There are a couple of things to be worried about with regard to electric vehicles – assuming you like electric vehicles – that have nothing to do with how far they can go or how long it takes before you can get going again.
The first thing is the disparity between electrical generating capacity – which is analogous to crude oil supplies, if we were talking about fueling cars with engines – and the amount of electricity that would be required to power a fleet of electric vehicles. As of right now, total U.S. grid generating capacity is about 1.2 million megawatts, with another 412,000 in the pipeline (so to speak). That would bring the total available capacity up to . . . not even close to what a fleet of electric vehicles – including commercial vehicles – would require.
That being something in the neighborhood of 23 million megawatts.
The disparity is worse than that, too – if you factor out the electricity currently generated by the burning of hydrocarbon fuels such as natural gas (which accounts of about 42 percent of all electricity generated in the United States) and coal (another 18.5 percent). The two latter together constitute more than half of all current generating capacity.
If we are to be “green,” that half must be taken out of the equation – for the same reason vehicles with engines are being taken out of the equation. Both “emit” carbon dioxide, the allegedly “climate changing” gas that replacing vehicles with engines with electric vehicles is supposed to tamp down. But it does not tamp down the “emissions” of carbon dioxide to change the source of their “emissions” from millions of tailpipes to a handful of much larger ones – those hydrocarbon “emitting” natural gas and coal-fired utility plants.
Thus – if it’s not just for show (and for something else) – at least half of the current grid’s 1.2 million megawatts of generating capacity must be replaced with “green” electricity generation, such as solar. If it isn’t replaced, that means there’s less than half of current electrical generating capacity available to “greenly” power a fleet of electric vehicles that will need many times 1.2 megawatts of power in order to be other than Occasional Use Vehicles (OUVs).
As by rationing power.
Solar accounts for a mere 5 percent of the 1.2 million megawatts of grid power currently available. Where will 95 percent more come from – to convert the current grid entirely over to “green” energy? Where will much more than that come from – to provide the 23 million megawatts of power a national fleet of electric vehicles would need?
How is this “transition” supposed to happen?
The answer to that question is – it’s not supposed to happen.
It’s not going to happen.
The only realistic way it could would be if many new nuclear (and hydro) power plants were built. They could provide a great deal of “green” energy, at least insofar as carbon dioxide “emissions” are concerned, as nuclear and hydro power plants are “zero emissions,” in that respect.
None are being built.
Solar arrays and wind turbine farms are being built, but nowhere near the total needed. Neither will be able to provide even the current grid’s 1.2 million megawatts of electricity for years – decades – to come.
And that doesn’t begin to consider the additional megawatts that would be required by plugging in hundred of millions of electric vehicles – or even half that many. A third as many, for that matter.
There are currently about 275 million registered vehicles in the United States. Of these, only about 2 percent are electric. The governments of several states – including California – have decreed that only electric cars will be legal for sale within just a few years from now (2030-2035).
Consider the implications.
On the one hand, electric vehicles are being made the only vehicles people will be able to buy in the not-too-distant future. And on the other hand, no serious provision is being made to provide the electricity they will need . . . if they are to be used other than occasionally.
It is as if the government knows there’s not enough grid capacity to power so many electric vehicles.
What a brilliant way to reduce the number of vehicles!
Or at least, their use.
Without enough electrical power available to charge up tens of millions (let alone hundreds of millions) of electric vehicles and provide for the electrical needs of everything else, electricity will inevitably have to be rationed. The math is not obscure. The powers-that-be are aware of the gap between even existing capacity and the many-fold increased draw on that capacity “electrification” would impose. Just as the power-that-be knew that wearing a disposable dust mask over your face would do nothing to prevent the getting or spreading of a respiratory virus they also knew posed little to no serious threat except to the very elderly and frail and the already sick.
The doing-of-nothing to increase the only “green” electrical generating sources that could at least possibly/realistically provide the needed electricity without rationing – i.e., nuclear and hydro power generation – speaks abundantly of their actual intentions.
And in the unlikely event that a way is found to power electrical vehicles regularly rather than occasionally, the powers-that-be will then “discover” that EVs – themselves – aren’t very “green,” either. Their “net carbon footprint” will be – suddenly – found much bigger than thought.
It will become necessary to regulate these newfound “emissions” downward.
Just as it became necessary to change the definition of “emission” from compounds that cause or contribute to air pollution to carbon dioxide, an “emission” that has nothing to do with pollution – and which can only be reduced by reducing combustion.
That’s how they got rid of vehicles with engines – or are in the process of doing. They will next get rid of driving – except occasionally – by requiring vehicles that need electricity for which there isn’t adequate capacity.
In the event that doesn’t work, EVs will be found not-as-green-as-advertised.
And gotten rid of on that basis.
. . .
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CBDC coming soon…..
Nigeria Limits ATM Withdrawals To $45 Per Day To Force Govt-Controlled Digital Payments
A staggering number of Nigerians love Bitcoin, but hate government cryptocurrency (CBDCs).
In April, leading cryptocurrency exchange KuCoin noted that 35% of the adult population in Nigeria – roughly 34 million adults aged 18-60, own bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies. But when it came to the country’s Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), the eNaira, it was a massive failure.
According to Bloomberg, only 1 in 200 Nigerians use the eNaira – despite government implemented discounts and other incentives, implemented as desperate measures to increase adoption.
Now, the government is looking to boost digital payments by limiting ATM withdrawals to just 20,000 naira, or roughly US$45 per day, Bloomberg reports, citing a circular sent to lenders on Tuesday. The previous withdrawal limit was 150,000 naira (US$350).
Weekly cash withdrawals from banks are now limited (without fee) to 100,000 naira (US$225) for individuals, and 500,000 naira (US$1,125) for corporations. Any amount above this will incur a fee of 5% and 10% respectively.
The action is the latest in a string of central bank orders aimed at limiting the use of cash and expand digital currencies to help improve access to banking. In Nigeria’s largely informal economy, cash outside banks represents 85% of currency in circulation and almost 40 million adults are without a bank account.
The central bank last month announced plans to issue redesigned high value notes from mid-December to mop up excess cash and it’s given residents until the end of January to turn in their old notes. The bank also plans to mint more of the eNaira digital currency, which was launched last year but has faced slow adoption. -Bloomberg
What’s more, new rules which will take effect Jan. 9 will ban the cashing of checks above 50,000 naira (US$112) over-the-counter, and 10 million naira (US$22,480) through the banking systems. Point-of-sale cash withdrawals have been capped at 20,000 naira ($45).
WINTER battery performance on my Ford Lightning EV Pickup is another DISASTER.
SOLD my Ford Lightning EV because WINTER battery performance was a DISASTER (Range almost HALVED)
when these EV pushers quote EV range, they don’t bother to tell you, that you will use maybe 50 miles of range to go 25 miles….these people are skilled liars….lol
my friend was driving an EV he said it didn’t defog in the rain properly, very low heater defrost output….Ev’s you can’t even see out of the window….lol
Peru EXPLODES in protest over trucker and farmer regulations
the wef controlled leftist/communist government is trying to get all trucks older then 1999 off the road
Peru is in upheaval over rising gas prices, inflation and cost of living. The government is placing mandates on farmers and truckers at a time when life is already hard for them. Why are globalsts doing this to working people?
1.2 million megawatts of generating capacity is 10,512 terawatts of total power generation possible in one year.
24x365x1200000=10 512 000 000 000 000 watts of possible generation of electricity. Works out to 28.8 terawatts of generating capacity in a 24 hour period.
3930 terawatts is what there is available in a year, falls short of the total possible generating capacity by 6500 terawatts. Line loss, more efficient use, the 250 terawatts to charge 100,000,000 EV’s could be easily generated/retained in a year. Just go to 4300 terawatts, piece of cake.
Park a nuclear powered submarine and hook it up to the grid.
It all looks good on paper, the model is perfect.
A battery failure, thermal runaway, at 0.1 percent is going to be 100,000 EV’s experiencing some kind of electrical problem, a probability, maybe not in the real world, but you can expect some failure of electric vehicles. The battery will deplete just sitting there, something that can go wrong is going to go wrong.
They’ll be expensive to fix, but you won’t own one, so it won’t really matter at all.
At the end of the day, there will be a lot of wasted electricity.
Maintenance and downtime decreases power production, a known known. You won’t be enjoying the 10,512 terawatts potentially generated in a year in the US, ain’t gonna happen in the real world.
Look at it as 11 terawatts of power consumed each day in America. More efficient use of electricity, maybe the 4300 terawatt hours can be there in a few years. Don’t stand on one leg and hold your breath.
The lights are on.
I wouldn’t bet on an EV having a charge at all times, the rationing will begin at the outlet to plug it in to charge the battery. When you can, you’ll pay through the nose.
You can drive your EV when we say you can, too bad, sucker.
Don’t buy into the scam and hype, because that is what it is.
Smart meters are for rationing electricity.
Rationing electricity is just one of many purposes for smart meters. They can also be used for JACKING up rates for electricity used during “Peak periods” or used to SPY on people and see what they’re using electricity on. Earlier models of smart meters have also caught fire and destroyed homes, and yet, many governments and utility companies have FORCED utility customers to have one installed at their homes. Smart meters were even installed in my neck of the woods of Oregon a few years ago thanks the state’s Public Utility Commission, and they’re some of the ugliest things I’ve ever seen.
I even read about an electric company in Virginia that was shutting off power to customers who refused to have a smart meter installed at their homes. If these Gang Green types get their wet dream of “GREEN ENERGY”, will they try to FORCE ALL utility customers to get a smart meter on their homes? Given that many of them also tried to FORCE people to wear ineffective face diapers and take ineffective “vaccines”, and now want to FORCE people out of gas powered vehicles, I wouldn’t put it past them to try to MANDATE smart meters.
This neck of the woods has been really late to the party where installing the smart metres are concerned, John. Thus, by the time the electric company got around to installing them, I had already been well-read up on on the subject. Yep, as I suspected, my electric rates immediately increased, because I knew good and well they were not accurate. Which pisses me off to no end. When I tried to politely explain this to the office lady one day-when paying my bill-she was absolutely clueless. She just gushed about how great it was to be able to monitor me in live time. I mean WTF?? I have older, pre-smart-chip appliances, so for now, they cannot up and shut them off, but I rue the day when I have to replace them. But yeah, I read of stories all the time, especially in California, of them shutting off appliances and such when people are deemed to be “using too much”. What gets me, is people put up with this sh**. So I have to wonder who is the real sucker in all of this?
Sounds like your neck of the woods just up and rolled over to the installation of smart meters. In my neck of the woods, there was LITTLE notice of their coming arrival other than the post card sized note people got in the mail saying they were coming. The notice practically bragged how convenient they’d be and how you could check your electrical consumption in real time online.
At the time, I was living in an apartment that had an older digital meter instead of an analog, but I opted out of getting a SMART METER, as there was an option to opt out, but it came with a punitive monthly fee of $36 to send a meter reader out to read an old analog meter PLUS a one time of $100+ for the future installation of a smart meter, which is likely why so few people opted out of getting one. Had they KNOWN what the SMs COULD one day be used for, they might have said “No way!” Thankfully though, public pushback led to the elimination of the “one time future smart meter installation fee” and a reduction of the monthly meter reading fee to $10.
The coming socialist dystopia is being driven by one main thing, that CO2 is a dangerous warming gas, when in fact, it does not drive temperature at all. There is no evidence that CO2 levels were controlling temps on earth, temp and CO2 concentration are not correlated, and every climate scientist knows this, but they are not heard from, what is on TV are actors, paid whores of those who have an agenda.
Very few people know that NASA actually put up a satellite to measure CO2 effect directly, and it measured that increased CO2 in the upper atmosphere COOLS the planet. I bet you never heard of that data – and the MSM will not cover the story because it goes against the official narrative. The media has owners, and these owners have an agenda, and you are not wanted on this planet, because they want the planet for themselves.
“The shock revelation starkly contradicts the core proposition of the so-called greenhouse gas theory which claims that more CO2 means more warming for our planet. However, this compelling new NASA data disproves that notion and is a huge embarrassment for NASA’s chief climatologist, Dr James Hansen and his team over at NASA’s GISS.”
(the reason CO2 cools is because CO2 captures the parallel inbound solar radiation then immediately releases it in all directions, thus the net radiation reaching earth is diminished)
So how do you get rid of 7.5 billion useless eaters? You must tell a big lie, you must convince the useless eaters that they are a problem, and to save the planet they must have reduced living style. But the end goal is to eliminate the useless eaters altogether, and that will done by gradualism, herding them into every tighter circles until the only escape is through the doors of the FEMA camp which has a back door to the Soylent Green factory.
The big lie being told is that earth is in an imminent crisis from carbon emissions. So to save the planet they must shut everything down. It is an emergency, you see, and they did this with the corona hoax also, stampeded the herd to get the kill shot, which also makes people sterile – which is the goal because sterile people can not reproduce, and neither can gays, trannies, abortions, or fallen soldiers on the battlefield. The goal is one thing, human population reduction from 8 billion to 500 million, and a few thousand extremely wealthy overlords.
If you understand the goal, then it makes perfect sense that abortion is a right, trannies are the new in thing, gays can get married, and millions of soldiers must die in world wars. The goal of the owners is to cull the slaves – and with robots coming online, who needs worker slaves? And it also makes perfect sense they put the older retired people on the ventilator which killed them – why in the hell would the owners want to pay you retirement? They don’t, a retired slave on a pension or social security is costing them dearly, it is bleeding their bottom line.
Just think of the advantages of a bipedal robot. First you don’t have to pay it a nickel, no withholding taxes, no medical insurance, no union, no overtime, no complaining, no feigned on the job injuries, no retirement plan, no workman’s comp, no maternity leave, no Christmas gifts, etc. etc. Who the hell needs sickly meatbags when you have Bender? Who needs a human soldier who can disobey an order, or gets traumatized by killing innocent people?
Just think of the robot from the green leftist point of view, robots don’t need to own vehicles, a robot does not have a ego personality and need to drive fast. From a technocratic point of view, the robot doesn’t live in vanity, need dating apps, or toothpaste, lipstick, and the other million thing we all buy at the drug store.
And you don’t have to train a robot or send it to seminars. Once the first robot is programmed, they all are, and one robot can be trained in multiple tasks, works 24-7, flips the burgers, cleans the restaraunt, then acts a nightly security patrol. A robot never gets the order wrong, never makes a mistake on the production line. From the owner’s standpoint a robot will be a superior worker and asset. The meatbag is a problem, because all the unemployed meatbags can rise up and threaten the wealth of the owners.
Thus the only solution is to rid the planet of us as fast as possible. But they can not tell us directly their plans, because we might revolt, so they are doing is by deceit, employing whores who read false narratives so that we are convinced that we are the problem. BTW, this scam was used with great success earlier in history, the priest taught the rabble that they were sinners going to hell, unless the gave their money to the priest they surely would be going to the eternal fires of hell. Now we must be saved from the eternal rising heat of CO2. The parasite must always get your attention and then convince you that you can exist without it.
The whole point of this narrative is to demonize people…the elite control group call them useless eaters, they are the target for elimination.
Your body has what they call an immune system which has exosomes which produce viruses as a cleaning agent….viruses they have really worked for 100 years, at demonizing them….because…you produce them, so therefore you are evil and you must be eliminated…you are the target….using this narrative they can justify eliminating you….
you must be eliminated…..the narrative is you have this evil inside you…inject our holy water, the kill shot, this will save you, make you clean again…a trick of a demon….
the masks? a form of torture because you are evil….getting locked down for 2 years and losing your job….same thing….because you are evil
Does the 23 million megawatt figure cover for charging millions of EVs all at once? The reason I ask is that they all wouldn’t be charging at once. Why? The US has what, five different time zones? Does that figure arise from having to charge EVs from 0% or other, low state of charge (SOC)? Also, if one is charging every night at home, then there won’t be much juice needed to just top off the battery.
I was thinking of what I read when I was researching what size generator to get. Honda’s website talks about power management. Do you need to power the whole house? Do you need to power everything at once? If so, then you’ll need a huge generator that uses a lot of fuel. If not, then you can use a smaller, more efficient generator. For example, you can recharge your refrigerator, then run heat, then lights, and so on. This enables the use of a smaller, more efficient generator that sips fuel. No, you can’t run everything all at once, but you can run things as you need them. On a macro scale, because not all EVs will charge at once, then perhaps 23 million megawatts aren’t needed. More will be needed, but maybe not that much.
The other concern, of course, is whether or not there’s enough lithium, manganese, cobalt, and so on to make the batteries required. Not only that, there’s the environmental concerns, as these materials need to be mined from the ground; that entails digging MASSIVE holes in the ground that almost make strip mining look good! There was a recent meme showing a huge lithium mine on one side, with an oil pump jack on the other; the pump jack was in the middle of a farmer’s field or pasture, and cows could be seen. It had caption asking which was really better for the environment.
I think that EVs would be better in cities; their characteristics are perfect for city traffic. EVs won’t work in the rural areas where everything is spread out though. One of my shipmates in the Navy was from Montana. He said his CLOSEST neighbor was 10 miles away…
In Norway 62% of new cars sold now are EV’s
One reason for that is a $23,000 government rebate for EV buyers
The EV is a 3rd or 4th car, these EV buyers have one or more ice vehicles which they use for 80% of their driving….the EV’s are driven very little….what a joke….
so the EV’s they are jamming down your throat, are completly useless…a bottomless pit to throw money into….and…are very dangerous… with their lithium fire bomb batteries….
the EV is just for virtue signalling…and for getting the $23,000 government (tax dollars) check….lol
Norway’s consumption of gas is flat for the last 20 years….the purchase of these EV’s did not reduce gas consumption, because most of the driving there is done in ice powered vehicles……so the EV’s didn’t reduce hydro carbon use….lol….
leftist/communists tell us that we are in the midst of a transition from fossil fuels to wind and solar energy.
The reality is that no such transition is taking place, nor will it.
This video by Professor Simon Michaux, explains one of several reasons why it is not happening: the mineral requirements of a wind- and solar-based energy system can’t possibly be met.
The quantity of metal required to make just one generation of renewable tech units to replace fossil fuels, is much larger than first thought.
Current mining production of these metals is not even close to meeting demand. Current reported mineral reserves are also not enough in size. Most concerning is copper as one of the flagged shortfalls.
Before the video, here are a few screenshots from it. This one shows the principal metals needed for a wind and solar energy system, and compares those requirements with actual production of those commodities as of 2019, the last “normal” pre-covid year.
the amount needed for just the first 20 years of wind and solar installations.
189 years worth of copper production,
400 years of nickel production,
9,921 years of lithium production,
1,733 years of cobalt production,
29,113 years of germanium production,
Note, for example, that known lithium reserves amount to less than 3% of what would be needed to replace fossil fuels with wind, solar and batteries, for the first 20 years.
Known cobalt reserves amount to less than 4% of what would be needed for the first generation, and so on.
Keep in mind, too, that mining projects typically take something like 20 years to come on line. Longer, if the environmentalists get their way.
the “green” energy vision would require between 6 and 7 times all the copper that has ever been mined through thousands of years of human history, for the first 20 years. That doesn’t count the current, growing demand for copper:
The bottom line is that no transition from fossil fuels to “green” energy sources is under way, nor will it occur, ever.
The green dream is not just a folly but a fraud.
Those who perpetrate it, like Al Gore, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Greta Thunberg, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and many others, are fraudsters who make Bernie Madoff look like Mother Teresa.
Coming soon to America?
Excellent, Eric. Logic, science, and mathematics, not primitive superstitious Gaia-worship. Problem is, all the people who are supposedly “educated” in these subjects are almost 100% on board with the cult, including the engineering staffs at the major auto manufacturers. I don’t understand how they go along with it.
Even worse, the cult is now seizing 3,000 private farms and shutting them down in the Netherlands, and the cops are getting heavy-handed with the farmers, who are naturally upset.
This cannot end well..
Thanks, X!
I sometimes feel like the skipper of the Scharnhorst. I admire the man’s pluck and will do my best to emulate his example!
Power Grid Could Fail 7 reasons
Pushing EV’s that use huge amounts of electricity dooms the power grid. Connecting more EV’s to the grid will crash the grid, there will be nowhere to charge your EV.
If all vehicles are EV’s the grid capacity has to be expanded 500%, that is unlikely to happen, just doing neglected, deferred maintenance on the existing grid is estimated at $5 trillion, to expand it 500% would cost $25 trillion?….
More capacity isn’t being added to the grid, the opposite is happening, reliable hydrocarbon and nuclear power plants are being shut down, they want to convert to 100% wind turbine and solar panel energy production, which is unreliable, far more expensive, dangerous, fire prone, intermittent, a sometimes power supply. Are they anticipating a much smaller populatiion?
How Critical is the Grid?
According to a report from the congressionally funded EMP Commission,
power grid failure for one year would result in the death of nine out of every 10 Americans.
The first to die would be people dependent on medical assistance with the majority dying from starvation.
Systems and services surrounding us are dependent on electricity and without power there are no grocery stores or pharmacies, no gas stations or hardware stores, no local doctors or dentists, no traffic lights, banks, basic communication, water, and everything else we assume will always be available.
The North American power grid is old.
The original design was engineered to only last 50 years with the assumption that future generations would upgrade and improve the system. That has rarely happened unless a system or station has a significant failure, and even then the fix falls in the category of repairs, not replacement.
As a result, there are parts of the North American grid that are about 100 years old. In a study done by the American Society of Engineers the power grid was graded D+ for reliability. It’s troubling to think that a system so critical to our survival is in the range of a failing grade.
NOTE: a system so critical to our survival ….and they are crashing it with EV’s recharging….is that the point?….or are they low IQ?
ATTENTION: Worse, some estimates put a critical repair to the North American grid at $5 trillion dollars!
The power grid that exists today was first built after World War II from designs dating back to Thomas Edison, using technology that primarily dates back to the ’60s and ’70s. Its 7,000 power plants are connected by transmission power lines with a combined total of more than 5 million miles, connecting to millions of miles of distribution lines to final users….all managed by 3,300 utilities serving 150 million customers.
Every day our power grid is tested by foreign hackers attempting to infiltrate and find ways of taking control and cutting off power. The cutting edge of cyber-warfare continues to be China. Unfortunately, our defenses against cyberattacks continue to be weak.
NOTE: It is believed in fact at the highest levels of our intelligence community that China could shut down our power grid at any time.
80% of all important components and batteries in EV’s come from china, they benefit the most from the EV push, …..load us up with EV’s then turn off the power?
Infrastructure Failure
It doesn’t take the drama of an attack or catastrophe to take down the grid. The age of the North American grid combined with the intermittent and often random repairs further compromise and complicate an antiquated system that could simply collapse in on itself.
All it takes is a massive failure at one utility to cause power sharing from other utilities to attempt to supply additional power. As the demands become greater a cascade or domino effect first predicted during the Y2K scare could cause the entire grid to crash, largely due to its continuously failing infrastructure.
Preparing for Total Grid Failure
Welcome to the 19th century. That will essentially be the lifestyle for everyone following a long-duration, national grid failure. Homesteading will be the new normal, and self-reliance the only solution in a society with few manufactured resources, no easily accessible drinking water, few food sources, rare medical care, and few options for communication.
You can’t live 3 days without water. Without the grid, water will become scarce, especially if you depend on a well pump. Even municipal water towers will soon run dry as the pumps that refill them sit idle without power.
We mentioned it once. 90% of the U.S. population is projected to die during the first year of a national grid failure mostly due to starvation
deferred maintenance on the existing grid is estimated at $5 trillion, to expand it 500% would cost $25 trillion?….
How Critical is the Grid?
According to a report from the congressionally funded EMP Commission,
power grid failure for one year would result in the death of nine out of every 10 Americans….this far more efficient for depopulation then killshots that high IQ people avoid
The first to die would be people dependent on medical assistance with the majority dying from starvation.
Systems and services surrounding us are dependent on electricity and without power there are no grocery stores or pharmacies, no gas stations or hardware stores, no local doctors or dentists, no traffic lights, banks, basic communication, water, and everything else we assume will always be available.
meanwhile… while everything is collapsing….the elite nobility and their billionaire friends will be 1/2 a mile underground in their bunkers in new zealand….lol
There won’t be any energy supply to charge your EV and if there is it will cost a fortune, you won’t be driving.
The wef/globalist/communist morons are destroying reliable cheap energy production because their fake science gaia religious cult, says there is global warming, but there is none, they are insane.
Unreliable Wind & Solar Primary Reason For Rocketing Power Prices because….
ATTENTION: useless solar and wind turbines have to backed up with hydrocarbon power stations running continuously because they are unreliable, now have two systems running, that is wasteful and insane.
The cost of additional transmission lines running 1000’s of miles from nowhere;
the staggering cost of running highly-inefficient Open Cycle Gas Turbines (or diesel fuelled ship engines) to cope with total collapses in wind and solar output for backup; and running traditional coal-fired power plants inefficiently for backup– all add up and power consumers get whacked for every last cent of it.
Plus they are shutting down reliable gas, coal, nuc, energy production so you will freeze to death.
As to coal-fired power plants, the subsidies to wind and solar mean they can’t dispatch power to the grid according to consumer demand (the subsidies allow wind and solar operators to underbid them) but they are still required (by government directions) to remain online and burning fuel, ready to dump power back into the grid whenever the sun sets and/or calm weather sets in – what’s called ‘spinning’ reserve.
The mandates, targets and massive subsidies to wind and solar were designed to wreck the business model of reliable generators, which they have duly done. Now, it’s households and businesses that are left to suffer the consequences.
Europe’s renewable energy push has made power prices increasingly high with the nations retiring too much baseload generation, mainly coal, and pushing too hard on boosting renewable energy.
“We hear a lot about heat deaths and that’s a real problem, what we don’t hear is many more people all across the world die from cold” Mr Lomborg told Sky News host Chris Kenny.
NOTE: About nine times more people die from cold than from heat.
The green EV pushing nutcases are evil, they want people to freeze to death.
“Now if the prices goes through the roof it’s very likely people won’t be able to heat their homes as well and that will mean many more people dying from cold”.
Five out of every six homes in Britain use natural gas for heating and 40% of the electricity is generated using gas. Although almost none of that comes from Russia, the spiking global market for gas is still driving up UK utility bills from $2,000 a year for the average home to as high as nearly $8,000 by next spring. .
Stephen Jarvis: If those bill increases go through for this coming winter, more than half of the entire country will be classed as being in energy fuel poverty.
In the UK, fuel poverty is where more than 10% of household income goes to energy.
Climate Change Panic Costs Us Trillions, Hurts the Poor, and Fails to Fix the Planet.
The wef/globalist/communist/satanist morons just destroyed the economy and wasted a trillion dollars over their bat germ bs over the last 2 1/2 years, now they are going to cause worse destruction and waste more trillions of dollars over their fake science gaia religious cult, global warming bs nightmare, but there is none, they are insane.
the globalist/communist/satanists love computers, it helps them push their agenda/narrative…their computer modelling is pure fraud, fiction, garbage……..
Generation is just ONE of the problems with electric everything. Even if you could generate enough, you still can’t get it to everyone with today’s grid.
There just isn’t enough wires out there, and many of them are pretty old. Power companies aren’t known for their superior maintenance either……. We had a pretty serious outage recently due to dry rot in telephone poles that just fell apart after not being maintained.
We’re almost there! Before Idiocracy was Americathon! Lame script and direction but check out the transportation system:
Comedy or documentary? Humm.
But if you read the guys at Motortrend, Eric, you’re spouting LIES about EVs!
When the whole crux of your argument is based on the idea that CO2, a harmless gas that plants need and we exhale every second, is a POLLUTANT, your base premise is a lie. My response is guy, when you kill off what makes cars fun, why will people need to read car magazines? It’s amazing how the EV Borg Collective have assimilated all of the “buff books” that I used to read when I was a kid.
I can remember reading about the Porsche 959 and seeing the R32 300ZX for the first time. I remember reading Brock Yates and the other great writers at C&D. I loved how they were rebellious against overly-onerous traffic laws and preached a gospel of fast, safe driving and how the car was your ticket to fun.
Now the writers at these once-great publications just shill for the very thing that will put them out of business. I’d get pilloried in the comment sections for railing about they will need to change the name of C&D to Golf Cart and Rider.
Wow, the MT article is amazing. They actually believe the propaganda hook line and sinker……..
‘Zero Emissions’ From Electric Vehicles? Here’s Why That Claim Has Zero Basis
New ice cars are .00001% emissions the biggest pollutant now is tire particles…
Tire wear is a major pollutant from EVs… they wear out about 50% faster than in super clean .0001% emission ice cars. Add to that the rubberized asphalt formulations now commonly used… that is a lot of allergenic/asthma attack causing rubber particles in the air to breath in….. rubber dust.. causes lots of infections. All of the reactive double bond chemicals in rubber are the issue…
EV’s weigh more, so wear out the roads faster then ice vehicles…..
95.1% of all electrical energy comes from so called dirty non green sources
(green source solar and wind supply 4.9%)….
The 4.9% green isn’t green…….lol
solar panels, lithium batteries and wind turbines are all catching fire, they are also very dangerous…
morons claim that electric vehicles are a “zero emissions” solution that can significantly mitigate the effects of climate change.
there is no such thing as a zero-emissions vehicle….EV’s are coal burning remote external combustion engines…
EV’s aren’t powered by batteries, it is only for storage, the energy is produced by burning coal or natural gas and boiling water …………same as an ice car, the gas tank is just for storage, the energy is created burning fuel in the engine…….
Adding up the environmental costs and benefits of electric cars requires complex computer modeling to calculate an EV’s lifetime carbon footprint, which depends on a host of assumptions and inputs.
crooked, defective, rigged, fraudulent computer modeling is used to get results showing EV’s are not dirty polluters, EV’s are worse polluters, then the modern super clean, .00001% emission ice cars…
In layman’s terms, I could produce a computer model saying that 30 years from now space aliens will invade. Scientifically, my model is as scientific as the Nobel Prize winners Climate model. Both are untestable and not falsifiable. Because of that, neither are science.
The cradle-to-grave analysis must factor in industrial processing, refining, manufacturing, recycling, and electricity generation. The upshot: More greenhouse gases are emitted in the manufacture of EVs than by the drilling, refining, smelting, and assembly for gas-powered cars,
this green push bs will bankrupt the country….
research concludes that under some scenarios, achieving a 50% market share for EVs in 2035 would require paying subsidies in excess of $30,000 per electric car, totaling in the trillions of dollars, and that achieving more modest penetration targets could cost public treasuries in the hundreds of billions of dollars….
hahaha….they will just raise your taxes another 50% to pay for it……
dirty lithium fire bomb batteries….
The electric car’s biggest disadvantage on greenhouse gas emissions is the production of an EV battery, which requires energy-intensive mining and processing, and generates twice as much carbon emissions as the manufacture of an internal combustion engine. This means that the EV starts off with a bigger carbon footprint than a gasoline-powered car when it rolls off the assembly line
“Electric cars and renewable energy may not be as green as they appear,” a 2021 New York Times article noted. “Production of raw materials like lithium, cobalt and nickel that are essential to these technologies are often ruinous to land, water, wildlife and people.”
80% of lithium batteries, key components and EV parts come from china, in factories powered by 80% energy made from burning coal…… these politicians and EV pushers are making your country dependent on china, how stupid is that?…they must be bribed by china….lol….
lying…………the CO2 benefits of Teslas are overestimated by 600% in California. (more crooked computer modeling), That overestimate would be considerably higher in parts of the country where the EVs are charged with less clean electricity derived from a higher mix of fossil fuels.
The U.S. Department of Energy concludes that hybrids are actually cleaner than EVs in six states,
crooked analysis by cherry picking cars for a comparison…
One of the least understood factors that determine an EV’s greenhouse gas benefits is the alternative vehicle to which the EV is compared. Some researchers have noted that this “reference vehicle” is often a hypothetical car that gives the EV an illusory advantage.
Considering CO2 is only 0.038% of the atmosphere, with a molecular weight of 44 when regular air is 29, it falls to the ground so plants can gobble it up. It’s called the carbon cycle; we need it to survive and feed humanity.
This is a Fabian Socialist cult agenda to cull the masses into indentured servitude.
A 2016 VW Golf diesel is cleaner, more economical then any EV….lol
Charles Hugh Smith said in a recent article they would have to build 50 new nuclear power plants by 2035 to meet demand for this new electric utopia. But we know that will never happen, they will be lucky to build one or two, and they take a long time to plan, approve, and build and let us not forget the radical Left hates those things.
So I agree with Eric’s premise that something else is afoot. What are they really planning on doing? Well for one they are killing us off with the death jab. The CDC just admitted that 1 million died suddenly. So the CDC just admitted to intentional genocide. Another is regulating us to the bus and train and bicycles in smart cities of total surveillance. Anyone still living in the countryside, well they must be eco-terrorists ya know.
Daily Mail Headline yesterday: Switzerland plans to BAN electric cars from the roads and order games consoles turned off during power shortages in a bid to reduce energy consumption
That headline is a shot across the bow for all the dumb lefties who bought the rhetoric and false narratives. “What da ya mean, unicorns, rainbows, and electric cars in every garage is not feasible?”
A welcome and detailed assessment of what most of us knew intuitively… Solar and wind will not, in the foreseeable future, provide reliable and abundant energy.
Those who ignore fossil fuels will live to regret it bitterly… and will freeze in the dark in just a few weeks.
Solar energy is most abundantly available in the May-June-July period, making it a poor candidate for fixing the problem of the need for winter heat.
In some ways, the lack of availability of fuels for winter is a canary in the coal mine regarding future energy shortages. People have been concerned about oil shortages, but winter fuel shortages are, in many ways, just as bad. They can result in people “freezing in the dark.”
Wind energy is not greatly better than hydro and solar, in terms of variability and poor timing of supply.
For example, Europe experienced a power crunch in the third quarter of 2021 related to weak winds. Europe’s largest wind producers (Britain, Germany and France) produced only 14% of their rated generation, output, capacity (the theoretical amount of electricity they are supposed to put out) during this period, (so if it is advertised to produce 100 mwh in reality it only puts out 14 mwh…14% of the advertised/claimed output), compared with an average of 20% to 26% in previous years. No one had planned for this kind of three-month shortfall.
If a power source only puts out 14% of it’s advertised, claimed, in theory only, rated electricity generation, output, capacity, this sounds like fraud….lol
In 2021, China experienced dry, windless weather, resulting in both its generation from wind and hydro being low. The country found it needed to use rolling blackouts to deal with the situation. This led to traffic lights failing and many families needing to eat candle-lit dinners.
The word “sustainable” has created unrealistic expectations with respect to intermittent wind and solar electricity.
A person in the wind turbine repair industry once told me, “Wind turbines run on a steady supply of replacement parts.” Individual parts may be made to last 20-years, or even longer, but there are so many parts that some are likely to need replacement long before that time. An article in Windpower Engineering says, “Turbine gearboxes are typically given a design life of 20 years, but few make it past the 10-year mark.”
There is also the problem of wind damage, especially in the case of a severe storm, for wind turbines and solar panels, so they are constantly damaged and have to be rebuilt and repaired.
There is also the problem of fire damage, wind turbines and solar panels have a bad history of catching fire, they are very dangerous.
Furthermore, the operational lives for fossil fuel and nuclear generating plants are typically much longer than those for wind and solar. In the US, some nuclear plants have licenses to operate for 60 years. Efforts are underway to extend some licenses to 80 years.
With the short life spans for wind and solar, constant rebuilding of wind turbines and solar generation is necessary, using fossil fuels.
Between the rebuilding issue and the need for fossil fuels to maintain the electric grid,
NOTE: there has to be many hydrocarbon burning or nuclear power plants running continuously in the background as a power source for the grid because wind and solar is intermittant, not reliable, there is big gaps in the power supply they put out, which has to be supplied by fuel burning power plants, running in the background 24/7 365, this is crazy….
the output of wind turbines and solar panels cannot be expected to last any longer than fossil fuel supply, they can’t run without hydrocarbon backup. The problem with this is now you have to build and maintain two power production systems, this is very expensive, the cost of electricity will be many times higher, you will freeze in the dark…lol
When researchers make cost comparisons, they should be comparing the cost of the intermittent energy, including necessary batteries and grid enhancement upgrade costs, plus thre cost of having a backup system running 24/7 in the background.
Competitive pricing plans that enable the growth of wind and solar electricity are part of what is pushing a number of areas in the world toward a “freezing-in-the-dark” problem.
In fact, under this arrangement, wind and solar were also given the privilege of “going first.” so they got a better price when electricity is bought, (this is sort of like price rigging to give them an advantage), if they competed on a level playing field, thay couldn’t compete, they are far too expensive.
the share of total energy provided by the Wind and Solar category is very low, only 2.2% for the world as a whole, they want to ban hydrocarbon power generation and make it 100%, you will starve and freeze to death.
from zh comments
Industrial society runs on oil. Period. No oil – no industrial society. You go back to the best thing you had before it – feudal life and slavery. Complexity fails without cheap energy. And without bio intensive farming only 1% of the current population can be sustained off the same area of arable land. You go back to days when the whole planet had the population of a single city.
There are hundreds of years of coal and natural gas reserves. “They” are creating the energy panic because anxiety makes the sheep more herd able.
Google leaked climate change emails East Anglia University
It amazes me how, over the past ten years, the Left has re-written those WIkipedia article.
What once was a clear cut and obvious attempt by the scientists to manufacture “climate data” now reads as though climate scientists were the victims.
Man-made climate change is a hoax. The sun, moon, and Earth’s orbit are what determines the climate.Idiots…
I completely agree and this fraud is managed at very high levels of governments and “scientific community” in order to get the gullible public to support impoverishment policies.
I will believe that govt is truly serious about ecology ONLY when they mandate that all defense contractors must use 100% renewable energy to manufacture all weapons and all military equipment.
Without nat gas and imported power CA wouldn’t have a functioning electrical grid as solar panels and wind don’t work 24x7x365.
‘What’s wrong with wind and solar.
California’s grid leaning heavily on natural gas to survive energy crisis, despite green push
About 47% of California’s electricity was generated by natural gas while 19% was produced by imports. Just 21% of electricity generated was produced by renewables, including solar and wind power.
“Make no mistake, the lights will stay on in the governor’s mansion, Silicon Valley and Hollywood, but not in working-class neighborhoods because those who pushed this failure always unplug from the consequences,”
Renewables are a scam as they don’t work 24x7x365 and cause chaos and havoc on the electrical grid. The left likes to tout green energy but in reality are burning a massive amount of Nat gas to keep the electrical grid going. They love to mislead about their green policies.
Davosman solution is to reduce population instead of burning more oil. Bill Gates is smirking again.
America was settled without electricity. Kill enough Americans – such as WW3, and the sturdiest will survive. Elites are Darwin inspired.
Given sufficient population reduction from primitive living – a much lower standard of living can be accommodated.
And that – is the goal of Marxism. 7 Billion is too many to control. 500 M will be controlled just fine. As primitive serfs.
Sustainability was never a goal. The goal is to equalize first world and third world living standards in preparation for the OWG and one world currency.
Here’s my projection–renewables will give you a standard of living equivalent to the late 1700s. Of course the private jet crowd will fare much better.
Well, you could wear animal hides, live in an igloo and chew blubber…Eskimos laugh at Klaus Schwab
Google leaked climate change emails East Anglia University
It amazes me how, over the past ten years, the Left has re-written those WIkipedia article.
What once was a clear cut and obvious attempt by the scientists to manufacture “climate data” based on fraud, useless, fantasy, computer models…..that is the basis for this whole green climate change agenda….now reads as though climate scientists were the victims.
Man-made climate change is a hoax. The sun, moon, and Earth’s orbit are what determines the climate.Idiots…
Just to put a spike in the witch doctor-ery Climate stuff from yesterday, one comment said a researcher got a Nobel Prize for making a computer model the “accurately made climate predictions”. This is so silly. How can someone know that future predictions are accurate?? This makes zero sense.
The Nobel Prize committe handed out a political award, no different than Al Gore’s and Barak Obama’s. It was dressed up to fool scientific illiterates, and apparently, it worked.
Real science is testable and falsifiable. Computer models predicting the future are neither, so they are not science. Nobel prizes arising from that work are scientifically meaningless.
In layman’s terms, I could produce a computer model saying that 30 years from now space aliens will invade. Scientifically, my model is as scientific as the Nobel Prize winners Climate model. Both are untestable and not falsifiable. Because of that, neither are science.
His was infinitely more profitable though. It pays to please the elite.
Considering CO2 is only 0.038% of the atmosphere, with a molecular weight of 44 when regular air is 29, it falls to the ground so plants can gobble it up. It’s called the carbon cycle; we need it to survive and feed humanity.
This is a Fabian Socialist cult agenda to cull the masses into indentured servitude.
First of all, let’s get rid of the term “fossil fuels”. Naturally-occurring hydrocarbons are “abiotic”. Hydrocarbon products are constantly being created deep within the earth by yet-unknown processes well below the layers that contain fossils. Keep in mind that hydrocarbons migrate upward and pass through “fossil layers” picking up remnants of “fossil” material; hence, the present-day scientists’ mistaken assumption that hydrocarbons are derived from “fossils”.
Naturally-occurring hydrocarbons have done more to advance civilization than any other influence. It is the discovery, creation and utilization of ENERGY that propels civilizations upward and onward.
Maybe Eric can correct me, especially after his week with the F150 Lightning, but the last numbers I saw on the vehicle from Ford indicated a full charge requiring 17 kW for 8 hours.
Just 100,000 trucks would add nearly 2,000 MW additional demand to the grid, which, in Texas, is roughly the reserve capacity number at peak times which triggers a warning from the grid operator.
It won’t take long for things to get ugly in Texas. I’ve been predicting Summer 2024.
And try to tell a Texan that he can’t have a full charge for his truck every night.
Hi Roscoe,
Some quick calculations – 17kw x 8hrs.=136kwh. @20 cents/kwh (my rate, probably higher than most because Taxachusetts) that comes out to $27.20. If you have to do that almost every day you’re looking at $500+ for a monthly electric bill; it’s “green” in that you won’t have much green left in your wallet.
Hi, Mike,
Here are the tiered rates for SoCal Edison, for comparison:
Tier 1: $0.29/ kwh
Tier 2: $0.37/kwh
Tier 3: $0.47/kwh
For Climate Zone 10, where I live, the summer daily baseline allocation is 18.9 kwh, which, even with the most frugal practices, I routinely exceed, so always have at least some Tier 2 charges.
Using your data:
(136kwh/day)*($0.37/kwh)*(30day/mo) = $1509/mo
which would break most people, myself included
According to Car and Driver:
“real world” range is approximately 230 miles per 131 kwh, or (131/230) = 0.57 kwh/mi
@ $0.20/kwh => ($0.20/kwh)*(0.57 kwh/mi) = $0.11/mi
@ $0.37/kwh => ($0.37/kwh)*(0.57 kwh/mi) = $0.21/mi
So, how many miles do you drive per month?
At a nominal 1000 mi/month, your monthly fuel bill
@ $0.11 = $110/10^3 mi
@ $0.21 = $210/10^3 mi
as always, YMMV.
Fuel cost comparison:
Burning gasoline @ $5.00/gal versus electricity @ $0.11/mi
you would need to get:
($5.00/gal)/($0.11/mi) = 45.45 mi/gal
to break even on fuel cost,
whereas @ $0.21/mi for electricity,
($5.00/gal)/($0.21/mi) = 23.81 mi/gal
Note this is fuel cost *only*, not operating cost per mile, let along TCO, which would account for capital costs (acquisition cost and depreciation).
An EV costs more per mile for fuel then a VW ice diesel, and emitts more pollution more per mile then a VW ice diesel.
So they ban the diesel and force you to buy an EV = insanity.
VW diesel 100 mile fuel consumption = 1.36 gallons @ $4.00 gallon = $5.44 = $0.05 per mile
EV 100 mile fuel consumption = 41.66 kwh @ $0.40 = $16.64 = $0.16 per mile
The $16.64 isn’t the only cost…….the tesla $22,000 battery is used up, worn out in 100,000 miles.
ATTENTION: this works out to $22.00 per 100 miles it is costing you for the battery.
Add the $22.00 to the $16.64 = $38.64 = $0.38 per mile
The Volkswagen Golf BlueMotion has emissions of 85g CO2 per km. it is even cleaner (less emissions) than a Toyota Prius or an EV….
A current-model large EV car with a battery produced and charged in an average European Union country emits about 88 grams of CO2 per kilometer,
A law might come out forcing EV owners to buy a 2014 Volkswagen Golf BlueMotion diesel to help reduce emissions….lol
Why are they pushing EV’s that get 20.8 mpg when there is a fuel shortage?
Plus an EV costs 7 X more to run then the ice diesel Golf, in a recession when people are broke that is insane….lol
Should be still selling these:
the 2014 Volkswagen Golf BlueMotion diesel, capable of a claimed 88.3 mpg imperial, or 73.5 mpg U.S….. 100 mile fuel consumption = 1.36 gallons
An Ev is 25% efficient in turning original source of energy, petroleum in this example into mechanical energy to push the car down the road.
95.1% of all electrical energy comes from so called dirty non green sources, so EV’s aren’t green…lol
(green source solar and wind supply 4.9%)….
The next problem is solar panels and wind turbines, the 4.9%, are not green at all, they are very damaging to the environment, they are very expensive, dangerous, huge real estate hogging, unreliable, dirty energy.
solar panels, lithium batteries and wind turbines are all catching fire, they are very dangerous…
In comparison power plants use .001% of the amount of real estate that solar and wind use, if the 100% switch to solar and wind is made, there will be no farmland left, you will starve to death..
Thermal efficiency of power plants using coal, petroleum, natural gas or nuclear fuel and converting it to electricity are around 33% efficiency, natural gas is around 40%. Then there is average 6% loss in transmission, then there is a 5% loss in the charger, another 5% loss in the inverter, the electric motor is 90% efficient so another 10% loss before turning the electricity into mechanical power at the wheels.
33% – 6% – 5% – 5% – 10% = 25% efficiency for EV’s.
(under not ideal conditions it might be 12% efficient).
NOTE: a diesel is 50% efficient….lol…
What test drivers are actually getting driving EV’s in the real world is they are getting 2.4 miles of range for every kwh used or using 41.66 kwh to go 100 miles. EV trucks are way worse.
So to end up with 41.66 kwh of electricity which is equivalent to 1.20 gallons of gas to push the EV 100 miles down the road 4.80 gallons of fuel were burnt to generate the electricity in the power station, remember net 25% efficiency.
100 miles using 4.80 gallons = real 20.8 mpg, EV’s are getting a real 20.8 mpg…lol
VW diesel 100 mile fuel consumption = 1.36 gallons @ $4.00 gallon = $5.44 = $0.05 per mile
EV 100 mile fuel consumption = 41.66 kwh @ $0.40 = $16.64 = $0.16 per mile
The $16.64 isn’t the only cost…….the tesla $22,000 battery is used up, worn out in 100,000 miles.
ATTENTION: this works out to $22.00 per 100 miles it is costing you for the battery. Add the $22.00 to the $16.64 = $38.64 = $0.38 per mile
so these EV owners complaining about the battery replacement cost aren’t too bright, that cost is part of the cost per mile to operate an EV they didn’t think of and the manufacturer lied about by not informing them. maybe they should sue for false advertising. It is like a deferred fuel cost.
This means the EV costs 7 X more to run then the ice diesel Golf
so this VW diesel gets 3.5 X better fuel economy then the 20.8 mpg EV
and the EV costs 7 times more to run….so what do they do?….they ban the diesel and force you to buy the EV…..why?
Emissions CO2 per km. …. the ice Golf is cleaner then an EV
The Volkswagen Golf BlueMotion has emissions of 85g CO2 per km. it is even cleaner (less emissions) than a Toyota Prius or an EV….
A current-model large EV car with a battery produced and charged in an average European Union country emits about 88 grams of CO2 per kilometer,
This means the government should be forcing EV owners to buy the cleaner ice diesel Golf…lol
The leftist/communist/psychopaths did their inversion again…lol…the EV’s pollute more, damage the environment more then ice cars.
2014 Volkswagen Golf BlueMotion for sale… $6403.00….buy one…
Those are current electricity rates, before EVs are even 10% of the US fleet.
Even without the EVs, the other shoe has yet to drop in Texas following the freeze in February 2021. The utility companies in the state pulled out all the stops to keep the lights on this past summer to maintain the status quo in the state government, and that will come at a cost to taxpayers and consumers this Spring, when the Legislature reconvenes without a threat of losing their jobs for another two years.
Assume electricity rates are going to zoom.
It isn’t an accident that Warren Buffett is consolidating control of Pilot/Flying-J onto his balance sheet while simultaneously pitching Texas on the concept of “contingency” gas-fired generating capacity he will provide at a guaranteed annual cost. So what do you think the Berkshire Hathaway power plants going to be doing while they are not feeding the grid?
‘Assume electricity rates are going to zoom.’ — Roscoe
The EeeVee movement started in the pre-covid era, when money was free (zero interest rate), commodities were cheap, and electric power tariffs were stable.
That era is gone. But Big Gov and the climate cranks are still fixated on it, unaware that the world has changed. Their sales pitch that an EeeVee will save you tons of money is slipping away, like a carpet being jerked from under their feet.
Utilities were smacking their lips over getting a new monopoly on household and vehicle energy supply. But they themselves are dependent on hydrocarbon fuels. Electric rates are skyrocketing. Noting this phenomenon, no sane consumer is going to take a leap of faith when there’s no limit on how high electric power rates can go.
Hydrocarbon power has elements of competition, both locally and globally. Electric utilities do not. Thus, minimize exposure to non-market energy suppliers.
No wind for Christmas in Europe.
(which is typical for this time of year, but who could have predicted that?)
The Feds know damned good and well that there is not enough generating capacity for all the electric vehicles out there, that would replace what is on the road now. If anyone actually wanted them. The whole point is to force Americans out of the ICE/gas guzzling vehicles permanently, out of the rural areas, and into micro-cities. Where you will be forced to pedal and walk everywhere. If you are “allowed” to leave to go anywhere, that is. And for folks like me in the Great White North? We are SOL, I suppose, because walking anywhere is simply not realistic. The sad thing is, Americans bent over and submitted to face diapers, lock downs, and jabs for two years. Will they further bend over and give up their ICE and gas powered vehicles for electric vehicles? I surmise we will not have long to find out.
A Surprising Threat To The US Power Grid Could Plunge The Country Into Darkness…EV’s charging
Pushing EV’s will crash the grid, there is no way the grid can supply the power to charge these EV’s, the grid capacity and power generation supply has to be increased 500% to meet the demand.
The opposite is happening, reliable power generation for the grid from gas, coal, oil and nuclear is being shut down.
In truth, the nation’s power grid is already on its last legs. It has been for years. In a sobering piece for Smithsonian Magazine, Dr. Massoud Amin, a professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) at the University of Minnesota, explained the many ways in which the country’s power grid, “the most complex” one ever assembled, could fail.
The grid, he wrote, “underpins our economy, our quality of life, our society.” Without it, society will be brought to a screeching halt. Crime will rise. Lives will be lost. Chaos will reign supreme.
The grid, he wrote, “underpins our economy, our quality of life, our society.” Without it, society will be brought to a screeching halt. Crime will rise. Lives will be lost. Chaos will reign supreme.””’it’s obvious they are trying to crash the whole thing……
who benefits?….china……good thing the politicians are all owned by china……
Your government is pushing EV’s? Why?
Re: EV’s and grid upgrade equipment……
China has infiltrated all levels of governments, taken control, (check out the leftist/communist takeover), your politicians bought off, paid to push the EV agenda.
Anybody pushing EV’s is a paid ccp shill.
Who benefits the most from the EV vehicle conversion? china does.
All the most important components in the new EV’s are all made in china.
80% of the lithium fire bomb batteries in EV’s are made in china….in factories powered by coal….lol
Then you are dependent on china for replacement parts, etc., in effect they take over the whole vehicle supply chain. Vehicle production then centralized in China.
the chinese are taking over the electric car market, they are starting to export their EV’s worldwide, their EV’s are supposed to be advanced and cheap, they will kill off the other manufacturers……
the chinese make most of the chips, maybe the shortage was to help their EV launch….lots of their cars coming here soon
at this rate everyone will be driving a chinese car soon, a lot of electronics in your car are made there already…….
no wonder tesla moved a lot of production to china…
china… is where most rare earths are processed; and most of the mineral supply-chains for electric vehicles lead there, with existing supply sewn up.
With more EV’s the grid has to be upgraded, most of the equipment for expanding the grid is made in china.
The largest beneficiaries are the Chinese manufacturers of electric transformers, cables, generators, etc. since almost none of that stuff is made anywhere else anymore.
If there is a war and china detonates a neutron bomb that takes out the grid, they get to supply all the replacement equipment, another win for them.
What about all the vaccines and drugs the government has been pushing, all the ingredients come from china, they benefited the most from the bat germ bs narrative.
china was chosen to lead the wef great reset, they probably cooperate to help their own agenda
If there is a war and china detonates a neutron bomb that takes out the grid, they get to supply all the replacement equipment, another win for them……no need for that…the EV’s will take out the grid….lol….and they are more stealth…….
most of the equipment for expanding the grid is made in china.
The largest beneficiaries are the Chinese manufacturers of electric transformers, cables, generators, etc. since almost none of that stuff is made anywhere else anymore.
Democratic Party Captured by Environmentalists, Aiding Russia and China, Expert Claims
Environmentalists have captured the Democratic party and, in their push towards Net Zero, are aiding Russia and China, a senior fellow at RealClearFoundation, Rupert Darwall, says.
Furthermore, the push towards Net Zero is made possible by organizations like the Rockefeller Foundation, many Silicon Valley billionaires, intellectuals, the mainstream media, and the government, Darwall told The Epoch Times and NTD’s Paul Greaney in an interview. In his opinion, environmentalists now make up most of those in power and with money.
“Grid-delivered electricity is the doorway to the modern world. If you compare the 19th century to the 20th century, the big change is electricity.
“For Africa to flourish and develop, it needs reliable, cheap, grid-delivered electricity. And that is what people like Al Gore and John Kerry are denying Africans.”
the green agenda is racist…..
Darwall specified that people like Kerry and Gore are pursuing an agenda that geologically damages the West, its strategic interest, and the economic and social interests of less developed nations.
Considering CO2 is only 0.038% of the atmosphere, with a molecular weight of 44 when regular air is 29, it falls to the ground so plants can gobble it up. It’s called the carbon cycle; we need it to survive and feed humanity.
This is a Fabian Socialist cult agenda to cull the masses into indentured servitude.
You Debbie Downers have no vision! Don’t you remember those guys in the garage who built that new thing? That disturbed genius who changed the world? What about that docudrama movie? The one with the guy, who, despite the odds, did that thing that made everyone cry at the end? There’s someone right now, slaving away in the basement, who will fix everything!
Why, here’s one now… Whoops! Guessing someone overpromised and under delivered.
He’s the Real Life Tony Stark!
The US total of electricity generated and consumed in 2021 was 3930 terawatt hours. Statista has the info.
3,930,000,000,000,000 watts of generated electricity, takes one year to go through it all.
Kilo, mega, giga, tera
A 500 megawatt coal-fired power plant generating electricity 24/7 for a full year will generate 24x365x500=4,360,000 megawatt hours of electricity from one power plant generating 500 megawatts of usable energy in the form of electricity every hour. 4.36 terawatt hours.
100,000,000 EV’s with a 50 kwh battery will have 5,000,000,000 kwh of electricity to spend out on the road. 5,000,000 megawatt hours, 5,000 gigawatt hours, 5 terawatt hours. Those 5 terawatts will be consumed in one charging cycle. 200 miles, 4 hours of driving and all of the electricity is gone.
Plug in the EV and charge it again, 50 times, that translates to 250 terawatts consumed by 100,000,000 EV’s to go 10,000 miles in one year.
A nuclear power plant will generate 1 gigawatt of power, a billion watts. In one year, a nuclear power plant can potentially generate 8.76 terawatt hours of power.
Hydro, solar, wind add to the total, a lot of power is available for use.
If the calculations are correct, the grid can possibly handle 100,000,000 electric vehicles charged 50 times in a year.
We’re in a time machine. Going back to the beginning of the 20th century, when most people never got 50 miles from where they were born. When life expectancy was in the 40s. Looks like a plan, on both fronts.
Ah the coming utopia, where a cartel of obscenely rich fat people own everything, and most of us relegated to farming their land for them, while living at a subsistence level. If we’re lucky. Of course there will be better opportunity for house servants, and building and manufacturing of their houses and toys, with hand tools. They get to live at slightly above subsistence. The bright side is that being psychopaths, once they’ve bled us dry, they will turn on each other. Just like the West is turning on China. Too late for most of us, I fear.
Do you recall seeing videos out of China and much of the third world maybe 20 or 30 years ago where almost everyone was riding a bike or a small moped with few if any cars to be seen. That’s a glimpse of our future. China is the model for Western elites. Mega cities with total surveillance and control of all aspects of life from where can you live to what you can eat, at least until AI can replace the serfs.
Benjamin Franklin’s words “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” were wise and prophetic.
I remember that quote, Griff. Another one from Ben Franklin that always gave me a chuckle was as follows: “He was so learned, he could name a horse in nine languages. So ignorant, he bought a cow to ride on”.
just theft….the .001% at the top own 80% of the planet’s wealth….they are going for 100%….the useless eaters on the bottom after the 90% cull will own nothing……
“The answer to that question is – it’s not supposed to happen.”
I have many thoughts on this. I believe it to be correct. My question is why.
Do our overseers really believe they will be able to stop our mobility to control us?
How will lack of mobility manifest in public reaction/outcry?
How do the overseers plan to deal with this reaction? Let it burn like BLM summer of love?
What once was a dystopian conspiracy theory is constantly providing evidence that it is conspiracy fact.
We do indeed need some new “conspiracy theories”. All the older ones are proving out.
Several references to “1.2 megawatts” need to be changed to “1.2 million megawatts,” per the linked source. For perspective, a typical natural gas-fired power plant produces about 600 megawatts.
Speaking of EeeVeeees, one company scamming off Big Gov’s policy push is Enphase Energy, ticker ENPH. Its stock price has gone from 125 to 335 in ten months. Why? Cuz it makes EeeVeee charging stations, which are going like gangbusters thanks to 535 Congress Clowns spending OPM (Other People’s Money).
Not recommending for anyone to invest in it, because (1) it’s immoral; and (2) it’s probably a bubble that’s gonna pop.
Still, Enphase follows the business wisdom of companies such as Levis (sell clothes to the miners instead of prospecting for gold) and Gillette (give away the razors; sell razor blades). It’s the American way of turning a buck.
Hi Jim,
Thanks for the catch – thanks! I hugely appreciate you/others copy editing behind me!
Hi Eric
push EV’s to overload the grid, shut down very reliable hydrocarbon energy production, switch to totally unreliable, high maintenance, fire prone, useless, wind and solar = shut down/crash the grid = 90% of the population dead in 12 months… an EV….you could kill grandma….lol
I suspect that Enphase Energy is going to hit a wall when it’s discovered there is no means of connecting them to the already insufficient power grid.
John K,
Like Pfizer and Moderna selling billions worth of ‘vaccines’ that expire useless because no one wants them, Enphase only needs to sell charging stations to a gov-funded contractor.
Whether they ever enter service is not Enphase’s concern — although I would suggest that charging stations can be usefully repurposed to fry Congress Clowns. BZZZTTTTT!!! And she’s gone!
Now there are some sad things known to man
But ain’t too much sadder than
The tears of a Congress Clown
When there’s no one around
— Smokey Robinson and the Miracles, The Tears of a Clown
Congress is high on OPiuM. Many wonder if these clowns can spend like drunk sailors on shore leave with hookers forever and ever. There must be some limit to the insanity of free money forever and ever with the magic of central banking. I believe there is, the current debt is over 31 trillion financed at the short end of the yield curve, and yields are rapidly rising, thus at some point the interest on said debt will overwhelm the debtors who then will be forced into bankruptcy.
Your government is pushing EV’s? Why?
Re: EV’s and grid upgrade equipment……
China has infiltrated all levels of governments, taken control, (check out the leftist/communist takeover), your politicians bought off, paid to push the EV agenda.
Anybody pushing EV’s is a paid ccp shill.
Who benefits the most from the EV vehicle conversion? china does.
All the most important components in the new EV’s are all made in china.
80% of the lithium fire bomb batteries in EV’s are made in china….in factories powered by coal….lol
Then you are dependent on china for replacement parts, etc., in effect they take over the whole vehicle supply chain. Vehicle production then centralized in China.
the chinese are taking over the electric car market, they are starting to export their EV’s worldwide, their EV’s are supposed to be advanced and cheap, they will kill off the other manufacturers……
the chinese make most of the chips, maybe the shortage was to help their EV launch….lots of their cars coming here soon
at this rate everyone will be driving a chinese car soon, a lot of electronics in your car are made there already…….
no wonder tesla moved a lot of production to china…
china… is where most rare earths are processed; and most of the mineral supply-chains for electric vehicles lead there, with existing supply sewn up.
With more EV’s the grid has to be upgraded, most of the equipment for expanding the grid is made in china.
The largest beneficiaries are the Chinese manufacturers of electric transformers, cables, generators, etc. since almost none of that stuff is made anywhere else anymore.
If there is a war and china detonates a neutron bomb that takes out the grid, they get to supply all the replacement equipment, another win for them.
What about all the vaccines and drugs the government has been pushing, all the ingredients come from china, they benefited the most from the bat germ bs narrative.
china was chosen to lead the wef great reset, they probably cooperate to help their own agenda
With more EV’s the grid has to be upgraded, most of the equipment for expanding the grid is made in china.
The largest beneficiaries are the Chinese manufacturers of electric transformers, cables, generators, etc. since almost none of that stuff is made anywhere else anymore.
Hydro power is green?
However, building a dam in a river is similar to building a roadblock in the middle of the highway; it disrupts the flow of traffic in both directions. This “roadblock” can disrupt species populations, water quality, the river food web, and the surrounding environment. Declining fish populations can result in major complications for communities that are dependent on fishing for food and income.
The reservoirs can also cause floods which can force communities to relocate. Although hydropower is labeled as “renewable,” specific forms of hydropower and its effect on the ecosystem must be explored before we continue to develop more dams.
River systems around the world are fragmented by dams which can affect fish assemblages throughout the river. Impoundment facilities contribute to the biodiversity crisis by disrupting the river ecosystem. The physical impacts of changes in freshwater ecosystems include riverine fragmentation, sediment retention, enhanced evaporation, and increased greenhouse‐gas production [4]. These impacts must be addressed when designing and developing dams.
In addition, impoundment dams facilitate the introduction of aquatic invaders into freshwater ecosystems. Invading species are 2.4 to 300 times more likely to occur in impoundments than in natural lakes [4]. After combining information on the boating activity, water body physiochemistry, and geographical distribution of 1080 sampled water bodies (combination of natural lakes and impoundments), Figure 3(a) depicts that the invasion likelihood of impoundments exceeded that of natural lakes.
The most common non‐indigenous species include zebra mussels, Eurasian watermilfoil, and rusty crayfish. According to Figure 3(b), impounds are also more likely to support multiple invaders. These findings suggest that reservoir construction and conversion of lotic to lentic water stream conditions may have promoted the spread of invasive species across the landscape.
the trend in more developed regions like the United States and Western Europe, where new science is driving efforts to dismantle existing dams. (Dams for hydroelectric plants) Aging reservoirs have become inefficient, local ecosystem and habitat impacts can be profound, and accumulating research suggests that hydropower reservoirs may be a much larger contributor of methane — a greenhouse gas roughly 30 times more potent than carbon dioxide — than previously realized.
In a recent study published in the journal BioScience, researchers found that reservoirs may produce as much as a billion tons of carbon dioxide equivalents — the majority of emissions coming in the form of methane — each year, more than the total emissions from the country of Canada.
“It’s not just about snails and fish,” Rozman says of the projects. “It’s about people, because we depend on the rivers.” Organic materials build up behind dams, consuming oxygen as they decompose. This sedimentation can create oxygen-free dead zones, where no river life of any kind can survive. As water stops flowing, its temperature rises. Even a few degrees can be life-threatening, since most aquatic life is highly temperature-sensitive. Sedimentation also gradually lowers the storage capability of the reservoir, reducing the amount of electricity generated.
The area downstream of a dam is obviously impacted by reduced water flow — the Colorado River, for example, no longer reliably reaches the ocean — but also by the lack of stones, logs, and sediment. “Downstream of a dam, the river is starved of its structural materials and cannot provide habitat,” according to the Hydropower Reform Coalition, a collection of 150 environmental groups. “Most dams don’t simply draw a line in the water; they eliminate habitat in their reservoirs and in the river below.”
Downstream Impacts
Depending on the design of the dam, water released downstream often comes from the deeper parts of the reservoir. That water is therefore much the same cold temperature throughout the year. This has negative impacts on aquatic life adapted to wide seasonal variations in water temperature. Similarly, dams trap nutrients coming from decomposing vegetation or nearby agricultural fields, reducing nutrient loads downstream and affecting both river and riparian ecosystems. Low oxygen levels in the released water can kill aquatic life downstream, but the problem can be mitigated by mixing air into the water at the outlet.4
Mercury Pollution
Mercury is deposited on vegetation downwind from coal-burning power plants. When new reservoirs are created, the mercury found in the now submerged vegetation is released and converted by bacteria into methyl-mercury.5 This methyl-mercury becomes increasingly concentrated as it moves up the food chain (a process called biomagnification). Consumers of predatory fish, including humans, are then exposed to dangerous concentrations of the toxic compound. Downstream from massive Muskrat Falls dam in Labrador, for example, mercury levels are forcing indigenous Inuit communities to abandon traditional practices.
Reservoirs increase a river’s surface area, thus increasing the amount of water lost to evaporation. In hot, sunny regions, the losses are staggering: more water is lost from reservoir evaporation than is used for domestic consumption. When water evaporates, dissolved salts are left behind, increasing salinity levels downstream and harming aquatic life.
ATTENTION: Estimate in dollar cost $/MWh energy production at power plant in 2015. exclusive of tax credits, subsidies, or other incentives
coal 95.1 natural gas 72.6 nuclear 95.2 offshore wind 196.9 solar 239.7
NOTE: (if a natural gas power plant is converted to solar source power plant source of power the price of electricity triples, who is going to pay for that?….stupidity…)
natural gas is the cheapest and cleanest, less environmental damage….next best nuclear, push nuclear…..everything else except coal is far too expensive, forget it….
solar, wind turbine and hydro are way too expensive environmentally damaging…
Hydro power stations are expensive:
Capital costs
For power generation capacity capital costs are often expressed as overnight cost per watt. Estimated costs are in dollars:
Conventional hydropower $2752
Natural gas turbine $710
ATTENTION: Estimate in dollar cost $/MWh energy production at power plant in 2015. exclusive of tax credits, subsidies, or other incentives
coal 95.1 natural gas 72.6 nuclear 95.2 offshore wind 196.9 solar 239.7
(if a natural gas power plant is converted to solar source power plant source of power the price of electricity triples)
Capital costs
For power generation capacity capital costs are often expressed as overnight cost per watt. Estimated costs are in dollars:
Gas/oil combined cycle power plant $1000
Natural gas turbine $710
Onshore wind $1600
Offshore wind $6500
Solar PV (fixed) 1800
Solar PV (tracking) 2000
Battery storage power $1380
Conventional hydropower $2752
Geothermal $2800
Fuel cells $7200
natural gas is the cheapest and cleanest, less environmental damage….next best nuclear, push nuclear…..everything else except coal is far too expensive, forget it….
Well, “green” – in terms of carbon dioxide “emissions”!
the trend in more developed regions like the United States and Western Europe, where new science is driving efforts to dismantle existing dams. (Dams for hydroelectric plants) Aging reservoirs have become inefficient, local ecosystem and habitat impacts can be profound, and accumulating research suggests that hydropower reservoirs may be a much larger contributor of methane — a greenhouse gas roughly 30 times more potent than carbon dioxide — than previously realized.
In a recent study published in the journal BioScience, researchers found that reservoirs may produce as much as a billion tons of carbon dioxide equivalents — the majority of emissions coming in the form of methane — each year, more than the total emissions from the country of Canada.
what they say is green isn’t even green… these leftist/communist/green nazis lie 24/7…
hydro power is far too expensive….unless it is subsidized with tax dollars….do you want to pay $2.00 or more per kwh?….lol
For power generation capacity capital costs are often expressed as overnight cost per watt. Estimated costs are in dollars:
Gas/oil combined cycle power plant $1000
Natural gas turbine $710
Onshore wind $1600
Offshore wind $6500
Solar PV (fixed) $1800
Solar PV (tracking) $2000
Battery storage power $1380
Conventional hydropower $2752
Geothermal $2800
Fuel cells $7200
And what happens when there’s drought? The Colorado River system is seeing the worst drought since at least the 1930s, and no one really seems to have an answer to what happens when the dams get to dead pool. The Bureau of Reclamation could stop electricity production to help hold back water, but won’t. Probably because they already spent the revenue the powerhouse produces for the agency.
In one country… the province of bc it is mostly hydro power…like you say, what happens in a drought?….or earthquakes…..
there is a dam being built there called cite c, it is $7 billion dollars over budget and years behind schedule, it is being built on shale and is near an earthquake zone….lol….
TWO , yes two earthquakes near Ft. St. John, BC yesterday.
Why is that important?
The massive, multi billion dollar, way over budget, way behind schedule SITE C DAM is right next to Ft. St. John.
The geniuses in govt built an earthen dam in a known earthquake zone and they decided against several geological and engineering reports to not build the dam on shale, but on bedrock.
Shale is known to revert back to mushy clay when it is exposed to water and pressure.
Something a massive dam provides in great quantities.
hydro dams silt up…that is the end of their lifespan….and are very expensive to build…..stick with natural gas turbine…
95.1% of all electrical energy comes from so called dirty non green sources
(green source solar and wind supply 4.9%)….
The 4.9% green isn’t green…….lol
solar panels, lithium batteries and wind turbines are all catching fire, they are very dangerous…
Solar panels:
The main problem with solar arrays is the chemicals needed to process silicate into the silicon used in the panels. To make pure enough silicon requires processing it with hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, nitric acid, hydrogen fluoride, trichloroethane, and acetone. In addition, they also need gallium, arsenide, copper-indium-gallium- diselenide, and cadmium-telluride, which also are highly toxic. Silicone dust is a hazard to the workers, and the panels cannot be recycled.
Solar panels can’t be recycled…..what will they do with them (and wind turbine blades)? throw them down old mine shafts like nuclear waste?…
solar panels are toxic. They sterilize the ground they sit on. Birds that fly over a solar farm are roasted mid-flight.
Have you researched the temperature directly above a solar farm?? These farms have been accused of creating warming in the regions around them.
The alarmists will always show you pictures of solar panels on green grass – which have to taken as soon as the panels are installed. They leach cadmium and other toxic chemicals and sterilize the soil. Just try to find anything growing under a solar farm that has stood for a few years.
And the landmass that both wind and solar take up will take up most of the farmland in America. Right now we’re not even at 3% electrical production of both. We’re going down a doomed path!
Wind turbines
Wind turbines are the ultimate in embedded costs and environmental destruction. Each weighs 1688 tons (the equivalent of 23 houses) and contains 1300 tons of concrete, 295 tons of steel, 48 tons of iron, 24 tons of fiberglass, and the hard to extract rare earths neodymium, praseodymium, and dysprosium. Each blade weighs 81,000 pounds and will last 15 to 20 years, at which time it must be replaced. We cannot recycle used blades. Sadly, both solar arrays and windmills kill birds, bats, sea life, and migratory insects.
Wind turbines are junk energy yes the cost is enormous! They have a lifespan of roughly maybe 20 years and to decommission one costs $500,000! And the landmass that both wind and solar take up will take up most of the farmland in America. Right now we’re not even at 3% electrical production of both. We’re going down a doomed path!
Used wind turbine blades can’t be recycled, Each blade weighs 81,000 pounds, they are made from fiberglass.
The average wind farm has 150 turbines. Each wind turbine requires 80 gallons of oil for lubrication, and this isn’t vegetable oil; this is a PAO synthetic oil based on crude… 12,000 gallons. Once a year, that oil must be replenished.
they leak oil from their motors. They cannot be recycled so they are buried in Landfills. They use more electricity than they create. They can fling ice for hundreds of meters. They kill large predatory birds, bats and insects. Their infrasound negatively affect the hearts of humans and animals that live near them. The huge cement footings damage aquifers.
But truly, there is no making sense of these people anymore.
They are ready to shell out hundreds of billions to take over arable acreage with solar panels even as we face a food crisis, and festoon the countryside with bird-slaughtering windmills rather than permit more pipelines and refineries to open.
They are ready to shell out hundreds of billions to take over arable acreage with solar panels even as we face a food crisis, ….gates front ran it…bought the farm land…
and festoon the countryside with bird-slaughtering windmills rather than permit more pipelines and refineries to open……so gates will cover the farm land with solar panels as we freeze and starve….lol
95.1% of all electrical energy comes from so called dirty non green sources
(green source solar and wind supply 4.9%)….
The next problem is solar panels and wind turbines, the 4.9%, are not green at all, they are very damaging to the environment, they are very expensive, unreliable, dirty energy.
All energy production is going to be solar and wind, according to the globalist/communists, so you will pay 20 x more and freeze in the dark.
so 95.1% of EV’s are powered by dirty energy, so why switch from ice vehicles with their ultra low .00001% emissions engines that are far cleaner then dirty power stations??
The ice engine vehicle is being replaced by a high emission EV, that makes sense….lol