The $70k Jeep


Before Jeep goes electric, Jeep buyers will have one final chance to buy something better – assuming they can afford to.

Not many will be able to.

Jeep is only going to build 1,000 2024 Far Out Gladiators powered by the 3.0 liter diesel V6 that enables this 4,650 pound 4×4 to travel more than 500 miles on 22 gallons of fuel – because it could travel close to 30 miles on a gallon of gas. These aptly named Far Out Edition Gladiators will stickler for . . . $71,790. That’s just shy of twice what it cost to buy a Gladiator Sport ($43,180) with this engine in 2022.

And that’s a measure of what the government’s push – more like a shove – into electric vehicles will cost us.

Diesels have been the focus of special attention because they focus unwanted attention on the idiocy (and evil) of “electrification.” It is why VW was treated as if it had actually hurt people by selling low-cost, high-efficiency diesel-powered Jettas, Golfs and Beetles. The real hurt was the availability of such cars, which could be bought for about half what it costs to buy a typical new EV and which travelled three times as far (these cars came standard with 600-plus miles of range vs. the typical 240-270 that comes standard in most EVs priced under $50k today).

If VW were still selling such vehicles today, what would the effect of that be on EV sales?

The psychological effect would surely be significant. It would be similar to the effect of the sight of perfectly healthy people walking around showing their faces – and not keeling over from sickness – during the “pandemic.” The contrast would have upset the narrative. And that is why it was not enough to suggest or encourage the populace to “mask.” It was essential to try to force everyone to “mask.”

That normalized the pathology of “masking.”

Similarly, by forcing low-cost, high-mileage and very long-range diesel-powered vehicles off the market, it is easier to force EVs onto the market.

This same purpose is furthered by making the few diesel-powered vehicles that remain – models like the Far Out Gladiator – as or even more expensive than EVs. That way, they won’t be missed when they are gone by those who couldn’t afford them.

Just the same as regards the Last Call iterations of the Dodge Challenger powered by the 6.2 liter supercharged V8. It does not travel even half as far as the diesel-powered Far Out Gladiator, despite being a car and weighing 1,000 pounds less. But it still goes about as far as most $50k electric cars – including the “economical” ones – and it isn’t tethered to a cord, as they are. Its appeal is therefore problematic and so its price has been adjusted – via impending forced scarcity – to make the problem go away. What you used to be able to buy for around $60k (around $40k, with just the V8, sans the supercharger) now costs almost $100k and you soon won’t be able to buy it (new) at any price.

Because they can’t allow it.

They know that, so long as alternatives – and contrasts – exist, it will be much harder for them to get people to forget what’s been taken away from them and to accept what’s being forced upon them. It is the same with regard to the Central Bank Digital Currency – and so-called “cashless” transactions, the latter already being soft-imposed by requiring people to use their phones to pay at high school football games and so on. As with “masking,” the purpose is habituating. Get people used to this – and they will forget how it used to be. Another example of that being the way a whole generation of Americans – those born after the acronoymonic  “emergency” day or who were too young to remember what it was like before that day have grown up accustomed to having their persons violated and their effects rummaged through by government cretins without even the pretense of individual suspicion to warrant it.

For them, it’s “normal.”

It is the way it has always been. And this is literally true, for them. When those of us who are old enough to remember when it wasn’t true are gone – or silenced – then it will be as if it had always been this way. For there will no longer be anything that was to compared with what is. Orwell wrote a whole book about this. It’s a shame it’s not read much anymore.

In another 20 years, cars that one could buy for $25k that could go 700 miles (and 4,500 pound 4×4 SUVs that could for more than 500) will be as forgotten as being able to pay cash for an airplane ticket and board at the last minute, without anyone attempting to place their hands on your private parts. Or being able to buy anything – without the government knowing you did and without its prior permission.

America. It was nice while it lasted.

. . .

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  1. I have a new 2023 Gladiator diesel and really like it. For those who are wondering, the $71k price for this special model is basically the same as if you ordered a regular one with the same options. Best I can tell, if that price is accurate, it probably adds less than $1k to the total price.

    The diesel option is around a $7k add on by itself, as it requires/includes a slightly different 8-speed automatic transmission option which is extra cost.

    Yes, it can get >27mpg on long interstate trips. I drove from Maine to Arkansas in June and consistently got 27-30mpg on the interstate at or over the speed limit. Its fuel tank is a little smaller than the gas model because the DEF tank takes away about 2 gallons of volume. I have to refill the DEF about every 5k miles. Around town, I tend to get about 21-23mpg. All of this is with the Rubicon trim on factory 33” tires.

    Currently it is the only mid-size pickup with a diesel option. The Colorado/Canyon used to offer one but not for a while and the new model has turbo 4 cylinders in them that create similar torque numbers to a diesel.

    The Jeep diesel is a Fiat motor manufactured by VM Motori. I believe it was originally a marine engine that has been put in undress of thousands of road vehicles in Europe. The DEF and DPF mandates came out after this design was first made, so are add ons and hurt reliability and fuel economy.

    Reliability of the engine is not in the same class as a Toyota gas engine, but it’s about average for a European diesel, not great but not bad. They’ve had overheating issues in Gladiators and Wranglers due to manufacturing variances and the small grill and engine bay in Jeeps so the gas V6 is rated to tow 1k lbs more than the diesel even though the diesel tows better.

    $70k is a lot for a midsize pickup, but look at any pickup these days and they’re all $10-$15k more than they were just before the pandemic and are on record pace of price increases. In short, they all cost too much, and this is no different.

    On the other hand, how much would you pay if it was going to be the last non-hybrid or non-EV pickup you would ever be able to buy new?

    Among Jeep products, the Wrangler and Gladiator are their most reliable models. In fact, they seem to be the most reliable vehicles made by Stellantis in the US, with the possible exception of the heavy duty Ram pickups. As emissions requirements and safety requirements add complexity, reliability will suffer. These have the advantage of being relatively simple machines, by today’s standards anyway, and mostly could be fixed in your driveway. The diesel’s emissions add ons hamstring this a lot, though.

  2. Zero Hedge has an article up today talking about the saturation effect of CO2, and provide a graph in 50 ppm increments (and no this is not a charting trick):×3491.jpg?itok=EHdtfisq

    And since we are in a new period of solar remission and entering a new little ice age, temps will drop even though CO2 is going up. In this next chart we see the temperature profile during the Holocene (the current interglacial) and note that a break in temps below the Little Ice Age lows will confirm that earth is going back into glaciation soon:

    Technically speaking, the new ice age started 8,000 years ago after the Climatic Optimum temp peak:

    The Klimate Katastrophe Kult and the Judenpresse is dead wrong about CO2 and runaway warming, earth will continue to cool as ice age progression follows it’s normal path. If you believe CO2 can cause runaway warming you are wrong and do not understand what is really happening.

    • That chart is somewhat deceptive, but less deceptive than a char that shows 20ppm increments.

      With 50ppm increments, it takes only two increments for CO2 to double from 100ppm to 200ppm. But eight 50ppm increments are needed to double from 400ppm to 800ppm. Each increment looks small on a chart but what counts is the total change as CO2 doubles. That is hard to visualize with the chart. So, in mhy opinion, it is a dishonest chart of a very important subject.

      Not shown is that the small amount of warming from CO2 alone is at least e, doubled by a positive feedback from water vapor. A warmer troposphere, from any cause, holds more water vapor, which is a strong greenhouse gas, that causes more warming in addition to the warming from CO2.

      At the link below is a more honest chart view of the important logarithmic effect of CO2:


      Our planet is currently in an ice age, that started 2.5 million years ago, not 8,000 years ago. The last ice age hasn’t ended yet! Scientists call this ice age the Pleistocene Ice Age. It has been going on since about 2.5 million years ago (and some think that it’s actually part of an even longer ice age that started as many as 40 million years ago).

      There is no evidence of Earth going back to more glaciation soon. And we are not in a new period of solar remission, based on top of the atmosphere satellite measurements of incoming solar energy, which has barely changed in the past 50 years, … In fact, the UAH satellite global average temperature for July 2023 set a post-1979 record high average temperature for one month. There is no climate proxy reconstruction evidence of any warmer month than July 2023 in at least 5,000 years.

      When we try to refute false claims of a coming CO2 climate catastrophe, which have been wrong since 1979, it helps to be accurate about what is known about climate science.

  3. US Steel stock is going to plaid!

    Cleveland-Cliffs is a steel manufacturing corporation that supplies automotive steel to the industry. US Steel rejected an offer of 35 USD per share of US Steel (X), Esmark is a steel producer and matched the offer today.

    US Steel was 22.72 per share this morning, at close, US Steel is priced at 31.08 per share. Most likely going to 35 USD per share and maybe even higher.

    Shares traded daily is normal just under 7 million shares for US Steel. Over 112 million shares traded today. It is a bidding war on the options board, US Steel is probably buying shares to stave off Cleveland-Cliffs from attempting a hostile takeover by buying all the shares they can on the open exchange. Might as well pay 31 dollars if you think it is worth 35 dollars. Cleveland-Cliffs obviously thinks it is.

    Esmark must be thinking the same.

    The race is on.

  4. Friend of mine has an early-Fifties Jeep he calls Chilly Willy. Can’t even make 60 mph going uphill on its anemic little four. But it’s beautiful because it’s simple. It’s his daily driver now, since the 8-speed automatic in his Dodge Ram shit the bed at 70K miles.

    But like the fat-assed 2nd-gen VW Beetle, Jeep’s square-edged, unaerodynamic shape with crude exterior hinges has been carried on about half a century too long.

    That thing is butt-ugly. My first, impulsive urge is to take a sledgehammer to it. Paying $72K for it is a joke. I formerly owned a Jeep Grand Cherokee, and was not impressed by its mediocre quality and many cheap/chickenshit little parts that failed. Who needs that crap?

    • RE: “a Jeep Grand Cherokee”

      But, it was like, “4×4 of the year”, in some magazine I read before the Internet ever was!

      “and many cheap/chickenshit little parts that failed”

      That was my uncle’s experience, as well.

      I forget the worst he mentioned, but my memory linked it to when I was driving a ’67 Belvedere at an intersection and I went to turn left, the steering wheel spun, yet I kept going straight! Fun times.

    • I personally love the looks of the gladiator as well as the Wrangler ultimate. But there is no way in hell I will ever pay for one. My experience is that Jeep folks are fanatics and even really crapped out old CJ’s are usually way overpriced. I have had a lot of fun with a few cheap exceptions I’ve found over the years. The quality is definitely from crappy to meh.

  5. I’ve always heard that the reason for diesels in Jeeps was that they could rev way down for rock climbing. Seems like most CJs are already pretty slow, I guess the idea is that they won’t lug as easily? Fuel economy didn’t really figure into it since the gearing is so low to begin with.

  6. Is the V6 a Fiat diesel engine?

    If so, that Jeep will have to be a pampered garage queen on the level of my neighbor’s Bronco, which only rolls out of the throne room on nice afternoons and then only for the duration of daylight hours.

    The Bronco disappeared for about a week back near the beginning of Summer. I assume the vehicle went in for one of the recall issues.

    • Roscoe:
      Most Jeeps are garage queens especially the $70k vareuty the 3.0 is made by VM motori which has been making diesel engines since the late 40’s they’ve had a lot of buyouts including GM, Detroit diesel, and I believe FIAT Chrysler. I have a ram 1500 with the same engine (1st gen, supposed to be the most problematic) it’s been nothing but solid at 170k miles and you’ll see these trucks with 250-300k so apparently longevity isn’t the issue a lot of people thought it would be

      • RE: “Most Jeeps are garage queens”

        Seems that way here. I see all kinds of vehicles pulling trailers, so far, never once saw a Jeep pulling a trailer (other than a 70’s Army Jeep).

        Now that I think of it, I’ve yet to see a totally mud covered one,… or even one with a fine coating of gravel road dust. …They are always spiffy clean.

  7. 70 grand for a new Jeep Far Out Gladiator will be auctioned at a Barrett-Jackson show, then to be parked in some fat cat’s giant garage along with another 50 collectible cars.

    There are VW diesel engines for sale on the internets for not a lot of money, some new. All sorts of reasons to buy one. Match the year and model, drop a diesel VW engine in the vehicle of your choice providing it is a VW brand and the correct year model. One can go in the old spray coop.

    A couple of grand, they’re out there, buy one on Ebay.

    A rebuilt engine compared to a re-manufactured engine is the rebuilt engine is in the image of the Frankenstein monster, cartoon drawing, on the other side of the poster, an image of the real re-manufactured engine for the real deal for what you pay for.

  8. I basically say this all the time, minus the whole 70k Jeep, as thats recent

    Without the Limp Wristed Queen (Barry) and his regime, had “Dieselgate” happened under Orange man, probably be a fine at worst instead of crucifixion, and the EV crap woulda died before it got started.

    One can only hope the next repube regime changes course with all this, tired of EV’s and limp wristed soy drinking commies shoving it down our throats like it’s June

  9. HAHAhaha! $70K for a vehicle made by a brand which currently occupies the lowest position on the scale of reliability among American vehicles…….AND whose past diesels, used in the Jeep Li-abilities…err…uhh…Li-bertys were such pieces of absolute crap that they’d commonly blow with <50K miles on them….

    With the fiascos that so many ICE vehicles have become lately, it is no wonder that EVs look attractive to the average Aiden (That is probably by design- via CAFE, NHTSA, DOT, EPA, URGAY[:D], etc.).

    $70K…and Jeep/Chruddler gaining a nasty reputation lately for not standing behind their warranties……

    It really makes one commiserate with the young'uns who have no interest in cars these days….

  10. This reminds me of the “VCR wars” of the mid 1970s and 1980s. Sony’s Betamax and JVC’s VHS systems competed against each other. Sony’s Betamax was technically superior but initially did not offer extended recording times, unlike JVC’s VHS which did offer extended recording times. Although the Sony system had superior video quality it eventually succumbed to VHS which won the “VCR wars”.
    We are at the same point where government is pushing inferior electric cars while demonizing diesel cars which are far more efficient. It’s not the “market” pushing these inferior EVs.

  11. I’m not really a jeep guy, but I will say the 3.0 ecodiesel delivers as advertised. A great engine option for those that are into jeeps. MPGs are nice when you’re on a long grip and if you’re pulling something it pulls better than gassers with higher HP/TQ ratings. The DEF system is a minus but I just turned 170,000 on my RAM 1500 ecodiesel and no major issues at all in spite of the horror stories in the forums.
    If emission controls ever become an issue there’s a slight chance parts could inadvertently fall off which would require an ECM tune but that’s not happened yet so we’re all good.

  12. The last picture illustrates today’s america. Tyranny carrying the flag and while the symbol has changed the arm band is still there. The only thing missing is the millions cheering it on.

  13. My understanding is that diesel MPG and gasoline MPG are not the same in that e-10 gasoline tends to have only about 88% of the energy of a gallon of diesel. Using this math, 30 MPG diesel would equate to 26.4 MPG with e-10 gasoline. I think the pump prices tend to reflect this equation too.

    • That’s correct. However most of the difference in price is due to “equalization” of fuel taxes to account for the greater energy density of diesel. Before dieselgate in Colorado the price of diesel had more to do with seasonal demand and anti-gel additives than anything. In wintertime, diesel fuel is in competition with home heating oil which is basically the same stuff, and the necessity for additives adds cost as well. In summertime it was fairly common to see diesel selling for less than 87 octaine gasoline. There’s also the problem with ultra-low sulphur diesel (ULSD), which allegedly was pushed through by VW because the bunker fuel US refiners put out would have fouled the TDI’s high pressure injectors, but I don’t know about that.

      I think once politicans caught on to the “unfairness” of diesels enjoying a benefit they brought the taxes into alignment (and went too far of course). Good news if you’re getting a CDOT pension, not so much if you get products delivered by tractor trailer…

  14. “Jeep is only going to build 1,000 2024 Far Out Gladiators”

    Wish i could get those 1000 buyer’s names, and their addresses, so I could sell one of them my 25% share of the Brooklyn Bridge.

    Jeep has some serious reliability and dependability problems per J. D. Powers surveys. Jeep engineers ought to work on those problems before wasting time on a 1000 vehicle special program. An old engineer’s rule of thumb is to NOT buy a new vehicle design in the first few months after launch, while reliability problems are being discovered and solved. I wouldn’t want to buy any of the first 1000 of any new model. Add the insulting $70,000 price tag. And a vehicle that is ugly, in my opinion.

    I used to think the main goal of an auto manufacturer was to design vehicles that a LOT of people wanted to buy, sold at competitive prices, with auto CEOs who battled every proposed new government regulation their customers did not want to pay for. I guess that was the good old days?

  15. The biggest scandal in the world today is that people are too dumb to see all that you have written about – on the street most people will agree with how important it is to move to electric cars to save the planet 😛

    • RE: “…on the street most people will agree with how important it is to move to electric cars to save the planet”

      I suppose that depends upon which streets you’re on.
      I cannot imagine the singer in this video being one of them, nor can I imagine the millions of people who listened to that song being one of them.

      I don’t live on a street, I live off the side of a rural highway, based upon the types of vehicles which drive by; farm trucks & tractors, utv’s, even the guys who seem like they’re in a corvette club and bunch up together for a ride on nice days,… I cannot imagine any of them thinking that way either.

      I can imagine all of the above in the millions, everywhere.

      …There’s that.

      • Helot, your prob right – but how many are there on your street ! And you know how “democracy” works – ie the two wolfs and a sheep voting on dinner…

        • From a bit detailing how modern democracy works:

          … “It’s very worrying to see Karen in such a state of distress. I think many of us are experiencing a low grade version of what she’s going through because it is true that once these Globalists kill off her and others in the truth movement, the goal is to finish the rest of us off with nanotechnology bioweapons – or whatever it takes – and you can see that they are not stopping, so we have to stop them – peacefully.”

        • Then there’s this viewpoint:

          ‘It’s Inevitable: American Patriots Need Guns Because A War Is Coming’

          …”We came within a razor’s edge of war during the covid mandates. If Biden had got what he wanted with his vaccine passport executive order, the country would have erupted into conflict. Many Americans have no clue how close we were. […]

          One can easily see where this is going. The establishment will try to use force to make us submit to their system and we will not let them. That’s when the shooting starts. If we consider the problem from this perspective it makes perfect sense that these people are rabidly chasing after gun bans today. They know a war is about to happen because they know they are about to start one.”…

          • Rino Gov of Tennessee is calling for a special session in a week to create a red flag law. Everyone should see all the medical afflictions that can allow them to take your weapons. All’s quiet on the media front. There should be riots but nay,,, no riots. Even Catherine Austin Fitts brags on the government of Tennessee.
            Here in Floriduh we have our own little Red flag law. So think about that while mulling over DeSantes for El Presidente. And Hey,,, Trumps ” Take guns first then worry about due process”. RFK from what I gather is anti gun.
            And they all are competing for the best president for Israel ever contest.

            Some things never change.

            • Exactly, Ken. The idea that the people who have gleefully not only tolerated the slavery of income tax and The Draft, and every other tyranny to the point where every aspect of huiman interaction has become minutely controlled by tyrants, is suddenly going to stand up and say “Now this is too much!” and do something about it, is tantamount to Q-anon fairy tales. Quite the contrary- they will egg it on and be complicit with it- gladly tattling on their neighbors when they so much as take an aspirin.

              • RE: “the people who have gleefully not only tolerated the slavery of income tax and The Draft, and every other tyranny to the point where every aspect of huiman interaction has become minutely controlled by tyrants, is suddenly going to…”

                Those are the followers, the obeyers, perhaps there’s a bigger gaggle of individuals out there who are not going to, ‘go along, to get along’? Idk.

                For evidence, consider what Eric and others say about how ‘The Plan’ of The Plandemic was to get The Shot in every arm & setup a worldwide vaxx passport system… things didn’t go as planned.
                Do you think it’s because The Power Elite just didn’t want to follow through with their scheme because they are just plain lazy? Or, was there some other reason?

                Like say, pushback by enough individuals?

                I got no answers, I just know there’s a reason there’s still horse races.

            • Ken,

              David Knight talked about that today, i.e. the special session. He said that there’d been such blowback that the red flag bill won’t be brought up. There’s still the proposed toll roads though, which TN doesn’t have at present.

            • I have heard of the Demon-Rats in Congress wanting to bring about a national Red Flag law. That would affect states like mine who (thankfully) do not have one. There was absolutely no push back to the jabs, there seems to be no push back against the EV’s, I almost have little faith there will be push back against Red Flag laws with as many sheep as there are in the country. But I hope I am wrong.

    • People tend to believe what scientists and doctors say.
      That’s why leftists use scientists and doctors to spread their myths.

      Climate: 59% of scientists (2022 poll) claim CO2 emissions are dangerous.
      They get 99.9% of mass media attention

      Covid: A large percentage of doctors say Covid shots are safe and effective
      They get 99.9% of mass media attention.

      Most post-2020 mask “studies” say masks are slightly effective, although often not statistically significant. Few people know what statistically significant means, but they trust the medical “experts”. The post 2020 mask studies, some already proven fraudulent, get 99.9% of mass media attention.

      It is never reported in the mass media that not one pre-2020 mask study found masks to be effective against respiratory diseases. And they were all studies using N95 masks.

      Get highly educated “experts” to spout BS, and many people become believers.
      Throw in the results of a computer model and most people are really impressed.

      Don’t people realize a computer model predicts whatever it is programmed to predict? No, they do not.

      Don’t people realize how rarely long term predictions are correct?
      No, they do not.

      Do people realize climate change doom has been predicted every year since 1979? No, they do not.

      People tend to believe what they are told to believe. Especially when told by people with advanced science or medicine degrees. For leftists, a person with an advanced science or medicine degree, who is also working for the government, is like a god.

      • Richard, I would argue that they think they ARE a God. There’s so much religious overtones in all this male bovine excrement.

        • We’re all just playing Zork. Or Oregon Trail…

          “You have died from suddenly”

          There’s an entire generation who get to decide if they’re a boy or girl, mostly because they’ve been choosing characters to play in games, comic and renaissance fiares, and LARPs. It’s so much fun to play a superhero at comicon, why not dress up all the time?

          And game programmers are happy to oblige these “little indulgences.” Go ahead and add fox tail and ears to your Insta pics and TikToks, it’s just fun. Until you get more likes as a furry than a human, then it becomes a way of life.

          Once everyone gets tired of you new persona and the likes fade, well then it is time to try on something new. Maybe if he becomes a she she’ll get back the attention she lost from mommy and daddy after he stopped being a cute teenager and had to deal with real life. Hope the folks didn’t want grandkids, because there’s no save points on the operating table.


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