The Existential Threat of the Drive-Thru


It’s no wonder they’re coming after drive-thrus.

They are, apparently, the latest “threat” to the “climate” they have been telling us is “changing” in vague but alarming ways  . . . for the past 50 years.

Over those years, they have had to rebrand this always-imminent (but never-arriving) “change” several times, when it didn’t arrive as predicted or the predictions were so obviously wrong that they could no longer be mentioned without triggering snickers – among the intelligent, at least.

The ice age that they predicted was imminent – back in the ’70s – never materialized. So they rebranded that, Better-Call-Saul-style, to “global warming” and worked that angle for several decades until the obvious became undeniable and to continue to Al-Gore-it-up became embarrassing to almost everyone, except Al Gore.

But then they got smarter. Or rather, more cunning. They realized the trouble with making specifically alarming predictions: These could be pinned down. It was either cooling – or it wasn’t. It is warming – or it isn’t. But when the “climate” is constantly “changing”  . . . well, who can say? It might “change” this way or that way. Just the same as you might be “asymptomatically” sick and so had better wear that “mask.”

No one can accurately predict such “change” and if the predictions are inaccurate, well, the “climate” is “changing,” again. Alarmingly, they will insist. It is just around the corner!

And how do you prove it isn’t?

However it has been re-branded, the aim of these predictions has always been the same. That being the enserfment of the many for the benefit of the few. One of the ways this has elaborated is the decades’-long and piece-by-piece attack on private car ownership. They are now open about their end-goal.

So it’s not surprising to find one of their shills denouncing the drive-thru.

“Urban planners,” writes Nathaniel Meyersohn, “say the model is failing.” They are “Magnets of traffic and congestion” and “discourage walking, public transit use and visits to neighboring businesses. They also lead to accidents with pedestrians, cyclists and other cars, and contradict the environmental and livability goals of many communities.” 

How do “communities” – which are abstractions – have “environmental and livability goals”? The answer is they don’t. But “urban planners” do. And their plan is to guilt-trip Americans out of their cars and if that does not work, they will use every other means available to force them out of their cars – and into “walkable” urban hives, those “15 minute cities” you have probably already heard about. 

Dixon Dick

Meyersohn-Shill then quotes one of these planners, someone named David Dixon. He is an “urban places fellow,” whatever that is. And he says that drive-thrus are part of an “auto-centric world” and do not “support any of the life and vitality and amenities that suggest people might want to come live, work or play in a neighborhood.”

Suggest? Are people not free to live where they find the life agreeable – and move someplace else when it is not? The insufferableness of these “planners” is just exactly that. Their object is to thwart people’s plans – and replace them with their plans – and pretend they are doing them a service. It make a man want to reach for a hammer.

 And Meyesohn-Shill? He does not appreciate, apparently, the way his talking points contradict each other. If drive-thrus are so hateful, then why are they so popular? He admits that drive-thrus account for 70 percent of the burger buys at McDonald’s. The reason why is obvious: Drive-thrus save time and hassle. It is easier to spend five minutes in your car  at a drive-thru waiting for a burger than it is to park your car, go inside and wait for it and then return to your car.

The real problem – for the “urban planners” – is that drive-thrus are part of the old American system of not wasting time to get things done. Of convenience. And – specifically – they are a problem for electric cars and “electrification,” which entails wasting a lot of time. People are used to not waiting to get what they need to a great extent because of the drive-thru. To it being normal to not have to wait more than five minutes or so to get a burger and get back on the road.

This latter stands in glaring contrast to having to wait for half an hour or more to get a charge. More finely, it makes it appear jarringly ridiculous. A “new normal” that is profoundly abnormal and – of a piece with the recent bout of sickness psychosis – built upon a foundation of guilt-trip lies designed to make people feel bad if they question it.

Granny might die. The “climate” may “change.” 

Observe that – of a piece with the peak of the hysteria over the “virus” – the peddlers of “change” now style it a “crisis.” Probably because they sense that their alarmist predictions are beginning to wear thin, not unlike the “winter of death” that was certainly coming on account of the “unvaccinated.” When it did not come – and more to the point, when it became obvious to all but but the softest-headed that the “vaccines” were more likely to get you sick than prevent you getting (or spreading) sickness – it became much harder to guilt-trip people into rolling up their sleeves to prevent granny from dying.

Similarly, people are beginning to understand what “urban planners” are planning – and that there is no “climate crisis,” except insofar as the alarmist propaganda is trying to make people believe there is. They have heard endlessly about “greenhouse gasses” – but they are often surprised when they are told (never by the media) that carbon dioxide constitutes all of 0.04 percent the earth’s atmosphere and then begin to ponder on the likelihood of a 0.0-something fractional increase in that amounting to a “crisis.”

Kind of like the cases! the cases!

So this Meyersohn-Shill may find himself talking to the hand. Kind of like Dr. Fauci, for instance.

. . .

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  1. Here is an interesting fact I bet no one knows, when “global warming” was changed to “climate change”, the basis of CO2 driven warming did NOT change. The religionists must provide a definitive definition for climate change, that fossil fuel emissions are causal to changes to climate specifically global warming.

    So banning wood burning pizza ovens will do nothing based on their own definitions, because wood burning is NOT a fossil fuel. When wood burns or rots the BTUs released are exactly the same down to the last molecule. Forest fires burn billions of tons of wood every year and are natural, but they want to ban you burning a few sticks for pizza.

    For scientists involved in this debate and research, “climate change” still means global warming by CO2 increase. Of course increasing CO2 is NOT forcing temperatures up – temperature is NOT correlated to CO2 on any time scale. The “pause in temperatures” has been a hot topic of debate, the leading heretical website by Anthony Watts has hundreds of articles on “the pause” in temp:

    But for the scam to work and be palatable, the climate religionists cling to their dogma no matter how damning the data. They call nonbelievers heretics and denialists, just like religions do when you don’t believe unsupported claims. They also fudge the data to make it look like warming:

    Because science facts do not support their claims, the entire field of climatology is being attacked by these con artists. Most climatologists know the global warming is false, so these religionists then claim 97% of the scientists believe, but that was a fabricated creation in itself, they simple put scientist names on a list without their permission, and many were not even climatologists or even knew about it. Tony Heller details this at his site real climate science.

    Since temperatures are not following their alarmists claim, the computer models so NOT work, and all because THE BASIC PREMISE IS WRONG, CO2 does NOT force temperature. But what the hell, all those hundreds of modelers are making mucho shekels anyways.

    A climate heretic is any scientist or knowledgeable person who studies this topic and learns that CO2 vs temperature are not correlated, and that at no time in earth’s history has CO2 ever forced warming, and in fact in previous ice ages, hundreds of millions of years ago, CO2 was 10 times higher, and the ice age still lasted tens of millions of years.

    Al Gore, the high priest of the climate temple, has no science training and was the selected dupe to present a false notion that CO2 and temperature were correlated because he showed the two in his movie (the part where he goes up on the scissors lift):

    Al Gore gets it wrong in ‘Inconvenient Truth’ clip:

    An Inconvenient Truth (5/10) Movie CLIP – Drastic Rise in CO2 Concentration (2006) HD


    Al Gore will go down in history as one of the biggest dunces of all time, what he doesn’t know is that on that time scale, it is not clear which comes first, temperature or CO2. On smaller time scales, like from ice core data, temperature always leads CO2, see chart:

    And what Al Gore also got wrong, is that current CO2 levels are extremely low, on longer time scales, current CO2 levels are scraping the bottom of the barrel, so low that during glaciations plants stop growing.

    The bottom line is that our car culture is under attack by a ruthless force which lies, bribes, steals, outlaws. murders what they don’t like – which is you and your freedom, and they especially hate the personal automobile which gives you freedom of mobility.

    They want to take away your car and keep their jet.

  2. “Climate change”… no employment of the scientific method, no null hypothesis. Anything, everything, and nothing (i.e. stuff that doesn’t happen) can be blamed on it

  3. Eric,

    I believe that you’ve said that TPTB, the wealthy psychopaths who style themselves as “our betters”, are trying to eliminate private car ownership in an effort to restore the distinctions between wealthy people and the “commoners”. What I don’t get is WHY? Don’t they have enough distinctions of wealth as it is? Don’t they live in bigger, nicer houses, if not mansions? Do they not have multiple residences around the world? Don’t they drive nicer cars than we do? Don’t they drive Lambos, Ferraris, McLarens, et al, while we drive Nissans, Toyotas, and Fords? Finally, don’t they have luxurious private jets? Can’t they fly on their own aircraft, while merely chartering a jet is out of the question for most of us? Can’t they fly on fancy, private jets, while we have to suffer with groping TSA agents and a flying cattle car that does NOT operate on their schedule? IOW, even now, aren’t there more than enough distinctions of wealth even if we have our own cars? I’m sorry, but I just don’t get it…

    • Hi Mark,

      As regards the why: It took me a long time to understand. Orwell understood it. He helped me to. In 1984, Winston asks O’Brien – who is torturing him – why. He explains: For the sake of suffering; to cause pain. Power cannot be exercised or satiated – without suffering.

      This is a very hard – almost impossible – thing to truly understand. The sadism. Feeling good by making others feel bad. Most normal people cannot imagine it. I have probably been gazing too long at monsters, as Nietzche put it.

      But I do understand it.

      It is why I understand what the “masks” – and all the rest – were actually all about. I can see it as plainly as my hand in front of my face, God help me.

      • I think a lot of the desire for control also comes from the desire for total knowledge. There’s a fairly common belief amoungst the intelligentsia that eventually humans will know everything, and with knowledge comes foresight. For scientists of the 1950s, having watched theoretical physics correctly model atomic structure and create practical (and not so practical) uses for that knowledge, it was generally assumed the other sciences would follow, including psychology. In the science fiction series Foundation, Asimov called it psychohistory. Hari Seldon was able to predict the future using mathmatics computed on a small handheld calculator. It was very believeable because that was the culture of science at the time, and there’s still a very strong echo of that today.

        But people do random things that don’t fit into the model. Some guy in Dearborn comes out of left field and makes cheap automobiles. Two brothers from Dayton figure out powered flight. That’s no good, see. That smart guy that the Navy funded should have made the airplane work, not those two yahoos. The model reflected the world, now the model needs to be scrapped and started again. That’s no good. That destroys credibility. And they get the attention of the psychopaths in charge, who also view everything as an existential threat to them and their brood (they’re probably right too).

        There was a line in Frank Miller’s The Dark Knight Returns spoken by Bruce Wayne/Batman: “The world only makes sense when you force it to.” People who are obsessed with understanding everything need order. And I think it has a lot to do with how some creative types view the world too. The universe is chaos. The universe is uncaring. They create worlds where the end is known… and everyone knows it. The old crime drama where the writers work backwards from the solution. The good ones usually have a clever plot twist that the audience might not expect, but of course that’s part of their plan.

        • BTW this is also why they never shut up about the Apollo program (and NASA in general). A huge government bureaucracy actually accomplished the task they set out to do. It wasn’t some tinkerer in the garage.

          • Hmmm. The older I get the more doubts I have about manned moon landings. Not saying it didn’t happen, but I’ve sure noticed over the past few years that gubmint and the military industrial complex (along with the media and medical ind. complex) sure like to fake things.

      • As I’ve said before, the mostly sane mind simply cannot comprehend the mind of a socio/psychopath. One of, if not our most glaring weakness when it comes to facing them.

    • TPTB are not merely satisfied with us little people driving Toyota’s and getting assaulted by the TSA. No, the ultimate goal is for them to be able to shove our faces down in the dirt like the rabid, flea ridden dogs they believe we are, with their boot on the back of our necks (Orwell anyone?), to remind us that we do not deserve the once nice things we used to take for granted. Only THEY are allowed those luxuries. They will not be happy until we are all dead, and the sooner the better. The ones that will not go quietly they plan on making suffer, and most brutally as punishment for having the arrogance and audacity to fight back against them.

    • It is as another excellent blogger Les Visible often says, for the purposes of demonstration.

      Showing us the depths of their evil forces everyone to make a choice. Its some sort of cosmic bargain that I don’t yet fully understand. I do understand that TPTB have a terminal disease. That being, wanting. Always wanting, more and more, never satisfied with what they have. It eats at their soul that so many of us can find happiness in simple things, right before our eyes, while they struggle with the dark night of their souls every single night. It must be maddening to have everything (mostly) and still lack joy and peace. Its a karmic kick in the balls to them and they would rather burn down the world than live and let live.

  4. As an addendum to my last comment, an awesome guy i used to work with, one of my firefighters that was younger than me, said when he worked at Taco Bell as a youngster, they made the refried beans and ground taco meat in the store from scratch in big pots.

    He said subsequently Taco Bell went to centrally made beans and beef delivered to the stores in large plastic bags.

    A little fast food history. You have to question where your food (and fast food) comes from and how it is produced.

    My wife and I always ask the Lord to bless our food.

  5. Hi Eric- We have a new McDonalds and Taco Bell in Vail Arizona, a rural suburban community just outside the Tucson city limits. My wife loves the Big Mac but rations herself to once or twice a month.

    Regarding the drive through, quality varies, sometimes you get fresh food and not. I like to go into the store if possible, but then you have to do the computer kiosk ordering, but can inspect your food before leaving.

    You can request ordering fresh and wait from what I hear. Freshness on the Big Mac is usually good, but the fries vary.

    As far as Taco Bell, I was disappointed when I tried to order my all time favorite the Enchirito, but they had cancelled it two days prior. I rarely eat a Taco Bell any more but do love their taco supreme. Used to eat there all the time when I was working.

    The reason I don’t eat there much anymore is that I am the chef in our household and make not only top notch Mexican food but also excellent Chinese dishes. I do my enchiladas on oven proof plates in the oven just like the Mex restaurants do.

    Off topic, I saw a Rivian pick up truck in the Costco parking lot yesterday and talked to the owner. It’s an amazing piece of technology made in CA and he was justifiably proud of it. Good design with a front trunk, a midships pass through storage like an RV, a large bed and plenty of room in the cab. 4WD 800+HP.

    Awesome technology but it still doesn’t pencil out for 99 percent of the population and is not “sustainable” to use the left’s own word. I love the concept of solar as well, but it doesn’t make sense unless you have money to burn and/or you are off grid.

    Thanks Eric.

  6. Never mind that many restaurants (not just fast food) would not exist if it wasn’t for drive thrus. A friend had a coffee place that only existed because it had a drive thru. The profits from the drive thru actually subsidized the sit down portion. 75% of the biz was due to drivers. To be honest he should have just had a drive thru, One of his competitors only operates drive thrus.

    Even sit down restaurants are moving to drive thrus via carry out. It’s only a matter of time before they install fast food style lanes. To be honest I would rarely eat out in the winter if it wasn’t for drive thrus.

    You need a lot of foot traffic to replace a drive thru. 99.99% of the US doesn’t have that, even most of NYC doesn’t.

    In typical fashion government drones are going the opposite direction from the majority.

  7. Saint Greta: “A top climate scientist is warning that climate change will wipe out all of humanity unless we stop using fossil fuels over the next five years.”

    We have to be precise in our criticism. Thunberg did not predict that humanity would be wiped out in five years. She said, “…unless we stop using fossil fuels over the next five years.” So the five-year timeframe applies to the “stop using,” not to the “wiped out.”

    Don’t give these loonies ammunition by going off half-cocked on their nutty predictions.

    Btw, James G. Anderson, the “top climate scientist” in Thunberg’s tweet, claims that he never made that prediction. So there’s that.

  8. I imagine CNN’s web server uses more energy storing and distributing that story than a vehicle uses idling at a McDonalds drive thru window waiting for supper. Even more if the driver has ASS enabled.

    And I’m fairly certain the amount of energy consumed by Eric Dumbaugh in the authoring and publishing of his/thir research paper will never be offset by any ESG credits gained by firms implementing his ideas.

    But it gives us something to moan about on a day when no one in the US is working (even if they show up). I expect a lot of two hour lunch hours and meme sharing at the office today.

  9. In the future 15 min city/prisons, drive thru’s won’t be needed, it will be walking or biking only. Your food (bug protein) will be delivered daily by a drone from the government….if your social credit score isn’t too low.

    watch the video….15 min city prison camp future…..animation….the reality…..

  10. ““urban planners” == ‘Experts’ as in the fun scamdemic days.

    Follow the money. Too many making a killing off this scam. Look at all the installers that will be removing the gas stoves and installing the now very expensive electric junk. Same for those Smart Meters. How about solar panel installers? They’ll be without power like everyone else but right now… they’re making a killing! Americans aren’t smart enough to look long term.
    It’s akin to gun control. Everyone was against it until they made the FFLs the only way to ship. That was the last you heard from 99% of the FFLs. They’ll get rid of them too but doesn’t matter,,, they already made their money.

    They do that with everything. Taxes? Make businesses tax collectors. Allow them a portion of the collected via write offs etc. Digital currency,,, you can bet they’re making banks a deal they can’t refuse which is why banks are now a nasty bunch to deal with where customers are concerned.

    it’ll never end until we say ‘no’ loud in such a matter they cannot ignore. And voting for fatman or looney tunes isn’t gonna matter.

    • Urban planners take prime real estate and turn it into parks, remove lanes from high traffic roads for bicycles and dictate what gets built where for largely aesthetic reasons.

      Then after the changes are implemented never follow up to see if there was a true benefit.

      So we end up with homeless and drug users taking over the “public space,” cycling never catching on for reasons despite the half-assed infrastructure improvement, and ugly parts of town that flounder without any investment (and any attempts to improve them are deemed rassis or some other reason to drive out new money).

      • >remove lanes from high traffic roads for bicycles
        Destroy the highways. They will come.
        Guess what folks. Absent automobile traffic, businesses will be forced to attempt to survive, or fail, on whatever customers live within bicycling range. My guess is most will fail.

  11. “they rebranded that, Better-Call-Saul-style, to “global warming””

    Let’s go for full blown gloabal squat cobbler.

  12. The true “free market” is what got the automobile revolution started.
    Henry Ford’s brilliant tactic of paying his employees a well above average wage and the economies of scale in production made it possible for Ford to realize his dream “that ever man should be able to afford a car” and the creation of the middle class. Prices for automobiles kept dropping, making the automobile something that could be afforded by the “common man”, previously being “playthings for the rich”.
    The automobile has done more for upward mobility and expansion of the middle class than just about any other item.
    The ability to go where one wants when one wants without being tied to a bus or train schedule is a level of freedom that urban planners and environmentalists cannot stand.
    The Europeans can p!ss and moan all they want about their love of mass transit, but most AMERICANS “ain’t buying it”.
    As an aside, mass transit works in Europe as their cities are much older and have streets that were created for horses and oxcarts, not automobiles.
    Keep in mind that Ford KNEW who the “problem creators” were (and still are) and wrote extensively about (((them))).

  13. That Dixon dude is one beady eyed prick if there ever was one.

    “Urban Planners” of a species that filled The Fountainhead; grifters and con men all using guilt to shame people into submission.

  14. So…I have a question. Gates, Xiden and their cronies want to block out the sun to stop glo-bull warming. However, for years they were screaming that glo-bull warming was man made. If it is man made, how is blocking the sun gonna stop it ?? Seems they just admitted that solar cycles control the climate…foot meet mouth.

    • Luke Iseman of Make Sunsets will be one of their puppets in this horror show. Blocking out the sun, in any manner, even the suggestion of it should be met with extreme backlash. The people suggesting it are the type that would kill millions then say ‘Oh sorry, we thought it was a good idea, we meant well.’ Then expect a pass as their crimes go unpunished.

      Its time to reclaim reality in the name of Science. No more $cience, its bad for humans, and the planet. If these psychopathic narcissists wanted to help they could do a few simple things that would greatly benefit the ‘planet’ First off, rebuilding soils. Its easy to do and requires little work. Composting is hugely beneficial as my tomatoes and corn will attest. Second planting trees, so simple even the dumbest caveman or leftist virtue signaler can do it.

      There is no climate crisis as they want us to believe. The sun comes up and the sun goes down, helps us all as it moves around. It cares not what we do, or what we say, life here will continue for another day, regardless of what the marxists have to say.

  15. ‘Drive-thrus are part of the old American system of not wasting time to get things done. Of convenience.’ — eric

    From byzantine income tax forms, to molasses-slow permit applications, to queueing up for the TSA’s Stasi guards at airports, ‘convenience’ does not form part of the government’s repertoire.

    Have you ever seen a drive-thru DMV office? Ha ha ha ha. It is to laugh, comrade.

  16. ‘Meyersohn-Shill then quotes one of these planners, someone named David Dixon Dick. He is an “urban places fellow,” whatever that is.’ — eric

    As a tenured Rural Places Fellow at Whatsamatta U., I ask: who is Nate Meyersohn-Shill to lecture us about the supposed evils of drive-thrus?

    According to his CNN bio, ‘He graduated from Emory University in Atlanta with a degree in Southern History.’ This is troubling in multiple respects.

    We didn’t have degrees in Southern History at my southern alma mater. But any student with a lick of sense understood that pickups and muscle cars are right up there with huntin’ dogs and barbeque in the eyes of the Deity. It was a unanimous cultural consensus.

    Whut kind of ‘Southern History’ did Meyersohn-Shill learn at Emory? Did his professor have a PhD from CUNY (Communist University of New York)? Were the history students required to attend struggle sessions, screaming and shaking their fists at the ghost of ol’ Lester Maddox? Did a portrait of gaunt-faced Ape Lincoln stare balefully from the classroom wall?

    I’ll conclude with an issue thoughtfully posed by the intellectual giant George W Bush during his presidency: ‘Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?

    • >degree in Southern History.
      Which makes him *eminently* qualified to discuss urban planning, ¿Qué no?

      News flash to Mr. Meyersohn:
      The vast majority of the U.S. is *not* New York City, which I am guessing was Mr. Meyersohn’s childhood stomping ground. A close friend in college grew up in Manhattan, where his quite prosperous family did not own an automobile, because it made no sense in that environment. Lew took driver’s ed at age 21, after graduation from university. He joked about being “back in 9th grade again.”

      For the rest of us, prohibiting drive thrus will require the construction of larger parking lots at fast food restaurants. People will be “forced out of their cars,” all right, and the automobile queue for a parking space will stretch around the block. The Commie solution to this will likely run to limiting the number of customers a fast food joint can serve per hour.

      Based on my experience, breakfast is a large part of a fast food restaurant’s business. People on their way to work have no time to f*ck around, unless, of course, they have an EEEVee to charge. Maybe time to bring back the Drive *In,* which preceded the drive thru, complete with car hops on roller skates and food trays which clipped to the car window sills.

      Shades of he 1950’s. 🙂

      Unfortunately, the Day family museum is no longer open to the general public, as it was B.C. (Before Covid), but if you are ever in Corona, I heartily recommend Burger Basket on W. 6th St. east of Lincoln Ave., for their legendary breakfast burritos. The drive thru is busy, but the line moves very quickly, and I have *never* seen the queue backed up onto 6th St.

  17. The Texas Supreme Court finally decided where the authority lies to issue mask orders in the state.


    BTW, for those of you not familiar with media in this state, The Texas Tribune is not the paper of record in Austin or even a real newspaper. It is a media think tank funded by tech money.

    Unfortunately, the fact was not easily availailable without a paywall or the Tribune’s commentary.

    • Hi Roscoe,

      I got just one paragraph in before I found the following – in a “news” story:

      “As a contagious form of the virus raged in summer 2021 and threatened to push hospitals to the brink of their capacity limits . . .”

      Italics added.

      “Threatened”? Says who? The same hysterics who screeched about “the cases! the cases!” Screeching does not make something factual.

      Whoever wrote this would never have gotten a job as a cub reporter at a third-rate local paper 50 years ago.

      • Hi Eric,
        What a load of BS, right?
        I remember your posts from back then about how the hospital in Roanoke was practically empty, no bodies stacked up, etc. My wife had a bad fall during that time and I had to take her to the ER at a local hospital and it was the same thing. Like an episode from the “Twilight Zone”, the place was deserted, just a bunch of security guards hanging around to make sure I didn’t wander off out of their sight.

      • Eric, I volunteered taking a cancer patient to an alternative treatment center every week to month throughout 2020 and 2021 and we were monitoring the goings on in the “pandemic”. I was on high vitamin C and the same vitamin/mineral supplementation as the patients had as a precaution against cancer starting in April 2020.

        In my June 2020 follow up appointment, as soon as the door to the office closed, the conversation started with “Can we talk, take that mask off, that is only for the low dose chemo patients to see”. The Covid narrative was a joke, but it continued to live on in the media.

    • The only thing they did was give the Governor the “legal authority”. Gee, they found ‘covid’ it the sewer. Maybe the governor can make you take samples and walk them to the depository in your 15 minute city. Or worse, forbid you of your bathroom privileges to protect Grandma! Don’t laugh,,, many Mericanos would try to comply.

  18. Hi Horst,

    I can’t help but wonder if that “Climate scientist” Greta Thunberg cited works for Klaus Schwab, or if he was using the same faulty model that Neal Ferguson was using to predict MILLIONS of COVID deaths in the U.S. & UK if we didn’t “Lockdown the entire population”.

    • Hi John,

      It’s a barometer of our times that a child with a mental illness that causes her to be anxious to the point of hysterics is considered someone whose views on serious matters ought to be taken seriously. I feel bad for Greta. I feel disgust for her parents.

      • Eric,

        Yes, the way Greta Thunberg has been used by someone, be it her parents, the WEF, or someone else to get anxious about climate change & gin up hysteria about it is disgusting. Perhaps more so than the way an 80 year old man (who should be in a rest home instead of the White House) who thinks he’s President is being used by whoever is REALLY running the Biden regime.

        • I have to disagree with you there.

          If you were to ask Biden who the President was, he’d probably say Jerry Ford.

  19. 5 years ago in June, Greta Thunberg posted a tweet saying something to the effect of the planet was going to DIE if we didn’t stop the use of fossil fuels over the next 5 years. Exactly 5 years after that tweet was posted, we’re using fossil fuels more than ever, and the planet’s still here. However, the WEF types, along with the Biden Thing and his Climate Czar, are openly trying to BAN the use of gas for the masses for the sake of implementing a very expensive, insane, anti-human climate change agenda.

    • Oops, the tweet said humanity would DIE if we didn’t stop using fossil fuels. 5 years later, humanity is still here.

      • Hi John,
        Humanity just might die, or a large portion of it, if these psychos succeed in banning “fossil fuels”, especially natural gas. To misquote the NRA, they’re going to have to pry my gas stove and furnace from my cold, dead hands, as I will freeze to death without them.

      • Hmm, and didn’t Al Gore predict years ago that the coast lines of the United States would be underwater by the year 2000? Whoops, guess that prediction did not pan out too well. And it must not be too big a concern if Barack and Big Mike are buying beach front property.

  20. Might I be so bold to suggest using one of the smaller Hawaiian islands; say Niihau and relocating all these experts that bedevil us and let them create their own utopia? The Cajun Navy could provide border security for their paradise with PT boats blocking exit but allowing for entrance only. As they are all experts they will be able to live sustainably without imports of food or goods. I feel this should work out for the best of all parties concerned.

    PS- Lord of the flies? Nah.

    • Hi Landru,
      I’ve always thought that would be a great solution, round up all the self-appointed “experts” and but them on an island somewhere. Make it like a roach motel so they can check in but can’t check out 😆. Maybe set up cameras and make it pay-per-view to watch them try to boss each other around.

  21. The climate alarmists have never been right. None of their predictions of disaster over the last 50 years have come true. NONE! If they had we would all be dead by now.
    Now that it’s been shown they don’t know anything about it, they propose to block the Sun, to keep the planet cool. Not knowing what the result of that might be. Pretending you are a God does not make you one.

    • Meanwhile, the Psychopaths In Charge demonstrate they don’t believe it either, as they continue to buy beach front property.

      • Not only do these psychopaths buy beach front property, they continue to fly around in private jets to their elitist meetings in Davos, which likely create far larger “Carbon footprints” than an ordinary gas vehicle. But they want “Carbon footprint trackers for thee, not for me.”

      • That’s precisely why they believe. They have investments to protect. If the snow don’t fall in Aspen their chalets slide downhill. If Miami floods six months out of the year, their beach condo will be financially under water.

        Gates ran out of high quality investment property so he just bought up all Ted Turner’s land in Montana. Turned out to get him a pretty good return so he just kept buying. And Uncle Joe helps out by shutting out access to public land. Private landholders with mineral rights are cleaning up with well pads and lithium mining.


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