When the Children Won’t Go Bedtime


In the Department of You Can’t Make This Stuff Up, a group of German “scientists” who are “concerned” – read deranged – about the “climate emergency” – glued their hands to the floor of the Porsche Pavilion in Wolfsburg, Germany to make their point. Which they did, all right – just not in the way they meant to.

Porsche left the “scientists” – in air fingers quotes to make another point, about what has become of science in our time – to sit, glued to the floor, in the cold and dark. Which the “scientists” bemoaned, failing to grasp the irony of this.

“(They) have turned off the heating,” wailed one of the “scientists,” Gianluca Grimalda. Who is a “social psychology researcher.”

So much for “science.”

Well, so much for hard science. Math. Facts. Proven. Incontestable. Not a matter of opinion or belief or assertion. That would be political “science,” a non- sequitur as well as insulting to the hard sciences.

This Grimalda person wore a white coat, to imply the credentials he lacks to offer up more than opinions and assertions about the “climate emergency,” which is an “emergency” in the same way that the one just renewed by the Biden Thing is an “emergency.”

As in a political emergency.

I’m here in the Porsche Pavilion in the Autostadt of Wolfsburg to denounce the responsibility of Volkswagen in the climate emergency,” Grimalda said. “Volkswagen,” which owns Porsche, ” is the largest car manufacturer in Europe and the second largest in the world, and the transport sector, the car sector has a huge responsibility in the climate emergency. There are 12 percent of CO2 emissions that come from the car sector.”

Italics added.

This column has mentioned before the fact  – the science, man – that carbon dioxide, which is a non-reactive gas and critical to the existence of life on this planet (you’d think we were talking about carbon monoxide, insofar as the hysterics about the “emergency”) constitutes about 0.04 percent of the total volume of the gasses that envelope the Earth. A scientist would grasp that this is a very small percentage – and that the percentage added to this is an even smaller percentage and that “12 percent” – or even triple that – is still a fraction of a percent.

Assuming this is even bad – as opposed to critically necessary for the existence of life on this planet. We’d starve without C02, which plants turn into food – as well as 02, without which it’s hard to breath. Or rather, to live.

But “social psychology researchers” do not understand such distinctions. They are “trained” in emotional metrics, their feelings determining their positions – and what they insist ought to be yours as well. Since they believe there is an “emergency” as regards the “climate,” you must believe it, too. Or at least, you must be forced to pretend that you do, as by abiding by whatever nostrums they insist are necessary to “combat” whatever they say the “emergency” is.

You have probably noticed a common theme. The same emotional metrics having served as the basis of the past three years’ kabuki theater – “masking,” “social distancing” – insisted upon as necessary by the same political scientists. Insisted upon in the manner of a foot-stomping child, unhappy about not getting its way.

These children do things like throw paint at priceless paintings – and glue their hands and so themselves to the floor of a room displaying new cars, which to them are as heinous and intolerable as telling a child it’s bedtime.

Grimalda and the other children who glued themselves to the floor at the Porsche Pavilion assumed – as children often do – that the heat would just be “there,” as by the grace of God. Like the food they assume will always be there. It’s just “there,” you see – and never mind where it came from or what it took to produce it. Children do not contemplate such things for their parents simply provide them as givens.

But when children become unruly, it is necessary to let them know that they are children – and who the parents are. That would be Porsche, in the case at hand.

“People in support”  . . . can’t order our food . . . lights off . . . random unannounced checks by security guards with bright torches,” foot-stomped Grimalda. Keeping in mind that “people in support” had glued themselves to the floor of Porsche’s Pavilion, as in not Grimalda’s Pavilion – surrounded by several hundred thousand dollars of brand-new Porsche vehicles that Porsche – the adults – might worry these agitated children would vandalize.

The “scientist”-children also forgot to make provisions for another – and real – emergency. That of emptying their bowels and bladders. Being glued to the floor, they could not do so in the little boys’ – or girls’ – room. So they fumed when the adults “refused our request to provide us with a bowl to urinate and defecate in a decent manner while we are glued.”

You cannot make this stuff up.

. . .

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  1. I wish the fuckwits would glue themselves to a pair of working train tracks. Now that would be some bang for buck on your entertainment dollar.

  2. Climate hysterics is a real laugh, for me, at least because I know CO2 is not just a trace gas, it has no effect on earth’s thermodynamics, and I also know that even if CO2 doubles or triples it will have zero effect on ice age progression.

    Did you know in previous ice ages, CO2 was 10 times higher than it is now? Did you know ice cores prove that CO2 always follows temp, never forcing it? Did you know that ice ages START with HIGH CO2 and end with low CO2?

    Well maybe you didn’t know those science tidbits, but I bet you did know Al Gore was an idiot. LOL Actually Al Gore is just a Rothschild gofer doing what he is told, and making mucho shekels. Al Gore is not a scientist, and Al Gore never took one science college level course. So due to his lack of knowledge on this subject he became the go to guy for climate science.

    That makes perfect sense in our world, doesn’t it?

    This is akin to Biden’s health czar, some fat tranny named Rachel Levine, born Richard Levine. A fat tranny should not be the health czar, just in case you didn’t get the memo, some of us think that fat people are not healthy, and that trannies are mentally ill. I mean would you cut your dick off? Just asking.

    Likewise some high school dropout named Greta Thunderborg also has no qualifications to explain climate. How many collegiate level science course has she taken? Zero, just like Al Gore. But of course some angry kid who knows zilch about climate is the climate icon. And she has magic powers ya know, cause her mother says she can see CO2 going up the chimney. She can see molecules don’t cha know!

    The bottom line is we are STILL IN THE ICE AGE, WE NEVER LEFT THE ICE AGE. I typed that in upper case because know one seems to be conscious of that. And here’s another memo, about 8,000 years ago was the Holocene Optimum (highest temperatures in the interglacial) and since then temps have been sliding lower. Here is a chart:


    And don’t forget, that since CO2 does NOT cause the earth to warm, the earth will continue to faithfully follow ice age progression regardless of what is said on the boob tube, and yapping idiots like Al Gore and ThunderBORG say.

    • >some high school dropout
      Likewise, some fool dropout from a university mathematics program who got filthy (and I do mean filthy) rich in the computer software biz is now a “world expert” on medical topics, b’cuz, y’know, if he’s that rich he must be wicked smaht, eh?

      You don’t have to sell your body to the night, Vaaakseen…

    • Hi Yukon!

      I love your observations about Levine vis-a-vis “climate change” hysterics such as the emotionally damaged Thundberg child. Could it be more ridiculous? A fat tranny as the government’s “health” czar… No wonder it passes muster to respectfully listen to an emotionally damaged child with no understanding of the things she’s fulminating about.

      And they ask me why I drink…

    • Yukon, Al Gore was a student of Roger Revelle, a professor at Harvard, the original oceanographer, the first to research anthropogenic emissions and carbon dioxide gas increases in the atmosphere.

      Pay attention to what Roger Revelle had to say, not what the dunce Al caterwauls. The babbling Al is partially to blame for the Stop Oil movement raising hell all over the place. The earth is currently out of balance.


  3. I’m just so tired of it all.

    The Zoomers and Millenials are truly fucked up generations. I made a Tinder profile for shits and giggles the other day. You couldn’t find one decent looking girl without a tattoo or BLM and Vaxxed logo on their profile pics. Many of them identify as bisexual/polyamorus. And they’re all so crass (tongues sticking out) and condescending.

    All I can say is you old heads are so lucky to have grown up during normal times.

  4. XD

    More arrogant, entitled jackasses besmirching the name of science.

    Some of the “disciplines” that are being called “science” these days are both shameful and laughable. I hope these buffoons get what they deserve. I also hope they are blacklisted from employment in any scientific fields and end up washing dishes or doing landscaping. Perhaps they’ll learn something about life.

    • “Scientists” along with “doctors” “teachers” “journalists” all shills of the regime with rare exceptions. The rot runs deep.

  5. (Note: my first try to post this comment didn’t work, so this is the second and final attempt. Luckily, I remembered to copy the text before hitting “Post Comment.” On other days, I’ve gotten the response “you’re submitting too many comments” when I’ve only tried to post one! Something is awry.)

    That spokesperson (spokesthing) “German scientist” Gianluca Grimalda is NOT German. I’ve done some searching on him. He describes himself as from Italy. His international antics are funded by jew sources. He says he videoed for the group last year at another glued-to-the-building stunt, at the Scottish Power headquarters.

    I’ve studied jews and crypto-jews for the last 13 years. Thousands of photos. Career trajectories. Lies about “science.” Lies against Whites. Just as certainly as scum Dr. Fauci is a crypto-jew, this scum Gianluca Grimalda is a crypto-jew.

    There is no reason to accept as true any story in the media where honest Whites, that means not jews, are not allowed access to confirm or disprove the claims. Do not think for a second that those jews, IF they are stuck, cannot be unstuck in a minute with a proper solvent — all planned in advance. The invited media cooperate with these stunts. They turn off the cameras and the “activists” go to the restrooms, eat catered food, and laugh at the sheeple so easily fooled into emotion-filled responses.

    Remember the hospitals supposedly crammed full of covid patients in 2020, as all the jewsmedia “reported”? When honest Whites went to those hospitals the next day with their camera phones, they found them empty. Hospital after hospital. They posted their videos online.

    How many examples does it take for people to stop “believing”?!

    The jewsmedia and jew-controlled governments claim an underwater pipeline was “leaking,” and then they said it was “bombed.” The “proof”? A picture of bubbles on the surface of a body of water somewhere. And the sheeple rant and rave which suspect did it and why. And the jews use it as an excuse to raise the prices yet again of sources of energy and fear-porn them with dire predictions for this winter.

    Covid. No government on the planet has a sample of any such “virus.” If they ever did, they could make as many copies as desired to give to all the honest scientists who want to check it. That’s what PCR is for — to make copies, and that’s all it does. Governments have admitted that “no sample is available.” Hah. No kidding. But the sheeple STILL think it exists, and wear their masks, or demand various “medicines” touted as supposedly effective against the nonexistent “virus,” or say that it is no worse than the common flu. IT IS what we call the “flu.”

    We’re losing so bad because even most of our above-average people keep falling for the next criminal hoax in the endless ongoing parade of them.

    Here are a few of the sources I looked at, in case anyone wants to see some of the evidence we assemble to expose jews who pretend to be Whites and, thus, have their crimes blamed on Whites.

    real name,
    Jim Laffrey

  6. The US government just blew up the Nordstream pipelines, either directly or through a proxy, cutting off the main supply of natural gas to Germany. Germans are going to freeze this winter as a result. The destruction of the pipelines was an act of war not only against Russia but also against Germany. Our foreign policy establishment wanted not only to weaken Russia but also to weaken Germany by making it totally dependent on the United States for its energy supplies.

    One would think that these idiots would be screaming about this act of war by the United States against Germany and would be demanding the withdrawal of Germany from Nato, which is behind this entire proxy war against Russia and the subsequent Russian sanctions and destruction of the pipelines, which are going to freeze Germany this winter and lead to the slow collapse of Germany as an industrial power. Instead, they are screaming at VW for daring to continue to make IC automobiles. These people are certifiable lunatics.

  7. This is one time I’d actually like to see some police brutality! Go in and remove those asshats from private property (or what passes for it in Deutschland)…stick “assault weapons” in their faces and scrape ’em off the floor! (Glue, my ass! Those pussies probably used velcro!)

    Most real science has been replaced by theory, literature, and political agenda, and thus most real scientists have been replaced by religious zealots, science-fiction writers, and activists- all vying to yes the PTB to death in exchange for the coveted tax dollars.

  8. Politician: One most adept getting the most people to believe the most preposterous lies the most often.
    Political science: The method of doing exactly that.
    Social psychology: See above.

  9. I assume they glued themselves to the floor with crazy glue; good luck getting up without leaving a lot of skin behind.

    • Mike,
      They make solvents for it, and fingernail polish remover works well. However, I’m fairly certain that this gaggle of children weren’t smart enough to bring any. How I would love to see them escape their self imposed imprisonment. Hope someone records it. Likely some sympathizer that has glued themselves before will come to the rescue.

  10. How are these acts of “disobedience” going to sway minds and change policy? Who doesn’t know about global climate warming change by now? Maybe that woman in the soap opera who’s been in a coma for the last 10 years. Wait, better make that a 40 year coma, that’s about how long this BS has been discussed. Maybe Tom Hanks’ character in Castaway or the crew of the S.S. Minnow. But then again, the professor had that radio made of coconuts, so they had access to the MSM sewer stream.

    And what of the “action” that they are demanding take place? Germany has been greening up their country for 12 years (officially, prior to that green policy was much less agressive but still reducing GHG since 1990), and they’re still buring lignite and importing natural gas. Oh, if they just try harder! I’ve seen pictures of German highways with solar panel farms all around them. They have some of the strictest construction laws in the EU. And yet, they still can’t get the fossil fuel monkey off their back. At what point will there be enough solar installed to free them of the dread hydrocarbon?

    • RK,
      “At what point will there be enough solar installed to free them of the dread hydrocarbon?”
      Just about the time they get all the agricultural land covered with them. Fewer people, less CO2.

      • Fewer of the wrong kind of people, John. More people who’ve never had plenty, from the third world. People who are used to being screwed by the institutions. People used to having a few hours of electricity a day, no assets and living in filth while the snob classes wall off their compounds and gardens from them.

        Keep ’em weak and they won’t get “uppity.”

  11. Europe is fixin to be plunged into the winter from hell & these buffoons are protesting global warming. Brilliant.

    “…social psychology researchers…”

    I dated a social psychology doctoral student when I was in grad school. She was effn nuts. Great body though. Oh well.

    • Mike,
      I strongly suspect that before this winter is over, many in Europe will be praying for some global warming. May even burn some old tires to bring it on.

  12. I thought that I read recently that Porsche had somehow managed to become mostly autonomous from VAG? Maybe I got that wrong but I thought they were doing that because of the stupid direction that VAG is dragging everything.

    But, in any case, this is why I no longer want anything German. Even if they would go back to ICE vehicles these people are just emotionally damaged children. I’m tired of the arrogance, virtual signaling pukes.

    I bet anything Porsche was specifically targeted because they’re trying to become somewhat separate from VAG suicide pact. Unless they pack their bags and leave Germany, fat lot that’s gonna do for them apparently!

  13. This says more about the state of “education” than anything else.

    How can such ignoramuses graduate from college? They have shown a total lack of the ability to reason.

    Should have turned out the lights, turned off the heat, locked the doors and come back in a week. They would finally be winners…in the Darwin Award Competition.

  14. Do you hear it? Me neither. Because thats the sound that six million tiny violins playing in unison make.

    ‘Refused our request to provide us with a bowl to urinate and defecate in a decent manner’

    After reading that last line, I had to go back and look at their picture. They don’t look like African street shitters. Maybe they went to university in San Fransisco. Isn’t diversity grand?

  15. >Gianluca Grimalda
    Now *there* is a good German name!
    Surprised he can talk, with one hand glued to the floor.

    But which hand?
    Appears everybody but Mahmoud @ the left front headlight has chosen to glue the left, or “toilet” hand to the floor. Maybe Mahmoud is left handed? Or else, being a sand dweller, he realizes that when nature calls, he will have to make a choice, and does not want to break with tradition.

    As for the rest of them, tough suck, luckers.

  16. Eric- “(They) have turned off the heating,” wailed one of the “scientists,” Gianluca Grimalda.

    Too Funny. While I first thought of leaving them in the dark a much better solution might be to stream their “protest” 24-7. Porsche could explain that this was done to insure their safety; whilst the rest of us watch the inevitable compilation video for a good laugh.

    Food? Apparently the left wants us to eat bugs and as they’ve glued one hand to the floor might I suggest spicy cricket soup along with a cricket flour roll. To drink I feel naturally carbonated Perrier water would be appropriate.

    The next step would be billing them for the cost of their stay in the pavilion as there is no reason Porsche should lose money because of trespassing.

    These “scientists” make me laugh.

    • Landru,
      “The next step would be billing them for the cost of their stay”
      Gee, I wonder what the rent is on premium commercial floor space?

    • So many good comments. Liking Landru’s a lot. Cars so pretty. All I want to do is physical harm to them, not kill them of course, silly. They are all obviously MR, so maybe some permanent physical accident.

    • They better get accustomed to the heat being turned off, seems to me that most of Europe will be without it this winter anyway. Pissing their pants might make them feel warm for a little while.

  17. No brains, no headaches.

    Guess they found out the real emergency was not being able to go to the bathroom when the time arrives.

    Shame on Porsche for not providing for the protesters. Some folks are just plain cruel, won’t do what you order them to do.

    The protesters should sue Porsche for not following orders.

    They probably are all vaccinated, so that explains the behavior.

    They made their bed, not going to be easy to sleep in it, not my problem.

    Fixing stupid can’t be done.

  18. My biggest pet peeve in the word…the whiner.

    I can handle complainers and venters, but I cannot deal with whiners. What is the difference? Whiners believe someone owes them. They believe the “rest of us” owe them a free college education, free housing, free food, and a guaranteed job with all the perks. They demand things that are unrealistic and make no sense. They want special considerations to be made when they are unhappy and throwing a tantrum. I can’t stand these type of people. Their grown children who do not know how to alter change except for doing stupid shit and forcing the rest of us to deal with it when we all have better things to do.

    These idiots block traffic on highways causing the rest of us to be late to work, meeting a friend, or worse, in the midst of an emergency. They destroy others property and demand that we pay attention to what they have to say. Who the hell are they? Nobody, but somehow we are forced to bend over backwards for what they want at the moment. If we give it to them will they go away and leave the rest of us alone? Nope, because like a small child their demands change daily.

    When a child throws a fit what was the old school way of dealing with unacceptable behavior? Usually, a hand on the behind or they were ignored and disregarded until they calmed down. Sparing the rod and spoiling the child has only taught us one thing…it creates entitled, thoughtless, inconsiderate jerks that the rest of us are forced to deal with.

    • >I cannot deal with whiners.
      10-4, RG. Neither can I.
      That, and people who are convinced they are “spayshull,” as in, e.g., don’t have to stop for a red traffic signal like us peons. (OK, OK, red light in the middle of nowhere, 3AM, no cross traffic, no cops, I’ll run the damned red light too, but otherwise…)

      Where the F* does this “entitled” mentality come from???
      I don’t get it…

  19. I hope they had to poop and pee in their clothes. Poetic justice. Then bring in the cold water fire extinguishers to wash away the shit!

  20. Perhaps they will stick around and learn a thing or two about reality.

    Thanks for the story. Not the story u expected to hear, but it definitely brought a smile to me.


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