissioner has said so, in a public meeting. Interesting how quickly this guy has changed his tune. Perhaps he sees Nuremberg 2.0 on the horizon.
“For us, the pandemic is over. Let’s stop looking at the numbers . . . The message of wearing a mask all the time . . . we need to cut back on that. We need to get them back to their jobs, back to church, back to business and volunteering . . .” In particular, he singled out the negative effects on children who have missed time in the classroom.
Of course, none of this was due to the virus. All this damage was caused by government, with its extreme over-reaction to the virus. They acted like COVID was Ebola or bubonic plague, when it was actually not that deadly.
And speaking of deadly, over 26,000 deaths have been reported in VAERS, attributed to the COVID vaxes. The real number is at least 10 times higher. I am seeing a lot of obituaries, for people in their 20s, 30s, 40s, where it is reported that they died “unexpectedly.” Gee, I wonder what could be causing that?
Are we there yet?
To mayhem and hysteria, two places to get to, apparently.
If you have one of the original clownbux, it’s worth an ounce of gold. 1899 USD for a one dollar bill is some money.
Then there is Kary Mullis, awarded a Nobel Peace Prize in Chemistry.
Prize motivation: “for his invention of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method.”
Mullis must have been an idea man to win a prize in chemistry. Also, he couldn’t see eye-to-eye with Fauci, which speaks volumes.
You don’t go into a burning building, too hot of temperatures inside, you’ll sear your lungs.
You don’t take the jab, your brain will be burnt to a crisp. lol
Still have to watch a few masked scaredy-cats that are beginning to look rather foolish. Why are you wearing a mask outside?
Issue Will Smith a license to slap anybody wearing a mask.
Re: masks
If you see someone wearing the mask ask them ‘how is the cult?”. Tell them you were invited to join but declined because you didn’t want to invite in any demons….
mask wearing is also linked historically to occult activities. these masks are very important…..
participating in the occult is supposed to be very dangerous, you are leaving yourself open to demons, maybe that is part of the intended harm behind the whole pandemic hoax, they are forcing you to do this, forced and dragged into an occult practice, which can do you great harm, but the satanists say we are saving you….from what? from a normal life,
Derek Prince in the video talking about getting tortured/attacked by demons,
one example is inviting in the demon of death at 1:03 in the video…
This is a pretty interesting video.
Who would take a “vaccine” with zero long term testing, and for which Pharma cannot be held liable for damages? Such being the case ever since they were first introduced. Apparently the answer is troublingly a great many. This is on par with playing Russian Roulette at the suggestion of your local “expert”/”official”.
Can you say Russian Roulette anymore? Freedom Roulette? Kyiv Roulette?
reminded me of the “freedom fries” of long ago…
Celente says interest in the injection rate was very low in the beginning so they started a huge marketing campaign to get people interested, for getting it free donuts or cash were given out, people were threatened with job loss, they used threats, peer pressure, barring people from participating in society, a 24/7 fear campaign, in some countries you were confined to your house, in some countries you still can’t go out to restaurants, theaters, can’t leave the country, etc. if uninjected.
Celente is warning about some sort of event or false flag giving the banking powers a reason to shut down the banks and separating you from your money. Celente warns,
“I am saying to everyone listening, we are at the crucial point where one day, they are going to say a bomb, hacking or whatever, and to save your lives and to save your money, we are closing down the banking system. You won’t be able to get your money out, and maybe when you do, they will devalue it. They did it before and they will do it again.
Great article Eric.
I still believe that as far as any “forgiveness” goes, I would be much more willing to forgive a “true believer” than a “go-along-to-get-alonger.”
True belief is almost reasonable for anybody that watched local and cable news. There is a very good chance the true believers never even heard the other side of the story. After all – the other side of the argument was anywhere from censored, ridiculed, to outright banned.
But those who knew better and went along anyway – that is harder to forgive. Think of any of the 20th century atrocities: Stalin’s Russia, Mao’s China, Hitler’s Germany.
It was the “go-along-to-get-alongers” that made it possible. The true believers were small in number. The “go-alongers” are why it couldn’t be stopped in time.
Kind of related: I wrote this “Before COVID” (BC). It is about why people are very hesitant to change their minds about something they’ve believed for a long time – even in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
If I was to update this, it would be add that people are very hesitant to change their minds about anything they’ve strongly believed for even a relatively short time (like COVID panic porn)
Well might as well toss in another personal experience aside. Visited sil for first time since Thanksgiving when it was announced that i being unvaxxed must wear a mask at all times in the house. This visit was a brief lunch outside on the patio, so that no one would “need to wear masks”. This is CA and Gruesome recently rescinded the indoor mask mandate regardless of vax status. At lunch she encouraged me to begin working from home. For safety. Obviously nothing has been learned here….
RE: “For safety”
Caused me to think of this bit, I imagine such would freak the sheet outta people such as your sil, & it helps to explain much about adults today, imho:
The Abernathy Boys Go for a Ride
Free-Range Children in Early 20th Century America
“If you want a single dramatic example of how much America has changed in the last century or so, stop talking about trips to the moon and super computers and start talking about this: in 1910, two brothers, Temple and Louis Abernathy, saddled up a pair of ponies and rode alone from their home in Frederick, Oklahoma, to New York City, almost 2000 miles away, to see Teddy Roosevelt give a speech. At the time, Louis, called “Bud”, was 10 years old, Temp was 6.” …
Im really starting to feel bad for some of these people who are starting to come to terms with the fact they’ve been screwed over, especially as they see the side effects all around them. Fine, they were dicks before – but, you know it must be hard to come to terms with the fact you’ve been conned like this.
Just the other day, wife went to see a friend with a couple other friends. The woman, around 40 mostly healthy now has some heart issue and is walking around with a heart monitor. Dont know what it is, but she’s very weak and heart rate keeps spiking at random. In the car on the way back, someone asked one of the girls (whos a doctor) why this could have happened… the Dr went on about the usual lines of heart disease. Wife (who was the only un-jabbed there) said its crazy, this is happening so much these days, dont know what could have happened. She said everyone in the car was quiet after that…. .
Morning, Nasir!
I am open about feeling resentment toward the people who so readily – so easily – not only bought the fear-con but also insisted we share their fears and act accordingly. That said, I don’t wish illness or death on them. The whole thing is so sad – and maddening.
Hi Ya Nasir!
I heard that you guys over there in Limey-land are getting a new “highway code” in which pedestrians, cyclists, horses, earthworms, (ad infinitim) are being elevated to god-like status, while motor vehicle drivers are being essentially relegated to the bottom of the totem pole?
These are not vaccines because they don’t stop transmission, so they can’t be called vaccines, end of story, they lied.
ATTENTION: It is zero % effective researchers looked at the data, they committed fraud during the trials this vaccine is zero % effective
if you are injected you can transmit and get infected
if you aren’t injected you can transmit and get infected
no difference then
if you are injected with a vaccine for the wrong variant there is a huge problem, get get sicker and worst of all you turn into a variant factory, a super spreader, spreading everywhere.
They said the vaccines were effective at reducing the symptoms (they say 95% effective but it was 0.9%), of the “A” variant for which they were designed.
ATTENTION: It is zero % effective researchers looked at the data, they committed fraud during the trials this vaccine is zero % effective, it does nothing, useless.
Dr. Paul Alexander
ATTENTION: it is over, the virus has mutated down to it’s mildest, weakest, harmless form the omicron variant, it is not a problem or threat at all, non fatal, very weak, benign…… data from isreal shows.
but the people that were injected destroyed their immune system so omicron will get them…bringacoffin
The winners: so the uninjected are the winners…they didn’t get the lethal experimental injection the vaccine which is zero % effective.
The losers: If you took the experimental gene modification injections here is what you have to look forward to over the next 2-3 years:
1) Sometime between October 2021 and April 2022 we will see if ADE (Antibody Dependent Enhancement) strikes you like it did the animals in 2012.
2) Around 18 months we will see if “mad cow” strikes you like it did to the humanised mice that were injected with the spike proteins.
3) Around 24 months we will see if Alzheimer’s strikes you like it did the Macaque monkeys that were injected with the spike proteins.
4) 60% of the injected have detected ‘microclots’ with the d-dimer test in the first week after injection. Right side heart failure within 3 years is common.
5) The spike proteins impair your telemerase synthesis which is known to lead to cancer, CVD, diabetes, vascular dementia.
These useless vaccines are now assisting those who were vaccinated at developing more severe symptoms and developing higher viral loads for the variants, because of this useless vaccine they become variant factories, super spreaders, the new zombies……
NOTE: be careful these injected people are now biosecurity terrorists, super spreaders, spreading to the un injected people.
Dr. Bryan Ardis says it is genocide https://www.bitchute.com/video/gJm9YGiaoOfe/
the bottom line: Dr Sean Brooks PhD Oxford has a message he says:
Anybody who gets it will be dead in 6 months to 3 to 5 years. . It destroys your immune system and you die. Everybody gets blood clots and is sterilized, people are getting their children injected.
Dr. Zelenko makes it very clear that, in his opinion, the Cv19 injections are neither safe nor effective nor necessary and that, in fact, forcing anyone to take the experimental injections equals gen ocide. zelenko said the injection is like the gas chamber and people are running into it.
I don’t feel sorry for them, not one bit. The risks were substantial and known. They were warned. Their spider sense should have told them that everything about the situation was wrong, but they ignored that. Many got jabbed for unbelievably stupid reasons like to go to a ball game or travel to some Euroweenie country, or to get free beer, pizza, or a lottery ticket. Many of them killed their kids with it. Their obedience and willful blindness have destroyed our society, civility, and likely our future. And I don’t want to hear about their jobs being threatened – now their health and life are threatened. The effects they will experience from this are deserved.
Agree. My college daughter (student athlete) was feeling much pressure from the school, in the form of thrice-weekly “testing” and assorted other punitive nonsense. A couple of times she said, “I’ll just get the shot and get it over with.” Luckily we talked her off the ledge.
Now I’m not even sure that the BS “testing” stuff will continue. I hope not. She will certainly be able to look back with relief (as we do) that she didn’t give in to the murderous jabbers.
“We must keep our eyes on them. And never turn our backs on them. They will likely be among us, for the rest of our lives.”
Their war to exterminate mankind had raged for decades, but the final battle would not be fought in the future.
It would be fought here, in our present. Tonight.
If they submitted to the lethal injection, then no, they will not likely be with us the rest of our lives. In fact, they are history and shortly. They don’t call it the Clot Shot for nothing.
What about that vaxxine induced AIDS I’ve read about? I wonder if there’s any truth to it? I’m unjabbed and if there is ant truth to it I think I’ll be going too a lot of funerals in the next couple years.
Hi Landru,
Right now, we’re kind of where we were in March or so of 2020 – as regards the truth about these “vaccines.” There are some alarming indications that they are triggering a wave of health problems in people, no small number of them fatal (per VAERS). It is a measure of the dissonance that the same people who bug-eyed and got frantically hyper-cautious over “the virus” back in March of 2020 are so indifferent to the indications that the “vaccines” are killing people, now.
Of course, the reason for that is, back then, the TeeVee told them to be afraid of the “virus” and – so far – has not told them to be afraid of the “vaccines.”
‘the ones who are on our side now … are the former marks who now know better’ — eric
Even the liberal Atlantic SHOULD know better. Simple math:
‘First, we have to talk about COVID. The pandemic has killed nearly 1 million Americans in the past two years, according to the CDC.
‘Tragically and remarkably, a majority of those deaths happened after we [sic] announced the authorization of COVID vaccines.’
Duhhh … that’s the same damned thing that happened in Israel. Vax everybody, but then death rates soared higher than in 2020 when nobody was vaxxed.
Repeal Big Pharma’s outrageous PREP Act immunity for these dangerous, failed injections — and SUE THEM TO THEIR KNEES.
The CEOs of Pfizer, Moderna and J&J should face criminal charges for mass murder.
Allergy season started over the weekend. I was thinking that wearing an N95 while the aspens pollinate might not be a bad idea. Fewer side effects compared to pills.
I have been saying for some time now that we are living through the backstory of a science fiction novel, one where the “pandemic” and the vaccinations are mentioned in passing as the reason for some cataclysmic change in society, like half the population dying off, or the birthrate crashing, or people needing 24/7 medical care from the government. The story isn’t covid, the story is the overreaction to covid and the unforeseen consequences.
Good points JR, we have to remember that covid had diddly to do with turning the economy and our lives to shit, it was all the petty tyrants and their “mandates”.
I don’t want to join the army,
I don’t want to go to war.
I would rather hang around
Piccadilly Underground
Living off the earnings of the high born ladies.
I don’t want a bullet up me arsehole,
I don’t want me buttocks shot away.
I would rather stay in England,
Merry, merry England,
And fornicate my bloody life away.
Diaper report by proxy:
My son’s friend decided to join the Army.
He went out and got the jab.
All the friends now ask him why would he do that & tell him he’s going to die.
Bad news Dan. I assume the good news is your son is having none of it
Neither him nor his friends, except the one
“…the failure of the Vaccination Regime.”
“… half to two-thirds of the country ‘fully vaxxed,’ …a lot of ‘vaxxed’ people.”
A success, if there ever was one, in that it established a rock solid precedent for the all too acceptable extremes to be taken during an government decreed “emergency” by any pissant agency, entitled or not, to do so with the full force of whatever enforcement agency overjoys to gear up for it. And visits from the no-consequences mob when a home address gets twitted. All of it celebrated in the MSM and teh webbuhnetz,.
“If only enough people had refused…”
OK. You first.
Because patriot conservatives will never win again and Libertarians will continue to loose, forever, there will be a “climate change emergency” decreed banning personal fossil fuel vehicles (read: your car, motorcycle) for all but the “essential.” And you know full well there are autocrats out there, right now, elected and unelected, that are chomping at the bit for that. Total suspension of human and civil rights (and the destruction of life styles and family) was A-OK in successfully saving billions of lives from The Covid, dontcha know, this is to SAVE THE PLANET!!
So, the success of a refusal when the LEO’s cut you off (with your cadre, if any), drag you off and impound your vehicle(s) and/or the face-diapered mob descends should be interesting to see in the unlikely event it makes the MSM or teh yootoob. Otherwise, “What happened to Eric’s web site?” as your web host will be ordered to delete your domain.
The the Canada Freedom Convoy is dead. Long live the Canada Freedom Convoy!
Hi Haakon,
I did refuse. Not once did I wear a Face Diaper. I obeyed no “lock down” decree. I was ready to go the full monte, had it been necessary. I won’t comply in the future, either. There are many others who acted as I have done. More will, if they don’t think it’s hopeless.
I told the story – about a year ago – of a woman approaching me at the supermarket, where I (per usual) had ignored the Diaper muss sein orders by the door and was the only person in the place showing my face. She said she wanted to show her face, too – but was afraid to. I got that, since she was an older woman and those were precisely the people likely to get picked on. I was ready to go to battle, myself. Not because I am a tough guy. I’ve simply decided I want to be able to look at myself in the mirror – and if that means I risk a fight, so be it.
Yep, you were one of the few people on top of this from the beginning. I think in May of 2020 you wrote about how all this would lead to the needle. One of, if not the first, to do so. And you walked the walk the whole time. Thanks Eric.
“Thank you for your service”, Eric, your actual service to liberty. Walking into a store without a rag took more courage and sacrifice than 99% of people could manage. I was with you until July of 2020 when I was assaulted in Sheetz by one of their customers, screamed at by the 20 something female manager, and kicked out of the store by a 400 pound security guard, whose sole purpose was to enforce the rag mandate. I stopped going anywhere after that, for a couple of months. I was going to get myself killed. Started again in October 2020. Then stopped around the time of the election coup’, until April 2021.
Haakon has a point about web hosting though. I know you recently wrote an article about suburban off-grid living. Perhaps you should apply that principle to your website. Go off-grid by figuring out how to host your own website on servers you can physically see whenever you go in your basement or garage. That way you can’t get the Parler treatment.
I agree, BF –
The problem – for me – is that it’s out of my wheelhouse. I (cue Sergeant Schultz) know nothing – nothing! – about computers and how to deal with servers and such. I suppose I could learn, but then where do I find the time? Lately, especially, I have none to spare. I’m running at redline already. Any more and I’m going to throw a rod!
You mean you’re gonna melt an armature winding, right? Come on Eric, how many times do we have to teach you this lesson, you and your racist, polar bear-killing internal combustion engines have got to go! Get with the times, the EV times!
In all seriousness, I too am pretty mediocre on computers. My knowledge mostly resides with climbing poles and electrical physics.
Eric, since this is your means of making a living, you should really look into substack as a back up. Matters are only going to get worse. Its a LOT easier than doing your own hosting, and also at least a better plan B, than just waiting for them to come for you.
Substack would not be a “back-up” to eric’s own website.
His own servers would be, yes, but not substack, which is less dependable and less controllable than epautos.com. Having his own website, eric is way ahead of all the people on substack, back-up-wise.
Eric is on WordPress. They are already known for having caved in multiple times to the Woke. Substack has many authors who the Woke have deplatformed from other sites. So far they have resisted the Woke attacks. It would thus be a better Plan B, than waiting for them to come for him.
WordPress can only kick people off the wordpress site and they have done so. People who purchase the wordpress software for their own site well that’s completely different.
In that case they would have had to backdoor the software or make it into a subscription service they could cancel which while isn’t impossible is still improbable and would result in people abandoning their software. Also for people with their own servers or friendly hosting canceling them would only be temporary until they switched to a new software set up.
Many of these lack any sort of central control so all that would happen after some downtime is a loss of a customer for wordpress.
Thanks Brent. WordPress has always seemed like more trouble than its worth. But then I’ve spent enough time in the tech world to know better.
Their virtue signaling is what one has come to expect from many corps today.
Hi BJ,
I get it – as regards being pre-emptive about the Woke. But it’s completely out of my area of expertise and – worse – I just haven’t got the time. If I’m not at the keyboard working, I’m working on the homestead-in-process. If I had a clone…
Eric, I totally understand that. Between my project and moving to a more secure location, I’ve had very little time over the last three months. But keep it in mind. I’d hate to see you lose the audience you have spent years and years building up.
Definitely, BJ!
Good news is we have a really good server. One that is not “woke.” And I have a great computer guy who isn’t “woke,” either. I plan to discuss with him the possibility of building up a new site that uses its own template or whatever the term is, over which no one else has any control. Well, assuming the Internet isn’t shut down!
That’s great to hear. From the looks of things, even Nunz may seem like an optimist, if things continue to proceed in the directions they are.
I just saw there is a “new variant” that has the same symptoms as seasonal allergies and the only way you might know you have the new and improved covid is to get tested. I don’t believe this even exist. Just a ruse to get idiots to get tested so false positives can keep the numbers up.
Pfizer profits are sliding
Hi RG:
I didn’t actually say he died of the jab. I just put the facts out that have been reported. His death is suspicious to me and seems consistent with reports of other myocarditis deaths. What do I know though?
I’m not aware of reports of alcohol causing heart inflammation (or sex for that matter). I get that this is more complex given his reported use of drugs. I know there are reports that he had “10 drugs in his system,” but this seems like maybe a big pharma PR agency issued a press release for damage control. Even so, the list includes THC (not known for heart inflammation) and prescription anti-depressants and anti-anxiety drugs.
Determining a cause of death (aside from visible trauma such as a gunshot or car crash) is a bit of an art. Causation in general can be a very tricky business.
I meant to post this in reply to RG below.
What a great life lesson for those of us that held our ground. Nullification is a very powerful force.
ML, there has been no nullification. This is by no means over- it has only just begun; and while those of us who resisted may’ve saved ourselves, we are not even a blip on *their* radar. The majority of society has swallowed the BS hook, line, and sinker, and is no more enlightened now than they were 2 years ago- and they think we the ones who don’t get it.
Just got off the phone with my younger friend in NY, who himself is having obviously vax related maladies, but who denies it has anything to do with the clot shots- and he was telling me of one of his friends who is sick with *something* they think may be a ‘Rona variant, but “they gave him shots, and he’s getting better”.
Thinking that the handful of us who have resisted have somehow ‘won’ is as delusional as as what possesses *them* to take the clot shots.
I (and millions of others) personally nullified the diaper and death jab mandates. It never crossed my mind to comply with such tyranny. With the exception of the airline diaper mandate (which I expect to be gone soon), all have gone away. From my vantage point it appears like there’s a national backlash. That seems pretty effective to me and confirmed my resolve of never giving in to the bastards. Are we all-of-the-sudden living in a libertarian utopia now? Most certainly not, but no such claim was ever made.
The fight against tyranny is never over though.
Hear, hear. Each person who stood their ground and refused to concede their personal bodily sovereignty won this battle. Of course, we all seem to agree that the war itself is not over.
Even if the reptiles who put the “mandates” into place didn’t slink away from them, we still win as long as we persist.
Nunz, we actually want to be below their radar. Have you gone back to thinking in terms of numbers in my absence?
But speaking of numbers, since they’ve lied about so many, many things, why believe their tales about who has and hasn’t had the clot shots? Not to mention there is quite a bit of evidence (if one tracks the batch numbers and cross references those to “issues”) that not all of the batches are active. Then of course, once that started to wear down, they started war hysteria. One wonders what else they will come up with, just in time for the mid terms? Perhaps my peoples invasion fleet will arrive about that time… 
Hi BJ,
This business about some/many of the Jabs being placebos – so as to mask the effects of the real “vaccines” that some people got – keeps me up nights. It would be satanically clever, if so. Regardless, your point about everything being muddied by compromised/incomplete information is just so. One of the many effects of the “pandemic” is chaos and confusion – about everything, just about.
Here in Texas, anyone fired “for cause” — such as refusing a jab — and denied the initial unemployment claim is automatically entitled to a telephone appeal hearing before the tribunal with the Texas Workforce Commission. From what I understand, strictly annectdotally, HR drones at employers such as Methodist Hospital in Houston who famously fired workers for refusing immunization last Fall were so overwhelmed with appeal hearings that they simply didn’t show to defend the termination.
Losing an appeal raises the unemployment insurance rates for the employer, but not showing up to a hearing is especially serious and results in additional financial penalties.
My own employer, a name any of you would recognize in a heartbeat as a Prog force in tech, mandates vaccination or weekly testing for anyone heading to the campus.
I can’t believe we aren’t discussing if Will Smith’s bitch slapping of Chris Rock was real or fake? I am voting for staged act. I am such a cynic.
The only real surprise of the Oscars was “Army of Darkness” taking the fan favorite public ballot award from “Spiderman”.
“Army of Darkness” isn’t a great film, but it is doing something interesting with its story arc, planned to span a series.
Hi Roscoe,
It had to be.
1. It was in the middle of a national televised event (no one was watching, but still…)
2. He slapped him. A truly angry guy would have taken him into the back alley after the awards show and actually punched him.
3. Rock didn’t let out a chorus of four-letter words after it happened, nor did he punch back, which was a normal person would have done.
4. Rock hasn’t pressed charges for assault. I am sure Smith still has plenty of money from MIB and Independence Day still rolling in to keep Rock and his family in the lap of luxury for the next six generations. Not that Rock is broken by any means, but still a few more million is always appreciated.
I hope the guys got a little extra in their $100K Oscar goodie bags for such a performance.
Looked like a theater punch/slap to me. Even the camera angle is odd, as if they set up a camera to have the best angle to make it look real.
It did what it was supposed to, get attention to the awards show that people have been ignoring in greater numbers for years.
True, Brent. I think the Oscars was down to about 7 million people tuning in based on 2021 figures. What does Hollywood do, except act?
This morning it is on every front page and is the starting story for the local news. Personally, I am just happy to start a day without COVID, European invasion, or a Biden/Harris gaffe….at this point anything else is welcome.
Hi RG,
I agree it was staged. but I also think the 7 million people they said watched it is also fake !! Honestly do you know anyone who watched it – because I’ve tried to find someone who still watches these awards for the past few years, but couldnt. Infact the last person I remember who watched regularly , was a manager of mine, back in the late 2000s…
I couldn’t even find a video of the incident today….
I didn’t watch them at all. Most actors and actresses are a bunch of spoiled brats just like many sportsball players. I’m more likely to watch a 50 year old movie than this woke crap anyday of the week, the last movie I watched was a comedy from 1935.
Amen, Landru –
The Wokeness of modern TeeVee and movies is well-past the point of insufferability. I thought about watching the new/reboot of Dune, as I loved the books and enjoyed the ’80s-era movie based on the original novel. But then I saw a clip – and saw that the character of Kynes, the emperor’s planetary ecologist, had transitioned from being male and white (in the book) to black and female in the Woke.
Not watching. Hard stop. Bye now.
Some, of course, will accuse me of being “racist.” Sorry, Charlie Smith-Jones. It is not racist to resent characters in a book being re-sexed and re-colored to suit current PC orthodoxies.
Hamilton wasn’t black, either.
Imagine the triggering if a movie came out portraying Frederick Douglas or Martin Luther King as a white dude.
Indeed, it has brought me to the point where any video featuring a black actor immediately causes me to suspect they are an affirmative action token. Creating racism where there was none. I might be missing some quality entertainment over my socially induced visceral reaction. As rare a such quality is now.
The movie was called ” If You Could Only Cook” (1935) for those curious out there. Funny how movies tended to be better when the Motion Picture Production Code of 1930 (Hays Code) was in effect. Less violence, profanity, nudity, special effects due to cost. You actually needed to be able to act!!!, though a good script helped too.
I often think about the enormous talent of yesteryear’s actors. They could sing, dance, speak several languages, do character voices, articulate their words, dress well, etc., etc.
Truly class acts from days gone by.
I literally have no idea what on Earth you’re going on about.
Is this some TeeVee show you watched?
It was the Oscars last night. I haven’t watched the Oscars since Titanic won …don’t know how long ago that was, but DiCaprio was actually dating women his own age back then. I didn’t see it until I turned on the local news this morning and also realized it made the front page at Breitbart and Fox’s websites. After that it was fun to read the memes.
Morning, RG!
I know as much about the Oscars as I do which team of paid entertainers played in the last gladiatorial contest – both being TeeVee events!
RG – another funny point which came to mind. Apparently these guys have an “open marriage” (ok i was a fan of will smith from back in the day). So the guy is ok with someone banging his wife, but not joking about her!! ?
Who the hell are Will Smith and Chris Rock? I never heard of them until now. Wait a minute. The last meaningful thing Will Smith ever did was croon about some hot Boriquas in Miami. Otherswise who the fuck are they?
Hi Nixon,
Rock is actually pretty funny; he’s a stand-up comedian. Check out his stuff – it’s good. Will Smith is a washed-up ’90s celebrity-actor.
Rock is a decent serious actor also. He was pretty good in the last Fargo series.
Hi RG,
I agree with you. Fake/Staged.
Look Squirrel
You are right, Norman. I am paying attention to the Squirrel. The rest of it…digital dollars, food shortages, wars, flus that won’t end, and idiot administrations are just plain depressing. I know they are there, but sometimes the squirrel breaks the monotony.
Things are depressing RG. Ignore it all periodically. Spend some time in your garden, lay in your hammock with a good book, have a nice glass of ice tea, or strong cup of coffee as temperatures warrant. I like to go outside at night and stare at the stars, helps with decompression.
Most of the vaxxed just don’t get it; they never will. They trusted the eggspurts when they took the deadly jabs…and they continue to trust those same eggspurts when they reassure them that the problems which they’ve now developed have nothing to do with the vax.
Case in point: A vaxxed friend- former very tough guy whom I would never have expected to fall for the BS, but who is now retired and spends hours watching TV news….first came down with problems in his legs due to [drum roll please] blood clots….and now has been very sick for several weeks with who-knows-what -even having spent 3 days in the hospi’l…and they don’t know what’s wrong with him- but of course they will not mention the vax that he took. The guy sounded the worst I’d ever heard him sound when I spoke to him T’other day- worse than when he had stage four prostate cancer and other major diseases and ailments.
Another friend…younger, and always very healthy despite being quite obese (I’ve known him since he was 18 -now in his early 50’s) also took the jab -and is having the same leg/clot problems now as my other older friend….but hasn’t come down with the “unknown sickness” ….yet.
This is just starting. By next year this time, the bodies are going to be mounting up- only this time, it will be real…and not from the ‘Rona.
Hi Nunz,
I believe people will get sicker…clots, heart ailments, permanent damage to the immune system, etc., but it will never be traced back to the vax. The vaxxers will never admit they were conned and will repeat verbatim…”people have always had clots and heart attacks. Heart disease is the number one killer in America.” Even as deaths increase the media will keep a lid on it. I don’t expect a mass die off. I expect a new round of pills to be formulated for those with heart issues, blood clots, and the like. If too many die Big Pharma would go bankrupt. Why have that happen when you can put them on a pill or two and they can live their rest of their lives keeping Pfizer wealthy.
Hey RG!
I largely agree! They’ll attribute all of the new sickness and deaths to something else- which of course they’ll say we need ‘protecting’ from- and thus the cycle will never end. I do think there will be a mass die-off though…just not all at once….but over a longer period. Things like myocarditis are taking out a percentage of the vaxxed already….and soon, (V)AIDS, various cancers, etc. will be affecting more and more people- some sooner, some later. Some cancers have already exploded over just the past year.
There’s no pill- Heck, the vaxxes are causing new conditions which are not even known yet- much less treatable- like my friend’s unknown condition.
Pharma will go bankrupt? Well, look at how they’ve destroyed the auto industry. This is how they work: They bribe these industries to do their bidding “You’ll make billions!” -but ultimately, ‘you deal with criminals, you get robbed’- Do you think the people who control the world and who print the money that controls the people care about any industry? They’re destroying entire economies. This stuff is going on far above the level of those who run any industry- Those complicit participants are just useful idiots who are considered as disposable as we are in the grand scheme of the rulers.
Hi Nunz,
The problem is one needs new useful idiots to take the place of the ones that have died off. If the goal of depopulating the Earth actually comes to fruition than that is a lot less useful idiots to buy their products and that hurts the bottom line. The MRNA vaccines have been around since the late 1980s. If Big Pharma is smart (or they actually read the four animal studies that were conducted on these vaccines) then it is likely they already knew the coming side effects. My guess is that a new and improved pill has already been made and is sitting in a warehouse somewhere ready to “save” the public!
“I do think there will be a mass die-off though…just not all at once….but over a longer period.”
Yes. The shots are best viewed as a life-shorter and fertility-limiter, rather than an instant-death and -sterilant.
They’re “flattening the curve” of the population, not some “virus”.
Morning, FP!
I wonder whether they are capable of such fine-tuning as regards the lethality (if so, if general)) of the “vaccines.” I incline toward the – is hopeful the right word? – possibility that they fucked up; that, in their arrogance, they didn’t account for the likelihood that people would react in different ways to this concoction and for that reason we may very well see a die-off or mass-increase in sicknesses that will clearly be linked to the “vaccines.”
I suspect the alarming – almost daily – announcement of elite-level athletes developing sicknesses people in that class rarely to never got just a year ago is the beginning of something very bad…
Hey Eric!
I don’t know that I’d call it ‘fine tuning’- I just think of it the same as I do all the other vaccines: 100 years ago, 1 in 44 people might get cancer in their lifetime. Today, aftr vaccines have become ubiquitous, 1 in every 2 people will get cancer at some point in their life. You can plot the increasing incidence in cancer on a graph and overlay it with a line showing the increase in vaccine use and frequency, and guess what?…..
This they’ve already achieved- taking out a good part of the population prematurely, and keeping many in fear and dependent upon their medical system. The COVID vaccine just takes it up a few notches- by now distributing more diseases (Like myocarditis), blood clots, destruction of the immune system, etc. which manifest themselves more quickly- as opposed to the decades long delay it might take for the detrimental effects of the old vaccines to manifest themselves.
The Clot Shot’s barely been around for a year, and look what we’re seeing already– imagine 2, 3 or 5 years from now? ‘Decades’ will likely not even be an issue.
“…look what we’re seeing already– imagine 2, 3 or 5 years from now…”
Yep, Nunzio, the human race is being fast-tracked to oblivion, even if They stopped injecting people today.
which, of course, They won’t. New, heavier injectable tech is going to be forthcoming like satanic clockwork from here on out. When the monkeys panicked over just a Tee-Vee-rumored chance virus, just wait for when the TeeVee tells the masses that a “Russian bio-weapon” is on the loose! The masses will be willing literally to burn their own kids alive at the stake, if TeeVee tells them that that’s the only way to derive the antidote! (Viewers of the reprehensible Game of Thrones Stannis Baratheon arc will get the reference.)
The Rain of Needles may seem to have relaxed to a light drizzle at the moment, but just look at all the injection mandates being set up in good ol’ California:
This is just the bureaucratic infrastructure to prepare for the next big downpour, and there can be no doubt the next batch is going to real, real nasty. A flood of blood.
You got it, Freel- That is exactly how it looks to me, and I don’t see any other plausible eggsplanation being possible, given what has transpired.
Hey eric, this ongoing planetary theft is the Big One, the thing that the dark heart of the global Strangelovian military-intelligence apparatus has been working on since time immemorial. I have no doubt that the DARPA/Deep State complex has clandestinely sacrificed enough human test subjects over the preceding generations to know exactly what these shots do, and how they will accomplish the Desiderata of the Wicked. Just the decade of 2010 to 2019 alone was labelled by Bill Gates as the “The Decade of Vaccines” in his programs of pouring tens of billions of dollars into injectable-development through a global profusion of lavishly-funded bodies like CEPI, GAVI, WHO, etc, etc, etc. corbettreport.com/gates
Pretty coincidental timing, no? My theory is that the “Decade of Vaccines” merely represented the process of bringing the secretly-developed bioweapons into the semi-public realm by a careful method of setting up skunkworks-labs throughout the Gates network to “discover” and “develop” injectable bioweapons platforms long perfected by the military, under the guise of “medicine,” and to set up the global distribution-and-propaganda networks to deliver the poison, under the guise of bureaucratic “public health administration”.
These people don’t gamble. They’re making Their final move on nothing less than the only inhabitable planet in the known Universe, all to Themselves. Like FDR said, “In politics, nothing happens by accident.”
But the blood clots would have been worse without the shot
The drummer for the Foo Fighters died over the weekend of a reported heart attack in his hotel room. It was further reported that his heart weighed twice that of a normal one. I understand he was triple jabbed as a requirement to remain in the band (at Dave Grohl’s insistence). All attendees of their concerts had to be “fully vaxxed” or to have tested “Covid” negative 48 hours before.
Hi ML,
If Hawkins didn’t have a history of drug issues and didn’t die in the South American Drug Capital of the World, I would agree with you. A rocker n roller is going to do what a rocker n roller is going to do and that usually involves a ton of alcohol, a lot of sex, or a barrage of drugs (sometimes all three). It was probably a bad batch of fentanyl.
Maybe. Or maybe that’s a convenient smear similar to the initial false diagnosis of the death of jabbed to go on tour rapper DMX last year. Grohl is a disgusting jab/mandate pusher. Not to mention a devil puppet based on the “jokey” satanic content he’s been putting out recently. Hawkins was playing with fire following Grohl’s lead with the jab and participating in that stuff.
Hi Anon,
Although I can digress that the jab has caused many unwanted deaths over the last year, people are still going to die from other causes. Drugs and rock and roll have a long history: Prince, Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, Janis Joplin, David Ruffin, hell even 66-year-old Tom Petty had several different drugs in his system when he died in 2017. That Grace Slick, Stevie Nicks, Ozzy Osbourne, and Keith Richards are still on this side of the dirt bewilders me.
The problem now is we are going to try to chalk up every death to the vax. It fits our narrative but doesn’t that make us as bad as the other side who used COVID for any and all deaths?
I lost a great deal of respect for the Foo Fighters and Grohl’s vax push, but would Hawkins still be alive if he didn’t take it? Based on his recent appearances it would have been pretty unlikely. He overdosed on heroin in 2001 so the history is there.
If they can say people who die in motorcycle accidents, from falling off of roofs, and being shot are covid deaths, then we are free to say that anyone who got jabbed yet haven’t achieved immortality died of the jab.
Fair is fair.
Turnabout is fair play.
Hi Horst,
Two wrongs never make a right either. We knew the WHO, CDC, and American public were lying to us. Many people died of other things than COVID. The truth should be the only thing that matters. We need to call BS on BS no matter who is making the claim and if we agree with it or not.
None of us knows the exact “truth” is in this situation. We’ve been told some things that are recent and some history. So your speculation is on par with mine and others’. Personally, my default instinct in such situations is to act and speak politically against my enemies, diaper and vax mandaters, rather than ever give them the benefit of the doubt.
True, none of know, but it allows us to debate (or argue) the various sides of each story.
I will give most people the benefit of the doubt until they have proven to me that they are idiots or work for the government.
“Two wrongs never make a right either.”
How’s that working out for us?
How is being irrational and stooping to their level any better than just truth and common sense?
We don’t know the “truth” and your “common sense” is just your speculation. I won’t speak for Horst but I understand what he said to mean, under the circumstances, you fight fire with fire. No stooping or irrationality involved.
It isn’t. In this system, turning the other cheek means that you going to get slapped.
Never get into a wrestling match with a hog.
The hog likes it, and you both end up in the mud.
Best to keep to the facts as much as possible.
The truth can be hard to elucidate sometimes, but it speaks for itself.
Very true RG. If one has to become the enemy to fight the enemy, what are you fighting for?
As for turning the other cheek. That happens naturally as you execute a spin kick…
Hi RG:
I didn’t actually say he died of the jab. I just put the facts out that have been reported. His death is suspicious to me and seems consistent with reports of other myocarditis deaths. What do I know though?
I’m not aware of reports of alcohol causing heart inflammation (or sex for that matter). I get that this is more complex given his reported use of drugs. I know there are reports that he had “10 drugs in his system,” but this seems like maybe a big pharma PR agency issued a press release for damage control. Even so, the list includes THC (not known for heart inflammation) and prescription anti-depressants and anti-anxiety drugs.
Determining a cause of death (aside from visible trauma such as a gunshot or car crash) is a bit of an art. Causation in general can be a very tricky business.
Hi ML,
We also don’t know if Taylor was actually “vaxxed.” Does anyone really believe Gates or Fauci or even Biden is “vaxxed”? Yes, the Foo Fighters (basically Grohl) pushed it, but that didn’t mean they actually got it. Their concert goers had to be jabbed. I didn’t read any print material that they (the band) had to be. This pendulum can swing both ways. The elites have no problem lying to the public, pressuring the public, or threatening the public if needed. We have seen through this ordeal “rules for thee, but not for me” when it comes to masking, vaxxing, partying, etc. I don’t put anything past them and I sure as hell don’t believe them.
Well, I guess none of us know anything unless we witness it with our own eyes, but I’m not willing to go completely down that nihilist road just yet. With that mindset, how do we know Hawkins did any drugs in the past?
Dave Grohl specifically stated that his band and staff had to be vaxxed (watch Grohl nod in agreement). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7AA4sHmUGk
“With that mindset, how do we know Hawkins did any drugs in the past.”
Because, he said he did.
I really meant drugs that could have been the cause of his death, not something from 21 years ago. It sounds like he was doing quite well from 2018 on.
According to that article, here are his quotes in 2018:
“I don’t really discuss how I live my life in that regard,” he continued during the 2018 interview.
“I have [a] system that works for me. There was a year [when] the partying just got a little too heavy.
“And thank God, on some level this guy gave me the wrong line or the wrong thing one night, and I woke up going, ‘What the f**k happened?’
“That was a real changing point for me.”
“There’s no happy ending with hard drugs,” Hawkins added.
and in 2021:
In the 2021 Kerrang! interview, Hawkins revealed how mountain biking had helped him move forward.
“I get ideas for songs and it’s where I do a lot of my problem solving and deep thinking,” he said of the activity.
By that argument, Bill Clinton is apparently still a virgin.
“I’m not aware of reports of alcohol causing heart inflammation (or sex for that matter).”
Well, on TeeVee and in movies, alcohol is depicted as causing sex all the time.
In my own experience, it has tended to be quite the opposite.
Drummers always seem to get it. Who knows whether it was the liftesyle or the jab. I bet it could be a combination of the two. Besides that, I can’t think of why anyone would want to see the Food Fighters anyway. Much better to watch Eric Clapner.
My Niece got the shot? A few weeks later had pain in her legs and then massive stroke that killed her, 58 y/o.
If people start dying in mass they’ll say it’s due to some new germ. Then there will be another jab…
Nunz, RG, Eric et al,
Here’s what I’ve told members of my family and very good friends when they have started up the “I believe in THE SCIENCE” or other such Karen styled memes……”You have chosen to bet your life on the moving goalposts erected by un-elected government bureaucrats with a history of corruption….that’s your right. I am exercising my right to self-ownership by refusing the same. If you oppose my choice, you directly support the concept of slavery by the state.” It really is that simple. And oh how the ad hominims flow in response. In a way, it’s sort of amusing…..
Good morning, Giuseppe!
I said the same – plus one more: How is it that you trust these pharmaceutical companies with your life? These same companies that – in the past – have been found to be not merely negligent but criminally so? Multiple times. Egregiously so? That have acquired legal immunity in the event they cripple or kill you with the drugs they stand to make billions off of by forcing millions to take them?
Does this not arouse any sense of caution in your mind?
Put more succinctly: Would you buy a used car on the same basis?
Of course, the flaw with the above is it assumes the person you’re speaking with is rational. Also, that they have done their due diligence as regards the threat presented by the “virus” – and weighed that against the unknown threat of being injected with god-knows-what and just-trust-us…
Good morning Eric, et al,
Your observation seems correct to me. Once you realize that no amount of rational argument will reach these people and that any attempt at such will end long term friendships and get you shunned the proper response, IMO, is to grieve for relationships lost. When the inevitable disaster rears its ugly head, those of us who saw the truth will become even more vilified, I reckon. It’s tempting to take the I told you so position, but that’s unfortunate. Personally, I wish people were more willing to question authority, but very few are. This attitude does not lead me to abandon my friends by itself, but those of my circle of friends and family who participate in shunning will never be forgiven by me. Of course, if the PtB get their way, this de-population method will be the tip of the spear and we will have much more existential concerns, possibly sooner rather than later.
To wit: if the grid goes down, we are all fucked.
Giuseppe, are you an Ecuadorian ancestry “Crowe”?
No, Irish-Italian for the most part…..always from the poorest parts of both…..it used to be that when people immigrated from European shitholes to the U.S., if they were willing to work generation over generation, the families would in general succeed. Now, the result is that we are all racist, white supremacist and worse. Oh well, twas a great ride for a few generations anyway….
If I understand the history, some of the Crow(e) people emigrated from Ireland to the Southern United States way back. Then part of that family moved to Ecuador just prior to the American civil war. A large number of such Crow(e) people moved back from Ecuador. My dad was one of ’em!
My great grandparents emigrated from Ireland around 1851 and my grandfather was raised as an orphan by the catholic church in Meridian, MS….the Italian side was somewhat more recent….