Bad Cases Make Hard Law


Here is a case in point of the old saying about hard cases making (for) bad law. In this case, the hard case being a thug who was roughly handled by armed government workers in the course of being arrested for acting like a thug.

As the late and very great commentator Will Grig was fond of saying – and right to say – there is no situation so bad that calling the cops (AGWs) won’t make worse.

As here.

Instead of handling the situation with the force necessary to arrest the thug, the three AGWs beat the thug, raining punches and kicks upon him, all caught on video. These thugs – who are also idiots (who doesn’t appreciate the fact that people record everything these days?) have all been “suspended” as a result. But the worse result will likely be that the thug they beat will walk. And with his pockets full of taxpayers’ money, as recompense for the beat-down administered by the thugs.

Some badge-lickers object to AGWs having their “qualified immunity” rescinded, which would open them up to being civilly sued by those they abuse – including ordinary street thugs – and personally made to pay for the damages awarded.

Which might act as deterrent and reduce the abuse.

Aren’t these AGWs supposed to be “trained” to handle situations? And if they aren’t – or are unable to handle such situations – why involve them in such situations, at all?

If a “civilian” – as AGWs like to style those of us who aren’t AGWs and lack the protections of qualified immunity – had dealt with this thug, even to the extent of raining punches and kicks upon him – the taxpayers wouldn’t have to pay for it. And the thug would have been dealt with.

It seems like a better deal, all around, than having thugs-with-badges dealing dirty and forwarding the people who had nothing to do with it the bill.

. . .

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  1. This is often the behavior that the government defends and has repeatedly sanctioned.
    This is how the government thinks the peons should be dealt with.

    If the AGWs are professional, then they must act like it.
    This appears as anger and revenge, and yes, it may well end up in the guy walking away with a payday.
    But if that angers anyone, they should demand better from the cops.

  2. On August 22, 1992 Vicki Weaver was MURDERED while holding her child in the doorway of her home by FBI “sniper” Lon Horiuchi.
    For days after, FBI and other federal types taunted Randy Weaver using bullhorns: “God morning Mrs Weaver, what did you have for breakfast today?”.
    Sick bastards. The FBI has been corrupt for far longer than the Trump administration.
    God damn them all to HELL…

    • Yeah the sickness didn’t end there, the daughter has done interviews saying how she couldn’t cope with what went down until she became a born-again Christian and forgave all her family’s aggressors. Forgive and forget that the government murdered half your family for nothing, because Jesus says so! Sounds healthy. She turned out more superstitious than the statists that tattled on her family in the first place..

      • Hi Moose,

        I can forgive those who erred; who believed in things that I knew to be false, such as the hugely exaggerated threat of the “virus” – or who themselves practiced” stupid Kabuki rituals, such as wearing a “mask.” But I will never forgive those who treated others like dirty disease spreaders who didn’t “care that granny might die.” Who kicked us out of stores and – no doubt – would have approved having had us rounded up and interned in camps to “keep them safe.”

        Those people are dead to me. I hope the “vaccines” they took render them so, too.

        Harsh? Damned straight. Because damned justified. Never again, as the saying goes.

  3. I like the way the newsies always say, “this is hard to watch”. Bull. That’s why you’re showing it. Besides, a beatdown like this is mild compared to the crap that Hollywood spews on a daily basis.

    Why is it “hard to watch”? Is it because the “heroes” are ganging up and wailing the tar out of a suspect? All in a day work…on Other People’s Money.

    • Hi Mark, I do think it is “hard to watch” because they are the government “heroes” they are always propping up as the greatest professions to have and to look up to. First responders yay! Teachers that indoctrinate yay! AGWs giving an assembly at an elementary school to propagandize young children yay!

    • Mark you know the old saying during sweeps week is “If it bleeds, it ledes.” Well, now that there’s near real time data collection with rollup “dashboards” on executive’s desks, every day is sweeps week. And the current enviroment for media companies isn’t too good. Consider CMCSA’s 2Q 2022 earnings report. Looks like somone wore out the () keys with all the losses:

      Sensational news is the lowest common denominator. The suits want big numbers, the producers don’t know how to do that, other than trying to turn the nightly news into an action movie. But people quit watching anyway. And those who remain are usually not interesting to advertisers, usually older people who have no interest in changing. Then they see something that is “hard to watch” and they tune out as well.

      I have a feeling that in many markets the local news has come full circle. What started out as a quasi-requrement to show the FCC how the station was operating in the “public interest” and a money loser is now just there to placate politicians and politically sensitive advertisers. It doesn’t matter if anyone is watching, but the news department staff hasn’t figured that out yet.

  4. I agree that the police should not have beaten him up. Some of these thugs are big and strong. Rodney King was at least 6’2″ and 220 lbs. How would you like to tangle with him. I would never approach a thug even If I had a concealed weapon. I would run away but if cornered I would use deadly force. A long, long time ago I was involved in a few street fights and believe me itz not fun if you’re the one getting the beating.
    I live in a city where almost all the people I’ve known have left or run away. So far this year there have been 448 homicides and 2,324 shootings. I do not have the statistics on assaults and intimidations and such but believe me there is a lot of shit going on. We can only run so far but someday we will run out of space. A lot of people do not go out after the sun goes down.
    What do we do about thugs? The jails and prisons are full and yet every year new hatchlings appear. The people living in rural areas don’t have many of these problems but Obama’s program of “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing” will bring many thugs into your areas.

    “Under the Obama Administration, in July 2015 HUD promulgated the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule pursuant to the Fair Housing Act. It requires cities and towns that receive Federal money for any housing or urban development related purpose to examine whether there are any barriers to fair housing, housing patterns or practices that promote bias based on any protected class under the Fair Housing Act, and to create a plan for rectifying fair housing barriers. The intention is to promote equal housing opportunities and level the playing field so that all neighborhoods provide the quality services and amenities that are important for people to live successful lives. Civil rights groups hailed the rule citing decades-long patterns of government-sponsored segregation and discriminatory practices, while conservatives decried it as social engineering”

    Say what you want about the Orange Man but he did rescind that plan.

    “In a tweet posted on July 23, 2020, President Trump said, “I am happy to inform all of the people living in their Suburban Lifestyle Dream that you will no longer be bothered or financially hurt by having low income housing built in your neighborhood. Your housing prices will go up based on the market, and crime will go down. I have rescinded the Obama-Biden AFFH Rule. ENJOY!”[9] In a second tweet addressed to “The Suburban Housewives of America,” Trump continued, “Biden will destroy your neighborhood and your American Dream. I will preserve it, and make it even better!”

    But the miss-guided people who voted for Biden should be happy now that Shortly after taking office in January 2021, President Joe Biden took steps to reverse the Trump reversal of Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing, designed to introduce subsidized housing into higher-income, suburban zip codes. The order directed the secretary of Housing and Urban Development to “examine the effects” of the Trump rules.

    Thanks Biden voters because soon thugs will be in your rural areas and you will have the joy of running into thugs coming to you straight from the ghettos.
    The people running this country need to constantly expand the population to keep our financial ponzi scheme going. In about 20 or 30 years we will have half a billion people in the USA with the eventual goal of a billion. Where will these people come from? Sub-Saharan Africa has currently about 1.2 billion and rapidly expanding and they are all looking to live the good life here.

    Keep voting for the commies (Democrats) and your wish of diversity and multiculturalism and utopia and heaven on earth will come true.

    Democrats (evil party), Republicans (stupid party) but at least the stupid party is somewhat on our side.

    • Europeasant I don’t think either party has bad intent, nor do I think they’re strictly stupid either. They’re optimists with a limited viewpoint. That makes them fools at best, and dangerous at worst. They truly beleve they can modify human behavior by sheer will alone. When someone comes up with a study that indicates some benefit to a few people who were moved out of a bad situtation that becomes distorted into everyone will benefit from being removed from every bad situation. But I’m sure there were plenty of people who were moved that would have been fine no matter what. And plenty of other people who will screw up no matter how good an environment they’re in. But from the broad brush and viewed from thousands of miles away the number of excuses why something didn’t work will exponentially grow to infinite. Except for the excuse that blames the approver, executor and auditor of the plan.

  5. Had to look up where this happened — Mulberry, Ark., a few miles east of Fort Smith and the Oklahoma border, just near an I-40 exit.

    Pet peeve about TeeVee stations which post videos on the internet: how do they imagine their channel number (between 2 and 13) serves to identify them?

    Dozens of “Channel 5 News” stations exist throughout the US. But then, TeeVee always has been among the most parochial of media — managed by pinheads for pinhead viewers.

    • Jim I’ve also noticed that with all the consoldation over the last decades they all have the same graphics packages too. More than that, the really big guys have consolidated their master control operations and studio production control rooms. All the studio equipment is remote operated. This is one reason for the rise of the “supercut” video where anchors are all reading the same phrases. They’re literally all reading the same script, written by someone at corporate.

      Anything to keep up the gross margin I guess. Too bad that the local news isn’t local (not that it ever was) and the only difference between DMAs is the center of the weather map and the sports team reports. Reporters are sent out to get “demographic-person on the street” reactions to national news, and praying their story is big enough to get picked up by corporate.

      My personal view is the only reason to watch the news out of Denver is because it’s quite the jiggle show, with the more female-leaning reporters looking like they’re headed out for a night on the town (or just coming home in the case of the morning shows). But I’m no longer the target demo so I think their days are numbered.

  6. Some conservative commentators (e.g., Dan Bongino) mostly talk good talk about many things. That is until we get to law enforcement. They cannot imagine law enforcement without qualified immunity, no-knock raids, red flag laws or civil asset forfeiture.

    Funny thing to me is, I’ve yet to hear any of these “revolutionary” lefties talk about getting rid of any of that either. They just want centralized federal police. So on keeping those awful policies, “both sides” seem to agree.

    The other thing that both sides seem to agree on, because there’s no “call” to change it, is the myriad ways for AGWs to conduct their interventions. Not a single peep from either “side”. Just the fake “defund the police” versus “no limits police” framing.

    And these people all think they deserve to be taken seriously.

    • The biggest complaint about the cops is who’s holding the leash. In as much as we need police, it should probably be run as locally to the individual taxpayers served. Not “community policing” as the political left desires, but an HOA turned outward. Instead of putting neighbors against neighbors, actually protecting and serving, not looking for the low hanging fruit and measuring success by the numbers.

      There’s a reason why societies don’t run 100% private security, and I believe that the reason is because it is really hard to prove the service is useful. We pay for firehouses and all the paraphernalia they come with, yet very few people will ever require its service. But it is good they exist, and as long as they don’t get overly expensive they serve a purpose. But few want to bother with nationalization of the fire brigades, mostly because they really don’t have much power to cause harm to political enemies. Not that it hasn’t been tried, of course. The dread Patriot Act did take control of the purse strings, but left much of the control local.


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