The legal system has many flaws – the chief one being many of the laws, themselves, which are more accurately described as arbitrary rules one is required to obey, just because. But at least the legal system is founded on the idea that a conviction must precede punishment – and that punishment does not follow upon mere accusation.
Perhaps someone will explain why the same reasonable standard doesn’t apply when it comes to government regulations?
After all, millions of individuals are punished by each new regulation, without any kind of due process. Regulations impose costs (the equivalent of fines) and reduce choices – both of which impinge upon freedom just the same as any court-ordered loss of freedom.
Violating some regulations can entail criminal penalties, too.
Yet there is no requirement that proof of necessity precede the promulgation and enforcement of the regulation. Nothing more is required than the we-say-so of the bureaucrats within the regulatory apparat, in whose interest it is to assert the need for more regulations, ad infinitum.
It is, as the saying goes, what they do.
Without new regulations – and enforcement of the ones already posited – there would be less and perhaps even nothing for them to do. And that would make it harder to justify what they do.
And so, force us to pay them to do.
We’d be a lot less resentful if the regulators were obliged to do the same as any court before taking away any person’s money, choices or freedom, viz – establish that the assertion levied against the accused is true.
Laws are often ridiculous – even tyrannical, if you believe it is vicious to punish people merely for not obeying a law, irrespective of any harm they haven’t caused. But at least people aren’t punished before the assertion they have disobeyed the law is established as fact by a sufficiency of evidence.
Imagine the boon to our wallets – and choices – if the same standard held for regulations.
Consider this business of carbon dioxide “emissions” – in air-fingers quotes to emphasize the perversion of definitions, as in the case of “vaccines” that are no longer defined as conferring immunity upon those who take them. Carbon dioxide was redefined as an “emission” by the regulatory apparat. This was done deliberately, so as to conflate this inert, trace gas with the reactive gasses that cause air pollution, smog and so on – thus causing people to believe it as necessary to regulate the former as if they were much the same as the latter.
Which, by the way, it no longer is, as regards the latter – as the emissions of reactive gasses are so slight today that further regulation of those emissions is akin to insisting that the sky must be absolutely, perfectly blue all the time, no matter the cost – and irrespective of any harm.
Of course, there is the assertion that “emissions” of the inert gas – carbon dioxide – must be regulated else there will be catastrophic “climate change,” a compound Megillah that packages multiple assertions together. It is first asserted the “climate” is “changing” – a nebulous ominousness clearly designed to frighten rather than enlighten. The “change” is then asserted to be “catastrophic.”
Well, how about proving it as the condition of our accepting the necessity of regulations to prevent it?
Demonstrate that the “climate” is in fact “changing” – in a catastrophic way. And that the “changes,” if actually happening, are happening because of our driving cars that “emit” carbon dioxide. It ought not be sufficient – given the costs imposed by the regulations – that mere assertions (some of them based on nothing more than computer models) be all that the regulatory apparat is obliged to adduce before saddling us with them.
The danger of accepting being so saddled ought to be incandescently apparent by now. Millions of people were forced out of work, tens of thousands of businesses ruined, over assertions made about a “virus” that proved be about 99.8-something percent less lethal than asserted. The health apparat continued to regulate – “masks” and “vaccines” – long after the facts established that assertions regarding both were almost entirely wrong.
But assertions about the “climate changing” – catastrophically – on account of our driving cars (including electric cars, which also “emit” the inert gas – or cause it to be “emitted”) and heating our homes and refrigerating our food have the potential to end our freedom to drive cars and make it increasingly unaffordable to heat our homes and refrigerate our food.
We “emit”the inert gas with every exhalation. If these exhalations are, in fact, causing the “climate” to “change” – catastrophically – then it will become necessary to regulate us, too.
Perhaps via “vaccines” that don’t immunize – but which are quite effective at causing us to breath less or even not at all.
That may be a bit much. But it’s not too much to ask – to insist on – that all regulations be founded on facts rather than assertions and that the facts justify the costs imposed. If not, we’ve agreed to be deprived of our money, our choices – our liberty – based on nothing more than because-we-said-so.
. . .
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“We refuse to control real criminals (that’s the anarchy), so we control the innocent (that’s the tyranny).”
I made some Gaia worshipper so mad the other day when I suggested that climate change happens all the time (there is no static condition for that atmosphere since the variables are in constant change) and would be a good thing in a lot of places. I remember my grandparents telling me about how there were citrus groves on the northern Gulf Coast and cold weather in the 1930s and onward wiped them out and drove them down into peninsular Florida.
Wouldn’t it be nice to grow citrus in northern Florida? I think so! Right now, we can only grow lemons and satsumas (mandarin oranges), but if the winters are largely frost-free, we might be able to grow regular oranges on our property.
Switching gears, I was glad to see the decision in West Virginia v. EPA, but I hated it didn’t go far enough. It’s nice to see the Roberts court is taking a hard line on regulatory deference (a legal standard known as Chevron deference) with this case and the one with the CDC telling landlords they couldn’t evict those wouldn’t pay rent. I’m hoping to see another decision whittle away at the administrative state’s all-encompassing power. It’d be nice to force Congress to vote on whether to make your gas can useless, for example, or ruin your washing machine or toilet. If you can end Chevron deference entirely, the imperial federal government will lose a lot of its fangs and a lot of the corruption will end since regulated parties won’t be as easily able to bribe the regulators or even “help” by writing the regulations designed to put their competition out of business.
But the government courts say that executive agencies can make regulations with the force of law. The whole idea of a legislature with authority to make laws actually making them is sooo outdated.
Besides, that could harm their re-election chances.
The agencies are on death’s door though, brought down to regulation of bovine flatulence has got to be the bottom rung.
Fear is a great tool for control…what a concept. Works every time.
Just remember, The Left, in general, and Environmentalists specifically, are motivated by their religious belief in their perverse habits that conflict with nature and the Natural World. Earth Mother Gaia replaces God for these godless Communists.
At the core is not a love of earth or nature that motivates them but, a hatred for humanity. In an earlier time these misanthropes would have been universally ignored, now they hold jobs in GovCo and lord it over the humanity they despise.
They hate humanity because they are mentally and emotionally unable to participate in it.
Great comment John. Love it and will remember it.
Lake Mead is at it’s lowest level “ever.” The worried are clutching their pearls, concerned that it will never again reach full pool. But remember that horrible time known as The Dust Bowl? A severe drought across the midwest that was somehow due to man’s plowing up the prarie and planting crops? There was no Lade Mead at that time, Hoover Dam was under construction. The network of stream gauges on the Colorado River watershed didn’t exist other than maybe at irrigation ditch gates. We really don’t know what the river was doing during the 1930s, and really had no idea what it was up to before that. That’s why the Colorado River Compact had (has?) so many bad asumptions about capacity.
But no, let’s all panic about the drought. And don’t ever posit that it could be due to cyclical forces we don’t yet understand, let’s just jump to the conclusion that the Earth was perfect in the 18th century and those damn English people (white devils), with their coal and their steam engines, ruined it!
Climate alarmists focus on whatever part of the world has bad weather. When the weather changes in those places to something more favorable they move to something else. It’s a shell game.
We don’t have the records to establish this drought is even unusual, much less exceptional. I don’t have the numbers, and they aren’t that important, but I’m pretty sure the population of of California and the Southwest has more than doubled in the last 100 years, which means that this drought is striking at the heart of a lot more people.
Living in the desert is nice, as long as you get some water. The problem being, getting some water is not what created the desert.
The most abundant greenhouse gas is water.
Nitrogen is inside your body. You’ll get the bends by surfacing too quickly while deep diving. prevention is to take precautions.
The nitrogen in your blood is from the air.
The diameter of the earth is 7946 miles.
The atmosphere is 27 miles to the thermosphere top, 54 miles total, 8000 miles of diameter. Use the formula for volume of a sphere, solve for 7946 miles, solve for 8000 miles, subtract, you’ll have the volume of the atmosphere in cubic miles.. 20 miles by 50 miles by 1000 miles is a million cubic miles. Easy to see there are millions of cubic miles of atmosphere.
For every million cubic miles, 400 of them happen to be carbon dioxide dissolved in the air.
8,000,000,000 people exhaling 1000 grams of carbon dioxide into the air every day is a huge problem according to Klaus and he knows what’s best.
Can we talk about the Fed, speaking of unaccountable regulation?
They want to keep raising interest rates, ostensibly to curb inflation. This is inflation that they, themselves, and their governmental henchmen, facilitated. Yet, their action here will primarily cause the “little people” to suffer.
At this time, it has become more difficult to sell my house, now that I finally got it, by blood, sweat and tears, into selling condition. Soon, it may become impossible, because as they raise interest rates, so increase mortgage rates, and the “little people”, to whom I’d like to sell, can’t afford to even borrow the money necessary.
This hurts said plebes, but the true culprits of the current inflation are not the plebes at all, but the government and Fed themselves. And the government isn’t so much concerned with rising interest rates, because THEY never have to pay their bills. Only we, the serfs, must do so. So long as they continue to spend $trillions, and inhibit production to induce artificial scarcity, inflation will NOT be curbed.
“…A compound Megillah” – Is this a Godzilla villain?
Also, re: “We ’emit’ the inert gas with every exhalation. If these exhalations are, in fact, causing the ‘climate’ to ‘change’ – catastrophically – then it will become necessary to regulate us, too.”
Our exhalations should be considered “carbon neutral”, unless we’re ingesting “fossil fuels” to live. That fact, in no way, stops them from regulating everything we do.
Hi BaDnOn,
The Fed is talking about increasing interest rates 100-basis points in the next two weeks. I think they are making a cataclysmic decision. Personally, I think inflation peaked around the 25th of June. The June year over year inflation of 9.1% that came out on Wednesday is the top of the curve. It is downhill from here. Not substantially, but prices are falling across the board. I was pleasantly surprised when I opened up my grocery store’s circular this morning and I am seeing 2020/early 2021 grocery prices from produce to dairy. I will be stocking up this week
The problem with data is it’s old. It provides information on previous days, weeks, and
months and not current conditions. It is unusable. Pretty much every economist on every business channel has been wrong so far. Michael Burry seems to be one of the very few out there with a clue.
If I were the Fed, I would sit out a July rate hike. The 75-basis point increase from June is being felt and it is doing what it was supposed to – slow down inflation. A 100 basis (or any additional rate hike this month) will have disastrous consequences for the economy. I don’t care what Fox Business and CNBC says, the consumer is not strong. They are in debt up to their ass. A full 1% rate hike will shutter the housing market, increase credit card delinquencies to phenomenal figures, and continue the slow erosion (to a very quick one) for the automobile industry. Let’s not even speak about the interest rate hike on the US debt of $31 trillion.
Right now, we are balancing on the edge of the cliff. It is not the time to make a daredevil move, Jay Powell.
RG remember the FED’s motto: “If it’s worth doing, it’s worth overdoing!”
Raider Girl,
I’m sure you’re much more knowledgeable regarding the financial arena than am I, but it seems to me that the Fed is really only causing problems here, unless you’re a banker, which is undoubtedly the purpose.
Much of the “inflation” is due to the artificial scarcity brought upon by the constriction of fuel supply, which affects absolutely everything. The other fraction, the true inflation, or expansion of money supply, was brought about by needless and fooling government spending: everything from COVID relief checks to “Keeeev”-savior cash.
All you’d really have to do as the Fed is stop lending the federal government money. All the government would have to do is stop spending more than it takes in. The money supply would quickly equilibrate.
I was sick when I should’ve been finishing my house issues. If not for that, I could’ve sold at, or near, peak. Now I feel that I’m good and f**ked. One of the people in debt to their ass is me, which was never my M.O., by the way. I only took on a little debt to fix my truck and finish fixing this house in time.
Now some bankster goons are going to seal my fate, and prevent me and so many others from getting a little ahead for once in their miserable lives.
Hi BaDnOn,
You are right. Inflation skyrocketed under the guise of PPP loans, child tax credits, and stimulus checks. People had extra money, rent was on hold, student loans on moratorium (I believe they still are), and everybody had a good time. Spend, spend, spend, buy, buy, buy. The chicken has come home to roost, and we are all going to pay the piper.
Hopefully, the right person comes along and makes you a fair offer for your home soon.
Inflation has peaked? That’s a bold call. Brandon & crew have been saying that every month since last Fall. There may be some “demand destruction” in non-essentials (the things you don’t need) causing discounting but I haven’t seen any price decreases in food (the things you need) recently. At the supermarket(s), quality reduction, shrinkflation, outright price increases as well as diminished supply of items and choices are non-stop these days. You think we’re going back to 20/21 prices?
Regarding the Fed, they have created/printed the money. The money supply has ballooned. Rates don’t affect that. The money’s worth less because there is so much more of it in circulation. But it’s gonna be worth more tomorrow? Something doesn’t add up here.
Hi Strangiato,
Yes, I believe inflation peaked at the end of June. I couldn’t care a less what Uncle Joe and his Administration says. His job is to lie to the American public and tell them everything is fine. Last fall, I believe Powell should have been increasing interest rates (especially around September 2021). I haven’t stated that inflation has peaked until recently. I look at a 100 different set of books on a monthly basis. Net income is down across the board. Very few are showing higher earnings than this time in 2021.
My paragraph above stated that I was seeing 2020/2021 prices in the store circular, not in the economy overall. Prices are slowly coming down though. Three months ago, a 2×8 was $9, it is now $4.50. Last month fuel in Central Virginia was $4.99/gallon. It is now $4.39/gallon. I just paid $2.29/gallon for propane (as of yesterday). The current housing market has stalled, and prices are being discounted around 5% currently (I expect this to go even lower as interest rates on 30-year mortgages increase). Inventories have skyrocketed in the retail sector. Prices are going to have to come down to bring these to stable levels.
The US dollar will remain strong (compared to other major currencies). Right now, the Euro is tanking, the yen is on life support, and the yuan is trying to starve off a crash. There are better currencies out there – the Kuwaiti dinar and the Cayman dollar, but they do not have the worldwide recognition to stabilize the globe. If the Fed decides to increase rates at the end of July it is likely the US economy will be on life support, too. The US entered a recession at the end of June. Recessionary bubbles usually curtail price increases.
You said “I couldn’t care a less what Uncle Joe and his Administration says. His job is to lie to the American public and tell them everything is fine.” When they say inflation has peaked every month, including this past month, you agree with the last lie? Broken clock, maybe?
It wasn’t long ago that the Fed abandoned the term “transitory” with respect to inflation. You believe it is, though? Were they also wrong then but right now?
If you look at historical charts for lumber, the prices have come off highs but are still very high historically. Housing same thing. 5/10% off insane astronomical record highs is not deflationary trend in the making. The gasoline price is much more political.
Ultimately, rates don’t affect the money supply, which you ignore completely. Nor does supply and demand for certain goods, although increasing money supply (loss of value of the money) creates issues for producers typically leading to shortages and then nothing at any price.
It’ll be interesting to see how this plays out. To me, a recession is likely if not already here but stagflation seems more likely to be the result than any generalized deflation.
I am not quite sure why what I say is relevant to what the Biden Administration (BA) says. Why if I state inflation (in my opinion) has peaked that I must somehow be agreeable with Uncle Joe and Company? Yes, eventually, we are going to be in agreement that inflation has peaked, because it will. I am not parroting the current Administration’s talking points from the last year. Also, I have not read anything recently that the BA is stating that inflation has culminated. If anything, they seem to be panicking more, which is why I am panicking less. Yellen spoke the other day how the current figures are unacceptable. Her speech did not include that inflation has reached an apex.
I don’t believe inflation was transitory at all. The current increase in inflation began under Trump’s last year in office during COVID. It spiked under the Biden Administration. Two years of increased costs is not considered a short term or transitory issue. Note: Technically, inflation has increased steadfast since the US has come off the gold standard in the 1970s so therefore, I guess you can make the case that inflation is never peaking. It ebbs and flows. I believe the current inflation crisis has reached a maximum and costs will begin decreasing.
I don’t believe I said anything about the Fed handling this crisis well nor do I agree with them. I still think they are wrong now.
If something has come off a high – doesn’t that mean it has peaked? Everything is at historical highs. We can look at charts from 1971 to today. In 1971, one could buy six oranges for $1.00. In 2011, one could only purchase two oranges for a $1.00. Today, an orange is $1.25 each. I don’t dispute that the dollar has lost value over time. I just believe that today’s $1.25 orange will be $1.15 soon.
I disagree with you that rates don’t affect the money supply. Rates determine how much banks borrow from the Fed, which then relates to how much banks charge for consumer loans. Also, the higher the interest rate the less money one has to purchase. If interest rates increase the government pays a higher premium on debt. If the government has less money to spend, they either have to print more or cut spending.
Brandon on June inflation numbers: “The numbers seemed to counter the narrative,” pushed by Biden and other Democrats, that “inflation may be peaking,” CNBC reported. Biden first said in December that inflation had peaked.
Biden in his statement admitted that inflation is “unacceptably high” but said the report for June is “out of date.” Inflation, he said, is a “COVID-related challenge, made worse by Putin’s unconscionable aggression.”
Rates are the “price” of money and have nothing to do with the “supply.”
Definitions of money supply.
Inflation is money supply growth, not prices denominated in money growth.
Contrary to popular thinking, inflation is not about increases in the prices of goods and services but about increases in money supply. Following this definition, we can establish that the key damage caused by inflation is economic impoverishment through the exchange of nothing for something. What matters as far as inflation is concerned is not the correlation between money supply and the prices of goods and service but increases in money supply.
Regarding inflation in 20/21/22. Looks like the spike didn’t begin in Trump’s last year in office, 2020. More like Brandon’s first, 2021. Why? Inflation lags.
Definition of transitory.
“not lasting, enduring, permanent, or eternal.”
Yes, inflation is enduring, permanent, and eternal. Yet, you are making the case the extreme increase in inflation, the “crisis”, is transitory. Just like the Fed was saying for months and months, until they gave up on that lie.
I didn’t realize you were a Krugmanite.
ZH nails it.
You are grasping at straws. Krugman has pretended stagflation hasn’t existed for the last two years, something I fundamentally disagree with. Stagflation has been a marker this entire time. I just believe it is turning into deflation. People are free to disagree with me and debate me on it, but the comparisons to my views to the Biden Administration, the Fed, and now, Paul Krugman is perplexing. I noticed you didn’t bring up any libertarian or conservative economists or investors that do believe we are tilting toward a deflationary period. There are quite a few…Burry, Woods, Pento, and Shilling.
If it makes you feel better to label me a liberal, so be it.
Time will tell if either one of us is right.
For the past 2 years, Krugman pretended inflation didn’t exist? False.
Quote from Fox link:
In 2021, Krugman insisted that inflation was “transitory.”
I’m not saying you’re a “libruhl”, just that this is essentially your argument today, a position that happens to closely track Brandon/WH talking points, the Fed (until just recently), and Krugman. I don’t know much about the others you mentioned except Burry, who I think is fighting the last war. It’s not 07/08 this time around.
Do you think if June inflation numbers came in lower instead of higher Brandon and Krugman would be calling them “outdated”?
The Fed has dumped “transitory” and is caught between a rock and a hard place. Inflation is running hot and even a 100 bps hike in a 9% inflation environment will do absolutely nothing to slow it. Not hiking erodes credibility further, so they will. As far as the economy crashing as a result, definitely not at the next 75-100 bps move. Wake me up when we approach the 5-7% historical mean.
The outcome is either hyperinflation (more $ printing, lower rates) or depression (higher rates and QT…QT quantitative tightening= reduction of fed balance sheet…), they usually choose hyperinflation, to inflate debt away. This is going to be interesting to watch, get popcorn…lol…maybe a house will cost $5 million but a loaf of bread costs $1000….lol…deflation sounds better…
Hi RG.
“Are you not entertained?” Can you imagine Powell saying that?
RG do you really think that Powell cares in the least about the general population? I suspect his main focus is on the dollar (with all the implications that a rising dollar has) and on his battle with the ECB. Not to mention the fact that certain parties want (need) a general economic collapse. They need a large scale event to cover for their various antics over the last few years. That’s why I’m expecting at least a 75 BP increase. But we will have to see what happens.
Hi BJ,
Unfortunately, I am not entertained by the Fed or the Biden Administration. I don’t disagree that the little people are the last items of concern on the Fed’s agenda. I also believe the Fed will make a very bad decision and increase interest rates by 100 basis points in the next couple of weeks.
I just feel their decision will result in a deflationary depression. The Fed reacted too late and then overreacted.
Hi RG,
While I’d rather not have to deal with any of the debacles being created, am I wrong to think that rising interest rates would, at least, benefit savers? one of the worst aspects of “inflation” – i.e., currency devaluation – is that those of us who don’t spend end up losing the buying power of the money we have. So there is less incentive to save and more to buy – and take out loans. This summons the false prosperity that attends consuming one’s “seed corn,” right?
Hi Eric,
Yes, rising interest rates are great for savers and I do believe interest rates needed to increase. Our economy needs to get back on equal footing. I just disagree with the July interest rate increase. It will push us over the edge.
Hi Eric.
In theory you are correct. But look at the context. With official inflation at 9.1% (the real inflation is much higher). How much good does the current interest rate help savers? Granted you are losing a bit less. But savers are still losing ground (and purchasing power).
Savers are the least of the Feds concerns. Capital inflow and outflows are much more of interest to them. Look at the position this places the ECB in. Also, look at the geopolitical implications of the dollars rise. Keep in mind that since the dollar is the worlds major reserve currency, most trades and loans are in dollars. Track the impact of a rising dollar on those trades and loan payments. As always ask yourself; Who benefits?
Inflation is the very purpose of fiat currency. There is no other reason to use it. In your promotion of the dollar, you gave examples of other currencies in trouble, and named a few that were not. In neither list did you include the Ruble. Which is booming, and gradually moving toward a Gold standard. Deflation is caused by a collapsing economy, wherein people can’t afford to buy things at the current price. The Fed is pretending it’s playing in a sand box instead of the kitty litter.
“Money” can be printed. Wealth cannot be. No amount of economic “expertise” can overcome that simple truth.
Hi John.
Well stated. The Fed and the other members of the global banking Cartel can “print” endless fiat. But they can’t print more commodities or capable workers into existence. Anyone familiar with our situation would recognize a Crack up Boom in operation. This will not end well for most people. But as usual, some will make out like the Bandits that they are.
Hi RG.
Bad decision for whom? Perhaps you aren’t looking at an alternate perspective? Look at the Feds origins, and who owns and controls it. The Feds agenda is their agenda. That agenda has only secondary connection to the US political/economic system. Look at their past actions through the lens of who benefited each and every time. That’s a question that should always be asked. Who benefits? Who benefits from endless wars? Who benefits from endless welfare schemes? Who benefits from recession/depression? Who benefits from the invasion over our southern border? Who benefits from the War on Drugs, Terrorism. Extremism? I’d suggest that you set up a Venn Diagram and look at the intersections.
During the 1800’s on the gold standard there was deflation, which is good, everything got cheaper, that sounds better then today’s inflationary nightmare, people can’t buy food or fuel now. On the gold standard interest rate were around 4%.
The dollar had a rock solid value, lenders got a fair return for risk, everything got cheaper so your standard of living got better, there was no income tax, nirvana……
Today’s near zero % interest rates helped asset owners (the super rich own most of the assets in the world), the peasants get robbed by inflation right into bankruptcy..
They try to demonize deflation.
This is typical….the double-speak involved is intensely characteristic of the reversal of reality practiced by satanists… is white….. up is down….bad is good….healthy is sick…
Demons invert/reverse all that they touch. The psychopath uses the same trick.
The Fed is another instance of Congress ceding it’s authority, to “coin money and regulate the value thereof” to a private bank corporation.
Hi John
the private banks did/do a great job…lol
They kept interest rates lately around 1%, this encourages taking on huge debt, then they get interest on trillions of $ in debt, they pay depositors nothing and issue credit cards at 18% interest rates…these banksters are pirates…lol
“We ’emit’ the inert gas with every exhalation.”
And it is VITAL to our ability to eat and breathe. We learned in elementary school (I hope) that plants NEED this “greenhouse gas” (perhaps that ironic term is used to mock the ignorant?).
Without it, they cannot perform photosynthesis and feed, house, and shade the world.
Of course, we need their “waste” product, too – OXYGEN.
God has already planned for this, and provided the means for us to live on the earth.
BTW, the air we live in is something like 78% Nitrogen, 22% Oxygen, and about 1% other gases. I’m not even sure that CO2 is measurable or noticeable, in context. Perhaps because the green life on Earth is using it up as fast as it is created?
Further irony – it is allegedly a tragedy that CO2 is supposedly being sent into our atmosphere (to do what exactly?), yet the same idiots insist upon breathing their OWN CO2, in much greater concentration, by wearing ridiculous diapers on their faces.
Try explaining the Milankovitch Cycles to the useful idiots:
(Amazing this hasn’t been pulled from YouTube)
The effect of CO2 on the climate is so small, they had to change the name from “global warming” to “climate change”, because it wasn’t warming. As if the climate changing was an unusual thing. Fortunately it isn’t, otherwise much of the world would still be covered in ice, and there would be a LOT fewer of us. There’s a reason why the species has advanced so rapidly in the last 10k years. Better weather, as in warmer. Warmer is better. Which do you suppose is easier to deal with, 100 degree summers, or below freezing summers, and winters below zero? Sacrificing our ability to stay warm in the winter and cool in the summer, to prevent the climate from doing a thing it has forever done.
We are far below historical high CO2 levels. Which are nearly always self regulating. More CO2 produces more abundant and vigorous plant life, which reduces CO2.
Perhaps that “abundant plant life” is exactly what they are trying to prevent. Can’t have the useless eaters feeding themselves.
Hi John,
I will be the first to admit that I have never been one to understand the “climate change” argument, but C02 is naturally occurring. Also, it is making a huge comeback as a refrigerant (R744). Daimler has patented it and most of the German autos are using it instead of the newly implemented 1234yf. Daimler actually did several tests using 1234yf and found that it’s higher flammability would light the cars on fire so they went back to the drawing board. It is also being used in some grocery store refrigerators and freezers. Personally, I find this much safer than propane or isobutane.
The EPA seems to have accepted it as well. Why is a greenhouse gas making a comeback if that same greenhouse gas is “allegedly” causing damage? I am not following what the government is doing.
One must ask where does this “extra” CO2 come from?
Burning plants & “animals”
Where did the plants & animals get it from?
The atmosphere
So how is putting it back in the air pollution?
Indeed. Burning firewood is carbon neutral. All you can release is carbon extracted from the atmosphere by the tree. It’s a shorter term demonstration that cannot be denied.
Law of Conservation of Matter?
Hi John.
John, please don’t bring reason and logic into an exchange based on hysteria, fear and panic. Thanks
If you really want to see Prog heads explode, you could point out the enormous amount of fossil fuel energy that’s required to create their beloved Wind and Solar projects.
Geez Eric, everything you wrote makes perfect sense; Mr. Spock would say “it’s logical”. Which sadly is why the PTB will never allow it.
Hi Mike.
If TPTB want to remain in power, they will not allow things to go beyond a certain point.
Keep in mind that while most are power mad, many are not stupid. The last thing they want is to trigger a 4th generation resistance inside the Empire itself. That would make their Afghan adventure look like a afternoon tea party. Also keep in mind that the Empire has lost every war its been in since WWII. The reasons are known (Lind is very specific about that). But at this point, they simply can’t afford the changes required. We will have to see how this all works out.
I can’t find where in the US Constitution it says the legislative branch can cede its authority to the executive branch. Which is exactly what all these bureaucratic regulations are. Congress transferring its authority to make law to unelected bureaucrats, in the executive branch. It is a repudiation of the separation of powers, which are now only separated in name.
Hi John.
You appear to have missed the “implied” part of the Constitution… Which is one of the reasons the anti federalists insisted on the Bill of Rights. Its simply a matter of power and human nature. Those behind the Federalists knew that it would only be a matter of time, before they managed to get the centralized power that they wanted. Couple that with the civil service laws, and you have the genesis of the Deep State. It all flows down hill from there.
Some at the time of the Founding understood this.
Hi BJ,
Non-specificity is a tool of tyranny. “Implied” powers means nothing, exactly. So it can be claimed to countenance anything. And so it has been claimed. In contrast, the Bill of Rights is quite specific: Congress shall make no law… the right of the people to keep and bear arms . . . etc.
The Bill of Rights is a far better thing than the Constitution, which was designed to subvert those rights.
Hi Eric.
You have it exactly right. Those behind the Federalists knew precisely what they were doing. This was intentional. There is also much historical evidence that the Constitution was only a frame work for a grant of limited, enumerated powers from the States to the Federal government. Our peoples rights preexist the Constitution. The Bill of Rights was intended to
protect preexisting rights from abuse by government. But even the existing generation of
Founders/Framers abused their power. Remember the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1898?
Then the Tyrant Lincoln, demonstrated what government is and always has been. A Gang of thieves and murderers writ large. The rest as they say is history.
On a related topic, you might be interested in those originally behind government taking over education. Oddly enough, its a subset of the same group behind the Federalists (and all three central bank schemes).
Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798 – the ink was barely dry on the Constitution/Bill of Rights
The power-hungry have been very successful at controlling the masses by getting them to concentrate entirely on one alleged threat to the exclusion of everything else. It is literally hypnosis. They do it by repeating over and over that if said threat is not eliminated, the consequences will be so horrific that nothing else will matter.
The if-then template goes like this: If [fill in scary thing here], then it won’t matter whether we have [fill in good thing here] because we will all be dead.
If covid isn’t stopped, then it won’t matter whether there are any small businesses left because we will all be dead.
If climate change isn’t stopped, then it won’t matter whether we have transportation or food or air conditioning because we will all be dead.
If Putin isn’t stopped, then it won’t matter that the federal deficit is smaller because we will all be dead – or speaking Russian, which is even worse.
Well, the article above was from yesterday. Today, tragically [/sarc], the talks have taken a darker turn:
‘Senator Joe Manchin pulled the plug on Thursday on negotiations to salvage key pieces of President Biden’s agenda, informing his party’s leaders that he would not support funding for climate or energy programs or raising taxes on wealthy Americans and corporations.
‘The decision by Mr. Manchin dealt a devastating blow>/b> to his party’s efforts to enact a broad social safety net, climate and tax package.’ — NYT
‘Devastating blow’ … YES!!!
Good Joe whips Bad Joe … and EV sales, crippled by recession, rising interest rates, and buyers having to pay full freight, SWIRL DOWN THE DRAIN.
Ah ha ha ha …
Governments wright laws and regulations for the benefit of the rich and powerful not the working man. A number of years ago I read about a study that showed if the elite wanted a law or regulation it was sure to be passed no matter what the working man wanted and the opposite applied also. For example every year they pass more laws in regards to guns and crime but don’t apply the ones already written to crime. One example is court rulings that say the police aren’t there to protect you but they will arrest you if you defend yourself from a robbery. Banning the ICE vehicle but ignoring all those gases coming off of forest fires and volcanoes; a nothing burger not even worth mentioning.
‘electric cars … also “emit” the inert gas – or cause it to be “emitted”’ — eric
Crunch time:
‘Senator Joe Manchin’s opposition to incentives for electric vehicles is a sticking point in negotiations over Biden’s tax and spending package — talks that appear to be coming to a head this week.
‘Mr. Manchin has assailed the proposed tax credits, worth up to $12,500 per vehicle, as unnecessary. He has already succeeded in shrinking them by about a third, deleting a $4,500 incentive for consumers who purchase union-made American cars.
‘In addition, Mr. Manchin has suggested deleting the core $7,500 credit for electric vehicles, leaving only a $500 tax credit for EVs with a battery made in America. The current proposal would limit the tax credits to the first 200,000 vehicles sold by each individual automaker.
‘Now Democrats are considering a means test to limit tax credits to consumers below a certain income level as a way of appeasing Mr. Manchin.’ — NYT
Good Joe [Manchin] versus Bad Joe [Biden] … one can see why desperate Democrats want to enact this egregious plan to buy off (some) taxpayers with other people’s money.
Reply to Jim H:
Based on how much “pollution” is created by the building of vehicles if this was actually being done to reduce pollution they would just just have to pass laws stating that you were only eligible to replace a vehicle once it was 15 years old. Just watch what would happen once people saw how much it cost to own an EV long term!