Diaper Report: 08/27/2023


It’s beginning – again. A school district in Kentucky – and another one, in Texas – have shut down on account of the cases! the cases! 

A “surge” of them, says Scott Lockard, who is the public health director – i.e., a gesundheitsfuhrer – for the Kentucky River District. “We’re seeing a lot of illness being reported consistent with COVID and influenza.”

Italics added.

Because the flu is now the ‘Rona – or might as well be. How long before it’s the sniffles?

Stay home when you’re sick,” Lockard says. “Previously it was a seen as a badge of courage” to not act is if you had the plague. “We don’t want to see that. We want, ‘I had symptoms, so I stayed home because I’m considerate.’ “

Or neurotic.

In South Texas, the Runge Independent School District cited a similar “surge” in “cases” that warranted a shutdown that began last week and would run through at least this coming Tuesday (August 29).

How big was the “surge”? How’s a 4.2 percent “positivity rate” strike you? Keeping in mind that “positivity” does not necessarily equate with the sniffles. As before, all it means is that a test now widely admitted to be as reliable as an ’87 Yugo with 150,000 miles on it (assuming it got that far).

Speaking of the sniffles . . .  .

One of the Gesundheithsfuhrers in Kentucky, Pete Sheperd – whose formal title (in English) is Director of the Public Health of Magoffin County in Kentucky – admits that the “cases” have “not been as severe.”

As they never were, as far as kids are concerned. Their infection fatality rate being on par with that of the sniffles.

How long before they close down the schools – and bring back “masks” – for that? This has in fact been suggested as reasonable by weaponized hypochondriacs, for whom the thought of the possibility anyone getting – or giving – the sniffles is sufficient to trigger an irrational, unreasonable, mentally ill response.

They are, after all, hypochondriacs.

Before this sickness of the mind was normalized (and weaponized) during the “pandemic,” people who were morbidly obsessed with illness and who acted out various strange rituals to ward it off were regarded with sympathy but also understood to have a problem.

Now they are our problem.

They are still in positions of authority – and worse, power. Viz, the new OberstGesundheitsfuhrer Der CDC, Mandy Cohen.

They have it in their power to shut down schools and towns and cities and whole states, just by saying gesundheit. That is, by declaring an “emergency,” which they can do just as easily. All they need is a “surge” in the “positivity rate.”

Just like last time. Just like anytime they want. Or at least, anytime around fall and during the winter, when it is normal for there to be a “surge” in the “positivity rate” of the sniffles. Until it became a pathological “concern” during the recent new abnormal.

A “concern” of mentally ill people, that is.

And that is the core problem that has yet to be treated and for that reason we can expect a resurgence of it; the fact that things seem more-or-less normal does not mean they are. What’s happened is that the ill have receded, deceptively, into the background; the ill once again look more-or-less like healthy people. Well, those of them who are not grossly obese and so obviously unhealthy. Many of these, it is worth observing, remain grossly obese and continue to practice the things that make one obese – such as eating excessively and eating unhealthy foods – while not practicing the things that would make them healthier, such as exercising. But they still wear the thing that marks them as mentally ill; i.e., the “mask” many of them no doubt would love to force us to wear again.

The point here is that hypochondria hasn’t been cured. It is merely – temporarily – less visible. It will return the moment the gesundheitsfuhrers say it’s ok to show the symptoms of it, again.

Which they are sure to do, again.

Which they are already beginning to do again.

Just wait until a few short weeks from now – when we can expect to see a real “surge” in the “positivity rate.” Part of that will be on account of it being fall and perfectly normal. But we may experience something very abnormal, if what there’s reason to believe about the gene-altering drugs that aren’t vaccines that were shot into millions of people’s bodies turns out to be true. That being increased susceptibility to getting sick – and more than just the sniffles – for those who allowed those drugs to be shot into their now immuno-compromised bodies.

The reason to believe it may be true is that it seems to be true that the people who are already getting sick (and sick again) are the people who got “vaccinated.” Those who didn’t aren’t – or don’t seem to be, if mounting anecdotal evidence jibes with the facts. You probably know someone who has “caught COVID” – again. Notwithstanding having taken another shot, again.

Perhaps precisely because they did take that shot. And the one before that one.

At any rate, it is not anecdotal that the same things that happened three years ago are happening again. In addition to the school closings there are new “mask” and “vaccine” mandates at a number of colleges, including Morris Brown College in Atlanta. More will follow in the wake of the “surge” in the “positivity rate.”

The Election Variant is coming, you see.

. . .

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    State of the Nation

    Plandemic 2.o is an integral piece of the Great Reset implementation plan and New World Order agenda to be executed in earnest this Fall of 2023.

    OPERATION SCARIANT, which features the extremely ‘scary’ Omincron subvariant known as Eris, is the main show for folks who are still captivated by this ridiculous government-sponsored but extremely serious genocidal enterprise.
    Nevertheless, there are numerous reasons why the Khazarian genocidal bioterrorists are hellbent on rolling out Plandemic 2.0 this Fall. The following list presents only some of the most significant NWO goals, WEF objectives and WHO targets.

    (1) To cover up the massive excess death numbers directly resulting from the ongoing Covid vaccine genocide across America (and global depopulation scheme)

    (2) To stealthily kill vaccinated children who are now much more vulnerable to the bacterial infections associated with Eris (aka Omicron [B.1.1.529] a subvariant of SARS-CoV-2

    (3) To intensify the slow-motion slaughter of vaccinated 20 to 45 year-olds who are now much more susceptible to myocarditis, pericarditis, blood clots and other fatal heart ailments

    (4) To further turbo-charge the numerous medical ailments and health conditions, chronic diseases and autoimmune syndromes, psychological disorders and psychiatric illnesses across the entire population, all of which have seen HUGE upticks post-Covid vaccination

    (5) To murder as many retirees as possible in order to reduce the Social Security & Disability, Medicare and Medicaid rolls

    (6) To massacre as many individuals, who suffer from multiple comorbidities and/or terminal diseases, who are still living after Plandemic 1.0

    (7) To eliminate as many Baby Boomers as possible as well as the Beat Generation elderly, especially the anti-establishment types

    (8) To provide maximum distraction from the many Democrat crime sprees being investigated by the House

    (9) To divert the attention of the electorate from the multiple crime waves perpetrated by the Biden Crime Family and especially by the POTUS Imposter and Criminal-in-Chief

    (10) To create maximum chaos, confusion and conflict throughout the last year of the 2024 election cycle so that the Democrats can steal yet another POTUS election, as well as to set the stage for a long-planned American bolshevik revolution

    (11) To provide a pretext to deploy yet another highly weaponized and lethal Covid ‘vaccine’ by which to rapidly intensify Plandemic 2.0.

    (12) To significantly supercharge the previously administered killshots, clotshots and cancershots thereby increasing SADS and SIDS as well as excess deaths across the board

    (13) To sufficiently scare the American people back into the same space of extreme fear and anxiety about the COVID-19 contagion so they will fully submit to the Covid Super Vaccination Agenda (and demand that everyone they know get vaxxed to the max)

  2. Fitness guru Larissa Borges, 33, died of double cardiac arrest from the Pfizer death jab. A beautiful soul cut down in her prime. You all should be outraged.

    In the United States, there are 1.26 million lawyers, yet not one frickin lawyer is filing charges against Albert Bourla, for genocide.

    That is insane, immoral, and pathetic. And in related news, it was reported this week that Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla now HIGHEST PAID pharma executive in the world.

  3. Coercion is to force someone to do something against their will.

    You impose upon them.

    Hey, you, get out of my face. Make it quick.

    Southeast Asians walk or drive a motorcycle, no cars to be seen.

    A car is more work than they’re worth. Good weather, not far from anything. Forget a car, a motorcycle is more convenient.

    Klaus wants those motorcycles confiscated too, can’t have mobility, get used to it.

    All the WEF is a communist organization hell bent on making life miserable for everybody but them. There they were, gone. And good riddance.

    How in the hell do you spell rhythm?

  4. This return of convid is the cover potentially for the economic implosion that’s happening. Remember 2019 we had the corporate debt bubble plus the slow down in the economy. It’s deja vu except the everything debt bubble, slow down in the economy and banking crisis thanks to the office building bust. Do not comply but think ahead on where the alt right media like controlled opposition stooge Alex jones, Mike adams who both pushed the bs in 2020 and how the right media mainstream and left report it. Right now they are opposing but watch the potential of them tag teaming us. It’s a psyop but it has a purpose it’s not the selection cycle as the winners been predetermined

  5. Who is Joe Galt?


    NARA (National Archives and Records Administration) found over 5,000 responsive records, in response to a FOIA request.

    Hey, Joe
    Where you gonna run to now? Where you gonna run?

    I’m goin’ way down south
    Way down where I can be free
    Ain’t no one gonna find me
    Ain’t no hangman gonna
    He ain’t gonna put a rope around me

    Hey, Joe
    You better run on down
    Goodbye, everybody, ow
    Hey, hey, Joe

    — Jimi Hendrix, Hey Joe

  6. It happens like clockwork: the kids go back to school and swap germs.

    What surprises me is that aside from mask and vaccine mandates, schools aren’t doing much of anything to stop the spread of germs by providing better ventilation, reducing overcrowding, and installing air sanitizers.

    I remember reading an article about a school built in the early 1950s that installed germicidal UV sanitizing lights to ostensibly stop the spread of polio. This school also had a lot of windows to let in the sun and fresh air.

    Why aren’t we doing things like this now? Oh, wait…it’s just like the whole climate change shtick. They are really trying to control YOU, not control the climate or COVID.

    • RE: “and installing air sanitizers”

      There’s been numerous links posted here on EPA about how “air sanitizers” are bad for people & can cause the very symptoms they’re trying to combat.

      Much like ‘hand sanitizers’?

      ‘Eat More Dirt’

      …”Nature’s dirt floor has been replaced by tile; our once soiled and sooted bodies and clothes are cleaned almost daily; our muddy water is filtered and treated; our rotting and fermenting food has been chilled; and the cowshed has been neatly tucked out of sight. While these improvements in hygiene and sanitation deserve applause, they have inadvertently given rise to a set of truly human-made diseases.”…


    • Hey Bryce,

      My GF/wife works in a school, and I think that fresh air, sunlight, reduction of population density and air sanitizers are great ideas. Regarding UV, you simply can’t produce an excess of ozone, which will, as Helot suggests, cause respiratory symptoms and sluggishness. I’ve used them experimentally and have been fine.

      Kids are nasty creatures, and of course, will get sick anyway, and some of this is actually good to train their immune systems. But, although these passive methods at “slowing the spread” might be beneficial, the Powers don’t seem to be quick to employ them, as there doesn’t seem to be enough subjugation and needling involved.

      Regarding the eating of dirt: I wouldn’t literally go do that, though when I was a kid, there were some kids who did. There is something to it, though. A little filth can give kids’ immune systems a chance to tangle with some natural bacteria and parasites, which will train them for a healthier life ahead. It has been observed that illnesses such as allergies are rare in third world countries, where sanitation is, shall we say, less of a priority. The part of the immune system responsible for allergies (mast cells, IgE antibodies, etc) seems to be geared toward fighting parasites and even venoms. Without being trained to fight those enemies, the system sometimes becomes geared to attack more innocuous and mundane substances, which we regard as allergens.

      • Oh, I ate some dirt all right…I ate a bite of a mud pie on a dare!

        When I was talking about air sanitizers, I was talking about the UV lights, not ozone, which if I recall, you’re not supposed to breathe. I also was referring to HEPA filters.

        Though there are ozone machines to do things like get rid of mold and cigarette smoke.

        • Bryce,

          Short wavelength UVC light can generate ozone from atmospheric oxygen, but today’s germicidal UVC light bulbs are usually made of a glass that decreases the production of ozone to negligible levels. Like I said, I never had a problem with them.

          • So, you guys weren’t talking about the “air purifiers” which inject all sorts of chemicals into the air?

            If so,…That’s good.

            Problem is, too many others don’t know the big diff.

      • Both your GF and wife work at a school? That could make for an awkward PTA meeting!

        You guys are mixing me up. There are no viruses / there are viruses, vaccines don’t work it’s really the better sanitation / but no people need mud and dirt to be healthy.

        • Don’t know if there are viruses or not. We’ve been lied to a lot, and for a long time. All so called vaccines are on pretty shaky ground for the same reason.
          Better sanitation means not eating and drinking human excrement.
          Immune systems do need exercise, or they quit working, but not a mouthful of sewage.

        • Krusty,

          My GF is my unofficial wife, FYI, unless you go by “common-law marriage”, then perhaps she’s my official wife…

          As for the rest, there is diversity of thought on this website. There is no hive-mind, here.

  7. Cutter Incident

    The Salk vaccine was not properly prepared at the Cutter laboratories, live polio virus was in the vaccine, didn’t soak long enough in formaldehyde, filtration problems allowed for the virus to remain active. Then the cases appeared soon after the Cutter vaccine was administered, basically infecting victims that then ended up with polio.

    Everybody makes mistakes.

    Milkmaids in England would get cowpox, when exposed to smallpox, they would experience mild symptoms. A doctor by the name of Edward Jenner made the observation.

    If the vaccine for smallpox didn’t work, there would be a lot of dead people who will have died from smallpox. The smallpox vaccine had/has to be effective to provide immunity, otherwise, it can’t be and won’t be a vaccine.

    Kerry Mullis said that Dr. Fauci doesn’t know what he is talking about. If you saw the youtube video, you heard it.

    The Covid vaccine obviously does not work, no efficacy, so it is a failure.

    The deaths are the proof in the bat soup.

    • Drumphish,

      And yet, Fauci appears to be out there again calling for MORE lockdowns as a way of FORCING people to take that “vaccine” that doesn’t even freaking work other than to permanently injure countless people who’ve taken it. This latest round of COVID jabs that Biden was speaking of could be even more harmful or deadly than the original COVID jabs.

      • Hi John,
        I’ve heard that Pfizer’s sales have cratered, so Fauxchi probably isn’t getting his royalties. Can’t have that, line up the serfs and force it on them. He deserves to be convicted of crimes against humanity and swing from a rope.

        • Hi Mike,

          It will be interesting to see how many people who have taken the original COVID jab say “Hell no!” to taking ANOTHER jab, particularly if they’ve suffered adverse reactions to the original COVID shots.

          • John,

            I personally know several people with just that attitude, and I suspect there is a considerable cross section of the population who feel that way. COVID jabs will probably soon be even less popular than flu jabs, if they aren’t already.

            • And yet, the Biden Thing, the media, and the corrupt public health bureaucracies appear ready to PUSH MORE COVID-19 vaccines on the public regardless of whether they’ve had ZERO shots, one shot, the initial 2 dose regimen, a booster, or whether they’ve had the “Recommended numbers of COVID shots from the CDC”, which I think at this point would be eight.

              Patrick Wood, who runs the technocracy.news website, thinks those behind this push to “vaccinate every last human on the planet” want to radically change humanity into human/ machine hybrids, which sounds to me like they want to turn us ALL into Borg drones like on Star Trek. I’m sorry, but NOBODY that I know of has ever asked for this, although the Klaus Schwabs of the world seem to be of the attitude “You will be assimilated! Resistance is futile!”

              People who’ve paid attention already know that this push to have EVERY LAST HUMAN take an experimental pharma product had NOTHING to do with “Protecting public health”, but rather pushing some sick agenda, be it enriching Big Pharma at the expense of human health or turning human beings into drones.

  8. None of their narratives hold a smidgeon of believability these days. Russian bogeyman, climate alarmism, the killer flu. I get the feeling very few are buying the drama this time around. Imagine how the world would look if a few more people would’ve shown some guts last time.

    I saw someone come into the pool area where I was swimming. They were fully effaced. When they saw that no one else was wearing the holy vestment, they turned around and walked out. The true zealots lack the (fake) conviction they had last time. Its just a rote superstition they now follow to keep the wolves away. If they try to force it, we might finally see a sliver of pushback against this medical tyranny.

    People need to WTFU to the fact that if TPTB could’ve, they would’ve. Two summers ago exactly, when they first dreamed of mass needle rape, then realized their position was untenable. One way they do succeed, is people getting deeper into their devices. Stop using cell phones if you value your freedom FFS. At least drastically reduce your dependance on the freaking things. Everyone shuffles around with their faces buried in their screens like zombies. I’m embarrassed to call ya’ll my countrymen.

    I feel like many of us here have laid down a new line in the sand, which is good. Come to my door, try to violate my virgin veins with your poison goo, lets see how that goes. There’s 1K of them, millions of us. They have a very soft underbelly.

    I suspect they will need a stronger narrative. Something untried and new. Whatever it is, it better be good. In a few years 50-70%+ of the planet will be unemployed. The replacement robots are being cranked of the factory floors as I type. Plumbers, Electricians, well drillers, equipment operators/mechanics, some scientists may still have a few years. People in other service sectors better get good at gardening/hunting/fishing/whoreing.

    • Yah, I saw the bit on ZeroHedge(ABC News) about robot forklifts. I’ve read articles which talk about how people shouldn’t fear technological advances which displaces workers because it frees them up to do other jobs, i.e. the invention of the ICE autos displaced the buggy whip makers.
      Howevah; it’s not at all clear what jobs are available as a replacement for today’s equivalent buggy whip makers. It’s not an easy route(?) going from being a forklift driver on to repairing robot forklift$.

      Anyway, it was interesting listening to Doug of ‘Off Grid with Doug and Stacy’ talk about vax passports in this vid:

      ‘This is what I found! Did you know?’


      It’s was slightly reassuring to know that the State I’m in, plus about 15 others, have banned the use of vax passports. I dunno the details about it tho & how ‘solid’ such might be and the result being, being locked In the country’s borders.

      Another note, Doug’s use of the idea of a, “Self-preservation Club” seemed good. Very, parallel economy type stuff, I think.

  9. Why am I so entertained to see Eric bring back the term “Gesundheithsfuhrers”?

    Going to make an effort to use it all the time.

  10. Resist, don’t comply and point out these EO’s and Mandates don’t have any teeth, they’re just the barking of the neighbors annoying dog.

    Eventually, they’ll fold when they try the reinstatement, this “Second wave” will be over before it really begins. Businesses and establishments that don’t take a hint, we bankrupt

  11. Meanwhile what was a normal hot-ish summer day in 1978 is now evidence of a “climate emergency”.

    Haven’t people’s fear circuits been burned out yet?

    Can they see the scams now?

    probably not.

  12. Oh, N-O-O-O-O-E-S!

    BULLETIN >> COVID is evolving quickly in white-tailed deer, study finds

    Yikes, a deer just walked through muh yard half a hour ago.

    Should I go get a PCR test?? /s

    If I see this, you’ll hear my screams from a thousand miles away:


    • Here in Michigan we shoots them whitetails and butcher them an put them in the freezer unless we cook and eat them right away. That kills most everythang, makes for a good party. Ah Yahh. Just go up North. I bet even Richard is on board for a partee.

      • You can eat damn near anything if you cook it long enough. Even the meat that goes bad in your freezer when the power goes out.

  13. The Biden Thing is going to ask Congress for MORE money to fund creating “brand new COVID vaccines” that he claims will be “for everybody”. These psychopaths are hell bent on getting mRNA “vaccines” into everyone’s arms no matter what. If that doesn’t prove that this obsessive push to “vaccinate” every last human on the planet was NOT about “Protecting public health” but rather something far more sinister, I don’t know what does.


  14. “Stay home when you’re sick,” Lockard says… “…We want, ‘I had symptoms, so I stayed home because I’m considerate.’ “

    I happen to agree with that, especially if you think you have the flu or the ‘Rona. Schools and most employers give people plenty of “sick time”, or at least “paid time off”. Many people abuse that and burn all of that time because they don’t want to come to work, then, sick time depleted, some of them think they’re noble by coming to work sick.

    Some sickness is inevitable, but if you can avoid sharing your malady with others, I believe that IS considerate.

    • 100 percent agreed. The only silver lining that came with this plandemic was that sick time became usable once again. During the 1980’s through the middle 2000’s people would come to work coughing, sniffling and gagging. It was a sick spectacle of a phony affectation to prove how dedicated they were to the company’s “bottom line.”

      People would look at you like you were crazy for taking sick time to get well, acting like you were taking vacation while sick. That is one part of Boomer culture that I want to see eradicated. Their predecessors were far more accommodating to being sick than the bosses of the 80’s and 90s. I’m glad they are retired out and gone now.

  15. There is one surefire way of stopping this bs. Nine Florida Counties Adopt Resolution Calling For Ban Of COVID Vaccines. They want it and all MRNA poisons banned and trashed. I don’t think Desantis will do it. But it would prevent all the coercion etc. How are they gonna take your job, kick you out of school if its banned in the entire state?

    This would work!


  16. There is one surefire way of stopping this bs. Nine Florida Counties Adopt Resolution Calling For Ban Of COVID Vaccines. They want it and all MRNA poisons banned and trashed. I don’t thing Desantis will do it. But it would prevent all the coercion etc. How are they gonna take your job, kick you out of school if its banned in the entire state?

    This would work!


  17. I’ve been seeing a slight uptick in face diapers in central KY but still nothing substantial. I have no doubt that the average person is dumb enough to fall for it again just not in the numbers we had before. When governor butt-boy beshear announced they were eliminating mask mandates in 30 days near the end of the scam I saw 95% compliance drop to about 50% almost overnight. Not sure which of those gactors was the cause or the effect. We won’t be seeing 98% diapering in stores. Best they can hope for is hospitals, schools, government building where they can dangle lack of treatment, state sanctioned babysitting, or access to bureaucracy as a carrot to coerce you into it.
    The desperate and dependant will go along. Make yourself as anti-fragile as possible. Parallel economies, speakeasy living, private membership associations. That is the only way forward. They don’t have the goons to stomp you out and roll an Abrams tank over your garden amd chickenhouse. Even if they did it would only create heros and martyrs which only works against them.

  18. I had the pleasure of mocking a man dutifully wearing “his” mask in Walmart the other day. He was about 40 years old and seemingly heathy, if a bit overweight. I got the distinct sense that he was virtue signaling the way he was proudly milling about. He was initially shocked by my criticism and tried to argue with me, but all I could make out was mumbling. I told him he looked like a complete fool. I plan to do this at every mask encounter.

    • I still remember people walking around in clear garment storage bags. There was some French company trying to sell some ridiculous onion-shaped body-shield apparatus, and other insane bullshit. Would be nice if we were allowed to used these stupid fuckers for target practice.

    • Sounds like dick behavior. He wasn’t bothering you but you went out of your way to bother him about it. You’re not going to win over any converts by aggressively harassing people. It would have been better to ask him about it. He may have been sick and thought he was helping others, he may have an allergy and think it helps. Heck he may have been mentally ill and the mask is some sort of crutch for him. You would have had the chance to maybe change his mind. Instead you probably made him an even stronger “masker”. I don’t understand the thinking of people that don’t want to wear masks hassling people that do?

      • I likewise didn’t understand the the thinking of those who wanted to mask hassling those who didn’t. Anyone remember that? I sure as hell do. The diaper-faces better tread meek and mild this time around. The rest of us are done with it.
        Although I don’t give diaper faces much grief. I view them more like the severely mentally handicapped. I’m not OK with making fun of people with downs syndrome or a severe case of palsy. However if any of theses mindless drones attempt to scold me they will receive merciless ridicule and I don’t even have a problem making them feel the pavement if they decide to get handsy with me.

        • I fully understand it. I got the evil eye from the face-diaperers as well. They are just like stupid sheep who resent and bully the other sheep who don’t conform, out of fear of what Lord Govco or his hired thugs might do to them. Sheeple bullying, that’s all it is. Fear, and loathing for those not intimidated. It’s a far worse disease than all the others.

      • What is dick behavior was the constant nagging, badgering, denial of service, and denial of civil liberties that came with Clown Mask mandates, not openly mocking some sap who thinks he’s “protecting others” from a non existant threat.

        What is dick behavior was the subsequent behavior that lead to a mandate that thankfully was struck down by the Supreme court, to vaccinate everyone working for a company with over 100 people in it with the threat of losing your job if you didn’t comply.

        That’s dick behavior. You ought to know, dick

      • Hi Krusty,

        “I don’t understand the thinking of people that don’t want to wear masks hassling people that do?”

        It’s because so many of these “maskers” weren’t content to wear their idiot-rag and leave it at that. They supported forcing everyone to. They will support that again; wait and see.

        Also: It’s more than just that because of what the idiot rag represents. It is a sinister reminder of the deliberately engendered mass panic fostered by very sick – very evil – people. The idiot rag must be made something no one dares to risk wearing in public, like a Nazi armband.

        • That’s how you see it. Most people do not. Expecting everyone to understand your particular motives in harassing people with masks is counter productive as they do not associate the simple act of putting on a mask in the same vein as shipping off people to be exterminated in death camps. I think there are better ways to get your message across.

          • He’s getting his message across just fine, but I will concede your point about those people not being able to understand anything. Watching mainstream TV turns you into a dumbshit.

    • I can believe it, Mike. I use N95s for various jobs, and their effective at keeping out dust and allergens. But they do fairly well reek of harsh volatile organics, and this has no doubt concerned me at times.

  19. So I guess the Alien thing didn’t work out so well in focus groups…

    Back to the ‘ol dependable plague.

    I was REALLY hoping for an awesome Alien thing with CGI/holograms/the works!

    The end is the same when math and failing faith catch up with the US dollar.

    See you guys at the camps.

    • This ain’t gonna cut it:

      Not Over Yet: Late Summer Covid Wave Brings Warrrrrning of More to Come
      NY Slimes headline today

      Unlike the War of the Worlds radio broadcast about a Martian invasion on Oct 30, 1938, a recycled Fauci-virus menace no longer suffices to scare the piss out of people.

      Surely Govco and its captive Lügenpresse have a Plan B, when covid-covid-covid does its inevitable faceplant?

      I’m thinking curated ultraviolence … sanguinary scenes straight out of Goya’s Disasters of War, like this one (“Against the Common Good”):


  20. There are some colleges & universities around the country that are STILL requiring students to be vaxxed to attend classes in person. If you’re a young adult who wants to go to college for “higher education”, DO NOT go to a college or university that requires students to take experimental pharma products, let alone one that doesn’t even freaking work. Besides, such schools are either freaking morons or they get tons of money from Big Pharma and/ or the Biden regime to implement vaxx mandates.

    • Indeed, John –

      The trap set for these kids is that maybe right now they do not have to be “vaccinated” to attend. So they sign up for school, get invested (including financially)… and then, after a year, say, the “mandates” return and what now? Do they drop out after a year of working toward their degree? Transfer to another school? Which one? What if they cannot find one that allows “unvaccinated” students? The pressure to submit will be enornmous.

      • Eric,

        Not only that, it seems many colleges & universities these days offer degrees that are absolutely useless for young adults entering “the real world” or the “work force”, but many of them who’ve gone to college for such degrees are also now likely in student loan debt to the tune of tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars that will take years to pay off. If young adults really want to expand their knowledge or gain skills, their best bet might be to find a passion they want to make a career out of and go to a trade school, or just get a job somewhere. I probably learned more about “the real world” from working, living life experiences, and reading books than I did from going to COLLEGE.

        • Amen, John –

          I was reading something the other day that made what I thought was a very good distinction between education and accreditation. An education can be gotten for free or nearly so. One can, for example, take the entire course curriculum of any major university online – and get the education. Just without the accreditation (i.e., the degree). The degree is, of course, often necessary to get the job. But less so than it used to be – and I suspect that will wax.

          In my own area, for instance, a person who can write clearly and knowledgeably can succeed without a degree. The lesson here is simple: Learn to be good at something, develop your natural talents – and you’ll need a degree like a fish needs a bicycle.

          • Eric,

            You’re gonna love this (sarcasm)…the Biden Thing is going to ask Congress for MORE money to fund creating “Brand new COVID-19 vaccines”, claiming that they’ll be “for everybody”. What, is he going to try to bring back vaxx mandates or use the military to enforce such mandates if he gets his request? We’ll see if Congress actually has guts to tell him “NO!”. Clearly the Biden regime, as well as the globalist/ technocratic elite are still obsessively pushing for “vaccinating every last human on the planet”.

      • Howdy Eric, et al….

        Honestly going to college right now is a totally losing proposition….enacting policies that penalizes the competent while rewarding the leech class does not prepare any individual for any role other than mewling supplicant to tyranny. A couple of years ago at the Mises Supporters Summit one woman on an education panel finished her talk by looking out into the audience and stating “If you truly love your children, remove them from public schooling now!”. Spot frelling on.

        • Going to college is now, in some ways, both an IQ test and a test of one’s dedication to personal liberty and freedom. If you submit to too much bullshit, you lose. That’s not an intelligent thing to do.

          And while I’m at it, where did this stupid word, “freedoms,” come from? 15 or 20 years ago, it was just freedom. Every time I hear someone talk about “freedoms,” I CRINGE. You’re either free or not. And, much of that is self chosen. You have to choose to just say no.

          And, now that I’m on a roll, why in hell does every business with a website have to use the word, “Submit,” on the button that completes your entry. I think it’s an insidious programming that no one really thinks about. That button should be labeled, “Enter.” I will not submit.

          Keyboard warrior who got up in the middle of the night to read LewRockwell.com and EricPetersAutos.com. Now off to bed again.

          • Hi Lance,

            My niece is headed off to her first year of college – in CA – this fall. She hasn’t had to get “vaccinated” yet – but I expect that is going to change when they tell her in a few months she’ll either submit or be kicked out. I hate that word, too.

    • It’s infuriating that universities ever required the shots. I read the other day Harvard still requires students to have had at least one and encourages them to be “up to date” on the vaxxes. If that doesn’t prove these lefties are bullies I don’t know what does. They take advantage of the fact that young people don’t have much life experience and have been trained to obey authority since grammar school. That these administrators who are supposedly intelligent would allow kids with their whole lives in front of them to assume the risks of these drugs disgusts me.

    • John B:

      My eldest daughter was finishing up some CAD courses online at the end of the Corona-con and she gets a “letter of acknowledgement she needs to sign,” stating she will get caccinated and follow all state local amd federal health recommendations masks vaxx etc. or she cannot visit the campus to get copies of transcripts and they will not email digital files, the they locked he out of her student portal to access her records.

      She proceeded to fire off a series of letters warning them they were attempting to strong-arm her into a contract and they were violating federal law by not releasing her records. These jackasses actually dug in thier heels and turned the matter over to their legal team.

      The short of it she reported them to the feds and they were forced to surrender the records about 5-6 months later.
      Use lawfare use their own weapons against them.

      How many students complied, got vaxxed and masked out of ignorance and intimidation?

      These garbage “human beings” want amnesty…

      • Whiney assed tyrants always cave if pushed back upon…..loathesome creatures that will eventually reap rewards as all “useful idiots” do in the long run. Good on your daughter….this needs to happen often, and perhaps that particular ship has sailed…..the shit the deep state is pushing is getting old even to the hoi polloi as their FRNs become worth less and less and even comfortable middle-class, soon to be beggars like the rest of us, are saying wait a minute…this is really getting serious Chad!!

        • Guiseppe:
          I wish more people would realize the effectiveness of turning the tables on the lizard people and using their own systems against them. Purists will spout that you’re only “giving legitimacy to the system” which is true to some degree. Do you want to win? or “take the high ground” and lose?

  21. Del Bigtree had a brilliant monologue on his weekly show The Highwire last week regarding this call for returning to wearing face diapers and COVID lockdowns 2.0. We simply cannot do this crap again……


    There are also citizens pushing back against mask mandates….


    Americans for Limited Government also has an online petition people can sign urging their governors and state & federal politicians NOT to comply with any COVID mandates….


  22. Three people in the grocery store today, all with N95s, the sidewalls pulsating like a bullfrog.

    The TV is talking again. That, and government weirdos are trawling the sewers looking to identity all kinds of new variants from poop. They are literally ladling shit water into tubes and running PCR and sequencing reactions on it, then they find some cellular goo to call a variant, assign some jumbled letters and numbers – B288.5/27 – give it a scientific sounding name like Elagabalus, and people are falling for it, again.

    I suspect this is all to add pressure. Orange Dufus will be going to jail one way or another. That won’t sit well. The Ukraine fiasco is about to blow up in their faces. Africa is slowly heating up. Fires are still burning, some new. Economy is running on fumes. While they laugh at all of us. Sniffy seems to want a reason to turn F16s loose on regular people just trying to make their way in the world. So they keep pushing, pushing, pushing….

    • The PCR is not a test and has been proven beyond doubt it cannot distinguish between the flu and the fake covid. I guess they flip coins to see what they will call the ‘test’ findings.

      Even the CDC stopped using it but the dumbasses we surround ourselves with keep trying. The CDC uses a antigen test which is as bad as the PCR,,, maybe worse.

  23. I’ve been doing a once-weekly visit to a local Barnes & Noble–a libtard haven that was filled with mask fanatics during the scamdemic that I use as a bellwether. I have yet to see any masks, so I’m wondering if maybe this time around there will be considerably more resistance?

    • Try a local independent bookstore like BookPeople in Austin.

      Or, if you have one in your town, Kinokuniya, a Japanese book store chain.

      Kinokuniya buys into the agenda to the point that they stopped taking cash during the pandemic and have not resumed.

    • Hi Jason,

      We went to a Barnes & Noble during the “pandemic” and caused some fat old biddy to practically stroke out when we refused to Diaper Up and told her to piss off. It was very enjoyable.

      • Haha, me and my family got kicked out of Best Buy for refusing in 2020. We walked in and were accosted by a pimply faced 20 something who said we couldn’t shop without a mask while shoving a box of them in my face. I told him I would not be wearing a mask and now what are you going to do. At that point my wife and kids left cause they knew daddy was getting ready to rumble. He picked up the phone to, I assume, call someone who might be better suited to the task of getting physical, so I went on my way. I haven’t been back there. Any electronics I need, I order from Crutchfield now.

        • That’s the proper reaction….believe it or not the market will finally have its way……It may take seventy five years but if we can survive the possibility of nuclear holocaust, this place may be great again sometime in the future. It will take a breakup of the political union though as that entity has been so corrupted for so long that no reform can be effected, IMO. I think Vivek Ramaswamy and RFK, Jr. are both interesting but they are tilting at windmills….the kind that will assassinate individuals at the drop of a hat. That said, all empires fail and sometimes, out of the ashes something may be learned…….naaahhhhhh, just fuckin with y’all. We’re doomed….

  24. I’m shocked! Something that has happened every single year since the beginning of time is recurring…germy little kids getting back together with other germy little kids! They don’t wash their hands, they touch everything, they sneeze in your face, wipe their runny noses with their shirt sleeves and we are supposed to close down and mask up because we have “conveniently” forget this happens the start of every school season.

    The Runge, Texas and Lee and Magoffin, Kentucky school districts have no business trying to “educate” anyone if a few sick kids missing school is then advocated for everyone else as well. Parents please, please, please yank your children away from these imbeciles.

    • So true RG,
      Every new school year our kids and their friends would get sick in the first couple weeks and then everything would settle down. Totally normal.

      • Hi Mike,

        I never had to deal with sick kids in September (the joy of homeschooling), but my nieces and nephews are all public school educated and everyone usually gets sick about a week after school starts. Most of the time, a case of the sniffles wasn’t a good enough reason to stay home. If it was a stomach bug usually 2-3 days of rest and everybody was good to go.

        The unvaxxed should be fine. Depending on how many shots in arms others received will determine the severity of what is going around and if their immune system can handle it.

    • Indeed, RG –

      But this disease has taken hold, you see. I suspect – I expect – that we will eventually have “lock downs” because it is going to snow. Or even rain. The roads are unsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafe and granny might dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

      I am not kidding.

      • Hi Eric,

        I am seriously concerned about this upcoming winter. Not those with healthy (and working) immune responses, but those that took the shots and how bad the spike protein destroyed their body’s T4 cells. I hope everybody stays healthy, but experimental jabs where the studies have been corrupted by dollar signs could be disastrous.

        • Nobody’s T4 cells were destroyed. There was an amount of the vaccine injected when the shot was given. It’s not a live virus and could not reproduce. The immune cells attack the vaccine, essentially swallow it and die, the dead cells are then pissed out. The vaccine would be cleared out in a few weeks. The body is then done with it. The system then triggers other cells (anti-bodies) to recognize the real virus (or similar) if it shows up in the body again. The reason why it did not work as well as other vaccines have is that the vaccine did not trigger a strong enough reaction and the virus mutates enough to escape detection. If you didn’t get serious damage (clotting) from the initial shot then nothing is going to happen months/years later.

          • You have no idea if that’s so. That’s why vaccines are typically tested for 8-10 years before they are released, instead of being warpspeeded. Meanwhile, these are allowed to remain available with the worst adverse event record of any vaccines previously allowed to be.

          • Krusty,

            The thing is no one really knows what these drugs – they are not vaccines – actually do. Other than fail to prevent infection and transmission and cause myocarditis and other “adverse events.”

          • Ah, someone else who doesn’t like research.

            With MRNA what you say is true, but Pfizer and Moderna did not use MRNA, but modified RNA (a synthetic). A typical vaccine would include a live virus that would leave the body in a matter of weeks, but this is not a typical vaccine. The S spike protein created by the modified RNA infiltrates the organs such as the brain, heart, spleen, liver, and kidneys.


            This is from the NIH from 2015 (I am hoping that is scientific enough for you). They have been working on mod RNA technology for over a decade. The MRNA vaccines have been researched since the late 1980s (but are too unstable). These mod RNA COVID “vaccines” were not “warp speeded”, but designed to breach the cell to create an antibody effect. The COVID shot does create antibodies, but is quickly rendered useless. Each COVID shot kills the natural immunity that the body creates with T4 and T8 cells. Since the antibodies only last so long and natural immunity has been destroyed those that have received COVID “vaccines” will have to continuously receive shots 4-5x per year to keep their immune response functioning.

            Don’t believe me? Explain why those getting continuously sick are all vaccinated?

            Also, if you are interested in additional research the NIH conducted four animal studies during the 2000s. The animals used were ferrets, cats, and mice. The results were not reassuring.

          • Not sure what a T4 cell is, but perhaps you mean a CD4+ T helper cell? These help activate B cells, which make the antibodies. I’d be more worried about killing off the CD8+ cytotoxic cells that kill virally infected cells and tumor cells.

            And no, the immune system does not attack the vaccine. The mRNA is taken up by cells in which it comes into contact, those cells forcibly express what the mRNA encodes – a spike protein in this case – and are then killed by CD8 cells that view the mRNA-expressing cells as infected with a foreign body. Any cells, including immune cells themselves, that come in contact with it will uptake this mRNA will express the spike protein and be killed. This is a sure-fire way to knockdown your immune system. As for how long that continues, no one actually knows. Likely, weeks and months, and minimally for as long as the mRNA vesicles remain floating around the body – which will be months, per their design and also per their injection into muscle depots.

            This is why vaccinated individuals do and will get sicker, and will develop cancers, or whose cancers may come out of remission. These dupes have absolutely damaged their immune systems. Short and long term. Among other things.

            • The immune system attacking cells that were carrying out the mRNA jab’s instructions is one of the items on the failure modes analysis I used to determine if the jab was worth it. Not having proper answers is how something quickly fails a FMEA and this had no answer, at least not one that wasn’t buried in a scientific paper somewhere.

            • Hi BAC,

              I have seen the name T-4 cells used multiple times in studies, but yes, they are also called T helper cells and CD4+T cells.

              I believe the mRNA is naturally occurring, but mod RNA is not. Both the Pfizer and Moderna “vaccines” used mod RNA, but they keep calling it mRNA (which I believe occurs naturally in the body).


              The mod RNA is a protein to escape detection of the cells, but still targets the cells. Are the CD8 cells killing it if they can’t detect the spike protein? I don’t know. Are they recognizing it and creating an ADE response?

              We both agree that the immune system is damaged. What happens if the mod RNA does not leave the body, but remains?

              • Hi RG

                mRNA is highly unstable, and readily/quickly degrades. The modifications they made are to keep the mRNA from degrading. These are man-made concoctions for sure. And they serve the function of keeping the mRNA around a very long time. If the mRNA hangs around, which it was design to do here, it just increases the odds of immune cells, etc. picking it up and sealing their fate. It perpetuates risk. It’s one of the dozens of reasons this was an incredibly stupid idea. Or, evil idea.

                Yes, mRNA (messenger RNA) is natural. Modified versions, per this garbage, are wholly unnatural, and should have been studied for long term effects (can’t do that at warp speed, though). CD8 cells mostly just kill other cells – that they see as infected with a pathogen or cancerous – but won’t do so absent those cells expressing markers of a problem.

  25. This is why the mask mandates will return- and probably with a vengeance. They can not throw a “pandemic” if everything looks normal- so they have it look abnormal. Mask everyone up and the average sports fan/TV viewer/McDonald’s patron will believe there’s a pandemic- “Oh, look at all the people wearing masks! This must be for real!”. The masks “prove” the existence of the thing that the masks are supposed to protect you from- just like a basket of eggs proves the existence of the Ishtar Bunny to a 5 year-old. (The typical American these days being about as bright as a lead-paint eating 5 year-old who’s been conditioned ion a Pavlov experiment.)

    • I’m going to hit back with a vengance. I’m not going to be told what do do now any more than I did three years ago. They can pound sand into a rathole. Lest anyone think that this is conservative hot air. It’s not.

      • Amen, Swamp! I’ve NEVER worn a muzzle, and never will. If they start up this bullshit again, it just may push me over the edge and make me go Rambo!!! This is war!

        I had hoped they’d at least refrain until my responsibilities here were fulfilled and I could leave…but apparently that’s not going to be the case. Plan B: Hope this fucking country gets nuked! Let thius whole place look like Maui- I’d rather be incinerated than have to endure this crap again.

  26. So what’s to be done? We know complaining online doesn’t work. School’s closed, do you send the kid there anyway? You and the kid will be arrested for trespassing. Withhold your property taxes? Well, after they put a lein on your house, drag you off to debtor’s prision and ruin your credit rating, maybe you’ll get your day in kangaroo court, where the state will drag out as many “experts” they wish to testify against you. Vote for the other guy? What other guy? Both parties are all-in on vaccines, lockdowns and the whole game.

    • Withhold property taxes you say? In Texas?

      The “Republican” Governor and Legislature in this state just gave the school districts the state surplus to spend as they wish as part of a property tax ‘reform’ bill which will provide a temporary two year reduction for homeowners in the state.

      The Legislature even held a special sesson to get the bill through, under threat from the Governor to keep convening special sessions until he got what he wanted.

      • Lived in Texas,,, Paid three times the ‘property’ tax I pay now in Florida. It was absolutely outrageous! Texas taxes everything you thought you owned and taxes each item. Got the hell out of there. My BIL calls it “gods country. I call it Taxas.

      • Both of my grandchildren are thus educated, and it is less difficult and less time consuming than most think. When you consider that most of the 7-8 hours your kid spends in public school is indoctrination, not education, you can deliver much better, and much faster. You just have to stay one lesson ahead of the student.

      • Forget about homeschool. Most people don’t have time for that. Most can’t do enough math in their heads to make change at the grocery store. Just keep the brat away from school. He’ll still be smarter than the rest of them.

        • Most DO have time for that, because they don’t spend half a day indoctrinating their kids like public school does. But, if you just teach them to read, write, and do basic math and turn them loose it would be an improvement over public school.

  27. Wonder how many unsuspecting going in for their annual flu shot won’t realize they’re getting the clot shot mixed in.

    Not me babe, the last and final vacc for me was a supposed tetanus “booster” about 4 years ago. They didn’t tell me it was a TDAP not simple tetanus only. I have never been so sick – daughter and wife were about to haul me in to emergency that weekend. That’s it for me. I also never get a flu shot, and haven’t had the flu since the Hong Konger back in ‘68.

    • Indeed, any trip to the ER with an injury will get you the TDP vaccine, without your consent. In spite of the fact that in my 69 years I have never known anyone to contract Tetanus, Pertussis, or Diphtheria. Make it known up front that you refuse such vaccine.

      • I ignorantly took the Tetanus shot in late 2000. I ended up with an immune system running away and broke out in sores and eventually a coughing fit towards the end of the run for nearly a month. I wasn’t better until February 2001. Scary crap.

        At that point, I said never again.

      • Maybe the reason you don’t know anyone with Tetanus, Diphtheria, or Pertussis, is because they have been inoculating people for years. How many people do you know that had polio?

        • And no one ever missed one?
          I’m sure I’ve encountered a number of people that were NEVER inoculated for any of them. My maternal grandfather was born somewhere around 1890, if I recall correctly, and he was not inclined to go to even see a doctor, much less an ER. The rest of my elder family not much younger. None suffered such afflictions.
          Polio vaccines are under much suspicion of not working at all, and in fact may have caused such infection. The reason we don’t suffer massive polio infection is better sanitation, like many other diseases vaccines take credit for.

  28. Morris Brown College has experienced problems obtaining and keeping accreditation so the number of actual students at the university this year which the mask mandate would affect is most likely quite low.

    The problem is that the college and its band progam featured prominently in the film “Drumline” more than 20 years ago, and most people not familiar with Atlanta would assume that the school is one of the prominent, historically black institutions like Spelman, Morehosue, and Clark Atlanta, all located within walking distance of Morris Brown.

  29. If you don’t occasionally get sick your immune system will stop working. It’s like a muscle, it needs exercise to keep working. This notion that no one should ever be ill is a suicidal absurdity. They are already saying it’s not especially severe. But let’s panic anyway. Trumps coming.

  30. ‘The Election Variant is coming, you see.’ — eric

    Just over a century ago, the so-called Spanish Flu took an enormous toll, mainly striking young, healthy adults.

    By contrast, ‘Doctor’ Fauci’s gain-of-function virus was weaponized against the elderly and the unhealthy. But like the Spanish Flu, after a couple of years, it mutated into near harmlessness — except for the unhealthy (which likely includes many vax victims).

    The Fauci-virus NEVER threatened kids, and still doesn’t. Closing schools because of it is a cheap, B-movie psy-op, nothing more. Better crisis actors, please!

    Fauci-virus, now endemic but rarely lethal, is here to stay along with seasonal strains of influenza and the common cold. That new variants are being detected falls in the category of ‘true but irrelevant’ … except, that is, for fedgov shills trying to peddle their poisonous mRNA snake oil, along with useless Paxlovid and toxic remdesivir.

    ‘Health care’ has revealed itself as a malignant, predatory racket, run by pharmaceutical gangsters with badges. In a f*cked country, every institution is now hopelessly tainted with malfeasance and bad faith. Ask your doctor about free euthanasia …

    • You mentioned the Spanish Flu and I was reminded of this bit:

      ‘Did Aspirin Contribute to Flu Deaths?’
      By Bill Sardi – October 12, 2009

      “Did 1918 Spanish Flu Deaths Result From Aspirin-Induced Scurvy (Vitamin C Deficiency)?”

      I was gonna post a link, but you can look it up if you’re so inclined.

      What I keep noticing is that we’re Never gonna get away from Face Diaper/Plandemic B.S./get-The-Shot etc… so long as everyone keeps believing there’s this made-up boogieman called, viruses.


      • “What I keep noticing is that we’re Never gonna get away from Face Diaper/Plandemic B.S./get-The-Shot etc… so long as everyone keeps believing there’s this made-up boogieman called, viruses.” -helot

        I like how people just throw things out there like “most vaccines use a live virus. . .” If this is the case, somebody please show me this live virus and how it’s cultured and grown for mass production. Also, somebody please show me the “covid” virus from a blood sample from one of the billions of people that allegedly contracted the disease. I double dog dare you.


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