What do “Masks” and “Vaccines” and EVs Have in Common?


Electric cars are like “masks” – and “vaccines” – in that all three don’t work and so depend on government to prop them up.

Sen. Joe Manchin just did his part – to not stop the spread – of electric cars, by agreeing to support the ongoing and expanded subsidization of them. Buyers of new and used electric cars will get paid to buy them – to the tune of $7,500 for the new and $4,000 for the used – if the deal brokered ends up becoming law, as is likely given the near-certainty that a sufficiency of Leftist-enabling Republicans will go along to get along.

It is noteworthy that the government also tried paying people to take the “safe” and “effective” drugs styled “vaccines.”

Does it not occur to these pushers that if it is necessary to pay people to take (or “buy”) something that it is prima facie evidence the thing isn’t salable on the merits? Does that not beg the question about the merits of the thing?

Electric car pushers will say it is a temporarily necessary “incentive” to give EVs enough time to no longer require “incentives” to prop them up. But the government has been “incentivizing” EVs for 20 years and there is no indication they will ever not need “incentives” to get people to “buy” them.”

It is evident that these “incentives” have worsened the very problem they were meant – supposedly – to ameliorate. The evidence for this being the “cap” placed on the subsidies – which (as regards new EVs) will only be available on EVs that cost $55,000 for electric cars and $80,000 for electric trucks and SUVs. The former figure is almost exactly $20,000 higher than the average priced paid this year for a new, non-electric family car such as a loaded  Toyota Camry or Honda Accord – while the latter figure is more than twice the cost of an entry-level non-electric half-ton truck such as a Ford F-150 ($30,870).

In other words, the “incentives” have “incentivized” the creation of electric vehicles that are even more expensive than they would have been, absent all of these “incentives.”

$50k electric cars are not basic, economy-oriented cars. They are models like the Tesla3, which is electric only incidentally. It is primarily a high-performance luxury-sport sedan that happens to be electrically powered. Just as the electric version of Ford’s F-150 and other electric trucks and SUVs tout power, performance and all kinds of features rather than economy and efficiency.

In other words, the “incentive” is to subsidize the purchase of high-end vehicles by affluent people who ought to be paying full freight for the extras they want.

Instead, their indulgence is bought by people – the taxpayers – who for the most part cannot afford to indulge as most taxpayers cannot afford $50,000 cars and $80,000 trucks, electric or not.

The average American is forced to pay another way, too. By “incentivizing” the car companies to build $50,000 electric cars – and $80,000 electric trucks and SUVs – there is less incentive to build $20,000 (and less) cars – and trucks – that average Americans could afford to buy, without being paid to buy them.

The “incentives” serve to inflate the cost of cars and trucks generally – just the same as if the government “incentivized” the purchase of fancy houses twice the size of normal-sized houses. There would more fancy houses twice the size – for those affluent enough to buy them – and fewer normals-sized homes for those who just want a house to live in.

There is irony – and tragedy – here.

If you think electric cars are a good idea – which maybe they could be – then it is a terrible idea to pervert the incentives to make them at least as economical as non-electric economy cars, which might be possible if there were incentives – as in free market incentives – to make them so. That would entail not designing them to be quicker than non-electric cars –  and definitely not fancier. This business of fitting them with battery packs far larger (and far more powerful) than is necessary to get from A to B sufficiently would end – for exactly the same reason one does not find a V8 engine under the hood of a non-electric economy car. Nor heated leather seats, either.

The free market would impose that discipline – which you’d think would be desirable, if the point of this exercise is to get more EVs in more average people’s hands, so as to (as they say) “fight climate change.” How do you “fight climate change” by paying a relative handful of affluent people to buy over-batteried, overweight, high-performance, luxury-kitted electric cars?

It is probable there would be $20,000 electric cars that would for just that reason make sense to average people, who cannot afford $50,000 cars (let alone $80,000 trucks) and who would therefore buy them without being paid to buy them.

Instead we have this example of double think:

The deal Manchin has signed on to “doubles down on supporting American workers and puts us in the driver’s seat to win the global clean energy race,” says Leftist (“Democrat” being as misleading a term as “vaccine” these days) Senator Debbie Stabenow, who no doubt also favors stabbing us all now, with “vaccines” that don’t immunize.

“Supporting American workers”? By adding $20,000 to the price of a car – by paying them $7,500 to make it more “affordable”?

It almost makes you want to put on a “mask” – and pretend that “works,” too.

Of course, it does work – though not in the sense most people take that to mean. “Masks” work – to prop up the narrative that a “pandemic” exists – just as “incentives” work, to prop up electric cars that are being used to make cars (and driving) unaffordable for “American workers,” so that only a relative handful of affluent elites can afford to own cars in the future.

It’s noteworthy that Manchin hails from one of the least-affluent states in the country, where “American workers” do not drive $50,000 cars – electric or not – and may resent being used to “incentivize” their purchase by their “betters” in Los Angeles and San Francisco.

. . .

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  1. ‘The average American is forced to pay another way, too. By “incentivizing” the car companies to build $50,000 electric cars – and $80,000 electric trucks.’ — eric

    Ford F-150 Lightning sales reached 2,173 units in July, according to Barron’s today. Total F-series sales were 63,341 in July.

    Let’s do the maff: F-150 Lightning sales comprised under 3.5% of total F-series truck volume.

    Will electric Lightning sales EVER exceed 20 percent of total F-series truck volume?

    Color me skeptical. Ordinary folks don’t want this electric crap. It’s about as useless as a mermaid, with a scaly green tail fin where her hips ‘n thighs ought to be.

  2. Self-driving trucks: what could possibly go wrong?

    ‘On April 6, an autonomously driven truck fitted with technology by TuSimple suddenly veered left, cut across the I-10 in Tucson, AZ and slammed into a cement barricade.

    ‘An internal report said the semi-tractor truck abruptly veered left because a person in the cab hadn’t properly rebooted the autonomous driving system before engaging it, causing it to execute an outdated command. The left-turn command was 2 1/2 minutes old—an eternity in autonomous driving.

    ‘A safety driver should never be able to engage a self-driving system that isn’t properly functioning, Carnegie Mellon researchers said. The truck shouldn’t respond to commands that are even a couple hundredths of a second old. And the system should never permit an autonomously-driven truck to turn so sharply while traveling at 65 miles an hour.


    Sounds almost like a nav system losing the plot: ‘Recalculating … whoops, we aren’t in Kansas no more!BANG! [cockpit recording ends]

  3. Lithium fire bomb batteries:

    a battery fire tragically killed two teens in 2018; though they survived the car crash (to be fair, Teslas do have superb safety ratings), the teens were killed when the battery caught fire, burning to death in the wrecked vehicle.

    Those deaths, despite occurring about four years ago, are relevant because the suit over their deaths just ended, with a Florida court finding Tesla at fault, as NBC News reported,

    A federal jury in Florida has found Tesla negligent in a 2018 crash that killed two teens and found one of the teens 90% responsible for his role in the collision.

    The jury awarded $10.5 million in damages. It was not immediately clear how much of that amount Tesla will be required to pay based on the assignment of responsibility for the crash.

    If you drive an EV don’t get in a crsash….lol


  4. This site is the best…

    To Take Back Our Culture We Need To Build Our Own Media Army
    By Brandon Smith….

    So, how do we fight back?

    Conservatives, libertarians and liberty minded people have finally started to take the culture war more seriously, but now we need to take action to stop the saturation of leftist propaganda within our media. This means we need to produce our OWN media, including entertainment media.

    If the corrupt system does not or will not provide what the public needs or wants then the public should provide those necessities for themselves. If they are successful then the system has two choices – It can fade away quietly as the decentralized economy takes over, or, it can try and STOP the public from building their own production using force. If the system uses force, then it exposes its true nature as authoritarian and it encourages rebellion. One way or another, the corrupt system will be eliminated.

    We have already seen this with the alternative media over the past decade. When I started my first website (Neithercorp) 16 years ago, there were very few of us out there presenting the truth to the public and the mainstream media was still very much in control of the narrative.

    Today there is an endless array of alternative news websites and YouTube channels and the MSM is utterly dying (except maybe Fox News). Their audience numbers are crumbling while our audience numbers are rising. We are winning the news war because we offer something they don’t – The facts.

    Eric Peters Autos at the leading edge of alternative media……..


  5. The diesel engine might be mankind’s most important invention, it does most of the heavy work on the planet. In heavy equipment for construction and mining, in ships, trucks, trains, and powering generators for electricity.
    The entire military is dependent on diesel engines, in trucks, tanks and ships.

    These people are insane………How the EPA Spent 35 Years Killing the Diesel Engine


    • Amen. The diesel is probably the most “eco-friendly” method of power generation, especially with heavy transportation. What IRONY that political interests, through the “EPA”, a BULLSHIT organization of LAWYERS, have been trying to kill it.

    • Spot on Anon. But, unfortunately, the US’s continued handi-capping of diesel engines via EPA draconian regs is not about emissions at all, per their claim. It’s simply about advancing the regs enough to keep 3rd world diesels (and other products) out of our marketplace. Once the 3rd world products catch up, they just keep moving the goalpost. It’s to the absurd now though that is costing all of us exponentially.

    • The entire military is dependent on diesel engines, in trucks, tanks and ships.

      The entire military should be switched to batteries, then after 100 miles the batteries are dead, then they can charge them with wind turbines and solar panels which will take a week to recharge them, then they can go another 100 miles….lol….

      • And those “cheques” are funded by creating dollars out of NOTHING…which is exactly what inflation IS.

        Talk about “hair of the dog that bit ya.”

    • The lesson learned in the government’s first attempt at rebate/stimulus checks in 2001-2002 is that what Uncle Scam gives you, he ALWAYS takes back many times over with interest. It wasn’t long after 2002 that America’s prior bout of runaway inflation was experienced (which ended ignominiously with the 2008 credit crash). They did it again in 2020 and, lo and behold, even more inflation. The fact that so many states are now engaged in “handouts” means that our nation’s experience with inflation isn’t over yet. Beware bureaucrats bearing gifts!

  6. The main reason for subsidizing electric vehicles is because they can’t compete with internal combustion engines. But they can. Under some circumstances they are actually a better choice for transporation. Especially for short trips carrying one person they can work very well and be cost effective. Trying to make them into ICE vehicles is the big failure of the electric vehicle manufacturers.

    I live about a mile and a half away from a small strip mall. It has a grocery, hardware and liquor store, basically everything I need. There’s a church about a block away and a medical clinic across the street. When the weather is good I will walk or bike to the grocery store and pick up a few small items. A small electric vehicle would be perfect for this trip. Doesn’t need to go faster than 35 MPH. Only needs to carry me and a few bags. So short of a trip that the Cherokee engine never warms up, which is actually bad for the long term, so I usually take the long way if I’m driving there.

    • That’s true, RK –

      And it’s interesting for just that reason that the sub-$10k electric cars people can buy in China people cannot be (legally) sold here.

      • Hi Eric

        I don’t like lithium fire bomb EV’s but these small, light, lead acid battery EV’s are fine, they are good for shorter trips …….

        They should be selling these (or people should build their own) not these $50,000+ lithium fire bomb abortions…….

        DIY electric car runs 200 miles on old lead-acid batteries, which are 100% green…..

        Lead acid batteries are 100% recycled so are green. Only 5% of lithium batteries are recycled, plus there is a rumored $4500 recycling fee, so lots will get thrown into the woods…..

        The rise in demand for clean vehicles has not only tempted automakers to rollout next-gen electric vehicles, but has also encouraged several eco-conscious individuals to use their skills to create low-cost electric rides. David Cloud is one such individual who has spent $3000 in converting a 1997 Geo Metro to run on an electric engine fueled by old lead acid batteries.

        The vehicle is powered by 8” ADC motors that are included on each rear wheel and are powered by twelve old 12V lead-acid batteries. The vehicle has a top speed of 72mph and can hit 60mph in 18 seconds, with a range of about 200 miles.

        twelve 12 volt lead acid batteries @ 1.26 kwh per battery = 15.2 kwh. 200 miles using 15.2 kwh = 7.51 kwh used in 100 miles. 13.3 miles of range for every kwh
        0.21 gallons of gas equivalant were burnt to go 100 miles
        So to end up with 7.51 kwh of electricity which is equivalent to 0.21 gallons of gas to push the 12 volt battery EV 100 miles down the road….(476 mpg…if the EV liars were selling them they would quote that….lol), in reality 0.84 gallons of fuel were burnt to generate the electricity in the power station, remember net 25% efficiency. 100 miles using 0.84 gallons = 119 mpg,


        The new 4500 lb lithium battery powered EV’s…….
        What range/energy consumption are test drivers getting from new EV’s?
        What test drivers are actually getting driving in the real world driving EV’s is they are getting 2.4 miles of range for every kwh or using 41.66 kwh to go 100 miles. (.4166 kwh per mile) = 83 mpg
        (83 mpg is based on electricity just coming out of a wall plug, in reality 4.80 gallons of fuel were burnt to generate the electricity in the power station = 20.8 mpg). these liars will quote 83 mpg….lol….

        So to end up with 41.66 kwh of electricity which is equivalent to 1.20 gallons of gas to push the EV 100 miles down the road 4.80 gallons of fuel were burnt to generate the electricity in the power station, remember net 25% efficiency. 100 miles using 4.80 gallons = 20.8 mpg,

        34.7 kwh of electricity is equivalent to 1.02 gallons of gas

        The bottom line?
        The new lithium battery EV’s are way over weight, too environmentally damaging in the manufacturing process, only very light EV’s have good fuel economy, the new EV’s cost far far too much, $50,000 and up, the homemade one cost $3000, these new EV’s use far too much energy, will crash the energy grid, the 12 X twelve volt lead acid battery EV can be charged anywhere from a normal wall plug, the lithium battery EV has an up to $22,000 battery replacement cost, the 12 volt batteries can be bought for $60 (reconditioned batteries), 12 X $60 = $720……

        Added bonus: 12 volt lead acid batteries don’t catch fire…. are safer then lithium fire bomb batteries….

        ATTENTION: This is really bad….Before the lithium battery EV goes one foot the emissions/pollution just from manufacturing it is equal to driving an ice diesel 89,400 km (50,550 miles), about 7 years driving.
        That is with a 40 kwh battery, some have 90 kwh batteries they are 2x as bad for the environment.

        They talk about the environment to sell EV’s and to demonize ice cars, when the inverse is true.

        the double-speak involved is intensely characteristic of the reversal of reality practiced by satanists…..black is white….. up is down….bad is good….ice is bad, EV’s are good

        Demons invert/reverse all that they touch. The psychopath uses the same trick.

        • A typical EV battery weighs one thousand pounds, (tesla batteries go up to 1800 lb. ) about the size of a travel trunk. It contains twenty-five pounds of lithium, sixty pounds of nickel, 44 pounds of manganese, 30 pounds cobalt, 200 pounds of copper, and 400 pounds of aluminum, steel, and plastic. Inside are over 6,000 individual lithium-ion cells.

          It should concern you that all those toxic components come from mining. For instance, to manufacture each EV auto battery, you must process 25,000 pounds of brine for the lithium, 30,000 pounds of ore for the cobalt, 5,000 pounds of ore for the nickel, and 25,000 pounds of ore for copper. All told, you dig up 500,000 pounds of the earth’s crust for just one battery.”

          Sixty-eight percent of the world’s cobalt, a significant part of a battery, comes from the Congo. Their mines have no pollution controls, and they employ children who die from handling this toxic material. Should we factor in these diseased kids as part of the cost of driving an electric car?”
          When the greens are virtue signalling with their coal burning tesla they should think of this…Their mines have no pollution controls, and they employ children who die from handling this toxic material.

      • basically golf carts. which are currently allowed to drive on many slow/rural roads in more free states.
        In my deep blue state, a local golf course community, with only one way in-out (no cross traffic) petitioned the town to allow golf carts on the 25mph roads. Nooooooooooo.
        In my deep red state, they are allowed anywhere but 35+mph roads.

      • Hi Eric

        Here is one for a little more money you can import and build……

        Peel P50……one of the rarest cars in the World.

        Narrower than a phone box & shorter than a Vespa, the P50 microcar is officially the World’s Smallest Car. The original cars weighed 132 lb and got 100 mpg……..(new ones are 230 lb.) Made on the Isle of Man in the early 1960s, fewer than 30 exist today making it one of the rarest cars in the World.

        Famously TV presenter Jeremy Clarkson (he is 6 ft 5 in.) drove a 1963 P50 through the BBC right up to his desk. It’s fame & rarity means cars often sell for over $170,000! Putting them out of reach of most car fans. Until now!

        $170,000.00 should have bought one back then, they were $250 back then. That is appreciation like an air cooled 911….

        Back in 1962, the Peel P50 was extremely cheap, even cheaper than a motorcycle, the BBC reports. It retailed for the equivalent of $250, which is about $2130 in today’s money. That’s less than even a new Honda Grom.
        Today….soon the only car available will be a $50,000 lithium fire bomb EV….lol

        Get a kit and build your own car…….
        Gas/Petrol Kit
        Complete kit less Engine
        For 49 cc – 125 cc Engines
        Stainless Steel Fuel Tank
        Disc Brakes
        Bodyshell in Standard Colours
        Bespoke Paint & Trim Options Available

        ÂŁ10,720* …….. $13,056 U.S.

        Plus, all these cars are US-legal and can be built as kits with buyer-provided engines.
        gas or electric configured available, I like the ice ones


    • I have no qualms about a “pure” EV if it’s the result of consumer CHOICE. That’s exactly what these “Gubmint” subsidies INTERFERE with. They take monies that the car buyer can use to purchase the vehicle(s) of his CHOICE, to prop up the manufacture, sale, and use of vehicles he would NOT choose for himself.

      Of course, did it ever occur to these morons in the Clown-Gress that nowhere in the US Constitution is the Federal Government AUTHORIZED to subsidize a Gott-damned THING, let alone EVs?

      • Hi Self

        ‘Inflation Reduction’ deal extends electric car tax credits


        Your government is pushing EV’s? Why?

        China has infiltrated all levels of governments, taken control, (check out the leftist/communist takeover), your politicians bought off, paid to push the EV agenda.

        Anybody pushing EV’s is a paid ccp shill.

        Who benefits the most from the EV vehicle conversion? china does.

        All the most important components in the new EV’s are all made in china. Then you are dependent on china for replacement parts, etc., in effect they take over the whole vehicle supply chain. Vehicle production then centralized in China.

        the chinese are taking over the electric car market, they are starting to export their EV’s worldwide, their EV’s are supposed to be advanced and cheap, they will kill off the other manufacturers……

        the chinese make most of the chips, maybe the shortage was to help their EV launch….lots of their cars coming here soon

        at this rate everyone will be driving a chinese car soon, a lot of electronics in your car made there already…….

        no wonder tesla moved a lot of production to china…

        china…..it is where most rare earths are processed; and most of the mineral supply-chains for electric vehicles lead there, with existing supply sewn up.


    • Hi RK

      You can build one…no problem….

      Peel P50……one of the rarest cars in the World.

      Narrower than a phone box & shorter than a Vespa, the P50 microcar is officially the World’s Smallest Car. The original cars weighed 132 lb and got 100 mpg……..(new ones are 230 lb.) Made on the Isle of Man in the early 1960s, fewer than 30 exist today making it one of the rarest cars in the World.

      Famously TV presenter Jeremy Clarkson (he is 6 ft 5 in.) drove a 1963 P50 through the BBC right up to his desk. It’s fame & rarity means cars often sell for over $170,000! Putting them out of reach of most car fans. Until now!

      $170,000.00 should have bought one back then, they were $250 back then. That is appreciation like an air cooled 911….

      Back in 1962, the Peel P50 was extremely cheap, even cheaper than a motorcycle, the BBC reports. It retailed for the equivalent of $250, which is about $2130 in today’s money. That’s less than even a new Honda Grom.
      Today….soon the only car available will be a $50,000 lithium fire bomb EV….lol

      Get a kit and build your own car…….
      Gas/Petrol Kit
      Complete kit less Engine
      For 49 cc – 125 cc Engines
      Stainless Steel Fuel Tank
      Disc Brakes
      Bodyshell in Standard Colours
      Bespoke Paint & Trim Options Available

      ÂŁ10,720* …….. $13,056 U.S.

      Plus, all these cars are US-legal and can be built as kits with buyer-provided engines.


  7. And there I thought that what they all had in common was that they’re all popular with liberal lunatics. Silly me.

    • Hi Old,

      Well, there’s that, too! Unfortunately, many Republicans have accepted the foundational assertions underlying each and so are powerless to combat them. It is a big part of the reason why these things have had the success they’ve enjoyed.

      • Hi Eric

        here is GM’s better idea….lol

        The Hummer EV story:

        NOTE: the hummer battery weighs 3000 lb.

        What they wanted:
        The target fuel economy EV manufacturers are trying to get is to get 3.6 mile range for every kwh or using 27.77 kwh to go 100 miles (.2777 kwh per mile) = 125 mpg
        125 mpg is based on electricity just coming out of a wall plug, in reality 3.20 gallons of fuel or 29 lb of coal were burnt to generate the electricity in the power station). = 31.25 mpg or .29 mile per pound of coal

        What they got:
        What test drivers are actually getting driving in the real world driving EV’s is they are getting 2.4 miles of range for every kwh or using 41.66 kwh to go 100 miles. (.4166 kwh per mile) = 83 mpg
        (83 mpg is based on electricity just coming out of a wall plug, in reality 4.80 gallons of fuel or 43 lb of coal were burnt to generate the electricity in the power station = 20.8 mpg or about .43 pounds of coal per mile).

        So to end up with 41.66 kwh of electricity which is equivalent to 1.20 gallons of gas to push the EV 100 miles down the road 4.80 gallons of fuel or 43 lb of coal were burnt to generate the electricity in the power station, remember net 25% efficiency. 100 miles using 4.80 gallons = 20.8 mpg, or about .43 pounds of coal per mile

        20.8 mpg or about .43 pounds of coal per mile….lol…..these EV’s use more fuel so pollute more then ice vehicles. ice vehicles have clean burning gas and diesels they don’t run on dirty coal like EV’s…lol

        ATTENTION: What they got in the Hummer EV:

        Based on it’s highway rating of 43 mpg….. they are getting 1.23 miles of range for every kwh or using 80.69 kwh to go 100 miles. = 43 mpg = 2.32 gallons of gas to go 100 miles.

        (43 mpg = 2.32 gallons of gas, is based on electricity just coming out of a wall plug, in reality 9.30 gallons of fuel or 84 lb of coal were burnt to generate the electricity in the power station = 10.75 mpg).
        So the the Hummer EV gets 10.75 mpg…or uses .84 lb of coal per mile…….lol…
        should be a lawsuit claiming 43 mpg….lol.

        Lots of lies in the EV push agenda
        So there is a big difference between using 2.32 gallons to go 100 miles and using 9.30 gallons, it doesn’t matter, tax payers can pay for it through the government owned power station…lol… why should the EV driver pay?

        most new gas or diesel ice cars get better fuel economy then EV’s, cost way less, use far fewer resources to manufacture, EV’s are far too environmentally damaging in the manufacturing process, ice vehicles last three times as long as EV’s….

        40% of electricity in the U.S. comes from coal so the Hummer runs on coal…lol
        Thermal efficiency of power plants using coal, petroleum, natural gas or nuclear fuel and converting it to electricity are around 33% efficiency, natural gas is around 40%. Then there is average 6% loss in transmission, then there is a 5% loss in the charger, another 5% loss in the inverter, the electric motor is 90% efficient so another 10% loss before turning the electricity into mechanical power at the wheels.

        33% – 6% – 5% – 5% – 10% = 25% efficiency for EV’s. In very cold weather EV’s are 12% efficient

        NOTE: 34.7 kwh of electricity is equivalent to 1.02 gallons of gas or 9 lb of coal at the wall plug but , in reality 4.08 gallons of fuel or 36 pounds of coal were burnt to generate the 34.7 kwh of electricity back at the power station.

        Plus the cost of the battery, which is huge, you have to store the electricity in the very, very expensive battery, that is the killer for EV’s right there, the expensive, rapidly wearing out battery.
        the tesla $22,000 battery is used up, worn out in 100,000 miles. this works out to $22.00 per 100 miles it is costing you for the battery.
        The tesla battery weighs up to 1800 lb, the hummer battery is 3000 lb, will it cost $30,000+ ….lol

        the EPA tells us that modern gas powered cars produce 98 – 99% less pollution than cars from the 1960s and 1970s. modern cars have .000001% emissions but that isn’t good enough they want zero, they are liars though, the new EV’s pollute more…lol

        ATTENTION: This is really bad….Before the lithium battery EV goes one foot the emissions/pollution just from manufacturing it is equal to driving an ice diesel 89,400 km (50,550 miles), about 7 years driving.
        That is with a 40 kwh battery, some have 90 kwh batteries they are 2x as bad for the environment.

  8. The few times I nearly ran out of gas were quite stressful. Not something you want to experience very often.

    Such a hassle to hitch a ride to a gas station and then hitch back to the truck. Got to get a can for the gas too. Double hard if you’re in the middle of nowhere.

    Imagine being out of electricity and knowing you’ll have to be towed somewhere there’s a charger! Sounds expensive.

    No thanks, don’t need more of that kind of stress in my life.

    • Hi K&A

      My son is a tech and has friends in the towing business, they love these EV’s, lots with dead batteries getting towed….lol

    • For those uncertain long-distance trips, quite a few EV owners actually put a tow package on their rides, and tow along…what? A diesel or gasoline-powered GENERATOR. By “Gawd and Sonny Jesus”, I shite you not.

  9. If you have a few minutes the range on the F150 EV towing vs gasser GM truck.


    As bad as gassers are compared to diesels in towing capabilities EV is an absolute joke.

    I couldn’t imagine such a useless pickup for anything. It’s basically a heavy duty grocery getter. These

    • Hi Sicilian,

      Yup. In one case, a reviewer hitched a 6,000 lb. trailer to an F150 Lightning; the range rapidly dwindled to about 80 miles. Now, 6,000 lbs. trailer is well below the maximum trailer weight rating of most half-ton trucks. I can only imagine what would happen to the electric truck’s range if it were tasked with pulling say 8,500 lbs. – up a grade – at 65 MPH.

      • Seriously a light duty 1/2 ton diesel like a 3.0 ecodiesel will get me around 350 miles per 25 gal tank full towing 7500 lb trailer. Hand calculated verified in real life. Speaking strictly in terms of range, if that battery for the f 150 lightning were a fuel tank you’d be averaging around 3.2 mpg. Which is pretty good (compared to an Abrams tank.)

        • That’s PRECISELY the “Achilles Heel” of the vaunted M1 Abrams and its variants. The AGT-1500 is compact and very powerful, but its a fuel HOG. It was picked some 45 years ago precisely because no tank diesel that could fit was as powerful…the best ones, put out by MTU of “Goimany” (actually West Germany as that was prior to reunification in 1990) could crank out about 1,100 ponies at the time. But diesel, even the “multi-fuel” ones, have come a LONG way since. Now the Abrams COULD be powered by a licensed-built version of the MTU diesel that powers the “Leo II”, and it’d remove that fuel-guzzling liability.

          Even the “sand negroes” in Iraq figured it out…don’t attack the Abrams platoons or companies themselves, that’s sheer SUICIDE. Hit their FUEL convoys instead. That’s exactly what happened to PFC Jessica Lynch and Specialist Lori Piestewa in ’03 in “Iraqi Freedom” (what an ironic name)…they were in a fuel convoy to replenish a tank battalion when they got ambushed. Lynch was captured and held prisoner for some time; Piestewa was killed, leaving behind a young daughter. Since she was a Hopi, the controversial “Squaw” Peak in the Phoenix area, along with the associated freeway (AZ 51) were renamed after her. I’m sure her family and now grown daughter would rather have Lori alive and the mountain and freeway still named “Squaw”.

      • The irony is that diesel fuel has been pushed out of competitive reach by bureaucratic regulation. A DIESEL-powered truck is still the “thing” for towing or other heavy hauling.

        I say, even if we have to rebuild vintage iron, let’s do that and tell these government morons to go fook themselves.

        • Hi Douglas,

          Absolutely. As an example, my neighbor has an ancient (early ’90s) dualie 2500 he uses to pull his travel trailer. It has a little rust around the lips of the rear wheelwells but otherwise sound and fully operational all these years after it was made. With dual tanks full, it has impressive range, too. Trucks like that gave you value for the dollar. A $50k electric truck with a probable 10 year (or less) useful service life? Not so much….

  10. to all the great ‘energy density’ comments below. Yup. Ya think that our honest scientists don’t know this already and have for a long time? Ya think our Fed and law makers don’t know this? Our manufacturers? Engineers? They all do. It’s all just smoke and mirrors, on purpose. For what purpose is the question, it can NOT be good.
    I think we are probably wasting out time fighting the message(s).

    • Hi Chris,

      Yes. This is why I draw the comparison with “masks” and “vaccines.” They know these do not “work,” too. But it is a kind of religion that must be pushed, regardless. So it is with electric cars.

    • Hi Chris

      But it is great sport trolling these EV pushers (and you might educate some of the brain dead, turn them into the opposition), you can’t troll killshot pushers, very bad outcomes, banned etc., (big pharma bribed far too many people), you can troll maskers a little bit…..more now then before…they used to say you are a grandma killer….lol….

  11. Re the great vax die-off:

    One thing shared equally and enthusiastically by left, right and center is the love of a nasty, horrifying, apocalypse forecast. I long ago lost count of how many such predictions I’ve endured in my lifetime thus far.

    Still waiting (but stocked up on popcorn just in case).

    • Non,
      Indeed, even weather forecasters are prophets of doom. Though snow, being hard to forecast, often undoes them. They exaggerate the 4″ forecast to 6-8″, and then we get 14″.

  12. Ice diesel vs EV fuel economy comparison:

    To go 100 miles the ice diesel burns 1.36 gallons of diesel in it’s super clean .000001% emission engine.

    the EPA tells us that modern gas powered cars produce 98 – 99% less pollution than cars from the 1960s and 1970s. modern cars have .000001% emissions but that isn’t good enough they want zero, they are liars though, the new EV’s pollute more…lol

    To go 100 miles the EV burns 43 lb of coal…… 43 lb of dirty coal were burnt to generate the electricity in the power station producing huge emissions destroying the environment.
    ATTENTION: remember they are CEV’s Coal Electric Vehicles….
    Plus the added bonus of a lithium fire bomb battery in the car….lol

    ATTENTION: The Volkswagen Golf BlueMotion has emissions of 85g CO2 per km
    A current-model large EV car emits about 88 grams of CO2 per kilometer,

    ATTENTION: This is really bad….Before the EV goes one foot the emissions/pollution just from manufacturing it is equal to driving an ice diesel 89,400 km (50,550 miles), about 7 years driving.
    Then the battery dies in 10 years and you start over, another 89,400 km equivalent of pollution, inflicted on the earth, just from the battery manufacture…lol….and it will only cost you $22,000…lol…

    “If an electric vehicle is using a 40 kWh battery (some EV’s have 90 kwh batteries which are twice as bad x2), its embedded emissions from manufacturing would then be equivalent to the CO2 emissions caused by driving a diesel car with a fuel consumption of 5 litre per 100 km (about 55 mpg), up to 89,400 km (about 7 years average driving) before the electric car even has driven one meter,” Circular Energy reports.

    Ice diesel:
    The 2014 Volkswagen Golf BlueMotion diesel, capable of a claimed 88.3 mpg imperial, or 73.5 mpg U.S.
    it has a 971 mile range, the perfect car.
    The Volkswagen Golf BlueMotion has emissions of 85g CO2 per km. it is even cleaner (less emissions) than a Toyota Prius or an EV….
    A bloomberg article states, “A current-model large EV car with a battery produced and charged in an average European Union country emits about 88 grams of CO2 per kilometer,

    it weighs 1125 kg, 2480 lb, the new EV’s are over 4000 lb. it weighs 40% less.

    What test drivers are actually getting driving in the real world driving EV’s is they are getting 2.4 miles of range for every kwh
    They are using 41.66 kwh to go 100 miles. (.4166 kwh per mile) = 83 mpg
    ATTENTION: 83 mpg is based on electricity just coming out of a wall plug,
    in reality 4.80 gallons of fuel or 43 lb of coal were burnt to generate the electricity in the power station = 20.8 mpg).
    So to go 100 miles the EV burns 43 lb of coal

    So to end up with 41.66 kwh of electricity which is equivalent to 1.20 gallons of gas to push the EV 100 miles down the road 4.80 gallons of fuel or 43 lb of coal were burnt to generate the electricity in the power station, remember net 25% efficiency. 100 miles using 4.80 gallons = 20.8 mpg,

    New EV’s are over 4000 lb, that is why they get bad fuel economy. The 2014 Volkswagen Golf BlueMotion diesel weighs 40% less, helping it to get far greater fuel economy.

    In the real world the EV with the large 90 kwh battery (some EV batteries are smaller) had only 216 mile range.
    the 2014 Volkswagen Golf BlueMotion diesel has a 971 mile range.

    In order to go 200 miles the EV had to carry around a 1000 lb battery (some tesla batteries weigh 1800 lb)

    In order to go 200 miles the 2014 Volkswagen Golf BlueMotion diesel had to only carry 9.52 lb of fuel.

    There is the big difference the diesel ice car only had to carry 9.52 lb of fuel to go 200 miles the EV had to carry a 1000 lb battery, this has a huge effect on fuel economy

    The 2014 Volkswagen Golf BlueMotion costs $24,355 U.S., EV’s start at about $45,000
    there is a $20,000 incentive to buy the Volkswagen Golf BlueMotion…lol

    20.8 mpg….lol…..these EV’s use more fuel so pollute more then ice vehicles

    most new gas or diesel ice cars get better fuel economy, cost way less, use far fewer resources to manufacture, don’t have lithium fire bomb batteries, last three times as long as EV’s….

    Thermal efficiency of power plants using coal, petroleum, natural gas or nuclear fuel and converting it to electricity are around 33% efficiency, natural gas is around 40%. Then there is average 6% loss in transmission, then there is a 5% loss in the charger, another 5% loss in the inverter, the electric motor is 90% efficient so another 10% loss before turning the electricity into mechanical power at the wheels.

    33% – 6% – 5% – 5% – 10% = 25% efficiency for EV’s. In very cold weather EV’s are 12% efficient

    a gallon of gas retains 100% of its chemical-kinetic-electrical energy potential throughout the entirety of its supply chain. This is extraordinarily effective when compared to electricity in either transmitted or battery-stored forms – which does not retain its potential and can lose from 15 to 45% of the generated kilowatt hours of electricity during the delivery and battery-charging/depletion/use processes.
    ……… instead of 26% loss (during delivery and use) this says it is up to a 45% loss

    33% – 45% = 15% efficiency for EV’s. Then in very cold weather EV’s are 8% efficient..another 50% loss….
    EV’s are looking pretty useless, they are being pushed on people through lying….

    An EV just sitting loses:
    tesla says a daily 3%-5% stationary range consumption.” (just parked)
    So Tesla says it’s normal to fully discharge itself in under 3 weeks. Keep this in mind when parking it somewhere 90kwh @ $0.40 per kwh = another $36.00 per week loss just parked…lol

    Plus the cost of the battery, which is huge, you have to store the electricity in the very, very expensive battery, that is the killer for EV’s right there, the expensive, rapidly wearing out battery.
    the tesla $22,000 battery is used up, worn out in 100,000 miles.
    ATTENTION: this works out to $22.00 per 100 miles it is costing you for the battery.

    greens say burning 43 lb of coal to power their stupid EV is cleaner then burning 1.36 gallons of diesel in an ultra clean .0000001% emission ice diesel engine….lol….they have lied to everybody and got away with it….lol


    • energy density, the big problem right there…….batteries don’t work period…..

      In order to go 200 miles the EV had to carry around a 1000 lb battery (some tesla batteries weigh 1800 lb)

      In order to go 200 miles the 2014 Volkswagen Golf BlueMotion diesel had to only carry 9.52 lb of fuel.

      • Anybody who has studied Energy knows that solar and wind are no density sources. And
        these batteries are essentially very low density as compared to nuclear And hydrocarbons.The only way that an electric vehicle would work best is by hydrogen electric. We are doomed if we keep going down this chemical battery BS. The infrastructure should have been close to 100% nuclear as far as electrical generation.

        We could save the hydrocarbons for other uses in raw materials. Nuclear power plants could make plenty of hydrogen in the off-peak hours enough for the infrastructure for the hydrogen cars and other vehicles.

        Nuclear has the highest ratio of density in fact 1 pound of uranium is about the size of your fingertip and can power an icebreaker ship for one day. And guess what there is plenty of uranium on the planet to power the world.

        • Hydrogen vs Battery comparison.

          Toyota was more interested in hydrogen fuel cell/electric tech (the advantage…. refuel in 3 minutes just like an ice vehicle, also no up to 1800 lb batteries like in a tesla, so makes more sense, it is the only electric technology that will work on big trucks), the problem is very few refueling stations yet.
          Toyota had a lease for their Mirai for $600.00 per month which included all the fuel, a great deal.

          Their new offering includes free fuel for 6 years, when they ban gas and diesel and electricity costs go up 10 or 20 times current rates, this might be a good backup…..free fuel.

          this is better than a battery EV, 3 minute refueling, no up to 1800 lb of batteries, free fuel (a friend has a tesla who uses a super charger at a mall, it costs almost as much as fueling an ice vehicle), if you charge at home the cost will keep increasing with electrical grid issues, no long charging waits, won’t burn your house down when recharging, no $22,000 battery dead after 10 years so car is worth zero after 10 years like a tesla.

          At the core of Mirai, hydrogen from the fuel tank and air entering from the intake grille meet in the Fuel Cell Stack. There, a chemical reaction involving the oxygen in the air and hydrogen creates electricity—powering Mirai. (electricity made in the car) In the end, the only by-product is water. zero emission.

          With a tesla the electricity is made (burning coal in some places) then transmitted 1000’s of miles at times, then you wait for hours to recharge, battery EV’s don’t work, they knew that 100 years ago.

          Tesla battery after 9 years 135,000 miles? battery dead can’t be used. replacement cost $22,000. residual value of car = zero

          Fuel cell lasts 5000 hr. x 40 mph = 200,000 miles, even then has lost only 30% of efficiency, so still can be used, as a used car. car still has residual value, plus it is a toyota.

          At end of life Toyota takes the fuel cell and recycles it, the up to 1800 lb lithium fire bomb tesla battery goes into the landfill, probably.

          Hydrogen fuel cells make more sense then battery EV’s, gas powered ice is way better, diesel powered ice is best.

          Hydrogen can be produced using a number of different processes. Thermochemical processes use heat and chemical reactions to release hydrogen from organic materials, such as fossil fuels and biomass, or from materials like water. Water (H2O) can also be split into hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (O2) using electrolysis or solar energy. Microorganisms such as bacteria and algae can produce hydrogen through biological processes.


          • Anon,
            Since my high school days, ending in 1972, I have long thought that Hydrogen was the key. After all, it’s the most abundant element in the universe, and can be extracted from multiple compounds and solutions. If we had started extracting and using it in ’72, can you imagine where we would be with it now? Even using it as a direct fuel to replace hydrocarbons.

        • One of the largest inputs into the modern economy is energy. Much of that energy comes from fossil fuels. The availability of that energy at reasonable costs when compared to human effort is declining due to a number of factors including the Russia-Ukraine conflict, but the number one reason is depletion. In other words energy is getting more expensive because we’ve used up all the easy to extract stuff.

          Remember the oil embargo in the 70’s? They were able to mute much of the effect of that over time by drilling Alaska and the North Sea, areas that were known to contain oil but that were not profitable to drill prior to the embargo. But those sorts of fallbacks are all explored and on production (and thus decline) now. What we got left is fracking and the oil sands, both of which are much more expensive per barrel and hated by much of the population, despite their very lives depending on them.

          As the amount of energy going into the economy declines, so will economic activity. Dollars and interest rates can’t fix it. Remember, they are real. They are just agreements among men and nations. Agreements that can’t be kept, aren’t.

          wind turbines and solar panels won’t fix it because they do not work. To make them work would require a wind turbine and a solar array (or both) on every rooftop, but even once you did that you need batteries. Lots of batteries. A prohibitive amount of batteries. Batteries like we’ve never imagined before. And you have to replace them every 5-7 years. dangerous lithium fire bomb batteries.

          Nuclear might work, but only the Chinese and Russians seem to be building them these days. It is not possible in North America or Europe. What are your politicians doing? russia and china will get ahead, G7 will freeze in the dark….lol

          Thus, the longer term outlook for the economy is pretty grim. The best bet, if you live in North America, is to enjoy the next decade or so because it is probably the last prosperous one. If you are in Europe it may be too late already, as the damaged energy trade routes may never be restored. I’d get the heck out of there if I could.

          Russia certainly isn’t going to do further business with “the west” until they get all their money back and the sanctions are lifted, and even then they will prefer to do business elsewhere. In short, Europe is screwed starting now. But they won’t be alone for long.

          When the trouble starts, now you know why.

          Re: nuclear
          One needs to have a clear understanding of just why it is that nuclear power is so hated
          all over the world, and why the fake “environmentalist” movement, established and
          financially supported by the Club of Rome, was called upon to wage war on nuclear

          With nuclear energy generating electricity in cheap and abundant supplies, Third
          World countries would gradually become independent of U.S. foreign aid and begin to
          assert their sovereignty. Nuclear generated electricity is THE key to bringing Third
          World countries out of their backward state, a state which the Committee of 300 has
          ordered to remain in position.

    • Hi Anon,

      This – about Leftist cities such as LA abandoning the “mask” mandating – is very encouraging. This is how it’s done. By not saying yes.

      Instead, a firm Fuck You will do.

  13. ‘What do “Masks” and “Vaccines” and EVs (and Semiconductor Chips) Have in Common?” — eric

    Government sponsorship.

    Nancy Pelosi and her husband Paul crassly, corruptly sought to front-run today’s passage of the CHIPS-plus Act. Result:

    ‘Paul Pelosi sold 25,000 shares of NVIDIA at an average price of $165.05 on July 26, according to a mandatory congressional financial disclosure filed Tuesday by the Speaker. By selling the shares, Paul Pelosi suffered a total loss of $341,365.’ — businessinsider.com

    But, but, but — insider trading is supposed to be a slam-dunk. I want my money back!

    It gets worse:

    ‘For Q2, chip-maker Intel’s adjusted revenue was $15.3 billion, versus a Wall Street estimated $17.9 billion (and down from $19.6 billion in the year-ago quarter). Adjusted earnings per share were 29 cents, versus an estimated 69 cents.’ — ZH

    Doubling down on losers — that’s what we do in Clowngress. And why not: it’s other peoples’ money.

    • Hi Jim

      The vast majority of pharmacology, psychiatry, vaccine science and published research is a complete fraud

      Most published research is a complete fraud, and every field of science is dominated by hucksters, con artists and fakers who fabricate research to collect government grant money while pushing false narratives.

      – Decades of Alzheimer’s research is now revealed to be FAKED (see below).
      – Antidepressant “serotonin” research was all FAKED (see below).
      – NASA is pushing more fake science, claiming to send helicopters to Mars (a planet with virtually no atmosphere) to transport rocks across the Martian plains (see below).
      – Economic theories pushing MMT are all FAKED and rooted in complete nonsense.
      – Climate “science” is a complete fictional FRAUD rooted in the absurd idea that carbon dioxide is a “pollutant” that kills green plants (it’s actually essential for photosynthesis).
      – Vaccine science nothing but FRAUD, pushing dangerous, deadly experimental injections that they don’t even pretend have succeeded in long-term clinical trials showing safety and efficacy.

      Decades of Alzheimer’s research is now being called into question as it turns out researchers doctors photos of amyloid proteins to make it appear as if these proteins cause Alzheimer’s.


  14. Yeah, I won’t be buying an EV to have it stop on the road somewhere and you can’t even get a tow back home for a good six hours. When the tow truck finally arrives, you won’t be all that happy about any of it. If it’s 20 below zero, you’ll be dead if help doesn’t get there.

    Better have a roll of toilet paper, a can and some matches to stay warm. If the battery catches fire, you can stand outside the burning inferno and stay warm for probably a few hours if it’s too cold outside. No cell phone service and you’re in big trouble.

    The ambulance will have an ICE to make it go so they can carry your sorry worthless lifeless hide to the morgue.

    If you live, you’ll want to sell and never see the thing ever again.

    If you have ever been close to a fully engulfed burning stick built building, you can’t get near the structure, the heat will drive you back.

    You have to sacrifice the ICE vehicle you own so the elite can fly private jets for 200 days each year flying 10,000 miles round trip. You’ll pay for them to fly their 2,000,000 miles at 30,000 feet, your fault they are forced to fly in private jets. Another 100 days of short flights less than 500 miles round trip will be on the tab, you have to pay your fair share to finance their gluttony.

    You’ll pay for the other 65 days of sloth they have planned for themselves while you suffer misery even more. You are owned, not your body, not your choice. You’ll be vaxxed to death.

    That’s your fault too. Anything Klouse does and says is your fault.

    You’re guilty, the culprit, it’s a crime to want to have something when you deserve nothing, you should be happy you deserve nothing. Forget about that baloney.

    Pulling weeds out of the cabbage rows, you let the red-rooted pigweed and the lambsquarters grow about a foot tall or more, helps the cabbage grow and thrive, it’s shaded and doesn’t really dry out. Works great. Same for carrots and onions. The sweet corn planting is killer this year.

  15. They even use the same condescending term for those who see through the bullshit on EVs as they do for the vaxxes, “hesitancy.”

    According to GM, “consumer hesitancy due to lack of knowledge and potential misconceptions about electric vehicles is considered one of the greatest hurdles for EVs.”

    There’s nothing wrong with EVs, you’re just stupid and filled with misconceptions. Alrighty then.

    • It isn’t “hesitant” if you actually DO NOT WANT it.

      Would you describe yourself as “rape-hesitant?”

      Didn’t think so.

      • You’re preaching to the choir here, me included. That being said, the GM reply would be “you’re so crazy as to equate purchasing an EV with rape?” and/or “you’re only saying you don’t want an EV because you’re uninformed or misinformed.” It’s a vicious cycle that concludes logically with “if you disobey or disagree with (insert gov’t or gov’t proxy narrative here) you are at best mentally ill or at worst a criminal “extremist.” See every totalitarian regime ever for examples.

        • Purchasing an EV willingly? Not remotely equivalent to rape.

          Purchasing one because government mandates/restrictions/taxes forced ICE vehicles off the market but you still need to go places? Yep, it’s absolutely the same thing—a difference of degree, but not substance. In both cases, it’s about power and humiliation, much more so than it is about the other thing.

  16. Hi Jim

    ‘The people operating the “energy transition” levers will get $370 billion to spend on bigger windmills, more solar panels and new energy programs to eliminate coal, oil and natural gas…..

    The government has great solutions for the climate hoax……technology that is far more destructive to the environment…..

    Lithium batteries:
    Can’t be recycled = really green energy….haha

    95% of lithium batteries aren’t recycled, Solar panels can’t be recycled, Used wind turbine blades can’t be recycled, Each blade weighs 81,000 pounds, they are made from fiberglass.

    A typical EV battery weighs one thousand pounds, (tesla batteries go up to 1800 lb. ) It contains twenty-five pounds of lithium, sixty pounds of nickel, 44 pounds of manganese, 30 pounds cobalt, 200 pounds of copper, and 400 pounds of aluminum, steel, and plastic. Inside are over 6,000 individual lithium-ion cells.
    It should concern you that all those toxic components come from mining. For instance, to manufacture each EV auto battery, you must process 25,000 pounds of brine for the lithium, 30,000 pounds of ore for the cobalt, 5,000 pounds of ore for the nickel, and 25,000 pounds of ore for copper. All told, you dig up 500,000 pounds of the earth’s crust for just one battery.”
    Sixty-eight percent of the world’s cobalt, a significant part of a battery, comes from the Congo. Their mines have no pollution controls, and they employ children who die from handling this toxic material. Should we factor in these diseased kids as part of the cost of driving an electric car?”
    95% of lithium batteries aren’t recycled

    Solar panels:

    The main problem with solar arrays is the chemicals needed to process silicate into the silicon used in the panels. To make pure enough silicon requires processing it with hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, nitric acid, hydrogen fluoride, trichloroethane, and acetone. In addition, they also need gallium, arsenide, copper-indium-gallium- diselenide, and cadmium-telluride, which also are highly toxic. Silicone dust is a hazard to the workers, and the panels cannot be recycled.
    Solar panels can’t be recycled…..what will they do with them (and wind turbine blades)? throw them down old mine shafts like nuclear waste?…..lol..

    solar panels are toxic. They sterilize the ground they sit on. Birds that fly over a solar farm are roasted mid-flight.
    Have you researched the temperature directly above a solar farm?? These farms have been accused of creating warming in the regions around them.
    The alarmists will always show you pictures of solar panels on green grass – which have to taken as soon as the panels are installed. They leach cadmium and other toxic chemicals and sterilize the soil. Just try to find anything growing under a solar farm that has stood for a few years.

    Wind turbines

    Wind turbines are the ultimate in embedded costs and environmental destruction. Each weighs 1688 tons (the equivalent of 23 houses) and contains 1300 tons of concrete, 295 tons of steel, 48 tons of iron, 24 tons of fiberglass, and the hard to extract rare earths neodymium, praseodymium, and dysprosium. Each blade weighs 81,000 pounds and will last 15 to 20 years, at which time it must be replaced. We cannot recycle used blades. Sadly, both solar arrays and windmills kill birds, bats, sea life, and migratory insects.
    Used wind turbine blades can’t be recycled, Each blade weighs 81,000 pounds, they are made from fiberglass.

    they leak oil from their motors. They cannot be recycled so they are buried in Landfills. They use more electricity than they create. They can fling ice for hundreds of meters. They kill large predatory birds, bats and insects. Their infrasound negatively affect the hearts of humans and animals that live near them. The huge cement footings damage aquifers.


  17. Theres another problem with all these tax rebates and stimulus checks – they’re a hook to incentivize a tax return filing. Filing federal immediately opens you up to audit and debt enslavement or imprisonment for perjury. If you have not made a large amount of “income” from investment interest or the stock casino you don’t owe them squat and you absolutely don’t need to open a potential can of sh*t by filing.

    • Hi Bayou,

      Actually, if one has no tax liability it is unlikely that the tax credits will even be available to a taxpayer. Example, if a taxpayer falls for this scam and decides to go in debt themselves on a 2022 Ford Mustang Mach E thinking that if they spend $45K they will get $7500 back. Surprise is on them! The taxpayer has to have $7500 of tax liability to be able to get the maximum tax credit. If someone who makes $60K a year after adjustments and the standard tax deduction will have taxable income of about $46000 is about $3700 in federal withholding. The taxpayer will be allowed a credit up to $3700, not $7500.

      Is the excess refundable? Nope. Can it be carried forward to a future year? Nope.

      This is a tax credit for the wealthy and by the wealthy.

      • ‘This is a tax credit for the wealthy and by the wealthy.’ — Raider Girl

        Haven’t seen the text of the bill yet, but chances are that it also renews and extends the residential solar tax credit which otherwise expires next year.

        Although my understanding is that the solar credit can be carried over (at least till next year), for sure you need $7,500 in tax liability to fully benefit from it.

        Slick solar salesmen never tell their marks … errr, customers … this. They make it sound like you just stick your grubby paw out and collect $7,500 cash, easy-peasy. If only!

        • Correction, the 22% credit in 2023 depends on the cost of the solar system. A $7,500 credit would apply to a $34,000 solar system, such as one with battery back-up.

          • Hi Jim,

            For all of the years that this credit has been ongoing I have only had one who took advantage of it. They took it in 2019 when the credit was at 30% and I remember due to how much they purchased they may have ended up saving around $2-3K.

            People took advantage of the other energy saving residential home credits – new windows, doors, insulation, HVAC units, etc. but the credit for those usually maxed out around $500-1500 and a taxpayer could only claim it once. People didn’t go out and buy new doors or units, they needed them, and the credit was just an additional benefit. They were going to buy them with or without the tax savings.

            Most people have no desire to purchase such an expensive product (like solar) even with the tax savings. That is why I don’t expect electric cars to take off. The potential tax credit influences one very little in the purchasing of a good, especially when it is such an expensive one.

          • Hi Jim

            I read a story by a liberal who purchased solar panels in 2013 for $35K and they stopped working and the replacement part was $20K…..lol

            plus more benefits…….lol

            Solar panels:

            The main problem with solar arrays is the chemicals needed to process silicate into the silicon used in the panels. To make pure enough silicon requires processing it with hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, nitric acid, hydrogen fluoride, trichloroethane, and acetone. In addition, they also need gallium, arsenide, copper-indium-gallium- diselenide, and cadmium-telluride, which also are highly toxic. Silicone dust is a hazard to the workers, and the panels cannot be recycled.
            Solar panels can’t be recycled…..what will they do with them (and wind turbine blades)? throw them down old mine shafts like nuclear waste?…..lol..

            solar panels are toxic. They sterilize the ground they sit on. Birds that fly over a solar farm are roasted mid-flight.
            Have you researched the temperature directly above a solar farm?? These farms have been accused of creating warming in the regions around them.
            The alarmists will always show you pictures of solar panels on green grass – which have to taken as soon as the panels are installed. They leach cadmium and other toxic chemicals and sterilize the soil. Just try to find anything growing under a solar farm that has stood for a few years.

            And the landmass that both wind and solar take up will take up most of the farmland in America. Right now we’re not even at 3% electrical production of both. We’re going down a doomed path!

  18. Eric,

    You missed the silver lining.

    The subsidies inevitably cause the price (of something that is already unaffordable) to skyrocket. Much like what has already occurred with college tuition and many other things. The electric automakers don’t know it (because they can’t see past the next quarter) but they are signing their own death warrants.

    The game has started but there are a lot of innings left to go.

    • Publis: You are correct. This kind of government intervention always causes a market distortion, which latent, free-market forces will inevitably work to correct. The producers of these subsidized EVs will also incorporate this artificial distortion into their business models so that if and when it goes away they it will no longer be economically feasible.

      Of course, the point is not to create an economically feasible business model. It’s just pure short-term rent seeking to enrich the politically connected at the expense of the rest of us.

  19. ‘The “incentives” serve to inflate the cost of cars and trucks generally.’ — eric

    You have to admire the sheer brazenness of Manchin titling his bill the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 — a meme he probably cadged from TikTok.

    ALL of that $370 billion is going to be borrowed. And much of it will be monetized by the Federal Reserve, after it capitulates in response to a faceplanting economy.

    When the budget baseline consists of perpetual trillion-dollar deficits, all new fedgov programs are engines of inflation, not to mention the euthanasia of the middle class (remember them?).

  20. Lol at Mansion. When you have a selfish, ignorant, insouciant electorate, this is what you get. I really hope the whole of this country enjoys the predicament it foisted upon itself. I also really hope the Orange Doofus runs for 2024 – this time he will REALLY drain the swamp, he promises.

  21. Around Austin, I don’t notice a lot of Good Germans, 24/7 masked party faithful, even when behind the wheel of their vehicle without a passenger, driving EVs.

    Yesterday’s poster child for “Austin Hipple Old Guy” I saw at the auto repair shop walked out of the shop office and climbed into an old Hyundai whose paint had seen better days despite being less than a decade old (my guess).

  22. What they also have in common is the message that this is the way things are gonna be, ’cause we’re the muthafuckas in charge.

    • Hi Brandon,

      That’s exactly the dilemma. The people who might make for good leaders – if such a thing is wanted – are exactly the ones least likely to have any interest in the job. Conversely, the worst types are attracted to these jobs, as a tick is to the warmth of any nearby mammal’s body.

      • That’s a great analogy Eric, these pols are nothing but parasites attaching themselves to the public. At least a tick knows it’s nothing but a tick, not trying to rule the world.

      • Hi Eric

        Dr. Vernon Coleman has this to say about our leaders:

        When I was a GP, I worked as a police surgeon for some years. I have met, examined and interviewed a number of murderers. I never met any as evil as the deceitful and devious politicians, scientists and doctors now determined to destroy everything we value – for power and money. Make no mistake about it, the end of civilisation is coming towards us at the speed of light.


    • Brandonjin the topic of Nancy Pelosi’s hubby making millions on trades she likely engineered came up around the water cooler. Seems Paul the drunkard never discusses trades with Nancy the screw. My suggestion was she talks in her sleep…

      But I’m reminded of the Capital basement, where all the records are stored. Anyone can request going down there and looking at what’s there, but you are not to bring along any recording devices, not even a notepad and pencil. This seems like an opportunity for a real life Fahrenheit 451 moment, where we send in people with photographic memories who can memorize the records, then they go out in the woods and recite their section of the record. Indeed they take on the role of the record itself.

      Parody for sure, but truly insane that it has come to this.

  23. Without the incentives, including the regulatory destruction of its competition, there would not be enough market for these rolling fire hazards, with a ten year life span, to justify building an assembly line. Just as with masks and “vaccines”, without the government gun to our heads, they wouldn’t even be “news”.
    If the Republicans gain control, there won’t be enough cajones among them to back up on any of it.

    • Exactly! Even if the prophesied “red wave” occurs — whether major or slim majority — the do-nothing GOP will not reverse a damn thing. This will be just like the GOP majority after Obamacare — the precursor to much of this lunacy.

      They will have the majority and all the gullible idiots will be shocked, jaws hitting the floor, when 2-4 years go buy and not a damn meaningful thing has changed.

      Watch… it’s coming.

      • ‘Even if the prophesied “red wave” occurs — whether major or slim majority — the do-nothing GOP will not reverse a damn thing.’ — EM

        The R-party majority-in-waiting already sent their new lapel buttons to the printer:

        Mend, don’t end

    • Hi John

      The more you dive deeper into researching this clean energy zero emission lie the worse it gets………

      Electric Vehicles: Trading One Form of Hazardous Mining for Another

      Lithium mining isn’t the only concerning factor with lithium-ion batteries. There are additional chemical elements in batteries, like cobalt and graphite, which pose social and environmental challenges, according to UNCTAD.

      In its 2022 report, the USGS reports that in 2021, over 70 percent of the global cobalt production came from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and that Southern Congo sits atop an estimated 3.5 million metric tons, which is almost half of the world’s known supply.

      The problem, according to UNCTAD, is that dust from cobalt mines often contains toxic metals such as uranium, and DRC mines may contain sulfur minerals that can generate sulfuric acid, according to UNCTAD.

      When exposed to air or water, sulfuric acid can lead to acid mine drainage, polluting rivers and drinking water for hundreds of years.

      And, up to 40,000 children are estimated to be working in these mines under slave labor conditions.

      Finally, in addition to the above-stated problems, mining battery components emit a fair amount of CO2, which varies based on specific mining and manufacturing processes.

      “There are carbon dioxide and other greenhouse emissions that come with the process of extraction. [It’s] not like CO2 comes out of the lithium, but it does take energy to mine things—today many of those systems involve emitting CO2,” said Zeke Hausfather, Climate Research Lead at nonprofit Berkeley Earth to Climate360.

      “There’s emissions associated with the processes of mining like CO2 emissions creating sulfuric acid and other things used in the mining process—the life cycle of all of these things involves some environmental impact,” Hausfather concluded.

      Research and consulting firm Circular Energy Storage reported that emission results can range from 39 kg CO2 equivalent per kilowatt hour to 196 kg CO2e/kWh, which significantly impacts the potential positive impact of electric vehicles.

      “If an electric vehicle is using a 40 kWh battery its embedded emissions from manufacturing would then be equivalent to the CO2 emissions caused by driving a diesel car with a fuel consumption of 5 litre per 100 km in between 11,800 km and 89,400 km before the electric car even has driven one meter,” Circular Energy reports.

      “While the lower range might not be significant, the latter would mean an electric car would have a positive climate impact first after seven years for the European average driver.”


  24. I’m pretty sure what’s gonna happen is a further breakdown of the economy over this. They think that everyone is gonna hold hands, sing Kumbaya, ride share, take the bus and/or walk.

    That simply is not going to work for very many people that provide important products and services. Are the neighborhood lawn mowing crews gonna ride the bus or walk or share a car with the neighbor? Think of the crews that hammer together houses all day long. They’re not driving $80K trucks to work — never mind the charging issues.

    Major shit is going to break over this IMO. Typical government always has the idea that, “we’ll figure that out when we cross that bridge.” They do that with every damn thing but this time, there won’t be any figuring it out.

    Meanwhile, the only “incentive” that would ever cause me to begrudgingly buy an EV is when there is absolutely no non-EV car available. I’m pretty sure, unless they outright ban all ICE cars, I can keep buying used for the ~30 years remaining of my driving life.

    • EM,
      The problem being, if they completely eliminate the competition, EV prices will skyrocket, and the subsidies will stop.
      All for the sake of the insane delusion that a climate that has been forever changing can be stopped from ever changing again, by edict.

    • More like destroy EM. In rural small town America, where I spend almost half my time, the large majority is below middle class or what used to be defined as middle class. Very few new anything, but lots of much older vehicles. 2 charging stations within 50 miles, one currently down. These people storm the town meetings if their taxes go up $100.
      There is no way, zero, that they can or will buy into EV’s, and if/when ICE registration costs (or gas tax, etc…) goes up fictitiously (because we are polluters and/or to eliminate the competition), they will not be able to drive and therefore work. There is NO public transit anywhere and it can’t work either.
      If they think they will get all to move urban, they’re mistaken. Sure some will, but the rest of the town would crumble. But guess what will happen? They just won’t pay attention to any laws, new reg fees, etc… and become outlaws, and my guess is the law won’t care either because they live there too.

  25. I warned my friends about Manchin-the-Saviour accolades. He’s still a democrat. And just like Aesop’s snake, he can’t help but to bite you. Do not expect rewards from the wicked.

    • Mike,
      Indeed, he has gotten his fifteen minutes of fame by being somewhat obstructive, and likely creating some vote capital from it. Now he has nothing to keep him on that track.

    • Oh, it’s started already big time. There seems to be several “phases” to the big die off. First, the initial people who just died or became horribly sick right after the jab(s), I personally know two corpses who were formerly 30 somethings, in obviously good health die within 48 hrs of one of the jabs. Second those who succumb from two demonstrated side affects, one being blood clots and other circulatory issues, the other being a compromised immune system leading to other unrelated pathogens. Then, the long term effects of all the above coupled with all the things yet to be studied and discovered. We are in for a world of hurt.

      • Statistically, whoever is left by the end of it will be non-compliant, and thoroughly pissed off. I will most likely lose my entire family and almost all of the people I know, if these predictions are correct. So will many others.

        We win in the long run, as long as we don’t do something stupid that gets us killed first.

      • Yep (Re: The die-off).
        Just among those whom I know personally- Friends, relatives, acquaintances, neighbors, etc- No one has died from the flu- but lately, so many are perpetually sick, dying or have died- but only those who have taken the clot shot. I’ve never seen anything like it, and yet none among them seem to be able to connect the dots- it never has “anything to do with the shots” (The TV and the pharma-cartel stooges whom they call ‘doctors’ assure them, ya know!

        The greatest carnage I’ve seen is among those I know in NY, where it seems everyone took the shots in order “to be able to live”(i.e. keep their jobs and or be able to go to ‘public places’). That ‘living’ has turned out to be very short-lived. And I’m not talking about weak sickly or old people- but rather formerly very healthy strong people in their prime, most of whom have never had a serious health issue before.

        When the tV told ’em that millions were dying from the flu, they beleived it, though they saw no deaths around them. Now that the deaths from the shots are all around them, affecting people whom they actually know, or even themselves, they believe that no one is dying from the shots…because the TV says. (Except for ONE of ’em- a relative who took the shot and now regrets it- and luckily, so far, she is O-K except for having had the ‘Rona twice now…but literally every other one who is still alive is in denial, including a friend who almost died from a pulmonary embolism- a former tough guy who is now reduced to spending literally half his time going to variuous doctors for one shot-related issue after another).

      • These are not vaccines because they don’t stop transmission, so they can’t be called vaccines, end of story, they lied.

        ATTENTION: It is zero % effective researchers looked at the data, they committed fraud during the trials this vaccine is zero % effective

        The winners: so the uninjected are the winners…they didn’t get the lethal experimental injection the vaccine which is zero % effective.
        The losers: If you took the experimental gene modification injections (the non placebo) here is what you have to look forward to over the next 2-3 years:

        1) Sometime between October 2021 and April 2022 we will see if ADE (Antibody Dependent Enhancement) strikes you like it did the animals in 2012.
        2) Around 18 months we will see if “mad cow” strikes you like it did to the humanised mice that were injected with the spike proteins.
        3) Around 24 months we will see if Alzheimer’s strikes you like it did the Macaque monkeys that were injected with the spike proteins.
        4) 60% of the injected have detected ‘microclots’ with the d-dimer test in the first week after injection. Right side heart failure within 3 years is common.
        5) The spike proteins impair your telemerase synthesis which is known to lead to cancer, CVD, diabetes, vascular dementia.

        These useless vaccines are now assisting those who were vaccinated at developing more severe symptoms and developing higher viral loads for the variants, because of this useless vaccine they become variant factories, super spreaders, the new zombies……

        NOTE: be careful these injected people are now biosecurity terrorists, super spreaders, spreading to the un injected people.

        Dr. Bryan Ardis says it is genocide https://www.bitchute.com/video/gJm9YGiaoOfe/

        the bottom line: Dr Sean Brooks PhD Oxford has a message he says:
        Anybody who gets it (the non placebo), will be dead in 6 months to 3 to 5 years. . It destroys your immune system and you die. Everybody gets blood clots and is sterilized, people are getting their children injected.

        Dr. Zelenko makes it very clear that, in his opinion, the Cv19 injections are neither safe nor effective nor necessary and that, in fact, forcing anyone to take the experimental injections equals genocide. zelenko said the injection is like the gas chamber and people are running into it.

        Re: Placebos

        The big losers are the v. injured

        Their placebo injected buddies say they are too weak, doctors won’t talk to them, they won’t accept the shots injured anyone, ever, anywhere, the injured are labeled insane and given psychiatric drugs and told to piss off.

        Roadkill…… The placebo injected are now confident that the shots are harmless, they will take 20 or more, but the 5 out of 6 are placebos (in conservative areas closer to 0 out of 6) means you run out of luck, plus the wef/who want a 95% population reduction, they will get you eventually.

        1000’s of vials of the demon shot were acquired, research found about 5 out of 6 are placebo (saline)…..(in conservative areas closer to 0 out of 6). it is like russian roulette, but after the 3rd or 4th injection your luck runs out.

        Looking at the data it appeared they were experimenting with the dosage, to make it lethal (within 3 years) but not strong enough to draw attention to the die off/injuries, gates did this in africa, some were placebo, so when people died or had injuries, he said no look at these ones, they are fine.

        Looking at more data they found the non placebo shots were targeted to conservatives/conservative areas. More non placebo shots in conservative areas…..more like 6 out of 6…..

        Who said the placebos are safe? All the ingredients for these shots are made in china,
        japan dumped millions of doses of the injections because they are contaminated with metal, including the placebos, all contaminated.
        (japan does their own testing after they receive the vaccines, they don’t trust big pharma
        they stopped complying, they are using ivermectin only now, no more killshot very smart………),

        other researchers found contamination in these shots including the placebos, including metal contamination and parasites.

        other countries did no testing of their own, just trusted china, did no testing of the shots. (The politicians were exempt from injections they don’t care and were given huge bribes.)
        The politicians that faked the shot on camera didn’t get injected with the placebo either, what does that tell you?
        it was just mostly white people in the G7 who were getting the extermination injections, so who cares. extermination of the whites.

        china supplies all the materials used to make drugs and vaccines for all the world a lot of contamination was found in these shots, the materials they use are low quality and contaminated. Why would you inject untested contaminated sewer water from china into your veins?

        NOTE: here is another exempt group, don’t get the extermination injections….the billionaire elite:

        gates and other .0001% rich families don’t vaccinte their own children,

        gates, his wife and their children have never been vaccinated….
        NOTE: gates uses hydroxychloroquine.

        elon musk and his family will not be vaccinated

        the 17 elite nobility families are exempt of course:
        one example of the families: the queen of england and her family (they are at the top of the pyramid of power on the planet at the top of the elite nobility control group, controlling the whole thing), they use homeopathic medicine.

        rockefeller who created our worldwide, fake, fraud, germ theory based, allopathic medicine, didnt use his own allopathic nazi death medicine, NOTE: he used homeopathic medicine.

        FAUCI TAKES 6,000 IUs OF VITAMIN D PER DAY. but he tells you to get poisonous vaccines

        NOTE: Dr Suhab Siddiqi, Moderna’s former Director of Chemistry told CNN that he would not allow the vaccine to be injected into his body


  26. ‘Buyers of new and used electric cars will get paid to buy them – to the tune of $7,500 for the new and $4,000 for the used – if the deal brokered ends up becoming law.’ — eric

    Horrid. Simply horrid.

    Sundance describes the putrid deal this way:

    ‘The people operating the “energy transition” levers will get $370 billion to spend on bigger windmills, more solar panels and new energy programs to eliminate coal, oil and natural gas.

    ‘They will pay for it by raising taxes and hiring a new army of IRS auditors. In exchange for [Manchin’s] vote, the federal government will pay increased health insurance subsidies for West Virginians and pass out lower priced medications.’

    All of this is full-Soviet, command-economy stuff. In economic terms, it’s value subtraction: what is produced is worth less than the input costs.

    In practical terms, it means crushing the living standards of the serfs, while one-percenters enjoy happy silent motoring down the coast highway in their Ludicrous Speed EeeVees.

    Haven’t we had about e-damned-’nuff of being SOLD OUT?

    Gold Coast slave ship bound for cotton fields
    Sold in the market down in New Orleans
    Skydog slaver know he’s doin’ all right
    Hear him whip the women, just around midnight

    — Rolling Stones, Brown Sugar

    • Hi Jim

      What about this?

      In some states those that bought electric vehicles now pay a huge tax when they renew their tabs. Why? Because EV don’t buy gas and gas sales are where the state collects road taxes. Check out what car tabs are in your state before you buy a EV.


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