The EeeeeVeee “Mandate” From Within . . .


It’s not just the government that’s “mandating” (don’t you hate that word?) electric vehicles. So are the car companies. 

They are “mandating” that their dealers “invest” in EeeeeeeVeeees they don’t want to sell – because they know they are a hard sell – and also the “infrastructure” (meaning, adding – and paying for – high-capacity “fast” charging capability at the dealership) the car companies know dealers must have in order to create the illusion that EeeeeeVeeeees are useful as vehicles rather than vehicles to signal virtue.

The latter amounts to a minimum of several hundreds of thousands of dollars in “investments” – with little prospect of return. Hence the . . . what’s the right word? . . . hesitancy to make these “investments.”

Dealers know – though most won’t say – that few, if any customers are interested in spending any more time at a dealership than they have to. And they don’t have to – or have to, a lot less – if they don’t buy an EeeeeeeVeeee because they don’t have to go to a dealership for a not-so-“fast” charge. And wait there for it. They can stop for less than five minutes for gas – on their way home – and be home much faster.

Hence the “mandating” of these “investments.”

Dealers have been told they must embrace the electric tar baby – and pay for it themselves, too. If they do not, then the car companies – the manufacturers, as they’re known within the business – will curtail or even cut off the supply of new vehicles for them to sell. 

The vehicles that sell without being “mandated” that is.

The manufacturers will send them fewer of those, so as to punish their dealers for not accepting the EeeeeeeVeeeeees they don’t want because they are a hard sale. Consider the import of this.

The manufacturers are less interested in selling vehicles that sell than in leveraging their dealerships into compliance with an agenda that is about selling people on something they’ve expressed no interest in buying.

Imagine McDonalds – corporate – telling its franchise stores (this is exactly what a car dealership is) that they will sell “burgers” made out of ground-up crickets and if they don’t stock up on lots of cricket McPatties, they will receive fewer and maybe no beef patties at all. Notwithstanding that people are buying all the Quarter Pounders (made of beef patties) the stores can cook and almost no one is buying the McCricket patties, nor expressing interest in them.

Probably, that’s coming, too – because it’s of a piece.

Corporate America is no longer particularly interested in making money – just as the Left, which once upon-a-time was defined by its favoring of free speech and its opposition to war – now cares a great deal more about suppressing speech and supporting war. Including possibly nuclear war – over Keeeeeeeeeeeev! – which is striking given that many of these same Leftists who want to risk triggering a nuclear war over Keeeeeeeeeev! are the same Leftists (just older now) who once-upon-a-time protested the war in Vietnam.

Perhaps because they were young enough, back then, to have been killed in it.

Many have, apparently, gone to work for Woke corporations and now control them. Including car corporations. This is why some of them are punishing their franchises – their dealers – for balking at being told they must embrace the electric tar baby. It does not matter to the car companies that what they are pushing isn’t what’s selling.

What matters is the pushing.

GM, for example, has told its Cadillac dealers that either they buy in – literally – to the EeeeeeVeeee agenda or they will be bought out (at a “fair” price, of course)  and cease being dealers. Ford has erected a two-tiered system for its dealers, Ford Blue – for the cars (and trucks) that sell without “mandates” – and Model e, for EeeeeeeVeeeees.

Guess which of the two gets to use what amounts to the “colored” bathrooms?

Interestingly, it’s not just the dealerships that don’t give the electric tar baby a big hug – and a sloppy kiss – that will be punished for their failure to do so. Ford stores that don’t “invest” sufficiently in EeeeeeeeVeeeeees will be, as well. Those that don’t “invest” millions will be allotted fewer EeeeeeeeVeeees and be required to sell them at fixed prices – which means even fewer sales for them, given only a compleat idiot would buy a vehicle (any vehicle) at a “fixed” price when he could buy it for a lower price at another dealership. One where the price is not “fixed.”

Non “elite” dealers – that’s Ford’s term for those that do not “invest” sufficiently – will also be denied loaner cars for customers whose cars have conked out and are in for service.

The clear object of the exercise appears to be exactly what it seems to be: Dealers that don’t buy all-in will be pushed out. Leaving only dealers that have bought all-in.

Leaving buyers with no choice.

And that latter is essential for this to “work” – for so long as there are choices, especially better ones – buyers are going to chose those rather than worse ones. Hence the need to eliminate the choice.

In so doing, the car companies become complicit rather than the victims – just as they did during the “pandemic,” when most of them embraced the “mask” and “vaccine” tar babies, too. Via “mandates” – which have oleaginously replaced laws as the vehicle of choice for getting people to do (and not do) what it used to be necessary to pass a law to get them to do – or not do.

And that’s made a whole lot easier when corporations eagerly abet (by enforcing) the government’s “mandates” – and even “pass” a few of their own, too.

. . .

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  1. People, I searched for just enough time to find out that nobody is selling “Boycott EVs”
    bumper stickers. There has to be a growing market for them; I want 2. Yes, I thought about it but it’s not for me. Some other enterprising individuals can make/sell a ton of them.

    That is my solution to their stupid “mandate.” Leave millions of them sitting on car lots around the planet until they get the message. I believe that will happen anyway, but gasoline always makes a fire burn brighter. *grins*

  2. Hi Eric,

    I saw an article in the Camp Verde Journal newspaper last week about a business that provides free Eee- Vee charging. The title of the article is “Business offers free EV ‘gas'” They disguise the charger as an old Texaco gas pump. Nothing like having to sell a thing as something its not. It is the only level two charging station between Phoenix and Flagstaff along the I-17.

    The owner of the business Ingrid Osses said she’s ‘tired of oil and gas. She’s not waiting for car manufactures who resist the change that should have happened a long time ago.’

    The business, El Centro Latino is supposedly some kind of accounting biz. IDK but it seems maybe loosely tied to La Raza. How else does a two bit, podunk, small town accountant afford to give away free electricity?

    Ingrid is signaling her virtue bank to be full and open for bidness. She could probably get two blue checks if she applied.

    I cant imagine trusting this ‘wise Latina’ with your taxes. She’s apparently not capable of a simple cost benefit analysis. I’ll grant you, maff is hard, when factoring in all the inputs from production-to useful life-to the scrap heap of Ice versus Eee-Vees. Yet its not algebra, or some new math like they’d have us believe. The costs are easily added up in a side by side comparison with simple addition. Seems to my math challenged brain to be about 10 times more expensive for the Eee-Vee. All while poisoning the planet they claim to be saving.

    If most people are just so cognitively challenged that they cant fathom the true cost of this Green agenda, then we may be just an EMP strike away from the Stone Age.

  3. Friends recently had to sell their Ford dealership since they were not on board with all the negative changes happening. They were a mere nine years from what would have been their one hundred years of business. In addition to all the electric nonsense, their dealership was located in a quickly declining neighborhood, making any large investment even more risky.

  4. A buddy of mine is a wrench at Sunnyvale Ford here in the Sillycon Valley. He told me that they are going to go full EV. No sales or service of ICE. He said that some of the other dealers here in the valley are staying with ICE.

    • Oh, bummer. I bought my Focus RS at Sunnyvale Ford. Awesome dino burner. I’ve sold it since, so I don’t need to worry about getting it serviced anymore.

  5. It was the best of times; it was the worst of times. Even as manufacturers self-immolate with EeeVees that few people want, used vehicles are becoming cheaper by the minute:

    The Manheim Used Vehicle Value Index for October declined to 200, or about 10.6% [in one month] — the worst decline since December 2008 when the global economy was melting down, and the 5th largest decline ever.

    Though the index needs to drop about 25% more to 150 to recede back to its pre-2020 trend, it’s getting there in a hurry. Especially as banksters crank the rate vig to painful, ball-busting levels. Average financing rates right now:

    New cars: 6.27%
    Used cars: 10.33% !!!

    (source: Edmunds)

    — CarDealershipGuy (@GuyDealership) November 2, 2022

    There’s never been a better time to become a Repo Person (pronouns: he/him).

  6. I used to to a real car guy…born in 1961….I could tell you all the makes and models …now the whole thing makes me sick to my stomach.They all SUCK.

  7. The long term prospects for EVs is mass conversion to Electric buses and Electric commuter trains, not the problematic individually owned car/SUV (which only a few will use, or bother with). That future prospect is also one of much “stack-n-pack” apartment or condo-dwelling, “conveniently” located in close proximity to major bus/train routes, “planned communities,” if you will (albeit, planned to suit someone other than you.) Safely tucked away therein, we may munch our bug-burgers, to the extent that we find living entirely on someone else’s terms, worth doing, at all.

    Until, and unless, someone invents (and markets) a rechargeable battery that (a) isn’t a gigantic rolling disaster-in-waiting, and (b) can travel cross-country in more than short spurts, interrupted by long waits to recharge, few people are going to want to plan their lives (especially their personal times) around such frustrating “transportation.”

    • Hi Alan,

      Exactly. It’s why I’ve been saying – for years – that electric vehicles are the vehicles to get most of us out of personally owned vehicles.

      • And the whole scam is based on Global Warming – a failed theory they still pump. I heard the narrative on NPR at 5pm PST tonight the hostess said such and such are meeting to stop Global Warming CATASTROPHE, and they want the rich nations to foot the bill to reduce carbon emissions for poor countries.

        Let me look it up. Here is the story I heard:

        “U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned last week that the planet was heading toward irreversible “climate chaos” unless countries find a way to put the world back on track to cut emissions and help poor countries cope with the impacts of global warming.

        More than 40,000 participants have been registered for this year’s talks, reflecting the sense of urgency as major weather events around the world impact many people and cost billions of dollars in repairs”

        The weather has not changed, there is no change in the weather at all, and this information can be found on many websites which detail that there is no statistical change in tornadoes, hurricanes, temperature, rainfall, etc. etc.

        Eric, I happen to know this topic up down left and right. Everything they said is false, yet this narrative is exactly the driver to the gasoline car apocalypse you are writing about.

        This –> ” the planet was heading toward irreversible “climate chaos”” is utter bullshit. No such thing is happening at all. Please show me one thing that is actually going up statistically, because the planet is behaving exactly as it ever has.

        Human population has increased from 2 billion to 8 billion in the last 90 years. So of course if you have more towns and people, with modern media and instant communication, it may seems like there are more weather events. There are more REPORTED weather events because there are more people with com devices.

        If you quadruple the number of towns in Ohio, and tornadoes frequency is constant, you will have more tornadoes destroying Ohio towns. Take a look at this national tornado track map:

        Europeans came to Amerika, built shit loads of towns right in the middle of the biggest tornado ally on the planet.

        Every year the tornadoes come, just like they always have in the interglacials, and because there are so many towns, every year some poor shmucks lose their town. This is horrible, and it has NOTHING TO DO WITH CLIMATE CHANGE.

        And something else, who are these fools that think we somehow magically departed the ice age? We are in the ice age, we never left the ice age, and in fact right this moment southern Oregon is having a heavy winter storm.


        The best guy to read is Tony Heller:

        This is a must read, Eric:

        NASA literally massages the data to make it look like warming!

        Here are some good websites challenging the official narrative:

    • electric buses…..

      Watch: Electric Bus In Paris Spontaneously Explodes
      First responders in many parts of the world aren’t adequately prepared nor trained to handle lithium battery fires amid the proliferation of EVs on streets and highways.

      This happens when buses get 5 or 6 years old and after repeated fast charges of the lithium battery pack – this causes the battery’s interconnects to overheat and then short out. So far 149 Paris BlueBus have been taken off line and the bus system transport system has almost collapse. Same reason the US Post Office did not buy thousands of electric cars.

      It takes +20 tons of water to extinguish a Tesla vehicle battery fire. A combustion engine needs, on average, 3 tons of water to extinguish. Not so ESG-friendly are EVs?

      It should be mandatory for EV vehicles to have mechanical door latches to facilitate an easy bail out in case of fire. I don’t believe Teslas have this. People have been burned alive. Nobody talks about this.

      Congratulations to all nerds that bought an “electric car” with li-ion batteries to save the planet.
      Soon to they’ll be forbidden and only allowed the ones with batteries that are certified not to enter into thermal runnaway/explode: LTO, Lipefo4…

      How do you extinguish electric vehicle battery fires?

      The answer is you can’t. A fine mist of water is sprayed on the fire to try to keep the temperature down until it finishes burning. It takes a few days until it is safe.

      Besides being highly flammable, lithium is the lightest metal, with an atomic number 3. Lithium is so light, it floats on water, so lithium will blaze away while sitting on top of water.

      Lithium melts at 180C / 356F, and burns at 2000C / 3632F – almost hot enough to melt steel, more than hot enough to destroy most composites and metals like aluminum.

      The fumes from a burning lithium fire are highly toxic, capable of causing death or long term dementia like brain injuries, so you need to keep members of the public at a safe distance. Fire fighters need to wear respirators if they approach the flame.

      Count on insurance rates going up with this nonsense…

      Thermal runaway is an uncontrolled reaction that can occur in lithium-ion batteries. Damage to the battery or a short-circuit can cause heat and pressure to build up in the battery. If this reaches a certain level it triggers chemical reactions that generate more heat and pressure, causing a positive-feedback loop.

      Thermal runaway can quickly spread from one battery to the next, leading to catastrophic explosions and fire. By-products of thermal runaway may include large amounts of flammable hydrogen and other toxic fluoroorganic gases.

      • Germany ordered 56 electric buses for 30 million. they are now sidelined taken off the road. their range was half of what was said and in the winter with heat on and going up all the hills their range was 30% of what was advertised. but the green agenda will go on cause they will not stop until they are taken out

        EV highway driving consumption
        The advertised range that many manufacturers brag about is the average or city driving figure. However, the highway range is much smaller, sometimes up to 50 percent less. But on the highway you need the range….lol…don’t go on the freeway…

        At WOT (going up hills or on the freeway), the range is 80% less, beware…..

        operating Li-ion batteries outside the safety zone (i.e. 20%–80%) state of charge, a loss in conductivity can be observed

        You can only use 60% of the advertised range (between the 20% and 80% charge, the useable range), in very cold weather subtract up to 50% more, so what is the real world range? 50% of 60%? = 30%…lol……exactly what germany got…..

        then this….lol…

        EV bus fire

        How do you extinguish electric vehicle battery fires?

        The answer is you can’t. A fine mist of water is sprayed on the fire to try to keep the temperature down until it finishes burning. It takes a few days until it is safe.

        Besides being highly flammable, lithium is the lightest metal, with an atomic number 3. Lithium is so light, it floats on water, so lithium will blaze away while sitting on top of water.

        Lithium melts at 180C / 356F, and burns at 2000C / 3632F – almost hot enough to melt steel, more than hot enough to destroy most composites and metals like aluminum.

        The fumes from a burning lithium fire are highly toxic, capable of causing death or long term dementia like brain injuries, so you need to keep members of the public at a safe distance. Fire fighters need to wear respirators if they approach the flame.

        Count on insurance rates going up with this nonsense…

        Thermal runaway is an uncontrolled reaction that can occur in lithium-ion batteries. Damage to the battery or a short-circuit can cause heat and pressure to build up in the battery. If this reaches a certain level it triggers chemical reactions that generate more heat and pressure, causing a positive-feedback loop.

        Thermal runaway can quickly spread from one battery to the next, leading to catastrophic explosions and fire. By-products of thermal runaway may include large amounts of flammable hydrogen and other toxic fluoroorganic gases.

  8. Mike, I remember my parents and other farmers in the 1960s laughing about how politicians and city people were so stupid as to believe they could add an hour of sunlight to the day by changing the clocks. At first, we ignored DST. But other people, particularly town-dwellers, went along with it. So for a while any time somebody said, “The meeting starts at 7,” you’d have to ask, “Is that regular time or daylight saving time?” In our neighborhood we knew which families were “standard” and which were “daylight,” so we didn’t have to ask them. Of course it eventually became too inconvenient to continue exercising sanity, and the resistance went away.

  9. Just curious, is there ever gonna be a course correction with a new regime or two and stuff, or are we destined to drive older vehicles and restomod classics to avoid soulless rolling crematoriums?

    Not enough REM (Rare Earth Minerals) to keep making batteries, and again, even if balls blue states do away with gas, Blood Red ones won’t.

  10. If not for subsidy of EVs and regulation of the ICVs, there would not be enough demand for EVs to justify mass production. The auto makers incorrectly assume that the market for EVs will duplicate the market for ICVs, if the customer has no choice. One cannot buy what one cannot afford, and few can afford EVs. Not to mention there is no power grid to support that duplication. It ain’t happening. What is the state going to do, round us up at gunpoint and force us to by EVs we can’t pay for? No. The intent is to make you stop driving, period. I’m curious what angle the auto makers see that we don’t, to keep making lots of money without selling a product.

    • EV chargers, another part of the EV nightmare being forced down your throat….

      30% of the chargers in San Francisco are broken, don’t work. these chargers are maintenance intensive, which means lots of them won’t be working, repairs and maintenance not done.

      How do you charge your EV when half the chargers are broken?

      EV Charging Station are using Liquid Cooling systems and are very complicated/fragile, these are maintenance intensive, which means lots of them won’t be working, repairs and maintenance will cost a lot, paid by taxpaying ice vehicle owners…lol

      a Level 3 charger will cost between $30,000 and $80,000. plus installation costs, plus huge maintenance costs, so maybe $40,000 to $90,000 installed for one charger, plus huge ongoing maintenance costs, the ice vehicle owning taxpayer is forced to pay for this….lol

      a Level 3 charger will cost between $30,000 and $80,000. plus installation costs, plus huge maintenance costs,….tell your local government you don’t want to pay for this……

      a level 3 charger at home:….far too expensive…lol
      even worse they will eventually limit it’s use to 3 hr per week, your ration….lol

      …and they want to install millions of these, at $90,000 x only one million chargers = 90 billion dollars, plus 100’s of millions of dollars in ongoing maintenance costs….lol

      (what about the trillions of dollars to upgrade the electrical grid to supply the power?….lol)

      the federal government prepares to begin doling out $5 billion allocated in last year’s bipartisan infrastructure bill so states can seed a coast-to-coast network of fast-charging stations.

      Government guidelines say the taxpayer-funded chargers should be accessible to travelers, just off the interstate and have amenities like food and restrooms

      with ice powered cars the gas station and pumps use is free…….now they want to scrap that and make you pay trillions of dollars to replace it with a dangerous, expensive, maintenance intensive, mess/nightmare……

      Mishaps involving overheating the use of equipment including EV chargers
      There have been many plug-in vehicle fire incidents all over the world.

      The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) in the United States. Mentioned accidents such as thermal runaway incidents. Overheating or overcharging can lead to an accident.

      These fast types of charging stations require liquid cooling so inverters don’t fail due to overheating and umbilicals are cool enough to handle.

      Fast charging?…start a fire….lol
      Extreme fast chargers, for example,can push battery pack temperatures to 270ºC, 514ºF after just a few minutes of charging.
      If you fast charge a lot, you wreck the battery, if you don’t…. you wait hours to charge….lol

      The wires in EV chargers that are prone to aging cause the chargers to heat up, then no fan lubrication exacerbates the temperature rise and gets out of control. Creating a vicious cycle that causes long-term damage to chargers. That can result in accidents.

      In comparison gas and diesel pumps are 100% reliable, simple and trouble free and they don’t need a complicated cooling system. They are not paid for by taxpayers,

      EV charging stations are another multi billion dollar bill for taxpayers, fire all politicians pushing them….lol

      These chargers are a fire hazard:

      In Damascus, Maryland, on April 1, a fire started from an electric car charger in a garage and caused $350,000 in damages.

      Watch This Severe Electric Car Fire And Explosion At A Charging Station
      More than 40 firefighters and 8 fire trucks were involved at the site, and thanks to quick action, they managed to put out the fire. Watch the toxic smoke…

      Tell your city they will need another 50 fire trucks….lol
      An ice car fire only needs one fire truck….lol

      Watch the video then think………What happens when 2200 Ev’s (a new complex in planning stage will have 2200 parking spaces)….imagine 2200 lithium fire bomb EV’s are parked in underground parking at an apartment block or office tower and they catch fire? You can’t take propane into underground parking, but you can take a fire bomb lithium battery car underground.

  11. On the car manufacturer aspect, I have maintained for quite some time that most of where we have been made to go with cars has been more directed by manufacturers than government. The simple premise of my claim is the observation that our legislatures don’t write laws and haven’t for quite some time. Even when they did, they’ve been super pressured/influenced by the various lobbies for outcomes that aligned with the interests of big money (aka corporations).

    I also maintain the simple observation that Americans will eat anything you put in front of them. Metaphorically meaning that they will buy any damn thing on the lot that they think is cool and/or they could “make work” based on their personal circumstances.

    Where we are currently standing, where we’ve “ended up”, and where we are going are absolutely the intention of the car manufacturers. Maybe not 100% of them in unison (probably not) but enough of them and enough of them in cooperation to drag all the rest along for the ride via their enforcement divisions aka government.

    I have never bought the bullshit claims of manufacturers or dealers that always sound like: “Americans won’t buy…”, “Americans only want…”, “I can’t sell x, y, or z to Americans…”

    I have never believed it. They are not the victims of the government. The real story is that we’re victims of the manufacturers. They used the government to do this to us.

    • EM,
      It’s a mutual butt scratching society. The state and the corporations are in league with each other. Just as Mussolini prescribed. Profit at gunpoint. For corporations and politicians. The corporations are thus NOT private businesses.

    • If you can’t sell something to Americans you can’t be that great of a salesman.

      Americans, by and large, are unthinking, gullible suckers who generally assume that the latest is also the greatest. As a result they are highly susceptible to flimflam.

      If you don’t believe me, look at recent history. Like, really recent.

      So many people who haven’t figured out they’ve been snookered, even now.

  12. Just this morning I was watching this video about the war in Ukraine:

    And the similarities to Vietnam were discussed. I was born in ’65, so I didn’t know that liberal elites were huge supporters of intervention in Vietnam back then. Also that LBJ promised to keep us out of it right before he made us go all in.

    So, I’m guessing that the liberals that protested the Vietnam war probably did so out of self preservation. Not that I disagree with that, the entire thing was a huge crime, but isn’t it interesting to see how they “grew up” to be just like the elites of that era?

    Biden and the liberals are setting up Vietnam 2.0 — as if Afghanistan wasn’t bad enough of a defeat. Ukraine, just like “South” Vietnam, never stood any chance of prevailing and still doesn’t. How many more humans are going to be slaughtered this time?

    • EM,
      “Perhaps because they were young enough, back then, to have been killed in it.”
      I turned 18 in 1972. One of many that prayed for a big draft lottery number. Nothing makes things more clear than the threat of being enslaved to kill others, or be killed yourself. I got lucky. All war is about profit, and not your profit. All the “patriotic” male bovine excrement is just a psyop to gain your approval of your own enslavement, and possible death. You’re not “dying” for your country, you are dying for the profit of the already very rich.

    • If you think about it, we haven’t actually won any major war since 1945. (Beating up on tiny nearly defenseless countries like Granada doesn’t count). And, make no mistake, the rest of the world—including their generals—has been watching and taking copious notes for 80 years. Just because we often act that way, doesn’t mean our adversaries are stupid. They probably have some ideas about how they might beat us. (Guerrilla tactics appear to have worked especially well in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan). We won’t win in Ukraine, either. Maybe no one will. But, we can’t afford to get into yet another quagmire. And we have serious problems at home.

  13. ‘In so doing, the car companies become complicit.’ — eric

    As in the Montgomery bus boycott of 1956, we can just shun their Woke asses and their bloated, thousand-chipped products.

    It will be interesting to see whether a new Vichy Republican majority takes a stand against the climate insanity … or reverts to its familiar ‘mend not end’ default setting.

    Maybe we could limit global warming to 2 degrees C, instead of a constricting and harsh 1.5 degrees C limit. That’s the kind of bipartisan compromise in DeeCeeee that earns plaudits from the Lügenpresse.

    p.s. Welcome to Daylight Savings Time, another useless aggravation courtesy of the ossified, unresponsive US fedgov. *may not apply to Arizona and Hawaii

    • Jim,
      Like I’m too stupid to start my day an hour earlier if so inclined. Spending most of my life in a construction trade, we typically started working as soon as it got light enough to do so in the Summer. Because it got hot in late afternoon. We didn’t even pay too much attention to what time we started, other than to know when it got light enough, and when to quit and go home. Before it got too painfully hot.

    • Yes Jim,
      Daylight Savings Time is another example of govco hubris. The psychos in charge think they can control sunrise/sunset, along with the climate.

    • Jim, notice that the Republicans’ solution to this idiocy is not to do away with DST once and for all, but to enact yet more legislation – the “Sunshine Protection Act” – to make the idiocy permanent year-round. There, fixed it! They will never admit that their predecessors were morons and simply repeal the stupid thing that they did.

    • climate change mental illness……

      Shellenberger: Climate Fanatics Are Weaponizing Mental Illlness

      “Climate protesters are triggering widespread anger and signs of violence,” writes author and prominent critic of climate alarmism Michael Shellenberger. “And yet President Joe Biden, UN Secretary-General António Guterres, and other global elites are encouraging them, which is exceedingly dangerous and irresponsible.”

      Let’s be clear about what’s occurring. Rich fanatics & the news media are weaponizing mental illness to advance a radical, anti-capitalist agenda. That’s textbook psychopathic behavior: lack of empathy, lack of control (panic), and anti-social behavior.

      Any doubts that this is about psychopathology stemming from fanaticism & nihilism, not climate change, can be put to rest when you consider that the main demand of the narcissists is a ban on natural gas, which is the main reason UK emissions have been declining for decades……and…..CO2 is plant food, it is not evil like these mentally ill fanatics say it is….lol

      The fanatical elites who are weaponizing mental illness are also waging class war. They are against cheap energy & industrial capitalism because they lift up ordinary people and close the gap with the elites, who want distance & inequality.

      Such is the case with climate activists.

      They are some of the richest and most privileged people in the world, thanks to cheap and abundant fossil fuels. Some of them, like the heirs and heiresses to the Getty Oil and Rockefeller Oil fortunes, are more directly beneficiaries than others.

      And yet they are actively seeking to deprive others, both their fellow citizens and Africans, of those very fuels, as well as non-fossil sources of productive energy, like hydroelectric dams and nuclear power.


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