Latest Radio: Bryan Hyde Show 9/6/22


Heres’ the audio of this week’s conversation with my friend Bryan Hyde, who hosts the Bryan Hyde Show in Utah. We talked about the latest EeeeeeeeeVeeeee news, including the news that, in Europe, charging an EeeeeeeeeeeVeeeeee may cost twice as much as filling up the tank of a non EeeeeeeeeeVeeee – as well as the implications of Dark Brandon’s recent channeling of Hitler at the Zeppelin Field in Nuremberg:

. . .

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  1. Funny analogy of Biden vs. Hitler:

    If indeed the Phony POTUS’s handlers actually intended to portray him as Hitler redux, instead they got another “Fuhrer”…none other that Federation history professor and contact specialist John Gill (David Brian) of “Patterns of Force”, who was being controlled, via administration of strong drugs, by Melakon (Skip Homier, who in another TOS episode portrays yet another fanatical leader). All we have to figure out is the identity of the real-life “Melakon”.


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