Latest Radio: Bill Meyer Show/KMED 01/19/2023


Here’s the audio of this week’s talk with my friend Bill Meyer over at KMED Radio in Oregon . . . you might get a charge out of it. We also talked about the Davos Shuffle – and what it’s really all about – as well as the probable last hurrah of Chrysler:


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  1. Regarding Eric’s recent questioning of why commentators such as Sean Hannity work product pitches into their narrative — in this video from 8:00 to 15:00, Steven Crowder exhibits the actual contractual clauses (in a proposed multimillion-dollar contract) which would oblige him to keep advertisers and Big Tech on board.

    Any strike by advertisers or Big Tech platforms carries savage financial penalties. The content must be molded to fit the [leftist] ideology of the platforms. And that’s why we get Big Con talent like Hannity, who pull their punches on a number of unmentionable issues. They do what they are handsomely paid to do — end of story.

  2. Eric,
    “Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac”
    Only for those that seek power over others. In other words psychopaths. For whom the sexual act is an expression of power over another. Unlike sane people, who relate to their partner on a personal level. Perhaps a romantic level.

    • John,

      It wasn’t just John Kerry who claimed they need LOTS of MONEY to “Fight climate change”. Former Vice President Al Gore also claimed at Davos that it would take MONEY, MONEY, MONEY, MONEY, MONEY to “Fight climate change.” Translation: They don’t want to spend their OWN money for “Fighting climate change”, they want to STEAL as much money as possible from the masses for it.

      And to think, both of those clowns once ran for President, not to mention become QUITE WEALTHY. Kerry became wealthy by marrying a Heinz heiress, and Gore made who knows how much money off of his 2006 movie and this “climate change” scam.


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