Did They all “Cheat”?


Why is that every major automaker who was – past tense – selling diesel-powered passenger cars in the United States no longer is?

Apparently, it is because all of them “cheated” on government emissions certification tests. Including Mercedes-Benz, which just recently “agreed” – that’s the word used by government when it successfully forces a target to submit by using threats of worse repercussions if the target refuses to “agree” – to hand over $6 million as punishment for “falsely advertising” the cleanliness of its diesel-powered passenger cars purchased by people in the state of Arizona.

At the federal level, Benz has “agreed” to hand over $2.2 billion, including $875 million in civil penalties assessed under the Clean Air Act and $546 million that went toward “fixing” the “affected” vehicles. 

Mercedes no longer sells diesel-powered passenger cars in this United States, having been given a strong incentive not to.

Nor, of course, VW – which used to sell a lot of them. Toyota – which sells a lot of them outside the U.S. – may shortly be forced to stop selling them, too. All on the basis of the same claims.

But these claims were always just the excuse. Very much as the claim by a cop that he “smells marijuana” after he pulls you over becomes the excuse to search your vehicle. After he uses the excuse that you were “speeding” to pull you over in the first place. It’s really because he – or rather, the government he works for – wants your money. 

And something else.

The excuses aren’t reasons – in the morally meaningful sense – for no harm has been caused by your driving 43 MPH in violation of a sign that says you are not allowed to drive faster than 35 MPH. Nor your having “smoked marijuana” – even if you actually have smoked it.

For what is the harm in either, as such?

It is true that you “violated the law.” Well, so? Does that mean anything – beyond that the law was violated? It is against the law to tear off that little tag on mattresses, too. If you do it anyhow, have you done something wrong?  

It is an interesting irony that the same government which will hound a person – or a company – for “breaking the law” in the most sententious manner imaginable is itself the most egregious violator of moral laws imaginable. It perverts the moral basis of law – the causing of harm – into its opposite. It does not matter that no harm was caused. Only that the law – whatever it is – was violated. That then becomes the basis for imposing harm, in the name of the law! 

In this manner – and on this basis – people (and companies) that have harmed no one are punished, even persecuted – as VW surely was, having been forced to hand over more than $30 billion for having “violated the law” without the government having established any harm was done. 

Such “violations” were once characteristic of the judicial systems in places such as the old Soviet Union, where Stalin’s prosecutor, Andrey Vyshinsky, is reputed to have said: Show me the man and I will show you the crime. Comrade Vyshinsky did an excellent job of inversion during the Moscow Show Trials. which were very real indeed – for those in the dock, who inevitably ended up in the ditch.      

Indeed, the words spoken by Vyshinsky might have been spoken at the show trials of VW and Mercedes:

“The “heroes” of this trial have linked their fate with the fascists, with the agents of secret-police departments; these “heroes” have lost all scruples and gone to the uttermost limits of duplicity and deceit, elevated perfidy and treachery to a system, to the law of their struggle against the Soviet state.”

In other words, they “cheated” – the government’s word for not adhering exactly to both the letter and the intent of the law. VW was found to have figured out how to adjust the  software that ran the computer that ran its diesel engines in such a way as to take advantage of weaknesses in the tests used by the government to “certify” – another government word, used to imply fitness that really means compliance – engines for sale, before they may legally be sold.

The “cheating” VW diesels – and Benz diesels – qualified as “clean” by having passed the tests. Mark that. They passed the tests. But the government did not want diesel-powered passenger cars to be available, especially inexpensive ones such as those offered by VW – for they made electric cars look ridiculous.

Which, of course, they are.

Circa 2012, I drove a diesel-powered Mercedes passenger car from my home near Roanoke, in SW Virginia, to Raleigh, NC – and back – without stopping for fuel, once. There was still plenty of range left in the tank, too – after having complete a round trip of more than 300 miles. The latter being about half the range of a TDI-powered VW Jetta or Golf, which could make the trip up to Washington, DC – and back – on a single tank. For about $23k, brand-new.

Such passenger cars posed an existential threat to the “electrification” of passenger cars. For just that reason their existence had to be ended. And so, an excuse was found. They “cheated” on government certification tests. It didn’t matter – to the government – that this “cheating amounted to fractions-of-a-fraction differences in the amount of the “emissions” at issue. No one is allowed to question whether 0.03 more (or less) of less than 0.05 percent (the figures are approximate) causes any harm, as opposed to running afoul of some arbitrary standard.

Just the same as it doesn’t matter, when you’re in traffic court, that your driving 43 MPH in violation of a sign’s order to drive no faster than 35 caused no harm.

It is your obedience that is at issue.

But it also more than that – as regards this diesel business. They had to be put out of business, for the same reason the government will put out of business any rival to its authority. Diesel-powered vehicles being a deadly rival to “electrification.” They would have increased mobility, decreased cost and increased longevity (another reduction of cost).

In particular, the diesel-electric hybrids in development, which promised 80-plus MPG for less than $30k.

And so, diesel-powered cars were accused of being “unclean,” very much in the same way – and for similar reasons, when you stop to think about it, that people who refused to wear “masks” and take “vaccines” were so characterized.

None of it being true. But truth only matters when people respect it. When it doesn’t, all that matters is power – and the willingness to use it.

A.Y. Vyshisnky understood perfectly.

. . .

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  1. No one is “cheating,” but I have no doubt that all “automakers” are doing something similar to what VW did to meet the unreasonable “emissions” targets.

    The focus was only on VW. End of story.

  2. I lived in the town that “broke” VW at the EPA lab here. Not only that, I knew folks on the project. They seemed quite proud of what they’d done, even the former GM exec who’d taken this job for some post-retirement money. Knowing what I know now I’ve wanted to ask them if they still think it was worth it. Oddly, though, they are all Branch Covidians, so we socialize much less now.

  3. If you can lay your hands on a 1978 to 1986 vintage Mercedes 240D or 300D (or 300SD), with a decently-running OM616 (four-banger) or OM617 (five-banger), beg, borrow, or steal (why not, Uncle Sam does!), but BUY IT. Along with spare parts, as much as your budget will handle. That vehicle is going to be worth it’s weight in gold.

      • Yes, I have a 1982 OM-616 240D ( 4-speed manual transmission) with over 300,000 miles and the engine has never needed any internal repairs. I adjust valves every 15,000 miles or so. The weak spot is the body. There is significant rust (Michigan salt) that I have to deal with.
        Not only are these cars built like tanks, they feel “heavy” (solid) and are indestructible.

  4. All the manufacturers were cheating on these emission tests…they say the worst was GM because of the way they did it…well hidden…better hidden cheaters..

    Only VW got crucified, why? it was the biggest volume manufacturer at the time..a big target…it had/has the best engineers so a competitive threat….

    a competitor wrote the legislation on diesel emissions to kill them? a new EV related manufacturer? a green hoax profiting corporation/corporations? a green NGO group? a CO2 lie special intereset group?

    In modern politics not a single member of the House of Representatives or Senator writes a law or puts pen to paper to write out a legislative construct.

    Corporations (special interest group) write the legislation. Lobbyists take the law and go find politician(s) to support it. Politicians get support from their peers using tenure and status etc. Eventually, if things go according to norm, the legislation gets a vote.

    Within every step of the process there are expense account lunches, dinners, trips, venue tickets and a host of other customary financial waypoints to generate/leverage a successful outcome. The amount of money spent is proportional to the benefit derived from the outcome.

    The important part to remember is that the origination of the entire process is EXTERNAL to congress.

    Congress does not write laws or legislation; special interest groups do. Lobbyists are paid, some very well paid, to get politicians to go along with the need of the legislative group.

    When you are voting for a Congressional Rep or a U.S. Senator you are not voting for a person who will write laws. Your rep only votes on legislation to approve or disapprove of constructs that are written by outside groups and sold to them through lobbyists who work for those outside groups.

    While all of this is happening the same outside groups who write the laws are providing money for the campaigns of the politicians, they need to pass them. This construct sets up the quid-pro-quo of influence, although much of it is fraught with plausible deniability.

    This is the way legislation is created.

    If your frame of reference is not established in this basic understanding you can often fall into the trap of viewing a politician, or political vote, through a false prism. The modern origin of all legislative constructs is not within congress.

    “we’ll have to pass the bill to, well, find out what is in the bill” etc. ~ Nancy Pelosi 2009

    “We rely upon the stupidity of the American voter” ~ Johnathan Gruber 2011, 2012.

    The Washington DC UniParty Surfaces in FTX Crypto Exchange Political Contributions
    election fraud


    • “we’ll have to pass the bill to, well, find out what is in the bill” etc. ~ Nancy Pelosi 2009

      the witch will sign anything provided by the highest bribing leftist corporation or leftist special interest group or NGO…has no clue what is in there…..lol

    • Good stuff Anon. so then the question then is why does this happen? Who’s pulling the strings and why? To me, simplified, it’s to limit competition and pick winners and losers. This is very very far away from the free market we are supposed to have. It is all at our expense.

      • Pyramid of World Power

        1st level at the top the controllers the elite nobility in the background, always hiding, nobody talks about them, the control group. 17 royal families in europe, they are working with the billionaires and others in the committee of 300.

        one elite example……..Prince Phillip, late husband of Queen Elizabeth II said ….“In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation.” He said the population should be reduced to 1 billion
        his son king Charles the 3rd agrees,

        king Charles the 3rd hired Claus schwab to run the WEF. Charles talks to plants.

        2nd level the Rothschild banksters provide financing for the elite nobility

        3rd level more 2nd level banksters

        4th level down the administrators, gates, schwab, etc..

        5th level the political prostitutes in the foreground, corrupt , bribed, owned by the elite
        the politicians just follow orders from their bosses the elite.

        6th level down the enforcers

        7th level at the very bottom the little people, the common people, paying for everything, used and abused.

        1) The WEF’s agenda is based on what the elites at the top want to do…

        2) the wef writes the laws/legislation to implement, accomplish these goals…

        3) lobbyists interact with the politicians, bribe them to get them to sign off on the laws/legislation.

        • it is interesting that the top 5 levels are exempt the extermination nazi needle……

          safe and effective…

          it isn’t….. that is why they are exempt…..

          safe and effective…..you are dealing with satanists…they invert everything….if you un invert it it reads…..deadly and won’t be effective as a health improver that they say it is….

  5. Banning ice powered vehicles to be replaced with EV’s that use twice as much fuel (20.8 mpg), = insanity.

    This is what test driver’s of EV’s get in the real world….
    travelling 100 miles in an average EV uses 1.20 gallons equivalent of fuel = 41.66 kwh of electricity that is the net amount, but….at the power plant 4.80 gallons of fuel were burnt to get a net 1.20 gallon of fuel equivalent 41.66 kwh used by the EV.

    travelling 100 miles in an average EV uses 1.20 gallons equivalent of fuel = 41.66 kwh of electricity @ $0.40 per kwh = $16.66, back at the power plant 4.80 gallons were burnt to get the net 41.66 kwh of electricity. NOTE: 4.80 gallons were burnt to go 100 miles. = 20.8 mpg

    There is an additional cost for the EV owner: the tesla $22,000 battery is used up, worn out in 100,000 miles. this works out to $22.00 per 100 miles it is costing you for the battery. Total cost: $16.66 plus $22.00 = $38.66

    EV owner uses 4.80 gallons to go 100 miles, that is 20.8 mpg, lots of ice cars get better fuel economy.

    travelling 100 miles in a 50 mpg diesel uses 2 gallons of fuel @ $4.00 per gallon = $8.00 and it has a huge range……

    Should be still selling these:

    ATTENTION: the 2014 Volkswagen Golf BlueMotion diesel, capable of a claimed 88.3 mpg imperial, or 73.5 mpg U.S…..1.36 gallons for 100 miles…… it has a 971 mile range, the perfect car.

    should be driving these high mpg ice diesel cars:

    Model HP Avg. cons l/100km mpg U.S.

    Fiat 500 1.3 JTD Multijet 16V Pop DPF 75 4.2 56
    VW Golf 1.6 TDI BlueMotion DPF 105 4.1 57
    Skoda Fabia 1.4 TDI GreenLine DPF 80 4.1 57
    Opel Corsa 1.3 CDTI ecoFlex CO2 Pack DPF 75 4.1 57
    Audi A3 1.6 TDI Attraction DPF 105 4.1 57
    Toyota iQ 1.4 D-4D DPF 90 4.0 59
    Renault Twingo 1.5 dCi Rip Curl 84 4.0 59
    Volvo S40 / V50 1.6D DRIVe Start/Stop DPF 109 3.9 60
    Volvo C30 1.6D DRIVe Start/Stop DPF 109 3.9 60
    Toyota Prius 1.8 Hybrid 136 3.9 60
    Mini One D DPF 90 3.9 60
    VW Polo 1.6 TDI BlueMotion 90 3.7 64
    Seat Ibiza 1.4 TDI Ecomotive DPF 80 3.7 64
    Ford Fiesta 1.6 TDCi ECOnetic DPF 90 3.7 64
    smart fortwo coupé 0.8 cdi pure softip DPF 54 3.4 69

    VW made a lightweight diesel hybrid that got almost 300 mpg, that was a better solution then EV’s, that get 20.8 mpg…lol….

    The XL1 weighed 1750 lb….lightness matters….get this for commuting and a 1200 lb. Super 7 for weekends….

    Volkswagen XL1 Diesel-Hybrid 300 mpg highway…


  6. Vehicular Sactuary States!

    Also, Eric, you do well to sell me vehicles I can probably no longer find for purchase with these articles. Always depressing. :p

    • EM,

      They’re still worried that Musk may let people say what they want. However, I’ve seen Musk won’t be letting Alex Jones back on Twatter, or possibly even the Orange Man. So what has really changed? Perhaps he’s saving the company some money by firing all the useless wokesters, which has been entertaining.

      • Hey Bad,

        Yeah, I’m no fan of Elon Musk and, as you’ve pointed out, he’s not gonna be any savior of free speech. Never mind baseball, hotdogs, apple pie and Chevrolet! 😁 I am, like several other people, getting a kick out of the liberal meltdown over the whole situation.

        I halfway wish that I could be Director of Software development at Twitter. But I know the entire thing is theater and they’d never let a guy like me anywhere near that holy grail.

        But I just can’t get over German people being so ironically and unbelievably far removed from reality. I was raised by a German guy (i.e., my stepdad), born in Berlin, was inducted into das Hitlerjugend. One Garfried Otto von Gleich.

        I learned a whole lot about 1940s Deutschland from him, Oma und Opa. I still can’t get over why it took me so long to finally understand how profoundly insane German society has become. “Musk is Goebbels” (in so many words) is just the icing on the insanity cake that’s hard to give justice in words.

        Maybe it’s unfair to single out Germans. Seems as though most Europeans are not right in the head in varying degrees. My mother’s side, old world Hungarians, certainly are no exception!

        • Actually Goebbels was right. His description of the mainstream media of the day was no different than today’s mainstream media.
          Germans have been so browbeaten by those of the (((tribe))) that they cannot think straight.
          My pre-WW2 and WW2 German friends have way different viewpoints based on their actual experiences.
          Holocaustianity™, the false religion, is what is subjugating Germany to this day. We are told that “the sins of the father should not be visited on the children” but that does not apply to anyone not of the (((tribe))).
          The so-called “holocaust™” must be exposed for the massive financial and socially destructive scam that it truly is. Follow the shekels.

          • Whether Goebbels was “right” or not or whether the holocaust was anything is not the point here. The point being that mindless support of *government* is what brought the absolute disaster of WW2 upon the world and upon Germany itself. And further that modern Germans are acting EXACTLY like their Nazi predecessors with respect to mindless (and fucken insane) support of government tyranny.

            Taking the ideology out of Hitler and WW2, by another measure Hitler was an absolute DISASTER for Germany. Yet he had the support (direct or tacit) of most Germans. They all went along with it. I don’t care what his ideology is HE LOST. Millions of Germans were slaughtered, and Germany has become the absolute farce that we see today in the aftermath.

            Goebbels was right?? I don’t even care to analyze the particulars because, in the end, the result was nothing beyond absolute destruction and misery that continues to this day.

            I don’t buy the narrative of the Holocaust industry and never have. But the mental gymnastics required to twist the Nazi era German leaders as anything good is beyond my capability.

            Those fucken people were nuts then and they’re SUPER fucken retarded now. That’s my point of view. IDGAF about all the arguments of who said/did what to whom. It just doesn’t matter.

            • I must respectfully disagree with your assessment of pre-ww2 Germany. While the USA and much of the rest of the world was still in a financial “depression” caused by (((you know who))), Germany was coming into its own as an economic and technological powerhouse and was seen as a threat by (((you know who))).
              Living through the excesses of the Wiemar Republic taught Germans that certain (((types))) were not to be trusted. During the days of the Wiemar Republic an “anything goes” attitude was prevalent, pushed by (((you know who))) not unlike today’s “anything goes” attitude in which monogamy and heterosexuality are marginalized while LGBTQXYZ, the sexualization and grooming of children are promoted.
              You see, the Rothschild banks were thrown out and labor was given economic value, something that is still missing in today’s world, labor still being seen defined as a liability and not an asset..
              It gets worse…A vile tome, “Germany Must Perish” by author Theodore N. Kaufman advocated the complete and total destruction of everything German. Now, if you were a German living in those times, what would you think about your (((tribal))) neighbors. Kaufman’s vile tome is right out of the Old Testament in which the jews of the time were to leave absolutely NOTHING standing…man, women, children, beasts, etc. were all to be destroyed–genocide, to say the least. This book is available for free on the internet. I urge everyone who is interested in European history of the two world wars and the period between to obtain and read this book. In fact, most jewish “holy days” are celebrations of conquest, total destruction of others and genocide.
              Yes, jews suffered hardships, some of which were unjustified, but one must take note of the differences between the “little jews” and the “big jews” (zionists).
              The “commonly accepted history” of pre-WW2 Germany conveniently leaves out the machinations and strife committed by “big jew” zionist leaders against the German people and government. Most people think that Germany “threw the first punch” when it came to the marginalization of the “jews”.
              Actually, it was “the other way around”.
              “World jewry” (not all jews, just zionist leaders) demonized Germany in 1933 (yes, 1933) with its declaration of (economic) “war” against Germany which was splashed on newspaper headlines all around the western world.
              The ordinary “little jews” suffered because of the arrogance and demonic practices of their zionist leaders (the “big jews”).
              You see, Palestine was in the process of being “colonized” (actually stolen) by zionist jews. however, not enough jews were emigrating, A way had to be found to make life uncomfortable for German jews (who had no desire to emigrate), hence, the demonization of German society with the jews’ declaration of “war”. This made ALL jews unpopular in German society, which was actually a “feature”, not a bug as it went quite far to achieve the zionists’ aims.
              As to Kristallnacht, this was a one-day “false flag” event egged on by zionist leaders to make jews further marginalized. When Adolf Hitler received word of Kristallnacht, he was furious, as it destroyed his plan for the orderly, peaceful emigration of jews. Yes, there were agreements between zionist leaders and the German government for just that purpose.
              The commonly accepted “history”, is not only wrong, but egregiously so…
              It is long overdue for Germany to throw off the jewish yoke of oppression that is tied to that 20th century fable, the so-called “holocaust™”.
              Keep in mind that Germany fought off the rest of the world for almost four years while still advancing both economically and technologically .
              After the war, both the USA and USSR snapped up Germany’s best scientists.

              • Well anarchyst, TBH, I don’t want to keep going down this line of discussion because it draws the wrong kind of attention. I will say that I was always on the side of Germany up to some point in WW2 and that has nothing to do with what people say about the holocaust. It has everything to do with what you’re saying. Have you watched James Corbett’s excellent analysis and video on the British and WW1? I’m on *that* page.

                Somewhere between Operation Barbarossa and the annihilation of the 6th army is where I’m out. I should re-read “Inside Hitler’s High Command” again. It talks about the general staff and internal disagreements over the direction of the war, etc.

                In any case, after that point, everything that happened to Germany just makes me sick. To include up to and *especially* current events. Their flavor of “social democracy” aka “communist tyranny” is toxic filth. The larger problem being that their way of life is actively and aggressively being imported to the USA. Has been for a while apparently.

                So in summary, the last thing that I’m gonna say about it, is not that I disagree with you but that I think the common denominator is the mindset of the average German and their support of tyrannical government.

                They are the antithesis of freedom and liberty minded people — the ones that we are *supposed* to be here in the USA. Quite literally insanely so IMO.


        • So free speech is still up for a vote?

          I guess it is on Twitter…….

          If that is how that was decided, Elon is even more crazy than I thought.

    • Musk isn’t sticking to the elite/wef/marxist agenda 2030 narrative, he is a deviant they say….the wef controlled media then attacks the deviant……

      who controls the elite at the top?…..they are all practicing satanists so that gives you a hint…..

  7. Talk about cheating…
    Your and my tax dollars were doled out to Ukraine by FJB to protect his corrupt playground. The playground reciprocated by sending some of this loot back to FTX. FTX then contributed to the Democrat-Marxist midterm campaigns across the country. At least the Clintons ran a fake charity to attempt to launder some of the money with no direct ties, these guys have gotten to place where it matters no more.

    We we’re all supposed to have respect for laws? The only thing holding back the dam is the 2nd Amendment otherwise we be all in the gulag at about now.

    • Hi Hans,
      It’s the typical “rules for thee but not for me” govco BS. Every law Clowngress passes has a rider attached specifying that said law does not apply to them or their minions. George Carlin nailed it – “it’s a big club, and you aren’t in it”.

      • There is a simple solution that would work but will never be implemented…
        A Constitutional Amendment…to wit:
        “Congress shall make NO LAW that does not apply equally to itself, the legislative, judicial and executive branches of government and their political divisions and subdivisions”.

        • anarchyst,
          I came up with a better one several years ago, “If you can make a good faith argument that one is violating your Constitutionally guaranteed rights, you can kill them.”

    • Hans,

      This whole thing about taxpayer money going to Ukraine, and FTX then laundering it to Joe Biden & Democrat candidates for office is disgusting. To use a commonly used term from “The Left”, “Billionaires bought the midterm elections”, but had it been President Trump or literally ANY Repubican running for office doing something similar, we’d hear ad nauseam about how “Billionaires were buying elections” or how “Repubicans were attacking our democracy”, or something else. It increasingly appeared the past few years that the DEMOCRATIC party is the REAL party of BILLIONAIRES, from locking down SMALL businesses but allowing LARGE ones to remain open under guise of “Preventing the spread of the ‘Rona” to the top 2 donors to the Democrat Party being BILLIONAIRES.

    • tax dollars….to Ukr….into FTX crypto….back to democrats…to run/fight/rig elections and improve bank accounts…lol….

      the awareness level/understanding of this is near zero….no MSM will touch this story….

      discussing this gets a near zero response….are people in a coma?…the biggest crime in decades….complete silence…..

      why aren’t conservatives getting this investigated?

      rule of law….hahaha

      FTX money laundering election rigging

      Chris Martenson latest video details these connections. One can conclude this was a constructed rip off, set up like a circus tent run by criminals to rip you off, and to steal another election. The bribes needed to pull these operations off are ever larger, more expensive, leading to their own demise

      ukraine money laundering DCCC kickback factory

      wait for them to start unraveling the connection with FTX. The word is, the US sent the billions in aid to Ukraine, Ukraine invested it in FTX and FTX took the illegally co-mingled funds and sent them back to the US Dems

      Here’s another good breakdown by Chris Martenson of whats known so far about these marxists.


  8. I love the chem trails in the picture…quite symbolic and ironic. Co2 is pollution, but nanoparticles of barium, strontium 90, aluminum, cadmium, zinc and other lovelies.



    It’s a move for total control over every aspect of existence, not just humans… truly satanic.

  9. Im a diesel fanboy considering my Dad has a RR HSE Td6, and while Im not fond of the RR (need to go dynamic and sport to get the untuned land yacht to move), we can go on business trips over 200 miles and either not have to fill up or go from Empty to basically 3/4-ish tank and then to the five boroughs the next day for more work.

    Our gas powered company car might cost less to fill, but it’s not as nice, and fugeddabout an EV, no charging stations in most areas we go

    As I said in “First VW… now Toyota”, plan in the next year or two to get a restored classic RR/Defender from Cwclassics.com with a manual and use that for work trips, as minimal (if not no) computers, no emissions controls and ya just never see a manual RR anymore, if ever (unless ya count that One defender ya always see in the artsy towns)

    Found out that regular forums are full of sheeptards who are all “BAAA!!!! Diesels never caught on!” And “BAAA!!! Ev’s are the future” while putting their fingers in their ears going “LALALA, NOT LISTENING!!!” When ya point out what bullshit dieselgate was, how much better and safer diesels are, etc… I didnt known there were Redditors on there too

    As Eric said, we might as well be outlaws and delete the shit ourselves, or if you cant self inspect, remember the 25yr rule

    • People bought EV’s and thought they could drive almost for free, they wouldn’t have to buy gas anymore, they would save a lot of money.

      The reality is a lot different….

      TOTALS: cost per mile…….

      Tesla EV using a home charger total cost per mile = $0.84
      Tesla EV using a fast charger total cost per mile = $0.94

      VW diesel total cost per mile = $0.35

      Comparing cost per mile, 10 years, 100,000 miles:

      Tesla EV and VW diesel

      I saw rates somewhere at $0.14 per kwh at home, that is due to probably triple very soon.
      in Europe it costs $0.72 per kwh, coming here soon.

      I saw rates nation wide at fast chargers outside home at $0.40 per kwh

      What test drivers are actually getting driving in the real world driving EV’s is they are getting 2.4 miles of range for every kwh

      An EV just sitting loses:
      tesla says a daily 3%-5% stationary range consumption.” (just parked) leakage, batteries leak power, ice cars don’t
      90 kwh x .05 = 4.5 kwh lost per day leakage x $0.14 = $0.63 per day just parked = $0.02 per mile

      Ice diesel:
      The 2014 Volkswagen Golf BlueMotion diesel, capable of 73.5 mpg U.S. it has a 971 mile range, the perfect car.

      VW diesel 100 mile fuel consumption = 1.36 gallons @ $4.00 gallon = $5.44 = $0.0544 per

      Tesla EV @ home 100 mile fuel consumption = 41.66 kwh @ $0.14 kwh = $5.83 = $0.0583 per mile

      Tesla EV @ fast charger 100 mile fuel consumption = 41.66 kwh @ $0.40 kwh = $16.64 = $0.16 per mile

      the tesla $22,000 battery is used up, worn out in 100,000 miles. = $0.22 per mile for the battery use,

      the battery use cost is higher then the electricity used. A hidden cost, nobody told you about. maybe a lawsuit?

      Tire costs
      The tires on EVs tend to wear out faster due to the additional weight and extra torque that hits the road. Plus, EV tires typically have less tread to improve range and decrease noise, they need special more expensive HL rated tires.

      Tesla tire size 235 35 20 $391.00
      VW Golf tire size 225 45 R17 $119.00

      In 100,000 miles if the tesla needs 4 replacement sets = $391.00 x 16 tires = $6256.00 = $0.06 per mile

      In 100,000 miles if the VW Golf needs 2 replacement sets = $119.00 x 8 tires = $952.00 = $0.01 per mile

      Tesla EV costs $50,000 depreciation over 10 years is $39,500 = $0.39 per mile

      the VW diesel costs $24,355 depreciation over 10 years is $19,240 = $0.19 per mile

      Tesla EV costs for maintenance and repair: $1000.00 per year = $0.10 per mile
      VW diesel costs for maintenance and repair: : $1000.00 per year = $0.10 per mile

      TOTALS: cost per mile…….

      Tesla EV using a home charger total cost per mile = $0.84
      Tesla EV using a fast charger total cost per mile = $0.94

      VW diesel total cost per mile = $0.35

      The VW diesel cost per mile includes the gas road tax, the Tesla EV doesn’t include that, but it will pretty soon….watch…

      This doesn’t include insurance costs, if insurance costs $3.00 per day = $0.11 per mile

      2014 Volkswagen Golf BlueMotion for sale… $6403.00….buy one…


      • In much simpler terms, one gallon of gasoline contains about 33.7kwh of energy.
        The typical ICE vehicle holds approximately 15 gallons of gasoline which equals approximately 505 kw/h of energy.
        One can refuel an ICE vehicle in less than 5 minutes.
        Vehicle range is not compromised by the use of heaters, air conditioning or lights.
        The typical “electric vehicle” battery contains approximately 120kw/h of energy.
        The typical “electric vehicle” can hold the equivalent of less than 4 gallons of gasoline.
        It can easily take one-half hour to refuel an electric vehicle at a “fast” charger. Level 1 or level 2 chargers take HOURS to “refuel” electric vehicles. In addition, “fast chargers” shorten battery life.
        Electric vehicle range is severely compromised by the use of heaters, air conditioning or lights. In fact, both hills, extreme hot and cold climates severely affect electric vehicle range.
        Let’s not forget the weight of electric vehicles, most of which weigh over 5000 lbs.
        In a nutshell, electric vehicles are not ready for prime-time. Electric vehicles are “playthings for the rich”.

        • EV
          What test drivers are actually getting driving in the real world driving EV cars is they are getting 2.4 miles of range for every kwh ….the trucks and SUV’s are a lot worse…

          They are using 41.66 kwh to go 100 miles. (.4166 kwh per mile) = 83 mpg

          ATTENTION: 83 mpg is based on electricity just coming out of a wall plug,
          in reality 4.80 gallons of fuel or 43 lb of coal were burnt to generate the electricity in the power station = 20.8 mpg).

          So to go 100 miles the EV burns 43 lb of coal

          So to end up with 41.66 kwh of electricity which is equivalent to 1.20 gallons of gas to push the EV 100 miles down the road 4.80 gallons of fuel or 43 lb of coal were burnt to generate the electricity in the power station, remember net 25% efficiency. 100 miles using 4.80 gallons = 20.8 mpg,

          ATTENTION: The Volkswagen Golf BlueMotion ice diesel has emissions of 85g CO2 per km

          the VW XL1 hybrid diesel produced emissions of 21g of CO2 per km…far cleaner then an EV….

          A current-model large EV car emits about 88 grams of CO2 per kilometer,…EV’s are way dirtier….lol

          ATTENTION: This is really bad….Before the EV (with a 40 kWh battery) goes one foot the emissions/pollution just from manufacturing it is equal to driving an ice diesel 89,400 km (50,550 miles), about 7 years driving. This shows how stupid the government is pushing EV’s with their lithium fire bomb batteries (95% of lithium batteries are NOT recycled), this is an environmental catastrophe.

          “If an electric vehicle is using a 40 kWh battery (some EV’s have 90 kwh batteries which are 2.25 x as bad ), its embedded emissions from manufacturing would then be equivalent to the CO2 emissions caused by driving a diesel car with a fuel consumption of 5 litre per 100 km (about 55 mpg), up to 89,400 km (about 7 years average driving) before the electric car even has driven one meter,” Circular Energy reports.

          Then the battery dies in 10 years and you start over, another 89,400 km equivalent of pollution, (per 40 kwh battery), inflicted on the earth, just from the battery manufacture…lol….and it will only cost you $22,000…lol…

  10. Today’s Vyshinski is named Merrick Beria Garland. His announcement yesterday of a special prosecutor effectively rolls out a one-party state, in which only RINO opposition (born to lose) is allowed. It’s over.

      • ‘Garland’s given name is Garfinkle.’ — anarchyst

        Actually it’s spelled ‘Garfinkel,’ according to this odiously ethnic-chauvinist article by David Margolick, who confesses that “I felt instantly deflated” upon reading an early, erroneous report that Garland’s father was Protestant. Impure, in other words.


        More telling, though, is Margolick’s quote of an NYT profile stating that ‘[Garland] spoke movingly of how his grandparents left Russia, ‘fleeing anti-Semitism and hoping to make a better life for their children in America.’

        Unbelievably, Garland now seeks to impose on Americans the same sort of political terror that led his grandparents to flee the Bolshevik regime. It’s a deep parallel to the twisted, but all too real, cases of abused children growing up to become abusers themselves, helplessly repeating an endless cycle of pathology.

        It’s not by accident that I call him Merrick Beria Garland — a nod to Soviet NKVD chief Lavrentiy Beria who supervised Soviet internal purges, directed the Katyn Forest massacre of 22,000 soldiers, then after WW II managed the communist takeover of state institutions in central and eastern Europe.

        Like his namesake, Merrick Beria Garland now is implementing a ruthless one-party takeover of US institutions. ‘Election deniers’ and other resisters will be arrested, federally indicted, and disappeared into the federal Gulag. In future elections, we’ll be allowed to vote for a few vetted RINO collaborators. But by design, they’ll never win a majority.

        • It doesn’t matter if the AG to the Phony POTUS was raised in an observant Jewish household, or if he even considers himself to be Jewish. My father would qualify IAW the Nuremburg Laws, as they were drawn up with the advice of the top rabbi of Berlin in 1935, but he most certainly does NOT think himself to be a Jew. Neither do my four cousins, who technically would also belong to the “Tribe”, but are, in fact, far more “Aryan” in appearance than yours truly.

          What matters is that Garland is a Libtard, Dummycrat HACK, and for all the stupid and corrupt things that Senator Mitch McConnel, aka “The Turtle”, R-KY has done, at least he kept this insult to the law off the SCOTUS in 2016. That, ladies and Germans, is why control of the US Senate is even more critical, and the GOP FUCKED IT UP, perhaps DELIBERATELY.

          This is where my inner “Ben Grimm”, aka the “Thing” of Marvel Comics’ “Fantastic Four”, would say, “It’s CLOBBERIN’ TIME!”

  11. “It does not matter that no harm was caused. Only that the law – whatever it is – was violated. That then becomes the basis for imposing harm, in the name of the law!”
    Because their authority has been impugned. Because their super fragile egos cannot abide defiance in any form. COMPLY!! with our insanity. Or else!

  12. Much like “wreck-less” driving laws, or tax codes many other priestly edicts from on high. They are either so vague they could mean anything or so complicated you’ll need a te of their exper witnesses and lawyers to tell you if you are guilty or not.
    Meanwhile the mouth breathing screen gazing borg needs only to hear a 24 hour news cycle of “cheating, climate change, billion dollar companies, exploite, nazi racist-bigot-homophoppoobe!…” They will then go along with the narrative that diesels are just awful and why couldn’t they just follow the rules…

    I remember years ago on fake-book a reasonably intelligent guy I knew was railing and pontificating against VW’s emissions “cheating.” This guy however couldn’t even change his own oil, he knew nothing about anything mechanically, emissions related about any car. Just that “they cheated.”
    Enough people have a screen to tell them what to think yet ack enough intellect to actually understand how much they don’t know. It’s currently possible for almost any narrative to be pushed on them (and the restvl of us)

    • It’s true, Sicilian –

      A combination of ignorance/stupidity animated by a rote-reflexive instinct to be “virtuous” (as they’re told) fuels the success of almost all that ails us. As you say, most of those most “outraged” by VW’s “cheating” know nothing about how engines work and – much more deeply – are innumerate and so do not understand that “up to 40 percent” more than allowed under standard amounts to a fraction of a percent in actual difference.

      • ATTENTION: This is really bad….Before the EV (with a 40 kWh battery) goes one foot the emissions/pollution just from manufacturing it is equal to driving an ice diesel 89,400 km (50,550 miles), about 7 years driving. This shows how stupid the government is pushing EV’s with their lithium fire bomb batteries (95% of lithium batteries are NOT recycled), this is an environmental catastrophe.

        “If an electric vehicle is using a 40 kWh battery (some EV’s have 90 kwh batteries which are 2.25 x as bad ), its embedded emissions from manufacturing would then be equivalent to the CO2 emissions caused by driving a diesel car with a fuel consumption of 5 litre per 100 km (about 55 mpg), up to 89,400 km (about 7 years average driving) before the electric car even has driven one meter,” Circular Energy reports.

        Then the battery dies in 10 years and you start over, another 89,400 km equivalent of pollution, (per 40 kwh battery), inflicted on the earth, just from the battery manufacture…lol….and it will only cost you $22,000…lol…

        Ice diesel vs EV fuel economy comparison:

        To go 100 miles the ice diesel burns 1.36 gallons of diesel in it’s super clean .000001% emission engine.

        the EPA tells us that modern gas powered cars produce 98 – 99% less pollution than cars from the 1960s and 1970s. modern cars have .000001% emissions but that isn’t good enough they want zero, they are liars though, the new EV’s pollute more…lol

        To go 100 miles the EV burns 43 lb of coal…… 43 lb of dirty coal were burnt to generate the electricity in the power station producing huge emissions destroying the environment.
        ATTENTION: remember they are CEV’s Coal Electric Vehicles….
        Plus the added bonus of a lithium fire bomb battery in the car….lol

        ATTENTION: The Volkswagen Golf BlueMotion ice diesel has emissions of 85g CO2 per km

        the VW XL1 hybrid diesel produced emissions of 21g of CO2 per km…far cleaner then an EV….

        A current-model large EV car emits about 88 grams of CO2 per kilometer,…EV’s are way dirtier….lol

        Ice diesel:
        The 2014 Volkswagen Golf BlueMotion diesel, capable of a claimed 88.3 mpg imperial, or 73.5 mpg U.S.
        it has a 971 mile range, the perfect car.
        The Volkswagen Golf BlueMotion has emissions of 85g CO2 per km. it is even cleaner (less emissions) than a Toyota Prius or an EV….
        A bloomberg article states, “A current-model large EV car with a battery produced and charged in an average European Union country emits about 88 grams of CO2 per kilometer,

        it weighs 1125 kg, 2480 lb, the new EV’s are over 4000 lb. it weighs 40% less.

        What test drivers are actually getting driving in the real world driving EV’s is they are getting 2.4 miles of range for every kwh
        They are using 41.66 kwh to go 100 miles. (.4166 kwh per mile) = 83 mpg
        ATTENTION: 83 mpg is based on electricity just coming out of a wall plug,
        in reality 4.80 gallons of fuel or 43 lb of coal were burnt to generate the electricity in the power station = 20.8 mpg).
        So to go 100 miles the EV burns 43 lb of coal

        So to end up with 41.66 kwh of electricity which is equivalent to 1.20 gallons of gas to push the EV 100 miles down the road 4.80 gallons of fuel or 43 lb of coal were burnt to generate the electricity in the power station, remember net 25% efficiency. 100 miles using 4.80 gallons = 20.8 mpg,

        New EV’s are over 4000 lb, that is why they get bad fuel economy. The 2014 Volkswagen Golf BlueMotion diesel weighs 40% less, helping it to get far greater fuel economy.

        In the real world the EV with the large 90 kwh battery (some EV batteries are smaller) had only 216 mile range.
        the 2014 Volkswagen Golf BlueMotion diesel has a 971 mile range.

        Energy density:
        In order to go 200 miles the EV had to carry around a 1000 lb battery (some tesla batteries weigh 1800 lb, the hummer battery is 3000 lb.)

        In order to go 200 miles the 2014 Volkswagen Golf BlueMotion diesel had to only carry 9.52 lb of fuel.

        There is the big difference the diesel ice car only had to carry 9.52 lb of fuel to go 200 miles the EV had to carry a 1000 lb battery, this has a huge effect on fuel economy

        The 2014 Volkswagen Golf BlueMotion costs $24,355 U.S., EV’s start at about $45,000
        there is a $20,000 incentive to buy the Volkswagen Golf BlueMotion…lol

        20.8 mpg….lol…..these EV’s use more fuel so pollute more then ice vehicles

        most new gas or diesel ice cars get better fuel economy, cost way less, use far fewer resources to manufacture, don’t have lithium fire bomb batteries, last three times as long as EV’s….

        Thermal efficiency of power plants using coal, petroleum, natural gas or nuclear fuel and converting it to electricity are around 33% efficiency, natural gas is around 40%. Then there is average 6% loss in transmission, then there is a 5% loss in the charger, another 5% loss in the inverter, the electric motor is 90% efficient so another 10% loss before turning the electricity into mechanical power at the wheels.

        33% – 6% – 5% – 5% – 10% = 25% efficiency for EV’s. In very cold weather EV’s are 12% efficient

        a gallon of gas retains 100% of its chemical-kinetic-electrical energy potential throughout the entirety of its supply chain. This is extraordinarily effective when compared to electricity in either transmitted or battery-stored forms – which does not retain its potential and can lose from 15 to 45% of the generated kilowatt hours of electricity during the delivery and battery-charging/depletion/use processes.
        ……… instead of 26% loss (during delivery and use) this says it is up to a 45% loss

        33% – 45% = 15% efficiency for EV’s. Then in very cold weather EV’s are 8% efficient..another 50% loss….
        EV’s are looking pretty useless, they are being pushed on people through lying….

        An EV just sitting loses:
        tesla says a daily 3%-5% stationary range consumption.” (just parked)
        So Tesla says it’s normal to fully discharge itself in under 3 weeks. Keep this in mind when parking it somewhere 90kwh @ $0.40 per kwh = another $36.00 per week loss just parked…lol

        Plus the cost of the battery, which is huge, you have to store the electricity in the very, very expensive battery, that is the killer for EV’s right there, the expensive, rapidly wearing out battery.
        the tesla $22,000 battery is used up, worn out in 100,000 miles.
        ATTENTION: this works out to $22.00 per 100 miles it is costing you for the battery.

        greens say burning 43 lb of coal to power their stupid EV is cleaner then burning 1.36 gallons of diesel in an ultra clean .0000001% emission ice diesel engine….lol….they have lied to everybody and got away with it….lol

        2014 Volkswagen Golf BlueMotion for sale… $6403.00….buy one…


    • Hi Spitfire,

      Yup. It’s not a coincidence that the “scandal” broke just as VW was about to get a production version of this into circulation. Diesel-electric hybrids could easily achieve 70-80 MPG in a Prius-type package and even more in a smaller Insight-sized package.

      Such a car would mean being able to drive for weeks without filling up.

      Naturally, they had to be strangled in the crib.

      • VW XL1 hybrid diesel for sale

        The XL1 was initially unveiled at the Qatar Motor show in 2011. It was fitted with a teeny, mid-mounted 800cc two-cylinder diesel engine producing just 48bhp, which was then linked to a 5.5kWh lithium-ion battery and a 27bhp electric motor, meaning a lofty total output of 75bhp. That power (or lack of it) was sent to the faired-in rear wheels by a seven-speed DSG gearbox.

        It was light, though. The body was made from carbon fibre reinforced polymer, the wheels from magnesium and the dampers, steering column and brake callipers from aluminium. ….no rust problems…..

        That all meant a 795kg kerb weight, about 1750 lb…….while still meeting all the latest crash-safety requirements. ………no need for modern cars to be over weight…

        The body and frame are designed with crush/crumple zones and roll-over protection, and the tandem seating means large side crush zones. Volkswagen claims protection comparable to a GT racing car. The car has anti-lock brakes, airbags with pressure sensors, and stability control…..it only weighs 1750 lb……

        why are modern ice cars 3000 to 4000 lb and Ev’s up to 5000 lb or more? they say it was for the so called safety crap….lol

        VW says it requires just 8.4 hp to keep the car moving at a steady 60 mph on flat pavement–less than half the power required for the same task in the company’s most economical European production model……why do we need 5000 lb…1000 hp electric cars?

        Race-car steering
        The unexpectedly fun part of driving the XL1 was the handling.
        The unassisted steering–and when’s the last time you drove a car without power steering?–is extremely quick, far closer to that of a track racing car than a street vehicle.
        5000 lb EV’s drive like a huge over weight 5 ton truck….lol

        and the super slippery body gave the XL1 a drag coefficient of just 0.186, so it remains the most aerodynamic road-going production car ever.

        We say production car – only 200 were ever built, so the buyer of this one will join a pretty exclusive hypermiling club. Members of that club will be getting around 313mpg too.

        diesel ……so no tune ups like gas ice…
        diesels can go 400,000 miles an EV is scrap at 100,000 miles….the very expensive battery is dead…

        ATTENTION: The Volkswagen Golf BlueMotion ice diesel has emissions of 85g CO2 per km

        the XL1 produced emissions of 21g of CO2 per km…far cleaner then an EV….

        A current-model large EV car emits about 88 grams of CO2 per kilometer,…EV’s are way dirtier….lol

        Volkswagen XL1 Diesel-Hybrid 300 mpg highway

        An average EV gets about 20.8 mpg…

        the lowest depreciation….. average used price history $103,970, ….. one sold for $134,000 used….original MSRP of around $128,113….

        it was only made in 2015, that is 7 years depreciation…..a $128,000 ice vehicle in 7 years is worth about $42,000…..

        after 100,000 miles, about ten years, a $50,000 EV is worth zero because the very expensive…$22,000 to $29,000 battery is dead….

        Produced solely for the 2015 model year, the XL1 saw only 200 examples built.

        sounds like the best car ever built……with today’s fuel prices….


        • The VW XL1 body and frame are designed with crush/crumple zones and roll-over protection, and the tandem seating means large side crush zones. Volkswagen claims protection comparable to a GT racing car.

          The car has anti-lock brakes, airbags with pressure sensors, and stability control…..it only weighs 1750 lb……

          why are modern ice cars 3000 to 4000 lb and Ev’s up to 5000 lb or more? they say it was for the so called safety crap….lol

        • VW says it requires just 8.4 hp to keep the XL1 moving at a steady 60 mph on flat pavement–less than half the power required for the same task in the company’s most economical European production model……

          the super slippery body gave the XL1 a drag coefficient of just 0.186, so it remains the most aerodynamic road-going production car ever.

          why do we need 5000 lb…1000 hp electric cars?

        • they lied again…..they said battery EV’s were cleaner…

          ATTENTION: The Volkswagen Golf BlueMotion ice diesel has emissions of 85g CO2 per km

          the XL1 produced emissions of 21g of CO2 per km…far cleaner then an EV….

          A current-model large battery EV car emits about 88 grams of CO2 per kilometer,…EV’s are way dirtier….lol

          and they never tell you this….

          ATTENTION: This is really bad….Before the EV (with a 40 kWh battery) goes one foot the emissions/pollution just from manufacturing it is equal to driving an ice diesel 89,400 km (50,550 miles), about 7 years driving. This shows how stupid the government is pushing EV’s with their lithium fire bomb batteries (95% of lithium batteries are NOT recycled), this is an environmental catastrophe.

          “If an electric vehicle is using a 40 kWh battery (some EV’s have 90 kwh batteries which are 2.25 x as bad ), its embedded emissions from manufacturing would then be equivalent to the CO2 emissions caused by driving a diesel car with a fuel consumption of 5 litre per 100 km (about 55 mpg), up to 89,400 km (about 7 years average driving) before the electric car even has driven one meter,” Circular Energy reports.

          Then the battery dies in 10 years and you start over, another 89,400 km equivalent of pollution, (per 40 kwh battery), inflicted on the earth, just from the battery manufacture…lol….and it will only cost you $22,000…lol…

          they also don’t tell you CO2 is plant food….lol

      • Roger that, Eric. The hybrid configuration lends itself to a small diesel, say a 50 hp three-banger unit, which simply runs at a constant speed when on, so it’s camshaft and injection can be ground/tuned to that optimal engine revolution speed (probably 1800 or so rpm, to coincide with the motor-generator it’s coupled to). The simply way would be to have direct-drive motor units driving, say, the front wheels, or even have ’em on ALL four wheels, for true 4WD, keeping engine up front and the battery in the rear, to best balance the weight.

        By having the diesel run in a simple off/on mode at a constant speed, when needed, the engine controls (PCM) would be far simpler, and emissions, since a diesel inherently runs on excess theoretical air, would be limited to NOx. A simple EGR system would handle that, so this setup would be an ultra-low emissions vehicle as long as the diesel is in decent shape and in tune. It wouldn’t even require a “Cat”, since the diesel never operates under a heavier load than designed for (i.e, no lugging). At worst, some of the “blue piss”, to take care of diesel fuel with too high a sulfur content.

        I can bet that should I come up with retrofit kits for popular older vehicles, to make diesel hybrids out of them, even if I could clear the inevitable regulatory hurdles, and they’re a market success, I’m either very wealthy…or DEAD. The very notion that coming up with such an innovation, should I succeed, could be “unhealthy”, is mute testimony as to how corrupt things have become in what was once the “Land of the Free”.

    • Nice, but at $145K, economically impractical. More a rich man’s toy and conversation piece. Get that thing down to about $40K, and THEN we’re talking!

      • The VW XL1 at $128,000…only 200 were made…if you made 2 million of them the cost per unit would be far less….if you want one there is some for sale out there used…

        the purchase means nothing if you have the money or you can handle the payments, a lease would reduce the payments quite a bit….the fuel savings would pay a good chunk of the monthly payment….

        the real bottom line, net cost, depends on the depreciation over 5, 7 or 10 years…

        the lowest depreciation….. average used price history $103,970, ….. one sold for $134,000 used….original MSRP of around $128,113….

        it was only made in 2015, that is 7 years depreciation…..a $128,000 ice vehicle in 7 years is worth about $42,000…..

        after 100,000 miles, about ten years, a $50,000 EV is worth zero because the very expensive…$22,000 to $29,000 battery is dead….

        VW XL1 diesel depreciation over 7 years….about $24,000

        a $128,000 ice vehicle depreciation over 7 years is about $86,000

        a $50,000 EV depreciation over 10 years is $50,000…….. it is worth zero because the very expensive…$22,000 to $29,000 battery is dead….

        a $100,000 Hummer EV depreciation over 10 years is $100,000…….. it is worth zero because the very expensive $30,000 battery is dead….

  13. Cheated, Arizona, unclean, and 6 million.

    It surprises me you can still get away with using all those words together in one article Eric. The algorithm at the ministry of truth, along with the central scruuuuutinizer, may in the not too distant future, restrict your power usage. For breaking of laws yet unwritten, and possible anti-semitism, your penalty will be two less hours of electricity, everyday, until you complete the mandated sensitivity training, and update your wellness passport.

    • Hi Norman,

      I have considered that. If that should come to pass, then it’s time to check out. Time to go feral and live in the Woods, for real. And if that isn’t enough to be let alone, then it is time, at last, to take the stand I and most sane people would do almost anything to avoid taking. But should it become unavoidable, then so be it.

      • Yes Eric, So be it. I’m planning for a similar future.

        I have people ask me all the time, ‘Van, why cant you just follow the rules?’

        As a free man, I am not bound by ‘the rules.’ Besides, I come from a place far away, where ‘the rules’ used to be enforced more equally than today.

        The only rules free man are bound by are the Laws of Nature, and natures God. Or, those rules my honor and conscience dictate that I set for my self. When you tell people that, their eyes glaze over, sometime they wobble a little, or begin to look away, and if you listen closely, you can almost here a faint click, click, clicking in their sorry excuses for a brain.

      • Ah, but even THAT gets you on the FBI’s “white nationalist, terrorist” watch list. Preppers and those that advocate living “off the grid” are HIGH on the priorities for the FBI goons to scrutinize for so much as farting in an elevator. Add to that those that stump for the Second Amendment and/or say that not only can Washington DC not “solve” any problems, it doesn’t nothing but CREATE them.

        And if you “deny” the Holohoax and/or say that the Confederate States of America were justified to leave the Union in 1861, you’re pond scum, in their eyes, and they’ll look for ways to fuck with you. Or if you say that even SOME, not necessarily all, of the 2020 and 2022 elections were fraudulent, you’re that sort of “denier”, and therefore a “traitor” and potential threat to “Democracy”.

          • Yes, I’ve heard that said of the libtards that squeak of “democracy” rather than the USA being a Constitutional REPUBLIC. To them, though they won’t admit it, it’s “THEIR” Democracy, not mine, not yours, nor anyone they disagree with or don’t like. To them, we’re just the white boy racist, sexist, bigoted homophobes whose duty is to shut up and pony up the taxes. The more vitriolic of them would KILL each of us if they could.

        • You (a conservative) are a threat to their (politicians) cash flow from signing legislation for cash….

          presented/sold/marketed by lobbyists from leftist/communist/nazi think tanks/special interest groups/leftist NGO’s/or related ESG corporations……

          looks like the big special interest group where all legislation is created coming from is the WEF, WHO, UN, it is all designed to enable their agenda 2030

          conservatives need to create more special interest groups to create legislation/laws to support conservative values…that they can get politicians to sign for cash….

          • wef is behind most new legislation….what is the wef agenda?…..nothing good…..

            In “The Shape of Things to Come: The Ultimate Revolution” (published in 1933), H.G. Wells

            writes of the future predicting,there will be another world war in just a few years, followed by epidemic and famine.Humanity enters a new Dark Age. In a last bid for victory, the enemy deploys a biological weapon resulting in the “wandering sickness,” producing the first zombies, and by 1970 the global population has dropped to a little under one billion.

            Though this is depicted as horrific, it is at the same time depicted as a necessity – a “great reset,” to restore the “balance” so to speak. It is only with this reduced population size that the world can begin to build itself back together from the chaos that it was, and enter into its new phase of evolution as a biologically superior species (the inferior having been culled by war and disease), managed by a bureaucratic system under the form of a world government.

            today wef has it’s great reset

            Through Huxley, Wells’ conception of the nature of humankind was formed with its foundation built upon the philosophies of Charles Darwin and Thomas Malthus.

            In Thomas Malthus’ “Essay on the Principle of Population” (1799), he wrote:

            “We should facilitate, instead of foolishly and vainly endeavoring to impede, the operations of nature in producing this mortality; and if we dread the too frequent visitation of the horrid form of famine, we should sedulously encourage the other forms of destruction. In our towns we should make the streets narrower, crowd more people into the houses, and court the return of the plague.”

            In Charles Darwin’s “The Descent of Man”
            “No one who has attended to the breeding of domestic animals will doubt that this must be highly injurious to the race of man. It is surprising how soon a want of care, or care wrongly directed, leads to the degeneration of a domestic race; but excepting in the case of man itself, hardly any one is so ignorant as to allow his worst animals to breed.”

            Among the plethora of books Wells wrote, was “The New World Order,” (1940). he was the first person to use that term.

            today the wef has their new world order.

            In Wells’ “Anticipations” published in 1901, he writes the “vicious, helpless and pauper masses” have appeared, spreading as the railway systems have spread, and representing an integral part of the process of industrialization, like the waste product of a healthy organism. For these “great useless masses of people” he adopts the term “People of the Abyss” and he predicts that the “nation that most resolutely picks over, educates, sterilizes, exports or poisons its People of the Abyss” will be in the ascendant.

            now gates calls the people on the bottom useless eaters.

            The ethical system laid out in Wells’ New Republic forbids the further growth of the “People of the Abyss”. In the past, Nature killed these off, and in some cases killing will still be necessary. And we should not be appalled by this task, as per Mr. Wells.
            Death for such people will mean merely “the end of the bitterness of failure, the merciful obliteration of weak and silly and pointless things.” Clearly the effecting of this will be morally justifiable according to Wells:

            “The new ethics will hold life to be a privilege and a responsibility, not a sort of night
            For a multitude of contemptible and silly creatures, fear-driven and helpless and useless, unhappy or hateful happy in the midst of squalid dishonour, feeble, ugly, inefficient, born of unrestrained lusts, and increasing and multiplying through sheer incontinence and stupidity, the men of the New Republic will have little pity and less benevolence.”

            If “the whole tenor of a man’s actions” shows him to be unfit to live, the New Republicans will exterminate him. They will not be squeamish about inflicting death because they will have a fuller sense of the possibilities of life.

            “They will have an ideal that will make killing worth the while.” The killing, Wells explains, will not be needlessly brutal. “All such killing will be done with an opiate.”

            today gates and the nwo/who/ccp/.0001% have their depopulation agenda. they want to use a vaccine to depopulate.

            Whether this will be administered forcibly or whether the victim will be persuaded to swallow it, he does not reveal. Selected criminals will be destroyed by the same means. The death penalty will also be used to prevent the transmission of genetic disorders. People suffering from genetically transmissible diseases will be forbidden to propagate, and will be killed if they do.

            As for the “swarms of black, and brown, and dirty-white, and yellow people”, who do not meet the new needs of efficiency, will, he insists “have to go”. It is “their portion to die out and disappear”.

            nazi eugenics

            we don’t associate Eugenics with David Rockefeller, like we do with Hitler, but it was actually the Rockefeller Foundation that first did the research,
            their groundbreaking 1930 work on Eugenics, an idea that became so popular in Europe Hitler monetized it domestically to justify global domination.

            Beginning in 1930 the Rockefeller Foundation provided financial support to the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Anthropology, Human Heredity, and Eugenics, which later inspired and conducted eugenics experiments in the Third Reich.

            the modern monetary system is based on keynesian beliefs.

            Keynes is heralded as the guiding light of the New Deal (and, as such defended by modern “Green New Dealers” and Great Reset technocrats wishing to impose a top-down system of governance onto the world),

            This will be seen clearly in 1) his devotion to the theories of Thomas Malthus, 2) his promotion of eugenics as a science of racial purification and population control, and 3) his general devotion to World Government as a leading member of the Fabian Society.

            depopulation: The provable reality was that Indian famines were coordinated tools of population control by the Malthusian elite of the British establishment who considered “war, famine and disease” as the gifts nature gave the strong to manage the weak.
            read again: disease” as the gifts nature gave the strong to manage the weak. now the great reset wants to use poisonous injections for depopulation.

            Hitler himself was not only a devout eugenicist (whose racial purification policies emerged through the funding of the Rockefeller, Carnegie Foundations as well as British establishment), but was also a devout Malthusian saying:

            “The day will certainly come when the whole of mankind will be forced to check the augmentation of the human species, because there will be no further possibility of adjusting the productivity of the soil to the perpetual increase in the population.”
            now gates is saying the same thing, depopulation is good.

            After the war, eugenics-promoting organizations and think tanks changed their names while continuing their work, morphing into new forms by the 1960s such as the environmental movement, transhumanist movement, including the pharmaceutical/healthcare sector. now we have the wef pushing this with the great reset.

  14. I’ve become very hardened against most auto manufacturers anymore. In particular the ones that have been vocal “leaders” (aka virtue signalers) about all this stupid shit. They deserve nothing less than to be mauled by the monster (government) that they largely created. German ones in particularly have earned my full condemnation. By the same token that they could have used their capital weight/might to shape it differently, this is what they chose instead.

    They didn’t just do this to themselves, they did this to all of us. And, as you often point out, it isn’t just a question of which car we drive. It’s now come down to, how do we eat or power our homes?

    All those billions that they made and spent. Some of it could have been used to push back. Instead they helped and encouraged this insanity. The inevitable disaster that will result is going to be biblical.

    • Couldn’t have said it better, EM. The 30 billion that VW paid in fines could have bought a lot of lawyers to fight the government, and a lot of publicity to educate the public about the truth of the matter. What an opportunity to push back and roll back some of this nonsense and maybe wake up a few people. Really makes you wonder what the hell goes on in corporate C suites when supposedly intelligent people just give up and say yeah, just give them the 30 billion and stop selling the product. I don’t get it, but then again, I never have and never will.

      • If VW had just said no, piss off, we aren’t complying, not paying any fine….would they have been banned from the U.S. market?

        That would mean no, VW, Audi, Porsche, Lamborghini, Bently, Bugatti in the U.S. market and no service, parts or dealers…..

        how do think the Porsche club of america would like that?

    • Jordan Peterson a conservative/libertarian fighting the leftist/communist/nazis….very intelligent speaker….very few around today….

      he says he can do more good outside of being in office…in office he would be silenced, controlled,

      the leftists hate him, are scared of him…he was forced out of his jobs as a professor, he has way too much influence, no leftist can debate him, he takes them apart in 5 minutes..far to intelligent…..

      Jordan Peterson Brilliantly Destroys Marxism


  15. They didn’t cheat at all. They followed the law precisely. The government test was deeply flawed, and those taking the test were aware of that flaw and took advantage of it. In aspects of other government “law” this is called a loophole, not a crime. The state lied. Again. Shocking!!
    Might just as well have said “if you don’t stop making diesel cars we’re going to shoot you”, for no apparent reason.

    • John, you are right. They operated within the bounds of a flawed test without understanding there was only one acceptable answer to that test.

      Apparently, government is why we can’t have nice things.

        • I’ve heard it said that you could more readily afford a home and/or a decent health care plan if it weren’t for the “Gubmint” trying to “help” with those. Soon to be added: You’ll go hungry because the Government’s trying to feed you! How does it feel to be a “Kulak”?

    • It’s also the inherent problem of rule by bureaucratic fiat, even with the best of intentions…and I’m not saying the idiots at the EPA have them. They work from the perspective of ENFORCING regulations and INTERPRETATIONS of same, rather than relying on the rule of law. And never mind that what “law” the Clowngress may presume to enact, does the HIGHEST law in the land (or at least, it’s supposed to be, for all practical purposes, it’s been rendered a scrap of paper behind bulletproof glass in a controlled environment) give Congress the AUTHORITY? Usually, it does NOT. Most forgotten have been the Ninth and Tenth Amendments, which mention that enumerating specific rights doesn’t “disparage” other God-given rights, and all other powers and rights not SPECIFICALLY granted to the Federal Government are RESERVED for the several states; or the People.


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