It’s a Start, at Least . . .


The founder and former CEO of Nikola, Trevor Milton, has been charged (again) with another count of wire fraud, in addition to the other charges he faced for serially duping would-be investors in his electric big-rig fraud.

Well, it’s a start.

“Electrification” itself is a serial fraud – not unlike the last presidential (s)election. 

It is predicated on a lie – about an impending human-caused “climate catastrophe” – and built upon a series of further cons, among them that electricity is “clean” when you cannot see the smoke. Which you don’t, when it is generated by burning coal or oil or natural gas 50 or 100 miles away. But the distance between the source of electricity and where it is used facilitates the unseeing. Enables con men to claim that driving an electric car is “clean”  . . . which it is, in the manner of a Vegas escort who takes a shower before she sees her next client.


Other electrified cons include the haltingly inverted use of the word “fast” to describe how long you’ll wait.

It is a brazenness on par with the ongoing assertions that drugs which do not immunize are “vaccines.” The one probably enabling the other through sheer insolent habituation of the public discourse to such nonsense.

If people were told that “fast” meant at least five times as long – under the most favorable circumstances – and not including the time it takes to get to and from a “fast” charger (none of them being at home) would people buy in? How many would wait half an hour to forty-five minutes for “fast” food? Imagine McDonald’s trying to sell people on that.

Then there is how much you’ll “save” – relative to how much you have been fleeced.

First, these con-artists arrange things so that people are paying 2-3 times as much for gas as they used to. Then they tell them that the solution is to spend $40,000 on an electric car rather than $5 for a gallon of gasoline and thereby they will spend less money.

If hands are raised, they will say the “savings” are realized over time; i.e., that after driving that $40k electric car for a number of years – and not spending even $5 for one gallon of gas during those years – you will eventually “catch up” to what you spent to buy the $40k electric car.

But they do not tell you that after a number of years, it is inevitable that you will have to spend thousands, again – on a replacement battery pack.

The failure to explain this fact to people is proof positive they’re trying to gyp people. How many people would buy a $40k electric car if they knew beforehand that they’d almost certainly be buying a $10k battery pack on top of that? Probably right around the time that $40k (new) EV is itself only worth about $10k, used.

Do they tell people about the effect of high heat and extreme cold upon battery performance – and range? That use of electrically powered accessories such as the AC and the heater can dramatically decrease the vehicle’s range, especially in extremes of heat and cold? That an EV truck’s advertised towing capacity may be high, but if it is used it won’t tow very far?

The fact that they do not indicates they view EV buyers as marks – much the same as Milton, who infamously seduced marks by showing them what appeared to be a video of a Nikola electrified semi – a tractor-trailer rig – trundling down the road, demonstrating that you could haul a really heavy load without burning any fuel.

It turned out the truck was a prop that was rolled down a hill, so as to make it appear to the marks that it was a going thing.

And – for awhile – it was. In the sense that Nikola managed to gyp lots of marks out of lots of money – some $34 billion.

He’s been frog-marched before a judge for his crimes. But the serial crime that is “electrification” remains.

Elon Musk has pocketed even more billions by fronting the electric car scam. His cars do roll under their own power. But it is the power of government that causes the money to roll in. Tesla got the operating capital it used to build its business by bilking other businesses – via “selling” them “carbon credits” they were forced to buy from him, in order to avoid being fleeced even worse by the government, which required them to reduce their “emissions” by either building elsewhere emissions electric cars – in the case of other car companies – or buying “credit” for having built them, by handing over lots of money to Tesla, which did.

Thus – like the spider that lays its eggs on the paralyzed but still-living body of another insect, which serves as the host for the spider’s progeny – Elon made a lot of money. He is a more subtle and effective fraudster than Milton, who emulated him but wasn’t quite able to get away with it.

Maybe, in time, the jig will be up for Elon, too.

. . .

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  1. DIY electric car runs 200 miles on old lead-acid batteries, which are 100% green…..

    Lead acid batteries are 100% recycled so are green. Only 5% of lithium batteries are recycled, plus there is a rumored $4500 recycling fee, so lots will get thrown into the woods…..

    The rise in demand for clean vehicles has not only tempted automakers to rollout next-gen electric vehicles, but has also encouraged several eco-conscious individuals to use their skills to create low-cost electric rides. David Cloud is one such individual who has spent $3000 in converting a 1997 Geo Metro to run on an electric engine fueled by old lead acid batteries.

    The vehicle is powered by 8” ADC motors that are included on each rear wheel and are powered by twelve old 12V lead-acid batteries. The vehicle has a top speed of 72mph and can hit 60mph in 18 seconds, with a range of about 200 miles.

    twelve 12 lead acid batteries @ 1.26 kwh per battery = 15.2 kwh. 200 miles using 15.2 kwh = 7.51 kwh used in 100 miles. 13.3 miles of range for every kwh
    0.21 gallons of gas equivalant were burnt to go 100 miles
    So to end up with 7.51 kwh of electricity which is equivalent to 0.21 gallons of gas to push the 12 volt battery EV 100 miles down the road 0.84 gallons of fuel were burnt to generate the electricity in the power station, remember net 25% efficiency. 100 miles using 0.84 gallons = 119 mpg,

    The new 4500 lb lithium battery powered EV’s…….
    What range/energy consumption are test drivers getting from new EV’s?
    What test drivers are actually getting driving in the real world driving EV’s is they are getting 2.4 miles of range for every kwh or using 41.66 kwh to go 100 miles. (.4166 kwh per mile) = 83 mpg
    (83 mpg is based on electricity just coming out of a wall plug, in reality 4.80 gallons of fuel were burnt to generate the electricity in the power station = 20.8 mpg). these liars will quote 83 mpg….lol….

    So to end up with 41.66 kwh of electricity which is equivalent to 1.20 gallons of gas to push the EV 100 miles down the road 4.80 gallons of fuel were burnt to generate the electricity in the power station, remember net 25% efficiency. 100 miles using 4.80 gallons = 20.8 mpg,

    34.7 kwh of electricity is equivalent to 1.02 gallons of gas

    The bottom line?
    The new EV’s are way over weight, only very light EV’s have good fuel economy, the new EV’s cost far far too much, $50,000 and up, the homemade one cost $3000, these new EV’s use far too much energy, will crash the energy grid, the 12 X twelve volt lead acid battery EV can be charged anywhere from a normal wall plug, the lithium battery EV has an up to $22,000 battery replacement cost, the 12 volt batteries can be bought for $60 (reconditioned batteries), 12 X $60 = $720……

  2. They’re all Blowing Smoke.

    If there are 100 oil fields everywhere across the globe producing 1,000,000 barrels per day, that totals 100,000,000 barrels consumed each day.

    The Orinoco Basin has 3,000,000,000,000 barrels of oil. 3 000 000 000 000/100 000 000 equals 30 000 days. 30 000 divided by 365 is 82 years of supply in one giant field in South America.

    There is a lot of oil and oil is always being formed due to heat and pressure where all kerogens exist. The nature of the beast.

    The Baku region near the Caspian Sea is a giant oil field, production of 80 000 bpd from one well became a reality.

    The Lakeview Gusher at Huntington Beach in California destroyed everything at the well site, 125,000 bpd in the beginning until it fizzled out. A sand berm was built to prevent the oil from being washed out into the Pacific, pipelines were constructed, in the end, after 558 days of oil flowing freely, nine million barrels of oil was ready for the refineries. Evaporation was lost to half of the oil.

    ‘Dry Hole Charlie’ Woods did the drilling.

    Edwin Drake didn’t make a dime from his innovative drilling technique. Never patented it.

    The greedy good-for-nothing evil elites deserve none of it, they can wither on the vine, dry up and blow away. Let them eat bugs.

    We’ll all be happy they did and good riddance.

  3. EV lies about range and cost per mile:

    The fake green pumpers always quote the maximum city fuel economy for EV’s, on the highway they get way worse fuel economy. EV’s are only good to drive around town, drag racing at lights and virtue signalling. never take an EV on a long trip.

    Rich people buy them as a novelty/toy as a third or fourth car, they own houses where they can charge them, non homeowners have nowhere to charge them, a huge problem.

    2021 Polestar 2 EV Battery Size: 75 kWh

    Polestar range:
    in the city, .36 kwh used per mile = range of 207 miles.
    (but based on 60% useable battery charge city range = 124 miles)
    36 kwh for 100 miles = 1.03 gallons equivalent burnt, but at the power station = 4.14 gallons were burnt = 24 mpg

    on the highway, .51 kwh used per mile = range of 147 miles.
    (but based on 60% useable battery charge highway range = 88 miles)
    51 kwh for 100 miles = 1.46 gallons equivalent burnt, but at the power station = 5.87 gallons were burnt = 17 mpg

    What they advertise…..EPA Combined MPGeA combined total of 45% city MPGe + 55% highway MPGe 92 MPGe….92 mpg…haha…a lawsuit coming?…lol

    In very cold weather these ranges drop another 50%

    EV’s have to be driven very slowly or they waste even more energy, a tesla was driven at a race track at 10 tenths it used 80 miles range up in 8 miles. (so an 84 mile range becomes 8 mile range?)

    That is based on total battery capacity, you can only use 60% 0f the battery’s capacity, between 20% and 80%. under 20% you have a lot less power and can damage the battery, over 80% takes far too long to charge, has to be slow charged or battery will be damaged.

    Re: city/highway fuel economy:
    In not ideal conditions the range can drop a lot, if it is very cold range can drop 50%, if you used windshield wipers, the electric heater, the rear defroster, headlights, stereo, etc., the highway range will drop even more, instead of 140 miles now it is 60 miles or less x 60% useable battery capacity = 36 miles ?

    It can use .51 Kwh per mile on the highway. @ $0.40 per kwh it will cost $20.40 to go 100 miles.

    in the U.S. where Superchargers charge you by the kWh things have gone haywire. A Tesla owner shared on Twitter the Supercharging rates from the Los Angeles area and indicated that they roughly doubled in the past years. To be sure, the $0.58/kWh rate is for the peak hours from 11 am to 9 pm, with half that outside this interval. Twitter users across the U.S. have indicated similar rates, with averages of $0.40 becoming the norm.

    Plus the cost of the battery, which is huge, you have to store the electricity in the very, very expensive battery, that is the killer for EV’s right there, the expensive, rapidly wearing out battery.
    the tesla $22,000 battery is used up, worn out in 100,000 miles. this works out to $22.00 per 100 miles it is costing you for the battery.

    Total cost to go 100 miles, $20.40 for the electricity plus $22.00 for the battery (battery cost per 100 miles) = $42.40 to go 100 miles.

    travelling 100 miles in a 50 mpg diesel uses 2 gallons of fuel @ $4.00/gal. = $8.00
    One difference is the diesel powered car doesn’t need a $22,000 battery for storage, it just has a $200 gas tank for energy storage that lasts longer then the car.

    34.7 kwh of electricity is equivalent to 1.02 gallons of gas

    What they wanted:
    The target fuel economy EV manufacturers are trying to get is to get 3.6 mile range for every kwh or using 27.77 kwh to go 100 miles (.2777 kwh per mile) = 125 mpg
    125 mpg is based on electricity just coming out of a wall plug, in reality 3.20 gallons of fuel are burnt to generate the electricity in the power station). = 31.25 mpg

    What they got:
    What test drivers are actually getting driving in the real world driving EV’s is they are getting 2.4 miles of range for every kwh or using 41.66 kwh to go 100 miles. (.4166 kwh per mile) = 83 mpg
    (83 mpg is based on electricity just coming out of a wall plug, in reality 4.80 gallons of fuel were burnt to generate the electricity in the power station = 20.8 mpg).

    So to end up with 41.66 kwh of electricity which is equivalent to 1.20 gallons of gas to push the EV 100 miles down the road 4.80 gallons of fuel were burnt to generate the electricity in the power station, remember net 25% efficiency. 100 miles using 4.80 gallons = 20.8 mpg, where is the better fuel economy?

    Thermal efficiency of power plants using coal, petroleum, natural gas or nuclear fuel and converting it to electricity are around 33% efficiency, natural gas is around 40%. Then there is average 6% loss in transmission, then there is a 5% loss in the charger, another 5% loss in the inverter, the electric motor is 90% efficient so another 10% loss before turning the electricity into mechanical power at the wheels.

    33% – 6% – 5% – 5% – 10% = 25% efficiency for EV’s. In very cold weather EV’s are 12% efficient

    • There is so many lies and misinformation/disinformation in the official EV promotion narrative it is insane and presented in such a way as to hide the truth, mislead people, it takes a while to figure out the reality.
      It is similar to the relabeled mild flu, hyper germ phobia, 24/7 fear mongering, healthy people are biosecurity terrorists narrative….lol….

  4. There is a energy crises but it is all created by the government. Surprise! This government created energy crises is the main reason for the food cost crises as well.

    If you want to know what is causing the energy crises watch the 37 minute video by Mike Moss. Hint,,, it’s not oil and not the oil producers. Very informative.

  5. EVs are nothing more than a hobby for the rich. Any notion that they are economically viable is delusional. Even if you only drive 50 miles a day, in which case EVs might be practical, the upfront cost keeps them from viability. We could use a survey, if one hasn’t been done, counting what percentage of EV owners also own an ICV, or two. I suspect it would be very, very high.

    • Hi John

      EV’s are 4th or 5th cars for the rich subsidized by minimum wage taxpayers, an EV is just for virtue signalling, it is the un-greeenst vehicle ever built, they get an average of 20.8 mpg….lol…

  6. I just picked up a very well-kept 2005 Escape 4×4 V6 grocerymobile from a seller just wanting it gone. $2,000. Doesn’t even need tires, paint, or any upholstery work. All fluids changed and a motor mount set me back an additional $150.00. Good for at least another 50,000-100,000 miles. I am still calculating how much a $45,000 – $200,000 + taxes Tesla would have saved me.

    • Excellent, Torino!

      You got one the best deals I’ve heard of this year so far. It used to be easy to find a functionally viable beater for $2k or even less – just two years ago. But now, it’s almost like finding a cop who isn’t an Armed Government Worker…

      • Thanks Eric. It took a month of hobby prowling CraigsList with a $4,000 limit. He started at $2,650.00. “But that awful vibration could be an expensive fix” (knowing that motor mounts on Ford Escapes is a known issue). I told him the 2K cash in my pocket ‘as is” and I will SMOG it. Sold Those old high school auto shop days have paid off handsomely over the years.

  7. We just returned from a 4500 mile road trip (vacation) to Colorado. Western side this time. We typically stay off the interstates and use secondary roads and highways in order to ‘see’ the country and small towns.
    Constructing ‘fast’ charging stations in rural America will probably not happen and people will have to seek the stations on the interstate or larger towns.
    Not to mention what a total PIA our trip would have been if I used a ‘clean’ electric car. Running out of electricity in the middle of Kansas cow country is not my idea of fun, although monument Rock and Little Jerusalem is pretty interesting regardless.
    Creepy Joe and his ilk are going to get a massive push back soon if gas prices continue to climb and buying an electric car will not be the answer.

  8. Eric,

    Though EVs can’t recharge in 5 minutes, they’ve made impressive progress in recent years. Recharging that used to take overnight or longer can now be done in less than an hour. Compared to the rate at which EVs used to charge, less than an hour is fast. Teslas charge fast enough at a Supercharger to enable you to eat, drink, and use the bathroom; by the time you’re done, you’re good to go!

    • They also go more than about 80 miles like they did a few years ago.
      Get back to me when they can recharge fully (or nearly so) in about 10 minutes and go a real 300 miles on the highway without stopping.

    • “Teslas charge fast enough at a Supercharger to enable you to eat, drink, and use the bathroom;…” Of course, recognizing the fact that I may need to do it 2-3 times on a long trip and that assumes I’ll be able to find one where I need to stop and it will be available.

      If recharge time was the only shortcoming of EVs, do you think there would be this much complaining?

      • I’m going to have to agree with you here. Tesla really is the only EV that is really viable. Mostly because they have a functioning charging network and very high charging rates.

        But when mentioning Tesla, I feel obliged to mention that they also have the most important feature of any vehicle: The fart sound effect.

      • Hi James,

        For me, the idea that it’s “only” a 30-45 minute wait – “fast enough at a Supercharger to enable you to eat, drink, and use the bathroom” – is criticism enough!

        • Me too, it’s a con not a pro. Until somehow you can get a full charge in five minutes, it’s going to be a con against electric. PERIOD.

          And even if that is somehow solved (I don’t think it’s possible with todays chemical batteries, they are a dead end IMHO), you still have the battery wearing out too fast problem yet.

          • Even if there was a battery able to be fully charged in 5 minutes there is no way any electric infrastructure could handle that huge sudden demand, short of being at a substation tied to the 115kv transmission grid.

  9. Covert gallons to pounds.

    6.2 lbs is the weight of one gallon of fuel, a constant.

    One gallon will go 25 miles.

    25 times 5000 feet equals 125,000 feet.

    125000/6 is 20,800 feet.

    One pound of petrol will power an automobile four miles at 25 mpg.

    15 gallons of fuel will weigh 93 pounds. 93 times 4 is 372 miles. You need a battery that weighs another 907 lbs more to do more or less not as much. A fair comparison.

    A spent battery is not going to do squat.

    Gasoline will win the race all the way to the finish line.

  10. I love how EV fanbois are always making excuses for how terrible they are compared to conventional vehicles.
    Once the unobtanium battery (never) gets in production we’ll have more range than IC cars. Fat chance buddy, miracle batteries were due out next year when I was watching magnum pi.
    When EV charging stations are built in as great numbers as gas stations we won’t have to plan routes around charger locations that out cars barely reach. But no new dirty power plants or fish killing hydro dams right?
    Look! Taking a road trip in an EV is just as convenient as IC as long as we plan every stop under 200 (or less) miles and twiddle our thumbs charging for at least half an hour. Better hope the charger is compatible, not broken, and you don’t have to download yet another “app” and sign up to use it.
    EV’s need less maintenance… If you don’t factor in higher tire prices and more frequent replacement, battery replacement and all the problems these things have in store for early adopters (suckers). This doesn’t even consider the lack (and expense) of qualified technicians who are willing to deal with instant death high voltage battery packs.
    I just plug it in every night and don’t have to go to the gas station any more… Well, I plug my IC car into the gas station when I’m already out and about ONCE a week, not every day.
    I can use an app to pre heat or cool the cars interior so I don’t use as much charge on the road. Congratulations, I turn the key and drive away, I’m warm or cool within a minute. No f*ing app or interweb required.
    IC cars catch fire too! Not when they’re parked, and it’s usually a catastrophic failure that causes car fires like an accident or piss poor maintenance, not a lurking gremlin in one of the thousands of individual cells you’re sitting on.

    Theres probably more that I’m forgetting at the moment. I have a feeling EV owners are also happy with their timeshare and the extended warranty on their toaster.

  11. I think an energy and food crisis will cap the EV avalanche. Kudos to the Bavarians, Toyota and other car companies for keeping the flame lit on the ICE. They might be all that is left of the automotive industry when the great unraveling happens.

    I remember when we’d have these economic downturns and all of these cool sports and hypercars would never hit an assembly line or the ones in production would cease because the moneyed class couldn’t afford them. Now maybe a downturn eliminates these EVs, especially the silly expensive one like the sucky Hummer.

    I just want simple cars. I want diversity in terms of cylinders and drivetrains. I don’t want forced induction or ASS or any other government-forced crap that makes a car or truck unreliable or a pain in the butt to drive.

  12. Hmmm…. If electrics are so great, when are we going to see electric fire engines? Ambulances? Police cruisers? In widespread use. Can’t wait to see what Europe looks like with those. Can you imagine a fire company responding to an electric vehicle fire with their electric fire engine and having that catch fire? It would be a hoot if it wasn’t so serious.

  13. I suspect the entire auto industry is going on a hellatious ride, and the EVs will be the first to fall off, as people will soon not be able to afford any new car. Much less one that cost ten or twenty thousand dollars more.

  14. The Psychopaths In Charge either can’t get their head wrapped around what a miracle gasoline and diesel are. Or they don’t want you to. A gallon of gas will propel a 3000 pound car for 30 miles, and until Joe got his grubby hands on it, could be had for about the same price as bottled water. Before their advent, it was horses or steam. The former emitted just a tad more toxic “exhaust”, and the latter could not range far from a supply of wood or coal, and likewise had emission issues. By comparison, gasoline engines, even before their exhaust was purified, were substantially cleaner. Now they had to make up a “new and improved” poison which we all exhale every time we breath, so they could be called “dirty”.

    • Hi John

      EV vs steam ……

      EV highway driving consumption
      The advertised range that many manufacturers brag about is the average or city driving figure.

      However, the highway range is much smaller, sometimes up to 50 percent less. But on the highway you need the range….lol…
      At WOT the range is 80% less, beware…..

      operating Li-ion batteries outside the safety zone (i.e. 20%–80%) state of charge, a loss in conductivity can be observed
      You can only use 60% of the advertised range (between the 20% and 80% charge, the useable range), in very cold weather subtract up to 50% more, so what is the real world range? 50% of 60%? = 30%…lol

      During the first three months of ownership, EVs were 2.3 times as expensive to service as gasoline-powered cars. At the 12-month mark, repair costs were about 1.6 times what owners of gas-powered cars paid.
      It’s Not Parts. It’s Labor

      Electric cars depreciate over two times faster than their internal combustion engine counterparts, a serious black mark when it comes to tallying up your actual yearly cost to run your vehicle!

      A 1913 Bugatti type 22 is 108 years old and daily driven. A Tesla is scrap after 10 years.

      But mechanical systems, like Jay Leno’s 1832 steam engine can last for centuries, get a steam powered car, they run on wood.
      Steam powered cars have the same advantage as electric cars, instant torque.
      A new steam engine is over 50% efficient, an EV is 25% efficient, if it is very cold out it is 12% efficient.

      Howard Hughes’ 1925 Doble E20 went 0 to 75 mph in just 5 seconds, with its engine turning over at less than 1,000 rpm, a steam engine is a very low rpm engine.

      The tesla plaid motors runs at up to 19,000 rpm, that sounds dangerous, will wear out quickly, car electric motors are too high rpm. The steam engine goes 600,000 miles without an overhaul. After 100,000 miles the tesla battery is dead so it is worthless, scrapped, at 19,000 rpm the motors are probably gone too..

      Howard Hughes’ 1925 Doble E20 top speed was 133 mph in 1925, with today’s technology the steam powered car might be quicker then anything.

      The steam engine goes 600,000 miles without an overhaul, this better then most gas ice engines. In a tesla the battery goes in 100,000 miles so in 600,000 miles you go through 6 teslas, a huge waste of resources….

      NOTE RANGE: Steam powered vehicle 1500 mile range on 17 gallons of water, they are the king of range better then ice. BEV has a very short range, Mercedes BEV at top speed on highway = 100 miles.

      A steam engine burning hydrogen is zero % emission, an EV is remote high emissions at a coal burning power plant.

      A modern steam engine here……

      • Anon 1,
        My former wife and I once went to a steam engine show. As a several generations old tractor came chugging by, she said “look at the size of that engine”. I pointed out to her that was the boiler and water storage. The engine is that thing hanging off the side that’s a bit bigger than a one gallon paint can.

      • Anon1,

        Joe Normie is too STUPID to operate a steam car! You have to keep water in the boiler; keep it at or above a certain level; and so on

        • Hi MM

          The new steam engines don’t have boilers, create steam on demand so are safer….

          got to love this…..NOTE RANGE: Steam powered vehicle 1500 mile range on 17 gallons of water, better then anything….

          A modern steam engine here……

    • Hi John, the problem with the Psychopaths in Charge is that they’re all progressives, which means they subscribe to the fallacy of eternal progress. To them, that means everything must always be “new and improved,” as you put it. They see IC engines as antiquated and thus unacceptable, so on to the latest technology. And if the new tech fails, instead of backing down and admitting failure, they double down since they are “progressive” and can never take a backward step. Progressivism is truly a form of insanity.

  15. Let’s hope this is the first of many dominos to fall as the EV scam collapses. Pete Butthead said in response to people complaining of high gas prices “they should buy an EV”, which a previous commenter here equated to Marie Antoinette’s infamous “let them eat cake” remark. Looking forward to these sky-is-falling hucksters to meet a similar fate.

  16. It takes a lot of power to run a semi. OTR trucks are statutorily limited to 80K lbs. Big, heavy batteries will suck the cargo capacity out of them. Fantasy electric trucks don’t outperform real diesel trucks.

    • Hi Mike

      Re: EV trucks…

      Each EV will use multiple batteries……

      Remember that to get the same level of longevity that petrol and diesel cars an EV will go through three battery packs which is hell of a large carbon footprint, and very expensive the tesla battery is $22,000, it costs you $22.00 per 100 miles just for the battery.

      3 batteries = $66,000, this makes ice cars look very, very cheap to own/run….haha
      now you know why very few of the taxis are EV’s, charging times, higher fuel costs and very expensive battery replacement, hybrids or diesels are far better.

      NOTE: tesla battery lasts 100,000 miles and costs $22,000 ( someone said there is also a $4500 recycling fee….haha) $4500 recycling fee…lots will probably get thrown in the bush…

      EV vans are worse as they will burn through five or six battery power packs to last as long as the existing ice vans. 5 times $22,000 = $110,000 very very expensive, makes zero sense….lol

      Re: EV semi trucks
      There is zero EV heavy duty semi trucks. Why? charging times, these trucks quite often run 24/7, worse fuel economy, with batteries it would drop 50%, very high battery replacement costs, total load carried would be less because of very heavy batteries…
      NOTE: these trucks easily go one million miles with ice diesel engines.

      NOTE: EV vans are worse as they will burn through five or six battery power packs to last as long as the existing ice vans.

      So in one million miles the semi truck would need 10 to 20 battery replacements, these trucks weigh 5 times as much as a tesla car much so if the battery cost 5 times as much it would = $110,000 per battery replacement.

      The only thing that works in these big heavy trucks is ice diesel engines, that will not change.

      There is zero EV heavy duty semi trucks, because these buyers aren’t stupid, they can do the math/research, they know about the EV bad fuel economy, very expensive cost to replace batteries, long charging times, fire risks, huge purchase prices, very short lifespan, reduced load capacity, compared to a one million mile diesel…..only the general public is stupid enough to buy an EV.

      • A diesel engine converted to burn hydrogen makes more sense then electric motors….

        Cummins hydrogen engine offers more capability, lower cost over all-electric, way quicker refueling, twice the range……

        A Cummins diesel converted to burn hydrogen, burning hydrogen is zero emission, the waste left over from combustion is just water.

        Forget electric motors just use this engine. 10 minute refueling, 500 mile range. 500 hp.

        Compared to EV trucks:
        The latest Freightliner EV truck the eCascadia offers roughly 230 miles of range while Volvo’s newest VNR Electric EV truck provides up to 275 miles. Average charge times for either of those trucks from virtually dead to full charge will easily exceed an hour with more time needed for larger batteries. probably several hours for a full charge….
        these heavy EV trucks eat up batteries, so there will be an enormous battery replacement cost in no time, making the cost per mile driven far higher….

        Producing hydrogen is greener then using electricity from the 90% hydro carbon burning gas, coal, oil, burning power plants in the world where your green….hahaha…electricity comes from………

        • Hydrogen suffers from a huge, huge problem that its proponents always seem to ignore. And it’s really basic.

          Where are you going to get this hydrogen?

          Once you’ve answered that, you’ll see why it doesn’t make any sense.

          • Hi Nate

            Yes….diesel is far better….

            Where are you going to get this hydrogen?….same as…Where are you going to get this electricity for EV’s?

            Hydrogen vs Battery comparison.

            Toyota was more interested in hydrogen fuel cell/electric tech (the advantage…. refuel in 3 minutes just like an ice vehicle, also no up to 1800 lb batteries like in a tesla, so makes more sense, it is the only electric technology that will work on big trucks), the problem is very few refueling stations yet.
            Toyota had a lease for their Mirai for $600.00 per month which included all the fuel, a great deal.

            Their new offering includes free fuel for 6 years, when they ban gas and diesel and electricity costs go up 10 or 20 times current rates, this might be a good backup… fuel.

            this is better than a battery EV, 3 minute refueling, no up to 1800 lb of batteries, free fuel (a friend has a tesla who uses a super charger at a mall, it costs almost as much as fueling an ice vehicle), if you charge at home the cost will keep increasing with electrical grid issues, no long charging waits, won’t burn your house down when recharging, no $22,000 battery dead after 10 years so car is worth zero after 10 years like a tesla.

            At the core of Mirai, hydrogen from the fuel tank and air entering from the intake grille meet in the Fuel Cell Stack. There, a chemical reaction involving the oxygen in the air and hydrogen creates electricity—powering Mirai. (electricity made in the car) In the end, the only by-product is water. zero emission.

            With a tesla the electricity is made (burning coal in some places) then transmitted 1000’s of miles at times, then you wait for hours to recharge, battery EV’s don’t work, they knew that 100 years ago.

            Tesla battery after 9 years 135,000 miles? battery dead can’t be used. replacement cost $22,000. residual value of car = zero

            Fuel cell lasts 5000 hr. x 40 mph = 200,000 miles, even then has lost only 30% of efficiency, so still can be used, as a used car. car still has residual value, plus it is a toyota.

            At end of life Toyota takes the fuel cell and recycles it, the up to 1800 lb lithium fire bomb tesla battery goes into the landfill, probably.

            Hydrogen fuel cells make more sense then battery EV’s, gas powered ice is way better, diesel powered ice is best.

            Hydrogen can be produced using a number of different processes. Thermochemical processes use heat and chemical reactions to release hydrogen from organic materials, such as fossil fuels and biomass, or from materials like water. Water (H2O) can also be split into hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (O2) using electrolysis or solar energy. Microorganisms such as bacteria and algae can produce hydrogen through biological processes.



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