Latest Radio: David Knight Show 9/21/22


Here’s the audio of my conversation yesterday with David Knight, host of Real News With David Knight. We talked about the Happy News that the “pandemic” is over as well as the malicious and deliberate intentions (as opposed to well-intended incompetence) of our Dear Leader Class:

. . .

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  1. I’ve been very impressed with David Knight, his intelligence and analysis, and his professionalism – even though he is featured on Alex Jones, a known disinformation agent.

    There are two classic interviews that expose Jonestown:

    (David Duke himself is a suspect, because he is (or was) one the biggest Trump supporters.)

    Know More News Adam Green Debates Infowars Owen Shroyer over Zionism

    Adam Green does a fantastic job exposing how Judaism and the Rabbi wet dream of taking over the whole world is behind all these wars – like the current war in Ukraine.


    Your readers will probably also like this:

    Bill Hicks to Alex Jones: Creating the Controlled Opposition

    If this is true (which I hold as a high probability) it illustrates the lengths the mocking bird media goes to control the narrative. And I would like to point out how in “free” Amerika no one in any media standing will ever touch the Zionist aspect of 911. Thus, the sacred lies of state are never even brought up for discussion.

    Thus, I have concluded, that anyone on the television or MSM or even the top “anti-establishment” personalities (like Jonestown) are all controlled one way or another.


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