Remember when people just caught colds – and that’s all there was to it?
They didn’t think it was maybe something more. Didn’t rush to the doctor’s office to “get tested.” Only neurotics did that. Now we all do that – to one degree or another. It is almost impossible not to at least think “Rona Thoughts” when you feel your nose getting runny, a scratch in your throat . . . in the face of almost three years now of neurotic obsession with sickness.
It is a measure of what they have done to us.
We regard ourselves with suspicion – as well as one another. The sound of a cough in a public space prompts thoughts few of us thought three years ago. The next-day feeling not so well, ourselves, causes us to think we might be “infected” as opposed to just having caught a cold.
Which I caught late last week – I think – while visiting my mom at the Memory Care facility where she lives now. That was Thursday. By Monday, I felt a scratch in my throat that – for me – is a sure sign of a coming cold. My nose began to run later in the day. But by Tuesday, whatever it was was clearing out and – today – I am back to normal. What’s abnormal is writing about this as if it were something unusual.
People used to just catch colds. It was part of normal life. You stuffed some Kleenex in your pockets, maybe – so as to have something to blow your nose into while in the car. But you didn’t alter your life or even give it much thought. You went to work – and your co-workers expressed the usual sentiments. Yeah. I had that one a few days ago. Sucks. Hope you feel better soon!
But no one ran away from you if you coughed.
No one asked if you planned to “get tested.”
Now, it’s almost expected. That is a barometer of the extent to which this sickness has permeated our society.
We’re reluctant to mention that we’re feeling less-than-well, because of the ingrained expectation that those we tell will recoil. That we will be expected to “get tested” – and that if we don’t, we are being “irresponsible.”
Heaven forbid we “expose” anyone.
It makes us want to stay home – to avoid going to work, seeing friends. Or even telling them. Not because we suspect we are carrrier of a deadly “virus” but rather because we’ll be treated as such at work and by our friends. There is now shame (and guilt) attending catching a cold – and not “treating” it as if it were a deadly “virus.”
And the problem there is how would we do that, exactly? What is the difference between a cold and the “virus”? Both having the same mild symptoms. A scratchy throat, runny nose. Cough. The manifestations of the common cold. And the dread “virus,” too. Since no one knows – or rather, can tell – the difference (if there is one) between one and the other, the default assumption is, it must be the “virus”!
That’s the response I got when I mentioned that I’d caught a cold after visiting my mom. Mentioned feeling a little off to my brother-in-law. He reflexively said: “It’s probably COVID.” It’s this probably that is going to hang us up, as a society, for years and perhaps even decades to come. This now-ingrained assumption that every cold is the coof. Think about the implications. Think about how what used to be a backwater aberration – hypochondria – has become a mainstream problem, even for those not actually afflicted.
Neither I nor my brother-in-law are hypochondriacs. We don’t push the panic button over a runny nose. We certainly don’t immediately think: We’d better get tested.
And yet, we also think all of the things you and I have just been bruiting about in this short essay. Things almost none of us ever gave much if any thought to, before three years ago. We have been conditioned to think differently over the past going-on-three-years now, such that it has become a kind of reflex.
And if we’re thinking this way – those of us who have acquired immunity to hypochondria, per se – try to imagine what the legions of hypochondriacs are thinking. The ones who jump whenever they hear someone cough. The ones who do rush to the doctor’s office to “get tested” whenever they feel a cold coming on.
Who assume every cold is the coof.
We’re not getting over this anytime soon.
. . .
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The Unvaccinated Deserve Reparations
by Dominick Sansone
Those who refused the shot on principle endured the vitriolic attack by their government and peers. They were labeled as antisocial and denied access to society in many cases.
the COVID fiasco has been unrelated to any actual science but rather a pretext for the government to increase its power.
Conform, or else become an untouchable. That was their goal all along. Divide and conquer. Remember when nearly 50 percent of Democratic voters said they would potentially be okay with forcibly interning the unvaccinated in isolated locationsyou know, as in camps? Forty-eight percent wanted the government to fine or imprison anyone who merely questioned the efficacy of vaccines.
How many families were torn apart by the governments nonsensical tyranny? Many of us had holidays canceled, gatherings unattended, and relatives who just outright stopped talking to us because we werent vaccinated.
They bought into the narrative that was pushed on us from every direction. No vaccine, no life.
What about going to nursing homes or hospitals to see our loved ones in their most vulnerable moments when they most needed the warmth and comfort of friends and family gathered around? Even when we said, Fine, Ill get tested if I need to. Nope. Not good enough.
The COVID response is a social trauma that will likely take at least a generation to recover from. As we learn morenot only about the vaccines ineffectiveness in stopping the virus, but the potentially harmful side-effects accompanying itthe wound will only grow deeper.
This all says nothing of the largely pointless lockdowns, the repercussions of which have yet to be fully understood. Skyrocketing drug use and overdose, stunted mental development for children and impaired learning, increased depression, and missed doctor appointments. All of these considerations were buried under the government demand to trust the science.
Still, many of these considerations were out of our control. Whether or not we got the vaccine was one of the few areas where we had an actual choice. In the United States, at least, they still did everything they could to make that choice as difficult as possible.
Sure, youre free not to get the vaccinebut youre a bad person, and we will do everything in our power to ostracize you from society.
So hearing Small (the Pfizer executive) plainly state that they had no scientifically tested basis for claiming that the virus stopped transmission might seem like a victory.
But its only a moral victory. Im not kidding when I say that I believe reparations are justified
Question the paradigm. Implicit in the saying “catch a cold” is the baseless assumption that a “virus” from a sick person in your proximity “infected” you. What evidence is there for this assumption?
Feeling ill has two causes: ingestion of toxins and eventual detoxification, nutritional deficiency. Ordinary “colds” are the body detoxing accumulated ingested toxins. Don’t fight the symptoms. Your body knows what it’s doing don’t interfere.
**”Don’t fight the symptoms. Your body knows what it’s doing don’t interfere.”**
Amen! This is why I don’t take aspirin when I’ve had a fever….. Why fight the very thing your body is using to fight your malady?
Hi bg,
The debate over “viruses” and germs interests me. I don’t pretend to expertise in either subject. It does seem evident to me that one can catch a cold as I have many times over the course of my life (as I think have most people). Whether it is caused by a virus or germs, I cannot say. But it seems evident to me the cold is spread by contact with someone who already has it. This is the common experience. How many of us have been around someone who has a cold – is coughing, etc. – and end up with the same cold shortly afterward?
The cold I caught was also caught by my girlfriend, from me I am pretty sure. The same runny nose/cough for a couple of days. I do not think it is probable a nutritional deficiency/toxins created the cold, though we may have been more susceptible on account of it.
So, I do think colds – and catching them – are a real thing. But I also think – I know – that hypochondria has been encouraged and normalized. That what used to be rightly considered an exaggerated/morbid fear of catching a cold is now regarded as reasonable. Like “climate change,” it’s a hysteria promoted for the sake of manipulating and controlling people.
Eric, I agree that we just don’t know for sure- but one observation I make is that I have caught colds in the past without having been in the company of any sick people- or any people period, for 10 days or more. So one doesn’t have to “catch a cold” from an infected person (or place/items, etc.).
It may be that people appear to catch colds from others merely because they and those others were both exposed to the same conditions/contaminants/whatever that caused the cold.
I dunno- but just another thing in the mix to consider.
Hi Eric
5G exposaure can give the same symptoms as a mild flu which has been relabeled as deathly bat germ disease.
If trees are attacked by parasites, toxins, etc., they will communicate to other trees the danger, humans might do this too, if two people are exposed to the same toxins, etc., they can have the same immune response, the symptoms of this immune response could be interperted as being attacked by a virus, this gives big pharma the opportuity to sell drugs or vaccines to cover up the symptoms, never fixing the original cause of the people’s reactions to the toxin, etc.,
the body creates viruses to act as as cleaning agent to clean up toxins, big pharma has labeled them as evil….you have to fight the evil within you…lol….
big pharma calls the drugs and vaccines good, fighting the evil virus, the opposite is true,
the double-speak involved is intensely characteristic of the reversal of reality practiced by satanists… is white….. up is down….bad is good….
do whatever you want, go to hell, it is actually fun there….(then when you get there you find out you get thrown in the fire….tricked)
do as we say not as we do……inversion typical of leftists…the rules don’t apply to them….
leftists lie 24/7
Demons invert/reverse all that they touch. The psychopath uses the same trick.
leftist/communists = satanist.
Today the church/government/medical system is one huge satanist/communist religious cult.
how were people getting sick?
Karen responds, “They were getting sick with an Artificial Intelligence nanoweapon
these can be delivered in an aerosol attack, they can be delivered through water, they can be delivered in food, or through injections, the injected shead spike proteins, this another way to get infected with these parasites,
These globalist/satanists are doing a lot of weird, high tech, medical experiments on people with no consent, treated worse then lab rats, concealed behind a huge wall of lies…..
Essentially, the new AI nanoweapon is a new AI species. Those spike proteins are parasites. And those parasites do gene editing inside of you to spawn , diseases, biosynthetic structures, as well as to host the development of these new species that are being developed…..
transhumanism….watch zombies being created in real time…lol
This is not just technology. It’s part technology, part biology. And as you go through the patents and the peer-reviewed publications, most of the biological sequences for this nanoweapon are from parasites…That’s why the ivermectin and the hydroxychloroquine and the anti-parasitical treatments kill it and/or at least slow it down.
Now, the other thing is it’s part technology…It clearly states on one of the patents that this based on Quantum Dot, it’s based on the Bohr particle, which is based on frequencies
– which means that frequencies can also disable the technology….maybe a zapper will work to disable the parasite….
The 5G towers are part of the energy source for this AI nanoweapon. This AI parasite.
so….watch your food and water, use ivermectin, anti parasite formulas, and zappers…..look for somewhere with no cemtails or forced injections, move to no 5G area….that is difficult…
The Virus Truth
We have been given false information as to what virus’ really are. The “Germ Theory” put forth has never been proven. A virus, is something created by our bodies to aid in the removal of toxins, and cannot jump from one host to another.
ALL Viruses from HIV, EBV, CMV, Hepatitis C, West Nile Virus, Ebola, Measles, Zika, and Now the Coronavirus, are ALL Phantom Viruses – Viral Existence Has NEVER Been Scientifically Demonstrated and Never Proven!
Germ THEORY has been debunked since 1918, when the Boston Health Department failed to infect a single one of the 300 healthy subjects they contaminated with the bodily fluids of “Spanish Flu” carriers. Viruses do not exist the way most have been taught to believe. That is due to; two centuries old medical/corporate (Rockefeller, Carnegie, Gates, Morgan, etc.) propaganda at work.
Viruses are Exosomes – solvents for toxic cells. Allopathic medical doctors are trained in Rockefeller funded medical schools without any real nutritional knowledge, taking about two weeks of classes in all their years of study.
Abraham Flexner was hired to write up the Rockefeller/Carnegie/Ford/AMA inspired and funded 1910 FLEXNER REPORT, which was used as an excuse to defund, defame and eventually eliminate the holistic medical service and culture. Louis Pasteur was another scientist in league with the Rockefellers, and he pushed the Germ Theory, which is still pushed as fact by the medical schools.
The irony is that towards the end of his life, Pasteur renounced the germ theory and admitted that Bechamp was right all along. In the 1920’s medical historians also discovered that most of Pasteur’s theories were plagiarized from Bechamp’s early research work.
Some quotations from Doctors, Scientists and Nutritionists:
“Rudolph Virchow, a great German scientist, repudiated the germ theory of disease. He said that disease brought on germs rather than the germs caused disease. Claude Bernard, Bechamp and Tissot – great French scientists – all disproved the germ theory of disease. In Hans Selye’s book Stress of Life (Page 205), an account is recorded that Louis Pasteur, inventor of the germ theory of disease, admitted he was wrong. Sanitation is the only factor that has reduced the spread of the old-time scourges.
If the germ theory were founded on facts, there would be no living being to read what is herein written, for germs are ubiquitous – they exist everywhere. In many diseases supposedly caused by a specific germ, that germ is not present. Contrariwise, specific germs said to cause a specific disease are present in huge proportions without the specific disease manifesting itself.” – Dr Bernarr D.C, D.D
modern medicine is based on the germ theory. modern medicine: evil spirits (germs) how do you fight them? with pharmaceuticals, vaccines (witches brews).
pharmacon = poison, pharmakeia = sorcery, witch craft, witches
pharmaceutical = drugs made from petrochemicals (oil), which cause cancer.
drugs made from petrochemicals (oil), which cause cancer were forced into use. instead of using natural remedies. they defunded, defamed and eventually eliminated the holistic medical service and culture.
Terrain Theory, put into play by Pasteur’s rival, Henry Bechamp, says our bodies express bacteria and viruses as cleaning and alarm-messenger agents to other cells.
To sell drugs and vaccines, pharmaceutical backed companies, doctors and schools ran with Pasteur’s Germ Theory and tried to blamed every disease possible on it. Scurvy, for example, was blamed on infection, yet proven to be caused by a lack of vitamin C.
When kids ate asbestos-laden wall chips, docs and scientists blamed their parents for being stupid, rather than themselves for blanketing the planet with harmful drugs, toxins and chemicals. The “progress” driven by the big money in the last couple centuries saw a lot of toxins from lead, arsenic, DDT, asbestos and many pesticides be splayed upon the public.
When people got sick their corrupt scientists blamed it on an “infectious” agent that is present during the very toxicity caused by their employers. This industry causes 440k deaths a yr in America alone due to “medical errors” (partially defined as an unintended outcome even under correctly administered care) and over 100k annual deaths due to legal drugs. This is only from the reports we know about.
Taking into account hackneyed “studies”, unreported medical errors and overdoses, and unreported adverse vaccine effects that cause all sorts of chronic diseases, neurological disorders and death, it’s abundantly clear that the pharmaceutical-backed medical industry is not aimed at healing the population, but rather, at reducing their prolificity, health and power through deceptions of the highest degree.
Take Polio: As farmers & communities began to spray the first arsenic-based “Paris Green” in the late 1800s to control insects, and then lead-arsenate, more cases of paralysis and poisoning appeared, but with no detectable source of “infection.” When the public began to question possible toxicity from pesticides, they were shouted down and mocked – but not challenged with actual scientific data.
“Reports of children killed by arsenic poisoning began to surface, and authorities who had worked tirelessly to enforce the mandatory application of pesticides blamed the deaths on improper spraying techniques by reckless farmers.” – The Moth and the Iron Lung DDT was invented in Germany in 1873. The first recorded case of paralytic polio was in Sweden around 1886. And back then, all types of paralysis were diagnosed as polio.
According to the World Health Organization, a vaccine strain of polio is running uncontrolled across Africa right now. DDT was in widespread use across America for years and is still in widespread use in many “third world” countries.
At the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research (now Rockefeller University) it was Abraham’s older brother Simon Flexner who was frantically poking around in the bone marrows of lab animals to find/create/pass on the polio virus. Scientists would go on to drill holes into the brains of monkeys and pour toxic spinal gunk into it until achieving the desired results: One monkey died and another got paralyzed and then some.
This was heralded as the polio “vaccine”. So in stark contrast to the claim that vaccines save lives, it’s the vaccines themselves that are a big problem. So, how was polio “eradicated”? The corporate elite simply stopped spraying everyone with pesticides, rolled out a toxic vaccine and then took credit for helping people, while getting rich from the misery they caused in the first place!
Koch’s Postulates
Four criteria that were established by Robert Koch to identify the causative agent of a particular disease, these include:
the microorganism or other pathogen must be present in all cases of the disease
the pathogen can be isolated from the diseased host and grown in pure culture
the pathogen from the pure culture must cause the disease when inoculated into a healthy, susceptible laboratory animal
the pathogen must be reisolated from the new host and shown to be the same as the originally inoculated pathogen
Without Koch’s Postulates prove, the virus does not exist.
It is now more important then ever to do you own research. It is a fact that: government, big pharma, CDC, FDA, science, main stream media, lie and deceive the people. Pharma has consistently harmed, killed, millions for the sake of a fat bank account. Cures have been held back, natural remedies hidden, destroyed, vilified.
the problem is the germ theory, if people were educated and knew it was bs (it has been proven false multiple times, pasteur the moron that invented it said it was fake), it would be harder to hoodwink them….
the knowledge level on viruses is near zero awareness….that is intentional….it might be the most important thing to learn….
We All Have Viruses, All The Time, as Part of our Virome and Immune System
The humble virus is deeply misunderstood. The human body is composed of an estimated 6 trillion cells, 60 trillion bacteria and 380 trillion viruses.
Just as we have a microbiome of friendly bacteria which forms the basis of our immune system and 2nd brain in our gut, so too do we have a virome (a collection and community of viruses) which play a role in our healing. Viruses come from exosomes or tiny particles our bodies produce. They are not infectious agents. The exosome theory states that if cells are poisoned, they produce viruses (secretions) to clean up the toxins.
Through the ascendency of germ theory over host theory/terrain theory, the mainstream paradigm now teaches that viruses are “bad guys”, infectious agents “out there”, who can invade the body – thus reinforcing the need for Big Pharma drugs and vaccines.
they want to force inject you with a vaccine to kill the evil within you. they are morons, they have zero knowledge of anything. you will end up totally screwed up or dead, and you can’t sue.
it became established with the nazis:
“The infection theories (germ theory) were only established as a global dogma through the concrete policies and eugenics of the Third Reich. Before 1933, scientists dared to contradict this germ theory; after 1933, these critical scientists were silenced.” now we have the 4th reich doing the same thing.
rockefeller took allopathic medicine worldwide
After the Flexner Report, the AMA only endorsed schools with a germ theory drug-based curriculum. It didn’t take long before non-allopathic, non germ theory schools fell by the wayside due to lack of funding.
Thus, Rockefeller had his monopoly on drugs, and Big Pharma and Rockefeller Medicine were born – and has only grown bigger and more terrible since, now routinely bribing doctors to prescribe their toxic and side effect-laden pills, not to mention their autism-causing vaccines, all based on the germ theory.
Rockefeller, the AMA and Big Pharma are now all key aspects of the NWO (New World Order), but it all started with the Flexner Report. It is worth noting that Big Pharma And the Vaccine Cartels design the entire medical curriculum, based on the germ theory. now we have allopathic rockefeller nazi death medicine.
disease causes:
many health experts have stated, namely that there are only 2 causes of disease: deficiency and toxicity. (also trauma)
For instance, Charlotte Gerson (who took over running the Gerson Clinic from her brilliant father Max) said this about disease and cancer. Removing cells or tissue from the body and thus cutting them off from their energy/nutrient supply will quickly lead to deficiency; injecting antibiotics into the mixture is toxicity;
thus there is no solid proof a virus is causing disease when there is already deficiency and toxicity present. This is the key point of the virus misconception.
Auschwitz = Arbeit macht frei (Work will make you free)
Earth 2020 = Vaccine will make you free
Sadly, Anon1, THEORIES have been sold as established “science” for the last 100 or so, as they are what are peddled in the pooblik skools and (j)unviversities as “education”- and thus the public believes in them with religious fervor more so than they do in their former religion. Be it germ theory, evolution theory, climate-change theory, heliocentricity…people just accept it as fact, and it then becomes more insidious and dangerous than any other form of propaganda, because it is not and can not be questioned, unless one is willing to stand apart from their all-encompassing system (Which is what some of us have long done).
Theories change with the coming and going of empires, and eventually the opposite of what was once believed is embraced (be it right or wrong or somewhere in between), and that is changed again the next time.
“The fittest survive”, but somehow those survivors now have to pay someone to artificially clean their teeth and have remnants of diseases injected into their bloodstreams lest they die…and advocated by a man named Bill who wants to rid the world of a good number of humans because he feels that their activities and very breathing will create an environment too harsh for the rocks to survive in. Hmmm…all of the propagated theories seem top lead to the same end.
That assembled collection of decades worth of studies observed by the CDC which found that even in surgical settings masks did not make any difference as to the patient becomin contaminated or not, either proves that masks are not effective, or that germ theory is indeed false- or both- but of course, no attempt is made to determine which, or if both observations are true- instead, the results of those studies are just ignored- which proves the dishonesty of these “scientists”, and that their ultimate goal is to control what we think and do, and not to genuinely promote understanding and benevolence.
so they poisoned people with a an Artificial Intelligence nanoweapon
these can be delivered in an aerosol attack, they can be delivered through water, they can be delivered in food, or through injections, the injected shead spike proteins, this is another way to get infected with these parasites,
to confuse people they said people were getting sick from a virus from a bat having sex with an armadillo in a wet market….lol….people spent 2 1/2 years running in circles arguing about this….lol…..they said a mask would keep the germ out…..but……Surgical masks were used as torture tools at the notorious Guantanamo Bay detention camp in Cuba…..these are evil satanists pulling this off…..
**”so they poisoned people with a an Artificial Intelligence nanoweapon”**
Hey, if it weren’t for artificial intelligence, a good percent of the poopulation would have no intelligence at all!
this has to be the worst age in history, this new tech is being used as a weapon upon mankind…..
Essentially, the new AI nanoweapon is a new AI species. Those spike proteins are parasites. And those parasites do gene editing inside of you to spawn , diseases, biosynthetic structures, as well as to host the development of these new species that are being developed…..
transhumanism….watch zombies being created in real time…lol
never before in history did the rulers have the power to poison/infect/pollute you with high tech garbage and turn you into a robot/zombie….
Hi Anon,
I don’t trust (and always question) pretty much everything the White Coats say. That said, people have been catching colds long before there was 5 or any G. We caught colds as kids, from other kids. Or so it sure seemed. I understand that correlation is not always causation but sometimes, it is. I raise chickens and ducks. There are sicknesses they catch and certainly seem to spread. Whether it’s a virus or germ, I cannot say as I cannot see either. But it seems improbable to me that it’s neither.
Hi Eric
people do have symptons of what is now called a cold or flu, it is the body going through a cleaning process getting rid of a toxin, contaminent, (a deficiency could cause the symptoms too), or whatever, it could be caused by a number of toxins etc., the point was that list also now includes 5G exposure, it doesn’t mean that is the only cause, there might be 100’s of causes…..
NOTE: zinc deficiency can cause the same symptoms as mild flu (covid),
just because two chickens or two people have the same symptoms at the same time doesn’t mean one gave the other deathly bat germ disease…..maybe they were exposed to the same toxin at the same time…
what about trees, a tree will send out communication (through root networks or some other means) to other trees if it is being attacked, (like a immune response), to warn the other trees so they can have a response to protect themselves, maybe humans do something similar…..
getting rid of the germ theory out of your head is very difficult, it has been the number job of brainwashing people the last 100 years by big pharma, they make trillions of dollars off the scam, so will protect it by any means….
never say or do anything to reinforce, enable, continue, this bs germ theory, it just helps big pharma get rich, fight back, push back, deconstruct it, debunk it, disprove it, laugh at it…..remember the last 2 1/2 years…..
why would you listen to anything they say?………
big pharma causes 440k deaths a yr in America alone due to “medical errors” (partially defined as an unintended outcome even under correctly administered care)
and over 100k annual deaths due to legal drugs. This is only from the reports we know about.
Each one of the four vaccine producers “is a convicted serial felon: Glaxo, Sanofi, Pfizer, Merck.”
“In the past 10 years, just in the last decade, those companies have paid 35 billion dollars in criminal penalties, damages, fines, for lying to doctors, for defrauding science, for falsifying science, for killing hundreds of thousands of Americans knowingly.”
some deprogramming….
hi eric
just because two chickens or two people have the same symptoms at the same time doesn’t mean one gave the other deathly bat germ disease…..maybe they were exposed to the same toxin at the same time…
what about trees, a tree will send out communication (through root networks or some other means) to other trees if it is being attacked, (like a immune response), to warn the other trees so they can have a response to protect themselves, maybe humans do something similar…..
The irony is that towards the end of his life, Pasteur, who invented the germ theory, renounced the germ theory and admitted that it was fake, false…..why not believe pasteur?….
If the germ theory were founded on facts, there would be no living being to read what is herein written, for germs are ubiquitous – they exist everywhere. In many diseases supposedly caused by a specific germ, that germ is not present. Contrariwise, specific germs said to cause a specific disease are present in huge proportions without the specific disease manifesting itself.” – Dr Bernarr D.C, D.D
big pharma says virus’s are evil….big pharma lies….
We All Have Viruses, All The Time, as Part of our Virome and Immune System
The humble virus is deeply misunderstood. The human body is composed of an estimated 6 trillion cells, 60 trillion bacteria and 380 trillion viruses.
Just as we have a microbiome of friendly bacteria which forms the basis of our immune system and 2nd brain in our gut, so too do we have a virome (a collection and community of viruses) which play a role in our healing. Viruses come from exosomes or tiny particles our bodies produce. They are not infectious agents. The exosome theory states that if cells are poisoned, they produce viruses (secretions) to clean up the toxins.
which one of the 380 trillion viruses are you going to kill?… should go in there and kill a whole bunch of them, that should work out well….which are the evil ones?…..380 trillion in there, that is a lot of evil, might as well get MAID….medical assistance in death….
hi eric
If they are going to blame a virus, show it to us, show some proof….lol
There was never any SARS-CoV2 virus – that’s for sure. I think we’re almost at 200 FOIA requests to various government and health agencies to provide evidence that SARS-CoV2 was found and purified directly out of a person sick with this alleged COVID-19 illness and they all admit that has never been done.
Then virologists come up with excuses as to why this can’t be done that contradict their own basic premises of virology.
But there were certainly people having meaningless PCR tests run on them, they come up positive, they’re given Remdesivir, put on ventilators, end up dead, and get labeled a COVID death.
And using ventilators and labeling people COVID deaths just happened to yield more compensation for the hospital than any ordinary cause of death. Nothing to see there…
for example……
Dr. Lanka gained worldwide headlines in 2017 when he offered an award of 100,000 Euros to anyone who could prove the existence of the measles “virus.”
The medical establishment tried to call him out on his statement to collect the award, but Dr. Lanka disputed their evidence, and the matter went into the German court system, where the German Federal Supreme Court confirmed that there was not enough evidence to prove the existence of the measles virus.
They have people running in circles arguing over a virus
meanwhile……what people were infected with was an Artificial Intelligent parasite. It’s part technology, part biology
This is a carefully constructed, enormous, complex, web of lies, to conceal a horror show, an evil plot….
These globalist/satanists are doing a lot of weird high tech experiments on people with no consent, treated worse then lab rats, concealed behind a huge wall of lies…..
Part of the transhuman agenda……
what people were infected with was an Artificial Intelligent parasite. It’s part technology, part biology
how were people getting sick?
Karen responds, “They were getting sick with an Artificial Intelligence nanoweapon
these can be delivered in an aerosol attack, they can be delivered through water, they can be delivered in food
Essentially, the new AI nanoweapon is a new AI species. Those spike proteins are parasites. And those parasites do gene editing inside of you to spawn viruses, diseases, biosynthetic structures, as well as to host the development of these new species that are being developed.
This is not just technology. It’s part technology, part biology. And as you go through the patents and the peer-reviewed publications, most of the biological sequences for this nanoweapon are from parasites…That’s why the ivermectin and the hydroxychloroquine and the anti-parasitical treatments kill it and/or at least slow it down.
Now, the other thing is it’s part technology…It clearly states on one of the patents that this based on Quantum Dot, it’s based on the Bohr particle, which is based on frequencies – which means that frequencies can also disable the technology
The 5G towers are part of the energy source for this AI nanoweapon. This AI parasite.
globalist/communist/wef planned future
for the few remaining useless eaters, after their 7 billion cull.
turning people into appliances plugged into an all-seeing internet, more transhuman robots than people, dutifully following orders but unable to produce anything beyond what is programmed into their quantum microchips, bereft of the sparks of inquiry, innovation and joy in a electric panopticon that’s sterile and joyless, you are better off dead.
they implant an operating system in you and connect you to the grid, they also connect an AI robot to the grid, this is so you can train the robot to do your job. you won’t be needed then = soylent green.
the dissenting and disenfranchised will find themselves branded as “terrorists”, gathered up into the box cars, and shipped away to be disappeared by the millions.
Clean, efficient, cheap elimination, sustainable and always environmentally friendly. And it will be at that point, in these cramped box cars, within these hot and stinking quarters during that collective silence where time is suspended between repeating clanks of iron on iron and the hypnotic rhythm of the carriage roll, it is here where “of the people” will ponder upon why they did not wake up, why they did not wise up, and why they did not rise up.
And so these thoughts go, box car after box car, train after train, day after day. And as the trains slow into the camps, “of the People” will finally experience the epiphany of just how few individuals there were who ruled over the world, but will also discover too late just how few bu…ll,,,,,ets would have fixed things early, how little blood need be shed to derail this Road to Zero.
most of the biological sequences for this nanoweapon are from parasites…That’s why the ivermectin and the hydroxychloroquine and the anti-parasitical treatments kill it and/or at least slow it down.
might be time to start taking these formulas again…there was a theory that parasites cause a lot of people’s health problems…
Now, the other thing is it’s part technology…It clearly states on one of the patents that this based on Quantum Dot, it’s based on the Bohr particle, which is based on frequencies – which means that frequencies can also disable the technology
Maybe a zapper would work…..
Artificial Intelligence nanoweapon
these can be delivered in an aerosol attack, they can be delivered through water, they can be delivered in food
so….watch your food and water, use ivermectin, anti parasite formulas, and zappers…..look for somewhere with no cemtails or forced injections, move to no 5G area….that is difficult…
Just a minute ago I got an email from one of the local urgent-care facilities:
Feeling Sick? Let us help…
Flu? Cold? Cough?
Fall brings cool, crisp days – along with coughs, sore throats, fevers, COVID and more.
If you feel sick, don’t wait and wonder which bug it is. Walk in for a quick, same-day diagnosis so you can feel better faster!
With our free mobile app you can access test results, store your vaccination records, review visit history and more!
Rona thoughts? No f- that. I caught a cold late last week. I had some fever, chills and aches along with the runny nose and sore throat. I went into work as most people who werent bedridden would have in the beforetime. Spread the love I say. The more these fools catch and get over the common cold the sooner they’ll remember its no big f-ing deal. If they have a problem with that they can wear their maaaaask and anti-social distance their faceless mugs outta my sight.
US extends “public health emergency” even though Brandon says it’s over. LOL.
The only 2 reasons I can think of for the Biden Regime having extended the “Public Health Emergency” is that letting it expire would:
1) Require that ALL the EUA COVID “vaccines” be stopped immediately, and
2) End the MASSIVE “COVID emergency powers” that the Regime assumed for itself.
As you might already know, during the summer, the regime also declared a public health emergency over Monkeypox, leading me to suspect that they would try to implement mandates for people to take any experimental vaccines that Big Pharma might make, or implement MORE draconian measures like NUMEROUS governments around the world did with the ‘Rona.
These technocrats that have infiltrated various governments around the world, including the U.S. government, also clearly seem obsessed with “vaccinating” the ENTIRE human population, as they’re even running experiments on using GMO mosquitos for vaccinating humans.
Oh, they’ve got “reasons” alright. Just like Hosni Mubarak and the others since in Egypt have for decades. We basically live in a Mideast-style dictatorship now, which is ironic given how the US empire installed and propped them all up. As Ron Paul always says, empires come home. All the health and safety BS is and has been the entire time just a cover for the grift.
extended the “Public Health Emergency………………..they are waiting for Elon to get the satellites up there. Remember,there’s about 12000 sats up their and another 6 or 7 thousand broken ones.
Elon, without any public international discussion, has been given permission to launch up to 40000 low earth satellite s! Because they are essential to the bioweapon. They are are part of the 5G energy source for this AI nanoweapon. This AI parasite.
The “one virus” is so fucking fake it’s retarded. Jon Rappoport is doing a “greatest hits” from Jan/Feb 2020 over at his site. Worth a look for the haters.
CNBC on how to tell if you’ve got a cold, the flu, or Scrovid. Get a test! Hahahahaha!!!!!
Former French Presidential Candidate Shocks the World: ‘Macron and Most MPs Are Not Vaccinated’
The truth creeps out…
ATTENTION: Places you can work where the jab is NOT mandated
1. The White House 2. The CDC 3. The FDA 4. The WHO 5. Pfizer 6. Moderna 7. Johnson & Johnson
ATTENTION: in australia all doctors are exempt from injection.
i would bet the doctors in lots of other countries are exempt too, that explains why they don’t say one word about the injections, they don’t care and are probably paid well to cooperate.
a scientist working on gene modification says he only has a piece of paper saying he is injected (faked)….haha….sounds like the scientists are exempt…
NOTE: sounds like the exempted ones get a passport saying they are injected, but aren’t….so they can dine out etc.
the nurses aren’t exempt, when the population is reduced 90% (the wef goal) less nurses are needed,
same applies to enforcers, plus they will be replaced by robots soon, they are cheaper and follow any order. some of them are starting to push back because they are getting mandated now, joining with the little people on the bottom.
The Governor of Virginia is making all Commonwealth employees take the jab or be fired.
attention: but He has EXEMPTED POLITICIANS AND JUDGES, so it looks like that group are exempt too.
NOW ALSO: Members of Congress, their staff, and federal court system employees are exempt from the Biden administration’s new vaccine mandates,
another exempt group: U.S. postal service
NBA players exempt
ATTENTION: 6 million foreign chinese students exempt (the ccp doesn’t control the leftist government…haha)
NOTE: All illegal immigrants or non citizens are exempt because if they are injured big pharma can be sued, all citizens were sold out to big pharma, they have no liability.
NOTE: if you have a lot of money you can probably buy a faked exemption like the exempt get. so again this is just bashing poor people……….
NOTE: here is another exempt group, don’t get the extermination injections….the billionaire elite:
gates and other .0001% rich families don’t vaccinte their own children,
gates, his wife and their children have never been vaccinated….
NOTE: gates uses hydroxychloroquine.
elon musk and his family will not be vaccinated
the 17 elite nobility families are exempt of course:
one example of the families: the queen of england and her family (they are at the top of the pyramid of power on the planet at the top of the elite nobility control group, controlling the whole thing), they use homeopathic medicine.
rockefeller who created our worldwide, fake, fraud, germ theory based, allopathic medicine, didnt use his own allopathic nazi death medicine, NOTE: he used homeopathic medicine.
FAUCI TAKES 6,000 IUs OF VITAMIN D PER DAY. but he tells you to get poisonous vaccines
NOTE: Dr Suhab Siddiqi, Moderna’s former Director of Chemistry told CNN that he would not allow the vaccine to be injected into his body
Putin said he will not mandate injection of their military,
(xiden and blackface are owned by china)……..canada and the US will mandate injection of their military, (helping china’s agenda) that will cause them to lose the next war, maybe.
china only has about 3% of their population injected, they do not use the mrna injection and they do not inject their military…..then they are healthy for the next war. china doesn’t exter minate it’s citizens for the elite nobility. (it had enough them in the opium wars).
whole parts of the globe weren’t complying: China, India, Russia, most of Africa, Japan, Indonesia, US Red states, Denmark, Sweden,….North Korea never did and has zero cases and no injections…
japan dumped millions of doses of the injections because they are contaminated with metal, Japan stopped complying, they are using ivermectin only now, no more killshot very smart………then their prime minister Shinzo Abe got assassinated
it is hard to exterminate the japanese with the experimental gene therapy extermination injection, they are too high IQ. japan has no injection mandates, in the U.S. children are mandated 72 injections. japan will survive, the whites won’t.
Was Macron only pressuring French members of Parliament to get the shots who he considered political opponents?…….so the leftists/wef gang politicians weren’t vaxxed, but would lie and tell conservative politicians they were vaxxed and the conservatives should be….makes sense…..just like the non placebo shots were targeted to conservative areas….another way to take control, win an election…..
Putin said he will not mandate injection of their military,
(xiden and blackface are owned by china)……..canada and the US will mandate injection of their military, (helping china’s agenda) that will cause them to lose the next war, maybe.
china only has about 3% of their population injected, they do not use the mrna injection and they do not inject their military…..then they are healthy for the next war.
In the video there is a discussion about an invasion of N. America in the near future, so weakening your enemy with deadly injections ahead of time would make sense.
I’m sure many doctors and others in the medial industry went into a room, shut the door and proceeded to sign off on each other’s vaccination cards.
I never tested, jabbed, masked (OK, it’s Oregon – I had to pretend, but NEVER wore it over my nose)
BUT, I am hesitant to resume swimming at my gym – not because I’m afraid of wuflu, other flu, colds, etc
but from what the jabbed may be excreting – perhaps this isn’t the best time to be paddling around in a spike protein petri dish – or who knows what else
and gas is expensive anyway, I can walk and lift weights at home for free
The shedding is real. I have thought that is why I had been feeling off ever since early 2021.
98-99 percent of people were masked up during 2020. I was the odd one out 99 percent of the time. It’s something I won’t soon forget. The humiliation of being thrown out of stores or being condescended to by corporations was quite a bit to take.
People bought into this shit for a time. Some have woken up. I don’t know, though.
The only silver lining in this coronavirus scam is that it has destimatized staying home instead of coming to work, spreading germs all over the place. No longer do people feel bad if they have to skip out.
I started working in the middle 1980’s when they started expecting you to drag your ass in no matter how badly you felt. I was always under the gun to prove that I could come in sicker than the asshole boss or the workaholic asshole in the desk next to mine. When Boomers were running the show, it was asshole’s are us…
So, yes, the only silver lining is that I can call in, tell them I have COVID and get better within two days or so. To be fair, it got a little better for me after I left Florida in 2011. The weather might be nice, but the work environment was toxic there.
Thankfully, from 2011-2020, I was almost never sick. When I did get sick, I got better within hours or within a day at most. Then, I got struck by the COVIE and have gotten sick twice.
I know it is a bio weapon and that the government used it to try and enslave the rest of us more than they already have with their false flag scares. The only good thing in this is that it’s easier to call in sick now.
I copy that, Swamprat. There is no sense in coming to work in a sick and miserable condition. Work is done poorly and sometimes must be re-done. Then, of course, that sickness is made to propagate through the work force.
I do think the fakers ruin it for the rest of us. You are often presumed to be one for taking a sick day. This happens because, often, not enough vacation time is given for a healthy work/life balance. Hopefully, if everything doesn’t go down in flames in the next couple years, maybe employers will understand this.
The reason that “not enough” vacation time is given is that general corporate policy is you can’t take time off unless its compensated. If you could afford to take more time off, and wanted to, too damn bad.
If you live paycheck to paycheck, re-examine your priorities.
As I mentioned to Swamprat, when I started working sick leave and vacation pay were not a thing for me. Which does NOT mean I came in when I was too sick, and never took a vacation. Because I could afford to.
Mr. Kable,
I think most people who are reasonably conscious understand that compensated sick days and vacation days are really just an illusion, anyway. You DO work for them, and your employer does the requisite calculations to pay you just enough to keep you hooked, while some of that pay is diverted in one way or another to cover paying you during your time absent.
If they’d just pay me straight for the work done, which would be a salary augmented by the money they would’ve spent paying me when I wasn’t there, then okay. In the meantime, I have about 2.5 MONTHS of sick time in the bank, which does me no good, as I won’t use it to “play hookie” the way some other people do. There are plenty of people I work with who run a near-zero sick time balance, because they “play the game”.
What I ask for, since I don’t play that game, is for some of that sick time to be converted over to vacation time, if this is the way things are to be done, so I can have the time off without lying and my absence catching my coworkers by surprise.
Also, all of these concepts, such as sick pay, paid vacation time, 401ks, employer-paid health insurance, etc, were once simply perks to coax a limited pool of workers into their employ. Some people now think of them as Rights, which they are not. But employees such as you, I and Swamprat, here, certainly have the right to try and demand all the perks we want from employers, and if we’re worth it, they’ll yield them. Again, I’d be all for the simplicity of an employer just paying me straight and well, especially if they could forego tax withholding, and I’d buy insurance, etc, if I wanted it. But THAT, these days, they are no longer allowed to do. (Unless they hire illegals, but that’s another story)
“When Boomers were running the show”
Are you part Democrat? Is everything wrong the fault of this or that demographic? Male bovine excrement.
I started working in 1972, and sick leave was not a thing. Which encouraged one to go to work if they could. Sick leave encourages one to stay home if they CAN work. I didn’t get a paid vacation until sometime in the early 90’s. The notion that you should be paid for work you didn’t do is part and parcel of many of the problems we face. Yes, one should stay home when they’re sick. But a runny nose and a nagging cough don’t qualify. And one should bite the bullet and pay the consequence of not working. Realize that sick leave and vacation pay comes out of your paycheck anyway. So does the sick leave paid to your coworker who calls in sick for a day off. If there were no sick leave there would be a lot less stigma attached to calling in.
The problem is that sick leave is meant for either avoiding contagion, or if coming into work would genuinely exacerbate one’s medical problem(s), i.e., cause unneeded problems when simply a few days bed rest would have remedied the situation. It’s not supposed to be carte blanche to goof off.
Nor should the ‘assholes” described above be lauded for proving their “loyalty”, at the expense of their health and that of their colleagues, to a heartless boss or company that simply counts the balance sheet and otherwise doesn’t give a shit. You work to earn funds to live, not live to work.
“You work to earn funds to live, not live to work”
I agree, and have used nearly those exact words explaining to my employer why I would not be working the coming weekend.
The problem being, many, if not most employees WILL use sick leave to goof off. Without that sick leave, which comes out of your pay anyway, the judgement and decision would be yours alone. Who knows better how sick you are, and to make the judgment to stay home and forgo pay or not?
Sick leave is close akin to the “free money” government hands out far too much of, and the employer sponsored health insurance (I never understood the connection there). Your employer owes you pay for the work you do. Nothing else. The rest us just glue to keep you stuck to your job.
Boomer – did you walk uphill 5 miles to go to school, too? What you don’t realize or really may not care about is that during the 80’s and 90’s they increased work hours, cut pay and tossed people out onto the streets. No one gave a shit about the landfill condition of the economy and the fact that 110,000 factories were shut down by 2005. The 70’s were much more relaxed and you know it. There was real 9-5, not this 8-6:00 crap, and people took sick time. The 60’s and 70’s were also the era of the three martini lunch for the big wigs.
The boomer mentality is coming out with the idea that runny noses or coughs don’t qualify. Who are you to tell me that I’m sick or not? They sure do. Whatever happened to “my body, my choice.?” I don’t want people around me coughing, sneezing and putting on that sod buster act. Stay the hell home.
I guess a fair option would be to pay people differently. If they are sickly, they get paid less and if not, they get paid the full rate. Maybe the time should be taken a la carte. I don’t know. In the context of losing all of the rest of our freedoms at the hands of certified psychopaths and sociopaths, this is a minor issue.
I try and stay healthy and I’m not sick often, but I don’t need some sod buster telling that “you ain’t sick, boy.” Bullshit.
If I sound like some type of Democrat, oh, well. I’m not one. Most of the time, I’m pretty intolerant of the bullshit this shit administration is doing to this country.
“during the 80’s and 90’s they increased work hours, cut pay and tossed people out onto the streets”
Gee, I didn’t know I was in hibernation during the 80’s and 90’s. Oh, wait, I was working too. Sick leave is just another mini socialist thing, like employer sponsored health care. The 70’s were more relaxed? A break please. At the start, one had to worry about how high or low his draft lottery number was, and if he would end up in Vietnam. By the end unemployment, interest rates, and inflation were all pushing double digits, occasionally going over that line. I see you’re still stuck on that demographic thing and name calling. Meanwhile you’re the one who thinks the world owes you something besides a place to fall down when you die.
Sure, John. The world owes me nothing if they take nothing, but since there is coercion of all sorts involved, yes, I’m going to ask for more than a dirt nap. I just had Uncle shithead come for a bunch of money (I “underpaid”), so as long as this bastard takes, I expect something in return. It boils down to that. Since taxpayers are subsidizing corporate privilege along with it, I am asking for something in return besides an iron fist and a boot on my head.
Sick leave may be a “socialist” thing. I’m not going to agree or disagree. Corporate Heaf – Care is the same. I think that Medicare is a tremendous waste of money as well.
I think that all demographics fascination with Heaf-Care is ridiculous as you are paying gobs of money for basically nothing if you stay healthy. Health is an active pursuit, not something that you buy with a weekly contribution to Blue Cross, a corporate version of “socialism.”
If I could negotiate out paid sick leave and heaf-iiiiiiinsurance I’d do it in a minute. Health inusurance costs a company typically about $500-1000 per month. You pay 20%. I’d prefer to get the extra $5000-10000 per year in salary myself.
Add that to the PTO (typically 120 hours per year), and it would be okay with me.
But I’m not going to buy into the sod busting stories and the idea that we need to drag our asses into work when we are half dead. Screw that. Been there, done that. I’m not a fan of that shit redneck, boot stomping work culture. I will work my ass off, but I’m not going to get shit on, either. As I said, been there, done that.
Yah, I was getting the Democrat/Socialist vibe from some of the comments, too. Or, perhaps it’s just elitist white-collar perspective, I don’t know?
I thought about roofers today, then I read this:
“I don’t want people around me coughing, sneezing and putting on that sod buster act. Stay the hell home.”
I imagined a roof getting removed, then the roofing crew decides they feel sick and stay home. The homeowner calls the company, rain is expected, won’t you at least send someone out to put a tarp over the roof?
The company says the only one available right now is the receptionist, and she’s afraid of heights.
So I guess the homeowner is gonna say, “That’s ok, they should stay home if they are feeling sick it’s better to let the house get soaked from the rain, then replace the insulation and drywall, than it is to put up with that “that shit redneck, boot stomping work culture” who would fix your roof,… even in the rain.
I thought about electrical linemen fixing downed power lines after a storm, or the sewer guys clearing the backup into your house… these types of guys, they might be missed if they stayed home cause they were coughing and sneezing.
I guess those situations are easier to blank-out if a person works in an office setting, or something, I don’t know.
Then, maybe be the ones who complain when the lights don’t work, the bathrooms are flooded and the roof leaks.
I just don’t know.
Myself, I admire the redneck, boot stomping work culture. They get stuff done, they do things, they’re productive, they create real value and are wealth generators all nations could use more of.
“Poverty is about the deprivation of goods and services that are essential for human nourishment, well-being, and dignity—namely, housing, clothing, quality healthcare services, education, sanitation, potable water, energy, etc. Wealth, of course, is the opposite of such deprivation” …
Unfortunately, this is the case for me. I do wonder, when I begin to feel a little something in the throat or sinuses, if it is the ‘Rona, coming for a repeat performance.
But, unlike many of you, the effects of infection fucked me up for MONTHS. The initial sickness, while a bit bizarre and debilitating, weren’t all THAT bad, as far as illnesses I’ve had. Though the symptoms weren’t so acute, they were long lasting.
But it was the syndrome that followed that really brought me to my knees. The ‘Long Covid’ did have me wondering at times if were going to expire. Not being able to even stand (or even sit up straight) for even a few minutes, was a unique and terrifying experience in my life. I went from daily work-outs and running to being physically annihilated, unable to enjoy the comfort a deep breath would bring for the whole month of January, even though my lungs were clear.
During that time, I came to learn than MANY had experienced a sequence of events similar to what came to haunt me.
Suffice it say, I know that the next Kung Flu experience I have might be little more than a cold, initially, but I will probably always wonder in dread if it will bring on that death’s-head season of sickness. Now, I don’t hold back from activities now that I’m better. Life can’t be lived in fear. I do exercise caution if necessary, however.
Also, if you’re reasonably sick, and you have any “sick days”, do stay the hell home, huh? We’ll all run into these viruses one way or another, but less frequency would be nice.
100 percent. I got the thing too. I don’t hit the gym or anything, but I do keep up with a fairly regular schedule of home HIIT training. When I got it the first time, I recovered in a week, but felt short of breath for about 5 months. I took a colloidal silver breathing treatment with a vaporizer twice. It got rid of the problem and the shortness of breath went away. The second time I got it, the symptoms were less severe, but I got a new one: lost sense of smell and taste for about 2 days. I kept taking black seed oil and the smell and taste came back within a day. I was terrified for a bit.
Yes, people need to stay the hell home if they are sick and this boomer and X “work while you’re sick till you drop” mentality needs to stop. Like I said, the only silver lining of this is that it has destigmatized staying home when your are passing germs.
I lost my sense of smell for about 1.5 weeks. Though some here wouldn’t believe it, that, to me, was a most unique symptom, as it was for so many. Holding a jar of Mentholatum or a can of coffee up to your face, breathing deeply, and smelling absolutely nothing, is doubtless alarming.
Excellent about the colloidal silver. I’ve tried colloidal silver orally for other illnesses and have been unsure about the efficacy. And I actually have a bottle of black seed oil capsules for the next sickness!
Finally, yes, a good work ethic is a wonderful attribute, but work isn’t life. There’s no need to kill yourself to, in many cases, further expand someone’s fortune. Giving them a good day’s work when you are well should be sufficient.
Yes, if you can get a heavy solution, say 1000 ppm and dilute it to about 10 or so, put it into a vaporizer and give it a try. Do as many times as you need. I think that youre lungs will appreciate it and the symptoms will go away. Then you can “get back to work” after walking 5 miles each way.
Peroxide also works VERY well for respiratory infection.
I use 1 part OTC peroxide with 3 parts distilled water, and nebulize it. Almost instant relief from most any respiratory problem. Including my current ragweed problem.
Very cool, esp when you can’t get a hold of the silver. Thanks, John.
Mr. Kable and Swamprat,
Thanks for the info. I’ve heard of the use of nebulizers for respiratory illnesses before, and the use of dilute H2O2, but I don’t think I’ve heard of colloidal silver used in this way. I think both of these methods may be worth a little study.
The peroxide is MUCH cheaper. I make my own colloidal Silver, but it still costs the price of two ounces of Silver to start. Though I’ve been using the same two ounces for several years, and still don’t see significant weight loss.
It never hurts to have a good supply of Peroxide on hand. For instance, it erases blood stains. And it’s cheap. So far.
Some useful information from not big pharma doctors:
As a preemptive (before you go around a lot of injected spike protein super spreaders) or for early treatment try this:
Mix iodine with water, maybe 3% iodine to 97% water, put a few drops in your nose, or put it in a spray bottle, spray a mist, inhale the mist.
Another alternative, get hydrogen peroxide in a small spray bottle, it is already dilute, 97% water, add 40 drops of iodine to the bottle, spray a mist, inhale the mist.
Another alternative get a small spray bottle of collodial silver, it is very dilute, 10 ppm, add 40 drops of iodine to the bottle, spray a mist, inhale the mist.
People get sick from toxins, deficiencies or trauma.
For internal use try this:
Mix 1 teaspoon of bentonite clay with 1 teaspoon of food grade diatomateous earth, add one cup of water, shake it up then drink 1/2 cup a day.
Also multiple vitamins, zinc, quercetin, vitamin D, will help, if you get sick ivermectin will help, or hydroxycloriquine.
Not to mention that unless you eat a lot of seaweed, your probably Iodine deficient any way.
Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness Turns Negative Within Months: Study
against more recent strains, including the currently-dominant BA.5, the effectiveness turned negative.
Against BA.2, BA.4, and BA.5, the effectiveness went negative after 150 days.
Against BA.1.12.1, the effectiveness turned negative after 91 days.
Negative effectiveness means a vaccinated person is more likely to contract COVID-19, the disease the virus causes, than an unvaccinated person.
Now at least they are admitting the injections are useless…
in reality their research was full of fraud, these injections are zero % effective except for causing injury and death….lol
what about the sheading issue?
now there is another problem with these lethal experimental gene therapy injections people are getting.
if you are an uninjected employee in a work environment surrounded by injected employees and customers, you are exposed to the spike proteins they are sheading, probably infecting you, that is an unsafe work environment,
contact OSHA and complain
the injected ones, the vaccinated, the jabbed ones are biosecurity terrorists
not the uninjected, non vaxxed
this mrna vaccine turns your body into a factory for spike proteins, you then become a super spreader spewing out spike proteins wherever you go, infecting other people.
no escape the super spreaders will vax you.
the unvaxxed could say they are vaxxed because they picked it up from the vaxxed sheading their spike proteins.
these people are spreading spike proteins because of their injection, infecting other people, they are super spreaders a public danger, they could kill grandma. they are biosecurity terrorists, they are a grave danger to the uninjected.
I’m spending the day cleaning out my work truck (for the last time). As I peel back the layers to 2011 when I got it (only ~200 miles on the clock, now over 425,000), I found two items of note that made their way to the front of the bed. First was a box of hand sanitizer, alcohol wipes and instructions from corporate explaining how to properly use them. The second, much further back, was my now-rusty pole climbing spikes and boots. Having had an inside plant job since 2010 they haven’t had any use, but I just kept transfering them over to different vehicles. Really illustrates how gelded the workforce has become. Pole climbing is optional now and most techs only climb once a year to recertify if they’re so inclined. But we still get regular deliveries of wipes, hand sanitizer and the posters begging us to keep 6 feet away are still there. A few of soon to be former employees are sporting the mask too.
And in case you’re wondering, they’re Bashlins, not that Klein garbage!
How come it is that every season in the past (Ya know, the world which used to be) there’d be a different strain of the flu [Or at least that was their excuse as to why flu shots never work], but NOW the public is expected toi believe that this COVID has hung around for 3 years?
Nunzio, all viruses change over time. Our bodies kill them off, but some are mutants and they survive longer and those are the ones that we spread. Evolution makes it so that the ones which can escape immunity are the ones to survive, until our immune systems figure out their tricks again, and the cycle repeats.
ALL viruses work like this, influenza and coronaviruses like covid19, just coronaviruses are a bit quicker at their mutating than average.
So, the covid circulating today is very different from the covid of 2019, and it’s why the vax is completely useless against it, because it’s still the same formula for the original strain, that no longer exists. It became outdated the moment that it arrived. Furthermore, since it’s non-sterilizing, it actually guarantees that the strains which people spread are vaccine resistant.
So, Covid19 has hung around for three years, in the same sense that the flu has. Covid19 is an entire virus “lineage”, a branch on the coronavirus evolutionary tree, not a single virus, just like “influenza” is the family tree of flu viruses which affect us. There are thousands of tracked covid19 variants.
The other thing they do is mutate to a less dangerous form. Though they are not truly alive, they still must conform to natural selection, since they prey upon us, and the most successful parasite spreads easily and does NOT kill its host. Which is why a virus has not wiped us out millennia ago.
Exactly, OL- That was my point- that they can never keep up with the different strains of flu. By the time they make a vaccine (even if one believes that vaccines actually work) and distribute it, the flu for which it is attuned has already moved on, and a different one is now in vogue.
The Morning After
This is the weirdest part of the PSYOP.
The mild flu relabelled as deathly bat germ, insane, bs, fake science narrative…..
It has been quite a trip these last two and a half years, but the orgy of fear and hatred is over, the mass hysteria is wearing off, and the reality of the damage they have done is beginning to become undeniable.
And now comes the really nauseating part, the part where the New Normal authorities admit that they “overreacted,” and that “mistakes were made,” and that they deeply regret having needlessly murdered and seriously injured God knows how many people,
and psychologically crippled countless children, and accidentally totally destabilized and restructured the entire global economy, and explain in a lengthy piece in The New Yorker how they’re sorry, but they were drunk at the time, and swear they will never do it again.
brandon and all of them lied to you……
Pfizer Exec Admits Under Oath: ‘We Never Tested COVID Vaccine Against Transmission’
the transmission myth…then what were the masks and vaccines for?
killing grandma was a myth…..but killing grandma with extermination injections is not a myth..
Get vaccinated for others” was always a lie…
Roos, of the Netherlands, argued in a Twitter video Monday that following Small’s comments to him, millions of people around the world were duped by pharmaceutical companies and governments.
“Millions of people worldwide felt forced to get vaccinated because of the myth that ‘you do it for others,’” Roos said.
“Now, this turned out to be a cheap lie” and “should be exposed,” he added.
“If you don’t get vaccinated, you’re anti-social. This is what the Dutch Prime Minister and Health Minister told us,” Roos said.
“You don’t get vaccinated just for yourself, but also for others—you do it for all of society. That’s what they said.”
But that argument no longer holds, Roos explained.
“Today, this turns out to be complete nonsense. In a COVID hearing in the European Parliament, one of the Pfizer directors just admitted to me—at the time of introduction, the vaccine had never been tested on stopping the transmission of the virus.”
Get vaccinated for others” was always a lie…
“Millions of people worldwide felt forced to get vaccinated because of the myth that ‘you do it for others,’”
remember the insane leftist satanists screaming they should kill the purebloods?……..
MSNBC Contributor Calls For Biden To MURDER Unvaccinated Americans With Drone Strikes — Calls Them ‘Bioterrorists’
take a look at it and see what these leftist/satanists really think about you…..
now they have moved on to the next stage of the depopulation agenda…..nuclear war, but this is starting to freak some people out….
connecting nuclear war to mass deaths is more obvious then safe and effective nazi needles…
AOC Humiliated At Town Hall In Viral Clip: ‘Why Can’t You Be More Like Tulsi Gabbard?’
people freaking out that the globalist/leftist/satanists have us within one inch of a nuclear war…..
finally some pushback against the globalist/communist/nazis
If your leaders are going to get you into a nuclear confrontation at least they should build some shelters for you first.
bomb shelters for brandon, AOC and gang……. but not for you….
Nuclear war
Russia has built a large number of bomb shelters, in a nuclear war a higher percentage of the population will survive because of this, so maybe pushed to the wall it isn’t totally unthinkable.
China isn’t as concerned, they figure they can survive a nuclear war because they have a huge population, so there will be survivors.
In G7 countries less bomb shelters have been built, in some almost none have been built, except a few for the government and military leaders, the globalist/satanists at the top will be safe 400 feet underground in their bomb shelters in New Zealand.
Dr. Marc Faber says these governments steal between 5% (honest governments) and 100% (crooked governments) of the money collected, borrowed.
So instead of building bomb shelters they just stole the money, great leaders.
A thing commonly stated in many apocalyptical movies is the evacuation or protection of “key government officials”, as if there were such a thing. In the event of such apocalypse, government officials would be way down at the bottom of the list of people we need. Well below reasonably fit 18 year old kids.
Maybe they’ll just show some mushroom clouds on Tee-Vee and say we were nuked, and then when all the people who took the vax croak, they’ll say it was the radiation…..
Getting “vaccinated for others” is like taking a shit for others…..
politicians were on tv all day telling lies and forcing you to get the nazi needle……
but the truth was……..
Get vaccinated for others” was always a lie…
Roos, of the Netherlands, argued in a Twitter video Monday that following Small’s comments to him, millions of people around the world were duped by pharmaceutical companies and governments.
“Millions of people worldwide felt forced to get vaccinated because of the myth that ‘you do it for others,’” Roos said.
meanwhile they knew it was bs, lies, so they sure didn’t get the nazi needle…lol
Former French Presidential Candidate Shocks the World: ‘Macron and Most MPs Are Not Vaccinated’
Hey, Anon1,
….And yet, in the future, people will forget all of the carnage and do just as they now do with the Polio vaccine, and credit it for “eradicating Polio”, having forgotten all the carnage IT caused, and the fact that it was not the vaccine which eradicated polio.
20 years from now: “Thank goodness for sciiiiience and government who, because if it weren’t for the masking, quarantining, vaccines, etc. we’d all be dead!”.
heres another guilty pleasure. When on the train, and I see a sheep with a nappy pass by (and the seat next to me is empty) I fake a couple loud coughs !! Every time they look away and just speedily walk past !!, while I have a laugh
Eric, I remember when I was a bit down last winter and hence “tested” to see if this is what all the fear is about. I have to say when I got a “positive” for whatever it is – first thought was “damn heres Karma for making fun of and pissing off all those people who are freaking out about covid…. ill be that guy on the cover of the daily mail who didnt get the shot and died!!!”
Not only are these technocrats using GMO mosquitos to “vaccinate” humans, they’re also growing HUMAN brain cells in rats…….
Not only are colds a normal human inconvenience, we NEED them. One’s immune system is like a muscle. If you don’t use it, it will quit working.
I recall a decade or two ago watching a documentary on long term space travel, as in to Jupiter or Saturn, for years. One of the requisites for inventory was pathogens. To be released among the crew every few months to keep their immune system in order.
A sterile environment is the very worst thing you can inflict on your immune system. Worse than vitamin D deficiency.
There used to be cold seasons, too. Most people would just nut up & deal with it. Some with OTCs, some with prescriptions, others with corn whiskey.
I recall once reading that one can treat a cold with this that or the other, and it will last 14 days, or do nothing and it will last two weeks.
“How are people still able to buy – without needing to work?”
The same way the FedGov does. Credit cards. Personal debt is at a record high, and climbing.
A number of years ago, near Christmas, I was in the checkout line at a Walmart store. The couple in front of me had two shopping carts full of crap. The woman asked the man, “can we afford all this?” The man replied “sure, I think so, but the credit card bill might be tough.”
In other words, they could “afford” any thing that didn’t exceed their credit limit. Seems to be the prevalent notion of “affordability” now.
This comment is misplaced.
I’d just like to share an observation (which may be obvious to some) that what is perceived via the internet and media is almost always a gross distortion of reality.
I recently went to NYC. I was expecting to come upon woke hellscape of miserable, fearful people. I found nothing of the sort. Most people I encountered were very normal, courteous and did not display any sort of wokeness. About 99% were maskless and, while there were “Free Covid Test” tables on many sidewalks, nobody was paying any attention to them.
I think people have really wised up over the over-the-top propaganda. My take is that all of the shit that we observed on the internet and other media in the past 3 years or so was a top down effort by a few, which resulted in people going along to get along. I think the vast majority never truly bought into it.
I think it’s all a media/internet fraud, not unlike the claim that Biden received more votes than any other presidential candidate in US history. I wouldn’t be surprised if we learn that the percentage of vaxxed is much less than we were told.
Hi Mister,
I think you’re right about that. As many have said – even at the height of the “pandemic” – if you turn off the TeeVee you see . . . normalcy, mostly. And I also think you’re right about the over-the-topness of the past three years having fatally undermined the previous benefit-of-the-doubt many people extended to the system. It’s all become an obvious fraud to more people than ever before.
I don’t see how you could say this: “if you turn off the TeeVee you see . . . normalcy, mostly”.
Every single trip I took to the grocery store was stepping into the Twilight Zone.
I had to go way out of my way to small towns & farm auctions to see a majority not wearing a face diaper.
Hi Helot,
It’s interesting… because it varies. Downtown, one sees a handful of Freaks at the supermarket, Lowes, etc. (I may try to do a video today). Up here – about 30 miles distant – almost no Freaks at all. My sister in Southern CA says the same. Hoping others will post their observations…
Got to agree with helot. I live in the country 70 miles outside of DC. Nothing was normal. Even country folks were freaking out. Everyone was paranoid and had a mask strapped to their face. I remember going out and it was dreadful. To find someone who didn’t believe in the con was rare and appreciated. I went to work to escape to the neurosis surrounding me. Between that and my home base were the only two places I found any solitude.
The years 2020 and 2021 were absolute hell.
The years 2020 and 2021 were absolute hell.
It looks like the globalist/satanists are starting the next phase of the depopulation agenda….nuclear war…they are insane monsters……
it might get worse…..
“I live in the country 70 miles outside of DC.”
Way too close.
Can’t help it, it is what it is. I have elderly grandmothers, parents, and a business that depend upon me. Moving, right now, is not an option. I would like to get a second home somewhere further south, but it would be for vacations not FT.
Pretty much normal here in SW Florida. Well, Of course nothing is really normal here right now because of Ian, but even prior to that, nobody ‘round here gives a shit about covid, and haven’t for a long time. Big crowds at bars and restaurants, masks are very rare. Of course, there are not a lot of woke people around here either.
Here in the UK where I am its mostly normal. In my part of town you dont see anyone, when you head to London or on the train you see the odd person here and there wearing a nappy…. not more than a couple percent to be fair….
Have you all also noticed how the media is trying to pull back and re-write history as if they were always suspicious ?
Eric, back in September I went to two industry conferences. First was in Las Vegas, the Commerical UAV Expo – a conference of drone manufacturers and users. Second was the Cable Tech Expo, held in Philadelphia. At the CUAV expo there were a few people wearing masks, mostly Asians (as in from China, South Korea, Japan and Vietnam). At the Cable show, many more people were in masks. Not sure if it was geography, industry or maturity, but it was a noticeable difference.
For sure the participants at the cable show were probably more tuned into mainstream TV than the drone pilots (it’s a cable TV show after all). But the older population of the cable guys probably felt they had more to lose, or perhaps feel more vulnerable to illness. For sure the drone industry is probably attracting youthful risk takers, and that’s bound to be a factor too. But I’m certain many of the people I met at the drone conference don’t have a traditional cable or satellite TV subscription, nor do they want one.
HAhaha! Anyone who goes to Philly and thinks that the flu is the primary thing they need protecting from, is sadly ignorant of reality (or geography…or rather culture!) [Gnome Sain?]
Old joke:
First prize: a night in Philly
Second prize: two nights in Philly
Even older joke:
“I spent 30 days there one night”.
In the urban areas, the “freaks” dare venture out in the sunlight. Believe you me, they’re around a LOT of other places, too, you just have to be nocturnal yourself to notice them.
One aspect of the plan that seems to have backfired on the left is the young woke adults who like more young people are very active and think they will live forever. They got them to go along with the woke covid for a while and then….oopsie! The young people got bored with the masks and social distancing and resumed doing what young people do. Living. Working, Partying. Traveling. Meeting members of the opposite sex and shhh procreating. Oh no!
No doubt many complied. But how many “believed”? Normal people seek to avoid conflict. I know I do. But that does not mean you “believe” those you avoid conflict with. Masking was a thing I only complied with when taking my 90 year old father grocery shopping, because he was of course in mental decline, and I preferred not to expose him to such conflict. He was confused enough all on his own. But how many simply complied to go along to get along? Hoping it would pass. Which it did.
One of the means used by propagandists is to create the impression of unanimity. I think that was one of the main goals of the mask mandates. They knew that most people would obey (i.e. go along to get along), so that gave a visual, real world impression that everybody bought into it. Relatively few of us were willing to say FU to the mandates, but I think even we were fooled into believing the manufactured unanimity.
The message I was trying to convey is not to despair. I just don’t think the real world is a bad as what you see or hear on the internet and media.
Sorry, ML, but I disagree. I think the real word is as bad as it seems. I remember February 2021 after the “vax” made its debut, I can’t tell you how many people bragged that they got it. It was sickening. I also remember several conversations being held through storm doors because I (unmasked and unvaxxed) wasn’t allowed inside their home or office building.
Look at the number of relationships (friendships, marriages, and acquaintances) that were destroyed in 2020 and 2021, because several of us (mainly on this website) decided not to obey. We all know a gazillion people that have been vaxxed and wore their masks faithfully. That they are now saying they just “played along” either a) they are liars, or b) they are people with zero principles who we shouldn’t befriend anyway. Either way they are lousy people.
Yep. I have two brothers, both boomers, both COVIDIOTS. One “conservative” one almost a Marxist, both wearing masks and taking shots from big Farma. I told the liberal one that he has more in common with the “conservative” than he does with me. I have forever changed my view of both. Both gutless, both part of mass formation psychosis, both authoritarian. One is a corporate authoritarian. The other a Marxist one, though he says that women have the right to kill their kids.
I have to deal with both, but I don’t consider them family anymore than they do me. Both have said nasty things to me during the 2020-22 timeframe.
Neither has principles from what I can see. Principles are about being consistent in your thoughts and actions. Neither of them are. I’m pretty disgusted right now, anyway.
French General Pays Tribute to the Unvaccinated: ‘They Embody the Best of Humanity, They Are Superheroes’
Well I can tell you what happened to at least some of these folks. The same people who shamed and shunned me for a year because I was unvaxxed are now studiously pretending that never happened. Nope don’t seem to recall aaaynything at all. Hmm and now the main offender (vaxxed to the max) has covid.
But some things cannot be walked back. We are still here and I believe we will prevail. For the prevaricators, their time is going to come.
RE: “I think the vast majority never truly bought into it.”
I wish you were correct, however; That does not jibe with the sample observations posted in The Diaper Reports over the last few years.
Nowhere do I recall anyone saying in The Diaper Report the vast majority at any public place were face-diaper free. Such wearing of The Submission Cloth was/is a sign the individual truly bought into ‘it’.
Amen, helot. We all were trying to find a place of salvation. People like us who didn’t believe we were in a killer pandemic.
People have a short memory. They now say they didn’t go along with it because we now know it was nothing. How many stood up then and said anything? I was not allowed into restaurants, post offices, grocery stores because one could see my lips and mouth and I refused to play along. I would be at Lowes and sometimes I was the only unmasked person in the store. You wouldn’t believe the relief I felt when I saw another whole face.
Ninety five percent of the populace played along. I don’t care what they “believed” three years later. Their stance of “going with the flow” caused undue stress on their children, the economy, and the result of us who chose not to participate.
Very much like the Germans that turned in their neighbors for their Jewish heritage and after Hitler was dead and the government crumbled denied their involvement. These same bastards of today denied they went along with the psych op only to deny their accountability and their foolishness that they had been played.
Good lord I need an edit button. Too many mistakes in that paragraph to go through them all.
An edit button would be nice, RG, but your comment was easy to understand, even with the occasional typo. I might add that your comment was appreciated, by me at least.
Thank you, James. I have a tendency to get quite passionate about certain topics and don’t always re-read my thoughts before hitting submit.
98-99 percent of people were masked up during 2020. I was the odd one out 99 percent of the time. It’s something I won’t soon forget. The humiliation of being thrown out of stores or being condescended to by corporations was quite a bit to take.
People bought into this shit for a time. Some have woken up. I don’t know, though.
I am with you, swamp. Maybe I have a tendency to hold grudges, but I will not forget the way the majority of people that participated in this Kabuki. Those that did not were ostracized, demeaned, and embarrassed because we refused to play Follow the Leader.
Hubby and I were driving back from one of our local farmers market last weekend and we passed a farm stand and hubby mentioned stopping in. I replied, “Absolutely not, screw them.” That farm stand (outside by the way and ran by two women) refused to do business with me in the midst of COVID. When I went up to the stand to purchase vegetables and fruit, they literally turned their backs on me and walked away because I was unmasked (there was a sign on the table). I said nothing and got back in my car. My stomach felt sick, and I felt worthless. If they didn’t need my money or business then, I will be damned if I give it to them now.
>When I went up to the stand to purchase vegetables and fruit, they literally turned their backs on me
It takes a special kind of *ASSHOLE* to refuse to sell food to another human being.
I have also had that experience, RG, at the depths of “Covidmania.”
In my case, it took the efforts of several people, both online and in person, to dissuade me from cutting the bastard’s head off with a large knife and using it for a soccer ball, before blowing it to pieces with a Mossberg 12 gauge.
Good on you for continuing your boycott (girlcott?).
Buck the fozos. Whatever goes around, comes around.
RG, you and I have the exact same attitude regarding businesses. Businesses have forgotten the old mantra, “The customer is king!” If they treated you like dirt during the scamdemic, then screw ’em, never do business with them ever again.
Oh yeah good for you! The women were the absolute worst covid nazis. There is a high end stationery store in our town where I stopped to buy some Christmas cards last year. When I went up to the counter to pay the lady snarked at me and refused to ring me up until I put on my mask. When I left the pile in front of her and turned and walked out i remember thinking how nice it would be when the boards go up over the windows of this business. So far they still are open but I never see many people going in and figure you probably need to sell a hell of a lot of paper to pay the rent on a place like that……
Hi RS,
I will never forget what the “maskers” and those amen’ing the shunning of the “unvaccinated” did. Never. I can forgive – the ones who were gulled and pressured – to wear a “mask” or take the “vaccine.” But the ones who actively hassled those of us who refused to “mask” and questioned forcing anyone to take any drug, ever?
They can go straight to Pandemonium and roast there forever.
Swamp, I’ll never forget the day- late 2020 IIRC, that I went into Food Lion, and before I was in the store for 2 minutes an announcement came over the loudspeaker saying “Attention! There is an unmasked customer in the store! The CDC recommends…yada yada….please remember to wear your mask…yada yada…”
All for little old me! Of course, after that, I walked around the store with a smile on my face…and no one- no employee nor the cashier said a word to me about me not wearing my mask…..
Despite being amused, I couldn’t help but to think how eerily distopian it was- truly Orwellian- and this in an area where there was virtually no enforcement of the kabuki and few cared.
I have family in the NYC area and they say the same thing, only the Asians are wearing masks, which as I recall a lot of them always did during cold/flu season. It is sadly true that everyone winces when they hear a cough, two+ years of fear porn gets into your subconscious no matter how hard you fight it.
You got it, Mr. Liberty!
THAT is precisely how they brainwash the masses, by showing them a reality which does not exist, but which they want the masses to believe does, and conform to; by making them think “This is what everyone else believes/does”. Such propaganda is even operational in sit-coms.
Not to even mention the distortions of “the news” , even on a local level. I know that any time I’ve seen anything reported in “the news” that I had personal knowledge of, what was portrayed in the news was ALWAYS wrong! The story was distorted or vital info left out; people misquoted, or edited to make it sound like they were saying the opposite of what they really did say, etc.
And it’s not just the leftist woke news sources, either……it’s ALL of them. The only thing they ever convey verbatim and accurately…is government propaganda…….
As I once pointed out years ago in a conversation regarding network news, ALL the national networks have a vested interest in an omnipotent, ubiquitous central government. Fox as much as any other. Without it, exactly what the hell would they have to talk about?
Diapers and coof theater were a thing. For real. However, I’m with you in that what you’re saying is true of a lot of the “woke” political indignities/affronts that are bandied about on here. No one ever says that shit to my face in real life. I almost want someone to but it doesn’t happen.
This whole Vaxx push is the craziest thing I’ve ever seen, especially for a virus that ended up having a survival rate of 99 point some percent for people under 70 years of age. For a while last year, governments and large corporations were offering incentives for people to get vaxxed such as free donuts, a free burger and fries, or even a chance to win a jackpot prize in a state Vaccine Lottery. That whole thing was weird, as I’ve NEVER seen anything like it before to entice people to take an experimental Big Pharma product that back then still had too many unknowns. Then a few months later, when all these bribes didn’t get the vaxx uptake to their desired levels, various states and even the White House Dementia patient announced Vaxx mandates, which were blatantly illegal, as the COVID “vaccines” were still under EUA, though the FDA, the federal government, and Big Media tried to make the masses think that the Pfizer COVID shot got FULL APPROVAL, even though the product that actually got “Full Approval” in August 2021 was a product called Comirnaty, which, as far as I know, STILL isn’t available in the U.S. and probably never will be.
Fast forward to 2022, and now they’re pushing those brand new bivalent COVID booster jabs for people who are vaxxed, and the FDA recently authorized those shots for children 5-11. These booster shots were authorized based not on any human studies, but on a study done on a few mice.
John B
No long term safety tests? No product liability? NO THANKS!!
When I first heard Obama say, “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming The United States of America” I wondered if ‘they’ had something up their sleeve, something planned, something else in mind which was much bigger than the kinds of changes people in the debates talked about.
This corona-madness & the whole Woke mess & the climate boogieman seems to fit the bill.
Here’s the video of the section from Obama’s speech where he said the above quote:
And, yah, as a population, we’re not getting over this for generations.
And you dare not show your face at the office when you have a cold anymore. Its why i and everyone else had to make sure their home office space was fully set up and ready to use even if we work mostly in office. If you wake up with the sniffles one morning you better hope you either have everything you need at the house or try to sneak in before start time to grab the necessary papers. At this point people assume you have covid but most email their covid or non covid test status to reassure others they are covid free before returning to work. The tests are stupid and now cdc says 5 days of isolation is all thats needed but no one will return to work with noticeable symptoms. Unless they want to cause a furor. So companies now need to pony up these extra costs for home office equipment. Dont know how non office businesses like restaurants deal with colds but it probably explains why these businesses seem to be perpetually short staffed.
It’s the new normal, eh? “perpetually short staffed”.
Reminds me of another Patara rant about supply chain issues:
‘Total disaster yesterday! The work shortage & supply chain issues completely compounded every single bit of it!’
I can’t count the number of times I’ve been on the job while barely able to breathe or function cause I was so sick. Such was once seen as a virtue, a mark of a good work ethic, at least in the factories and machine shops and such I worked in.
Unless you actually were not able to physically get out of bed, you were expected to be at work & on time.
I don’t see how corona-madness fits-in with the ‘point systems’ many companies use for sick time. It used to be, if you called in sick too many times or for too many days in a row, you got fired.
Today, only in the absence of a toy-like flawed PCR test, maybe what’s happening is the workers who won’t take the nose jab test are getting fired?
In other words, all the people who can think are getting fired & the yes-men and mindless obeyers are all that’s left? idk.
Idiocracy 2020’s.
Hi helot,
The “shortness of staff” makes me think that the American public has experienced a mass casualty and disability event and\or the Boomer generation just said “screw it, I quit.” These numbers are not normal.
FYI A commercial rooftop unit has an ETA of 30 weeks. Need electricity for your new home or organization? Fifteen weeks. Good luck to any business who wishes to open or expand the supply chain is going to make it impossible.
I read somewhere the younger generations had a die-off larger than the casualties from the war against Vietnam.
I saw a headline, 20 million dead from the vax.
Also, I’ve encountered a number of lame-assed workers who fit the definition of, ‘quiet quitting’. It’s hard to resist asking them if I can just do it for them cause they are messing up so badly or sooo danged slow.
Add ‘plumbers and roofers’ to that hard-to-get list of yours. I can’t get any of them to even return my phone calls.
You’d quiet quit too, if prices doubled but your annual raise was 2-3% after a “good” performance review with no cost of living adjustment.
I would be jumping for joy if hubby got a 2-3% raise. He hasn’t had one in three years. He makes good money so I am not complaining, but when the inflation rate is 17% it digs into everybody’s wallet. I have only started creeping my prices up over the last six months. Most people seem to be scraping by so I have tried to be kind when it comes to billing. Fortunately, I don’t have a lot of overhead other than rent and utilities for the office, but they have ballooned around 9% over the last year.
Very much the case, Raider!
I do wonder what has happened to all of these workers. Are they now the homeless vagabonds on every street corner, begging for cash, and returning nightly to their ever expanding tent-cities? Perhaps many are in mom’s basement, even though they are in their 30’s or 40’s? What happened?
I always contended that the way to leverage decent wages was to be able to take or leave the job market. Not that seems to be just what’s happening.
Hi BaDnOn,
The “news” states that gig workers skyrocketed over the last two years. I haven’t noticed it on the returns that I do, but payroll wages are down pretty much everywhere. Companies that had 50 employees, now have 35. Organizations with 10 workers, are now down to 5 or 6. The ones that have stayed on are working longer hours, but if they call in sick or need a vacation day the employers don’t argue with it. They much rather deal with someone taking off two or three days then losing the person entirely.
My employer cut 10% off the top of their workforce in 2020, and again in 2022. Whoever could, quit. And now, we are struggling due to lack of manpower.
If I saw a homeless dude, I point them to Walmart. Local Walton’s World Of Weirdos & Third-World Bazaar has been advertising forever for people to pick orders for the people who buy online and pick-up at the store- $15/hr ($30K a year!) to do shopping! And they say Walmart doesn’t pay enough? I’ll bet even the most spaced-out drugged-up vagabond could pick groceries (Seems like that’s the only kind of people they hire now-a-days)- From the looks of it, I doubt they even drug test!
A lot of places don’t drug test unless there is a serious accident. They’d rather not know, because if they did the workforce would be too small to get anything done. This has been the case for the last 10 years.
“Unless you actually were not able to physically get out of bed”
Just so happens, that’s how you tell if you have a cold or the flu. If you can’t get up, you have the flu.
‘assume every cold is the coof’ — eric
People used to say that when the US economy sneezes, the rest of world catches a cold.
But what’s gonna happen to the rest of world when the US catches the coof, bad, and starts hacking its lungs out?
Thirteen years ago, Nobel-winning imbecile Ben Bernanke started what would become four waves of QE, expanding the Federal Reserve’s balance more than tenfold (not a typo).
Now the chickens have come home to roost. Once again this morning, the Consumer Price Index came in smokin’ hot. So the PhD economic ‘doctors’ at the Fed are ordering in more leeches to bleed America’s inflation fever.
Like watching an old-timey staged head-on train wreck, it’s hard to divert one’s eyes from the unfolding, engineered calamity of war-fueled inflation.
America’s caught the coof, but …
Asia’s in the factory, she ain’t got no shoes
Europe’s in the alley, he’s lookin’ for food
I’m in the kitchen with the tombstone blues
— Bob Dylan, Tombstone Blues
Hi Jim
I am looking at the market futures. At 920 am it is down 578 points. The increase in federal interest rates are doing nothing to stop inflation, I see clients paying rates of 18, 20, and 24% on their credit card balances. Their homes have no equity and there are two car payments sitting in the driveway. I have no idea how people are holding it together. People are still buying.
Family members are crying that stuff is expensive, but they are still shopping, paying gym memberships, and taking trips.
What the hell is holding any of this up?
Morning, RG!
I marvel, also. It seems as if everyone is flush with cash. The stores are busy. Restaurants – new ones – are opening. Major expansion of the big mall along Electric Road in Roanoke. I understand there’s a lag built into the system – kind of like the way a deer will run for 100 yards after it has been fatally shot. But, still.
The big thing I don’t get is the jobs going begging. I have a number of friends who are small business owners and they tell me they cannot find people to work, even at wages that you and I would have been estatic to earn in our young 20s. How are people still able to buy – without needing to work?
Eric, for now it’s asset values that people are relying on, but that is illusory. When home values and stock portfolios continue to decline, ball shrinkage will follow and wallets will slam shut. It will be the wealth effect in reverse.
“How are people still able to buy – without needing to work?”
The same way the FedGov does. Credit cards. Personal debt is at a record high, and climbing.
A number of years ago, near Christmas, I was in the checkout line at a Walmart store. The couple in front of me had two shopping carts full of crap. The woman asked the man, “can we afford all this?” The man replied “sure, I think so, but the credit card bill might be tough.”
In other words, they could “afford” any thing that didn’t exceed their credit limit. Seems to be the prevalent notion of “affordability” now.
Guess ol’ Schwabbie was right. People WILL be happy to own nothing, not even themselves.
Looks like you second my query, Eric! How indeed?
How are people getting by w/o formal employment? Two things: (1) in various forms, the “Gubmint” pays them to NOT work and (2) they do have various “gigs”, just not those that report their wages to EDD and/or the IRS or FTB.
And never mind the sorry state of physical, mental, emotional, and moral fitness of today’s “yutes”. Yeah, every old fart pushing or past sixty has lamented the sorry state of young people, in fact, a classic one was penned (or quilled) by some Roman guy in the first century BC. But I’ve seen things go downhill just in the past ten, even five years. From whom do you get your labor force? Some “slackers” that wouldn’t get their heart rate above 80 bpm if someone shoved a cylinder hone up their rectums and used a DeWalt 1/2″ corded drill? Or some gang banger with a string of felonies and criminal court transcripts in the Gigabytes? Or some Gothic tramp with not only the ‘stamp’ just above her ample ass, but more skin inked than not? Sheesh, even the military is going begging due to so many youngsters being downright unfit for duty! Or perhaps they’re sponging off of Mom or Auntie or whoever and no one has the guts to toss their worthless arses out on the street.
Styx ~ Grand Illusion (Live)
The DOW is now 750 points up (2:30 PM). September inflation doubled (.4) versus what the economists predicted (.2), and foreclosures are up 167% from this time last year. It must be that 8.7% COLA hike on Social Security benefits for 2023. Maybe those over 65 years of age will now be able to buy a loaf of bread. Nothing else makes sense.
“Horrible”… “Brutal”…”A Disaster For Democrats”: A Shocked Wall Street Reacts To Today’s CPI Nuclear Bomb
For all the talk of the world being on the verge of nuclear war courtesy of the dementia patient in the White House, a real life financial nuke just went off at 8:30am when the BLS reported a shocking CPI print so unexpectedly hot ( a 2.9-sigma upside surprise to consensus), that even the bears were shocked. The result was… well, an absolute disaster doesn’t even begin to cut it.