Latest Radio: Bill Meyer Show 05/24/2023


Here’s the audio of this week’s Wheels up! segment with my friend Bill Meyer over at KMED FM in Oregon!


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  1. Here is another article worth reading and directly applicable to the EV crisis:

    “The real crime, if you want to call it that, isn’t that oil and gas companies questioned climate change theories back in the 1960s or ’70s. It’s that they’re accepting them now.

    Oil and gas companies today are not willing to challenge the climate crisis orthodoxy, or the myth of cost-effective renewables at scale. They aren’t willing to devote their substantial financial resources to debunking this agenda-driven madness that is on the verge of taking down our entire civilization. The fact that America’s oil and gas companies have adopted a strategy of appeasement is a crime against humanity.”

  2. Electric Vehicles Are Driven 30% Less Than Comparable Gas Cars, Tesla Leads the Way

    “According to iSeeCars, the average three-year-old electric car is driven 9,059 miles (14,579 km) per year compared to 12,758 miles (20,532 km) per year for a three-year-old combustion vehicle. This represents a 29% drop in the number of miles driven for a car roughly 47 percent more expensive than its ICE counterparts.”

    • Hi Jack,

      My friend Henry Payne – who is the cars columnist for the Detroit News – owns a Tesla and likes EVs but openly admits he also owns non-EVs because he needs to be able to get where he needs to be sometimes – without having to worry about stopping and waiting for a charge. He’s also affluent and so can afford to own multiple vehicles. But he’s also not a jerk – and understands that most people aren’t affluent and cannot afford EVs.


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