Taking When They’re Not Selling


Ford wants to build a new $5.6 billion EV battery plant – Blue Oval City – in Tennessee. It has every right to lose as much of its own money as it wishes on this EV business – which is about $3 billion and counting, so far.

But does it have the right to use the power of the state to take land for its plant from people who don’t want to sell it?

The state of TN – on behalf of Ford – recently passed a law to give itself the power to do just that. It creates something called the Megasite Authority of West Tennessee, which has “authority” – that is, power – to seize privately owned land to “facilitate construction” of the Blue Oval City and “supporting infrastructure.”

This is styled eminent domain – one of those words used by government thugs who lack the honesty of street thugs. It is like the “taxes” you are “asked” to pay by the government. As opposed to being told (by the street thug) “your money – or your life.”

But until rather recently – until the government’s courts redefined the term – it was only legal for the government to “eminent domain” private property for some public purpose, such as a public road, for instance. The court however was persuaded to – Darth Vader voice – alter the bargain, endowing the government with the power to seize land on behalf of private companies – viz, big box retail stores – if it could be shown that by doing so, the municipality would be able to enrich itself more handsomely, via the taxes the new occupant of the land would pay.

This latter would, the court reasoned, “benefit the community” via the increased “revenue” the government would get its greedy mitts on.

It was – it is – a nice reach-around, too because the new occupant is invariably a corporation as corporations are the only ones who have enough money to buy the government they need – and corporations can write off most or even all of the taxes applied by government – and so often come away not having lost any money at all.

Unlike the private landowner who loses money every time he pays what are styled “his” property taxes, the styling being of a piece with “your” Face Diaper – as if it were something you obtained and used voluntarily.

And then loses his home or land, outright. Yes, he gets paid – whatever the government says it thinks his home/land is worth. Imagine that. If only we could buy cars that way, say. Assuming we were also thugs, of course.

So what we have here is what the Left often says it opposes – i.e., fascism – without understanding what the term means. It does not mean anything the Left doesn’t like – which is how the Left likes to use the term. It means the merger of government power and corporate power, such that there is no longer any meaningful distinction between the two.

The corporations use their money – of which they have a great deal – to buy the very best government that money can buy. A textbook example of this being the Megasite Authority of West Tennessee. It exists for no other reason than it was bought and paid for. Its purpose is to make sure those who paid for it get what they paid for.

Such as the land upon which Ford will build Blue Oval City, some of which is owned by – here’s a bell ringer – low-income black farmers.

The Man – and the Man in the Grey Flannel Suit – aren’t racist. But they are fascist. Not a catcall.

A definition.

Ford hopes to profit from this – and so does the state of TN. Just as Donald Trump hoped to profit by using the state of New Jersey’s power to force an old lady out of her home and off her land so as to make way for a limousine parking lot they both hoped to make a lot of money from. “Eminent domain is an absolute necessity for a country,” said the Orange Man. He meant it is “absolutely necessary” to vitiate the property rights of people when necessary – from the point of view of people like Trump.

And now, Ford.

This sort of thing is now done regularly – with more to come – for the same reason that bullies regularly steal other kids’ lunch money – i.e., because they can. But there is an important difference in that what the bully does is considered actionable while what the corporations and the government they bought do is perfectly legal.

So sayeth the courts that decide the extent of government’s powers, at any rate. These latter consistently wax in tandem with the waning of our rights as the two are in natural opposition.

The more there is of the one the less there is of the other.

We are now arrived at what might be accurately styled the Deliverance Era of life in America. You may recall the movie, which starred Burt Reynolds, John Voight and (most memorably) Ned Beatty, whose on-screen squeal – eeeeeeeee! eeeeeeeeee! – echoes through the ages.

The movie is about a group of friends who decide to take a canoe trip in the backwoods, where they encounter some backwoods fiends who tell John Voight’s character, “if we want your money, we’ll take your money” – just before they make Ned squeal like a pig.

There was refreshing honesty in the transaction. No suit-jacketed (or black robed) euphemisms about “eminent domain.”

If we want your land, we’ll take your land.

Wouldn’t it be better for everyone if they just cut the crap  and did it that way?

. . .

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  1. Detroit pulled the same BS on PoleTown for GM, 40+ yrs ago. The plant they erected instead of a neighborhood has produced only Money-Losers from my vantage point – would love to see an actual cost/benefit analysis of that dystopian fiasco.

  2. Damn Eric, timely post. You think Jamie Dimon from “the Morgue” is hanging around here for tips? Stop giving them ideas!


    From link:

    In his annual letter to shareholders, JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon suggested that the U.S. government and climate conscious corporations may have to seize citizen’s private property to enact climate initiatives while there still time to stave off climate disasters.

    • Hi Funk,

      That’s crazy. Now the head of a large bank is advocating the government and “climate conscious
      corporations” using eminent domain to seize private property for “Fighting climate change”? That’s of a piecewith Joe Biden’s Climate Czar, John Kerry, suggesting the government take even MORE money from Americans for “fighting climate change”. If this doesn’t prove that this whole CLIMATE CHANGE thing is a scam for wealthy elitists to steal even MORE stuff from the people as well as a cult, I don’t know what does.

      And speaking of this insane push to have NOTHING but “green energy”, all those windmills that have been installed in oceans may be behind the deaths of all those whales we’ve been hearing about, and one group of environmentalists is suing to stop an offshore wind project because of the possibility whales were killed by these windmills. However, the EPA will likely say something like “Nothing to see here! Windmills didn’t kill these whales, climate change did!”


  3. It is easier to make change on the local level then the federal level….run for town council….even two independents on a town council can stop or make it difficult to pass illegal bylaws….voting for parties is a lost cause….lots of independents is a better strategy to disrupt the globalist/marxist controlled governments at all levels….

    A way to end the 15-Minute City/prison tyranny and stop new lockdowns, business closures, more illegal laws being passed…

    @ 00:00:30 in the video… the vote freedom project ….. independents not a party…multiple independents are better then a party

    @ 3:30 moving from debt slavery to digital slavery…they have lost control of interest rates and the financial system…

    @ 5:40 all governments…under wef control now…. have now been weaponized against the people

    @ 7:30 there is a depopulation agenda….then the remaining will be herded into pods in 15 min city/prisons…concentration camps….

    @ 9:05 they are pushing their agenda now because the financial system is collapsing now…CBDC are coming soon

    @ 11:00 how to stop 15 min city/prisons

    @ 21:00 how to get to speak at council meetings…

    @ 22:25 in the net zero plan 15 min city/prisons are part of the plan…

    @ 23:00 you can run for council for free…you can enter your name without campaigning….your name will show up on the ballot and bleed off votes..


  4. I just read this on Breitbart. Not sure I would trust them where trustworthy news goes, but if true, it says that “GM buys out 5K American employees, as part of a move towards EV’s”. If I remember right, we taxpayers bailed out their worthless butts back in 2008? Or somewhere thereabouts? Apparently, GM took that as a go-ahead to stay stuck on stupid because hey, we taxpayers seem to be an endless honey pot. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2023/04/06/gm-buys-out-5k-american-employees-with-massive-cost-cutting-scheme/

  5. So…if our property is not our own, because of Eminent Domain, then why in the hell should I pay property taxes? It is nothing more than over priced rent to the state (or county/borough) where I live. I surmise it is one more step of the globalists, “you will own nothing and be happy” goal.

  6. Meanwhile, Detroit has acres of empty land and the local government is always looking to handout tax breakes for new busineses. I guess they want to keep out the unions and blacks…

  7. Is Ford doubling down on the woke madness craze? Will Ford go bankrupt? Are EV’s a flash in the pan, what will happen to EV subsidies if the USGov goes bankrupt? If Russia nukes the USA what good will your EV be?


    If you are out in the woods and you hear dueling banjos, hide real good. If the hillbillies have dogs, run for your life.

    Deliverance • Dueling Banjos • Arthur Smith, Eric Weissberg & Steve Mandell


    Speaking of stealing houses, I see Blackrock is on fire in frogland. Blackrock borrows for zero and buys up private family homes then rents them back to you, and gee I wonder which tribe is behind that?

    • I do not think it will matter if Ford goes bankrupt. The government (courtesy of us taxpayers) will bail them out when they screw up. Personally, I think Ford should hang out to dry, especially if they are going to be so damned dumb, as to try and manufacture something no one wants.

  8. Another corporate victim chugs the poisoned Kool-Aid:

    ‘Walmart said Thursday it plans to build EV fast-charging stations at “thousands” of Walmart and Sam’s Club stores coast-to-coast by 2030, adding to the almost 1,300 EV fast-charging stations it already has available at more than 280 U.S. facilities.

    “With a store or club located within 10 miles of approximately 90% of Americans, we are uniquely positioned to deliver a convenient charging option that will help make EV ownership possible whether people live in rural, suburban or urban areas,” Walmart said.

    “Easy access to on-the-go charging is a game-changer for drivers who have been hesitant to purchase an EV for concerns they won’t be able to find a charger in a clean, bright and safe location when needed.” The retailer said it aims to offer low-price charging as well. — MarketWatch

    If you spend an hour a week at Walmart doing your weekly shopping, chances are you’re charging your EeeVee at home. Whereas if you’re on a road trip, probably you only need to buy a few items at Walmart, and it will take less time than charging requires.

    But the elephant in the room is that Walmart, like Ford and GEM, is presuming that EeeVees become ubiquitous and mainstream. If this bet goes bad, all those excess chargers (and the upgraded transformers and substations which serve them) will be useless gear, rusting in the rain.

    • Ha! You beat me to it. I hit the other thread. Nothing like the upscale ambiance of a Wally World parking lot, eh?

    • I think this is a brilliant idea (sarc). This will go well with Walmart’s plan to have their stores be 65% automated by the year 2026. Can’t buy an EV and charge it if you have no job!

      The end of the world must be near, because none of this makes any sense. If the world doesn’t end soon all I see is a bunch of businesses going bust.

      • ” If the world doesn’t end soon all I see is a bunch of businesses going bust.”

        They seem to be trying to end this civilization, one way or another. Looking at Biden, I would say it is a fair bet he is trying to end us, on purpose. It seems to be his life mission to end the United States as you know it. He didn’t win the vote, and the guy that did is being put away.

        Has any one thought that this woke agenda is designed to make us go bust? Maybe, just maybe, they are not that dumb, maybe they are doing it on purpose to cause us to go bust. Ford may have taken the bait, and they may go bankrupt. I am sure not planning on getting some EV that is wired to the internet and can decide if my social score is good enough for a charge.

        There is good reason to believe that Joe Biden is like these other WEF destroyers, installed to carry out an agenda. Like Canada’s Turdeau, hated by every Canadian but won the election. Same for the party girl running Norway or that trans thing running New Zealand. And Macron who married his mom. They are all weird, they are all onboard with a foreign agenda, they are all hated by the people they say they represent.

        • I think Wal Mart installing EeeVee chargers is a great idea, for real. From the perspective of the Global Elite it checks all the boxes. The few people who will be able to afford POVs will sleep well for hours as their cars fast charge. They’ll be able to go inside, load up on cheese doodles and Soylent, use the Non-Binary bathrooms, and find an open and inclusive place. They’ll also have a special charging bank reserved for the goon squad. Hi-capacity for Tesla 18 wheelers. They Semis can pull around back, hook up, then haul off the cattle cars full of deplorables bound for Camp Freedom.

          • I think it is great, too, Norman (insert sarcasm). Alternate media has suggested in the past that, along with decommissioned military bases, that Wal-Marts could be ostensibly used for FEMA camps in the not-too-distant future. So, this would be most-convenient all around I would say. Does everyone know what FEMA region they are in?

            • I’ve heard that about Wal mart and the FEMA camps Shadow. We ought to start a campaign to use them for all the dysfunctional mashers. They could receive help and be kept away from the kids at the same time, win win all the way around.

              I’m in FEMA region VII now, forthwith to be back on region IX time.

      • RG,

        Every time I’ve gone to a Walmart in my neck of the woods, they only have 1 or 2 HUMAN cashiers in the main store, suggesting they want most if not all their customers using the Self Checkout lanes.

        • Hi John,

          I recently ran into my local Wal-Mart for a few items for my grandmother. I have not been there for years. I go out of my way to avoid big corporations. Ugh! It was horrible. It was filthy, bums were sitting outside on the benches asking for money, and out of 30 cash registers only 5 were open. I only had a few items so I headed to the “20 items or less” register which no one was at. A sweet old lady (around 80 years old…I kid you not) rung me up. Why the hell she is working there is beyond me.

          I will not go back. I never realized the amount of bums my small town had, but they only seem to hang out in one spot. I have yet to see any at the local farmer’s markets. How Wal-Mart has made it this long leaves me befuddled. The items are not cheaper.

          • Hi RG,

            I try to avoid Walmart as much as possible myself, especially after some of the stuff they’ve adopted. The funny thing is, for a store that seems to want as many customers as possible to use “Self checkout”, I saw someone at a Walmart last year that looked like a mystery shopper with some company, as she was going around looking at the checkout lanes that had human cashiers.

  9. Eric,

    I have a queibble about a phrase you used here: public purpose. A private, corporate office building or big box store can serve a “public purpose”. The phrase that the COTUS uses is “public use”, meaning that gov’t builds a project, e.g. road, post office, or airport, from which the public benefits. The weasel phrase, “public purpose” was used at least as far back as the early 1960s, when the original World Trade Center was being proposed.

    Before the WTC was proposed and constructed, that area of Manhattan was known as Radio Row. It was a hub, a bazaar if you will, of consumer electronics. The first TV sets in the US were sold from stores in Radio Row. It was a Mecca of anything and everything electronic. It sounds like my kind of place! I wish it still existed. However, to those (largely the governments of NYC, NY State, and NJ, the Port Authority of NY & NJ) pushing the WTC project, Radio Row got in the way.

    So, back in the early-mid 1960s, lawsuits were bought to exert eminent domain over Radio Row, so as to get the shop owners out of the way. It was at this point that the phrase, “public purpose” (note, NOT public use, per COTUS!) was used. Also, because the PATH trains passing through that area were updated, the gov’t could claim enough public use to push the project through. To make a long story short, those pushing the WTC won, and the shop owners lost. The shop owners of Radio Row were bought out, and their stores were bulldozed to make room for the original WTC complex.

    My point is this: eminent domain abuse was occurring decades ago; it goes back to eat least the early 1960s, when the WTC was proposed). Part of what got us here was the weasely phrase, “public purpose”, which opens the door for this legalized abuse. Another part of what got us here was that our “august Guardians of Freedom”, the purported mainstream media, didn’t do their jobs; the MSM said little or nothing about these developments in their initial stages! It was only when the story of eminent domain abuse became so big (thanks, in part, to Orange Man), that this could no longer be ignored. Unfortunately, by the time the MSM finally told the story (only because they were forced to), legal precedent for this sort of abuse had long since gotten traction, bringing us to where we are today.

    • Very interesting. I knew about radio row, but didn’t know exactly where it was. One of the things that happens when all those engineers are in one location is that there’s a levering effect. Small companies interact with each other, and having a lot of suppliers around will make it easy to get an odd part when you need it. And when you’re walking the aisle looking for that specific inductor you might run into your friend from the homebrew or ham radio club and bounce ideas. This is why Silicon Valley had such a major impact in the 1970s-1990s. Once manufacturing moved overseas Silicon Valley became more driven by software -something that is far less interactive and collaboration stays in house. Heck, Google wants their employees to stay on the reservation instead of going out for lunch.

  10. Eric,

    Thanks for defining fascism better than many, though I have something even more succinct, illustrated by the axe surrounded by fasces:

    “Stranger together.”

    Say, where have we heard that before?..

    Also, for the enjoyment of all, here’s a nice remix of an awesome Die Krupps song, featuring Ned Beatty at about 3:30:


    • Haha, that was supposed to be “stronger together”. 😀

      “Stranger together” might describe the gathering of oddballs on this site. 😉

      • Aww, I do not think we are odd balls 🙂 Well, maybe we are, considering how crazy the world (and this country) has gotten. When common sense is not common, and the insane is now normal, you know that the bottom has dropped out of society. It reminds me of the end piece from Robin Williams, after his stand-up routine in Kuwait for the troops there, towards the end, the call for the flag to go down interrupted his routine (2007). Well, he looped that into his monologue after that had ended. Later, the video cut to Williams, making a comment about it. He he exclaimed that he felt like he was “the only sane person in a town where everyone was possessed”-ha ha. Maybe we are odd, because everyone else is losing their minds, do not see it, and do not care.

        • That’s the structure of things today, Shadow. What most patrons of this site believe is not common. Things like freedom, self-reliance, leaving others alone, keeping what is yours and not gathering in collectives to steal from others… Those things are NOT popular these days, as much as I’d rather not believe so.

          Oddballs indeed!

  11. All of this, that you eloquently bring up in your article Eric, all of it stems from the federal reserve.

    The ability to print oneself money with the push of a button is a majik trick of unparalleled proportions. This is how corporations are able to go head first down into the woke bunny hole. The financial unpleasantness of 05-08 set a bad precedent. Corporations made horrible investments and suffered no ill effects, thanks to the bailouts courtesy of Uncle Sugar. This thing with Ford, or any and every other iconic American corporation is no surprise to anyone who paid attention. They all learned their lesson, and learned it well. They’ll pursue any narrative Uncle pushes out, no matter how ridiculous or unpopular, no matter how much their customers Squeeeeeal. As long as the world welcomes our fiat, that is all that matters.

    Without funny money, printer goes brrrrrrrrr, these things as you say, would be resolved through mutual agreed upon terms. Something has defiantly been lost, as companies no longer give a fat shit about optics, or what their customers want. Dollah Dollah Bill Yo is the umbrella corporation now. He lives on the vapor created by the greatness of yesteryear. The pretorians that keep him alive become more desperate by the day. Their derivative time bomb far exceeds any collateral this country has on offer in the way of natural resources. The gold in their vaults is nothing more than moth eaten paper IOUs. The good news is the transgendered utopian vision sought by Ford and others is coming to an end. First in the Ukroid, then across the fruited plain as the dream of pussies meets the resolve of tens of millions of average American Riflemen.

    • “All of this. . .stems from the federal reserve.” This is spot on, Norman Franklin! Although to put on a finer point, all of this is ENABLED by the Fed.

      The Fed is just another tool of the state to reduce (or at least delay or divert) free market forces. It’s the functional equivalent of clipping coins, but much less obvious to the general citizenry.

      • Its like a club, ‘and we aren’t in it.’ Funny you bring up clipping coins, I now don’t necessarily trust the US Mint. AGEs and ASEs minted after 2022 are suspect in my mind. ‘The full faith and credit’ leviathan once enjoyed is no longer.

    • The Federal Reserve Bank creates credit out of thin air mainly to buy US Treasury debt in the open market. Doing that allows the US Treasury to sell new debt without raising interest rates.

      What the Fed did in in 2020 and 2021 was to indirectly fund huge federal deficit spending. That spending was due to the 2020 and 2021FY budgets. Those two budgets were approved by Democrats in the House, Republicans in the Senate, and a Republican president: Donald Trump. The 2020 and 2021 federal deficits had nothing to do with Joe Biden, nor were they caused by the Federal reserve Bank.

      The core problem is not the Federal Reserve Bank.
      The problem is Federal government spending, both the quantity of spending and the percentage of spending that must be funded by borrowing money. Getting rid of the Federal Reserve Bank does not solve the government spending and deficits problem.

      In fact, the Fed recently created hundreds of billions of credit to rescue some banks. That may have prevented a bank run or two.

      • “The core problem is not the Federal Reserve Bank”
        In fact they should be given at least some credit. Fiat currency doesn’t historically last this long.

          • Hi Richard,

            “The 2023 US dollar, 110 years after the Fed was created in 1913, has the purchasing power of three cents in 1913.”

            Precisely. You have just stated that the “Fed” – that is, the private banking cartel – is the fundamental issue. Not the government.

            • However, the FED, the (((private banking cartel))), was created via the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, is supported by, and today is still underwritten and backed up by the (((US FEDGOV.)))

              With force…

              But if citizens vote to defund the (((FED))) first, and overhaul the (((FEDGOV))), we may have a chance yet to survive…

      • Vote harder. Anything to keep up the illusion. Wouldn’t want you to have to see the brick wall behind the curtain

        It only took one brick to make that Repo window drop in 2019. They quickly turned that lending store into a structure fire. To be fair, the fed didn’t start the fire, they just added high octane fuel, with the beta phase of UBI. The Fed does nothing without the expressed written consent of their owners, The central banks of the world, who all play for the same team.

        Keep sticking to the narrative that spending is the problem. It is as its been, and always will be. The sudden death of Dollah Bill, will free all the gibmedats to go out and earn an honest living. We’ve had a great run. If it all goes tits up tomorrow I’m OK with that, it gives us the opportunity to see some justice. The good kind, not the just us kind that we’re used to

        • The Federal Reserve is owned by member banks.

          I wrote the for profit economics newsletter ECONOMIC LOGIC for 43 years and have a Finance MBA.

          You don’t understand the root cause of problem: Government spending, especially deficit spending.

          Deficit spending enables governments to avoid alerting people to the reckless spending, which voters often don’t notice because the money is borrowed rather than raising taxes, which most people would notice and hate.

          • Apparently you don’t understand, all your letters and fancy qualifications aside. The root cause is and always has been Central Banking. The fictitious creation of ‘money’ out of thin air, as made up ledger entries, loaned back to countries with interest, creating unsupportable debt, this is the root of it all.

            Bringing up voters, spending, and taxes just confirms to me that you don’t get it. These are just a few of the things the owners use to distract you from noticing the abuse of their exorbitant privilege.

            Since their REPO window collapsed in 2019, the federal reserve has been bailing out the richest people ever seen in the history of man. All at the expense of the poor and middle class. 98 out of 100 people still don’t see it. They are distracted by shinny baubles such as wars, debt, SPENDING, taxes, and yes Richard voting. I’d call that a pretty freaking amazing magic trick.

          • So solly Mr. Greene but Norman is correct, you’ve got the cart before the horse. Govt spending/deficit spending is the illness not the disease.

            Support Ron Paul and let’s END THE FED!

          • Hi Richard,

            What enables government to spend? Who earns interest loaning government money at interest? The “Fed” – that is, the cartel of private banks that have finagled control over the supply of money – can and do use their financial power to manipulate the economy and buy (and own) the government. Take away the money power and you have taken away their power.

  12. As a resident of TN, I hadn’t heard of this newest piece of bullshit. I do, however, completely reject its premises.

    Are we ever going to take our rights back from the fascistic tyrants that have expropriated them?
    Increasingly, I doubt it. Every day we see new examples of our liberty being trampled on with malicious glee; and every day we hear “Sometime it may be necessary to use force, but certainly not yet!”.

    I say the time is coming, if not already here: and at some point, if it is not already, it will be too late.

    But I fully expect we’ll all merrily pass the point of no return, still watching for some future opportunity to right our wrongs, still optimistically trying to “work within the system” to try to fix it.

    And when the cattle cars come for us, it’ll be too late, and our own fault.

    • If RFK, Jr. can surpass Biden in the primary I may see a little hope on the horizon. I am going to vote Democrat in Virginia next June to make sure the old Geezer and his idiot VP never step foot in the White House again.

      I expect cheating in the November 2024 election, but the primaries would require too much trouble just so a Dem can beat another Dem. I am not crazy about RFK, Jr., but at least he won’t force us to get vaccines and therefore, vaccine passports.

      • I recall some funny business went on in the primaries with respect to Ron Paul and Bernie Sanders. Nothing is too much trouble for the empire to stop it from cheating.

        The Patricians will not allow a candidate to win that represents the populace rather than them.

        • Bernie Sanders was DEFINITELY cheated both times he ran! In 2016, he was drawing good sized crowds, while Hillary was hard pressed to fill a banquet hall; in fact, for one of her appearances, the hall was cordoned off to disguise her lack of popularity. In 2020, the cheating was obvious. Sanders was had won some early races, and he was leading in the primaries; Sanders was in first place in early 2020. Meanwhile, Joe Biden was in fourth and fading fast; his ability to stay in the race was being questioned. Then, all of a sudden, in SC or NC, he wins? GTFOOH! Sorry, but that doesn’t pass the smell test…

          Ron Paul, while he may have been cheated, spurred the GOP to do basically the same thing, but in a more underhanded way: they changed the rules for 2012 forward, so as to obstruct someone like him. What the GOP did was make it so a Ron Paul couldn’t rise to prominence, let alone gain traction. They did the same thing as the Dems did, but they were more subtle about it.

    • Are we ever going to take our rights back from the fascistic tyrants that have expropriated them?


      When the Bundy’s defended their ranch many called them terrorists, or just plain stupid and laughed at them. The majority of Americans have zero sense of property rights,,, hell any rights for that matter.
      All talk and no walk

      Maybe the clot shot will take most of them out where we can get back to common sense liberty. Doubtful.
      With them now putting MRNA shots in cattle, pigs and chickens and so few wanting to actually defend themselves should pretty much finish the rest of us off.

      • Hi ken,

        Just thinking outside the box here regarding the clot shots in animals. We have all learned to question everything that the TV says or media prints. The guise is if they say it aloud it isn’t the truth so the opposite must be true. What if they are stating they will use MRNA shots in animals hoping that this scares enough people away from eating meat and gaining their protein from bugs instead?

        There are many who will disagree with me, but I am of the mind that the elite have no problem torturing us, but are not as keen on torturing themselves. They are not going to stop eating steak, or steamed shrimp, or flying private, or driving a gasoline powered auto…they just want us to. Does anyone believe Bill and Company are going to be pro MRNA vaccine if the cheeseburger they are chowing down on from the cow that was just slaughtered goes into their body?

        • I read this week-alternate media, of course-where the beef industry is going to start injecting the spike protein, mRNA into the beef, and have heard that fruits and vegetables are not safe, either, even if they are labeled “organic”. So those of us who are un-jabbed are pretty well screwed, as the Feds are damned determined to get all of us with this s**. I agree with you, Raider, Girl, the elites have no problems with torturing the hell out of us. And they will do it with a smile on their face, all-the-while telling us it is for our own good.

        • RG, I believe you’re right. There is a whole world of difference between eating meat and having it broken down by our GI tract, and having MRNA injected around all our bodies’ defenses to infect our cells.

          However, on the gripping hand, there is the whole Jakob-Kreutzfeld/BSE prion thing which I still haven’t figured out.

          • Hello, Ernie, years ago, a long-time newsletter I subscribe to had a few health articles. One was on the human form of mad cow disease, which is the Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease. One can contract it from eating tainted meat. The scary thing is, you can also get it from surgical instruments, because the prions (which eat sponge-like holes in your brain) have to be killed at higher temperatures than the surgical instruments are heated per sterilization techniques. Death is far quicker than traditional Alzheimer’s, usually within five years. Patients usually are seen rubbing up against furniture, much like the cattle that were exhibiting much the same odd behaviours. This was brought over from an obscure tribe in the 40’s to Great Britain (from what I am trying to remember in the article), and a sample of tissue was also brought to the United States, which is how the disease came to both countries. No one knew what to make of the disease, and no one realized the high volatility of the disease. Some now, are thinking that the obscure tribe eating the flesh of their newly deceased loved ones may have started the disease. I wish I could find the article on this guys’ website, as it had a lot of good information on the disease-both in cattle (and wild animals) and in humans, as well. Diagnosis can only be made for sure after the patient has died, to which one can then see the sponge-like holes in the patients brain from the prions eating through their brain. It truly is a terrible and cruel way to go, both for the patient, and is terrible for those who have to care for said patient, as well.

  13. After the infamous Kelo v. New London case, there was an effort to “eminent domain” Justice Souter’s NH property to build the “Lost Liberty Hotel,” featuring the “Just Desserts Café.” The effort ultimately failed, but it’s always great idea to hoist one on his own petard. Liberty minded politician’s in TN should do the same to anybody involved in this attempted legalized theft.

    Here’s an article on the effort: https://www.boston.com/news/national-news/2015/06/29/the-supreme-court-decision-that-threatened-justices-own-homes/

    • I remember that case Mr. Liberty, I think it was Pfizer behind that, if not them some other Big Pharma outfit. As usual the “Supreme” court came down on the side of the PTB and screwed over all the long time residents; worst thing was after booting everyone off what they thought was “their” property they decided to cancel that project.

  14. There is no way in hell that these car companies (and other sub-suppliers) are investing billions on cars people don’t want unless they know, for a fact, that we all will be forced into them.

    • Hi Chris,

      I made a few calls in my area….you can’t buy a new EV off the lot, used, yes, but not new. My guess is these are only made when the orders roll in otherwise it is a waste of an auto production line. I have nothing against JIT management, the Japanese have been very successful with it for years, but Ford knows an ICE F-150 will sale (and mass produces them), but isn’t willing to put their neck out for that Mustang Mach-E.

    • I wonder the same thing. But then I think of the recent Bud Light ad campaign fiasco, in which Budweiser assumed that we all will be “woke” soon and thus would embrace their insane ad campaign, yet it blew up in their face

      • Hi dood,

        As long as the restaurants and the people turn their back on AH then they will feel it. I was leaving the grocery yesterday and out walks a guy with a 24 pack of Bud Light in his hand. I groaned. Most people are oblivious to what is going on around them and those are the ones that terrify me the most.

    • I think you are correct. But Murphy is still operative. They are totally screwed. Get ready for peace and prosperity. People many of us are not stupid enough to go into the death chutes. The next insurrection in the district of criminals may be the real one. I would use a small nuke. Take out the district of criminals and the bunkers wherein the survivalists plan to sit out the crap. Start up a new government with only elected persons. No bureaucracy. The elect have to do all the work. Does that sound like a fun job. Next they don’t get paid. It is voluntary. Plus they give all their money and property to the government (themselves) in return for the position as part of the government.

  15. You’d think Tennessee would’ve learned from the Spring Hill / GM debacle. GM promised jobs for locals in exchange for generous tax breaks, etc. Where’d the jobs go? To senior UAW carpetbaggers.

  16. The state is funded by theft. Since the state is also wholly dependent upon is assumed authority to kill you if you disobey, this result is not surprising. The fundamental is “leave your home or die”. However, if one is standing on their front porch, and is killed by either a state goon, or a bulldozer, that ain’t a very good metric for Ford or the State. Which may be what it takes to end this charade. I won’t presume to say that’s what I will do, since one doesn’t know until the moment arrives, but I will say I intend to.

  17. Same thing with the wind turbine swindlers and the wind corporations that always push and never give an inch. Landowners are paid peanuts to have wind turbines stand on their lands.

    It is a swindle and nothing else.

    Ford can make it right and pay money to the farmers for land rent, not extirpate them. Why should they be forced to sell?

    Ford is paying somebody to make it happen, no doubt about it. A finders fee will be paid too.

    If the farmers want to sell, Ford can pay them for the land sale at 200,000 USD per acre. Can’t just out of the blue make a ridiculous offer. If 2000 acres are needed, it is only 400,000,000 dollars more for Ford to fork over, pay the money, ya cheapskates.

    Can’t just take from people. Just not right, doesn’t work, ever. Somebody could get hurt.

    The megasite might get vandalized or something.

    • drumph,
      Indeed, there is not a damn thing stopping Ford from renting this land from the owner in perpetuity, without state interference, at a mutually agreed price. Except the state WANTS to help Ford, regardless of cost to the land owner. “Free money” all around. Ford gets the land at a discount, and the State gets its bribe.

  18. Here’s what happened in 2005:

    ‘Kelo v. City of New London, 545 U.S. 469 (2005), was a landmark decision by the “Supreme Court” of the United States in which the Court held, 5–4, that the use of eminent domain to transfer land from one private owner to another private owner to further economic development does not violate the Takings Clause of the Fifth Amendment.’ — Wikipedia

    And the sequelae:

    ‘The well-laid plans of redevelopers, however, did not pan out. The land where Susette Kelo’s little pink house once stood remains undeveloped. The proposed hotel-retail-condo “urban village” has not been built. Pfizer closed the $350 million research center in New London that was [to be] the anchor for the New London redevelopment plan.

    “They stole our home for economic development,” ousted homeowner Michael Cristofaro told the New York Slimes. “It was all for Pfizer, and now they get up and walk away.”

    ‘The final cost to the city and state for the purchase and bulldozing of the formerly privately held property was $78 million. The promised 3,169 new jobs and $1.2 million a year in tax revenues did not materialize. As of 2021, the area remains an empty lot.’ — Wikipedia

    Expect the same result in Tennessee, as EeeVee Fever and Battery Baloney, egged on by subsidies voted by 535 anencephalic Congress Clowns, crashes into a smoking hole and burns to ashes, flushing wasted billions down the drain.

    • Jim,
      The very fact that Ford is investing so much in the EV market disqualifies it as a viable long term business. And much like in New London, will likely never complete this “Blue Oval City”. Or if it does, it will not last long. The State is so greedy, and since it’s not investing its own money, that they will take the bribe now, and fuck you if it doesn’t work out.

    • Interesting that Pfizer had something to do with Kelo. It seems their name keeps coming up when there is something evil going on in this country. Next…Pfizer funding BSL-4 labs in Ukraine?

      Just as Dupont got R-12 banned and had replacement refrigerants in the wings, Pfizer to release the next disease with vaccines in the wings.

      • Maybe it is the same interested party. In different guises. I remember a day when I was young and a limo pulled up unannounced in front of my brand new lawyer’s office. The person. Very well dressed gave me a very interesting proposal. I ultimately said, NO. It stunk. I then ran in a few races for office and lost bigely. One local news orifice called me naive as I at the time, we are talking 30+ years talked about recycling. Now of course it is mandatory. A nephew a very smart guy spends hours trying to fit his garbage into the small can he is allowed to use. He lives in the San Francisco area. His house is 1/4 the size of mine and he paid 10 times as much for it. I told him he was an idiot. He agreed but his wife likes it. He could do what he does anywhere in the world.

    • allodial title

      If you do not have alloidial title do you really “own” that house or property

      What we have is Fee Simple title.

      The “Fee” refers to ‘fief’. We’re Serfs.

      Property taxes exist for the same reason zoning laws exist…because no matter what you ‘thought’ you owned, you don’t actually own anything!

      The term is “Alloidal Title”. It means that the owner of such title has first claim on ownership of that land preceding all other claimants.

      In the United States Alloidal Title is retained by the Government….

      in canada the crown…king charles the 3rd owns all the land, has allodial title.

      So you can forget all that “Here, Sir, the people rule” stuff. Furthermore of note, you might understand that this indicates the government is sovereign …and not the people, as widely proclaimed.

      So, what kind of title do you have in the United States or canada?

      With a few exceptions you have what is called “Fee Simple Title”.

      It means that the orignal owner, the sovereign, NOT YOU, may encumber your temporary possession of the land with any number of demands.

      The Sovereign may demand rent. The Sovereign may demand taxes. The Sovereign may restrict the use of the land to only a few (or a single) use. Or the Sovereign may demand military or domestic service such as a draft…or registration thereto…in return for tenancy.

      And the Sovereign may take back the land at any time (see Emminent Domain). In historical contexts Sovereigns have even demanded sexual services for themselves…and for their supporters, officers, and bureaucrats (see Prima Noctus).

      But what does the term “Fee Simple” mean?

      Well…and you probably won’t like this… the “Fee” part refers to the nature of the estate which holds the title. Fee refers to a feudal fief.

      The second part “Simple” refers to the type of ownership interest the estate holds: Simple or Simple Conditional.

      So, if this clashes with what you learned in school about the American Revolution, “Of, For, and By the People”, immigration for “Free Land”, “Popular Sovereignty” and all that… Perhaps you should challenge those beliefs. Alternatively…the government has some explaining to do.

      Regardless, in the Colonial period and until the 1840’s real property was held much as other property – and could easily be traded in its entirety free of traditional encumbrances. Since then? Yes…but, as noted, with encumbrances by the property’s “Ultimate” owner…which is not the person who purchased it.


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