Latest Radio: Bryan Hyde Show 02/15/2023


Here’s the audio of my weekly talk with Bryan Hyde, host of the Bryan Hyde Show in Utah! We talked about what we each can do to get back to where we were, Keeeeeeev and some other things you may be interested in as well.

Also, a heads-up that I will be live-streaming today at 12:30 east with the New American on the subject of EeeeeeeeeeVeeees.

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  1. Berkshire Hathaway currently owns Union Tank, which manufactures a large percentage of the tanker cars used on railroads in North America. If one of their cars caused the derailment, it wouldn’t look good for the company right before the release of the famed annual Shareholder Letter.

    Look for the “UTLX” markings the next time you see a freight train. Union Tank started as a division of Standard Oil.

  2. A partial explanation of the lack of coverage of the chemical catastrophe might be that covering up such poisoning is the very purpose of the “climate change” hysteria. Chemical poisoning is irrelevant as long as we are under threat of “climate change catastrophe”.


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