

H.G. Wells wrote his novel, War of the Worlds, in 1898 – when a “driver” was someone who drove horses, as in commercially. 

In italics  for a reason. 

Or rather, a definition.

Today, we use the term, “driver” to refer to someone who operates a motor vehicle, privately. Is the distinction important?


Is it possible the people who assert that the law does not oblige people who simply operate a private motor vehicle for personal use to get (and present) a license – because they are not drivers, as in the commercial sense, might be right? They are arguably right as a matter of common law and general tradition in that until relatively recently, human beings have always been understood to have a right to travel. Put another way, until relatively recently – around the dawn of the 20th century – no one had to obtain a license – that is to say, government permission – to travel by horse or carriage or any other privately owned conveyance.

People just went where they wanted, when they wanted – using the public right-of-way. These being the roads, which everyone had a right to use.

Somehow, what had been a right transitioned into a conditional privilege, one granted by the same government that had the power to revoke it. Sovereign Citizens deny the government’s right – its authority, rather – to turn a right into a conditional privilege and on this they are on solid ground, as a moral (if not legal) matter. The government can do as it likes, of course – because government has power, which it uses to assert the extent of its authority, which it defines for itself.

Some labor under the misapprehension that government is merely an instrument of “the people” and “represents” them, acting only insofar as “the people” have authorized. This is nonsense, of course – but it requires not allowing terms such as “the people” or “represents” to pass unchallenged.

Or rather, undefined.

“The people” is taken by some (foolish) people to mean, in effect, everyone. As in all of us. But it is in fact only some of us; i.e., “the people” who hold government offices and exercise government authority over everyone, at the behest and with the approval of some of “the people.”

This is “democracy” dissected.”

But what of the people who do not hold government office – nor wish to – and disapprove of what those who do inflict upon them as well as others? There are many such people as there is not a single example, probably, of an exercise of government authority that everyone agrees with. Certainly not with respect to the laws that are just legalisms – i.e.,  laws pertaining to actions (or non-actions) that involve no injury done to anyone, such as the having or not having a “license” to “drive” your vehicle on the public right-of-way.

The assertion is that such laws – such legalisms – are binding on everyone because “the people” have so decided, via their “representatives.” A cretinous article to this effect appeared recently in Jalopnik – a “car” site that is to cars (and operating them) what Dr. Fauci is to health.

The article’s author writes – as regards this business of being obliged to seek government permission to use the public right-of-way:

“You may have heard the term sovereign citizens popping up occasionally in the news and wondered, what’s that all about? Well, it’s a conspiracy theory, a way of life, a right-wing grift and a pain in the ass for everyone trying to have a society around them—all at once.”

Apparently, rights are a “pain in the ass” for some people. The people who say you are “represented” – and so agreed.

But this is specious as well. A representative is someone who represents you – specifically. Not anyone else. If he represents anyone else then he is not your representative.

But you were given a chance to vote for – or against – this person who wields government authority as one of its elected “representatives” of “the people.” More nonsense. Or at least, more pettifoggery. The fact remains that if your alleged “representative” acts in any way contrary to the ways you told him to act then he does not represent you. Especially if you didn’t even vote, because you have no interest in being “represented” by anyone who isn’t bound to act only insofar as you have given him authorization to – and no more.

None of us would accept being “represented” by a lawyer on any other basis. And we’d never tolerate being told by some lawyer that he “represents” us – because some other people “voted” for him. And yet, this is operationally exactly what the people styled our  “representatives” do – and claim to be morally (as well as legally) legitimate.

It is how these people turned what had been the right to travel into a conditional privilege, via among other things laws requiring people to obtain a “license” – that is, permission – from the government to exercise it. The mechanism by which this was achieved may have been some etymological legerdemain – i.e., the conflation of the right-to-travel with “driving,” a commercial activity over which government had already asserted its authority, as via the regulatory power over commercial activity government acquired for itself when the Constitution replaced the Articles of Confederation, which were simply tossed in the trash by “representatives” who had not been authorized by any of “the people” – excepting themselves – to do so.

The Constitution contained language about “regulation” – and that (along with similar terms such as “necessary and proper,” the “general welfare”) gave government all it needed to turn what had been a right into a privilege.

We’re all “drivers” now.

Just was we’re all “customers,” too.

. . .

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  1. Ernie pointed out the fallacy of “our great democracy” as the politicians say. Andrew Anglin has stated that, in a democracy, you have no right or ability to question the government. The biggest lie that people have decided to swallow is that “We are the government”. Once that lie is swallowed, you might as well just bow down to whatever the so-called “leaders” tell you to do. Questioning and protest is an attack on ourselves if you believe that big lie.

  2. To regulate something, in the older understanding, was to make some regular, i.e., make sure it happens according to some standard (but not arbitrary) rules.

    A well-regulated militia falls under this understanding. The militia were to be made “regular”, as in equal to regulars, as professional soldiers were referred to at that time. They were to be trained according to the military doctrine of the time. That’s what “well-regulated” meant.

    It is not meant in the way that most people understand it today, as in micro-managing some activity. It meant to make something regular.

    How far we have fallen. Eric has it exactly right in this column. The right to travel cannot be regulated because no one can have this power over others. We don’t need anybody’s permission to use what we have paid for. We own the roads, not the State.

    If one is looking for a hill to die on, this would be a good candidate. Repudiate this authority and almost everything else the State does will shrink away. The logic is bullet-proof, so to speak.

  3. The elephant in the room, of course, is, “What happens when we ‘transition’ to fully autonomous vehicles?”

    The ostensible argument for classifying a motor vehicle driving license as a privilege is that a certain minimum level of competence must be required to operate complicated machinery, in the interest of “public safety.” Never mine whether the DMV tests actually measure that; that is the argument.

    But what happens when the automobile carriage become the autonomously mobile carriage? Certainly, in our society at least, no one is required to possess a “license” to be conveyed by taxi, or to be a passenger conveyed by one’s own chauffer. Not yet, anyhow.

    • Ah, but FedGuv PRESUMES to put you on a “no fly” list , w/o due process, or even notice. You don’t have to have probable cause against you that you genuinely pose a threat…you need only piss off the wrong people.

  4. I agree with Eric in principle, but does anyone really want complete morons driving around in 2000+ lb. vehicles which can cause serious harm? Cars aren’t as dangerous as bicycles. Some instruction and training is necessary and should be required.

    I never liked the state calling driving a privilege– hated that in fact when I was 15 and signed up for a learner’s permit. But considering the minds of today’s kids I’d raise the driving age to 18 or even 21.

    • Nothing builds character and responsibility faster than taking on responsibility. I think your fears are overstated.

      Nobody is saying that some training and instruction are not necessary. Guess what? No parent wants their son or daughter killed while driving a motor vehicle, and no child wants to die that way. You have to give people some credit that they don’t want to do things that are dangerous without having some sort of training.

      I don’t put much stock in utilitarian arguments. Your argument is an example of one. No, we don’t want people who know absolutely nothing about driving to be able to drive on the roads, but at the same time, we can’t invent powers to give to government. Nobody gave them that kind of authority, and nobody can give them that kind of authority. It is an illegitimate authority.

      We must leave these kinds of questions to families, who don’t want to see people maimed or killed any more than you do. I think many forget this simple truth. Self preservation is a very powerful motivator. We have plenty of “trained” people driving today, and we still have tens of thousands of deaths on the highways every year. Training is fine, for knowing the rules of the road, but in this case experience is more valuable.

  5. Just to be clear, this is not a democracy. It is not a democratic republic, or a republic. It is a Constitutional republic, the US Constitution requires a “republican form of government” for the federal and the state governments. Democracy is nowhere mentioned, as it is an evil form of mob rule, socialism in practice. Democracy was allowed only to certain qualified people, and irrelevant to government as the privileges granted to the government were strictly delimited by the Constitution.

    There is very little legitimate government. The Constitutions (including especially the Bills of Rights) are the highest law of the land. But by design the people have to enforce them.

    Properly understood what we are supposed to be living under is a benign anarchy, with a strictly limited government which concerns itself with public things (Res Publication).

    F@&k your democracy.

    • In theory, we’re supposed to be a Constitutional republic, but the fact is that what we have now is nothing of the sort. As eric pointed out, we don’t have anyone representing us. They represent their corporate sponsors. Princeton did a study going back 40 years which proved representatives always vote according to corporate Amerika’s best interests.

      • Government has never represented people, but always the elite. Public education foolishly insists that once we were free people. We were…once…prior to 4000 BC. When civilization becomes the norm free people no longer exist because the power from within always corrupts. Freedom is an emotion like happiness, sadness, or anger.

        History will show a class system has always been in effect: the wealthy and powerful, the middle managers, and the serfs. That dynamic is in every circle from the family to business to government. Maybe the few who have the luxury of owning a deserted island can forego the caste system, but anytime more than two people are involved there is a leader and a follower, that is the natural order of any pack.

        The Constitution reads prettily and is probably one of history’s greatest documents when it comes to the freedom of man, but it is only as secure as the people who are to represent it. Never has the USSA ever been a free society. Even the guise of the document was to only represent white, male, Protestant, landowners or roughly 6% of the population in 1789. We had brilliant men – Jefferson, Madison, and Paine but there were many who were more than happy to snuff any semblance of liberty for anyone – Hamiliton, Adams, and Jay, just to name a few.

        We are all rats in a cage. The civilization, era, or historical timeline never deters from this fact.

      • But we do have it, it is still “The Law” and needs to be set upon the purveyors of the law and its enforcers. Most of the things that have been made “law” or under color of law are in fact not at all privileges that any level of government has been granted.
        Sorry, your law is against the law, it’s unconstitutional, along with a cite of actual law, seldom will prevail against corrupt courts or enforcers. But it is still important to fight.

        Most people are absolutely unaware of how much progress we’ve made in the last few years on restoring the second amendment’s primacy. Yes, ATF is still murdering dogs, kids, and other innocents and imprisoning good guys. Every totalitarian regime keeps doubling down until you beat it.

        FYI my favorite case law affirming my right to drive upon the roads I paid for in the car I own, is Shuttlesworth v. City of Birmingham. Another good one is US v. Miller affirming that government cannot take a right and convert it into a privilege.

    • @ 3:30 the people are in charge not the government
      @ 4:40 in video you don’t have influence through voting
      @ 10:18 on the parliament website they claim they are sovereign…which is false
      @ 17:12 trial by jury has been weakened
      @ 18:36 in the trial by jury…… the law…the legislation is also on trial and can be cancelled by the jury….the jury has that power
      @ 35:20 the ouside influencers the ccp and wef don’t like constitutions…they have to countered…. attacked using constitutional law
      @ 41:12 king charles the 3rd can’t take his coronation oath if he is supporting policies of the WEF…
      @ 43:00 all trials should be by jury…the power to punish is only in the hands of the people
      @ 45:30 spread the memes shown on the CommonLawConstitution.org website on social media and to politicians and government

  6. I won’t be around to see it but there are only 3 things that will happen: The government will implode upon itself due to its endless seeking of power. Or, it will be overthrown by the people (the pitchfork crowd) and no government will be allowed to exist. Or, humanity continues on the path of destruction (non-existence) because once you start eliminating masses of humans you cannot just stop at a particular point.

  7. I’ve been saying the same about hunting licenses. Unfortunately, most folk just keep whining about ‘safety’ and our ‘need’ for government oversight or some such…

    • Hi Ralph,

      Yup. So many of these things are simply unexamined – which is why so many people just kind of drift along, accepting what ought to be questioned…

    • It turns out that “game wardens” and other DNR personnel have MORE statutory authority to ignore basic Constitutional principles that (are supposed to) apply to police officers.
      Game wardens can inspect persons, containers, vessels, boats and cars without having to “ask permission to search”. This also goes for the Coast Guard that can search any water vessel without a warrant or permission from the owners.
      Both can impound boats and cars for any or no reason at all.
      However, when the SHTF, these types will be the first to “disappear”, either of their own volition or by other means.

  8. Everybody has been driven to distraction.

    All I did do was crawl around on surfaces about to become a finished floor so people didn’t have to look at bare wood or concrete.

    Tile, linoleum, carpet, marble, installed it all.

    The marble has to be level, you will have problems if you don’t do it right the first time. Marble tile is cut perfect, you don’t use grout lines, you fit them next to each other good and tight.

    “Woke up this morning it was drizzling rain, around the curve come a passenger train. Heard somebody yodel and a hobo moan, Jimmy he’s dead, been a long time gone, been a long time gone.” – Waylon Jennings, Waymore’s Blues

    Buddy Holly, the Big Bopper, and Richie Valens all died in a plane crash in Iowa in 1959. The day the music died.

    Waylon gave up his seat and opted for the bus ride.

    Buddy Holly’s wife was pregnant, when she heard the news before being notified, she miscarried.

    Since then, all relatives of accident victims are notified before the release of names of the deceased are in the news.

    Waylon did rise above, so to speak. Wrote some good tunes.

  9. In the treatise Discourses Concerning Government Algernon Sidney, executed for treason because he denied divine right monarchy, essentially stated the executive of a country–effectively its king given the strong seventeenth century abjurations against republicanism–had to be basically the most honest lawyer in the country. He need not be the smartest nor cleverest lawyer in the country, simply the most honest. That is because of his obligation to rule justly for the sake of all the people. Every one in a just state is equal before the law with every one else. Every one has the same rights. Preferably all rights are negative. Under such an arrangement the proper purview of government in people’s lives & affairs would readily & quickly be plain to the dullest so justice could be manifest efficiently & the domestic economy would yield its bounty presently. Were the multitude manly & self respecting enough this result would materialize early. Instruct your normie friends & relatives to quit being impressed by badges, uniforms, titles, degrees, status, rhetoric, demagogy & threats.

    • Hi Rust,

      I prefer a simpler, objective “harm caused” (or not) standard as the basis for justifying any interference with another person. Not liking what they’re doing or being “worried” about it – that it “might” result in harm – is not, in my view, sufficient because it is dangerous in that this looser standard can be used to justify an endless litany of interferences – i.e., punishable offenses – that are simply legalisms.

      • Malum in se versus malum prohibitum. The criminal law in a polity with civil government of compulsory jurisdiction can not justly address notions, it must be limited to actualities.

        • I agree, Rust –

          It’s the “harm caused” standard I defend as it is objective and so just. A person either did – or did not – cause harm to someone else or their property. To sanction – punish – a person for not having caused harm is the height of absurdity as well as injustice.

      • A few years ago, I finally concluded that no one or group has a right to use violence or the threat of violence against any peaceful human being who has never harmed anyone or their property.

        • Hi Rick,

          I had the same epiphany many years ago. I simply reasoned it out. If “x” is immoral for me – as an individual – to do to others then how can it become moral simply by increasing the number of people who do it? Or by calling it something else – such as “taxation” rather than robbery?

        • “no one or group has a right to use violence”
          Government has no “rights” at all, they have power or authority, that they have garnered for their own benefit.

    • I prefer niggers. The very term makes them suck in their breath and panic. Forces their thought processes out of their normal patterns. Palestinians has no emotional import here, they’re a foreign problem to most people.

  10. I’ve tried to explain to people how the drivers’ licensing, the income tax, the medical industry, and much more became what they are. People either already know or don’t care to know and won’t accept it. It’s all problem-reaction-solution.

    • Absolutely not one in a thousand cares. We’re in a hopelessly dumb society that is easily manipulated and distracted by basic propaganda tools. The end won’t be pretty. I have my to do list when it occurs.

  11. I’ve never been able to resolve why a person can’t be stopped from walking down the street or riding a bike, no matter how many times he may do so in violation of some law.

    Yet when it comes to vehicles, a license is required to even pull out onto a street. Said license is then held over our heads to “keep us in line” with whatever laws our rulers shall create.

    Both of these are movement, which as stated, is a natural right not subject to permission or “license” from government.

    Government is the falsity; sprung from the mind of man; and can own nothing. Therefore can’t make the rules of property owned by all, against the wishes of those people. If there is a property we all own, we can all use it as we see fit, to our maximum percentage of ownership stake.

  12. It’s pretty simple and unescapable unfortunately.

    “Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun” Chairman Mao

    Why do you think there is such an anti-2A push from some quarters of the government? They don’t care if we shoot each other no mater what they say. What they DO care about is if the divides they sow disappear. Especially when a huge group, comprising citizens from all walks, decides to shoot them. Basically what we did to the British crown. Interesting to note that the Shot heard around the World was based on canon and powder confiscation.

    • Manse:

      I agree that is the breaking point of the American People. The second amendment. They the Demonrats and other gun grabbers don’t get it. We will not be disarmed we know it is us they fear, as well they should. The Brits, The Canucks, The Aussies did not get it they are toast. America was built on freedom to shoot back at the criminal, if that includes the agents of the state well they will die. Heed the words of Solzhenitsyn. Ambush them. Make them fear you. Do such evil that they will fear you to such an extent that they cower in your path. It comes brave men will make it so as they always have. the human race will be free.

  13. As far as I know, they never even required a commercial ‘driver’ of horses to have a ‘license’ (And still don’t to this day….hence the Amish being able to ‘drive’ their buggies on the highway without a permission slip from Uncle Daddy).

    The ‘Free Men’/Sovereign Citizen crowd at least recognizes the immorality of our enslavement, and it’s requiring a permission slip to ‘drive’- but where they go wrong (as is always the case with the charlatans who seem to be the promoters of such movements) is in trying to think that they can somehow escape the tyranny via semantics- in this case, the semantics being using an archaic definition of words and terms (“Black’S Law Dictionary from 18–…”!! 😀 )…not realizing [surely they realize it] or rather keeping their followers ignorant o the fact that the ones who dictate the laws also define their own terms [e.g. the traffic statutes of every state define ‘driver’ as one who operates a vehicle on a public roadway’]…just as they get to make up whatever laws they care to.

    Makes me mad when I see these ‘Sovereign’ gurus deceiving people into thinking that cardboard license plates and appealing to the UCC (Which isn’t even a law!) can somehow secure their liberty; and that the corrupt power structure that can somehow evade abiding by the restraints which are supposed to be imposed upon it by the Constitution can somehow be tamed and subject to some nonsense which exists as legislation nowhere but in the minds of the Sovereign gurus and their deceived followers- but then again, maybe those who believe such absurdities are so far out of touch with reality……

    (((Oh, look- I said “Black’S LAw Dictionary…with a capitol S…..which I guess, if we foillow the logic of the Sovereigns, would be different than Black’s Law Dictionary I hear the former is quite rare! 😉 ))

    • The UCC is “private law.” It is the law of business. And because business is so highly regarded in this material world, it is strictly adhered to because it insures fair dealings. The UCC is incorporated into the statutes of every state and all state statutes must comport with it. The states are bound by the UCC through an agreement known as UNIDROIT which insures consistency among the states.

      The courts are enforcing commercial law. In fact, statutory law IS commercial law because its object is legal or commercial entities. You will notice when reading any statute of any state that “no person shall do such and such,” or “a person shall not….” A “person” in statutory law is a legal or commercial fiction, like a corporation etc. If you doubt this read 26 USC 7701, the so-called income tax “law.” A taxpayer is a person. A driver is a person, a citizen is a person, etc. It has been this way since the late fifties when common law pleadings were phased out in order to enforce the UCC. This is the truth whether or not you agree. It doesn’t need your approval to be enforced by the courts. In fact, they will encourage your ignorance and get paid very well for it.

      If you know that you are being treated as if you were a legal or commercial entity (the legal name is a fiction of law) or rather as surety for that fiction, you can head them off at the pass. The “person” being charged is not you, the man, it is the legal name. They are looking for surety for all the bonds they create for the case is violation of 48 stat 112.

      So, yes, a “driver” is a commercial entity. A vehicle is a conveyance using the public roads for profit and a passenger is someone who pays a company to move him or her from here to there. So, yes, requiring is license to use the public roadways outside of commerce is converting a right into a privilege. It is all deception. It is not up to the deceiver to reveal his deception, it is up to the deceived. If you hold onto the idea that there’s nothing you can do about it you will be a victim. Or, you can learn about what they are doing and assert your right travel on the public roadway unencumbered by commercial law. The SCOTUS has ruled on this some 75 times.

      Wilful ignorance, or calling people who have done the work “sovereign citizens” (a sovereign citizen is an impossibility) is a reflection of the ignorance of the one throwing those terms around rather than the one being accused. Fact is, we ARE sovereign over government because it is a creation of man, and as such subservient to him. That which one creates, one controls. We have been convinced it is the other way ’round. That’s our fault. Stop being deceived and brandish the power of knowledge by doing a little work to find out how it all works instead of poo pooing those who have.

      • Hi Rog,

        While what you say may be true as a technical (and even a moral) matter, the reality is “the law” – as it is so considered by the enforcers thereof – will not take notice. The cops and courts do as they please because they have the power to do so and because they do not recognize the truth of what you say. “The law” is whatever they say it is.

        Chase Allen found this out recently.

        • Laws are discoverable. Not inventable.

          And least not inventable, or discoverable, by the light bulb screwer lot of politicians, bureaucrats & tax-feeders that congeal to form states & govs & other “institutions” – all of which structures are sociopathic & destructive, none of which are creative.

          (“Institutions” are a convenient strawman for the thick sociopath-taken stratum to scapegoat as they never ever stop skipping down their goldbrickers’ yellowbrick rode hard & put up wet to exsanguinate the carcass.)

          Legal is not lawful. Busted clocks are not right twice a day.

          The “founders” were not “fathers.” At best, they were like today’s “baby daddies.”

          But when you review how most of the best of the “august & revered” lot flipped from good cop to bad cop just like *that* – as soon as they were in “power” position to do so – clear eyes see they were almost all, to a man, founding motherf***ers.

          Cops are cops & no prefix alchemizes lead to gold; their spawn are chips off the misbegotten lead in the paint & water block.

          “A republic, if you can keep it.” Bullshit. Then. Since then. Now. A fairytale for retarded children.

          Baked Pareto-“people” is 80% shit. That’s top to bottom & front to back shit.

          Twice-baked Pareto, the next 16% chortling cohort is the group that is described by the rule of thumb (wife-beating stick thickness “law”) that says “every man has his price” – which is merely to say the 16% are more self-entitled/aggrandizing than the 80% in the rump, & so will hold out for more booty.

          That leaves 4%.

          96:4 tubers:people.

          Water, water everywhere but not a drop to drink in the ocean of Vichy French-fried potatoes … The Potato Famine was never strictly Irish times & places.

          But the whaleships Essex always find the big white one … just not often, or regularly, enough.

          Maybe Brendan Fraser’s award-winning role means the Moby is close. When the whale can’t see/find his dick, & gets a gold Oscar butt-plug for that, maybe the Moby is close.

          Limerick – that’s Ireland ain’t it?

          There once was an Ishmael from Nantucket. Dude’s tuber was too buried to suck it. So the institution-academy said roll over & let Oscar fuck it.

          So … it’s bottom up. Not top down.

          “Your people, sir, is a great beast.”

          Would that it were for every Hamilton a Burr. Instead of just every once in awhile.

          I rish I was an Oscar Wilde ween’r ♪♫♪ … :

          “The basis of optimism is sheer terror. We think that we are generous because we credit our neighbour with the possession of those virtues that are likely to be a benefit to us. We praise the banker that we may overdraw our account, and find good qualities in the highwayman in the hope that he may spare our pockets.” ~ The Picture of Dorian Gray

          Hope floats. Right up & outta Pandora’s Toilet.

          Flushope. Light a match…maybe some Brendan Fraser whale oil. Clear the air. It’ll only last a minute, or so.

          • Start at the start or forfeit your ride in the race: Driven’ing.

            The “drivers” are passengers in “their” locomotive compulsions. And the rails-tracks are ne’er-do-well narrow. Next Stop/Derailment Sign up ahead, in the Twilight Zone: East Palatine.

            Or Gnu Yawk. Or Schenectady. Or … what’s in a name?

            JT Gatto was appreciated by the old yank(those chain)s in new York. Until he wasn’t. Cuz he said another name behind the names: Prussian Schooling/Drilling.

            Trepanning for the gold that is in fellow traveler trepanions craniums.

            ((Or that Hannibal Lecter scene, where he does tableside service, feeds the guy his own brains.))

            David Milch, Deadwood (NYPD Blue, Hill Street Blues), described how miners’ language, speech patterns, aligned with raping the land to get the gold.

            ((They’s pirates, pillagers & plunderers – not producers. There Will (continue to) Be Blood.))

            Well, headfucking’s the same thing, from the same trans•con•tinental loco-motive-ation.

            And when the unlicensed not yet domesticated horse decided to run, rather than be gelded, thereby hitting & killing the boy as it ran, the black blacksmith fled the scene, on pain of the risk of becoming deadwood himself. Ebony fleeing the Ivory.

            Then he came back to face down the white keys music. Which he did.

            But…then a “new” tune began, & he took a shotgun to himself.

            Sounds about right.

            But fleeing & staying fled sounds better. Being filleted (or castrated) can’t feel any better than it sounds.

            But it’s very good endogenous drugs indeed that puts the zen into the citizen – & then there ain’t no more horses under those hood ornaments.

            It takes a James Hunt, in a McLaren, to beat a burned up in a Ferrari Niki Lauda … by one point.

            @96:4 the margins are just that thin.

            “It is in the body of the Declaration of Independence that we find the most compelling evidence that…” what’s yers belongs to the law/yers.

            Cuz words is toxoplasmosis magic & silver-tongued devilawyers know how to bat ‘em & tanned leather mitts know how to catch ‘em.

            Whatever built this did it so they’d come to the ballgame, to be taken out, guaranteed.

        • The most valid form of Law is the “common law”
          Just a series of decisions based on Natural law and common sense. The history (case law) is looking at what a prior jurist decided in a similar situation so as to give some guidance. Statutory law is the “Fuck Factor” it gives advantages to one point of view, hence all the nanny shit, revenue shit that hurts everyone.

          The Satanists hate Common Law. As they prefer dictating from top down so they get their “profits”. Common law is ground up, common sense.

          Sure wish the people getting the bread and circuses would realize that. But no they look to what they can get. I am a lawyer. I once did Social Security Disability Law. No more. I had a family, Caucasian folks. 5 generations, Great Grandma, Grandparents, Children, Grand children, Great Grandchildren. None had ever worked, (over the table), all were collecting one form of government benefit or another. Big complaint was they needed better tv reception. I won the case. Resulting in a fee. But we all paid them.

          • Morning, Ugg!

            Yup. Common law is a rough synonym for common sense. And common sense can be delineated as follows: He ain’t hurtin’ you, leave him alone. In other words, no harm – no foul. Such a simple concept, buried under a mountain of laws.

      • Hey Rog,

        The phrase “sovereign citizen” is an oxymoron. The sovereign rules over the government while a citizen is subservient or subject to the government.

        Re: “A “person” in statutory law is a legal or commercial fiction, like a corporation etc. ”

        The term ‘person’ comes from the word “persona” which is defined as “a mask, what is presented to the world”. It isn’t just a legal fiction, but a fictional aspect of reality itself.

        One’s persona is what belongs to you, but as with any possessions, these things are not who you are. What the legalists do is right in line with what we all do when grammatically speaking, we conflate the verb to be with the genitive of possession. This grammatical blasphemy occurs during infancy.

        No one is born with any sense of self. No one is born with an identity. The culture we’re born into forces us all to create this abstract construction of the mind which we then identify with, and which governments use to control, manipulate and govern our minds.

        How can they govern those who no longer identify with these abstract constructions of the mind? Very few can come close to abandoning their identity. Too many people are too heavily invested in their identities to ever let them go. They’ve become so closely identified with their identity that they believe that is who they actually are. They’re completely duped and deceived.

        Identification is not identity, and the verb to be is not the genitive of possession, but we live in a world where people have completely lost touch with reality and believe they are what they possess. They believe they are the avatar they’ve created and possess them like demons.

        • the people are sovereign,,,,,,,,

          It is in the body of the Declaration of Independence that we find the most compelling evidence that the people themselves are the sovereign entities of the United States.

          That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect[sic] their safety and happiness.

          Commitee for the Declaration discussing the draft version.That statement, alone, confirms the sovereignty of the people. No document that follows this one, in our history, grants any government we’ve formed any powers above that of the people.

          the courts have ruled that there is NOTHING that the government can do to affect “the people”.
          “Sovereignty itself is, of course, not subject to law, for it is the author and source of law; …..” Yick Wo v Hopkins, 118 US 356, at pg 370;

          In fact the courts have also ruled that the ONLY authority held by the government is authority that is “delegated” by the people.
          “…., while sovereign powers are delegated to the agencies of government, sovereignty itself remains with the people, by whom and for whom all government exists and acts.” Yick Wo v Hopkins,

          a few of the constitutions drawn up by the colonies.

          New Hampshire: “The people of this state have the sole and exclusive right of governing themselves as a free, sovereign, and independent state”.

          Massachusetts: “The people of this commonwealth have the sole and exclusive right of governing themselves, as a free, sovereign, and independent state”.

          North Carolina: “All political power is vested in and derived from the people; all government of right originates from the people, is founded upon their will only

          The 10th amendment to the U.S. Constitution which confirms that powers were delegated, not relinquished: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

          In short, the states are sovereign nations, and according to their constitutions, the people are their sovereign rulers.

          The first is the fact that the people are sovereign—not some divine-right monarch, or some combination of kings, lords, and commons. The people set the terms of how they will be governed in written constitutions.

          The second is that the people limit the exercise of power by their government through laws that are not capricious or arbitrary, and that apply uniformly, even to those leaders and representatives who enact and enforce the people’s law.

          Together these two innovations in political science provide a profound blueprint for self-government: the people are in charge, they are the fountain of authority from which the rules are made, and the rules apply to everyone.

          the people are sovereign—not your president, your member of Congress, your governor, or your state representative. You—we—the people wield the ultimate power to make law, to make the rules that are meant to apply to all, equally, and to ensure that we all live under, not above or apart from, those rules.

      • Actually, Rog, the UCC is just a model- a model law code which can be adopted all or in part by states and locales, which applies to businesses.

        The ‘sovereign’ charlatans quote from that model law code as if it has been universally adopted everywhere, and as if it applies to John Q. Public- and then they mix that with the legalese which applies to corporations and or the distinguishment between corps and actual people (‘natural men’ etc.)- package it all together wildly out of context, and then convince their ill-informed followers that navigating the intricacies of such things will somehow secure their freedom.

      • Rog:

        The UCC is state law set up by the state to control private contracts. As such it benefits those that pay for certain provisions in the UCC. It is also a little different in each state and country. It really is in a sense a “one fits all” law to control private, personal relations between contracting entities. It in no sense “private Law” as you seem to think.

  14. ‘We’re all “drivers” now.’ — eric

    Drivers licenses remain one of the few state functions that hasn’t been taken over by the megalomaniacal US fedgov … though it showed who’s boss with its 2005 Real ID Act dictating the paaaaaaperwork requirements. Real ID still is not fully implemented after 18 years, and probably won’t be after 20 years (the current deadline) either.

    Likewise, the mighty fedgov still allows its state satraps to issue marriage licenses, though in an outrageous 2015 usurpation styled Oberfell v Hodges, the hacks in black dictated that licenses must be issued to gay couples regardless of state laws. Not a peep of protest was heard from the browbeaten satraps, who claimed in 1789 to be chest-beating sovereigns, the New World equivalent of european states. Now they are reduced to ridiculous, defenseless mice, cowering in the corner of their cage.

    Like the violently insane deity of the OT, the US fedgov asserts that it is the sole authority on this planet, and those who fail to render it homage must be annihilated.

    Nice guys, huh? — our yankee fanatic rulers.

  15. Spot on.

    And yet it wasn’t that long ago when the govt wasn’t riding our rear, screaming down our backs daily about every little thing we did. I’m old to enough to remember a time, in the 80s, when you didn’t get in trouble for driving without a license. My family did it all the time and they’d get pulled over and give their name to the cops. No detaining. My grandfather handed me the keys to his car at 12 to go fetch him lunch at the local McDonald’s; and I continued to drive for years without a license before getting it at 16. How ever did I survive without the nanny state intervening to make sure I was “safe”. 🙄

    • Raised in the 50s-60s in a small town in Arizona. We used to ride our horses to school with our guns (.22 rifles) to go rabbit hunting after school. A lot of fun but could you imagine it today? A whole different society.

      Today’s children go through metal detectors, pat downs and locker searches. Heck, Why go to skool? In New Yawk not one child passed the 8th grade equivalency test. The answer….. Get rid of the tests. Also those poor overworked ‘teachers’ will be going to a four day work week because of the stress the poor things endure.

      • Today’s “public schools” are run like prisons, permission being needed to use the bathroom, “hall passes” being required if in a hallway during class sessions, metal detectors and “police resource officers”, unconstitutional locker and backpack searches, mandatory drug testing for sports, along with the inability of the teachers to enforce proper classroom decorum with discipline being absolutely out of the question.
        Let’s not forget LGBTQXYZ “grooming” with school staff hiding their “grooming” activities from parents.
        Sending children to these dysfunctional institutions is child abuse.

        • schools are run like prisons because of black primates. a black 6 year old shot a teacher. why are whites afraid to say that?

      • I’m no fan of public education, but were did you get your, “In New Yawk not one child passed the 8th grade equivalency test.” from?

        • Hi Jim,

          Government schools are essentially conditioning centers and day-care operations. They “educate” like “masks” protect. The whole idea is to stunt critical thinking in favor of rote-memorization of “facts” – i.e., what the government claims is true – all of it disjointed and intentionally so.

          • Ken’s comment was about New Yawk. Not sure if he is meaning the whole state or the cesspool city, but in either case, his statement is wrong. Again, I am not in any way promoting the public school monopoly. I believe people should be able to choose where they want their kids to be educated.

    • There’s a great movie written, directed and produced by Robert Rodreguez called “El Mariachi”. The total cost to produce the movie was $7,500.00. He borrowed equipment, did each scene in one take, cut the extras loose before lunch so he wouldn’t have to feed them, and shot the whole thing down in Mexico without any need for permits.

      Like all DVD’s these days, there is an “extras” feature which shows behind the scenes footage of how they shot the film including a scene they were about to shoot, but had to wait because there was an old Mercedes Benz coming down the street. As the car drives by, (this is all on video) they see that the car is packed full of kids and being driven by a small child no more than 6 or 7 years old.

      Anyone who has spent more than a few weeks anywhere down in Mexico or Central America knows that the US is nothing more than a glorified prison. It may be more comfortable, more organized, more convenient, more uniform, but ultimately, these features will all melt away revealing a ruthless barbaric police state.

  16. brandon the luciferion leader owned by the WE F cult

    The pyramid of power how it works by real law…..

    1st level at the very top… the little people, the common people
    the people are the highest power on the planet…the sovereign…not the government…NOTE: the government always says/ acts as if it is the sovereign….which is false….they are faking authority…

    2nd level the president or the king or their representative….the governor general… who works for the common people only… the common people control them

    3rd level the politicians

    4th level the enforcers…

    This somehow got twisted around….the government say they are the top authority the sovereign…they aren’t…. the people are…the government is on the bottom…

    The government says they are sovereign not the people…that is inversion…the opposite is true…

    the double-speak involved is intensely characteristic of the reversal of reality practiced by satanists…..black is white….. up is down….bad is good….

    Demons invert/reverse all that they touch. The psychopath uses the same trick.
    leftist/communists = satanist.

    The elite nobility, their billionaire friends and their we f…..
    When you consider the positioning and branding of the W EF, with their certitude and paternalism, it all makes a lot more sense when viewed as a cult instead of a cabal. Cultists know all…. they have the inside track ……
    and most importantly, they claim moral authority over us all by Divine Right

    techno-utopianism was ultimately a Luc iferian construct. …… that the aspiration to “usurp God” was Lucif erian in character …..the wef/marxist/cultists see themselves as the new gods…. they claim moral authority over us all by Divine Right.

    The people are the sovereign…..above the government in power and authority….

    so the government to be a power above people say they are the new gods….so above the people….

    this a Luc iferian construct….so they are evil….but they are satanists so they invert it and say you are evil….

    you have been labeled evil
    They call the people, the useless eaters on the bottom….. an invasive species now, destroying the planet…the government has convinced people they are a weak little, destructive, biosecurity threat…..soon to be herded into FMC 15 min cities/ghettos/prisons….which is justified….

    Edward Fitzgerald wrote a book about this called…SMOKE & MIRRORS
    see an interview here….

    • the little people, the common people
      the people are the highest power on the planet…the sovereign…not the government…NOTE: the government always says/ acts as if it is the sovereign….which is false….they are faking authority…

      Edward Fitzgerald wrote a book about this called…SMOKE & MIRRORS
      see an interview here….

      @3:46 in video….petition of rights…petitioning the government to cancel unjust laws…

      @ 7:32 in video the people are sovereign not the government

      @ 12:33 in video…people are sovereign they appointed the king, then in 1265 the king appointed the parliament to manage the day to day running of the government……but somehow people got shuffled to the bottom of the power pyramid…

      @ 23:00 in video how to hold tyrannical government to account…there is three ways…1) royal ascent…2) trial by jury… 3) article 61 of the magna carta…the security and peace clause…to control a rogue monarch….

      @ 26:10 in video….in england the king gives royal ascent (approval) to new laws after they are approved in parliament…. in commonwealth countries…..the governor general for federal and Lieutenant governors in provinces… give royal ascent to pass laws after approval by the house and senate…or provincial legislature……a safety valve for rogue governments…to stop parliaments from passing bad laws….
      If the people don’t like a law being passed they can petition the king or his representative to stop it……

      Petition the president?….maybe

      @31:35 in video…..article 61 of the magna carta….security and peace clause…a way to get rid of a rogue monarch…

      If the people don’t like laws the politicians are passing, the people who are the top authority… can ask their servant the king or the governor general or the lieutenant governor…or the president?…….to not approve or overturn existing laws….they have to petition them…

      @ 39:48 in video…..NOTE: if the president?…. king or his representative the governor general or the lieutenant governor won’t act to stop the bad law… the people can take action to rectify it….by the means necessary…..

      If the people are silent……
      If the people don’t like a law being passed and they don’t petition the king or his representative to stop it they are stuck with the new law…silence = consent…

      @ 35:12 in video…the last time this happened was in 2001… prime minster blair was going to sign over sovereignty to a foreign body….

      @ 41:40 in the video it describes how the people are the highest power on the planet…the sovereign…not the government…NOTE: the government always says/ acts as if it is the sovereign….which is false….they are faking authority…

      @ 42:00 in video laws can’t be passed in prejudice to the people…court case in 1572…

      @ 46:00 in video the government will sign all sovereignty over to the WHO soon…

      @46:45 in video you can go after laws that have been passed and get them rescinded, reversed, cancelled….great news….

      @ 50:33 how to send a petition….how to do it the right way…not just a letter…
      this has been downloaded in 18 countries in the 1st two weeks…

      @52:50 in video how many signatures are required…when can you send petitions?

      @53:30 huge groups can send petitions too…

      @54:00 in video ATTENTION: the book has been used in canada as evidence against a corrupt judge already…

      @ 1:00:00 in video article 42 of the magna carta…the right to freedom of movement….this was violated with lockdowns and now with FMC 15 min cities coming now…..

      @ 1:00:00 in video parliament is not sovereign…but…they say they are…

        • the people are sovereign,,,,,,,,

          It is in the body of the Declaration of Independence that we find the most compelling evidence that the people themselves are the sovereign entities of the United States.

          That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect[sic] their safety and happiness.

          Commitee for the Declaration discussing the draft version.That statement, alone, confirms the sovereignty of the people. No document that follows this one, in our history, grants any government we’ve formed any powers above that of the people.

          the courts have ruled that there is NOTHING that the government can do to affect “the people”.
          “Sovereignty itself is, of course, not subject to law, for it is the author and source of law; …..” Yick Wo v Hopkins, 118 US 356, at pg 370;

          In fact the courts have also ruled that the ONLY authority held by the government is authority that is “delegated” by the people.
          “…., while sovereign powers are delegated to the agencies of government, sovereignty itself remains with the people, by whom and for whom all government exists and acts.” Yick Wo v Hopkins,

          a few of the constitutions drawn up by the colonies.

          New Hampshire: “The people of this state have the sole and exclusive right of governing themselves as a free, sovereign, and independent state”.

          Massachusetts: “The people of this commonwealth have the sole and exclusive right of governing themselves, as a free, sovereign, and independent state”.

          North Carolina: “All political power is vested in and derived from the people; all government of right originates from the people, is founded upon their will only

          The 10th amendment to the U.S. Constitution which confirms that powers were delegated, not relinquished: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

          In short, the states are sovereign nations, and according to their constitutions, the people are their sovereign rulers.

          The first is the fact that the people are sovereign—not some divine-right monarch, or some combination of kings, lords, and commons. The people set the terms of how they will be governed in written constitutions.

          The second is that the people limit the exercise of power by their government through laws that are not capricious or arbitrary, and that apply uniformly, even to those leaders and representatives who enact and enforce the people’s law.

          Together these two innovations in political science provide a profound blueprint for self-government: the people are in charge, they are the fountain of authority from which the rules are made, and the rules apply to everyone.

          the people are sovereign—not your president, your member of Congress, your governor, or your state representative. You—we—the people wield the ultimate power to make law, to make the rules that are meant to apply to all, equally, and to ensure that we all live under, not above or apart from, those rules.

      • @ 12:33 in video…people are sovereign they appointed the king, then in 1265 the king appointed the parliament to manage the day to day running of the government……but somehow people got shuffled to the bottom of the power pyramid…

        now in 2023 we have an out of control marxist/globalist owned government

  17. As a licensed drone pilot, I’ve been watching this process play out in real time. Back in 2010 the FAA never saw small quadcopter drones coming. Pilots were looking to get insurance for commerical flights and the insurance industry wasn’t going to insure anything that didn’t have a tail number. And traditional “part 61” pilots were concerned they could lose their license if something happened.

    The knee-jerk reaction from the FAA was to declare a “freeze” on drones until they could figure it out. Congress instructed them to figure out a solution (by 2015), and in the meantime you could fly commercially if you had a commerical rating on your pilot’s license, which basically means you’re qualified to fly for an airline. And you had to apply for a waiver, which was walked through the FAA in Washington (you have a lawyer, right?), who had no staff to process them. No way was that going to work considering the time and money required, so people just flew anyway. Given the hardware of the day there were crashes and probably some minor property damage, and a lot of aircraft that simply flew off into the sunset.

    Then in 2017 (only two years late!), the FAA released 14 CFR part 107. This was the “drone license” that the industry had been asking for. A simplified process, $175 and a little multiple guess test about airspace, NOTAMS and METARS and you’re good to go. By now the drones were pretty reliable aircraft, and geting smaller/lighter/more capable too. At first a pilot just needed to pay a $5 registration fee, put a “tail number” on the drone and carry thier license with them. Then came the “airspace violations.” People were flying them around airports, people were flying beyond line of sight and manned aviation (sorry crewed aviation) pilots were reporting everything smaller than a Cesna 172 as a drone sighting on the glidepath. Then in December 2017, Gatwick England airport was repeatedly shut down because of a drone near one of the runways. Despite the drone being captured on video, no one was able to find the pilot, and the flights just ended without anyone finding the pilot. Note that Great Britain has a license requirement similar to the FAA.

    Yes, there are documented drone-plane collisions, and no, I’m not trying to downplay the risk. But I’m certain every airport operator in the world (not to mention prison operator, since drone delivery has been very successful in the corrections community) demanded something be done, and so the FAA came up with a solution called Remote ID. This is a Bluetooth radio that must be fitted to your aircraft that will broadcast a serial number (not your registration number, that’s different of course), and location data of both the aircraft and the pilot. Anyone with a phone can view this data. Given the attitude of some citizens who believe all drones are spying on them, I imagine more pilots will be assaulted while on the job than aircraft being struck by drones.

    BTW, one requirement of commerical drone pilots is to report any incident that causes greater than $500 property damage or an injury requiring medical attention. There have been millions of flights since that rule has been put in place, and exactly 0 deaths, a few broken windshields on cars, and a handful of injuries, one of which was a LEO screwing around trying to hand catch the department’s new large quadcopter and getting veg-a-matic lacerations from the carbon fiber props. As far as I know there have been no aircraft collisions with part 107 pilots, save one that happened when a mechanic was performing an inspection, and that plane was on the ground.

    I imagine the story with driver’s licensing followed a similar path. Someone didn’t like cars and used a published incident as an excuse to require driver certification. And given the cars of the day (an exploding steam boiler would cause quite a scene in Manhattan), a few well highlighted newspaper articles could blow the issue way out of proportion, especially compared to the hazards of keeping horses. Horses, no matter how well you are at training them, are still animals capable of anything. A steam engine will just make power as long as it is operated properly and maintained. And ICEs are even better still.

    • Hi RK,
      So is my recreational license (“Small UAS Certificate of Registration”) still valid? Its expiration date is 12/2023. Will I be able to renew it? Are recreational pilots required to have Remote ID?
      I do not fly for commercial purposes and haven’t flown at all for some time, so I haven’t been paying attention.

      • Yes I think you will need to pony up another $5 at the end of the year. My understanding is that they’re eventually going to eliminate the blanket single restration for recreational fliers and you’ll have to register any aircraft 250 grams and over (and have Remote ID by 9/2023). Recreational pilots aren’t excempt from Remote ID unless they only fly at FAA-Recognized Identification Areas (FRIAs).

        Basically R/C club fields, and that’s it. First question someone asked the FAA “Can I apply for making my backyard a FRIA?” And of course the answer was “We don’t want to be inundated with applications, so no.” My guess is club fields will be added to sectionals, like paragliding and sailplane fields.

        The FAA really doesn’t know what to do with drones.

  18. My understanding is that at the time the Interstate Commerce Clause was written, “regulate” had a different meaning. It meant to keep regular, to keep moving. As in, “Uncle Billy eats prunes to regulate his digestive system.” The idea was to keep commerce among the states flowing unimpeded, not to dictate minute details of any product that crossed state lines. Nowadays just about everybody engages in interstate commerce, so the busybodies think that clause gives them the authority to control anything and everything.
    This is not a defense of the Constitution, which really is, as The Chimp used to say, just a blankety-blank piece of paper.

    • True. And the purpose was to keep states from taxing goods simply moving across their borders on way to another destination.

      The convention sprang from the Mount Vernon Conferences about navigation and duties, which came close to leading towards war between the states.

  19. There is no law, rule, or code that requires you to pay personal income tax either, but that doesn’t stop them from collecting it. At gunpoint. “Government Need” has become the only “law” that matters.
    Thank you Woodrow Wilson for finishing off what little was left of the republic after Abraham Lincoln got done with it.

    • A well-off farmer bought six new combines for his commercial grain operation. The combines were televised on a local station, the Internal Revenue Service took notice, tracked him down after discovering he wasn’t paying income tax. The IRS confiscated the farm and sold it on bids.

      The farmer carried a briefcase full of papers that he thought helped his cause to have his land and farm returned, did it until the day he died.

      The land was gone in a New York minute.

      Special Agent means the agent is armed.

      Best to have a certified tax accountant, it costs but it still pays.

      • The Internal Revenue Code does not even define “income”. The SCOTUS has in 3 or 4 cases, as “profit” or “gain”. One doing fee for service or working for wages has neither. Especially if you are working for wages, which you actually do at a loss, since your employer could not make a profit without buying your labor for less than they can sell it for. SCOTUS also determined that “conversion” was NOT profit or gain, as in converting your services to capital, as in fee for service. Without knowing the details of this farmers operation, it’s hard to say if he was making a gain or profit for other than conversion or not. I’ll see if I can recite the IRS code as it applies to “income” taxes. “Taxable income is any income derived from wages, salary, tips, or other compensation” (note the lack of definition). The key words being “derived from”, which you cannot do per the SCOTUS definition of income, working for wages or fee for service, conversion, but your employer can generate some “derived from” when they sell the product of your labor or service.
        Of course the IRS doesn’t need 80,000 new agents NOT to collect that illegal tax, at gunpoint.

  20. At the height of COVID hysteria/ vaxx mania, there were people who effectively wanted to imprison those who didn’t comply with draconian measures or take the COVID jabs. Countries around the world even became examples of medical tyranny. The U.S. would have likely become a public health dictatorship as well if it weren’t for the 2nd Amendment. I wouldn’t be surprised if they also wanted to restrict driving to those who’ve “Done the responsible thing by getting vaccinated”.

    Over time, not only did these draconian measures not work, they DESTROYED countless lives, but so far not a single bureaucrat or politician behind this crap has apologized or gone to prison. Why, some of the governors who instituted such draconian measures, such as Gavin Newsom and Gretchen Whitmer, magically got reelected.

      • Hi Riv City,

        Wasn’t Ohio Governor Mike DeWine one of the state governors who had a “Vaccine Lottery” for state residents who got the COVID vaxx? (Now fmr) Oregon Governor Kate Brown had such a lottery in 2021, as did Gavin Newsom and a few other state governors.

        • Yup – and other “wonderful” incentives for kids like chance for full tuition! I recall also seeing a recent picture of him & staff fully masked for some idiot presentation…

  21. The things GovCo is required to do is pretty simple
    Establish justice
    Ensure domestic tranquility
    Provide for the common defense
    Promote the general welfare
    Secure the blessing of liberty

    The things they “DO,” don’t come anywhere near this simple list.

    The justice they establish looks a lot like “Just Us.” Need to be a member and know the secret handshake to get any.

    Insure Domestic Tranquility? forget about it. They promote discord and lawlessness instead.

    Provide for the common defense? Maybe for the Jews or the Ukroids. American defense, American borders, whats that?

    Promote the general welfare? Only if its in regard to street shitters of every stripe. Native born? Ha, forget it.

    Last but not least, Secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity. On this one they succeed. The blessings of liberty have never been more secure. Mostly in their Swiss and Panamanian bank accounts. None left for any of us serfs, sorry.

    There is that thing about GovCo being strangled if it fails at these tasks. We are still a long way from the 3-5% need to accomplish the task

  22. “You may have heard the term sovereign citizens popping up occasionally in the news and wondered, what’s that all about? Well, it’s a conspiracy theory, a way of life, a right-wing grift and a pain in the ass for everyone trying to have a society around them—all at once.”

    It’s really this simple. Governments exist by the consent of the governed. the Sovereign Citizens do not consent to be governed.

    To paraphrase the great Hank Williams, Jr: If the South would’ve won, we’d have it made.

    • in 1265 the king appointed the parliament to manage the day to day running of the government……but somehow people got shuffled to the bottom of the power pyramid…it hasn’t worked out well for the people….

      the government employees are civil servants….servants of the people…

      the government is a service corporation….

      when the government was put in place it was given the power to make laws…but there was safety measures put in place to prevent unjust laws being put in place….because there is a huge risk of a runaway rogue government like in 2023….

      ATTENTION: the people are fine with living with just laws..that is part of the contract…..but….when unjust laws are put in place that is a different story…. that is why there is safe guards to stop or reverse these laws…sadly today they are almost never exercised so there is tons of unjust laws in place now….

      The people are sovereign…they hired, put the king/president in place and pay for the government….the power flows from the people the president and government are servants, just employees…..if they don’t obey or create just laws they can be replaced, corrected….

      The pyramid of power how it works by real law…..

      1st level at the very top… the little people, the common people
      the people are the highest power on the planet…the sovereign…not the government…NOTE: the government always says/acts as if it is the sovereign….which is false….they are faking authority…

      2nd level the president or the king or their representative….the governor general… who works for the common people only… the common people control them

      3rd level the politicians

      4th level the enforcers…

      Today politicians and enforcers have contempt for the people…… they think…. and their attitude shows it….that they are better then the people have all the authority, have total control…. they are confused they are just an employee of the people a civil servant….but somehow they now think they are god….

      now the politicians, government and enforcers hate the people…..

      you have been labeled evil

      They call the people, the useless eaters on the bottom….. an invasive species now, destroying the planet…the government has convinced people they are a weak little, destructive, biosecurity threat…..soon to be herded into FMC 15 min cities/ghettos/prisons….which is justified….

      Pyramid of World Power in 2023….

      1st level at the top the controllers the elite nobility in the background, always hiding, nobody talks about them, the control group. 17 royal families in europe, they are working with the billionaires and others in the committee of 300 and WEF.

      one elite example……..Prince Phillip, husband of Queen Elizabeth II said ….“In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly demon/pathogen, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation.” He said the population should be reduced to 1 billion
      his son king Charles the 3rd agrees,

      king Charles the 3rd hired Claus schwab to run the WEF. Charles talks to plants.

      2nd level the Rothschild banksters provide financing for the elite nobility

      3rd level more 2nd level banksters

      4th level down the administrators, gates, schwab, etc..

      5th level the political prostitutes in the foreground, corrupt , bribed, owned by the elite……the politicians …..they sign anything into law that the wef wants

      6th level down the enforcers

      7th level at the very bottom the little people, the common people, paying for everything, used and abused.

    • re: a conspiracy theory

      that is the label that the woke/marxist/fascists apply to anything that doesn’t fit their communist narrative….they are satanists…invert everything….just take anything they say and invert it…it will be the truth…

  23. The entire concept of “democracy” is a farce and is used to legitimize tyranny. Those Greeks that brainstormed that shit had a good idea in concept but they didn’t validate the hypothesis against enough cases of real world implementation.

    Well, now we’ve seen it and we know that there is no amount of tyranny that will not be applied by governments claiming to be a “liberal democracy”. Field execution for any breaking of the rules is a demonstrated possibility, no matter how slight. Zero “rights” respected during arbitrary periods, rendering them to be conditional granted privileges.

    Even if “the people” got a vote on things that mattered (they don’t), the idea that everyone gets a vote on everything is just stupid. It’s actually just a really, really, dumb idea.

    And, as people usually ask, no I don’t know a better way. But I do know a more honest way because this is all a farce. But if people don’t come to terms with that simple fact, nobody is ever gonna think of a better way that can actually be implemented.

      • Except that it is 51% of the people that vote, holding a gun to the heads of everyone. And that is only for the rare direct-vote laws.

        Everything of importance is by the majority of representatives that conceptually “represent” the majority of people that voted for them once upon a time. And who often knowingly vote against the wishes of many (or even all) of the people that they represent.

        “I’m not here to do what’s popular.” -Pres Obama

        No, no. You wouldn’t want to do what most people want in a “democracy”.

        It’s just make believe. Nice sounding stories to people that can’t think shit through.

        • Half can vote.
          Half of those do vote.
          Half of those vote for A.
          Half of those approve of A rather than merely disapprove of B.
          Half of those approve of A’s proposals rather than like his hair cut.

          So any given tyrant is desired by 3% of the people. “A mandate!”

      • the system of government is not too bad in concept (apart from being 50X too big and expensive)……… but…..there is a process to stop/cancel unjust laws that is almost never used….so we now have a runaway marxist/communist dictatorship….

        how to hold tyrannical government to account…there is three ways…1) royal ascent…2) trial by jury… 3) article 61 of the magna carta…the security and peace clause…to control a rogue monarch…or president? @31:35 in video

        If the people don’t like laws the politicians are passing, the people who are the top authority… can ask their servant the king or the governor general or the lieutenant governor…or the president?…….to not approve or overturn existing laws….they have to petition them…

        NOTE: if the president?…. king or his representative the governor general or the lieutenant governor won’t act to stop the bad law… the people can take action to rectify it….by the means necessary…..

        This is the current situation…nobody took correct action, procedure to stop/correct it….now they are headed into/are in a marxist/communist gulag…
        If the people are silent……
        If the people don’t like a law being passed and they don’t petition the king or president?… or his representative to stop it they are stuck with the new law…silence = consent…

    • quote: “The entire concept of “democracy” is a farce and is used to legitimize tyranny.”

      That is a 100% true, and in our modern Zionist controlled world, when “we” bring Democracy to the nation we bomb into oblivion, what that really means is that the Zionist Occupied Government of Amerika is installing a Jewish run dictatorship in that nation. ZOG states include Canada, France, Australia, Germany, Poland, USA, Iraq, etc.

      All the Zionist controlled states support Ukraine. Ukraine is of no strategic interest for the United States, it is only being used to topple Russia, which is not under the control of these Jewish tyrants. Amerika is literally being bled dry by Jews to establish their Jewish world tyranny, all in the name of some liberal sound bite “Democracy”. Jews want a unipolar world, with Jews in control. They are not interested in sharing power with any other nation.

      Ukraine is a Democracy, so says the media, and it is a totalitarian dictatorship run by the Jew gay demon butt boy actor Zelensky, who outlawed the media and Christianity, and gathered up all the boys to grandfathers and sent them to the front line to be butchered by Russian cannon fire.

      Thus, in modern understanding of political realities, a democracy is Jewish controlled nation.

        • The past 50 years have destroyed America and turned it into the very thing their grandparents fought and died for in WWII. A Neo Nazi State. The big difference between Nazism and Communism is the economy. In the US and West Fascism prevails.

          All the lies spread by government to get us into one war after another. Babies killed in incubators, Yellow Cake, Weapons of Mass Destruction, The Gulf of Tonkin, killed and maimed hundreds of thousands American servicemen and women and millions of civilians. The war we began in Afghanistan and the slipshod way we exited. Another Vietnam for sure and shows how unprofessional the US military is.

          Then came the lockdowns and business closures due to a non existent virus the government launched to scare the hell out of Americans which doesn’t take a lot in our day. Then the bio-weapon called a vaccine where the government using the medical complex declared war on its citizens. This weapon killed many times more than all previous ‘vaccines’ combined but nazism reigns supreme in our land. If you refused the killer shot then no yob for you. They were even considering jail and concentration camps for the unvaxxed. Even the military wasn’t spared. Today the revelations of the dangerous jabs are well known but is still pushed and is mandatory for children in skool knowing full well it will kill, maim and sterilize most of them. Parents don’t care so long as their children are out of the way so they can continue their Walmart careers.

          The new war on the block involves a gaggle of Nazis in Ukraine trying to genocide the Russian population in its Eastern areas. For eight long years their brethren in Russia watched them being bombed and killed because these regions did not want the Nazi government the US installed after a US inspired and funded coup run by cookies Victoria Nuland. Finally Russia invaded this region to stop the killing and has been hounded ever since by American politicians screaming the normal Democracy bullshit.

          As of today about 300,000 Ukrainians have died and a million or more wounded,,, most of the country destroyed and still the US is running guns, tanks, missiles and soon fighter jets to them to continue the slaughter. Soon I fear US troops will be involved. The US Nazis are salivating at Russia’s mineral wealth they hope to recover.

          This war putting the US and its Western vassal States allying with the Neo Nazi Junta of Ukraine makes the entirety of WWII a waste of blood and treasure. Descendent’s of the war should be ashamed of insulting and demeaning prior generations that tried to eradicate the Nazi slime.

          I can only marvel in wonderment that Americans have allowed this situation to occur with many actually promoting it. It is my opinion that Russia will likely annihilate the Woke US military on the ground and that the US will resort to nuclear which Russia and China will likely respond in the same manner possibly setting civilization back thousands of years.

          Are we really going to let these wretches in government do this? Sure looks like it!

        • ‘things are not looking so good at the moment in Keeeeeeeeeeeeev.’ — eric

          News report: ‘The US is “firmly opposed” to ceasefire between the warring nations Russia and Ukraine, US National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said in an interview with American broadcaster Fox News.

          ‘According to Kirby, any peace initiative between Kyiv [sic] and Moscow whose military has been ensuing fierce battle on the eastern flank of Europe is “unacceptable.”‘

          Kirby is a fedgov-licensed butcher, declaring that he will carry on feeding Russian and Ukrainian corpses into his highly profitable meat grinder to make ‘freedom hamburger.’

          We are governed by satanic psychopaths. Don’t discount the possibility of DemonRats nominating Hunter S Biden in a future presidential election. He is, after all, a multi-talented lawyer, author, artist and entrepreneur! Put that in your crack pipe and smoke it.

        • @ Eric, I am surprised Keeeeeeeeev still exists, or functions, after daily missile barrages.

          I was told by my teachers that the USA was justified in nuking Hiroshima and Nagasaki to save American serviceman lives, that trying to take Japan by invasion would be horrific. So using that same logic, why is Putin holding back on nuking Keeeeeeeev?

          And what would you do if your soldiers came across of gutted Ukrainian kids tossed into pits? I would nuke them out of existence. Ukraine is run by hell demons, and why would any sane nation allow that kind of nation to exist on it’s border, especially when they have the intention of destroying you?

          The ICC charged Putin with kidnapping Ukrainian kids. but Ukraine is literally a child organ harvesting factory. Russia removed their feedstock, they are upset they lost their supply of fresh meat.

          Have you seen this story?

          “Children between the ages of 2 and 7 in the town of Izium were “carved up,” and “kept in pits,” “like discarded waste,” according to a soldier interviewed recently

          Russian soldiers are claiming that they’ve made a hideous discovery inside Ukraine, where they say that children between the ages of 2 and 7 are being “carved up” and “kept in pits,” “like discarded waste” as their organs are harvested and sold for use at European and Israeli transplant centers.

          In newly-released video footage from the frontlines of the Russo-Ukrainian War, a visibly emotional Russian officer describes children being treated as if they are “livestock, piglets, or rabbits” by their Ukrainian captors around the town of Izium, where the discovery of an organ harvesting facility was reported.

          “They had took organs [from the children],” the Russian officer explained.

          “I couldn’t believe it,” he said. “Until seeing all this with one’s own eyes, one cannot comprehend it.”

          Source: https://yournews.com/2023/01/31/2504660/video-ukraine-accused-of-slaughtering-harvesting-childrens-organs-disposing-of/

          • israel has been the epicenter of illegal organ harvesting as (((they))) do the same thing to Palestinians that (((they))) or the (((settlers))) murder. Palestinian bodies are routinely returned with surgical wounds and with organs missing.
            All for (((them))) to make a buck.


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