Fourth Thanks!


This is just a quick thank you – to you, the people who support EPautos – for helping to maintain our independence from the censorious control apparat that is most of the rest of the Internet.

I am not beholden to any corporate or other massa – because, at the end of the day, I am beholden to you. I do my utmost to meet your expectations – not merely in the sense that I try to write about things that are of interest to you in a way that is interesting as well as entertaining (hopefully!) but also in terms of providing a place where anyone is able to say what they’d like without fear of being found “guilty” of some opaque “community guidelines.”

EPautos can do that because EPautos doesn’t have to worry about being “demonetized.” You guys keep the wheels turning – and that is what I wanted to thank you for this 4th.

My best wishes to everyone here and their families.

Thank you, again!



  1. And thank you Eric. By keeping your independence you’re maintaining the tradition of journalism and what it was meant to be.

  2. And best wishes to you eric. One thing I know for sure, you care about those on your site and no doubt, those who aren’t. Thanks again.

  3. You’re welcome, Eric! I wish I could support you more often, but I’m stretched thin as it is. That said, I’ll toss some $$$ your way when I can.


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