Latest Radio: Bill Meyer Show 12/09/2022


Here’s the audio of my weekly talk with Bill Meyer over at KMED Radio in Oregon!


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  1. It looks like Biden was installed to wreck the system. They don’t want the current system to work, they want a crisis, which will empower the politicians to manage us with social credits, etc.

    This insanity is not just in the car market, Biden has changed the ruies for nuclear war, making nuclear war more probable, Col. Douglas Macgregor tells us that Putin responded to Biden’s new first strike policy by saying that if Russia sees us arming our nukes they will strike first:

    Of course no one will care or take any of this seriously, because of Normalcy Bias, and in this case combine that will decades of cold war nuclear fear talk, no one is going to take it seriously. But this time it is different because Biden thing was installed to take us down – and I suspect it is because the Zionists demanded the USA attack Iran and we would not.

    There is a huge backstory of each president being given a golden opportunity to go level Iran’s nuclear ambitions but the USA refused every single time. Clinton refused, Obama refused, and Trump refused. When Trump refused Bibi Netanyahu told his minions to “flush Trump down the toilet” (See David Goldberg Project Pogo and Zyphr info)

    Mark Glenn, anti-Zionist writer, followed this story and said America might be a crazy Zionist whore, but the whore refuses to commit suicide. And I suspect that since the whore Amerika refuses to go down on Iran, the Rothschild banksters installed Biden to wreck the nation as punishment.

    Getting economically wrecked is one thing, getting nuked is catastrophic and will send us back to the dark age.


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