Diaper Report: 12/11/2022


This report is about a sight that – in better times – would have resulted in a call. To the police, to report a case of child abuse. But child-abusing has been normalized in our times such that the sight of a Face Diapered man walking with his Face Diapered little boy goes unremarked.

People would – and do – call the police if they see a kid left alone in a car, even for a few minutes and even if the window is rolled down. Even if the parent is in the store just in front of where the car is parked and able to see the kid in the car while they grab their laundry or whatever. The call goes out if a kid is allowed to play alone outside in his own yard, without a parent actually outside, too.

But a parent abusing his kid by placing that rag over his face? We saw just that while doing some grocery shopping yesterday. It was an appalling sight, to us – and perhaps to others as well. But people have been conditioned to accept such abuse, having accepted being abused themselves.

The extent of this debauching is evident when one reflects what the reaction of most people would have been, just three years ago, to the sight of a man walking around a store with that rag over his face – and that rag over the face of a child. Most people would have reacted with a mix of anger and sadness to such a scene. What kind of parent would do that to their own kid?

That kid’s father is training his own child to fear other people. To live in fear of a bogeyman that cannot be seen but floats in the air. That kid – who appeared to be around six or seven years old – must see the world as a scary place. No doubt his father told him so. He certainly showed him so. By wearing that rag, himself. That kid – like all kids – looks up to his father, regards him as his protector. If dad wears that rag , then it must be necessary to wear that rag.

But why are all those other people – which at this point in the charade is practically all of them – not wearing that rag?

No doubt the child must wonder.

Likely, he has been told – by his father – that they are bad people. Or at least, foolish and irresponsible people. People who do not care about the health and safety of others. Who are willing to put other people at risk by not wearing that rag. Which of course is not regarded as such by the kid’s father for the same reason that a Mormon does not regard his “garment” as merely underwear.

It is something more. A thing of moral significance. And there is significance in the not-wearing of such holy vestments, as the faithful regard them.

The child, of course, does not know better – or rather, understand the distinction. This is the defining attribute of being a child, which was once-upon-a-time defined as not having yet attained the age of reason. The latter being the attribute which, in former times, defined an adult.

In better times, adults served as guides – helping children to attain the age of reason.

In these times, we have adults like this child’s father, who is crippling his son’s progression toward the age of reason by replacing the latter with fear – of the unseen bogeyman. Of other people.

The man may be well-intended, but so was Hitler – in his own mind. Good intentions count for nothing if those intentions are warped – or lead to evil results. In this case, the results are likely to be a child alienated from other kids – who aren’t forced by their parents to wear that rag – who no doubt also fears those other kids, whom he is being trained to regard as a threat to himself and those he cares about.

It is almost inevitable, too, that fear of that sort will etiolate into resentment – and then anger. Not merely on account of those others who aren’t being forced to wear that rag but on account of their not-wearing it being a threat to others.  That kid is being trained to regard others as his father almost certainly regards them – and will learn to share his father’s almost-certain desire to force those others to wear that rag, too.

The founder of the Jesuit order, Ignatius Loyola, understood the importance of abusing kids. This kid’s father may not understand it but his lack of understanding does not change the fact of it.

God damn that rag.

But god-damn those who put them on kids even more.

. . .

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  1. Two bits:

    ‘Adverse events in Pfizer trial may have been underreported by 10X or more’


    Via the LRC Political Theatre:

    “… As is evident from yours and Naomi Wolf’s articles the Covid tyranny is still with us. Due to local government threats here is an excerpt from a Northern California restaurant’s website:

    We ask that all unvaccinated guests continue to wear facial coverings. Please join us when you are feeling healthy and completely free of any symptoms related to Covid-19. Check out our touchless menu at…

    I am unvaccinated and will be dining there tonight and will not wear a mask as I have never worn a mask except for Halloween. Peaceful resistance is the key to maintaining our liberty. You and fellow LRC contributors and readers keep the flame burning. Thank you.”

    We need more of that!

    Also, thanks Eric, for providing this forum & for your insights.

  2. If the “jabs” are so good, why has congress exempted itself and most other federal employees from receiving the “jabs”?
    A Constitutional amendment is needed…to wit: “Congress shall pass no law that does not apply equally to itself, the judicial and executive branches of federal government, its subdivisions and agencies”…

    • “and most other federal employees”

      I’m guessing congressional staffers (?) Postal employees,… that’s all I know of who are/were exempt.

      From what I’ve heard from civilian goobermint employees, the pressure was Enormous to get The Jab.

      But, yeah: “If the “jabs” are so good, why has congress exempted itself”

      Funny, that.

    • Anarchyst,

      Here are other questions that NOBODY who advocated the jabs and “Believed The Narrative” has been able to answer..

      If the jabs were so “Safe and effective”,

      Why has the FDA asked for (first 55, then) 75 years to release the Pfizer clinical trial data until a federal court ordered them to release all of it by the end of 2022?
      Why are there MORE reports on VAERS just since 2021 than reports of injuries or deaths from other vaccines COMBINED over the past 30 years or so.
      Why were governments and large corporations offering MASSIVE incentives for people to get jabbed?
      Why did the federal government give media outlets and certain organizations BILLIONS of dollars to run POSITIVE pieces on the “vaccines”?
      Why did the CDC try to keep data on their V-Safe app hidden from the public until a lawsuit from a non-profit resulted in the CDC being ordered by a judge to release it.
      Why did the FDA “Fully approve” something that wasn’t even available in the U.S. and claim, with help from the media, that Pfizer’s COVID jab was FULLY APPROVED? For those who don’t already know, something called Comirnaty was “Fully Approved” by the FDA in August 2021, while Pfizer’s COVID shot remained under EUA, effectively rendering any COVID vaxx mandates from governments, corporations, or schools ILLEGAL.
      Why did countries with the HIGHEST vaccination levels tend to also be the ones with the highest rates of COVID infections?
      Why was there such a MASSIVE censorship campaign against doctors, scientists, and vaxx injured people who “Dared speak out against the narrative”?
      Why were there those obsessively trying to “vaccinate” even those who already had natural immunity acquired via recovery from a prior infection, despite numerous studies showing that natural immunity was superior to “Vaccine immunity”, as your own body recognized the WHOLE virus instead of just the spike proteins.

      This whole obsessive campaign to “vaccinate every last human” with an experimental mRNA injection that still has too many unknowns and has already proven to NOT be what it was sold as to the masses reeks of evil, especially when you consider that now those behind this criminality are targeting children, who were never that much at risk from the dreaded ‘Rona.

  3. Crap. Got invited to the fully Vaxxed -and fully boosterd- family X-Mas dinner.
    At Least this year they didn’t cancel it due to F.E.A.R. of cooties from the Rona like the last two.

    Thing is, I’m thinking I’ve got ~ turned into what they were.

    ‘Tsunami of Vax Deaths Coming in Next Two Years – Dr. Betsy Eads’

    “There were so many lies and misinformation given to get people to take the injections. […]

    Dr. Eads also talks about why you need to get Ivermectin whether you are vaxed or unvaxed.”…


    That said. I think I’m not going, Not because of any real or imagined f.e.a.r. of any damnable shed cooties,… I’m not going ’cause I don’t think I could bare to look into the eyes of my relatives, the parents who put slave-face diapers on their young children And gave them The Shot so they could do simple stoopid sheet like go to a dance.
    And, the ‘educated’ grandparents who not only said nothing, they were all gung-ho, too. Still are. All of them.

    I doubt any good would come from my being there. I doubt I could keep my trap shut and not tell them how absolutely brain-dead conformist idiots they are for doing that to young children in spite of my failed attempts to show them truth.

    … I wonder how many others are in the same danged boat.

    It. Just. Didn’t. Have. To. Be. This. Way.

    Merry Christmas, anyway.

    • Hi Helot,

      Millions of us are in this position. In some cases, we have superficially patched things up but there is this unspoken thing still dividing us. We – the ones who questioned, disobeyed – know they didn’t question and obeyed. That some (as in your family’s case) did worse. Even if they apologize – and few of them have – can we ever regard them as we once did? What will they do the next time? What else are they capable of? I have . . . shed a lot of people I thought were friends. Thankfully, my family opposed this from the outset, too. Although my sister did wear the goddamn “mask” to get into stores and so forth and that still sticks in my craw.

      I hope you can gather with people you feel good about gathering with for Christmas.

    • Hi helot,

      I sympathize with you and completely understand your position of not wanting to attend the annual Xmas party. The last three years have been a roller coaster and I think it has made many of us harder, colder people. My “give a damn button” broke about 36 months ago and I see no use in repairing it. Personally, why should any of us have to put a smile on our face and pretend everything is fine when it really isn’t.

      Turning the other cheek, playing nice, being the bigger person, etc. just perpetuate the lies and allows the other side to think all is well and forgiven. I am tired of abiding by society’s expectations and stupid rules. The older I get the less I care if I am disliked by tiptoeing around subjects and matters that are complete BS to “smooth things over.” I no longer to pretend to like people that I don’t and keeping my trap shut when some moron gets into my face or expects me to alter my life and thoughts so they aren’t offended or to echo their unreasonable belief system.

      • Preach it, RG!

        Helot’s post inspired me to write a column this morning about this “pretending” and “playing nice” crap. The time for that is over as you’ve just said so well!

      • >The older I get the less I care if I am disliked
        There you go, RG,
        At 73, I am allowed, nay expected, to be a nasty old curmudgeon.
        Why disappoint the world?

        • I’ll second that Adi & RG,
          not sure how many years I have left at 75 but I intend to live them to the fullest, turn up my natural gas heat till I’m nice and cozy, and exhale CO2 despite the climate hysterics.
          Merry Christmas to you all!

    • ‘Tsunami of Vax Deaths Coming in Next Two Years – Dr. Betsy Eads’
      By Greg Hunter On December 13, 2022

      “The lies the CDC, FDA, Big Pharma and the LLM told were all designed to get the unsuspecting public to take an experimental vax injection that they all knew was deadly and dangerous. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is leading his state to hold people accountable for the CV19 vax lies and human destruction. On Tuesday, Governor DeSantis asked for a statewide grand jury to investigate Covid vaccine-related injuries. Is this the beginning of what may turn into a Nuremberg 2.0 for crimes against humanity in which the Germans were held accountable after World War II? Eads says, “DeSantis is going to . . . petition the Florida Supreme Court to convene a grand jury to investigate every case of malpractice or misinformation regarding the Covid vaccine shots. He is going after all those people who did not give informed consent. . . . Florida has a law about giving misinformation regarding side effects of drugs. . . . DeSantis is going after anyone who gave misinformation about Covid vaccines, anyone who harmed anybody or gave misinformation regarding informed consent.”” …


      … Are the tables starting to turn?

    • Upon further reflection, after listening to that interview, what Betsy is proposing/suggesting/anticipating, that the military come in and have ‘tribunal’ courts in response to what the military funded DARPA created…

      It all seems to fit in like the dominoes on V-for Vendetta? The Hegelian Dialectic –problem, reaction, solution?
      Heck, they even got Eric supporting the idea of a ‘strong man’ coming in and righting the ship. Que: ‘Star Wars’ & the bit about, The Republic dying to thunderous applause.
      (No offense meant, Eric.)

      What better way to end Western-style “democracy” than to replace it with a military dictatorship… perhaps in the midst of WWIII? The end result of That, it seems, would be much much worse than what we have now.

      …All by 2030. ?

      Fun Times.

  4. Why The Left Must Destroy Free Speech… Or Be Destroyed

    they fully understand that freedom of speech is to them what sunlight or a Christian cross is to Dracula.

    the historical imperative in all totalitarian states throughout history to destroy freedom of speech so that the only true belief is “the social plan” imposed by the state, the great reset today…….This is achieved by relentless institutionalized lying and propaganda, coupled with harsh censorship of all contrary ideas or even questions about the propriety of forcefully imposing one single “social plan.”

    the wef run by the elite nobility and their billionaire friends are lefist/luciferians…their great reset can’t allow freedom of speech to stop it.


  5. A nurse friend of mine died three months after her booster shot. That, after taking her two initial Pfizer jabs. “Long COVID” they are calling it. And…after retiring only six months prior, to boot. If the Feds had said to take a COVID jab every month, she would have. There was no waking her up to the dangers of this jab, sadly.

  6. I’ve recently become unable to hide my disdain for those types any longer. Every poor kid I pass by with a mask over their face alongside their failure of a guardian, an audible “chiiiiiild abuuuuuuse” just tumbles right out of my mouth in a sing-songy tone as I walk by. Feels good to call it what it is out loud. Waiting for some fearmongering nutjob to swing on me one of these days 😂

  7. More sudden deaths in the news, at the World Cup: Grant Wahl, and a videographer (can’t recall his name). Wahl’s wife is a doctor who is the COVID advisor to Biden, so you can bet he was jabbed.

      • For some reason, Eric, your comment reminded me of a Pink Floyd line from one of his songs Albeit, I realize it was for a different reason: When Gilmour sang, “hey, teacher, leave them kids alone”….. You could throw in the parents for good measure….

  8. Hear, hear, Eric.

    But there might be one saving grace: Perhaps that kid will grow older and learn that his dad was a hypochondriac or a misanthrope, or just generally unreasonable. Perhaps some teenage rebellion will set the pendulum in the other direction. He’ll learn to loath his father’s detestable habits.

    Then, maybe as the kid enters adulthood, the resentment will be toward his father, as sometimes happens. Or maybe he’ll simply take pity on the Old Man, and have to find it in his heart to forgive him for defacing his son when he was a boy.

  9. There have been many claims about the origin of viruses, especially today’s latest
    “COVID-19 coronavirus”.
    However, there is a long history of viruses throughout human history and false claims as to their points of origin.
    In fact, the “1918 Spanish flu” virus actually originated in the United States of America and was spread to Europe during the First World War, transmitted by the U. S. military during American military transports to Europe. It was an experimental meningitis “vaccine” which spread the disease. The commonly-accepted misinformation that this virus originated in Europe is false and can easily be proven by careful research.
    A majority of “1918 Spanish flu pandemic” deaths were not from the virus itself, but were from the then common practice of mask-wearing. In fact, “mask-wearers” were being buried by non-mask-wearers.
    You see, just as is the case today, breathing in one’s own exhalations is dangerous and is being promoted by the misguided government-imposed mandates to wear masks.
    99% of the deaths during the “1918 Spanish flu pandemic” were a result of bacterial pneumonia, NOT from the virus itself. As there were no treatments for bacterial pneumonia in those days, the death rate was horrendously high. Those who contracted the flu, but not pneumonia survived. As is the case today, almost everyone that dies with COVID-19 dies from complications from other causes, NOT from the virus itself.
    Fast forward to today, with our latest “COVID-19 pandemic”.
    Today’s “Chinese COVID-19 pandemic” actually originated at the American bioweapons research facility at Fort Detrick Maryland and was purposely brought to China by an American military “trade delegation” where it was released into the Chinese population. Biowarfare at its worst…
    The “COVID-19 vaccines” being pushed are “game changers” as they are replete with substances which will materially change human DNA, unlike previous vaccines which were merely weakened or killed virus remnants which would evoke a protective antibody response.
    Sound familiar?
    Today’s “COVID-19 pandemic” is actually a “plandemic” being used to take down a legally elected president and to usher in a “new world order” in which medical tyranny will be used to subjugate an entire world population, using FEAR as a weapon.
    Today’s “pandemic” is misnamed as it does not meet the definition of a “pandemic” but is being touted as such for political reasons—nothing more. Observe non-medical types such as Bill Gates and others touting untested vaccines with questionable substances, mask-wearing, and other social restrictions such as (selective) business closures, lockdowns and social distancing.
    For one, Bill Gates is not a “doctor”, has no medical training, and is a major proponent of “depopulation”–genocide. Gates is a “silver spoon” recipient, both of his parents being proponents of forced sterilization and eventual world depopulation.
    In fact, Bill Gates’ “vaccination schemes” have resulted in not only diseases being spread, but the use of birth-control and sterilization agents surreptitiously being a part of Gates’ “vaccination” schemes without “informed consent” being a part of the vaccination protocol speaks VOLUMES. Recipients of Gates’ “vaccines” were not informed that they were being sterilized—a violation of the Nuremberg protocols on “informed consent”.
    It is easy to see that there is much more going on than a response to a minor seasonal “flu virus”.
    Its about CONTROL and eventual human genocide—nothing more. The “jabs” are genocidal poisons.

    • Bill Gates has 3 kids. If he was really so concerned about overpopulation, you’d think he would have had fewer offspring. But I guess it’s a case of two sets of rules: one for the elites like him, and another for the rest of us.

  10. Central KY diaper update.

    Recently spent an evening at a Japanese restaurant half of the wait staff was masked , none of the diners (no surprises there.) WTH is it with east asians and their masks?
    There has been a recent up-tick in mask wearing especially in the cities. Nothing like a couple years ago with the mandates. Older TV watcher zombie types, I guess gimp mask fetish perverts and child abusers. I doubt we’ll ever get back to peak level mandate numbers, although I never believed it possible the first time.
    Many are in love with their slavery and oppressors just like the house slaves who believes somehow he might actually be the master’s favorite one day!

    Pathetic mentally destroyed creatures

  11. Re: Michael Jackson –
    Remember that freak and do not forget his son “Blanket” who was not allowed outside unless covered. That was child abuse similar to the father and son witnessed in the store diapered. Pathetic.

  12. Just got back from Grand Junction to pick up some supplies. Stopped for lunch at the Golden Corral (pro tip: Avoid the fried stuff and dessert bar and you can actually get something resembling a nutritious meal). The few (only) masked individuals were under 40, the least at risk of coming down with anything. Downright pathetic. But then again, they came of age during the War On Terrr™ so maybe we should cut ’em some slack for their unwarranted panophobia. Nah, better to snicker at them and troll behind their backs.

  13. ‘On Dec 6, the House passed an $858 billion defense funding bill, the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for the fiscal year 2023, that included a provision to rescind the military’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate.’ — The Epoch Times

    A group of R-party Senators have written to Senate minority leader McClownell, threatening to filibuster the NDAA unless their amendment ending the military vax mandate is submitted for a floor vote.

    In light of the favorable action in the House, ‘Secretary’ Austin’s hateful vax mandate could finally be repealed next week — no thanks to him.

    • politicians are owned by the wef and china………china only has an injection rate of about 3% and does not inject it’s military.

      U.S. and the G7 inject their military with the lethal experimental gene extermination therapy.

      ATTENTION china is not using the mrna experimental gene altering injections, they have only 3% of their population injected, with their own conventional vaccine, no mandates, they don’t inject their military…russia doesn’t either…. (in the next war they will win because their army is healthy).

  14. if you see a moron wearing a mask….ask them…how long have you been in the luciferian cult?…is it fun yet?….do you always join cults?….is it the same as the jim jones cult…when do you get the koolaid…is it injected now?….

  15. The whole point of this narrative is to demonize people…the elite luciferian control group call the people on the bottom useless eaters, they are the target for elimination.

    the elite luciferians think they are are at a level above the useless eaters…they are the new gods….The new olympians, the guardians…….. that is what the globalist/luciferian/one world government trash call themselves, the new gods.

    Your body has what they call an immune system which has exosomes which produce viruses as a cleaning agent….viruses ………they have really worked for 100 years, at demonizing viruses…(biggest brainwashing psyop in history….100 years of pushing this lie….it has been very successful…….99.99% of people believe it ….it is the basis of the trillion dollar pharmaceutical industry)

    ….a trillion dollar business…so there is lots of money to pay politicians to sign into law legislation to enforce their medical tyranny….big pharma…a kill/injure for profit meat grinder….

    ….because…you produce viruses, so therefore…….. you are evil and you must be eliminated…you are the target….using this narrative they can justify eliminating you….

    you must be eliminated…..the narrative is you have this evil inside you…inject our holy water, the kill shot, this will save you, make you clean again…a trick of a demon….

    the masks? a form of torture because you are evil….getting locked down for 2 years and losing your job….same thing….because you are evil

    • The WEF Isn’t A Cabal, It’s A Cult

      When you consider the positioning and branding of the WEF, with their certitude and paternalism, it all makes a lot more sense when viewed as a cult instead of a cabal. Cultists know all, they have the inside track – and most importantly, they claim moral authority over us all by Divine Right.

      techno-utopianism was ultimately a Luciferian construct. Not necessarily literally Lucifer, but that the aspiration to “usurp God” was Luciferian in character …..the wef cultists see themselves as the new gods….

      the elite luciferians think they are are at a level above the useless eaters…they are the new gods….The new olympians, the guardians…….. that is what the globalist/luciferian/one world government/wef trash call themselves, the new gods.

      Elitism is of the essence here; only powerful spiritual adepts and Luciferian masters deserve to occupy the higher realms and to enjoy the the benefits found only there.” the elites think they are at a higher level then the useless eaters on the bottom….

      “Davos Man”, because the entire elite ontology (or what passes for it) rests upon radical material reductionism.
      And materialism, at its core, is pure nihilism.
      There is no spirit. We have no souls. There is only matter, and lower humans are merely “hackable animals”……the useless eaters are animals, only good for lab experiments

      Participants in a cabal will abandon it the moment it ceases to serve their interests… but cultists will double-down. They will burn themselves alive and eat their children. They are ideological berserkers…..the wef is a cult……

      The Party at Davos is under the impression that they are the vanguard of neo-Darwinist evolution – when it’s looking instead like they are functionaries of a larger morphic field that is distinctly Luciferian or Ahrimanic in character. This field encapsulates transhumanism, techno-Marxism, technocracy and social credit.

      what happens to the bribed politicians that helped/empowered the elite/luciferians?

      when the luciferian/elite take over: The third stage instigates a crisis that leads to a civil war, revolution, or foreign invasion. This stage only took 2-6 months.
      This is the stage when the leftist idealists, or “useful idiots,” bribed politicians, are no longer needed, because they would be disillusioned, become obstacles, push back, turn against the new government. They are going to be eliminated, exiled, or imprisoned.


      • bribed politicians are a very important key…..the elite/luciferian control group at the top realize this….the politicians sign laws into existence…..jordan peterson talked about this…if there is a source of power you must take control of it…if you don’t, some tyrannical psychopath will……

        Pyramid of World Power

        1st level at the top the controllers the elite nobility in the background, always hiding, nobody talks about them, the control group. 17 royal families in europe, they are working with the billionaires and others in the committee of 300.

        one elite example……..Prince Phillip, husband of Queen Elizabeth II said ….“In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly demon/pathogen, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation.” He said the population should be reduced to 1 billion
        his son king Charles the 3rd agrees,

        king Charles the 3rd hired Claus schwab to run the WEF. Charles talks to plants.

        2nd level the Rothschild banksters provide financing for the elite nobility

        3rd level more 2nd level banksters

        4th level down the administrators, gates, schwab, etc..

        5th level the political prostitutes in the foreground, corrupt , bribed, owned by the elite……the politicians …..they sign anything into law that the wef wants

        6th level down the enforcers

        7th level at the very bottom the little people, the common people, paying for everything, used and abused.

        1) The WEF’s agenda is based on what the elites at the top want to do…

        2) the wef writes the laws/legislation to implement, accomplish these goals…

        3) lobbyists interact with the politicians, bribe them to get them to sign off on the laws/legislation….the politicians don’t read it, have no clue what is in there…..

        NOTE: it is interesting that the top 5 levels are exempt the extermination nazi needle……

        safe and effective…

        it isn’t….. that is why they are exempt…..

        safe and effective…..you are dealing with satanists…they invert everything….if you un invert it it reads…..deadly and won’t be effective as a health improver that they say it is….

  16. if you see a nutcase wearing a mask…tell them…

    in Turkmenistan you would be arrested for wearing that rag

    Those who wear a mask in Turkmenistan are arrested by police, Reporters without Borders said.

    NOTE: why did the G7 people have to wear masks?….because your leader got a $1 billion bribe and all their helpers were bribed too.

    what is the deal with masks?

    Surgical masks were used as torture tools at the notorious Guantanamo Bay detention camp in Cuba.


    if anyone had any guts they would tell their leader they will not wear a mask just because the leader got a huge bribe…..and they should come and tell them to their face they need to wear a mask…..the leaders have no guts, they are too scared to do that….

  17. The hysteria of the MSM propaganda machine is cranked up to maximum around here, “a tripledemic!”, “the cases!”, ad infinitum. All the usual suspects recommending that everyone mask up; only a matter of time before the recommendation becomes a “mandate”. When that happens I think I’ll pop into random stores and businesses and just shout “Boo!” Should be fun.

  18. Have to go to the Doktor tomorrow for “clearance” for a minor outpatient surgical procedure. I dread facing these corporate mask “nazis”. I know in order to keep his job my dr. has to wear and promote the filthy horrible face stupidity. It sickens me to no end! I’m still disgusted and amazed at how many people still wear the foul symbol of obedience. It makes me so mad, I can’t help but stare at the morons. I guess I don’t care if someone wants to degrade themselves in this manner but I believe the rest of us are going to be mandated again. F*** That!!! I am so done with the KovidKult Hysteria!!! And there’s no arguing with them!

  19. I spend a lot of time watching movies, being old and partially disabled. I’ve been studying the effect of facial expression on communication by watching actors facial expressions. What I’ve learned is that the changes in facial expression used to convey an unspoken message, or to modify spoken message, are often so subtle it’s hard to distinguish it, and nearly impossible to measure.
    If you have access to the movie Serenity, find the scene where Inara meets the Operative, and watch how very little her face changes to convey an entirely different attitude. About 43:30 I think.

    • Left out the important part. This demonstrates the undeniable need to see another’s face to communicate with them. Unless the only thing you want to communicate is hate and rage.

  20. “this child’s father, who is crippling his son’s progression toward the age of reason”
    That’s because the father has not attained it himself, and so may actually fear his son attaining it. Now making damn sure he doesn’t.
    From drag queen story hour, to medical transitioning, to legitimizing pedophilia, to jabbing them with a dangerous chemical soup to protect them from a risk they don’t have, children are under assault as never before, except in times of severe famine.

    • “That’s because the father has not attained it himself, and so may actually fear his son attaining it. Now making damn sure he doesn’t.”

      Damn John you nailed it right there. It’s the same reason why my significant other’s parents choose fear, masks, covid tests and Paxlovid over listening to us explain how this whole thing really works. They can gaslight us and willfully ignore reality all they like, but it’s clear we are running circles around them despite it.. and hopefully eventually running *away* from them.. We’ve really, really tried, there’s no good reason for them not to consider new information that challenges their current faith and superstition based beliefs, but there’s just no helping folks who only want the ‘help’ of daddy gov, it was toxic to put up with in our 20s and it’s beyond unbearable to live with now in our 30s. Their koolaid guzzling is too much of a threat to our own freedom, and it’s gotten too soul crushing to be constantly invalidated for their own comfort.

      Can’t imagine the kind of prison it must be now for the young kids who are smart enough to see through their oaf parents’ agendas.. If they speak up, surely some tiny tyrant at school or home will reeducate them. And if CPS were to intervene they would be just as complicit. I wanna say it’s become a dystopic nightmare, but the more I think about it, the more I recognize it was always this bad anyway, was just different-bad.

      • Hi Moose!

        It was never this bad. There was pressure to conform to the “standard” when I was in high school, but you were free not to conform. The “cool” kids may have shunned you but no one forced you to be “cool” (i.e., to conform). There were no cops in schools. Kids were free to leave the premises at will. The idea of being forced to wear a “mask” would have been almost comically inconceivable to us Gen X kids.

  21. There is a glimmer of hope recently that DeSantis is starting to take up the cause of the greatest human tragedy to be foisted upon an entire world…the death jab caused from an intentional release from a CCP biolab that Fauci funded. I think he will win over the low information types by exposing to the world the lies and greed from Pfizer, fraud and lies from Fauci and Brix and utter incompetence of Trump. There needs to be reparations for the damage done (mainstream media will report: women and minorities affected most).

    • They have tried gain of function, but it hasn’t worked very well so far…the so called bat germ was just relabeled mild flu…(the modified virus didn’t work, but it doesn’t matter, just relabel mild flu as bat germ disease) and if you relabel all deaths as bat germ, you get numbers to justify your hoax pandemic……and what is known as mild flu…people feel ill and have symptoms…could be caused by many things…usually, deficiencies, toxins or trauma.

      gain of function, but it hasn’t worked very well so far…the so called bat germ was just relabeled mild flu….they probably knew this….but the narrative was big deadly bat germ…the reality was relabeled mild flu and or every illness anybody had….together with a test which was 100% fraud, 100% inaccurate …..maybe the gain of function narrative is to reinforce the evil virus lie…..which is the goal…

      Your body has what they call an immune system which has exosomes which produce viruses as a cleaning agent….these viruses are unique to you…they shouldn’t be injected into somebody else’s body……

      gain of function…if they screw around in a lab with something they dug out of a human’s or animal’s body and then inject it directly into your bloodstream it could make you ill….if they can get you to breathe or eat poison you could get ill….

      The whole point of this narrative is to demonize people…the elite luciferian control group call them useless eaters, they are the target for elimination….viruses are evil…you make a virus…so you are evil….

      it’s the same as……you make farts…farts are evil….so you are evil….lol

      the elite luciferians think they are are at a level above the useless eaters…they are the new gods….The new olympians, the guardians…….. that is what the globalist/luciferian/one world government trash call themselves, the new gods.

  22. Mask wearing is harmful to the psyche. You become mentally incapacitated, not all there. It will be a negative impact which will be offensive to some.

    When I see someone wearing a mask, saw two women wearing them yesterday when out running errands, I get the feeling that it is my fault that they are wearing masks. I feel guilty to expose them to my non-masked repulsive face exhaling carbon dioxide laced air and the daily shedding of skin cells, I should be ashamed of myself.

    To the point where you are the victim, it is an assault that you aren’t wearing a mask, the mask-wearers are innocent, trying to protect the general public, and you, the filthy swine that you are, who dares not wear to a mask, it is then your fault that they, the mask-wearers, wear masks.

    There is no logic there, you wear the mask so others aren’t harmed, it is irrational. 1/0=irrational number, can’t be calculated.

    Another National Day of Drinking just happens to be today.

  23. The other element I wonder about is the almost constant rounds of illnesses and infections among vaccinated people I know. It is starting to seem like a vicious cycle of infections, then media hysteria about infection rates, then needing to mask again and get yet more vaccinations and shots. Then more infections and so on – rinse repeat. The vaccinated people and news explain away the illnesses as being a more severe flu season or not enough people getting boosted or unvaccinated people being asymptomatic spreaders or the kids having been locked down and not gotten childhood illnesses until now. One possibility that is NEVER even seems to be considered is that their vaccines themselves MAY have caused damage to their immune systems. And that more vaccines may make the problem even worse. All I ever see on the news are hourly reminders to “get vaccinated”, ads for free vaccines on tv, signs in all the stores etc. our office lobby still has not taken down the “we take your health concerns very seriously here “ urging social distancing, use of hand washing and sanitizer to protect others.

    • I agree with you, RS –

      I have been sick – with a cold – once during all of this. I’ve not had anything since I had that cold, which was just a cold – and I’ve never “masked” (even once) and my blood is pure (no “vaccine”). Ergo, I have an operative immune system. I’ve asked people I know who have asked me why I don’t take the “vaccines” – and I say to them: Why would I? Why would I take drugs that don’t immunize me from a cold that doesn’t worry me?

      • Eric,

        I think I’ve been “naturally vaccinated” via being sick with the ‘Rona months before any COVID jabs were rolled out. My own immune system ultimately defeated whatever I had after 5 days. After learning that this virus had a near 100% survival rate for people under 70, I thought it was illogical to take an experimental jab that had too many unknowns, but I’ve been of the belief that people who wanted to take one of these jabs were free to do so. However, things really started getting weird when governments and large corporations were offering incentives for people to get vaxxed such as free donuts, a free burger and fries, or a chance to win a jackpot in a state vaccine lottery. What was also weird at the time was when public health bureaucrats were acting like natural immunity didn’t exist and were URGING people who’ve been “naturally vaccinated” via recovery from a previous COVID infection to take the experimental jab despite some doctors saying that people who already had immunity from prior infection SHOULDN’T take the jab. And then authoritarians and the Biden Thing resorted to trying to FORCE people to get jabbed with this experimental jab via mandates, which was blatantly illegal. And now, with the CDC unanimously voting to add them to the childhood vaccination schedule and the FDA authorizing the bivalent booster for children as young as 6 months, these same power mad authoritarians are just itching to MANDATE these jabs for children. And with the potential for Big Pharma and the biotech industry to make mRNA vaccines for other diseases and viruses, we’re liable to see efforts to FORCE people to take those injections in the future.

    • In the large offices (100’s of staff) of someone I know, all the people (& their families) who got The Shot have been serially off & on badly sick.
      Like, almost constantly sick.

      I still haven’t been sick with anything since late 2019 early 2020.

      • I know a woman who goes to the hospital twice a day sometimes, had 4 jabs…huge health problems now…..another man had 4 jabs…can barely walk now, can’t work…..another man I talked to in a casino, got 3 jabs, can barely walk or lift his arms……..another relative got 3 jabs…half his face is paralyzed now…when I warned him about the jabs…he said it was a conspiracy theory….lol

        • Anon,

          Conspiracy theory? That’s what people said to those who warned that there’d be pushes for endless vaccinations or even VACCINE PASSPORTS, and guess what? Both of those predictions, along with others, have come true. Even natural immunity via recovery from a prior infection was said to be CONSPIRACY THEORY and was inferior to mRNA vaccine immunity until countless studies showed that natural immunity was long lasting compared to any immunity from the jabs, which appears to be anywhere from only a few months at best to only a few weeks at the worst. Advocating increased Vitamin D uptake was even deemed COVID MISINFORMATION until studies showed that people who had the most trouble with COVID tended to be those with a Vitamin D deficiency.
          Why, even ivermectin was smeared as HORSE DEWORMER and an ineffective treatment for COVID until numerous studies showed that narrative was bull crap. Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine were both smeared as drugs that ANTI-VAXXERS advocated, but there have been many doctors who’ve successfully treated COVID patients with said drugs, and some of those doctors even lost their licenses for using those drugs.

          Those who’ve advocated all the ineffective draconian measures and shunning those who didn’t get the jab have asked for “Pandemic amnesty”, claiming they “Didn’t know”, but at the height of this “pandemic” they smeared those who DID KNOW the truth as “Superspreaders of MISINFORMATION”. These people should not be granted “Pandemic amnesty” as long as the infrastructure to do this crap all over again is still in place.

        • Hi Anon,

          I’ve said this before, but it bears repeating: I know no one who died from the ‘Rona or even got very sick from it. I know one young man (20) who died after being “vaccinated.”

    • RS,

      Do you think there might be attempts to blame the rising rates of infections on the LOW uptake of the new bivalent booster jabs which have only been tested on mice? I read somewhere that only 11% of vaxxed people eligible for the “new & improved booster” have received it, and after the FDA having authorized it for children under 5, there’ll likely be calls URGING parents to have their young children get it. And if the pharmaceutical industry should “warp speed” an mRNA RSV vaccine, there’ll likely be calls to MANDATE that particular jab for the masses.

      For as long as I can remember, “The Left” has bleated about the evils of Big Pharma, but just over the past couple years, they’ve resorted to being Big Pharma’s biggest shills via trying to FORCE people to take an experimental jab under threat of severe punishment if they refused.

    • RS,

      A vaccine expert named Geert Vanden Bossche recently warned of serious trouble ahead for people who’ve been “vaccinated”. Having worked for GAVI & the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Bossche is about as pro-vaccine as anyone can get. Last year, he was calling for an immediate halt to the obsessive mass vaccination campaign being attempted around the world, warning that mass vaccination in the middle of a pandemic would result in an explosion of infections in highly vaxxed areas and vaccine resistant variants. However, he was ignored and even dismissed by some as ANTI-VAXXER despite being as pro-vaccine as anyone can get. Unfortunately his prediction back then came true, and from what we’re seeing now with this “tripledemic of RSV, influenza, and COVID”, his latest prediction might be coming true as well.

    • the bottom line is that the v……..e is UNSAFE and downright dangerous being an elixir mixed in hell’s real kitchen, and made up of “aborted fetus tissue”, “half mouse half human chimera tissue”, hydrogel: a biosensor which would monitor your body as well as send and receive information to the 5G Smart Grid.

      Autoimmune disorders of all kinds (allergies, psoriasis, MS, rheumatoid arthritis and many more) have exploded as vac//ci….ne mania gripped the world over the past 30 years. It’s not a surprise. V……….s by their very nature disrupt the immune system.

      all you really need to do is look at the decline in overall health over the past 30 years and it’s pretty obvious that v……..s play a big role. 1/3 of American children have chronic, lifelong health conditions now. I’m sure it has nothing to do with the 72 shots they take.

      what about the v………e industry’s little-discussed reliance on DNA from species such as birds, dogs, monkeys, cows, pigs, mice and insects in vaccine manufacturing. Noting Béchamp’s belief that “an organism’s microzymas are unique to it, and are not interchangeable with those of another,” Béchamp would disapprove of introducing microzymas “proper to one species. . .into an animal of another species”—which is exactly what v…………s do.

      How. . .foolhardy is it then, when viral microzymas are not only from another species, but are already morbidly evolved and are accompanied by preservatives, formaldehyde, and other chemicals? There is no sanity whatever to this practice.

      Another important fact to know about all vaccines is that many of them are using the MRC5 aborted fetal cell lines from the 1960s. This is an immortalized cell line. Immortalized means it does not die. In other words it’s a cell that has lost the ability to go through apoptosis—natural cell decay and death.

      A cell that cannot go through that death process is called cancer. That is a definition of cancer.
      ATTENTION: So they are trying to use a lot of words to mask the fact you’re being injected with cancerous cells.

      we hear that muslims and jewish can’t and shouldn’t get the V………e, due to it containing pig ingredients. christians because it contains aborted fetus tissue.

      now we hear that it will infect or disable your testicles.
      researchers say: To protect fertility, some men may want to consider freezing their sperm prior to v…………n

      And this mR//N…..A shot is pure madness if you care to look. The technology was patented in 1991 and has never been used on humans (so you get to be the first guinee pig, good luck with that, bringacoffin) because every single animal study has shown horrific results. Do not get this shot no matter what they say. It’s very, very bad.

      m//R….NA v……….s hijack the body’s cells, invading ribosomes and causing them to churn out non-human proteins which invade the blood. These proteins cause the body to attack itself in a “cytokine storm” of inflammation and autoimmune disorders, resulting in neurological damage, infertility, tissue damage and even death.

      M//R…..NA v………es intervene directly in the patient’s genetic material and, therefore, they change individual genetic material, which represents genetic manipulation, something that has been banned and so far considered criminal.

      Added bonus in shot……….The Covid 19 vaccines will have a bacteria that’s a contaminant—mycoplasma pneumonias. It’s a very common bacteria used as a contaminant. This really has nothing to do with the vaccine itself but they have it in there. So you are getting an infection on top of the v………e.

      This stuff is so bad it has the potential to be used as a bio weapon. They are injecting cancers into your body along with very toxic substances, like mercury derivatives, aluminum derivatives and other things like that. In addition to the unknown effect of the combination or an accumulation of these vaccines together and the synergistic effect that happens. mixed together they could be 10 times as dangerous.

      “Cancer was practically unknown until the cowpox vaccination began to be introduced

      ATTENTION: I have seen 200 cases of cancer, and never saw a case in an unvaccinated person.”
      Dr. W.B. Clark, New York Times, 1909

      “The Nazis had a phrase that covered all abuses by the State: ‘Für euer sischerheit’ —> ‘It’s for your safety’” these satanist witches are nazis.

      Auschwitz = Arbeit macht frei (Work will make you free)

      Earth 2020 = V……….e will make you free


  24. I definitely have come to understand that the main point of the mask is to allow moral condemnation for those who do not wear it. That is what all the non stop news messaging has been about, creating the idea that it is virtuous to judge and shame those who do not display visible signs of agreement with the Left. It has provided people the opportunity to openly despise certain Others and be psychologically rewarded for it. Then it becomes like one of those video games where the brain wants constant bolus hits of the hate drip. Thats also why mainstream news will not stop talking about Trump. Everything is now about stoking constant moral indignation. They keep coming up with new “gotchas”. You used the wrong pronoun, you drive the wrong car, you vote the wrong way, you don’t care enough about others to advertise that you got all the vaccines, you do not spout the correct talking points such as supporting abortion rights when the topic arises, you are actually upset that you were robbed in the street, etc. etc until people are in such an irrational state that your mere act of breathing in and out triggers them. I have now seen it happen in my own family. The information war is real and it is not going away in my lifetime.

    • While, imho, the main point of wearing a mask is both symbolic & ritual slave training, this is certainly a big part of it all, “to allow moral condemnation for those who do not wear it.”

      The same could be said of those who get The Shot & how they view purebloods, i.e. they just want to be Liked by the group and develop, “a psychological mechanism against “free-riding,””

      ‘Study Finds Prejudice Against COVID-19 Unvaccinated Around The World’

      “unvaccinated people face significantly more hostility than immigrants even in 10 countries that are deemed unfriendly to immigrants.” …


      Thankfully, I have not seen much in the way of any type of face diapers in quite some time.
      As they have done a few times already, the local Home Depot had some kind of bring your kids to color & craft event on tables set up in the lumber isle last week. It was great to see every single one of them unmasked, however; I cringed thinking of the number who probably got The Shot.

      • whoever forces you to wear a mask is forcing you to partake in an occult ritual

        The WEF is a luciferian cult

        the elite luciferians think they are are at a level above the useless eaters…they are the new gods….The new olympians, the guardians…….. that is what the globalist/luciferian/one world government/wef trash call themselves, the new gods.

        part of new covid religion is you have to wear a mask. they are forcing you to partake in an occult ritual, these people are satanists, witches. Masking has traditionally played a very important role in occult rituals.

        Wearing the mask is a powerful occult symbol indicating your submission to another power In other words, the wearing of a mask represents an occult transformation.

        Wearing a mask is participating in an occult practice, that is very dangerous, you are opening a door to have demons invade your body/mind/soul, that is the goal of your satanist leaders.

        Derek Prince in the video talking about getting tortured/attacked by demons,

        one example is inviting in the demon of death at 1:03 in the video…

        This is a pretty interesting video.


        masks also suffocate you and make you breathe back bodily waste products (like eating your own excrement) and cause blood clots.

        covid is just a religion no science backing it: an occult satanic religious death cult…same as the wef….lol

      • Helot,

        Here’s something to ponder…..With those new bivalent boosters, what kind of attitude will the “vaccinated” who got the booster have toward those who are also “vaccinated” but DIDN’T get the bivalent booster? Will those who didn’t get the booster be labeled UNVACCINATED or even UNCLEAN?

  25. Public health bureaucrats are URGING everyone to wear face diapers again because of “Skyrocketing cases” of RSV, FLU, and COVID, despite countless studies showing face diapers don’t freaking work against respiratory viruses. Not only that, but we’ve had cold and flu season forever, and prior to 2020, as far as I know, we’ve NEVER had anyone URGING people to wear face diapers during cold & flu season to “Protect others” or “Prevent hospitals from being overwhelmed”, nor have we had anyone URGING everyone to “Stay up to date on vaccinations”. To paraphrase an old saying, shame on those who fooled people during the “pandemic”, but this time, shame on those who once again are fooled by the liars.

    • Those “health” bureaucrats had of taste of the power rush during the scamdemic. Now that they see themselves as being superior, they want the common people to know their place. Many cultures of the past often forced slaves to wear masks and it’s the “fashion” that our so-called superiors want to reimplement…..permanently!

    • “…prior to 2020 we’ve NEVER had anyone URGING people to wear face diapers during cold & flu season…”

      Exactly J.B. And this despite the claim made by govt schmuckperts that some 20k-40k people were croaking every year from influenza (I always thought those were bullshit numbers all along).

      Wasn’t that by itself enough justification to require everyone to mask for 6 mos and mandate a flu-shot every year? I mean, after all, if it saved just one precious life wouldn’t it be worth it? How dare they allow all those people over the decades to die like that!!!!!!! But we’re sure lucky now that they saw the light during the corona beer flu. /sarc off

      • John K,

        From what I’ve read and heard, RSV tended to only affect young children. Not sure if it’s now affecting adults as well, but if it is, I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s affecting adults who’ve been “vaccinated”, but I doubt anyone in the media or the medical establishment will bring that up. Instead, they’ll urge everyone to “mask up” AND “Stay up to date on their vaccinations”.

  26. Sad news to report. My elderly MOM passed away last week. In September she noticed a lump which grew larger and was eventually diagnosed as Lymphoma. At her age almost anything could have killed her. But I wonder what part of her cancer could maybe have been related to her being multiple jabbed? At her age she would have come down with something life threatening anyhow, but I just wonder. From the start of cancer treatment to dieing in bed took less than a month. Not much else to say about that but I’ll always wonder.

  27. In the one place where you’d think reason would prevail – your doctor’s office – the filthy things are mandatory for everybody. No exceptions, no arguing. Forever, it seems.
    If I had walked into the waiting room in 2019 wearing the exact same surgical mask that they now require, they would have laughed at me. If not to my face, at least behind my back.
    “Really, you don’t have to wear that thing. It’s not what they’re made for.”
    “Hey look: this guy thinks he’s a surgeon!”
    “Hey look: this guy thinks he’s Michael Jackson!”


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