Latest Radio: Bill Meyer Show/KMED 5/25/22


Here’s the audio of this week’s Wrongthink session with Bill Meyer over at KMED Radio in occupied Oregon!

05-25-22_EpOnKMED (1)     


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  1. Forget cars, it’s over, the stakeholder capital is moving in the ESG direction.

    The WEF is in control, low-carbon economics is here.

    Nice to have 4.81 USD per gallon for premium. Lots of cars are already off the rural roads, easy drive to get there wherever you are going.

    “As we build our way out of the COVID-19 pandemic, the world is working together to make a more resilient and sustainable global economy. At a national level, we see initiatives like “Build Back Better” and “Levelling Up”, while COP26 has united the world around goals on such things as halting deforestation, phasing out coal power and reaching net zero by 2030.”

    Sounds like a plan… for upheaval.

    Delusional people, barely, who think they are in control means disaster looms.

    Have to listen to a radio program at this site, not just read all of the time.


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