The Microwave You Drive?


You may not listen to AM radio – which for the generations preceding the Millennials was what many of us listened to on lonesome road trips out in the sparsely populated areas of the country, where FM signals couldn’t reach but AM signals could.

But you might be interested in why AM is going away. 

Well, it’s not actually going away. AM continues to broadcast. But a growing number of new cars cannot receive what is broadcast via AM. 

Electric cars.

And electric trucks like the Ford F-150 Lightning this writer just spent a week test driving (you can read more about that if you like, here). They have satellite radio and FM radio – but not AM radio. Their audio systems have had the capacity to receive AM signals deleted.

How come?

It is because EMF (Electromagnetic Frequency) emissions – to borrow a popular word – interfere with AM reception to such an extent as to make listening to anything being broadcast via AM essentially impossible. The manufacturers of electric vehicles don’t want complaints from customers annoyed by a feature that doesn’t work – and can’t be made to work, at least not properly.

So they – Tesla, Audi, Porsche, VW and now Ford – have simply deleted AM, eliminating that potential problem.

“Rather than frustrate customers with inferior reception and noise, the decision was made to leave it off vehicles that feature eDrive technology,” said BMW in a statement. 

But what about the underlying problem? The reason why AM broadcast reception is a problem in electric vehicles? Has anyone looked into whether an EV’s EMF emissions are – to borrow a phrase – safe and effective?

It is known that, as a general principle, too much EMF radiation isn’t good for your health. It is why people are advised to not hold a smartphone against their heads, for instance. This caution is interesting given that an electric car can be considered a massive smartphone. Like a smartphone, it is constantly emitting EMF radiation, only more  of it – and you are inside it.

How much EMF is being emitted by electric cars? Inside electric cars? One tester found a consistently pulsing as much as 100 milliwatts of EMG energy bathing him, within his Tesla electric car. This being comparable to what a smartphone emits. Or a microwave ove.

The difference being one cannot avoid being bathed with the EMF inside a car broadcasting it without getting away from the car – os standing back from the oven. Driving an EMF-emitting EV can be thought of as having a conventional, gas powered car with its tailpipe inside the car.

And the effects could be worse in that a modern gas-engined car’s exhaust stream is mostly water vapor and carbon dioxide. Keep the window cracked and you will probably be fine. But EMF emissions can’t be diluted by rolling down the window.

Or even by turning the car off, as these devices continue to emit even when parked.

The actual danger of being bathed in so much EMF isn’t yet know because it will take time – years – for the effects, if any, to be fully understood. Very much of a piece with the “vaccines” millions have taken that weren’t long-term tested before millions of people took them. There is, however, data suggesting an uptick in certain cancers with the use of smartphones. In particular, cancers of the brain and ear. Interestingly, these cancers – Gliomas and acoustic neuromas – are developing on the side of people’s heads that just happen to be the same side that those people held their phones up against.

According to these studies, the people most likely to develop these tumors were those who spent “an average of 54 minutes on the phone per day.”

How much time do people spend within a car, each day?

It may well prove to be the case that the EMF emissions being generated by EVs is benign – or at least, relatively harmless. But it’s interesting that there has been very little in the way of official interest in finding out first – before bathing potentially millions of people in EV-generated EMF emissions.

Perhaps even more interesting is the fact that millions of people are likely to be bathed in these emissions for the sake of reducing the emissions of a trace gas (C02) that is known to be harmless to humans in trace amounts and which is absolutely essential to human life, assuming humans want to eat. All because of an asserted risk to the “climate” that has been repeatedly shown to be overblown if it exists at all.

Yet no concern is expressed about very real EMF emissions that the evidence strongly suggest are a threat to humans exposed to them above a certain background threshold level. No government regulations limiting how much EMG can be emitted by electric cars. The same government that goes berserk over almost immeasurable emissions such as those emitted by VW’s extirpated line of diesel-powered cars, which no one was harmed by.

Instead, just nix the AM receiver in the car – so that people will not be aware of what they’re being bathed in, when they’re inside the car.

Until, of course, they become aware of the effects of being bathed in these EV emissions.

. . .

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  1. Microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation, maser. Electromagnetic waves, concentrated.

    They’re in microwave ovens. You concentrate electricity, kind of.

    When you use light, you have a laser. You can concentrate light, becomes a laser. Fun toys and useful tools.

    The scientist who discovered microwaves did so accidentally.

    While experimenting with microwaves in a lab, a place with electricity, he discovered what microwaves do when the chocolate candy bar in his shirt pocket was melted.

    The old experiment of placing a raw egg in a microwave oven just to see what happens. The egg explodes. Cooked to death.

    Microwaves will cook you.

    While you drive an EV, electromagnetic waves and the presence of ozone from the electric motors become a health hazard.

  2. My small town has been undergoing gentrification for over a year now. We’re not on the ICLEI list yet, but I’m sure we will be. I listen to college radio, and at an intersection in the heart of our tiny downtown they’ve installed 5g-looking white lumps about 12 feet up, and a little further up, what appear to be cameras with what appear to be ipad screens attached to them (solar panels?). The point I’m trying to make is that fm college radio fuzzes out at this intersection every day.
    I’ve been meaning to get one of these EMF meters for well over a year to see if the vaccinated are transmitters, but I’m too cheap. I have a poker buddy that likes to invite me to trivia night at a hip brewery in a downtown which isn’t my scene. I pointed out to him that one of those white 5g lumps was on the ceiling directly over our heads..
    I think it is the real invisible enemy to be aware of.
    Cell phones, I always use speaker, and never while driving. When driving, the phone ramps up its power in order to reach the next cell mast, and the next. The car does act as a faraday cage, and the smart folks put the thing in airplane mode.
    Smart meter, they installed it without my consent, while I was at work. Left a note. Covid coincided with the 5g rollout, which I never consented to either (had to give up my perfect, military grade Samsung flip phone). I could go on, but shouldn’t.

    • Just to add: I’ve never done it, but well before this electric car craze I read that a portable radio tuned between AM stations acted like a cheap radiation detector. If anyone here tries it, please let us know.

      • RE: “AM stations acted like a cheap radiation detector. If anyone here tries it, please let us know.”

        I’m still waiting to see if any of you guys with sthmart phones using the bluetooth app can pick up the vaxxed around you.

        I imagine, ‘They Live’ sunglasses, on a cell phone.

        If it works, does that mean a sthmart phone is a tri-corder?

        Not to knock on your point, though. That would be interesting, too.
        The interference on the A.M. band where I am at is terrible.

      • Back in 1968, I used a cheap AM transistor radio set down at the low end to detect when programs in a IBM 1130 were stuck in a loop. So I’m totally onboard with trying that.

    • look on top of apartment or office buildings, lots of therm have a forest of cellphone antennas on the roof…the space for them is rented out and provides cash flow to the owners….imagine living on the top floor and getting microwaved by this crap…..

    • Is there a “Wireless ISP” in your town? You may be misinterpreting WiFi equipment as 5G equipment. Twelve feet is not worth the trouble for a 5G provider.

  3. ‘One tester found a consistently pulsing as much as 100 milliwatts of EMG energy bathing him, within his Tesla electric car. This being comparable to what a smartphone emits. Or a microwave oven.’ — eric

    Reminds me of an incredibly stupid article in the now-defunct Houston Post, which I read as a teenager since my parents subscribed to it.

    A suburban soccer mom who spent several hours a day on the broad freeways of Houston got the bright idea to cook a casserole atop her station wagon’s mighty Veeee-Eight. She advised on recommended cooking/driving times to get it piping hot. No word on whether the casserole smelled of gasoline fumes from the Rochester Quadrajet carburetor.

    Oh well, that’s Old Tech. Now you can nuke your casserole with EMFs in the clean, air-filtered cabin of your EeeVee: clean living in a clean environment … for the children. 🙂

    • I think it’s time to euthanize Klaus and company to reduce their “carbon footprint”. After all, the best leaders lead by example.
      Seriously though my cats are family members and anyone who threatens them will have to get past me and my friend Mr. Mossberg.

      • Amen, Mike!

        Herr Klaus can become cat food fodder and I will be glad to help facilitate the process. Just looking at his face makes me want to get a baseball bat and do a little working out.

        • Eric,

          With these technocrats now calling for killing pets under guise of “Fighting climate change”, have they gone too far with even the most ardent climate change belieeeeeeeeeeevers who own pets, or will those people “Do what they’re told”, as Anthony Fauci might have put it? I don’t know.

    • just getting rid of another food source…in venezuala people’s pets went missing….when things get tough they are a food source….

  4. An old friend now, a mechanic, owned a gas station and a tow truck, would tow abandoned vehicles out on the streets of Chicago, probably 50 years ago. “Made a lot of money,” he said.

    A new opportunity for the towing business, abandoned electric vehicles will have to be towed to a storage facility. Have a salvage yard and break them down, recycle the batteries to re-purpose.

    Adesa maybe is doing it now.

    If you can find old antique radios, they can be worth a few dollars. Not many thousands, but are worth something. I collect just about everything there is, not a hoarder, a collector. Bought an old Hallicrafters with several broadcast bands on the thing, it works too. Have an old Zenith table top radio, 50’s vintage that makes plenty of noise, so not worth listening to AM radio, sometimes you do anyway, just a collector’s piece, really.

    Getty Images has thousands of photos from every land all over the world, copious images of Ukraine tells the story in pictures, not so much in words.

  5. Had a good Sharp radio with a good AM tuner, sold it at a rummage sale. A fool never learns.

    It was difficult to listen to AM radio during the summer, too much lightning across the universe interrupted the signal. You could tune in Detroit, Cincinnati, Denver, KOA, even tune in LA on a good night. Little Rock, of course, KSTP in Minneapolis, CKY in Winnipeg.

    Around the Denver area, you have to listen to religious AM or Mexican AM these days.

    I read more than anything anymore. It’s crazy.

    I read a comment at another website, can’t find it now, where the Ukrazies are releasing Russian prisoners back to Russia castrated. The Ruskies can’t be happy.

    If true, the truth is the first casualty of war, then it will be an invasion of forces and more all out war.

    Probably will happen just after Christmas.

    Brevity is the soul of wit.

    • ‘truth is the first casualty of war’ — drumphish

      According to today’s Federal Reserve announcement, stable prices are the first casualty of war:

      ‘Russia’s war against Ukraine is causing tremendous human and economic hardship. The war and related events are contributing to upward pressure on inflation and are weighing on global economic activity. The committee is highly attentive to inflation risks.

      It was ever thus. Indeed, the classical gold standard ended in 1914 as WW I broke out, after giving the world over forty years of peace and prosperity. Governments suspended gold convertibility so they could print unlimited fiat currency to fund the war budget.

      Now, unbelievably, that’s the permanent system, run by a committee made up mostly of PhD eclownomists. Chair Jay Powell is a lawyer.

      Hunker down, folks. Like your proctologist, the Fed is about to administer an uncomfortable procedure — for our own good. So bend over, here it comes again! 🙂

  6. Remember when microwave ovens came out people with pacemakers were warned to stay away? Also, regarding sail fawns, they emit a shit ton on EMF. Dig deep into an owner’s manual (if you can still get/see online) and there are some scary tolerances mentioned. Like a lot of things, none of it matters to the sheeple. Women wear tight fitting clothing with these things strapped to their ovarian areas. BTW, I think people instinctively know they’re being radiated in the brain when they put their phone to their head to talk. I think that’s why most sail fawners prefer texting to talking and nowadays get sorta mad when someone calls to talk.

    Any wireless device you handle or touch to your body should, at a minimum, be housed in a radiation protection jacket. I don’t have a sail fawn but theseare what I use on the iPad:

    • Those are some pretty good memes Elaine.

      The one of pedo Joe mouth kissing the kid is a truth bomb. Also the beauty queen who losses to the man in drag. I’m sending them to a deranged liberal family member with a daughter that participates in beauty pageants. Said family member didn’t believe me when I told her that was a thing.

  7. The Tesla crowd will probably cheer at this news. ‘Oooh Vey, We can cook our frozen microwave diners in the car while we get baked and wait to get back on the road.’

    Sounds like a convenient excuse to do away with that evil AM talk radio. TPTSB have been trying for decades, And the talkers of the 90s, all talked about the EMF poisoning and such. Laughed at as conspiracy theorists, here we are.

    Sounds like the whole prison planet/ green agenda is not quite ready for prime time. TPTSB probably rolled it out a bit early because to many people waking up would make it harder on them. When you go from 1%-2% thats not a big deal, 2%-4% still manageable. 4% growing to 8% and beyond, they risk losing their hold on the narrative.

    It seems this is where we are. In my mind the last five years has seen a doubling of people realizing how truly fubar the world is, and that a tiny, select group of kleptocratic oligarchs are behind most of the worlds problems. Not enough of us to throw off the shackles yet, if our numbers grow to over ten percent they risk black swan, French Revolution, Purge type outcomes. Which are things that mildly annoy them.

    It would be so simple, really. 20-25% of the people to begin with, put their cell phones in a faraday box and don’t take them back out. All the tards with their faces buried in the very thing that enslaves them, its sad. I refuse to get one, and when they shut off my 3G Samsung rugby next spring thats it. I’m not a slave, I’m not ‘on call’ 24/7. I have a land line with an answering machine. If you leave a message I’ll get back to ya. Otherwise piss off.

    Its only a digital prison, for now, and we the people hold the keys to our own enslavement. Put away the sail fawn. Get an old car. Turn off the Tee Vee. Plant a little garden. Walk the earth uncovered. Breath in freely, and revel in the fact that you can still raw dog the shit out of the elites air. Its a start.

      • I forgot to mention, if it matters, my Tracfone sits on a table, no different from a landline.

        I have to ~ constantly tell people, “I’m not a cell phone person”.
        Or, “No, I can’t send you a photo, I don’t have a sthmartphone.”

        I don’t mention, I wouldn’t send a photo, even IF I could.

        I refuse to be enslaved by the palm device. Even IF it costs me.

        • Hey helot,

          The other day, in the library I saw four different people with their snouts buried in their phones. In the library FFS. A place of wonders, full of every heaven, every hell, everything contained in the human condition, and they cant be bothered to put the damn phone down. A couple of them even had face diapers on.

          It may cost a little in opportunity lost to not have a smart phone, but I’ve worked hard to structure my life so I don’t have to chase ole Dollah Bill around like in my youth. When I’m home, the sail fawn mostly sits in a drawer, or on the desk in the office. I only keep it for when I’m out doing jobs. If I cant find a place in my old fashioned paper map book, then I might use the sail fawn.

          The land line only cost about 30 bucks a month. My wife stays home, so she’s usually the one to answer it for business. Plus no one wants to talk to me anyway, they prefer to deal with her. I’m just the peon who has to go out and do the dirty work.

          If just one in four of us put our phones in faraday cages, or didn’t own one at all, instead of one in forty of us, it would throw a lot of sand in the gears of the current tyranny.

          • Hi Norman,

            I’m trying to emulate your example. I leave the thing at home, mostly – and when I am home I leave it in the kitchen and try to avoid it except for once in the morning and then again in the afternoon. Were it not for work, I’d throw the thing in the Woods today.

            • > try to avoid it
              “There is no ‘try.’
              Either do, or not do.”
              – Yoda

              So, what did you do before you had a “sail fawn,” Eric?
              Sure you don’t need an “intervention?” 🙂

              • Hi Adi,

                I didn’t have one until about six years ago, after my divorce. I was able to “get away” with not having one because it was still possible to do what I do without having one. It isn’t anymore. The car companies communicate this way. If I want to be able to continue test driving/reviewing new cars, I must have dey sail fawn…

            • Hi Eric,

              Maybe at some point when enough people understand this, a large portion of us can turn them off/put them away as part of a general buying/working/participation strike. we really do hold a unique power against these sub-humans if enough people would just decline to participate/ refuse to state/ resist simultaneously.

    • >I’m not ‘on call’ 24/7. I have a land line with an answering machine. If you leave a message I’ll get back to ya.
      10-4 on that one, Norman.
      “Just leave a message. Maybe I’ll call.” – Joe Walsh
      I do have a 30 dollar “sail fawn,” but only for emergency use, my landline being VOIP. The cell phone sits on my desk, plugged into the charger, but turned *off* (not just dormant).

      John Prine wrote & sang this tune, many years ago:

  8. Off topic but, I see Mike Leach, age 61 died ‘of suddenly’, heart attack. Coach at Mississippi State. As Vox Day says, we don’t know it’s the vax, but it’s the vax.

  9. I am very concerned about EMF and have even bought property where no cell phone signals could be detected. In mountainous regions, you can find low spots in treed valleys with no signals. I also do not own a cellphone, because I do not want to pay a monthly bill nor do I want to be broadcasting the signal next to my head.

    A cellphone is an amazing device – you can be driving at high speed going up and down left and right in the woods, yet you can still get a video feed. Scary actually. I see that on Southfront website, the Ukraine battle footage, Russia has camera drones videoing their missile strikes.

    I also spend time in wilderness areas, far, far away from the maddening crowd, and I have tried to quantify any feelings of discomfort as I leave the wilderness for human habitation – yet I am unable to detect anything in my being.

    Several times a year my wife and I go take walk in the redwood groves – and we always wonder why we do not live in the middle of a forest of huge trees, why would you want to live anywhere else? A dense forest is also a good obstacle to these new drone things which are becoming more popular, even the real estate companies use them.

    I have been saying that the preppers were right, things are going to shit, and the more you prepare the better off you will be. But most importantly, if you are really serious about your long term health, why not move off the grid. No grid = no EMF, or at least minimal amounts.

    Tesla with an EMF problem? Just another reason not to get in one and get your balls fried. Never park next to a Tesla, because if it catches fire you WILL lose your car. Never drive a Tesla because you may be locked in if it catches fire. I have no desire to being burned alive like a Salem witch, I let these virtual signalling morons take that risk.

  10. Is this the “anonymous1” website? I thought it was the EricPeters website. When a commenter’s posts are longer than the original article by the owner, well … . Yeah, I know, I can just not read his spewings.

    Here’s what triggered me. He likes to throw in a stupidity against Adolf Hitler. Anyone who does just a little research easily learns that our German cousins used Zyklon B to kill lice in clothing and bed linens — the same as the USA did at that time. Chemical analysis has proved that Zyklon B was not used in rooms absurdly labeled as “gas chambers” — those rooms with wooden doors, windows, and no system for evacuation of deadly gas.

    If I displayed such ignorance, or worse, I’d call myself “anonymous” too!

    • Hi JL,

      I think it’s important to keep restrictions to people saying whatever they’d like to say as minimal as possible. That’s why I don’t require people to “register” to post comments.

      As far as the rest: Defending national socialism is defending socialism – which is to say, defending authoritarian collectivism. I see no upside to defending that.

    • JLaffrey,
      Can’t have that much to say. In fact, if it takes that amount of space to get your point across, your point’s not that good.
      I’m sure there are many like me that simply skip over his/her posts. He/she doesn’t understand that they are losing viewers with their short novel comments.

    • JLaffrey,
      Regardless of what Hitler may or may not have done to the Jews, just the fact that the Nazis imposed an authoritarian system upon all Germans is enough to make them abhorrent. Tyranny is tyranny- whether it be imposed by the Emperor of Japan or Justin Turdeau or Pedo Joe/GWB/etc. What gives any man, group of men, or ‘majority’ the right to claim dominion over the lives of anyone else except their own progeny? All of these systems of government are no better than feudalism- nothing but men playing God, and decreeing how others must live and who they must worship and honor with their labor/money/actions/mind.

      How are such men any better than the globalist Cabal of Jews who do the very same things only on a much more ambitious scale? To defend one is to defend the other.

      • Ditto.

        Idc about much, but you see people praising Nazi’s and shit, like “Socialism is Socialism”, might as well be talking about the wonders of CCP China while we’re at it.

        As for Anonymous, I like the message, but condense it, cut out a lot of the fluff, get to the point and you’re golden, me amigo

        • don’t listen to official government narrative peddlar laffery…lol

          get it right on hitler…..

          Now they have a whole country not co operating in the globalist one world government agenda, that they want to disarm/regime change. Stalin and Hitler were the same problem…so we have WW3 to get rid of the new problem…

          The elite nobility/globalists have been trying to put in place a worldwide one world centralized communist government for a long time.

          Stalin was a nationalist who wanted his own communist empire not a globalist communist one world government, so they put hitler in place to get rid of stalin,

          hitler, same problem, also became a nationalist so they started a war to get rid of him.

          The current leaders of all the G7 countries are all in for a one world communist central government controlled by the UN, the globalists are making progress.

          Russia doesn’t seem interested now in a one world communist central government controlled by the UN, it looks like they have another nationalist leader only interested in looking after/running their own affairs. Now the globalists need another war to get rid of that leader.

          ccp xi is another socialist/communist/nazi, but probably a nationalist…has china’s interests ahead of a one world communist government…the davos gang is scared of him…they are both using each other to further their own socialist/communist/nazi agendas

      • You all are forgetting one main thing – why did Germany “fall” into a totalitarian regime? Because of the Weimar hyperinflation, which rendered the entire savings of the very frugal German people zero. Germans were starving during and after the hyperinflation that ran from 1921 to November 1923.

        You all need to stop bashing Hitler and start realizing that Amerika may be in for the same fate. A hyperinflationary collapse could turn the multicultural melting pot into the world’s biggest free for all killing zone. Amerikans are armed to the teeth, and most people really don’t like other races, they tolerate the current situation because they have to.

        Hitler was a rabble rouser during the hyperinflationary collapse. You must understand that Hitler came to power because the financial situation in Germany became untenable. And a careful observer can clearly see signs of trouble ahead right here, the rise of the charismatic orator IS resonating with the disenfranchised white voters – who globbed onto Trump as their savior.

        The establishment has declared all out war on veterans, conservatives, preppers, home schoolers, anti-vaxxers, hard money enthusiasts, Christians (the majority religion), and all things logical, decent, and truthful.

        You would have to be a fool not to see that the vast majority of sane hard working Amerikan slaves are not desperate for their “Hitler” to save them from complete insanity and destruction. Trump is currently the “guy” for “salvation”, but Trump failed and now DeSantis is the new savior:

        But DeSantis will also fail and I will tell you why, because no one can dislodge the “deep state” players taking us to hell until we go full authoritarian, don our black uniforms with the lighting blots, and go after them with a vengeance. And once your nation falls into authoritarianism good luck getting your freedom back anytime soon.

        Biden has put the trash in charge. Biden has literally dipped into the bottom of the multicultural cesspool of gays and trannies and put these sex freaks in charge of you. Biden’s mentally ill tranny nuclear waste disposal czar just got busted TWICE for stealing woman’s luggage in two different airports:

        Bash Hitler and Nazi Germany all you want people, Hitler WILL have the last laugh, and here is a good meme illustrating what we are up against:

        Hitler has the last laugh meme:

        When you lose everything, which is what they want to do to us, which they are telling you they are going to do, and killing us with the vaxx then just wait until they take all of your wealth away – and see how you all of a sudden understand the Third Reich.

        Did you read about how farmers in the Netherlands are being forced to cull their herds or lose their farms over this climate hoax? That is a line in the dirt, time to shoot back.

    • GFYS

      scientific fact

      The effect of zyklon b gas (hydrogen cyanide) is based on the fact that it paralyzes the respiration of every individual cell in the body. Oxygen can no longer be transported from the blood through the cell walls into the cells. As the vital cell functions are thereby starved of oxygen, the animal or human being suffocates.

      are you a leftist/communist misinformation spreader?….lol

    • JLaffrey…lol

      I am against the lefist/communist/luciferian cult in control….if you don’t like that …tough….

      that makes you part of, or a supporter of…. the lefist/communist/luciferian cult in control

    • JLaffrey…haha

      a supporter of the leftist/communist/nazis…lol

      Communists and nazis are both socialists, one just left of the other. The modern conservatives are somewhere to the right of the socialists. There never has been a really right wing party.

      Note how the leftists communist/nazis say the conservatives are nazis…this is more inversion, the leftists communist/nazis are the nazis.

      the double-speak involved is intensely characteristic of the reversal of reality practiced by satanists… is white….. up is down….bad is good….

      do as we say not as we do……inversion typical of leftists…the rules don’t apply to them….
      leftists lie 24/7

      Demons invert/reverse all that they touch. The psychopath uses the same trick.
      leftist = nazi/satanist.

      do you belong to the church of satan too?….lol

    • haha….no it is jlaffery leftist/communist/nazi blog?????….only the leftist/communist/nazi..narrative allowed according to twitt laffery….lol

    • JLaffrey

      how stupid are you?

      that was taken out of context….if hitler did something bad…i don’t know and don’t care..

      the comparison was comparing the effect of zylon B and 5G….

      scientific fact

      The effect of zyklon b gas (hydrogen cyanide) is based on the fact that it paralyzes the respiration of every individual cell in the body. Oxygen can no longer be transported from the blood through the cell walls into the cells. As the vital cell functions are thereby starved of oxygen, the animal or human being suffocates.

      5g affects oxygen molecules

      it is a fact that the 60 GHz band (used by 5G) affects oxygen. For instance, these technology/telecommunications websites (here, here and here) explain how oxygen absorbs a very high percentage (98% on one website) of 60 GHz waves, therefore making it undesirable and ineffective for radio and communication.

      Dana Ashlie explains in this February 2020 video that when the O2 molecules absorb the 60 GHz waves, it affects the spin of their electrons. Changes to these spin frequencies in turn have impacts on human biology.

      It reduces the oxygen molecules’ ability to fully bind with and saturate the hemoglobin in our blood, thus preventing us from fully uptaking oxygen, thus depriving us of fully oxygenating ourselves.
      making it harder for your body to get oxygen in the bloodstream it is actually causing blood coagulation (blood clots)

      you must be in bed with the lefist/communist/luciferian cult controllers….anything against the government narrative you don’t like….like harassing eric over stupid speeding laws….

    • laffery

      you always jump in to protect the official line on viruses or 5G….you are just peddling bs…

      you are obviously part of the communist/nazi/lucefirian cult pushing big pharma germ theory and the 5G lies….


    Any device that intentionally uses, but does not intentionally radiate RF energy, is classified by the FCC as an Unintentional Radiator and it is subject to technical and administrative requirements in Section15, Subpart B.

    A device that produces RF energy only as a by-product of its operation (e.g., a motor) is classified as an Incidental Radiator and is subject to the general requirements in Sections 15.5 & 15.13.

    A device that incorporates a switching power supply is clearly a digital device since it intentionally uses a switching regulator operating over 9 KHz to convert electrical power efficiently and is considered a sub-class of Unintentional Radiators.

    For now it’s just a minor annoyance if you’re pulled up next to one, like a buzzing power line insulator. At what market share will they become a problem? Seems like iHeartRadio (formerly Clearchannel media) should file a complaint with the FCC if these things blow out the AM broadcast band. If the FCC signed off on the Part 15 paperwork maybe sue them too.

    And it’s not just the AM band, that’s the most obvious to detect due to the modulation. FM won’t suffer from the buzz noise directly but if the front end of the receiver is overloaded from interference it won’t pick up anything but the strongest stations. And when the receiver picks up the stereo pilot the noise will be back anyway, because the L-R signal is AM modulated (and modern FM recievers don’t have a mono/stereo switch). First responder 2-way radios have generally migrated to 800 and 900 MHz trunk systems, but I’ll bet there’s still some rural Low Band radios in use too.

    • Yeah, some old timey docs had a pretty good sense of humor. When I had a bout of pneumonia many years ago and told my doctor that it hurt to inhale he replied”well then don’t inhale, just exhale”. 😆

  12. Microwave your lunch in your EV when it is charging?….lol

    Sit in your EV when charging and get microwaved and if you are unlucky the lithium fire bomb battery will catch fire and incinerate you….

    Health damage from EMF radiation from EV’s

    Since Tesla is an electric car with a large battery and an electric motor, it emits high amounts of EMF radiation. The latest models emit high levels of electromagnetic radiation.

    Dangers of EMF Radiation from Tesla Cars and Other Electric Cars
    According to a study by Scripps Clinic Research Foundation, high levels of EMF from EVs make the drivers drowsy and sleepy while driving. Based on the study, drivers who are exposed to high levels of EMF while driving are likely to sleep 52 minutes faster than those exposed to low levels of EMF. Is this why there are so many tesla, EV, crashes?

    In addition, exposure to radiation while driving can result in headaches, neck stiffness, and dry eyes or blurred vision. Long-term exposure to these sources of EMF radiation may have long-term health complications.EMF Radiation from Electric Cars
    blurred vision… this causing crashes?

    According to Dr. Joel Moskowitz at the University of California Berkeley, hybrid cars and other electric cars have increased levels of ELF that cause cancer, increase the level of oxidative stress that leads to DNA fragmentation, cause cell damage, fertility issues, drowsiness, etc.

    So drive an EV and get…..damaged DNA , cell damage, get sterilized, get drowsiness and crash….lol

    Electric cars, including the Tesla EV do emit a dangerous amount of EMF ……….Electric cars do emit more radiation compared to standard fossil fuel vehicles.

    If you sit in your EV when connected to the super charger/ high speed charger you get microwaved, stay away from the car when it is charging.

    Stay out of the car….lol……….this will be interesting in the middle of the night, in a dark parking lot, when it is snowing and freezing out….lol….these Ev`s are a safety hazard in many ways…

    Avoid Sitting in the Car While Charging the Battery
    When supercharging the battery, a high amount of EMF is emitted, therefore, do not stay inside the car.

    Charging the car creates substantial amounts of dirty electricity (DE). When you charge your car in the garage, you are putting extremely high levels of DE onto the wires of your entire home. turn your house into a microwave oven….lol

    To supply electricity for EV`s the electrical grid has to be expanded by 500%, so the EMF radiation from the transmission, distribution lines will increase 500%, destroying people`s health.

    This is especially problematic as most people charge the car overnight when the occupants are sleeping – the time of day when we want our EMF exposure to be as low as possible.

    they went on and on for 2 1/2 years about a mild flu, relabeled as a dangerous bat germ, but haven’t said a word about this health issue, that is actually real and 100 x worse then a mild flu.


      Charging the car creates substantial amounts of dirty electricity (DE). When you charge your car in the garage, you are putting extremely high levels of DE onto the wires of your entire home. turn your house into a microwave oven….lol

      This is especially problematic as most people charge the car overnight when the occupants are sleeping – the time of day when we want our EMF exposure to be as low as possible.

      Some of the general symptoms of EMF radiation exposure include:

      Anxiety and depression
      Fatigue and lack of energy
      Mood changes
      Changes in blood pressure
      Heart conditions
      Muscle pain and neuralgia
      Possible fertility issues
      However, the major cause for concern when it comes to EMF exposure in vehicles in drowsiness. This symptom isn’t unique to exposure in vehicles, but is obviously a big problem if you’re behind the wheel.

      watch out for EV drivers they are dangerous….lol

        • the major cause for concern when it comes to EMF exposure in vehicles is drowsiness…..

          so they are driving vaxxed and emf’ ed……lol….the new transhuman zombies……

          so you have a vaxxed emf ‘ed zombie driving….what if they drive through an area with the G5 cranked up to 60 mhz and they get shearing too?….lol….

          the combination of injecting metal nano particles and then applying high intensity 5g emf which makes the metal move around inside your organs to cause shearing (shearing rips apart your organs).

          So when one of these injected idiots is driving down the road and gets hit with 60 ghz 5G, gets shearing in it’s organs, brain, drives head on into your vehicle…..

          • maybe the vaxxed, 5G’ed, sheared, zombie eats in a restaurant….lol

            The Effect of Microwaves on Food

            ruining your food………most restaurants serve tv dinner style microwaved food

            Microwaving food, in effect, potentially destroys and depletes the life energy, rendering the food completely dead and lifeless. In addition, the food’s nutritional value is lost and it becomes nearly useless in terms of providing any real health benefit.

            Health issues which could be caused by micro-waved foods are:

            Elevated cholesterol levels
            A plummet in leukocytes (white blood cells), which could suggest poisoning
            Decreased red blood cell levels
            Production of radiolytic compounds
            Decreased haemoglobin levels, which might indicate anaemia

            There is even evidence that this same frequency can cause elevated blood sugar levels in certain people. This points to the possibility that there may be a type 3 diabetes generated by dirty electricity.

            Much research is under way on microwaves and how they might affect the human body. It is known that microwave radiation can heat body tissue the same way it heats food. Exposure to high levels of microwaves can cause a painful burn.

            The lens of the eye is particularly sensitive to intense heat, and exposure to high levels of microwaves can cause cataracts.

            NOTE: Likewise, the testes are very sensitive to changes in temperature. Accidental exposure to high levels of microwave energy can alter or kill sperm, producing temporary sterility. …..sounds like wef agenda 2030…sterilization and depopulation….lol….since 1980 sperm counts have dropped about 40%…..

            But these types of injuries – burns, cataracts, temporary sterility – can only be caused by exposure to large amounts of microwave radiation, much more than the 5mW limit for microwave oven leakage.
            Less is known about what happens to people exposed to low levels of microwaves.

            The handful of studies that have been done generally agree, for the most part, that microwaving food damages its nutritional value. Your microwave turns your beautiful, organic veggies, for which you’ve paid such a premium in money or labour, into “dead” food that can cause disease! Heating food, in and of itself, can result in some nutrient loss, but using microwaves to heat food introduces the additional problem of the “microwave effect,

            The majority of studies on microwaves and nutrition were conducted prior to 2000, I suspect because the focus of radiation research of late has shifted toward a more ominous threat: environmental radiation from electromagnetic devices, such as cell phones and computers, which has mushroomed into a gigantic cloud of electro-smog worldwide over the past decade…..

            NOTE: 5G exposure can cause the same symptoms as the mild flu….which was relabeled bat germ disease….lol….do you remember that the last 3 years?…


            • masks, 5g, zyklon b

              5g affects oxygen molecules

              it is a fact that the 60 GHz band (used by 5G) affects oxygen. For instance, these technology/telecommunications websites (here, here and here) explain how oxygen absorbs a very high percentage (98% on one website) of 60 GHz waves, therefore making it undesirable and ineffective for radio and communication.

              Dana Ashlie explains in this February 2020 video that when the O2 molecules absorb the 60 GHz waves, it affects the spin of their electrons. Changes to these spin frequencies in turn have impacts on human biology.

              It reduces the oxygen molecules’ ability to fully bind with and saturate the hemoglobin in our blood, thus preventing us from fully uptaking oxygen, thus depriving us of fully oxygenating ourselves.
              making it harder for your body to get oxygen in the bloodstream it is actually causing blood coagulation (blood clots)

              zyklon b gas used by hitler in the camps

              The effect of zyklon b gas (hydrogen cyanide) is based on the fact that it paralyzes the respiration of every individual cell in the body. Oxygen can no longer be transported from the blood through the cell walls into the cells. As the vital cell functions are thereby starved of oxygen, the animal or human being suffocates.

              hitler used zyklon b gas.
              gates is using deadly injections like gmo mrna not vaccines and injecting nano wires, metals and other tech. gates is also involved in installing a satelite network to beam 5g emf on the entire planet.

              the combination of injecting metal nano particles and then applying high intensity 5g emf which makes the metal move around inside your organs to cause shearing (shearing rips apart your organs).

              forced mask wearing

              wearing a mask can cause brain damage
              “The reinhalation of our exhaled air will without a doubt create oxygen deficiency and a flooding of carbon dioxide. We know that the human brain is very sensitive to oxygen deprivation. There are nerve cells for example in the hippocampus that can’t be longer than 3 minutes without oxygen – they cannot survive.

              The second problem is that the nerve cells in your brain are unable to divide themselves normally. So in case our governments will generously allow as to get rid of the masks and go back to breathing oxygen freely again in a few months, the lost nerve cells will no longer be regenerated. What is gone is gone.

              There is no unfounded medical exemption from face masks because oxygen deprivation is dangerous for every single brain.

              To deprive a child’s or an adolescent’s brain from oxygen, or to restrict it in any way, is not only dangerous to their health, it is absolutely criminal. Oxygen deficiency inhibits the development of the brain, and the damage that has taken place as a result CANNOT be reversed.

              I know how damaging oxygen deprivation is for the brain, cardiologists know how damaging it is for the heart, pulmonologists know how damaging it is for the lungs. Oxygen deprivation damages every single organ.

              air and life are closely related. masks, 5g, zyklon b, all used to cut off your air (oxygen) all used in depopulation, genocide, part of the cull.

              • wearing a mask can cause brain damage

                “The reinhalation of our exhaled air will without a doubt create oxygen deficiency and a flooding of carbon dioxide. We know that the human brain is very sensitive to oxygen deprivation. There are nerve cells for example in the hippocampus that can’t be longer than 3 minutes without oxygen – they cannot survive.

                The second problem is that the nerve cells in your brain are unable to divide themselves normally. the lost nerve cells will no longer be regenerated. What is gone is gone.

                can you sue for brain damage?….lol

                so the masked zombies are brain damaged….lol

                • wearing a mask can cause brain damage…..the nerve cells in your brain are unable to divide themselves normally. the lost nerve cells will no longer be regenerated. What is gone is gone…..why would anybody wear these masks?…

            • NOTE: 5G exposure can cause the same symptoms as the mild flu….which was relabeled bat germ disease….lol….do you remember that the last 3 years?…

              Hundreds of scientific publications showing radiation/microwaves and electromagnetic radiation EMF/EMR harm DNA, humans, insects animals, cells etc. and cause flu like symptoms:


              what causes diseases?…..toxins, deficiencies and trauma….toxins…can be environmental like emf exposure or chemicals, etc……..

              the luciferian wef globalists say every disease, death is caused by the bat germ now…….it is based on their biggest lie….which is….

              Your body has what they call an immune system which has exosomes which produce viruses as a cleaning agent….viruses ………they have really worked for 100 years, at demonizing viruses…(biggest brainwashing psyop in history….100 years of pushing this lie….it has been very successful…….99.99% of people believe it ….it is the basis of the trillion dollar pharmaceutical industry)….best marketing campaign in history….

              there is no escape….99.9999% of people believe it ….they are doomed…..

              ….because…you produce viruses, so therefore…….. you are evil and you must be eliminated…you are the target….using this narrative they can justify eliminating you….it’s the same as……you make farts…farts are evil….so you are evil….lol

            • 5g can cause people to have symptoms similar to the so called bat germ disease which is relabeled mild flu…..

              Wuhan has one of the largest 5g networks in the world, that is where they say people were getting bat germ disease…..the odds are above zero there is a connection….

              5g effects your health negatively, 5g companies, providers cannot get insurance, what do the insurance companies know?


  13. Between the EV’s and Jab, there’ll be a lot less red diaper doper babies in the future as their would be parents will be as sterile as their all white house

  14. “The actual danger of being bathed in so much EMF isn’t yet known”
    Because like the “vaccine” injuries, it’s not wanted to be known. And, like the “vaccine” injuries, many BE known, just kept from public view. You can be certain that Apple doesn’t want it publicly known. and now the EV makers don’t either. May be a moot point once we all get bathed in 5G.

    • John,

      I have a feeling those that have been Jabbed will be targets of 5G microwaving. Basically, if they get ‘out of line’, they or their area will be cooked until compliance is observed. This will allow neighbors to ‘see something, say something’ and rat out anyone not complying.

      Those unJabbed? Targeted for death beforehand.

      That’s their precious plan, anyway. Up to us to decide. This is all my opinion anyway. I hope I’m wrong.

  15. After they convert all the sheepeople into electric cars, the issue for restricting driving will be EMF. *No travel for you…you exceeded your EMF limit!*

  16. It’s kind of the same with these “smart meters” that governments and/ or electric companies have SHOVED down people’s throats over the past several years. Who knows what those ugly things emit, but nobody in the government, the media, nor the electric companies bother to investigate to see if the EMFs those things emit are harmful to humans. Instead, we’ve heard the bleating from the media “Safe for humans”. However, those smart meters did seem to interfere with the signal for over the air TV stations I received when I lived in an apartment that was having smart meters installed right outside the living room window. And I went to a smart meter/ EMF presentation shortly before the “pandemic” with scientists who made the case that these smart meters that millions of people around the country now had were NOT safe. There were even speakers there who told stories of harm they’ve suffered from the EMFs emitted by the SMs, and speakers who shared stories of smart meters in other parts of the country spontaneously exploding. But instead of pulling smart meters, governments continued shoving them down the masses’ throats. Almost sounds like what they’re doing with these COVID jabs and electric vehicles.

    • Hi John,
      Not sure about the EMF’s but I think the real reason for the smart meters is to ration our power usage. Exceed your allotted kwh and you’ll be shut off; “no electricity for you!” A control freak’s dream.

      • Mike,

        The desire from some to ration electricity usage and spy on people in their own homes was just one of the reasons I opted out of getting a smart meter when I lived in an apartment at the time they were being installed in my neck of the woods, even though it already had an older digital meter that arguably had its own capabilities. After the smart meters were installed, the local electric company charged a punitive monthly fee of $36 to send someone out to read a non-smart meter to those who opted out, and was going to charge a one-time fee of over $100 as well for the future installation of a smart meter until public pressure resulted in that fee being dropped, and the “meter reading fee” being lowered to $10 a month.

        After reading a story recently about an electric company in Virginia coercing people to get a smart meter installed on their home under threat of having their power shut off if they refuse, I wouldn’t be surprised if Oregon’s new Queen to be, Tina Kotek, has the electric company here do something similar, as she’s all in on the insane, anti-human climate change agenda.

  17. ‘what many of us listened to on lonesome road trips ‘ — eric

    After dark, clear channel AM radio stations used to beam across the South, serving as long-distance message boards for truckers wired on little white pills. WWL in New Orleans, KAAY in Little Rock … some nights, XEG in Monterrey, Mexico.

    What would those ghostly fringes of the broadcast bands say tonight on the talk channels? Probably, they’d point out how ‘attorney general’ Beria Garland indicted crypto scammer Sam Bankman-Fried just hours before he was going to blab to Clowngress about large donations to Democrats made under fake names. Now SBF is safely silenced in a Bahamian jail, where he can’t spill the beans about dozens of big-name DemonRats openly on the take.

    I swear, America’s corrupt kleptocrats make Mexican and Nigerian boodlers look like fresh-faced Boy Scouts. Clowngress is about to appropriate another $38 billion for the freaking Ukies, ten percent of which bounces straight back to them.

    Any obligation of ‘compliance’ on the part of ordinary citizens is ovahhhhhhhh. All that remains is the dictum of old Aleister Crowley: ‘Do what thou wilt.’ DeeCee is a reeking, overflowing septic tank, and it ain’t our damned fault.

    • Coffeezilla interviewed SBF sam bankman-fried of the FTX scandal….

      Its bad when a youtuber is doing more journalism than the New York Times. Coffeezilla is keeping real journalism alive right here on YouTube

      It’s incredible how quickly he goes from genius wiz kid to incompetent buffoon the second he actually gets asked detailed questions

      It’s so awkward to listen to him struggle to respond to pretty basic questions.

      • The first article, The Keystone of Corruption: Ukraine and the FTX Scandal, lists what it considers to be key facts about the corrupt activities of FTX:

        1. Tens of billions of U.S. dollars have been funneled to Ukraine
        2. The money was laundered through FTX
        3. The laundered money now in the form of FTX cryptocurrency was funneled back to Democrats and the Bidens
        4. All of that money is now gone and FTX is bankrupt
        5. FTX gave at least $40 million to Democrats in advance of the 2022 midterms
        6. FTX funded congressional campaigns for members overseeing the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), [oversees regulation of the cryptocurrency industry]
        7. FTX’s ex-CEO Sam Bankman-Fried aggressively lobbied the CFTC
        8. FTX is currently under investigation by the CFTC and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
        9. The investigation was opened after Bankman-Fried allegedly moved $10 billion in client assets at FTX to his trading firm Alameda Research
        10. A liquidity crisis at FTX caused the company to file for bankruptcy
        11. FTX is directly involved with and related to Ukraine
        12. In March, the Washington Post reported that Ukraine was dealing in cryptocurrency
        13. The Ukrainian government gathered more than $42 million in cryptocurrency donations
        14. Approximately a week after Ukraine gathered the cryptocurrency donations, FTX engaged with Ukraine
        15. Respective to the Russian invasion of Ukraine FTX/Sam Bankman-Fried formulated a cryptocurrency donation project in Ukraine
        16. Bankman-Fried announced that FTX would support the Ukrainian Ministry of Finance and other communities in collecting cryptocurrency donations for the nation
        17. The Ukrainian government has received over $60 million in cryptocurrency donations globally
        18. Bankman-Fried cited humanitarian aid and access to global financial infrastructure as causes
        19. Bankman-Fried indicated that cryptocurrency exchanges should enforce sanctions announced by the government
        20. Bankman-Fried was the #2 donor to the Democratic party; George Soros was #1
        21. The money laundering circle was: Democrats vote to send funds to Ukraine, Ukraine invests in FTX, FTX cryptocurrency was funneled back to the same Democrats

        The Keystone of Corruption: Ukraine and the FTX Scandal
        The Keystone of Corruption: Ukraine and the FTX Scandal

    • A Grand Unified Theory of the FTX Disaster

      The money laundering circle was: Democrats vote to send funds to Ukraine, Ukraine invests in FTX, FTX cryptocurrency was funneled back to the same Democrats

      Of course law professor daddy was involved with junior’s Ponzi scheme; that’s how both mummy and daddy have amassed a $300 million property portfolio in the Bahamas. You can bet the parents have siphoned off even more by creating shell companies with millions eventually ending up in off shore accounts.

      guaranteed that if Bankcrupt-Fraud gets away with his $8 billion crypto fraud racket (due to handing all things Demonrat hundreds of millions as insurance), then he and his entire family will be living the high life for the rest of their days.

    • Watch Live: Senate Holds FTX Collapse Hearing As SBF Faces 115 Years In Prison

      The hypocrites in Congress questioning Bankman-Fraud, while they all the time use insider information to trade for their own profit, and give nodding approval to corrupt businesses like JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, BOA, Blackrock who each and every day manipulate the markets.

      He’ll never go to prison.
      He’ll get a full US Presidential pardon and America will threaten the Bahammas with economic sanctions if they don’t let America’s favorite (((son))) go free.

      Bankman-Fried was the #2 donor to the Democratic party; George Soros was #1

    • Excellent point Jim, wouldn’t surprise me if SBF gets suicided before he can talk, just like Jeffrey Epstein. Church Lady voice – “ how conveeeeeeint”.

  18. They could line the interior and emitters with lead shielding. Yeah, it’d add quite a bit of weight & lower the range that much more, but it’s for the environment ya know. /s


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