Latest Radio: TNT Radio 08/29/2023


Here’s the audio (and video, hopefully) of my appearance on TNT Radio over the weekend. We talked at length about EeeeeeeeeeeVeeeeeees and what’s behind the pushing of them:

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  1. Next year the Supreme Court is supposed to hear a case ‘Loper Bright Enterprises Inc. v. Raimondo’ that may (as I understand) potentially upend the Chevron Doctrine which grants a generous leeway to regulatory agencies like the EPA to interpret statutes such as the Clean Air Act. It would be nice to see the CAFE horseshit thrown to the waste can and people able to purchase the cars or trucks they want, and not what these psychopathic, megalomaniacs think is best.

    As you mention Eric, people need to get angry. Anger is a perfectly healthy and normal emotion; we become angry when something doesn’t align with the core of our being. People who never get angry are several damaged individuals. It’s as though they just constantly resetting to the new paradigm “Oh, I have to shoot myself in the head because it will kill the CV and ‘flatten’ the curve? Yes Sir!!!”


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