Latest Radio: Bill Meyer Show/KMED 4/24/22


Here’s the audio of my weekly Wheels Up session with Bill Meyer over at KMED radio in occupied Oregon!

08-24-22_EP on KMED     
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  1. Eric, once again another great show and I am humored by the Geo Metro talk. Yeah, a whole lot of people are talking about the Geo Metro when gas is $5 a gallon.

    Geo Metro review: a cheap little throw away car built by GM, weighs in around 1650 lbs, has a 1 liter 3 cylinder engine, and mine gets 55-65 mpg.

    So try to beat that, a $500 beater that gets better fuel economy than any Prius or Civic. You can not beat the Geo Metro and a guy told me last week they should put it back in production. I whole heartedly agree.

    I realize I am a throwback, no cell phone and I have never bought a new car. I do not want the ‘guvment’ tracking my every move, I do not want Facebook knowing who my friends are, and I do not buy these shoddy new cars because they all look the same and are built like crap. They are literally plastic crap that explode on impact. Have you watched that Tesla that does the jump in Los Angeles?

    Tesla = C R A P

    Anyone who spends time at wrecking yards hunting parts soon gets an eyeful on how a modern car is built. The low quality is a joke, and how much do they want for a new car that can barely exceed 35 mpg? tesla-model-s-jump-crashes/

    My wife and daughter both have entry level Toyotas, sure they have all the bells and whistles, and Toyota quality, but neither gets anywhere near my Metro mpg. My little shit banger gets almost double what they get, and they have the best fuel economy (non-hybrid) Toyotas that have been sold in the last 20 years.

    Bottom line? A Geo Metro is the most “green” car on the planet, cheap to produce, easily fixable, gets superior fuel economy. And it did so 30 years ago.


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