How About “Zero Emissions” for Real?


Here’s a bit of logical consistency – as regards electric cars:

Those pushing them say they are essential to prevent the “climate” from “changing” in some vaguely but always alarmingly way. We’ll drown under the rising sea – or be cooked to death by the burning heat of the sun.

Whatever it is, it’s coming  . . . even though it never arrives.

But assuming it is coming, powering electric cars with electricity generated by burning coal and natural gas and oil – which is how more than 80 percent of it is generated – won’t reduce the “emissions” of the dread gas (carbon dioxide) that is said to be the cause of this endlessly imminent “changing” of the “climate.” It merely changes the source of it – from lots of individual tailpipes to a lot fewer utility plants. The total “emitted” doesn’t change appreciably. It may even be higher, given how much electricity is “burned” up in electric cars and trucks designed to be powerful and quick rather than efficient and basic.

If it is really an “emergency” – insofar as the “climate” – then why not disconnect electric cars from the source of all those dangerous carbon “emissions”?

Why isn’t there a regulation – those  bureaucratic edicts that have the force of law – requiring that “zero emissions” electric cars actually live up to that label? Why not require their owners to power their EVs exclusively via “renewable” and “clean” sources, such as solar panels? Then they would be “zero emissions” rather than elsewhere emissions cars.

Isn’t that what this is supposed to be all about?

If, that is, the point of all of this isn’t something else?

Of course, it is about something else. It is why there aren’t any regulations limiting the size of electric car batteries or the amount of power they draw. It is why energy hog electric cars that are designed to be fast and luxurious – and so expensive and thereby unaffordable unless the buyer has money to burn – receive none of the social opprobrium that gas-burning SUVs and trucks receive.

Or – for that matter – efficient small cars that make a lot more sense than electric cars, both as functional transportation and “the environment.” VW’s former line of 50-plus MPG diesel-powered cars, for instance. Or the no-longer-available Chevy Volt – which was the only electric car that made sense. But it had to go – not because it “emitted” but rather because it made other electric cars look stupid in comparison. 

If those pushing EVs were logically consistent they would be very – what’s their usual word? – concerned about the fact that not one electric car available for sale in this country is designed primarily to be efficient and basic, in order to “burn” as little electricity as possible. It is also why there are no “calls” to require electric cars to live up to their “zero emissions” false advertising.

They are “zero emissions” in the way the same way that a guy who throws his old washing machine in someone else’s yard is “recycling.”

But if electric cars were required to be efficient – and actually “zero emissions” – very few  people wouldn’t buy electric cars! They would be unappealing – being not-quick and basic – as well as even more expensive, since the people who buy them would have to equip their homes with tens of thousands of dollars of solar panels and inverters to be able to charge them up without drawing from the grid (and causing the burning of lots of coal, natural gas and oil, thereby “contributing” to the “climate crisis”).

EV ownership would involve great deal of inconvenience, too – since even with tens of thousands of dollars’-worth of solar panels, inverters (and additional storage batteries) it would still not be possible to “fast” charge the electric car at home, since home electrical panels aren’t set up to handle the “fast” charging of 400-800 volt electric car batteries. So, electric car owners would have to accept waiting the 7-9 hours it generally takes to instill a full charge at home.

Assuming the sun is shining.

All of this is of course very drastic. But if it’s an “emergency” – as the “climate change” hierophants insist that it is – then such measures aren’t “drastic.”

They are necessary.

The fact that they aren’t being taken is indicative – of the fact that there is no “emergency,” except insofar as it is necessary to instill the belief that there is one, so as to acquire the power that is the true goal of this manufactured “emergency.”

It is of a piece – the same script, practically – as has been played out with regard to the “pandemic.” Lots of Kabuki that does nothing to “stop the spread” of the putative “virus.” A great deal of social opprobrium directed at anyone who questions the assertions tendered about the “virus” – or offers up better solutions (such as encouraging people to take steps to improve their health rather than immiserate themselves in a pathological obsession with sickness).

If “masks” work, then why don’t they? If “vaccines” don’t “stop the spread,” then why pretend they do?

If the “climate” truly is in “crisis” on account of carbon dioxide “emissions,” then it is unconscionable to allow any company to build electric cars that draw any more power than is necessary for them to get people from A to B – as basically and efficiently as possible. No high-powered electric car should be allowed to suck electricity from the grid, thereby contributing to “climate change.”

Of course, expecting a cognitively dissonant Leftist to be logically consistent is not unlike expecting a duck to moo.

. . .

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  1. Trouble in EeeVee land:

    ‘Ford said Tuesday that it plans to reopen the order bank for its new F-150 Lightning truck this week and will raise prices between 7% and 18% for many configurations.

    ‘Ford said it is adjusting prices because of higher materials costs and other factors. The new prices will apply only to new orders placed when the order bank reopens Thursday, the company said.

    ‘The cheapest version of the truck will now start at $46,974. That is about $7,000 higher than the sub-$40,000 starting price tag that was originally promoted by Ford executives.’ — WSJ

    EeeVees are materials intensive. Not only are their prices going up at or above the general inflation rate, but also electric power tariffs are shooting up at multiples of the inflation rate.

    It’s perplexing that Ford is reopening the F-150 Lightning order bank when it supposedly has 100,000 orders in hand, yet has delivered only 4,469 of them through July. Why the slow-walking of production ramp-up? Something don’t smell right here.

  2. Buy an EV and you can’t park it …lol

    Fire Danger: Underground Parking Lot Bans Electric Vehicles including all EV’s and hybrids…lol

    parking garage bans electric vehicles from using their facility.

    The civil engineering department posted, “In the future electric and hybrid vehicles will no longer be allowed to park in the underground car park.

    Fire brigades can’t extinguish these lithium-ion battery fires

    The reason given by the civil engineering department explained in a bit more detail why. It said that fire brigades can’t extinguish these lithium-ion battery fires. So their procedure is to let them burn themselves out. But the underground car park ceilings are not high enough to get heavy equipment to pull out burning cars. That’s why it instituted the EV ban.

    Since lithium-ion fires are a chemical reaction they can only be cooled not extinguished. They end up burning for several days in some cases. In that case, damage to the parking structure would be extensive. So for this parking structure, it has chosen to ban all electrified vehicles. That includes hybrids, PHEV, and EVs, whether they contain lithium-ion or nickel-metal hydride batteries.

    Insurance companies see the same risk whether in Germany or Florida

    You may think that since this happened in Germany those of us in the US won’t be affected. But insurance companies see the same risk whether in Germany, Alaska, or Florida. And, as you know, we have many thousands of underground parking garages with low ceilings. Those located directly under a commercial building could destroy the entire structure.

    If you see an EV parked underground report it to the management or the fire department…

    Now that more electric vehicles are finding their way onto the highways and byways of the world, there is a disturbing pattern emerging. Worldwide there has been an increasing string of EV fires from overheated batteries according to Reuters.

    What happens when 2200 Ev’s (a new complex in planning stage will have 2200 parking spaces)….imagine 2200 lithium fire bomb EV’s parked), are parked in underground parking at an apartment block or office tower and they catch fire? You can’t take propane into underground parking, but you can take a fire bomb lithium battery car underground.

    • People should tell the engineering departments in all cities to fix this parking of EV’s in parking lots or underground parking lots fire problem.

  3. EV’s another car you can’t connect with, you can’t even hear it and no stick shift or transmission…

    The End of Manual Transmission

    But the manual transmission’s chief appeal derives from the feeling it imparts to the driver: a sense, whether real or imagined, that he or she is in control.

    Crawford argues that this cognitive enhancement is possible only when you can interpret the components of the tool you’re operating. a driver feels the engine’s torque. But modern automotive technology tends to inhibit that sensation.

    Power steering, electronic fuel injection, anti-lock braking systems, and, yes, automatic transmissions obstruct the “natural bonds between action and perception,” Crawford writes.

    They inhibit the operator’s ability to interpret the car’s state and capacities through a healthy feedback loop of action and information. To illustrate the point, he tells a story about test-driving a 400-horsepower Audi RS3 with all the options, including a paddle-shifting automatic transmission. It was powerful and capable, he says, but “I could not connect with the car.”

    shifting a car is fun and sensual, but also because the gearshift is—or was—a powerful cultural symbol of the human body working in unison with the engineered world.

    The manual transmission, however marginal it has become during the smartphone age, remains a vestige of direct, mechanical control.

    But we’ll lose something bigger and more important: the comfort of knowing that there is one essential, everyday device still out there that you can actually feel operating.

    • There’s more. Manual transmissions along with clutches are simpler to repair and have none of the foibles that are a part of automatic transmissions.
      With a manual transmission the driver has total control. Starting off in second gear on ice with a manual transmission is is much preferable to an automatic transmission ‘taking control” and not allowing a second gear start.
      Paddle shifting is not the same…

    • I think the de-manualing of racecars is a big part of why I’ve lost interest in Formula One and racing in general. I was never blazingly fast, but I’ve always been good with a gearbox, and I put a lot of work into learning how to heel-and-toe. Now it appears they just tap buttons with their thumbs. Much like texting. Yawn.

      • Same, Roland –

        It seems to me that most racing is now about personalities rather than racing. And while the racing (FI) might be faster, it is far less exciting – interesting – than say ’60s era LeMans… the recent movie, Ford v. Ferrari, captured it completely.

        • Hi Eric

          I feel the same way about modern formula 1 race cars. They are a bit better then the modern sports car, hypercar, F1 cars only have power steering and semi automatic transaxles, they are analog otherwise……..the street cars now have power steering, most are automatics or dual clutch plus they have many driver’s aids controlled by AI and computers, you don’t even drive the car you are just along for the ride, what a joke, you can’t connect with the car, it is a bastardized ruined experience.

          To go back to the past get an analog car with no driver’s aids, to get close to an old F1 car spec get a Super 7,

          The modern cars are getting too big and heavy that is why I like the Super 7.

          The driving experience in new cars is getting more and more isolated.

          If you want the ultimate top down driving experience get a super 7, it is also the exact opposite of a nanny state car.

          A super 7 (a 1957 design by Lotus), is the ultimate driving experience, buy or test drive one, it is a completely different experience. The most direct, analog, raw, visceral, unfiltered driving experience, perfect for the hard core driver enthusiasts, this is how a car should be, small, light, agile, fast, no frills, no driver’s aids, mechanical art made to go fast only, no luxury, no doors or roof, some have no windshield, nothing extra, with a 4 cylinder engine about 1200 lb. A car you can connect with completely.
          The closest thing to an old F2 car for the street, very fast,

          A Super 7 weighs around 1200 lb. a modern nanny state vehicle could be 4100 lb.

          The Super 7 is built with a steel tube frame like the older race cars, it is very strong, stronger then unibody design and very light (under 100 lb.), that is why the Super 7 handles so well, it is low, light and very stiff.

          A Donkervoort a Super 7 clone, with an Audi 1.8 lt. 20 valve turbo engine in 2003, 2004 had the world record lap time for any street legal car on the Nurburgring, (quite a bit faster then the tesla plaid lap time).

          A Super 7 is the 2nd most copied car in history, 160 companies made copies, (Cobra was the most copied car), the Super 7 is a close copy of a 1913 Bugatti Type 22, the specs are close, one of the first small light cars (did Lotus copy it?).

          Chris Harris reviews the Caterham Super 7…….he says it is the best sports car….

  4. EVs will vanish once people realise you buy an EV and get a free B-B-Q..

    Once most people learn of someone they knew dying in a fire when their EV crashed the shine will definitely go off any version of electric.

    • H KP.

      I hope so. It is getting down to the… wire. So to speak. As more EVs get into circulation, there will be more fires. And people will begin to understand…. but by then, it may be too late.

      • Hi Eric

        It might have started….lol

        Banning EV’s in parkades sign…lol

        their insurance company probably threatened to cancel their insurance…lol

        What happens when 2200 Ev’s (a new complex in planning stage will have 2200 parking spaces)….imagine 2200 lithium fire bomb EV’s parked), are parked in underground parking at an apartment block or office tower and they catch fire?

        You can’t take propane into underground parking, but you can take a fire bomb lithium battery car underground.

        The sign at the entrance to the parkade said:

        EV’ AND EUV’s

      • Hi Eric

        EV fire almost 100 EV’s go up in smoke…

        Scenes From Hell As Massive Fire In Delhi EV Parking Space Guts Nearly 100 Vehicles

        What happens when 2200 Ev’s (a new complex in planning stage will have 2200 parking spaces)….imagine 2200 lithium fire bomb EV’s parked), are parked in underground parking at an apartment block or office tower and they catch fire? You can’t take propane into underground parking, but you can take a fire bomb lithium battery car underground.

  5. “Revolution Has Begun”: 75,000 Brits To Stop Paying Power Bills Amid Inflation Storm

    The strike comes as an inflation storm of high energy prices has obliterated household incomes. Brits are the most miserable in three decades as inflation is expected to hit 13%. And while Bank of England (BoE) Governor Andrew Bailey hiked interest rates the most in 27 years to tame inflation, risks are mounting of a recession.

    On Oct. 1, the average household will pay almost £300 ($362) a month for power, the BoE warned. Couple surging power costs with negative real wage growth, and it becomes apparent households are being squeezed. This excludes soaring prices for shelter, food, and petrol at the pump — this trend is unsustainable and could result in social instabilities.

    Britain is using 9% solar and wind turbine, they cost three times more then using natural gas power plants, if that percentage increases the cost of electricity will triple,
    people can’t pay now, it will be three times worse……

    (if a natural gas power plant is replaced by solar or wind power the price of electricity triples)

    ATTENTION: Estimate in dollar cost $/MWh energy production at power plant in 2015. exclusive of tax credits, subsidies, or other incentives
    coal 95.1 natural gas 72.6 nuclear 95.2 offshore wind 196.9 solar 239.7

  6. Big business pushing the ESG, climate change, EV bs for mountains of cash…..push the narrative get cash…..

    What Is ESG? (Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance) It’s A Leveraging Tool For The Woke Communist Takeover

    The term “ESG” was originally coined by the United Nations Environment Program Initiative in 2005, but the methodology was not fully applied to the corporate world until the past six years when ESG investment skyrocketed.

    Corporations are at bottom creations of government; they are chartered by governments, receive special legal advantages including corporate personhood, and they often receive special protections from governments including central bank stimulus and a shield from civil litigation. They call it “too big to fail” because the government and the corporate world work hand in hand to keep certain institutions alive.

    One could call this an odd mix of communism and fascism; the point is, the lines have blurred beyond all recognition and the ideology of the people in power is specifically leftist/communist/globalist. Corporations already have government incentives to protect the corrupt status quo, but ESG is designed to lure them into supporting vocal political alignment even at the cost of normal profits.

    ESG is about money; loans given out by top banks and foundations to companies that meet the guidelines of “stakeholder capitalism.” Companies must show that they are actively pursuing a business environment that prioritizes woke virtues and climate change restrictions.

    These loans are not an all prevailing income source, but ESG loans are highly targeted, they are growing in size (for now) and they are very easy to get as long as a company is willing to preach the social justice gospel as loudly as possible.

    These loans become a form of leverage over the business world – Once they get a taste of that easy money they keep coming back. Many of the loan targets attached to ESG are rarely enforced and penalties are few and far between. Primarily, an ESG funded company must propagandize, that is all. They must propagandize their employees and they must propagandize their customers. As long as they do this, that sweet loan capital keeps flowing.

    The list of companies heavily involved in ESG includes some of the largest in the world, with influence over thousands of smaller businesses. The ESG rating system is much like the social credit scoring system used in communist China to oppress the citizenry.

    The tactic is pretty straightforward – Banking elites are centralizing control of social narratives by incentivising businesses to embrace social justice and globalist ideals, like climate change. They control who gets the money and anyone who doesn’t play ball will be at a distinct disadvantage compared to companies that do.

  7. It’s telling how they went from worrying about emissions such as carbon monoxide and NOX, which in high concentrations (such as in big cities with lots of traffic) can present legitimate problems to oxygen-breathing creatures, plants, structures and water, to classifying life-giving oxygen-bolstering carbon dioxide as a “harmful emission”, so that now virtually any emission emanating from any living creature or energy-consuming source is now somehow “a threat to life and the planet”.

    They’ve thus managed to pervert the narrative from fear of machine created pollution which threatens life, into a narrative which portrays LIFE as a source of pollution which harms “the earth”. It went from protecting (supposedly) the life which the earth sustains, to destroying life because it is harmful to the earth- which even if it were, what is the purpose of the earth but to sustain life? The earth without life would just be a mass of rocks and dirt…which will survive with or without pollution- so what is the point of their supposed “saving of the earth”, which does not need saving? It is rather life that needs preservation or “saving”, but in their perverted worldview they would sacrifice life to save the inanimate, which will endure regardless of what anyone does.

    If “we” could reduce carbon dioxide enough to make any difference, the results would only be detrimental to life- lowering temperatures; increasing inhospitable weather, and reducing oxygen supplies. What a bunch of clusterfooks! Unless of course their goal is really to reduce population and establish ultimate control…which of course IS the real agenda. Unfortunately, they’ve got the masses believing that ‘carbon is the enemy’, thanks to their propaganda, so the masses are now complicit in their own demise- and for the really brain-dead, they now have shots to speed up the process.

    • ‘a narrative which portrays LIFE as a source of pollution which harms “the earth”.’ — Nunzio

      ‘Life is based on carbon; organic chemistry studies compounds in which carbon is a central element. The properties of carbon make it the backbone of the organic molecules which form living matter. Carbon is a such a versatile element because it can form four covalent bonds.’ — The Chemistry of Life: Organic Molecules

      Thus the anti-carbon, anti-tetravalency crusade is, ipso facto, a death cult.

      Perhaps it’s not surprising as our debt-infected empire founders alarmingly, with seemingly minor fires licking at the hull while Vibrio vulnificus invisibly consumes its cankered insides.

      Welcome to the Biden presidential suite on the seventh floor of Building 7, comrades: you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave. And the French doors to the balcony are locked, so you can’t jump.

  8. Today fifty mephitic DemonRat dwarves in the Senate (plus Kamala Harris) completed their all-night death march to extend the $7,500 EeeVeeeeeee credit for rich toffs, “paid for” by unleashing a new occupation army of tax-collecting Torquemadas to sow fear and terror among the populace.

    Such enactments are effectively permanent, as permanent as the Clownstitution. Even an R-party majority next year would only ‘mend not end.’ That’s their role as human dung beetles — to serve as the dutiful caretakers and bearing-oilers of socialism, even as they spew cretinous clownservative cant.

    It’s yet another reason to go Galt, living outside their coercion, command and control grid, while contributing no-no-nothing to the care and feeding of the crapulent US clowngov. Bleed the sucker till it flops like a dying whale on the beach .. then plunge a vaccine-laced harpoon into its gut.

    • Re: infernal revenue service

      “He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance.”

      What Would Joe Stack Do?

      • What Would Joe Stack Do? – S&AL

        Prolly head for the airport and fire up his Piper Dakota for a final flight.

        Going southbound, sir.

  9. Another very good one, Eric.
    First, let’s remind everyone that CO2 is NOT pollution. We exhale it. Plants love it.

    I especially like your batch of images:

    FIRST, the CO2 output by cars in their “lifetimes.” What’s the “lifetime” of an EV? I don’t know what their definition is, nor do I know if their numbers are true. Let’s say 10 years, which is probably the useful lifetime of the battery. EV– 27 tonnes. ICE– 23 tonnes. Now, let’s add HUMAN– 4 tonnes. (2.3 pounds per day, say some “science” websites. 2.3 X 365days X 10years divided by 2,000 = 4.2 tons.) Our enemy will get around to “regulating” our exhales, but NOT theirs, of course. Likewise, our guns, not theirs. Likewise, our vehicles, not theirs.

    SECOND, Rahm Emanuel, known jew, not a secret jew. Chief of Staff for Obama (whose mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, was not White but a secret jew), and then mayor of Chicago.

    THIRD, Greta Thunberg, a secret jew. A little research on her parents shows that they are jews, thus their daughter is a jew.

    Since jews own the big media and most of the “alternative” media, that’s how a little child viciously spewing nonsense can be falsely glorified into an international “expert.”

    Note: I don’t state mere beliefs nor mere opinions. I state verifiable facts.
    Jim Laffrey

    • More verifiable “facts”:
      When it comes to “jews”, it is necessary to note the differences between the “little jews” and the “big jews”.
      The “commonly accepted history” of pre-WW2 Germany conveniently leaves out the machinations and strife committed by “big jew” zionist leaders against the German people and government. Most people think that Germany “threw the first punch” when it came to the marginalization of the “jews”.
      Actually, it was “the other way around”.
      “World jewry” (not all jews, just zionist leaders) demonized Germany in 1933 (yes, 1933) with its declaration of (economic) “war” against Germany which was splashed on newspaper headlines all around the western world.
      The ordinary “little jews” suffered because of the arrogance and demonic practices of their zionist leaders (the “big jews”).
      You see, Palestine was in the process of being “colonized” (actually stolen) by zionist jews. however, not enough jews were emigrating, A way had to be found to make life uncomfortable for German jews (who had no desire to emigrate), hence, the demonization of German society with the jews’ declaration of “war”. This made ALL jews unpopular in German society, which was actually a “feature”, not a bug as it went far to achieve the zionists’ aims.
      This also extends to the (forced) wearing of the yellow “star of david” which was not only suggested, but promoted and demanded by jewish zionist “leaders” in order to further increased marginalization of German jews.
      As to Kristallnacht, this was a “false flag” event egged on by zionist leaders to make jews further marginalized. When Adolf Hitler received word of Kristallnacht, he was furious, as it destroyed his plan for the orderly, peaceful emigration of jews. Yes, there were agreements between zionist leaders and the German government for just that purpose. In fact, commemorative coins were issued that celebrated the German / zionist collaboration and cooperation.
      The commonly accepted “history”, is not only wrong, but egregiously so…
      This tome does not absolve the “little jews” from their participation in the “troubles” that afflicted Weimar Germany and beyond to the present day.
      Jewish allegiance is to “jews first”, no matter how right (or wrong) their own policies and actions affect their host countries. This one fact is the reason why jews have been kicked out of countries 109 times in history…
      Before the accusations of “anti-semitism” are hurled, keep in mind that most European jews have no semitic ancestry, unlike the Palestinians who are true “semites”.

  10. The orgy of EV madness has arrived.

    EV lies are promulgated for your own good. Besides, it isn’t the electric motor that provides the mobility where the problem exists, it is the battery technology that is called into question.

    Becomes a non-starter when the things happen to go up in smoke with no help from anyone except for the thermal runaway.

    Well, you do have the idiots manufacturing a dangerous technology, there are culprits out there.

    Have to revisit the science of battery technology, the knowledge, what is known and what does and does not work. There are weaknesses, the known knowns make you wonder.

    If you drink beer at six dollars per pint, eight pints to a gallon, you are buying beer at 48 dollars per gallon.

    Your engine in your car drinks gas like you drink beer, it is what works the bestest. har

    You can save money by buying beer by the six-pack.

    Churches, malls, restaurants and bars spread diseases rapidly.

    If you want a world population of humans to be decimated naturally, just stop immunizing for every disease. It will work, every race will suffer the misery of an existence, disease, pestilence and no warning dangers will be there big time. In a real natural world where everything is at stake 24/7/365 like it is now, that is what will happen.

    Smallpox will disfigure you and drive you mad, you might commit suicide because of it.

    No helping a malignant neoplasm, a glioma, the prognosis is grim. It’ll be illegal to treat for cancers caused by oncogenes.

    Don’t need no stinking WEF to accomplish a return to nature, no advances in medical science can be used.

    That’s the way it goes moving west.

    “There’s enough disease and natural disasters in this world, we don’t need war.”

    Words from a German war bride I spoke with about 30 years ago.

  11. Speaking of [Read in mocking Cornelius “Chevy” Chase voice] cliiiiiimate change, back when I was a kid in the mid 70’s my brother-in-law, who worked for Grumman/Northrup once said that “By the year 2000 palm trees would be growing on Long Island(NY)”*. Well, ironically, come the year 2000, long island was in the midst of a decade-long string of cold winters of record snows. Pretty much what I was expecting by the time I was a teen, as I had figured out by the 80’s that it’s generally a safe bet to conclude that the oppossite of what “the experts”/government says will in-fact be the reality.

    [*=My BIL, working in the “Space”/defense industry, though being the most conservative of guys, was often very skeptical himself of all the supposed science- including the claims made about the “Moon landing”, since he had personally witnessed a test run of the Lunar Rover, which he described as “Barely being able to navigate the smooth parking lot”]

  12. I read in the mid 90’s about Dodge and their impending hybrids, the showcase being an Intrepid of the cab forward era. They were touting 70-80 mpg and fast (for the time) acceleration. The concept seemed remarkably simple; use a tiny gas engine to charge the batteries for electric motors. I knew no one was serious once the Volt (similar setup) self-aborted coming out of the gate and all of the focus was on measuring “pure” electric range (MPGe crap) rather than how many gallons of gas are used between fueling. BMW did the same crap with the i3 with labeling the engine as a range extender. Instead, the hybrids we get are the over complex shite like “hybrid synergy drive”; despite Toyota’s ability to make it reliable. I don’t get it, seems the OEMs could have kept the regulatory sword of ever increasing efficiency goals at bay without proclaiming their idiocy to the world by declaring pure electric futures for their company.

    • Bobo,
      New Honda hybrids are a series configuration where the gas engine spins a starter/generator which feeds electricity to the battery and drive motor. The transmission has a lockup clutch that couples the engine to the final drive in a fixed ratio for highway cruising.

      The tried and true toyota eCVT systems use two motor/generators that act together with the engine to keep the RPM in the atkinson sweet spot and act as drive motors and generators depending on conditions. Both of these systems are damn reliable and simple compared to their mechanical and hydraulic counterparts. Their complexity and Achilles heel lies in the inverter and battery pack. With that said, there are a lot of cabbies that have hundreds of thousands of miles on their prius with no major issues and very few brake jobs.

      Check out weberauto on youtube for breakdowns and explanations of these systems. They’re a work of genius and should not be abandoned for these EVabortions.

      • Hell, apparently even the Ford Escape hybrid cabs in NYC were pretty reliable. All the weber state videos I viewed reinforced my notion that modern vehicles contain no user (at least by me) serviceable parts.

  13. If environmentalism restricted itself to truly caring for our natural resources, I would have no problem with it. However, with the secret science and questionable funding that these environmental groups possess taints the whole barrel. It turns out that many claims that environmentalists make have no basis in fact and are not based on good, honest, scientific investigation. This is why environmental scientists have to hide their data, as it does not fit their agenda. A good example of this is the so-called global warming crap, now renamed climate change. For one, the climate is always changing. The East Anglia emails in which data was purposely falsified by climate scientists comes to mind. Not only that, the climate scientists purposely installed temperature monitoring sensors in cities, contrary to manufacturers recommendations and good scientific practices, in asphalt-covered parking lots, and other heat sink areas in order to prove their (faulty) hypothesis. This is scientific dishonesty at its worst.
    It turns out that the solar system is in a cooling cycle due to decreased solar activity. There are two long-term solar cycles that reinforce themselves when in phase and cancel themselves out when out-of-phase. Look up the Maunder minimum. There are no SUVs on Mars or other planets, yet they are also experiencing the same solar variability.
    Environmentalism has been the method used to impose communist principles on western society, especially in the USA.
    Environmentalists are not content with promoting clean water, air and land, but are hell-bent on controlling human behavior, and yes, promoting extermination plans for much of humanity as these anointed types consider mankind to be a pestilence (except for themselves) to be reduced in population by any means necessary.
    Environmentalists HATE the God-given concept of private property and have imposed government-backed and enforced land use controls on private property owners without compensation, clearly an unconstitutional taking of private property. If environmentalists want to control land use, let them purchase it themselves, not by government force. Today the only method of negating government-imposed land use restrictions is shoot, shovel, and shut up.
    If environmentalists had their way, the earth’s human population would be reduced by approximately 90%, with the remainder to (be forced) to live in cities, in soviet-style high rise apartments, utilizing bicycles, buses and trains for transportation. The use of automobiles and access to pristine wilderness (rural) areas would be off-limits to us mere mortals, and would only be available for these anointed environmentalists.
    The endangered species act is another abuse of environmentalism. Species are always changing, to adapt to their environments-survival if the fittest. In fact, the hoopla over the spotted owl (that placed much northwest timber land off-limits to logging) turned out to be nothing but scientific misconduct and arrogance. There are virtually identical species in other parts of the northwest.
    More scientific malpractice occurred when government biologists attempted to plant lynx fur in certain areas to provide an excuse for making those areas off-limits for logging or development. Fortunately, these scientists were caught, however, no punishment was imposed.
    In order to promote the false religion of “global warming” aka “climate change”, NASA “scientists” purposely installed temperature sensors in city parking lots and roads contrary to good scientific principles and practices in order to “skew” the “global warming” results.
    In a nutshell, today’s environmentalism IS communism like watermelon-green on the outside and red (communist) on the inside.
    It is interesting to note that communist and third-world countries have the WORST environmental conditions on the planet. Instead of the USA and other developed countries spending billions to get rid of that last half-percent of pollution, it would behoove the communist countries to improve their conditions first. Here is a question for you environmentalists: Why is there a push for restrictive environmental regulations, but only on the developed first-world countries, and not the gross polluters such as India and China?

    • Anarch,
      One thing is certain: If war and control of the masses are involved (as they are when it comes to natural resources)…you just KNOW there is going to be subterfuge, deception, lying, scheming, propaganda, and all of the other vices of big government. Energy, edumacation, “healthcare” and entertainment are the keys to controlling the masses, and thus the world- and thus we see how all of these things have first been centralized on national levels…and now that centralization is morphing to the worldwide level, to coincide with the establishment of centralization of power/world power.

  14. I don’t even think climate change, or glow-bull warming, or whatever their calling it this decade is real. The earth will go on, same as it ever was, with or without us.

    Of course we cant have an honest debate about such things other than out here on the fringe.

    • Of course, Norman. And funny thing is: There is such cognitive dissonance and ignorance these days among the masses, that the propagandists don’t even seem to try and hide the evidence to the contrary- like the fact that there is an unusually large suspot in evidence lately, which is likely why there has been some record heat in many places this year.

      Of course, ya don’t see anyone pointing this out on a popular level, but I’m sure if such a fact becomes the subject of social media users and ‘conspiracy theorists’ then TPTB will take steps to obscure or counter it, as they do with every other facet of truth that rears it’s “ugly” head. Gotta keep those censors working! Guess it takes them a whilke to catch-on (Both the propagandists and the public) so for now, this one is still able to be freely heralded.

  15. Zero emissions claim is like “I’m saved” belief. I find both obnoxious and factually wrong. I don’t see anyone getting saved from predatory governments “which God has ordained” (Romans 13)” on this hellish prison planet. Lot’s of carbon was burned to create a Tesla, and lots of CO2 goes out the power plant pipe.

    But people love to believe and claim they are special, a zero emissions sticker is virtue signalling just like the believer who claims they are going to heaven while you (the unsaved) are going to hell.

  16. There is a modern steam engine to power vehicles that can burn various fuels, it is up to 60% efficient, that is better then any ice or EV vehicle, we have gone backwards from the old days with steam powered vehicles. See: Cyclonepower……

    An EV is steam powered (your tesla is steam powered), just in a far more complicated and centralized system where you have no control, that is ten times as expensive. This system is so complex and big it is fragile, subject to disruption and breakdown. It is easier to control you, they turn off your tesla or your electricity and you are screwed.

    How did they ever convince people to buy EV’s? Maybe billions of dollars spent on marketing and government (taxpayer) funded programs to pay for the EV’s, tax credits, EV manufacturers selling EV’s at a loss but making money selling carbon credits, ice car owner paid for roads, etc.

    They are centralizing all power sources (electricity) so they have control of people moving around, they say it is for zero emission, that is a lie, most electricity production is very dirty and wasteful, 33% efficiency, it is for complete control, centralize everything.

    If they don’t like you they turn off your electricity, you are immobilized and freeze in the winter, they turn off your electronic money, you don’t eat, all transportation, heating, communication and soon money is going electric, electronic.

    Power plants – coal, natural gas, petroleum or nuclear – work on the same general principle. Energy-dense stuff is burned to release heat, which boils water into steam, which spins a turbine, which generates electricity. The thermodynamic limits of this process (“Damn that rising entropy!”) mean only part of the energy in the raw materials actually make it onto the grid in the form of electricity.

    Generating electricity, we lost 22 quadrillion Btu from converting coal, natural gas, nuclear and petroleum into electricity in power plants in 2013 in the U.S. – that’s more than the energy in all the gasoline we use in a given year.

    Thermal efficiency of power plants using coal, petroleum, natural gas or nuclear fuel and converting it to electricity are around 33% efficiency, natural gas is around 40%.

    Energy loss in transmission = around 6% average in the U.S. (in some states it is 9%). Some countries, like India, have losses pushing 30 percent. Often, this is due to electricity thieves. More of that will be happening soon.

    Moving electricity from plants to homes and businesses on the transmission and distribution grid, we lost 69 trillion Btu in 2013 – that’s about how much energy Americans use drying our clothes every year.

    Just convert the fuel to energy in your steam powered vehicle and get up to 60% efficiency and eliminate the cost of power plants (which costs billions of dollars) converting petroleum to electricity (creating pollution) , transmitting it over millions of miles of transmission and distribution lines (which costs billions of dollars), then spending many hours storing the electricity in your very expensive EV’s fire bomb lithium batteries and ending up with a net efficiency of 25%.

    Thermal efficiency of power plants using coal, petroleum, natural gas or nuclear fuel and converting it to electricity are around 33% efficiency, (67% of the energy released is lost as heat), natural gas is around 40%. Then there is average 6% loss in transmission, then there is a 5% loss in the charger, another 5% loss in the inverter, the electric motor is 90% efficient so another 10% loss before turning the electricity into mechanical power at the wheels.

    33% – 6% – 5% – 5% – 10% = 25% efficiency for EV’s.
    NOTE: (under not ideal conditions, like when it is very cold out, it might be 12% efficient).

    Re: power plants: all they are doing is boiling water to make energy, you might as well just get a steam powered car, cut your own wood or use other fuels, to boil water, make your own energy in your steam powered car, you control the power source, steam power was best and we just went backwards since then.

    • Nice A1, decentralization is the correct answer for all power generation and utilities like water and sewer. It happens naturally in rural towns, except the power gen part but is still better than urban areas.
      For power gen, the correct answer is a small nuke plant for every town and/or county. Rural mountain towns do this better already with hydro-electric gen (if they have the resource). BTW, the only way this EV thing for all would work as well.

  17. ‘It is the same script, practically, as has been played out with regard to the “pandemic.” ‘ — eric

    Here is an archetypical image of zero-covid tyranny: Chairman Xi, flanked by party henchmen at the regulation two-meter distance — and behind them, wing-like red draperies and yellow tassels echoing the Chinese flag. High above Xi hangs the graven hammer-and-sickle image of godless communism.

    This is my personal definition of a living nightmare; hell on earth:

    ‘Gaze upon our works, ye mighty, and despair.’

  18. I am soooo tired of these “climate change” hysterics, especially when they try to shut down any rational debate with their mantra “it’s settled science”. Uh no, science is never “settled”, there are always new discoveries that undo the old dogma. Ulcers are caused by diet and stress – oops, turns out to be the h.pylori bacteria. Just recently it seems that years of focusing on amyloid plaques as the cause of Alzheimer’s disease was wrong, turns out it’s one of the symptoms. No need to even go into all the fraudulent “science” in regard to the ‘Rona, everyone here is aware of that.
    Climate is always changing, and it’s beyond arrogance to think humans can do anything about it, other than pack up and move to a different location.

  19. Taxpayers paying the bill?

    Power plants – coal, natural gas, petroleum or nuclear – work on the same general principle. Energy-dense stuff is burned to release heat, which boils water into steam, which spins a turbine, which generates electricity. The thermodynamic limits of this process (“Damn that rising entropy!”) mean only part of the energy in the raw materials actually make it onto the grid in the form of electricity.

    Thermal efficiency of power plants using coal, petroleum, natural gas or nuclear fuel and converting it to electricity are around 33% efficiency, natural gas is around 40%.

    Energy loss in transmission = around 6% average in the U.S. (some states are 9%). Some countries, like India, have losses pushing 30 percent. Often, this is due to electricity thieves. More of that will be happening soon.

    Fun fact: Transmission and distribution losses tend to be lower in rural states like Wyoming and North Dakota. Why? Less densely populated states have more high-voltage, low-loss transmission lines and fewer lower-voltage, high-loss distribution lines.
    So they are pushing everybody into big cities which have higher energy loss in transmission, which wastes more energy, complete morons.

    Thermal efficiency of power plants using coal, petroleum, natural gas or nuclear fuel and converting it to electricity are around 33% efficiency, natural gas is around 40%. Then there is average 6% loss in transmission, then there is a 5% loss in the charger, another 5% loss in the inverter, the electric motor is 90% efficient so another 10% loss before turning the electricity into mechanical power at the wheels.

    33% – 6% – 5% – 5% – 10% = 25% efficiency for EV’s. In very cold weather 12% efficient…..

    powering cars with electric motors is far less efficient then using gas or diesel ice engines….

    Diesel is best over 50% efficiency, gas now up to 37% or more, a Mercedes Formula 1 gas engine = 50% efficiency . A modern steam engine is 50%+ efficient.

    Ev’s 25% efficiency. In very cold weather 12%

    Just convert the fuel to energy in your ice diesel and get 50% efficiency and eliminate the cost of power plants (which costs billions of dollars) converting petroleum to electricity, transmitting it over millions of miles of transmission lines (which costs billions of dollars), then spending many hours storing the electricity in your very expensive EV’s fire bomb lithium batteries and ending up with a net efficiency of 25%.

    So it takes 2 gallons of petroleum converted to electricity at the power plant, then transmitted, then put into the EV batteries (this takes hours), then finally turned into mechanical energy to turn the wheels in an EV to do the same job as converting one gallon of diesel into mechanical energy to turn the wheels in a diesel ice powered vehicle.

    Diesel is 50% efficiency,Ev’s 25% efficiency at turning fuel into mechanical energy to turn the wheels in a vehicle. EV’s are more wasteful and cause more pollution (twice as much fuel was burnt).

    If the net cost of the 2 gallons of petroleum turned into electricity, then transmitted and put through a charger and into the EV batteries, then turned into mechanical energy to move the EV x distance down the road is less then the cost of 1 gallon of diesel to move the ice diesel x distance down the road……..

    this means the power station gets it’s petroleum at a low price, which could be subsidized by taxpayer’s money, also the cost of the power station, transmission and distribution lines and chargers are probably subsidized by taxpayer’s money, plus the EV owner pays no road tax, the ice diesel owner is paying for the road tax, in some places the tax is 50% of their fuel cost.

    The purchase of the EV is often subsidized by taxpayers too. EV owners are free loaders.

    • **”Taxpayers paying the bill?”**

      It’s “The National Grid”- just like in communism/National Socialism, where the state owns all of the major industries, and regulates and taxes that which it does not own outright- and we get to pay for it all and suufer the consequences of whatever choices the overlords make….but “It’s O-K because we get to vote….as to which pre-selected actor-clown gets to stand at the podium and tell us how wonderful it all is”.

      • Nunzio, if you really want an eye opener, look up the Colorado River Compact. Yes, it is a pseudo-treaty between the western states and Mexico that access the Colorado River watershed. But the US Bureau of Reclamation manages the river (as sort of spelled out in the Constitution, under “navigable waterways” even though the Colorado is anything but), so what they want they get. Right now they want a climate catastrophe, so they’re intentionally allowing Lake Mead to drain. This isn’t just for optics, it’s because the compact uses the elevation of the lake to determine when it’s time to implement restrictions. If the water height is below 1025 ft MSL it triggers an “Extreme shortage.” That triggers autmatic restrictions. They aren’t really all that extreme, but it makes for good press for the “climate is weather except when we say it isn’t” crowd. Meanwhile upper basin resivors are slightly below normal and they’re intentionally holding more water in Lake Powell “for electricity generation.”

        Seems to me electricity generation should be very low on the list of reasons to have a dam to begin with, given the many ways we have to produce electricity today.

        What will be interesting is to see what will happen when states try to pull more than their allotment. Will Utah and Wyoming comply with the Bureau’s mandates? Will Colorado dare let Denver go without golf courses? The states (and a few primary water rights holders) own the water, but the Bureau owns the dams.

        • hydro power….lol

          Hydro power is green?

          However, building a dam in a river is similar to building a roadblock in the middle of the highway; it disrupts the flow of traffic in both directions. This “roadblock” can disrupt species populations, water quality, the river food web, and the surrounding environment. Declining fish populations can result in major complications for communities that are dependent on fishing for food and income.

          The reservoirs can also cause floods which can force communities to relocate. Although hydropower is labeled as “renewable,” specific forms of hydropower and its effect on the ecosystem must be explored before we continue to develop more dams.

          River systems around the world are fragmented by dams which can affect fish assemblages throughout the river. Impoundment facilities contribute to the biodiversity crisis by disrupting the river ecosystem. The physical impacts of changes in freshwater ecosystems include riverine fragmentation, sediment retention, enhanced evaporation, and increased greenhouse‐gas production [4]. These impacts must be addressed when designing and developing dams.

          In addition, impoundment dams facilitate the introduction of aquatic invaders into freshwater ecosystems. Invading species are 2.4 to 300 times more likely to occur in impoundments than in natural lakes [4]. After combining information on the boating activity, water body physiochemistry, and geographical distribution of 1080 sampled water bodies (combination of natural lakes and impoundments), Figure 3(a) depicts that the invasion likelihood of impoundments exceeded that of natural lakes.

          The most common non‐indigenous species include zebra mussels, Eurasian watermilfoil, and rusty crayfish. According to Figure 3(b), impounds are also more likely to support multiple invaders. These findings suggest that reservoir construction and conversion of lotic to lentic water stream conditions may have promoted the spread of invasive species across the landscape.

          the trend in more developed regions like the United States and Western Europe, where new science is driving efforts to dismantle existing dams. (Dams for hydroelectric plants) Aging reservoirs have become inefficient, local ecosystem and habitat impacts can be profound, and accumulating research suggests that hydropower reservoirs may be a much larger contributor of methane — a greenhouse gas roughly 30 times more potent than carbon dioxide — than previously realized.

          In a recent study published in the journal BioScience, researchers found that reservoirs may produce as much as a billion tons of carbon dioxide equivalents — the majority of emissions coming in the form of methane — each year, more than the total emissions from the country of Canada.

          “It’s not just about snails and fish,” Rozman says of the projects. “It’s about people, because we depend on the rivers.” Organic materials build up behind dams, consuming oxygen as they decompose. This sedimentation can create oxygen-free dead zones, where no river life of any kind can survive. As water stops flowing, its temperature rises. Even a few degrees can be life-threatening, since most aquatic life is highly temperature-sensitive. Sedimentation also gradually lowers the storage capability of the reservoir, reducing the amount of electricity generated.

          The area downstream of a dam is obviously impacted by reduced water flow — the Colorado River, for example, no longer reliably reaches the ocean — but also by the lack of stones, logs, and sediment. “Downstream of a dam, the river is starved of its structural materials and cannot provide habitat,” according to the Hydropower Reform Coalition, a collection of 150 environmental groups. “Most dams don’t simply draw a line in the water; they eliminate habitat in their reservoirs and in the river below.”

          Downstream Impacts
          Depending on the design of the dam, water released downstream often comes from the deeper parts of the reservoir. That water is therefore much the same cold temperature throughout the year. This has negative impacts on aquatic life adapted to wide seasonal variations in water temperature. Similarly, dams trap nutrients coming from decomposing vegetation or nearby agricultural fields, reducing nutrient loads downstream and affecting both river and riparian ecosystems. Low oxygen levels in the released water can kill aquatic life downstream, but the problem can be mitigated by mixing air into the water at the outlet.4

          Mercury Pollution
          Mercury is deposited on vegetation downwind from coal-burning power plants. When new reservoirs are created, the mercury found in the now submerged vegetation is released and converted by bacteria into methyl-mercury.5 This methyl-mercury becomes increasingly concentrated as it moves up the food chain (a process called biomagnification). Consumers of predatory fish, including humans, are then exposed to dangerous concentrations of the toxic compound. Downstream from massive Muskrat Falls dam in Labrador, for example, mercury levels are forcing indigenous Inuit communities to abandon traditional practices.

          Reservoirs increase a river’s surface area, thus increasing the amount of water lost to evaporation. In hot, sunny regions, the losses are staggering: more water is lost from reservoir evaporation than is used for domestic consumption. When water evaporates, dissolved salts are left behind, increasing salinity levels downstream and harming aquatic life.

          ATTENTION: Estimate in dollar cost $/MWh energy production at power plant in 2015. exclusive of tax credits, subsidies, or other incentives
          coal 95.1 natural gas 72.6 nuclear 95.2 offshore wind 196.9 solar 239.7
          NOTE: (if a natural gas power plant is converted to solar source power plant source of power the price of electricity triples, who is going to pay for that?….stupidity…)

          natural gas is the cheapest and cleanest, less environmental damage….next best nuclear, push nuclear…..everything else except coal is far too expensive, forget it….

          solar, wind turbine and hydro are way too expensive environmentally damaging…

          Hydro power stations are expensive:
          Capital costs
          For power generation capacity capital costs are often expressed as overnight cost per watt. Estimated costs are in dollars:
          Conventional hydropower $2752
          Combustion turbine (petroleum) $710
          ATTENTION: Estimate in dollar cost $/MWh energy production at power plant in 2015. exclusive of tax credits, subsidies, or other incentives
          coal 95.1 natural gas 72.6 nuclear 95.2 offshore wind 196.9 solar 239.7
          (if a natural gas power plant is converted to solar source power plant source of power the price of electricity triples)
          Capital costs
          For power generation capacity capital costs are often expressed as overnight cost per watt. Estimated costs are in dollars:
          Gas/oil combined cycle power plant $1000
          Combustion turbine $710
          Onshore wind $1600
          Offshore wind $6500
          Solar PV (fixed) 1800
          Solar PV (tracking) 2000
          Battery storage power $1380
          Conventional hydropower $2752
          Geothermal $2800
          Coal (with SO2 and NOx controls) $3500–3800
          Advanced nuclear $6000
          Fuel cells $7200
          one example of expensive hydro power………B.C.’s Site C dam is more than $7-billion over budget – and nobody is surprised

  20. ATTENTION: This is really bad….Before the EV (with a 40 kWh battery) goes one foot the emissions/pollution just from manufacturing it equal to driving an ice diesel 89,400 km (50,550 miles), about 7 years driving.

    “If an electric vehicle is using a 40 kWh battery (some EV’s have 90 kwh batteries which are 2.25 x as bad ), its embedded emissions from manufacturing would then be equivalent to the CO2 emissions caused by driving a diesel car with a fuel consumption of 5 litre per 100 km (about 55 mpg), up to 89,400 km (about 7 years average driving) before the electric car even has driven one meter,” Circular Energy reports.

    Then the battery dies in 10 years and you start over, another 89,400 km equivalent of pollution, (per 40 kwh battery), inflicted on the earth, just from the battery manufacture…lol….and it will only cost you $22,000…lol…

    Ice diesel vs EV fuel economy comparison:

    To go 100 miles the ice diesel burns 1.36 gallons of diesel in it’s super clean .000001% emission engine.

    the EPA tells us that modern gas powered cars produce 98 – 99% less pollution than cars from the 1960s and 1970s. modern cars have .000001% emissions but that isn’t good enough they want zero, they are liars though, the new EV’s pollute more…lol

    To go 100 miles the EV burns 43 lb of coal…… 43 lb of dirty coal were burnt to generate the electricity in the power station producing huge emissions destroying the environment.
    ATTENTION: remember they are CEV’s Coal Electric Vehicles….
    Plus the added bonus of a lithium fire bomb battery in the car….lol

    ATTENTION: The Volkswagen Golf BlueMotion has emissions of 85g CO2 per km
    A current-model large EV car emits about 88 grams of CO2 per kilometer,

    Ice diesel:
    The 2014 Volkswagen Golf BlueMotion diesel, capable of a claimed 88.3 mpg imperial, or 73.5 mpg U.S.
    it has a 971 mile range, the perfect car.
    The Volkswagen Golf BlueMotion has emissions of 85g CO2 per km. it is even cleaner (less emissions) than a Toyota Prius or an EV….
    A bloomberg article states, “A current-model large EV car with a battery produced and charged in an average European Union country emits about 88 grams of CO2 per kilometer,

    it weighs 1125 kg, 2480 lb, the new EV’s are over 4000 lb. it weighs 40% less.

    What test drivers are actually getting driving in the real world driving EV’s is they are getting 2.4 miles of range for every kwh
    They are using 41.66 kwh to go 100 miles. (.4166 kwh per mile) = 83 mpg
    ATTENTION: 83 mpg is based on electricity just coming out of a wall plug,
    in reality 4.80 gallons of fuel or 43 lb of coal were burnt to generate the electricity in the power station = 20.8 mpg).
    So to go 100 miles the EV burns 43 lb of coal

    So to end up with 41.66 kwh of electricity which is equivalent to 1.20 gallons of gas to push the EV 100 miles down the road 4.80 gallons of fuel or 43 lb of coal were burnt to generate the electricity in the power station, remember net 25% efficiency. 100 miles using 4.80 gallons = 20.8 mpg,

    New EV’s are over 4000 lb, that is why they get bad fuel economy. The 2014 Volkswagen Golf BlueMotion diesel weighs 40% less, helping it to get far greater fuel economy.

    In the real world the EV with the large 90 kwh battery (some EV batteries are smaller) had only 216 mile range.
    the 2014 Volkswagen Golf BlueMotion diesel has a 971 mile range.

    Energy density:
    In order to go 200 miles the EV had to carry around a 1000 lb battery (some tesla batteries weigh 1800 lb, the hummer battery is 3000 lb.)

    In order to go 200 miles the 2014 Volkswagen Golf BlueMotion diesel had to only carry 9.52 lb of fuel.

    There is the big difference the diesel ice car only had to carry 9.52 lb of fuel to go 200 miles the EV had to carry a 1000 lb battery, this has a huge effect on fuel economy

    The 2014 Volkswagen Golf BlueMotion costs $24,355 U.S., EV’s start at about $45,000
    there is a $20,000 incentive to buy the Volkswagen Golf BlueMotion…lol

    20.8 mpg….lol…..these EV’s use more fuel so pollute more then ice vehicles

    most new gas or diesel ice cars get better fuel economy, cost way less, use far fewer resources to manufacture, don’t have lithium fire bomb batteries, last three times as long as EV’s….

    Thermal efficiency of power plants using coal, petroleum, natural gas or nuclear fuel and converting it to electricity are around 33% efficiency, natural gas is around 40%. Then there is average 6% loss in transmission, then there is a 5% loss in the charger, another 5% loss in the inverter, the electric motor is 90% efficient so another 10% loss before turning the electricity into mechanical power at the wheels.

    33% – 6% – 5% – 5% – 10% = 25% efficiency for EV’s. In very cold weather EV’s are 12% efficient

    a gallon of gas retains 100% of its chemical-kinetic-electrical energy potential throughout the entirety of its supply chain. This is extraordinarily effective when compared to electricity in either transmitted or battery-stored forms – which does not retain its potential and can lose from 15 to 45% of the generated kilowatt hours of electricity during the delivery and battery-charging/depletion/use processes.
    ……… instead of 26% loss (during delivery and use) this says it is up to a 45% loss

    33% – 45% = 15% efficiency for EV’s. Then in very cold weather EV’s are 8% efficient..another 50% loss….
    EV’s are looking pretty useless, they are being pushed on people through lying….

    An EV just sitting loses:
    tesla says a daily 3%-5% stationary range consumption.” (just parked)
    So Tesla says it’s normal to fully discharge itself in under 3 weeks. Keep this in mind when parking it somewhere 90kwh @ $0.40 per kwh = another $36.00 per week loss just parked…lol

    Plus the cost of the battery, which is huge, you have to store the electricity in the very, very expensive battery, that is the killer for EV’s right there, the expensive, rapidly wearing out battery.
    the tesla $22,000 battery is used up, worn out in 100,000 miles.
    ATTENTION: this works out to $22.00 per 100 miles it is costing you for the battery.

    greens say burning 43 lb of coal to power their stupid EV is cleaner then burning 1.36 gallons of diesel in an ultra clean .0000001% emission ice diesel engine….lol….they have lied to everybody and got away with it….lol

  21. EV chargers, another part of the EV nightmare being forced down your throat….

    How do you charge your EV when half the chargers are broken?

    EV Charging Station are using Liquid Cooling systems and are very complicated/fragile, these are maintenance intensive, which means lots of them won’t be working, repairs and maintenance will cost a lot, paid by taxpaying ice vehicle owners…lol

    Mishaps involving overheating the use of equipment including EV chargers
    There have been many plug-in vehicle fire incidents all over the world.

    The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) in the United States. Mentioned accidents such as thermal runaway incidents. Overheating or overcharging can lead to an accident.

    The wires in EV chargers that are prone to aging cause the chargers to heat up. Fan lubrication exacerbates the temperature rise and gets out of control. Creating a vicious cycle that causes long-term damage to chargers. That can result in accidents.

    In comparison gas and diesel pumps are 100% reliable, simple and trouble free and they don’t need a complicated cooling system. They are not paid for by taxpayers,

    EV charging stations are another multi billion dollar bill for taxpayers, fire all politicians pushing them….lol

    In Damascus, Maryland, on April 1, a fire started from an electric car charger in a garage and caused $350,000 in damages.

    Watch This Severe Electric Car Fire And Explosion At A Charging Station
    More than 40 firefighters and 8 fire trucks were involved at the site, and thanks to quick action, they managed to put out the fire. Watch the toxic smoke…
    An ice car fire only needs one fire truck….lol

    Watch the video then think………What happens when 2200 Ev’s (a new complex in planning stage will have 2200 parking spaces)….imagine 2200 lithium fire bomb EV’s parked), are parked in underground parking at an apartment block or office tower and they catch fire? You can’t take propane into underground parking, but you can take a fire bomb lithium battery car underground.

    • More EV insanity

      Now people are installing homemade or unapproved, cheap, defective chargers in their homes, either on their own or using fly by night cheap unlicensed contractors, instead of using a professional…lol…

      It could cause lots of house fires (watch out for your green brainwashed neighbors)…lol….

      nobody told them they need a very expensive charger in their house and probably their house rewired…lol

      Lots of EV owners park on the street so they run extension cords over sidewalks…lol…

      Quote…….I am an qualified electrician and am aware of non-qualified people installing their own charging points….tell the city…
      Just wait until they are investigated for loss of life and insurance claims for fire damage!….tell the insurance company…lol

      from a news feed……..

      • Can’t tell you the number of times I have had to rewire/repair or reinstall from a licensed, qualified, bonded professional ewrectician! I have four acquaintances that had solar systems installed by “professionals. Today I have four acquaintances that have four nonworking solar systems,,, one that tried to burn the house down. Wrong wire sizes,,, cheap inverters, chargers, no filters, automotive type cheap deep cycle (marine) batteries.

        Wanna be a licensed professional? Go to Books a million,,, pick up a book with copies of the tests and voila! You will be a wrectician after testing! Easy Peezy.
        Working off shore on rigs the qualification was if you survived 10 or 20 years without killing yourself or anyone else and kept the rig(s) operating. Even some of them have went to professional wrecticians. Last one I saw that was a professional who stuck a large screwdriver into the main bus of a running turbine generator and shut the place down. Broke a quill shaft on the turbine but lucked out and lived. Cost the company mucho dinero.

        • non-qualified people installing their own charging points….tell the city…
          Just wait until they are investigated for loss of life and insurance claims for fire damage!….tell the insurance company…lol…..stop this insanity…

        • I agree…I am a state-licensed electrician (retired) who has seen more shoddy workmanship from so-called “licensed” electricians than that of homeowners. In fact, I know some very knowledgeable homeowners who were not afraid to ask questions and have done some absolutely beautiful code-compliant electrical work.
          A “license” is simply a barrier to competition, quite often pushed by insurance companies as well as existing electrical contractors, unions and the “powers-that-be”.
          As to electric vehicles, they are not ready for “prime-time”. Any time the amount of energy that today’s EV batteries hold is improperly “released”, there will be fires. There is no way around it besides parking these things outside away from trees and other combustibles.

    • Fast charging?…start a fire….lol
      Extreme fast chargers, for example,can push battery pack temperaturesto 270ºC/514ºF after just a few minutes of charging.
      If you fast charge a lot, you wreck the battery, if you don’t…. you wait hours to charge….lol

    • Put a level 3 charger in your home?….lol….it costs more then the EV….lol….

      a Level 3 charger has a complicated, expensive cooling system, it will cost between $30,000 and $80,000. plus installation costs, plus huge maintenance costs, so maybe $40,000 to $90,000 installed for one charger, plus huge ongoing maintenance costs,

      even worse they will eventually limit it’s use to 3 hr per week, you ration….lol

      …and they want to install millions of these, at $90,000 x only one million chargers = 90 billion dollars, plus 100’s of millions of dollars in ongoing maintenance costs….lol

      (what about the trillions of dollars to upgrade the electrical grid to supply the power?….lol)

      with ice powered cars the gas station and pumps use is free…

    • a Level 3 charger will cost between $30,000 and $80,000. plus installation costs, plus huge maintenance costs, so maybe $40,000 to $90,000 installed for one charger, plus huge ongoing maintenance costs, the ice vehicle owning taxpayer is forced to pay for this….lol

      a Level 3 charger will cost between $30,000 and $80,000. plus installation costs, plus huge maintenance costs,….tell your local government you don’t want to pay for this……

      a level 3 charger at home:
      even worse they will eventually limit it’s use to 3 hr per week, your ration….lol

      …and they want to install millions of these, at $90,000 x only one million chargers = 90 billion dollars, plus 100’s of millions of dollars in ongoing maintenance costs….lol

      (what about the trillions of dollars to upgrade the electrical grid to supply the power?….lol)

      with ice powered cars the gas station and pumps use is free…….now they want to scrap that and make you pay trillions of dollars to replace it with a dangerous, expensive, maintenance intensive, mess/nightmare……

  22. You’re preaching to the choir. I’ve tried explaining to some libtards how the US is closing coal-fired power plants while China is building them worldwide. They don’t want to hear it. Despite the idea that this is supposed to be a “global” “problem” (problem purposely in quotes, it’s not one), we should “all” (yes, including China) be “doing something” like not burning coal. Do you know what their retort was? That China’s economy (at the time) wasn’t as big as the US, come back when it is. WTF? I thought this was about “saving the earth”, not economics. That was several years ago, and it told me all I needed to know about libtards and their enviro-wacko bullshit.

    If they just left the market alone to do its magic, over the next couple of decades, we’d have electric cars that would be worthwhile (heck, the Volt is evidence of that), not catch fire spontaneously and be efficient, affordable transportation. But no, it’s an “emergency” and we have to “do something”. SMH

  23. Yep, if the world needed to avert a so called “climate catastrophe” the central planners would quickly drop the excessive safety regs. If cars weren’t so gotdamn fat regular gasoline cars could double their MPG and half their emissions. In addition, extremely light and aerodynamic zero emissions solar vehicles like those in the World Solar Challenge could be allowed on the road.

    Forward thinking cars like the Aptera could focus more on ramping up production rather than satisfying regulations.

    Instead they do the opposite. Add more weight to be more efficient, fail. Add more weight for sAfEtY and get dense wrecking ball cars that don’t handle or brake well, fail. Everything these leaders do sets us up for failure, everything!

  24. Playing Devil’s advocate here.

    One reason is that electrical generating stations are more efficient than your piston engine. A gas turbine is more efficient than a piston engine:
    In addition the stationary turbine can be optimally sized and tolerances can be maximized to get the most conversion possible (heat to electricity). Gas turbines start at 40% efficiency and can approach 60%, compared to piston engines’ 40% at the sweet spot in the power curve (which in the dynamic enviroment of a vehcile is rare).

    A hybrid system where an electrical transmission is placed between a turbine generator and the drive wheels, especially with short-term storage for acceleration and regenerative braking, should theoretically be the most efficient way to move a vehicle. But it does add unnecessary complexity and manufacturing difficulty, so splitting apart the processes and accepting the loss in grid distrubution is an acceptable compromise.

    At least if you’re a 2nd year mechanical engineering student.

    Back here in the real world, the systems are all so complex that changing out your tires to summer tread and paving smooth roads will probably lower CO2 emmissions more than scrapping your car and buying an electric. How about optimizing traffic patterns during rush hour by setting up traffic lights for flow instead of whatever the hell they’re set up for now? Or building bypasses that actually bypass instead of pushing through traffic through the city? Incentivizing truck drivers to avoid travel during high traffic times to keep total road volume high? For that matter, getting more white collar workers out of the office and working from home will reduce more CO2 than anything Detroit can hope to accomplish. The tax credits should go to home offices, not electric cars.

    Of course all that would require the DOT to take action instead of the driver.

  25. Politician: One most adept at getting the most people to believe the most preposterous lies the most often. Usually a sociopath, if not a psychopath.
    And we are indeed being inundated with lies, by the shipload.
    Of course the climate is changing, it always has been. That’s why much of the world is not covered in ice anymore. To state that it can be stopped from ever changing again, by any means, much less tyrannical edicts, is a lie.
    It has been clearly demonstrate that the “vaccines” only work to hurt and kill people, yet Fauci continues to toot his masking and “vaccine” horn, oblivious to any truth.
    We are not in a recession.
    Russia is evil, even though the US/NATO have killed far more foreign noncombatants than Russia has over the last thirty years. By orders of magnitude. Most of them were brown though, so who cares?
    China is evil, because they might hold back US hegemonic dreams. Oh, and they’re tyrannical too. Not to worry, the West is doing its damnedest to catch up with China’s tyranny.
    I’m not suffering a loss of confidence in government, because I’ve never had any. The best first assumption about anything any of them say is that it’s a lie.

  26. “Of course, expecting a cognitively dissonant Leftist to be logically consistent is not unlike expecting a duck to moo.”

    You’re mining gold, Eric. Absolute, gold.


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