Did You Consent to be Governed?


Here’s a grand idea that’s never been tried: government by consent.

Everyone agreeing to it; no one being bound by it who has not. Whose right to walk away from it would be respected, if not.

Such a government would work very well because it would be limited in its workings. Really limited – by the always-present threat (to it) of withdrawal of consent. It would be powerless to do to people what the people did not want done to them.

To any of them.

It has been talked about, of course.

Most notably by the man who did the most to end any semblance of it: Abraham Lincoln – while he was talking about it. Here is a man who had the gall to lecture about “government of the people, by the people” after sending his legions to slaughter and subjugate “the people” who only wished to be governed by their consent.

They tried to walk away – and we all know what followed.

It was the same ideal put forward four score and seven years before – and promptly reneged upon once the cannon fodder had served their purpose. Did “the people” consent to be governed by the Constitution? They hadn’t even been asked to give their assent to the secret meeting at which the Constitution was put forward by a self-selected handful of people as the skullduggery replacement for the Articles of Confederation, which were much closer to the ideal of consent of the governed as there was very little in them about governing anyone – at the federal level, at least.

The states and the people retained almost all political authority.

This, of course, presented difficulties for the people who wanted very much to govern the people, without their consent. Which is precisely why they did not seek the consent of anyone – excepting themselves – to meet in secret to conjure a replacement for the Articles more to their liking.

One of the people most involved in removing the people as an impediment to their power was Alexander Hamilton, who was revered by Abe Lincoln for the obvious reason. Hamilton spoke often about the need – as he saw it – for an “energetic” and “vigorous” federal government. The people saw no need for it. So to Hell with them, said Hamilton – though probably not in those exact words. He used lawyerly words instead. Words such as “general welfare” and “necessary and proper” – the according-to-whom never addressed but obviously answered.

The fact that it was considered necessary by patriots such as George Mason of Virginia to amend the Constitution with a Bill of Rights says much about the Constitution’s intended (but unspoken) purpose. Why go to the trouble of formally enumerating what the federal government could not do to the people if the Constitution was designed to enshrine and protect the people from the exercise of power over them without their consent?

What would have happened to the people’s right to speak freely, to assemble for the peaceful airing of grievances, their right to keep and bear arms, had it not been for the lucid foresight and suspicion of patriots such as Mason? The only reason a semblance of these rights are still respected is because of the existence of the Bill of Rights, which has served the same purpose that a mesh screen does in terms of keeping insects from entering one’s home through an open window.

It is, of course, better than nothing.

But the people would have been much better served if the Constitution had been replaced by the Bill of Rights, perhaps expanded to encompass other enumerations such as the right of the people to trade freely among themselves, to travel, to be free to associate – and its essential corollary, the freedom to not associate.

And most of all to be let alone.

Such consensual arrangements do not sit well with those who favor coercive arrangements. The people who always have “plans” – which they will force you to accept. They are not interested in your consent but very much like to pretend you have given it. They speak of implied consent – which of course you’ve not given, but which they nonetheless decree you to be bound by. They talk a great deal about “democracy,” the ancient shibboleth used to destroy the concept of government by consent by conflating the “consent” of some of the people with the consent of all.

Some will say that government by consent is an oxymoron as such a government could not govern without the consent of everyone. Well, of course. But isn’t that the point? And if it isn’t why should we continue the farce of pretending to believe that government by consent is an ideal rather than admit to ourselves it’s a fraud?

Probably because if we did, it’d be harder to accept the fact that we are, indeed, governed – and almost all of it without our consent.

. . .

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  1. Hi Eric,
    there is a stream of ideas proffered by the libertarian community that are based on European and other governments. They reinforce a spirit of…virtuous hopelessness??? As in, we are powerless in the face of an undefeatable opponent.

    But we have an utterly unique power structure and these ideas do not apply. This is the nonsense im speaking of.

    As far as consent goes, the premise is flawed because we are not ruled by government in America, we are ruled by law and our guilt is decided by our peers.

    Consider these different bodies of law, and notice consent aswell as our philosophy at work:
    Criminal law, I don’t need your consent to defend myself from the initiation of nonconsensual harm. Nor do i need your permission to delegate that right of self defense to a third party.
    Contract law, we enter into a consensual agreement both consenting to the terms and conditions.
    Statutory Privilege administration, similar to contract law except the terms and conditions have been negotiated by our delegates. You consent to the fee, tax, and penalty schedule by your actual participation, or your sworn admission that you are participating.
    —this right here is where i see us dropping the ball. Constantly testifying under penalties of purjury in writing that we are participating in privileged activities, when we are not.

    Organic law, these laws governemt offices, principles of governance, scopes of authority, and are meant to be used by the individual American to hold government to the limitations of their office.
    —-this is part two where we’ve fallen waaaaay short. Especially during the past 100 years of progressive dominance.

    Finally and ultimately, when we are the object of unjust prosecution, its our peers that decide our fate, not the government.
    —part 3 of our shortfall. Our peer calls us for help because he believes hes not guilty and we try to not help him? How foolish can we be?
    Just one whispered not guilty, sends the predator to its cry closet.

    Consent is woven throughout the fabric of our system, and i believe now is the time we use our lawful tools to stop consenting, en masse.

    • RE: “we are powerless in the face of an undefeatable opponent.”

      Have you ever gotten pulled over on a very dark street or hyway where no one else was around?

      “powerless” that’s a loaded word.

      If you’re a tiny woman, or even an unarmed large guy, on the side of the road,… or a whole lotta other places,…

      I heard a story once, about a time, in my old small town, about the above pull-over, & the pullover-E, got out and kicked the sheet outta the pullover-er. …

      Anyway, when you say, “Organic law” I think, what you’re referring to, is called, ‘Natural Law’:

      “this does not preclude for non-believers the discovery and understanding of the natural law […] Existing laws are artificial constructs that serve class interests”…


      • Thing is, Helot, as long as “the people” believe that they have power or ‘a say’- which belief is evident by their participation in voting; and that they believe “the democratic process” (also evidenced by their voting) and that things are governed by ‘the rule of law’ [When in reality, they are governed by law…by those who administer the law certainly aren’t, which should be readily apparent to all by now], they have been effectively neutralized- believing that the only valid way they have to effect change is through participation in that system, and that it is somehow wrong to use physical force against those who are perfectly willing to use such against them- so they just keep voting and saying “Wait until the next election!”, ad infinitum, and haplessly accept whatever the system and it’s mercenaries inflict on them, because they believe in the rule of law, even though the ones whom they elect and their enforcers laugh at such an idea. It’s like slaves on a plantation having a signatory vote. Maybe if the slaves are lucky they’ll get some sweet sweet gruel instead of fish heads and entrails….and they’ll beat their fellow slaves who dare rock the boat because it may lead to massa taking away their gruel [Sweet, sweet gruel!].

        • “and that it is somehow wrong to use physical force against those who are perfectly willing to use such against them”

          Nunz, isn’t it the Christian position that vengeance is the Lord’s? Not something that should be done ourselves? Isn’t it the Christian position that it is sinful to do basically anything to prevent our further enslavement, outside of a direct life or death physical attack? Seems like from a Christian perspective, they can do whatever the hell they want to us, and if we make any moves to prevent or mitigate this, we’re sinning.

          • Hey, Brandon!

            Ah, but you must distinguish between vengeance and justice.

            A good example of vengeance can be seen in 1 Samuel, chapter 25 (Well…if David had gone through with it)- Notice verses 26 and 31 which define that situation as such.

            Retaliating in response to a mere insult, or even enacting a punishment which is beyond what is called for to effect justice, that is what is condemned (In the OT and the NT)- but conversely, we told to uphold “judgment and justice”, and condemned for NOT doing so.

            Lesson: Don’t insult a Jew by refusing to give him food, or you won’t be able to piss against the wall! 😀

            • Nunz, what if I don’t have the means to enact justice. And what justice is appropriate for someone like (insert satan-disciple billionaire/trillionaire here)? Can we actually fight back? Is that Christ-like?

              • Aww, well, Brandon, I don’t think that one always has to personally enact justice, although one could- as in the presumption in the Torah where a relative or other familiar person of the victim of murder has the right to execute justice- as seen (for just one instance) in Numbers 35:19.

                It also applies to the community- as even used to be practiced in this country before Uncle become all-encompassing and established a monopoly on ‘justice’.

                As for satanic billionaires and that ilk…there should be no difference when it can be proven that they have committed serious crimes- but of course, that never happens, because they all use ‘beards’ to do their dirty-work (who are just as guilty as those whom they obey), and of course, these satanic governments are set up to protect those very fiends, because they are the ones who in actuality really run the governments, right?

                And then it’s further complicated by people’s willingness to participate in their crimes, instead of practicing the morality which would have prevented that.

                I think we’re going to have to wait for Judgment Day to see true justice, especially concerning the real rulers of this world- but do remember that the time of tribulation we are in right now IS a result of the masses rejection of God and their failure to even practice the most basic morality and justice (Sorry, but I’m not going to try to recall and look up the relevant Scripture refs now….)

                But just for one: Revelation 9:21 -picturing the very near future when the wrath of God is going to be poured out upon this earth, it says that even after experiencing great horrors: “Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts.”

                And the interesting thing is, that word “sorceries” is translated from the Greek “pharmakea”…from whence we get our word ‘pharmacy’! Interesting, eh?

                And here we are, with the whole world being vaxxed by the pharmakeas! And the other three sins mentiuoned in that verse are also more in evidence today throughout the world, than ever before.

                BTW: Re: The first half of this response: If you find that stuff interesting, there is a great book published years ago- The Institutes Of Biblical Law by R.J. Rushdoony, which not only is a wealth of information about how the Biblical laws and justice were practiced in the Western world and by Ancient Israel, but is also fascinating for it’s citations of crime stats here and social ills, around the time it was published- those stats then being from the late 60’s. It really would make you marvel of how things used to be, and how far this country/society has fallen…and how the crime and general immorality we see today would not even have been imaginable just a few decades ago, when I was a kid. (It’s expensive on Amazon..but ya can get it used on Abe Books reasonably…heck, if you’d be interested, I’d be happy to buy it for you. I think you’d really enjoy it. One of the best books I’ve ever read.)

                And oh, yeah…if you don’t have the means to enact justice, just hire some Sicilian to do it for ya! 😀

                • Hi Nunz,
                  I think if govco does implement vax “passports” and CBDC’s they definitely fit the definition of the “Mark of the Beast” as described in Revelations. Hard to believe I may be living through the end times but an incredible privilege if it’s true.

                • Nunz, thank you for your thoughtful reply.

                  From a Christian perspective, you shouldn’t need the government to enact the justice, it can be done by anyone right? I mean, I know I’m not going to do anything, so basically, they can do whatever the hell they want to me. But what about you, what keeps you from enacting justice?

                  “but do remember that the time of tribulation we are in right now IS a result of the masses rejection of God and their failure to even practice the most basic morality and justice”

                  I know the collective sin of our nation and humanity begets the hell we live in today, but that’s pretty unfair for followers of Christ. None of us are sinless of course, but mustn’t there be a difference in the degree, frequency, or types of sin people commit? Why must all pay for the sin and depravity of some, or even most? I still contend there would be less sin in this life if power was not enfranchised with every worldly advantage and means to create their hell on Earth, and every day with every move, conceive new and worse ways to torture us. To enslave us. To kill us. To sink their teeth further into us, and feed until we die. Just to create more misery.

                  “And the interesting thing is, that word “sorceries” is translated from the Greek “pharmakea”…from whence we get our word ‘pharmacy’! Interesting, eh?”

                  My parents did to me everything The Science said. It’s no wonder I’m so F’d up, and it’s a wonder I’m even still alive.

                  “And oh, yeah…if you don’t have the means to enact justice, just hire some Sicilian to do it for ya!”

                  How much are you charging?

                  Thank you for the book suggestion and offering to buy it for me. That is very kind of you. Not ready for it yet. I’ve been stuck on the same book for almost two years now. Need to get that one finished, and then the next one I have lined up. Then maybe.

                  I’ll publicly confide in you Nunz, I am dissatisfied with libertarianism. I can see no way, through it, that we solve the problems we live in. Christianity is better, but there is no worldly solution there either. You say we can enact justice, but the conclusion is preordained. Things just won’t be solved, until Christ returns. And the only thing we have to look forward to until then is more hell. So what is the point?

                  • Hi, Brandon!

                    I’ll just touch on one of your points here for now. (Maybe the rest would be better suited for email, rather than here…)

                    **”I’ll publicly confide in you Nunz, I am dissatisfied with libertarianism. I can see no way, through it, that we solve the problems we live in. Christianity is better, but there is no worldly solution there either. You say we can enact justice, but the conclusion is preordained. Things just won’t be solved, until Christ returns. And the only thing we have to look forward to until then is more hell. So what is the point?”**

                    I actually agree with you, in the sense that I don’t see Libertarianism as a solution, as it’s actual practice has never truly existed (except perhaps in Patriarchal times or on a small scale in various and sundry remote places for short periods) and never will.

                    I just see it as a moral position which especially Christians should embrace, as it’s tenets are often one and the same with the Christian worldview as it pertains to humanity as a [w]hole ( 😀 ] and the Christian ethos to remain free from the world/from being compelled or compelling others to obey men rather than God; and to avoid coming under the authority of “The Beast” (Satanic government).

                    So even though I don’t Libertarianism or any human endeavor as a solution tyranny, I do see it’s basic ideologies as things which can be practiced in our own lives to remain as free as possible and to also guide us to treat others with whom we interact in a manner which respects their liberties as well- but of course, aas Christians, we have The Golden Rule, and as some of our forefathers have acknowledged, the liberties of which we speak were ordained of God and such is self-evident.

                    But unfortunately, most “Christians” these days have lost sight of the above- but Libertarianism is a way to get them back on track with that- which is ironic, since the liberty movement in this country was largely started by and promulgated by….Christians (Including the home-school movement!).

                    Interesting thing too: I find that many Libertarians tend to practice more aspects of Biblical morality than do many “Christians”. Of course, that can not “save them” nor impart comprehensive Godly morality, nor the knowledge of/relationship with God….but in many ways, I think we often have more in common with many agnostic Libertarians than we do with organized traditional Christians, who have largely rejected most Biblical ideology in these times.

                    I’d love to hear your feelings about this- I would imagine that we are more in agreement on this than not?

                    • I think, it’s good that you two didn’t go private with this conversation.

                      I think, it could help others.

                      …I mean, do you guys think you’re the only ones having these thoughts, this conversation?

                    • Helot,
                      But I tend to be a little wordy at times…

                      [Understatement of the year]

                      Might as well though- as for some reason, I can blather-on here with no problem, but it takes me years to get around to emailing anyone these days! (Literally!).

                    • Yes, Helot…but the thing is, we can control what we do, and to some degree affect our interactions and own lives, but the thing is, there are not and never will be enough people who share our values so as to change the world or overcome the power structures which are now in place. The vast majority of people seem to prefer the perception of ‘safety’, and convenience. I mean look, two-thirds of the world either care so little or are so duped that tey have allowed themselves and their sprogs to vaxxed with a bioweapon, and gladly don a useless mask when told to do so, to protect themselves from a plague that doesn’t exist.
                      And now, with government firmly having a monopoly on everything from “healthcare” to economics to edumacation; and there being a giant worldwide multi-platform pro-big-government media in place, which is owned fully by the cabal of those who are erecting world governance…we aren’t even blips on the radar.

                      And it’s only going to get worse…much worse…very soon.

                      Virtually all Americans are in favor of Medicare and Soci9al Security- even “conservatives”- and would be your enemy if dared to call for end of those things; and c. 90% or more of Americans advocate full-vlown ‘socialized medicine’. -Just for one example.

                      Not only have conservatives caved on these issues, but as we have seen in the comment section of Eric’s Social Security article, even Libertarians are caving…..

                      We practice the NAP because we know it is right….but the tax-funded Mafia who possess the big guns and the hearts of our neighbors only care about force and getting what they want- and society is so manipulated that their minds are mush….so tey’ll fight the boogeymen ‘terrorists’ and take the jabs, and give up their lifestyle and liberty in the name of ‘climate change’…and support the Neo-Nazi regime in the Ukraine while counting Vladomire Putin their enemy…and will believe we are being invaded by little green men when told so….

                  • Nunz,

                    “the Christian ethos to remain free from the world/from being compelled or compelling others to obey men rather than God; and to avoid coming under the authority of “The Beast”

                    Very good Nunz.

                    “I’d love to hear your feelings about this- I would imagine that we are more in agreement on this than not?”

                    Nunz, the reason I ask you these things specifically is because I know that you would never choose libertarianism over Christianity. You would call yourself a Christian, not a libertarian. After 2020, for some reason, the prospect of referring to myself as a libertarian disgusts me. A Christian? Not at all. I understand many people that call themselves Christian are not Christ-like in their actions. I hear you there, and have seen them before myself. I would take any Christ-like (or someone who daily tries their best to achieve this impossible emulation) individual over someone from any other group though. And that is something that can only be demonstrated or observed, not spoken or through labeling yourself one.

                    “Maybe the rest would be better suited for email, rather than here…”

                    I would like to hear from you. I assumed you’ve been busy or still hadn’t gotten a good PC. Last email I got from you is from June 2021.

                    Hey Helot (and Nunz), I read Bionic Mosqito’s “Book” from 2019 when you linked to that at some point. One point he made is that a (society-wide) Christian ethic was needed. What I got from it is that belief in and adherence to Christ (personally and at large) is necessary for liberty.

                    The thin libertarian post is well timed considering what we’re discussing here. I agree with a lot of what he said. I agree the NAP does not defend us from, or give us a means to prevent, the hell being constructed around us, as he says more elaborately. And you’ll see in the comments, plenty of people are against him and his sentiments, and put the NAP as their God. They make good arguments about slippery slopes and how bad ostensibly Christian governments throughout history have been, but all I see is justification for us being enslaved to the will of the oligarchs. They offer no solutions. Just more dogmatic adherence to the NAP. Libertarians have been adhering to the NAP for a long time, and like the “conservatives” of America, what has it conserved? Where has it gotten us?

                    The NAP is great for those that own all of the property, infrastructure, and production. It’s not so great for someone like me who doesn’t own those things, that needs those things in order to live, and am one decision away from being told I must choose between a death shot, for instance, and not being able to utilize the aforementioned property, infrastructure, and production I need to live out my meek existence. I was not born into a family that owned or could acquire those means. And through both my inferiority and power’s constant suppression of me, I will never be able to achieve any of those aforementioned means. The libertarian/ NAP position requires that I somehow create/own all these things, without the help of the system that does own all these things, to survive without violating the NAP when they all collectively decide to exclude me / not do business with me, for whatever reason they feel like. Or no reason at all.

                    The oligarchs, the power, those that own all of the property, infrastructure, and production, etc, don’t need me to live. I do unfortunately, need them to live. Power does what it wants, clearly. And I’m done wasting energy and effort defending them. Done subscribing to a philosophy that justifies my enslavement and death. The NAP gives moral justification to them to starve me if I refuse to inject myself with poison, or whatever else they come up with as a requirement to do business with them or utilize their system. Christianity does not give them that moral justification, however, and therefore I choose to align with that.

                    No more: Does this violate the NAP?
                    Instead: Is this a sin? Is this what Christ would want?

                    I’m not saying I have this all figured out, or that I have a bulletproof argument/philosophy. But I guess that’s what I’m looking for from someone else. I keep looking for something that will allow us to fix this situation. Something that will help us, something that will save us. Something that will allow us to defend ourselves. Christianity is what comes closest… But like I said, even that doesn’t look like it can/will save us from the situation we inhabit in this life. This prison. This hell. At least I don’t see it. Maybe someone can show/explain how.

                    Until then, what I have to look forward to is the sweet release of death, to a better eternity.

                    • Hi Brandonjin

                      Libertarianism is simply a set of principles. But then so is the Christian belief system. As I may have mentioned I’m a deist. I don’t find any of the organized religions to be persuasive. Religion to me is a personal relationship to God. Its a very private thing. But anyone who finds comfort in the various belief systems is welcome to do so.

                      Do you understand why the NAP is one of the foundation principles? It naturally flows from self ownership. You own yourself and your works. Everything else builds up from there. Rothbard wrote many, many fascinating books and articles on that subject.

                      But do not mistake the NAP for pacifism. Some of the best armed and trained people I know follow the NAP. But the NAP is only one of the principles involved.

                      While it is necessary, it is not sufficient. It needs to be coupled with a belief system. As long as that belief system doesn’t conflict with the basic principles of libertarianism, I see no problem. What people believe is up to them. Its their *actions* that have (and should) have consequences. People should be judged by the content of their character, not the color of their skin, or their gender (of which there are only two). Focus should be on individuals, not collectives. On personal responsibility, not excuses. Beyond that is simply pandering to the typical low information “voter” in an endless quest for power.

                    • BJ, I also believe Christianity is a personal relationship with God. Nothing wrong with liking a church and attending, but I’ve seen a lot a churchians who seem to not have a clue or sense of awareness.

                      Thank you Nunz, that means a lot coming from you. Truly.

              • Funny thing is, Brandon, I had JUST read that chapter last Sabbath as part of my yearly Bible reading…so it was fresh on my mind, and the “avenging” part had really jumped out at me and made me think: “This is a perfect illuystration of the NT principle of what not to do!” (There are lots of scenariuos like that in the Bible, where it kinda defines it’;s own terms and gives illustrative examples…you just have to correlate them).

                • Man, Nunzio, sometimes I have to walk away from these conversations and swear I’m never gonna go back to ’em.

                  I often fail.

                  I wonder, what would your bit be if I put the word Christianity in this:

                  “there are not and never will be enough people who share our values so as to change the world or overcome the power structures which are now in place. The vast majority of people seem to prefer the perception of ‘safety’, and convenience.”

                • Man, Nunzio, sometimes I have to walk away from these conversations and swear I’m never gonna go back to ’em.

                  I often fail.

                  I wonder, what would your bit be if I put the word Christianity in this:

                  “there are not and never will be enough people who share our values so as to change the world or overcome the power structures which are now in place. The vast majority of people seem to prefer the perception of ‘safety’, and convenience.”

                  […Stoopid ‘you are posting too quickly’ bite me.]

                  • Hi Helot,

                    My comment would be the same. One of the goals of Christianity is to enable the Christian to overcome the world. The Bible says that the Gospel would be published throughout the world for a ‘witness’- not to change the would at large, but to separate the believer from the course of this world- so that we can manifest a Godly character in the midst of the adversity of an immoral world around us- and it further shows that the only thing which will stop the insanity of power structures which we now are seeijg so clearly revealed, is divine intervention.

                    Matt. 24:22 “And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened. ”

                    2Tim. 3:12-14 “12Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. 13But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. 14But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them”

              • Hi Brandon

                Most people are just people. Most are just trying to make it through another day in this mad house. Over my travels and decades, I’ve run across many good people from many belief systems. I’ve also run across some really bad ones from various belief systems. Character is the key. Belief like the NAP is necessary, but not sufficient.

                As for Nunzio, he has some of the finest insights into the Bible and its history of any scholar I’ve known. I wish we had many more like him.

                Just keep him away from freshly baked Cakes… 🙂

      • Hmmm…
        Lets start with law.

        Law is a principle of cause and effect without contradiction. Nature makes laws. Man makes rules.

        The purpose of American jurisprudence is to ensure that man made rules conform with the law.

        When they dont, they can be stricken down and ignored as being null and void ab initio.

        The organic laws differ for each state, and the federal government but all include our first holding as a nation known as the declaration of independence, the state’s constitution, and the federal constitution.

        These all contain rules and principles you, as an individual, can invoke to keep an office holder’s conduct lawful.

        There seems to be a perception that American government is supposed to be self regulating or otherwise self restrained.

        No, it was not designed that way and it is not. Predators will eat and eat.

        We have an adversarial system. If you wish to defend yourself against an office holding predator, you must invoke the law and take action…including gathering evidence, and going to court. Otherwise you assent, or consent depending on your level of cooperation.

        During the past three years, brave American individuals stood up to the predator and eviscerated lock down mandates, shuddering mandates, mask mandates, jab mandates, and peeled back unlawful 2a restrictions.

    • Also, RE: “our guilt is decided by our peers”.

      Are you a younger person?

      Much of the time, this simply Is Not the case.

      A pink haired, nose-ring leftist LGBQT+ Satan whoreshipping Marxists lunatic ain’t my ‘peer’ and never will be.
      And, vise a versa.

    • Hi Atticus

      I’m quite familiar with the points of theory you speak of. Countless other people have also spoken of them. But that’s not how the system actually works. To a very large extent, The Law is what ever the Gang and its courts say that it is. It doesn’t have to make sense, it doesn’t have to be consistent or coherent or logical or even sane. They get to determine what the Law says , what it means (from day to day) and how it is to be applied. Their courts have demonstrated themselves to be corrupt cowards, time and time again. The last series of “fortified” Selections (and the reaction of their courts) demonstrates that beyond a shadow of a doubt.

      As for their power. You do remember that Obama drone killed an American citizen, without due process? That’s just whats known. Remember Waco? Randy Weaver and his family? At this point, they can kill just about anyone they decide to. Not only will they get away with it, but their Ministry of Truth (mass/social media) will call their victim(s) “domestic terrorists”. As I’ve said, thats just the surface. Behind the scenes things are much, much worse. We could end up in WWIII because of the insane antics of those who actually run and own this country.

      The entire system is corrupt from bottom to top. That is why we are in the dire situation that we currently find ourselves in. The regimes courts are part of the problem, not part of any solution.

  2. What are Freedom Cells?
    Freedom Cells are local, peer to peer groups typically consisting of 8 people. Cell members organize themselves in a decentralized manner with the goal of empowering group members through education, peaceful non-compliance, and the creation of parallel institutions. Think of it as your activist support network.

    Why do we need them?
    We are being isolated from our community by authoritarian law, invasive technology, and divisive culture. Tyranny and technocracy are on the rise. A local support network has never been more important for our health, liberty, and success.


    • On the surface, this seems really good.

      Not sure how practical it will be, of if there’s this big – empty – space – between me & the next big mega-city… Fly-over land and all that, ya know?

      Or, if it’s flypaper?

      I’ll check it out in the A.M.

  3. Nope…another repeat of libertarian nonsense not applicable at all to Americans. Your operating from a European paradigm, where government does rule.

    Three elements to a state
    The Sovereign’s government
    The Sovereign’s subjects

    In America, you are born sovereign over your own domain, and the government is your adversarial peer, not the authority, not your ruler.

    The things you do with your own property and powers (domain) are rights, and require no one’s permission, no fee, and no tax.
    The things you do with another’s property and powers (domain) are privileges, and require the grantor’s permission and agreement to abide by the grantor’s conditions, including the payment of fees, and excise taxes.

    This coordination of coexisting domains and the distinction between them forms the basis of our common law which governs you and me…not “the government”.

    Statutes regulate, or make regular, or set consistent standards for duty, breach of duty, causation, injury, and remedy.

    It appears to me that Americans unwittingly and improperly subject themselves to statutory schemes that regulate privileges.

    Newbill vs. Union Indemnity Co., 60 SE.2d 658
    “Moreover, a distinction must be observed between the regulation of an activity which may be engaged in as a matter of right and one carried on by government sufferance of permission.”

      • Hi Eric

        I seriously suspect they don’t understand what libertarian principles are, and are not. First and foremost they are NOT statist. The state in all of its “glory” is the polar opposite of libertarian principles. I’ve run across these Law types before. They think the Law is some magic artifact that can be used against the regime (which created, interprets and maintains it…). When in reality, the Law is and means what ever the regime says that it means, when it says it. The Law is part of the illusions/delusions that allow the continued control and theft from hundreds of millions of people.

    • Hi Joe

      Well stated. That is exactly the fundamental reality of the Gangs that rule us. Obey or die. Of course that iron fist is keep cloaked in the velvet glove of the illusions/delusions, that allow them to continue to rule. Make no mistake. The only difference between the Divine Right Of Kings, and the Will Of The People, is the illusions/delusions underpinning both.

  4. One day a gate or turnstile will not open for you, leaving you wondering; outstanding fine?, portfolio ESG score too low?, wrong opinion expressed on-line, a glitch in the databases that tells them who you are?

    You will not know why, the AI Bot you interface with will not be “reasonable” and you will have no recourse.

    “The Trial” a novel written by Franz Kafka, it tells the story of Josef K., a man arrested and prosecuted by a remote, inaccessible authority, with the nature of his crime revealed neither to him nor to the reader.

    People will circulate stories and rumor, you need high Credit scores, need proper social media profiles, need the right opinions, the right identity, anything and everything being AI observed and recorded, the entire history of you. A “Panopticon” the self reinforcing perfect Gulag.

    The Trial….read the book to see your future….coming soon…


    • Coming soon…the government is run by AI bots….the enforcers/police/army are all AI bots…robo cops…the courts are all AI bots…then you are screwed….

      • Hi Anon1

        I thought that the Machine (from the galactic core) was going to take over the world? Not some half baked local AI project… 🙂

  5. Quinn: We Are Trapped In ‘A Truman Show’ Directed By Psychopaths

    “There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution” ― Aldous Huxley

    The mass formation psychosis infecting the weak-minded masses; relentless mass propaganda designed to mislead, misinform, and brainwash a dumbed down and government indoctrinated populace; and complete control of the story line through media manipulation, regulation, and censorship of the truth; has run its course.

    Using fear to regulate your subjects is a familiar theme used by those controlling the narrative and pulling the strings behind the scenes of our glorious democracy of dystopia.

    The first task was to instill fear into the masses

    Since March 2020 we have been trapped in a dystopian reality show based on lies, deception, and fake narratives and utilized to further the totalitarian Great Reset agenda of Schwab, Gates and their ilk, while maximizing the profits of Pfizer, TV networks and filling the pockets of politicians, shills, and apparatchiks willing to sellout the people of our country for thirty pieces of silver.

    a dictatorship without tears uses technology, pharmaceuticals, and psychological manipulation to convince the masses to love their servitude. This is the reality show we have been living in during this 21st Century dictatorship dystopia of dunces

    Plato describes a group of people who have lived chained in a cave all their lives, facing a blank wall. The people watch shadows projected on the wall from objects passing in front of a fire behind them and give names to these shadows. The shadows are the prisoners’ reality but are not an accurate representation of the real world. An enlightened man is like a prisoner who is freed from the cave and comes to understand the shadows on the wall are not reality.

    The ignorant inmates do not desire to leave their prison/cave, for it is the only life they know, and they fear reality. The fire and the puppets, used to create shadows, are controlled by artists. Plato indicates the fire is also the political doctrine taught by a nation state. The artists use light and shadows to indoctrinate the masses with the dominant doctrines of the times.

    Most people are not just comfortable in their ignorance, but hostile to anyone who points it out.” ― Plato, The Allegory of the Cave

    The State is run by an eager group of psychopaths who are hell bent on destroying our civil society and common culture on behalf of globalists attempting to implement their Great Reset agenda, and enforcing it through technological surveillance, mind control through propaganda messaging, and strict management of the daily plot via mainstream media and social media censorship of the truth.

    This world of manufactured dystopian pleasure harkens more towards Huxley’s Brave New World, where pharmaceuticals and conditioning would keep the public seeking pleasure, pre-occupied with trivialities, distracted by materialism, unable to think critically, and reduced to passivity and egoism through the control of messaging by their controllers.

    Our efficient totalitarian state has gained complete control by convincing the masses to love their servitude and beg for more rules, restrictions, and reduction of liberties in the name of safety and security.

    The Truman Show


  6. No one has ever refuted Spooner. No one alive has consented, and even if, only those that would vote “yes” would be bound.

    Government claims ownership over you. You can even be prosecuted for crimes committed overseas in another country’s jurisdiction.

    If government does not abide by their restrictions, they have broken the contract and we are free of any obligation – real or imagined – to it.

    • There never was a contract. the US Constitutions greatest failure, or success depending on your point of view, was its total lack of providing for any means of enforcement. Which left the door wide open to the state to do what it damn well pleased. The States originally had some means of enforcement, by secession. Lincoln solved that little problem, and ever since he killed 650,000 Americans to dispel that notion, the state is in charge of enforcing the document that is supposed to keep the state in check.
      The postulation that we are all committed to some “social contract” is absurd. By being born here, I’m somehow obligated to kneel?
      Eff off.

    • “You can even be prosecuted for crimes committed overseas in another country’s jurisdiction”
      Even if you are not a US citizen, and even if you committed no crime.

      • Hi Atticus,

        Here are two statements that I think are unassailable.

        “It is self-evident that no number of men, by conspiring, and calling themselves a government, can acquire any rights whatever over other men, or other men’s property, which they had not before, as individuals.”

        “Government is in reality established by the few; and these few assume the consent of all the rest, without any such consent being actually given.”


        • Too bad that wouldn’t fit on a bumper sticker, Jeremy! Perfect!

          “Democracy/Democratically-elected governments: Scheme by which your neighbor, though he has no right to your property or person, can assign such a right to another man.”

        • True Jeremy, and this comment right here is my point… These are all criticisms of of a ruled subject paradigm. Feudalism. Yes, those statements are are valid criticisms of European power structures, and totally inapplicable to American.

          Read this carefully sir…
          They are not your ruler, and do not purport to be. And you are not their subject.
          American Government is your adversarial peer.

          They have about as much power over you as an angry cranky litigious neighbor…very little and you have just as much right to the law and the courts as they do. You just dont do it full time…

          Cmon buddy, lets do this dance.
          I bet we can turn on some light bulbs.
          Lets start from the beginning and walk it through.

          Btw, Eric, i responded to your reply but it doesn’t appear to be showing up.

  7. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn lived in the United States, and eventually applied for US citizenship, was going to become a US citizen.

    He was to pledge his allegiance, loyalty, to the US government.

    After reading the contents of the oath of allegiance, Solzhenitsyn refused to show on the date he was to be sworn in as a US citizen. Wanted no part of it, no is no. Consent wasn’t happening for Aleksandr.

    Not! Refusal! I’m not going

    He returned Russia after his citizenship was re-instated. Once a refusenik, always a refusenik. Happy to be back in the USSR!

    Don’t have to comply, just use your feet and get there.

  8. The Bill of Rights was a big mistake. When you have a list of rights, people (bamboozled by rotten politicians and government schools) eventually get the idea that those are the only rights they have. I wonder how many diapered sheep have yelled, “Where in the Constitution does it say you have the right to go without a mask during a pandemic?!”
    This bass-ackward approach reminds me of when our tennis association had a discussion about how to word a sign to tell people what activities were not allowed on the courts. Everybody was brainstorming: soccer, baseball, dog walking, frisbee throwing. So is changing the oil in my car OK? Grilling burgers? How about strip mining? I told them that the sign needed two words: “Tennis Only.”
    The powers of the federal government are supposed to be few, and the Constitution requires that they be enumerated. The rights of the people are many, and do not have to be enumerated. Of course this still doesn’t get to the crux of Eric’s article, since all governments operate without universal consent, and continuously cheat and lie to smother liberty. But I can’t help but think things might be a tad better if the principle of enumerated powers had not been watered down by a wrong-headed attempt to list our rights.

    • Hi Roland,

      You make a sound point. I imagine those who wrote the Bill agonized over this question as well. I much prefer the idea of society to that of government. Society is voluntary; you are free to participate and society – the people who comprise it – are free (or ought to be) to engage with one another or not, as they wish. Society has rules rather than laws, much to be preferred on my estimation.

      • the global elite say the serfs on the bottom are evil because we don’t believe they are gods…but…the elite are equal to all other sovereign citizens…not better…they just imagine they are…..they are insane…

        that is satanist inversion again….the elites believe they are gods…that is luciferian..evil…..not believing that (the serfs) is reality…sanity…but…if you don’t conform to their cult….you will have problems…

        sovereign citizens….no need for a government running their life….

    • Well, the 9th and 10th amendment covered that, but they are completely ignored. In fact the entirety of the Bill of Rights are ignored, except for the third. As far as I know anyway, troops are not being quartered in private homes. But that’s just because with a trillion dollar budget, there’s no compelling government need to do so.

    • Ok, i agree with the bamboozled statement. We are the dumbest generation.
      We have been bamboozled into thinking our adversary is the “authority”, even our ally.
      We have an adversarial system and American government is our adversarial peer.

      Just keep in mind the bill of rights is a list if sovereign powers retained by the individual “to prevent…abuse of it’s (government) powers.

      It contains a complete criminal justice system outside the reach of government.

      Also, the organic laws, including the various constitutions are bodies of law the individual must invoke if he doesn’t wish to get eaten by an overreaching predator holding office.

      American governments are not self regulating entities. The individual American is the government’s regulator.

      But if no One stands up, and everyone goes along…no one defends themselves by invoking the law, then we get things like new yorks’ gun rules standing for over 50 years. But just one dude making a salient argument invoking the supreme law got that garbage stricken down.

      Being a staunch libertarian, and subscriber to the “non aggression principle “, I take exception to is the constant repeating of a false paradigm of American power structure propagated by libertarian forums.
      Our philosophy is the law, right now, but we are not enforcing our law.

  9. Klaus Schwab’s ’15-minute cities’ plan moves forward around the world

    They say the useless eaters on the bottom are an invasive species, (an invasive species is a climate emergency now)…..so to stop them from destroying the planet the 1st step is to confine them in 15 min city open prisons…. (a climate lockdown)…there they can be contolled, processed. before they are dealt with…..

    To get the useless eaters to comply, the service corp…government…tells them it is just for their convenience…they will be happy…


    • It sounds a lot like the Warsaw Ghettos that the Jews were shoved into back in World War 2. And well all knew how well that worked out for them. But let’s not call them “ghettos”. 15-Minute-Smart-Cities sounds sooo much more trendy and cool. Maybe you can even believe you are not a prisoner on some days…..

  10. This is one of the primary reasons I do not vote. If one participates in the ‘democratic process’, one is conceding legitimacy to that process and agreeing to be bound by the results of it, regardless of whose candidate wins. Of course they use the tyranny established through that process to ‘govern’ all by sheer force and tyranny, whether one votes or not…but if the majority did not vote, they might just one day and wake up and say “Hey, we didn’t vote for this!”, and use their sheer numbers to reign-in the power of the tyrants ‘society’ has elected.

    At least those of us who don’t vote are not contributing to the legitimizing and continuance of their system; at least we have the right to complain, because we haven’t agreed to be bound by a ‘democratic process’, nor do we seek to bind others by it (“So long as ‘our guy’ wins”); nor do they legally or morally have any legitimate right to claim that we have consented, like they do when one votes. Nor should voters expect a candidate who is a participant in such a fraudulent process to deliver them that very process which gives them their power.

    This also illustrates the absurdity of a Libertarian Party. If enough people were of a Libertarian bent so as to be able to elect enough Libertarians to do anything, we wouldn’t need Libertarians putzing around in a democratic process to begin with, because those ‘enough people’ would be sufficient that their non-compliance and non-participation would be enough to hobble the democratic system’s tyranny- but instead, they seem to want to perpetuate that system by continuing to consent and participate just so that they can feel good- like they’ve ‘done something’, even though they know it is in vain and purely signatory. Their non-participation and non-consent would do far more.

    • Vote or not, the government will still claim the right to control you. Voting doesn’t legitimize this. If we all stopped voting, they would still find a way to claim power.

      • To engage a phrase used back in the late 60s, “what if they held an election and nobody came?” From where would they gain any authority at all. After all, if nobody votes it’s certainly NOT a holy democracy. So what then? They come right out and say, “We rule because if you don’t obey we will kill you”? At least they would be forced to be honest.
        By voting, you acquiesce to the results. You lost. So you must submit to the will of those who won.

      • That’s true, Dan- As I had said in my initial comment, they weild their tyranny over us whether we vote(consent) or not- BUT the act of voting a)Formalizes their authority and the ‘consent of the governed’, and more importantly b)It gives such a system legitimacy in the eyes of the majority who participate in it- i.e. it keeps the peasants content, and gives them a false hope that they can somehow control the system which controls them, and has made a veritable religion out of ‘democracy’ to the point where as parishioners of that system they consider those of us who refuse to be bound by that system; who rebel; who do not participate, and who do not respect(deify) the authority of that system to be enemies, scoundrels, and moral reprobates. Thus the system is kept enshrined by the people’s willingness to participate and accept the workings of the system in which they participatein and have given consent to by doing so.
        If they vote, they can never say “I didn’t vote for this”, ’cause even if they didn’t, others did, or their representatives did, and by participating in that ‘democratic process’ they have consented to accept the results of that process.
        If 50 people in an office send one person out to get lunch from one place, and 49 of those people vote for pizza…you will be having pizza or nothing, regardless of whether you voted or not….but if you voted, you’re still having pizza, even if you voted for tacos- but you’ve just lost your right to complain- having consented to whatever the outcome that the majority has decided.

        • What if ya just vote in the Primaries to shake things up a bit,… and then sat out during the General Election?

          Would that be different from voting for pizza?
          Would that be, “brown bagging it”?

          • Hehe…good’un, Helot!

            Meh…it makes no practical difference though…except that by participating, one is acknowledging the legitimacy of the system in which they are voting in. It’s like “We don’t believe that other men have the right to rule us or our neighbors…unless it’s someone whom we approve of”- but if ya vote, you’re formally agreeing that whomever the ‘majority’ chooses has the legitimacy to rule.

      • “If we all stopped voting, they would still find a way to claim power.” – Dan

        I have to disagree. If we all refused to practice the state’s rituals, there would be no “they.” At least not in sufficient numbers to control 330 million people. Who would enforce the decrees of the few who would claim to rule? Would Harris, Schumer, and the head of Lockheed Martin pile into the Corvette with Biden to go out and bust heads? No government can oppress the people once a large number of them resolve to ignore it.

        • The latest stat I have is 2018. Looking at the midterm election eligible voter turnout, 50% was achieved in 2018 and was always below 50% back to 1912.

          over 100 years of less than 1/2 voting (midterms) yet still they claimed power.

          if you had 1% turnout (political beneficiaries will always vote), they would still claim power. If you argue the point, they will find cell availability right beside the Jan 6ers.

          the government police will arrest you, the government prosecutor will prosecute you, the government judge will sentence you. if you choose a jury, that same judge will instruct them they must find you guilty.

          the evidence is there from covid. legal or no – the government will exert its will.

          • There is a big difference between 50 percent and 1 percent. They could claim power all they wanted, but if 99 percent of the people treated them as a joke, they would be impotent. Few would want to serve as enforcers if they knew they would be mocked instead of thanked for their service. Covid is not a good comparison, because in that case, a huge percentage of the population believed the crap that the government was telling them. And even so, there are lots of people like Eric who have to this day not put on the Holy Rag as ordered.

    • True Jeremy, and this comment right here is my point… These are all criticisms of of a ruled subject paradigm. Feudalism. Yes, those statements are are valid criticisms of European power structures, and totally inapplicable to American.

      Read this carefully sir…
      They are not your ruler, and do not purport to be. And you are not their subject.
      American Government is your adversarial peer.

      They have about as much power over you as an angry cranky litigious neighbor…very little and you have just as much right to the law and the courts as they do. You just dont do it full time…

      Cmon buddy, lets do this dance.
      I bet we can turn on some light bulbs.
      Lets start from the beginning and walk it through.

      Btw, Eric, i responded to your reply but it doesn’t appear to be showing up.

      • Hi Atticus,

        In re: “I responded to your reply but it doesn’t appear to be showing up.”

        I didn’t see anything in the “moderation” queue. Your other posts seem to have made it through. It’s possible one got picked up by the spam filter; the difficulty (for me) here is checking that as it entails looking through dozens (sometimes 100-plus) and I often just delete them as a batch. I will try to keep closer tabs – and apologies for the issue.

  11. I am all for trying something new, because what we have now sucks. For one thing, I do not like how the Federal Reserve has inflated the money supply and credit, turning homes into speculative assets, homes now extremely overvalued 10-20x their actual worth.

    A run down cottage keeling over on it’s rock foundation in Southern Oregon is a half million, when in fact such a structure should be demolished and rebuilt from scratch, but permits to get going are also inflated to the moon. But that is nothing of a problem compared to our real problem, humans IMO are artificial creations of the “gods” being space aliens who came here, created us for slavery. Sitchin’s thesis of ancient aliens I think is a very good theory, as I observed humans are on an ice age planet with no fur.

    Without fangs, fur, claws, humans are forced into work for money slavery. Modern economic slavery is just a continuation of our original slavery when we were artificially created WITHOUT OUR CONSENT and forced into bondage to a higher power. It took me decades of soul searching to figure out the truth about this god forsaken planet and these horrible sentient hominids which are obviously so out of place. We don’t belong here.

    Humans are not from Earth: a scientific evaluation of the evidence by Dr. Ellis Silver

    Furthemore, the legal system imposed over us is our curse, for who we are, unmanageable, violently insane, psychotic bipedal abominations made by splicing DNA from wild original earth hominens and the gods. This is why our DNA has 23 pairs or 46 chromosomes vs all other primates which have 24 pairs, or 48 chromosomes. How in the hell did that happen? The proof is in the pudding:


    There was no consent when we were created as a hybrid specie. There was no consent when the alien gods set up civilization with courts, jails, etc. There was no consent when we are forced to work for a wage just to eat and house our naked bodies, and there is no consent when we are forced to pay taxes for using central bank fiat money. The entire program is evil to the core, unnatural, a huge manipulation. Humans on earth is literally the planet of the damned.

    Thus the imposed system from the heavens above, is the best for us, because I am also sure that earth is not the only slave planet, and those in control knows what works, and thus what we have is the only system allowed by the higher power that owns this planet and manages the human population.

    BTW I did decode the Lord’s Prayer on what it actually means:


    • “I do not like how the Federal Reserve has inflated the money supply”
      Inflation is the very purpose of fiat currency. There is no other reason to use it. “Money” can be printed, wealth cannot be.
      As far as the rest of your comment, if this planet is being run by some god like aliens, they’re a bunch of total fuck ups.

    • The claim that humans did not evolve on earth and were brought here by aliens from another planet is the most absurd pseudoscience. The best astronomical evidence is that the earth is an incredibly rare planet, one of only a tiny number of planets in the entire galaxy that could possibly support advanced life. Best estimates are that perhaps there are fifty earth like planets in the entire galaxy that could support human life, out of an estimated one trillion planets in the galaxy. Assuming this figure to be accurate and assuming that these planets are evenly distributed across the galaxy, which has a diameter of about 100,000 light years, this would mean that the nearest planet that could support human life should be expected to be about 2000 light years from us.

      Referring to earth as a “god forsaken planet” is the exact opposite of the truth. The earth is an incredibly rare and beautiful planet, one of a handful of vibrantly alive planets in a mostly dead galaxy. The universe is for the most part a place very hostile to the existence of life, full of deadly cosmic rays and mostly inhabited by stars that are unsuitable for the development of anything more than the simplest forms of life. We are an island of life in a mostly cold, dead universe.

  12. Did You Consent to be Governed?…by an AI bot…

    AI bots running the service corp…the government…and then AI bots sent as enforcers….

    Pay attention, the veil of civility and compassion was dropped in 2020. Look who is running the show:

    Romania’s prime minister has just unveiled a new colleague to his cabinet – a deep-voiced AI-powered “adviser” encased in a mirror which is being described as the world’s first AI-powered government aide.

    Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca claims the bot, which calls itself “Ion,” is capable of interpreting the opinions of the country’s population and conveying them back to him and his government, helping them choose how to make decisions.

    capable of interpreting the opinions of the country’s population ….but…it has a marxist/globalist bias…lol

    so…next an AI bot to replace brandon?


  13. I like to think that they added the bill of rights because a lot of them were familiar with or were lawyers

    So they knew unless you put something very specifically lawyers could twist themselves around it.

    They just didn’t account for how stupid people would get in a few centuries

    • The lawyers who made the Constitution unanimously rejected a Bill of Rights. It wasn’t until two rears after the Constitution was ratified that the states insisted that a Bill of Rights be added. In fact, the Bill of Rights supercedes the Constitution as the ultimate law of the land.
      A major problem with our government is that lawyers dominate every branch of government, which is contrary to the concept of “separation of powers.” Lawyers wrote the CONstitution for themselves, and continue to operate contrary to the interests of ordinary people.

    • Hi Zach

      Its not so much stupid as indoctrinated. What else would one expect when the Gang controls the “educational” system? Couple that with their cronies in the mass/social media (Ministry of Truth) and you can control the general population for centuries.
      If you look at who was funding the Federalists, its the same people/group that owns the central banking cartel. It was only a matter of time until they managed to get a central bank established here. But they failed the first two attempts because of Jefferson and Jackson. Consent is not required, when one has the raw power to compel people to obey or else. The or else being backed up by the the clubs/spears/swords/guns of the enforcer class. The government scam goes back a very long time. Only the illusions/delusions have changed.

  14. Under feudalism, serfs were tied to the land. They were obliged a turn over a portion of their crops to the lord of the manor, in exchange (supposedly) for being defended from external threats.

    As industry replaced agriculture, medieval-style feudalism became impractical. It was replaced by the income tax in 1913. Americans can earn income anywhere in the world. But the US fedgov lays claim to a portion of it … as well as megalomaniacally demanding that every bank on earth report the bank balances of US citizens to the IRS [FATCA Act of 2010].

    The pretense of being defended is increasingly absurd. Neighboring Canada and Mexico show no sign of planning to invade. But the US fedgov’s foreign permawars ratchet up the risk of terrorism and long-range missile attack, which otherwise would hardly exist.

    For all practical purposes, the US fedgov is an enemy-alien occupation government. To the extent it gets ordered around and embezzled by foreign lobbies and leaders, this is literally true.

    • “But the US fedgov lays claim to a portion of it”.
      And if they can lay claim to a “portion” of it, the only thing stopping them from collecting a “portion” of it at 100% is friction and gravity.

    • Now either a service corp (a government) or the king claim they have allodial title to the land ….where did they get that right/authority?

      so you have to pay tax for using their land…a long time ago individuals could have allodial title so their land couldn’t be taxed or confiscated….

      now the UN is trying to weasel in and control all land using UNDRIP as a tool/excuse….the wef said you would own nothing…one central marxist/globalist government…service corp…

    • War is good business and business is good.

      What’s 200,000 dead Ukrainian and Russian soldiers?

      A statistic. Madeline Albright would agree.

      All wars are economic wars, somebody is making bank.

      Find out who they are and you can maybe stop the madness.

      I’ll take Vampire Squid for 2000, Alex.

  15. Hillary says we consent when we vote, but we know they are stealing the vote, so Democracy is a scam. The IRS says you consent when you fill out your first 1040. The cop says you gave consent when you pulled over. The entire system is built on the fraud that we consented. But consent is based on understanding what you are being asked to consent to. A BIG TRICK to get consent by cops is when they ask you if “do you understand”. They are tricking you, what it means to them, do you stand under me? If you reply “I DO NOT UNDERSTAND”, “NOR DO I STAND UNDER YOU” theoretically there is nothing they can do to you, because you have not given consent for them to wax authority over you.

    Half of the Amerikan people no longer file taxes. Hundreds of thousands fail to show at their court hearings. So what is the overbearing government to do but send armed thugs to force you to participate in what you don’t want. Many states have over 50,000 warrants for arrest out at any time, proof that many people do not consent.




    “Consent means that a person voluntarily and willfully agrees in response to another person’s proposition. The person who consents must possess sufficient mental capacity. Consent also requires the absence of coercion, fraud or error. Consent is an essential constituent of a contract and a defense to a tort.”


    Modern society revolves around the state, building permits, driver’s licenses, taxes, roads, post offices, etc. But they Native Americans had none of these things and lived just fine, but in what we consider poverty by today’s standards. The natives had no cops, no jails, no property titles – which means anyone could build a wigwam or teepee without a permit or buying land, no fishing or hunting licenses, no horse riding licenses, and no military draft. Stealing another’s horse was par for the course.

    They were also very cruel skinning people alive or pulling their limbs off, but Europeans engaged in the same kind of brutality for many centuries. I do not know of any native burning women at the stake for being a witch.

    The bottom line is very simple, if you want freedom you have to move away from all other people, then you can do what you want. People always cause problems, human society has always been a problem and their are no easy fixes. My personal hope is that Putin nukes the west out of existence then I can go hunt deer with my bow without getting permission and without having to buy a license (just kidding).


    Russia has the absolute moral right to destroy us when Biden and Blinken blew Nordstream, wars have been started for far less. And I am quite sure Russia is planning on doing just that, but first they need to field their new Sarmat 2 MIRVed ICBM, and just one missile can take out all of the UK.

    There is a modern prophecy online about the Don McCleans infamous song “American Pie”:

    But I knew I was out of luck
    The day the music died

    But February made me shiver
    With every paper I’d deliver
    Bad news on the doorstep
    I couldn’t take one more step

    Helter skelter in a summer swelter
    The birds flew off with a fallout shelter
    Eight miles high and fallin’ fast
    It landed foul on the grass

    A generation lost in space
    With no time left to start again
    So come on, Jack be nimble, Jack be quick
    Jack Flash sat on a candlestick
    ‘Cause fire is the devil’s only friend
    Oh, and as I watched him on the stage
    My hands were clenched in fists of rage
    No angel born in hell
    Could break that Satan’s spell
    And as the flames climbed high into the night
    To light the sacrificial rite
    I saw Satan laughing with delight
    The day the music died

    I met a girl who sang the blues
    And I asked her for some happy news
    But she just smiled and turned away
    I went down to the sacred store
    Where I’d heard the music years before
    But the man there said the music wouldn’t play
    And in the streets, the children screamed
    The lovers cried and the poets dreamed
    But not a word was spoken
    The church bells all were broken
    And the three men I admire most
    The Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost
    They caught the last train for the coast
    The day the music died

    The prophecy says that Amerika gets nuked in the summer swelter, after a very cold February – which we indeed are having this year. The nation has fallen to homosexuality and the religion is dead, the people are lost in space. Check, check, check. And is not Putin and Russia news warning us of nuclear war over and over again, on a weekly basis? Yes they are.

    So my advice is “take the last train to the coast” upwind of fallout. Oregon sounds good.

  16. The government is just a service corporation…one that can collect tax by force…who gave it that power?…it has a monopoly on creating/printing money……it says it has allodial title to all land…according to who?….with that fake allodial title it can collect tax on the land or restrict it’s use…….

    the people working for/running this service corporation can steal money that it collects…..or use that money to insure they maintain that job running the service corp….the service corp has exclusive rights to use of deadly force….who gave it that power?……

    running the service corp is a very popular job (access/control of all that money flowing through)…you can end up rich….and use that money to maintain your job running the service corp….it attracts psychopaths on power trips…they will do anything to keep that job…using propaganda, controlling speech, rigged elections…

    Dr. Marc Faber says these governments steal between 5% (honest governments) and 100% (crooked governments) of the money collected, borrowed.

    • The satanists running the service corp (government) are becoming more insane and aggressive…..

      As well as herding you into 15 min cities the controllers want to control the real estate inside your head too….
      24/7/365 propaganda from their MSM is one method, but they have technology now that is invasive to the inside of your head….what you are thinking and controlling it….

      someone said one reason for the internet is the service corp controllers know what everyone is thinking now…

      this video looks at the tech they have now to access the inside of your head and control it…..wearable and implant technology…

      the monsters running the service corp are spending the tax dollars they stole to purchase this control tech

      It is always about money…..this is just another promotion to sell stock in all the the companies providing the high tech… AI, software and hardware needed for this agenda…all owned by the controllers and probably the politicians enabling it…

      they accomplish two things….make lots of money off the stock promotion and eliminate and/or control the useless eaters on the bottom…..who are a nuisance and dangerous….(they call them an invasive species now)…this protects their jobs running the service corp…..

      the monsters running the service corp have two goals…grabbing the money the service corp extorts and maintaining their job running the service corp….

      globalist/communist/w ef planned future

      turning people into appliances plugged into an all-seeing internet, more transhuman robots than people, dutifully following orders but unable to produce anything beyond what is programmed into their quantum microchips, bereft of the sparks of inquiry, innovation and joy in a electric panopticon that’s sterile and joyless, you are better off dead.

      they implant an operating system in you and connect you to the grid, they also connect an AI robot to the grid, this is so you can train the robot to do your job. you won’t be needed then = soylent green.


  17. State and federal governments have enacted (or are trying to) all sorts of insane things WITHOUT our consent just over the past few years…..Here are some examples, in no particular order….

    1) Face diaper mandates.
    2) Closing down SMALL businesses that were deemed “non-essential” while allowing LARGE corporations to remain open, because “COVID only existed in Mom & Pop stores.”
    3) Defining what constituted “essential” or “non-essential” employees, “Because COVID”.
    4) Mandates for people to take an experimental pharma product. Big Pharma was likely QUITE pleased with that, as they stood to make BILLIONS of dollars from vaxx mandates, though the mandates were disguised as “Protecting public health”.
    5) Vaccine passports. They were disguised as “Keeping the public ‘Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafe'” from DIRTY ANTI-VAXXERS, but it was little more than a form of control.
    6) Transhumanism. I liken it to the BORG from Star Trek.
    7) Bans on the sale of new gas powered vehicles by ____. (Usually 2035)
    8) Consumption of bugs and/ or lab grown meat, because REAL FOOD & MEAT CAUSES CLIMATE CHANGE.
    9) Digital ID.
    10) Central Bank Digital Currency, disguised as “Convenience”. This would allow the government to track every purchase you make and shut off YOUR digital dollars at will for any reason they concoct. We saw a good example of that in Canada last year.
    11) “Smart/ 15 minute cities”. It’s framed as a “Solution to climate change”, but it’s really just another way to control the masses.
    12) Carbon footprint trackers.
    13) “Ministry of Truth” disguised as FIGHTING DISINFORMATION, when the BIGGEST purveyors of mis/ disinformation has been the government, its regulatory agencies, and establishment media.
    14) Foisting EVs on the masses. EVs are, among other things, disguised as a CURE for “Climate change”.
    15) The CDC added COVID jabs to the childhood and adult vaccination schedule despite public opposition and increasing evidence that the more COVID jabs one takes, the more likely they are to get the “Dreaded ‘Rona” or even DIE.

    I’m sure there are other examples of government doing things WITHOUT out consent.

    • Oops, one more…..

      Proxy war against Russia that more Americans DON’T want, but government frames as “Protecting democracy from a ‘Mad Man'”.

    • Hi John,

      COVID was the best and the worst thing to happen to the American populace (hell, maybe the world populace). Why? It showed every person that their government doesn’t give a squat about them.

      Every individual on Earth…your government locked you down, lied to you, starved you, kept you from making a living, depleted your resources, cut off your breathing, and demanded you submit to an experimental drug because they told you so. Do you honestly believe they give a damn about you, your children, the next generation?

      Dear Citizen of the Planet…you are cannon fodder. You are disposable and worthless in the eyes of the elite. Until you wake up and realize they are not your friend, they have never had your best interests at heart, they have no problem sending your child off to war to die so they can make billions, and they repeat this every eon. But, yeah, keep thinking it is different this time around.

      Yet, the sheep still follow. They turn on the media and believe Fox News, MSNBC, or even their local news channel is different. These individuals believe they are smarter than the narrative and they can see right through the lies and yet they still shop at corporate conglomerates, still trust the stock market with their life’s savings, and that no one means to do them any harm. Hell, they probably think the drinking water in East Palestine is safe and that the white/gray flakes that rained down on West Virginia, Connecticut, Maryland, and Virginia two weeks ago was really pollen!

      If the American populace believes their government is established for anything other than to control them and then toss them when they have lost all value, then they deserve the government that they have and all that it entails.

      • Hi RG,

        You nailed it. If there’s something else that’s become quite apparent the past few years, it’s that BEGGING the government to “Doooooooooooo something now!” about a problem, be it real, imagined, or created by government, tends to create MORE problems, and then ignoramuses BEG government to “Doooooooooooo something!” about that problem, and so on.

      • RG,

        Everyone should be alarmed by Biden having signed that WHO draft. With that much power unelected bureaucrats will have there, they could theoretically declare ANYTHING a “pandemic” or “Public Health Emergency” and make decrees that the citizens of a member country will be REQUIRED to comply with, such as taking the next mRNA vaccine Big Pharma makes, give up their cars or eating meat, or giving up any guns they own.

        • Hi John,

          I’m ready to fight if that ever happens. It is the very last thing I want. But I will not comply. I pay taxes; I don’t bother anyone – or at least, I don’t cause harm to anyone. If that’s not enough, then – forgive the language – fuck them.

          • Eric,

            The Biden Thing has effectively rendered MILLIONS of Americans “Criminals” or “Domestic extremists” because they either voted for Trump, questioned the 2020 election, refused to become guinea pigs for Big Pharma, dared tell the TRUTH about COVID and its related measures and jabs, refuse to give up their guns and/ or gas powered vehicles, or oppose the regime and this insane proxy war against Russia, though the regime will help Big Pharma and the military-industrial
            complex make BILLIONS of dollars, and send countless weapons and dollars to “Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeev!” Zelensky is all but calling for the U.S. to send their sons and daughters to war there. There needs to be MASSIVE pushback against what Biden and Zelensky are doing. I’d have to agree with a recent post by Martin Armstrong……the Biden regime needs removed from office at once.

            • The satanists running the service corp (government) are becoming more insane and aggressive…..

              As well as herding you into 15 min cities the controllers want to control the real estate inside your head too….
              24/7/365 propaganda from their MSM is one method, but they have technology now that is invasive to the inside of your head….what you are thinking and controlling it….

              someone said one reason for the internet is the service corp controllers know what everyone is thinking now…

              this video looks at the tech they have now to access the inside of your head and control it…..wearable and implant technology…

              the monsters running the service corp are spending the tax dollars they stole to purchase this control tech

              It is always about money…..this is just another promotion to sell stock in all the the companies providing the high tech… AI, software and hardware needed for this agenda…all owned by the controllers and probably the politicians enabling it…

              they accomplish two things….make lots of money off the stock promotion and eliminate and/or control the useless eaters on the bottom…..who are a nuisance and dangerous….(they call them an invasive species now)…this protects their jobs running the service corp…..

              the monsters running the service corp have two goals…grabbing the money the service corp extorts and maintaining their job running the service corp….

              globalist/communist/w ef planned future

              turning people into appliances plugged into an all-seeing internet, more transhuman robots than people, dutifully following orders but unable to produce anything beyond what is programmed into their quantum microchips, bereft of the sparks of inquiry, innovation and joy in a electric panopticon that’s sterile and joyless, you are better off dead.

              they implant an operating system in you and connect you to the grid, they also connect an AI robot to the grid, this is so you can train the robot to do your job. you won’t be needed then = soylent green.


        • Hi John,

          Although I am disturbed about the signing of the “Plandemic Treaty” giving the WHO free rein on any nation’s sovereignty when it comes to the course of health care and the freedom of their constituents it doesn’t keep me up at night. Because at the end of the day the question should be asked is “who the f is the WHO to tell any of us what we can and cannot do?”

          Are any of us here going to adhere to it? How is it any different than what the Trump and Biden Administrations did to us over the last three years? Is WHO going to march their Army into the USSA and gather the disobedient up? Are US officers going to come pounding on our doors and drag us away or hold us down and shoot poison into us? There are one billion guns in the USSA. Biden can spew all he wants about taking them away over hell and high water, but the majority of gun owners will die on that hill before that happens.

          The government (national and international) can dictate whatever they want, but we are still free-willed, and we do not have to abide by the laws that they set and demand us to follow (Lord knows they don’t). People comply because they don’t want to fight. I can sympathize with that. We have to pick our battles. Everything is not worth our contempt and ammo. When the fight comes to our neighborhood then we do what we must. Until then the couldas, wouldas, shouldas aren’t worth of our time.

          • RG,

            There may not be much we can do at the national or international level, but we can contact our local elected officials and ask that they stand up and protect our liberties against any assaults on them at the state, national, or international level. In my neck of the woods of Oregon, at the height of COVID hysteria, there was pressure on our county commissioners to institute mask and vaxx mandates for the citizens of the county, but they refused. There was even a local business owner who had a protest in town in 2021 against then Queen Kate Brown’s draconian COVID measures that negatively impacted many small businesses including his.

            • “contact our local elected officials and ask that they stand up”
              No. One must INSIST they stand up, demand that they do. I keep my sheriffs number, not 911, on my phone. If some federalis come to my door, I will call him and tell him I have a trespasser who refuses to leave, and if one or more of his deputies don’t come an expel them, it’s going to get messy. May not work, but then again it might.

          • RE: “Are US officers going to come pounding on our doors and drag us away or hold us down and shoot poison into us?”

            …Maybe not, perhaps they’ll just get you to eat The Shot all on your own.
            Didya know this?:

            ‘Pfizer Subsidiary Has Injected 100 Million Animals With mRNA Technology!’

            “Hunters beware! Zoetis is a subsidiary of Pfizer and has quietly injected 100 million animals with the horrific mRNA technology. Livestock has also started to receive mRNA injections.” …


          • Well said RG,
            If the PTB ever try to implement any of their diktats on me I’ll take a quote from Nancy Reagan and just say NO! That’s a hill I’m willing to die on, and I’ve got a 12 gauge waiting behind the door per Solzhenitsyn’s recommendation.

            • RE: “just say NO!”

              I doubt ‘they’ will make it that easy.

              Did you listen to the link above?

              I posted one about chicken/turkey/duck vax over at the EPA Forum.

              Coming at us from every angle.

  18. I think, you are describing Panarchy here, “Everyone agreeing to it; no one being bound by it who has not. Whose right to walk away from it would be respected, if not.”

    The biggest objection to the idea of Panarchy I’ve come across is, “what about National Defense?”.

    Here’s a good response to that:

    ‘Why I Am a Panarchist’

    “With panarchy, if there happened to be regions (who knows?), each region might have its own defense and combine in a common defense only when it really paid to combine. Defense would become much more competitively supplied as a good, so it would become cheaper and more effective. The kinds of defenses used would be far different than the armed forces we now have. Offense would diminish because a given region would have to bear all the costs.”…


    So, obviously, War Pigs will never back that ideal.

    [Que, the Black Sabbath song, “War Pigs” here. x]

    • “what about National Defense?”.
      The first question should be, “does this nation deserve my defense?”, and if so one would likely willingly participate in it, though money or arms. If not, too damn bad. Let’s try the new boss and see if they are different from the old boss.

  19. Well said Eric,
    The constant lionization of Alexander Hamilton makes me nauseous; John Kable got it right below, Aaron Burr was to late and if Hamilton was stopped there might not have been Lincoln. As someone mentioned in a prior post one of the first things Fedgov did was try to ban criticism of itself…….and here we are today with all our so-called “free speech” censored by the technocrats.

  20. “we are, indeed, governed – and almost all of it without our consent.”
    Also known as slavery.
    Aaron Burr, my favorite of the founders. Because he shot Hamilton dead. Just not soon enough. Just as JW Booth didn’t shoot Lincoln soon enough.
    Every government is founded upon its usurpation of authority to kill you if you disobey. To pretend this involves your consent is delusional.


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