Diaper Report: 10/20/2023


It’s almost Halloween. Maybe that explains it.

A video has surfaced, just in time to scare the crap out of us – again. A woman went into a Wells Fargo bank to conduct some business. She was immediately surrounded by costume-wearing Freaks of the sort once-upon-a-time seen only on Halloween (or within the walls of mental institutions). They all had “masks” over their faces. They demanded the woman place one over her face as well. She demurred – it not being actually Halloween for another week yet.

This triggered an uproar of outrage. You’d have thought it was almost Halloween of 2021 – not almost 2024.

As it turns out, the video was apparently taken in 2021, at the height of Sickness Psychosis. But it is worth watching because it shows us what might happen again in 2024.

There is, after all, an election coming.

Newsweek says as follows:

“The sharing of the old video on social media this week comes as conservatives continue to rage against any possible return to mask mandates in the U.S. In April, President Joe Biden signed a congressional resolution to end the COVID-19 pandemic national emergency, but more recently, some health officials have suggested a possible return to wider mask mandates in the winter months.”

Italics added.

As if there were no reason for “conservatives” – for sane people – to rage. Seeing this again –  even if it didn’t happen yesterday – is not unlike seeing an armband, again, if you lived through the late unpleasantness in Germany. It amounts to the same thing – but (of course) people are expected to pretend it’s a different thing.

At any rate, it was scary indeed to see 2021 all over again within walls of that Tennessee Wells Fargo branch. It felt like it, too – even if you were only watching it.

The hive-mind mentality and belligerent insistence upon being a part of it. The same no legitimate reason for it. “It’s our policy,” says one of the Freaks whose face is “masked” – and who probably deeply resented the sight of someone who is in a position to ignore the “policy” of Wells Fargo.

The woman who refused to “mask up” does not work for Wells Fargo. Even better, she turns out to have been a lawyer.

This proved helpful when a “mask” wearing law-enforcer appeared, at the behest of the Wells Fargo Freaks. The “mask” refuser explained to the enforcer that she was being refused service by the bank, which held her money. She understood they had the right to decline to do business with her but explained the bank had no right to keep her money. She had told the Freaks that if they would not do business with her unless she kowtowed to their “policy” that she perform a strange ritual the law did not require, she would not do business with them – and asked that they give her all of her money.

This apparently amounted to some $200,000. Too much money to pass through the drive-through, which was the “solution” offered by one of the Freaks to the impasse. The woman refused this “solution” and continued to insist that the bank hand over what wasn’t theirs to keep, as a matter of law. This was explained to the “masked” enforcer, who parroted the nostrums she had been trained to parrot.

But it was not effective because the woman – being a lawyer – knew the law. Lucky for her, this time it had some effect. It was lucky because – remember – no laws had been passed requiring the performance of strange rituals concocted to instill mass psychosis – the fact as well as the appearance, both serving to enhance one another. Yet people were still heavily pressured to participate in – and so appear to amen the necessity of them. The rituals – of which “mask” wearing was merely one – were enforced by an oppressive near-universality of policies – which were often enforced by law enforcers.

All that’s changed then vs. now is that most venues no longer have such “policies” in effect and law enforcement isn’t – generally – enforcing them.

But that could change just like that. Far faster than it takes to pass a law, which generally takes time and legal process – always a problem for the Freaks who seek to impose controls.

So what we see in the video of this encounter is a kind of preview of encounters all of us could be having again.

All it would take would be a mass implementation of such “policies” by the relative handful of corporate conglomerates that did exactly that back in 2021. Banks being among the scariest of these because they hold your money. Without which you cannot do very much.  This  is why central bank digital currency – i.e., non-physical money – is so scary. The banks could enforce their “policy” – the “policy” of the CDC (or the WEF) – at more than just the bank.

Now might be a good time to withdraw most or even all of your money, as the lawyer lady threatened to do.

In her case, this could not be done because the bank did not have her money – a fact worth considering. This fact ended up working in her favor – back then. The bank Freaks folded and allowed the woman to do the business she’d come there to do – without continuing to insist she don the apparel of a mentally ill Freak as the condition of service.

The enforcer was unwilling to enforce anything -because she lacked legal authority to enforce policies rather than laws. But that was only because she felt unsure of herself, this time.

How about next time?

And that time will come, again – if the mentally healthy minority kowtow to mentally ill “policies,” again.

So – don’t.

The power of No is mighty. It is the only way shy of the sword to prevent this from happening ever again. They cannot arrest everyone. They must have general obedience – however sullen – to further their schemes. All it sometimes takes is one person to dash them.

More can shatter them.

Mass refusal is not just how sanity prevails. It is how sanity is preserved.

It could have been done in 2021.

Let’s not let them bring back 2021 in 2024 – or ever again.

. . .

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  1. ‘it was scary indeed to see 2021 all over again’ — eric

    Remember ‘vaccination passports’ to enter Europe? Now they’ve dreamed up something even worse:

    ‘Traveling to most European countries is about to get more complicated and invasive for American citizens: in spring 2025, you’ll have to first request permission. And you’ll be saying adieu to passport stamps and ciao to facial and fingerprint scans — and having your biometric data stored in an enormous government database.

    ‘On Friday, the EU announced updated timing for the European Travel Information and Authorization System (ETIAS). It applies to travelers from more than 60 countries that are currently exempt from visa requirements.

    ‘Americans won’t need a visa, but they will need to apply in advance for permission to visit any of 30 EU countries for stays lasting up to 90 days. It will cost about $8 to apply, with requests submitted via the official ETIAS website or ETIAS mobile app.’


    Europe may be a quaint socialist theme park. But getting fingerprinted and face-scanned like a criminal to enter disgusts me. Goodbye, Europe — don’t need your police-state horseshit.

    • Hi Jim,

      Amen. I’d like very much to visit Switzerland again as that’s where my family came from. But – like NYC – I doubt I will ever go there again.

  2. HyVee, a mega grocery store in the Midwest, has tons of yard sale type signs in the ground all around the parking lot saying, “get your covid/flu shot here, now” ….Or, sum such.

    Of course, they are getting paid$$$ to do so.

    …Why is there not enough back-lash to get them to stop pushing The Death Shot?

    …The mind control is, That Good, I guess?
    …People are,…Stupid?
    …Or, just frickin’ hypnotized?

    ‘Dr. Sherri Tenpenny warns of MORE DEATHS from COVID injections’

    …”The second category is the spike protein disease, which happens “anywhere from six months to two to three years after the last shot that people got – whether they got one, two, three or more.” The host of “The Tenpenny Files, On Your Health” on Brighteon.TV elaborated: “It would be three to five years because it takes a while for that spike protein to be generated in your body and to go into your organs and cause all this harm that we are now seeing.””…


    • Re: The Death Shot

      New movie…

      Killers of the Flower Moon

      See the feemasons in action….complete with killer doctors injecting….

  3. Trying to escape from the madness today. Took a top-down cruise for about an hour, came home and sat down to watch a little Kollege Fuhtbahl, Ohio State v Penn State. Watching for a few minutes when Fox had a pitch to send money to Israel. Yes, it was linked to the flippin’ network. How can they possibly have ANY credibility in reporting on this latest conflict when they’re raising money for one side?

    Excuse me while I vomit.

    • ‘Former US Rep. Justin Amash (L-MI), who was the only US House Member representing the Libertarian Party, announced today on Twitter/X that several of his relatives were killed when Israel bombed Saint Porphyrius Orthodox Church in Gaza.

      ‘Amash’s relatives, along with many others, were seeking shelter in the Church as Israel continues to flatten Gaza.’


      First they came for the Libertarians, and I did not speak out …

      • Jim H,
        At a Christian men’s meeting last week I had a rather lively discussion with my fellow Christians. They whole heartedly supported the Israelis. No amount of pointing out the Jew’s transgressions could sway them from their unwavering support. They kept talking about “Judeo-Christian” commonalities. Reminding them of the Old Testament savagery of the Jews and their current penchant for the same had no effect on their views. Reminding them of the idea of following Jesus’ command to love others as He does and also love one’s enemies was like trying to teach algebra to a chicken.

        • With very few exceptions “Christians” as known in this country are absolutely —— useless. Steven Anderson at the Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe is the incredibly rare exception. Mark Dice is good.

          • They serve 2 masters. The second is named 501(c)3. The renamed flu scam proved that. Chuck Baldwin is on the level. I read him to compare to the phonies. It’s stark.

        • I had this happen to me, as well : “Reminding them of the idea of following Jesus’ command to love others as He does and also love one’s enemies was like trying to teach algebra to a chicken.”

          …Full of hate, they were.

          Sadly, I dusted the dirt off my sandals, & moved on.

          Dr. Chuck Baldwin:


      • the war`s purpose…..

        the war there feeds their fighting capable….non LBGQT men into the meat grinder….then the control group can finish their agenda 2030…no fighting men left to resist…

    • “Watching for a few minutes when Fox had a pitch to send money to Israel.”

      And don’t forget, that money is NOT going to the citizens. Instead, it goes to the Israeli and all the other foreign governments, who in turn, give it to the IMF/UN/WHO/WEF/etc.

  4. Back home from the convention in Denver. No one at the show was masked, a refreshing scene. And not unexpected either, since it was a bunch of old cable guys, and most of us have pretty good BS detection. But walking around town I did see a few masked youngsters. Then I stopped at Costco on the way home, and saw one slightly past middle aged man with what looked like a proper N95. His cart also had a pack of Depends, which made me LOL a little. My guess is they weren’t for him, but someone he’s taking care of.

    Which brings up a point. An old man taking care of his sick wife or mother… OK I’ll cut him some slack. He does’t want to be the “vector” that kills mom, even if that’s highly unlikely. And it seemed like he was at least trying to do it right, even though it won’t make a difference. But the kids? They’re just afraid of getting sick, not dying or comorbidity or any other bulls***. They have had such sheltered lives that they don’t know what a cold does. And their antiseptic germ free lives mean they are always expecting the worst case scenario WRT illnesses. Add to that the social media amplifier, when one of their “friends” gets sick the whole planet knows in hours, and the six degrees of Kevin Bacon thing… well it weighs on a girl (even the ones who identify as something else).

  5. Fear not, they wont be bringing back 2020-2021. At least not successfully. Too many people now realize what a colossal mind-fu*k the scary, spiky things were.

    It only takes a few. Remember the early days of the plandemic? Remember when you were the only one showing your face? Most of us here have that memory. And when you saw another like yourself, maybe you stopped and had a brief chat with him. Remember how this would lift your spirits, giving you ammo for the confrontations ahead? Now, even the stupids and Not Sures’ get it. This time around my guess, they get 30% compliance tops, roughly all the Ds in the country will play along. Unless they really do release a (bodies piled like cordwood) plague. In which case civil society collapses.

  6. The photo of the one mensch who remained seated while all of the other menschen were standing with their right arms thrust forward Sieg Heil-ing is one to bring to mind.

    Every masked covidiot would probably do the Sieg Heil, one unmasked sane individual will be beaten until his morale improves.

    Sieg Heil! Wear your mask!

    Get to work!

    You’re free as a bird, if you don’t know that by now.

  7. If they try to enforce masks on you this time, the response has to be a firm and loud NO! Expletives are fine too. And tell them to remove their masks, that you will not talk to them unless they do. Citing laws, exemptions, and the like was so 2020 and 2021. Now it has to be more forceful. Establish dominance. Never flinch.

  8. Once again this morning, nobody was elected Speaker of the House.

    Jim Jordan (R) received 194 of 429 votes, fewer than last time. Hakeeeeem Jefferies (D) received 210 of 429, but not a winning majority of 218.

    The House is recessed. Onward to the playground! 🙂

      • Right on cue, ‘Biden’ announced a $105 billion ask, including $62 billion for the thieving Ukies and nearly $20 billion for the Christ-hating Izzies.

        By keeping the House leaderless, we can stymie the yammering mendicants attempting to loot the Treasury. Traitor Joe represents them, not us.

        • “By keeping the House leaderless, we can stymie the yammering mendicants attempting to loot the Treasury.”

          Exactamente, sir.

        • Yep! That explains the back-to-back “wars”. Of course, the dildos refuse to acknowledge such strange occurrences. They just do whatever their “smart” gadgets tell them to.

  9. Here is an article that businesses can use if and when the next “mask mandate” comes around. In every locale, it is illegal to regulate activities of private clubs:

    They Just Figured Out How To Get Around Mask Mandates, And It Is BRILLIANT!
    By Vaden Chandler

    A Missouri restaurant was ordered to shut down after they violated the county’s health orders regarding coronavirus. However, the cafe was very brilliant in their response, defying the order by reopening the business as a “private club.”

    The Jackson County Department of Environmental Health issued numerous warnings and citations to Rae’s Cafe in Blue Springs. Marshanna Smith is a Jackson County spokesperson, and she told KCTV-TV that the “enforcement of the health order requiring masks is complaint-based, meaning concerned community residents contact us about non-compliance.” Smith noted that Blue Springs residents have filed at least 10 complaints about Rae’s Cafe.
    After investigating the complaints, the county revoked the restaurant’s food establishment permit. Rae’s Cafe was shut down on Friday by the Jackson County Health Department for not abiding by the mask mandate. The county declared the restaurant to be an “imminent health hazard.”
    Amanda Wohlentz is the owner of Rae’s Cafe, and she admitted that she has “not honored the mask mandate this round; I did the entire last round.”
    Well, apparently on Saturday morning she had had enough. In an effort to get around these draconian mask mandates, she made the brilliant move of reopening Rae’s Cafe as a “private club.”
    There allegedly was a newly-posted sign outside the restaurant that read: “Welcome to Rae’s private club. A $1 membership fee is collected at the door at each member’s visit. Dress code: No masks allowed. Please sign your name upon entry to verify your club’s membership. As a member, you can suggest items to the menu.”
    This sign also included various “club policies” including the following: “By entering this club you admit that you are not a member of the general public. By signing your name, you record your membership and attendance. You also assume any and all risks of disease transmission.”
    Jackson County issued an order on August 4th that demanded that people wear either a mask or a face covering in an “indoor place of accommodation” and this is defined as “any place or business offering or holding out to the general public goods, services, facilities advantages, privileges and accommodations for the peace, comfort safety and health of the general public.”
    The order from the county is also stating that this “public accommodation shall not include a private club.”
    Wohlentz went on to explain that the mask mandate is simply not fair to restaurant workers, capping it off with the comment, “you can’t work in it.”
    In regards to the mask mandate, Wohlentz had some choice words, telling KSHB-TV: “It didn’t work the first time, it hasn’t worked in two years, so why are you going to keep making restaurants and bars suffer that have already suffered for so long?”
    “This is my livelihood,” Wohletz said. “This is my staff’s livelihood. It should be my choice for my restaurant.”

    • “Smith noted that Blue Springs residents have filed at least 10 complaints about Rae’s Cafe.” -anarchyst
      So why don’t those Blue Springs residents just go somewhere else and mind their own damn business? The gotdam Ken and Karen busybodies should be dumped in the deepest part of the ocean.

  10. The corona hoax is still remembered because there are still idiots keeping the memory alive by wearing stupid face masks. If everyone stopped with the masks, those awful traumatic covid hoax memory would soon fade away

    Pity poor Ukraine, they are being forgotten:


    Rest easy Goyim, all those troubling thoughts about the dead and wounded in Ukraine will soon fade away. How many Amerikans can find Ukraine on the map? How many Amerikans could find their own country or state on a map? How many kids coming out of public school know how to write cursive, or do math?

    Do you remember the Maui HOLOCAUST? How many got burned alive by that? And who did it? With what weapon? I bet you do not know. Did you remember the Governor of Hawaii, Josh Green, is a New York Jew. Isn’t it funny that the Hawaiians do NOT have a native Hawaiian governor.

    And speaking of that, did you know that Justin Turdeau is actually the son of Fidel Castro?

    Do you remember the Afghanistan collapse and pullout? How many people did we kill in that nation, how long were we there, I bet you don’t know (which is exactly what the propagandists want – your brain in the fog).

    In a few weeks the Christian Baptist Gaza hospital bombing WILL BE FORGOTTEN for the new outrage. Did you know it was a Christian hospital? Just yesterday Israel dropped 4 bombs on the oldest Christian church in Gaza. Plus they have already blown up many mosques, but who cares about those?

    Israelis routinely level Christian churches yet Evangelical Christians are still the strongest Zionist supporters on the planet. Are they that stupid? Yes they are. Christian Evangelists are probably the most dangerous group of morons in Amerika – because they believe in the Bible – and they believe in Israel (the mortal enemy of free America and liberty). Pastor John Hagee says you can not get into heaven unless you love Israel and Jews. Yet Jews and Israel did 911.

    Did you know our elected reps in Congress ALL have to sign LOYALTY OATHS to Israel. Is not that treason? Why is that not being discussed?

    Did you know Israel has already bombed 18 hospitals in the region? Bombing hospitals full of children is routine business for Israel, but no one remembers that because you are not reminded of any pertinent facts because Jews own and run the media and are never going to tell you any fact like that because it is not good for the Jews.

    • Let’s not forget Florida “governor” DeSantis who signed unconstitutional legislation banning free speech and making “holocaustianity” Florida’s “official state religion” while in israel.
      School children are now mandated by law to attend “services” at their local “holocaustianity temple” (jewish freak shows).
      Gotta get ’em while they’re young (brainwashing).
      It would seem that the “separation of church and state” would apply here.

      • DeSantis is treasonous, he signed a law in a foreign state against our First Amendment right to free speech. He should not be elected president under any circumstance, he should, as a matter of fact, get a death sentence for treason. He should be arrested, courts martialed, then put up against the wall and shot dead because the penalty for treason is death.

    • Rabid jewish hatred of Christianity goes back to the time of Jesus Christ…
      In more recent history, the jews that chose the atomic bombing sites purposely chose Nagasaki as it was the seat of Christianity in Japan.
      Ukrainian jews have successfully shut down Christian churches while keeping all synagogues open. This is the same thing the jewish bolshevik communists did when they took over in Russia.
      Previous commenters have pointed out the hypocrisy of “Christian zionists” and their slavish adoration of israel and jews.
      Presently, Christians who visit israel are being spit on and worse by jews. Jews routinely spit on Christians, clergy and when passing a Christian church while muttering some kind of talmudic prayer.

      • Yes, I agree with all the points you have made, and thank you for spending the time to write them out on this site, as they need to know this material.

        “Christians who visit israel are being spit on and worse by jews. Jews routinely spit on Christians,”

        True. and another fact, no Muslim has ever spit on any Christian in Jerusalem or Palestine. If you want to read something really funny IMHO read about CBS reporter Anne Barker by orthodox jews:


        Anne Barket is a female Jew who got spit on by male Jews for breaking one of their sabbath customs, working on that particular day. Read it. They are sick, imagine pushing a defenseless woman to the ground and having 2 dozen males spit on her!

        F-ck those people. I will celebrate and praise God if Israel is nuked into oblivion. Earth and humanity would be far better off if those people and their stupid fire breathing god yahweh religion were erased. And they are not even real Jews! Their converts from Khazaria, and have no blood claim, and the book is fake anyways – read Shlomo Sands The Invention of the Jewish People.

        Why is Israel good for Amerika? I can not think of a single reason. I have never bought a single item made in Israel, I do not like their food, I do not like how they act, dress, think, talk and commit genocide against the natives. Why are we allied with them, they have no oil or anything we want.

        Israel is an anchor around Uncle Sam’s neck, our alliance to Israel has caused the world to hate us, bankrupt us, and Netanyahu is the devil himself, the brains behind 911, as he has predicted it in his books and on TV.

        The last place I would ever want to visit is the so-called ‘holy’ land, where more people have been gutted than any other spot on earth. There is nothing holy about Jew-ruse-salem, it is an Anunnaki landing port, the Abrahamic hell religions are space alien cargo cults.

        If some brave airmen nuked that town and turned the Dome of the Rock into a crater of glass, it would break the black magic spell of those religions. And that wall they pray to, is not the remnant of the 2nd temple, it is a wall in the Roman Fort Antonia.

        People are dumb as shit. Anyone who is retarded enough to fight and die for Israel will get their just desserts and do us all a favor. War weeds out stupids from the population, just as the vaxx weeds out the stupids from the gene pool.

        If you are dumb enough to get the Jew pharma death jab, or wear a mask, then why should you breed? Normally young people reject adults agenda, but with the vaxx issue, the young people are not resisting, they are leading. Man, that is really strange.

        • There’s a very high likelihood you’re using software that was written in Israel. Every major Silly-Con valley company has a large presence there.

          Silicon Valley-headquartered firms, such as Applied Materials, KLA Corporation, IBM, Oracle, Cisco, Salesforce and Intel, exemplify the role that Israel plays in the global R&D and business strategy of multinational companies.

          “Intel, with 14,000 employees, is both Israel’s largest technology company and its largest private employer,” the report states.


        • To be clear, I haven’t had a lot of encounters with muslim people, but the ones I have spoken with have been cordial. I guess they haven’t been radicals.

          I have had problems with jewish people and christians, as well as atheists.

          No problem with Bhuddists either.

          The thing of it is, people from every “religion” are good and bad, but I grow tired of this blind support of Israel. We are involving ouselves in a 3000 year old ethnic dispute over a sliver of land. It is not worth cutting off our oil supply to let the jews have that sliver. I’m not sympathetic to any involvement in that region.

          Some would say we need to be involved for the oil. Wrong. Oil is a world wide commodity. It is currently priced in dollars. The value is determined by countries demand for the stuff. The oil exporters need to sell the stuff to stay afloat. They will sell it to whomever. They got hammered after 74. They are unlikely to embargo again, but that said, we don’t need to spill our national treasure on a country that makes absolutely no difference. When was the last time you bought anything that said “made in Israel.” That country does nothing.

          • RE: “We are involving ouselves in a 3000 year old ethnic dispute over a sliver of land.”

            Or, it’s about the WEFers tentacles trying to crush people. Doug gives some examples in this video below, i.e. the Hong Kong uprising in 2019 … notice the pattern & prepare to expect more, here?

            ‘No one will Talk about this!…Did You Know?’


      • Nagasaki was the secondary target for Bock’s Car, the B-29 that carried the “Fat Man” atomic bomb. The original mission was to use it on Kokura, on the other side of Kyushu. Cloud cover and smoke from a nearby raid obscured the city. The skipper of Bock’s Car, Major Charles Sweeney, had strictly orders to bomb only by visual means. After the third pass, Sweeny elected to continue to Nagasaki, which took about fifteen minutes flight time

        . Once there, it was found to be “socked in” as well, so Sweeny decided, rather than jettison the now ARMED bomb into the Sea of Japan, to do the bomb run via radar, as the flight engineer advised they had, after the bomb run, less than five minutes of reserve fuel to make it to Okinawa. As the bomb run was made, enough of an opening in the cloud cover was sighted, and the bomb was dropped and detonated about 1,900 feet above the Uriakami Valley, separated from downtown Nagasaki by a ridge of hills. This was right over the Mitsubishi Steel Works, which probably had the greatest strategic value in the city, even though Ground Zero was about 4,200 feet ENE of the intended target. About 36,000 persons on the ground, including some 300 American POWs, were killed.

        Bock’s car made it to Okinawa with its fuel tanks, except for those a transfer pump couldn’t take fuel from, bone-dry. The aircraft was re-fueled and made it back to Tinian. Upon being de-briefed, General Curtis LeMay playfully slapped Major Sweeny on the back, and said, “you FUCKED UP, didn’t you, Chuck?”

  11. Of course… if the bank actually HAD the lawyer’s money on hand, and had given her $200,000 worth of fiat money, the cops could have confiscated it under “civil forfeiture” as she drove home with it or drove to a new bank.

    Clown world.

    Unfortunately in my jurisdiction and many others, one could have been arrested for trespass for not wearing a mask and the business could have been fined for allowing you in without one.

    “Free country,” my ass. One can only imagine what George Washington or Mad Anthony Wayne would do if they could see this shitshow of a country today…

    • It never ceases to amaze me what you CAN’T do with your own money when deposited at a bank. Her saying withdraw 200K is laughable. Try withdrawing even 50K in cash from a bank, see what happens. You are basically investigated by the bank, the IRS, and Homeland Security for accessing your OWN money. Most people gladly wear their chains because “safety & security”, right? It is all part of one overall theme that is touched on here but doesn’t seem to be spoken aloud.

      The Police State & Nanny State are -very- feminine in nature. This entire edifice of the iron fist wrapped in the velvet glove is because our entire society is grossly feminine in nature. Now that masculinity has been declared toxic everything is through the female lens of safety & security uber alles.

      • You’re right, Useranon99 –

        It is feminine. As a related aside, note the femininity of the term, mein fuhrer. My leader. One can almost see the batting eyelashes, eh?

        • Hitler indeed had an inexplicable charm with women. Go figure, he was not handsome, certainly not by “Aryan” standards, nor exactly a physical specimen. Look at the only son of Josef and Magda Goebbels, Helmut. Is he not the spitting image of his “Uncle Fuhrer?”

          A wag postulated that personal insecurity may have been the motivation behind Hitler’s Anti-Semitism:


      • $50K?

        They have to report anything TEN thousand and over. What’s worse, if you think you can beat the system by withdrawing $9999 you’ll get hit with an “evading” charge.

        Truly “Kafkaesque,” as they say.

      • @ 2:20:43 man is a bred race….the control group is breeding out the warriors…

        @ 2:24:30 getting rid of the patriarchy….the men…only beta men…wimp men will be left….all men are being demonized….the straight whites the most targeted….straight whites being blown up daily in the current war….the real agenda there…

        @ 3:00:00 destroy the patriarchy….the men…

        @ 3:50:30 eliminating the men that can push back against the control group…
        LBGQT etc. is working with the control group..they are traitors to the other slaves..the goal is getting rid of fighting capable men….Russia and Ukraine are not very LBGQT so the war there feeds their fighting capable….non LBGQT men into the meat grinder….then the control group can finish their agenda 2030…no fighting men left to resist…

        @ 8:19:10 the new immigrants are the ally to the new world order order horizontal rule leaders..pawns in the divide and conquer stategy

        @ 8:30:30 we are now pretty much back too the old vertical rule feudal system….the king at the top and the slaves at the bottom…

        …the slaves were given the right to vote…..the slaves get to vote for one of multiple pharaohs….aristocracy…genetic bloodline to the pharaohs…the new dictators…

        The slaves should start their own narrative…..which would be…..
        don’t listen to or co operate with the slave owners, the new aristocracy…
        penalize any slave that co operates with the slave owners or spreads their narrative….


  12. Kudos to the lawyer lady for pointing out that the wearing of face diapers was not an actual LAW, which would have required a vote by the legislature, signing by the governor, a possible court challenge/injunction, etc. How much easier for any puffed up bureaucrats to simply declare a “mandate” and bully the serfs into submission while all the enforcers strut around and expect everyone to respect their authoritah (Cartman voice). The PTB are just itching to do a rerun and they have to be met with a hard NO.

  13. Here’s a though-provoking article on regime propaganda and how it may start off with a certain narrative in order to manipulate and unwittingly recruit known factions of resistance to support the intended narrative by quickly pivoting 180 degrees, through a sort of reverse psychology tactic (although I disagree with its uncritical assertion that “COVID was real” to illustrate its kernel-of-truth theory).

    It starts with a plausible theory as to why ” the dissident right was a fractured shitshow for about a year or so after the lockdowns began.” In other words, it may explain why EP Autos was one of only a tiny handful of media outlets on the planet providing any intellectual resistance to the “pandemic” narrative. Of course, the real reason Eric pushed back is because he has a critically-thinking brain and doesn’t just blindly react in opposition to the propaganda.


    • The whole point of that piece seemed to be to push the kernel of truth argument that underpinned the renamed flu scam. The argument that, IMHO, creates the shadow of a doubt necessary to prevent holding people accountable. I really dislike the implication that opposition to that 100% scam, in particular, was a sort of reflexive “everything they say is a lie” reaction. Tom Woods went there early on and for a while and has now apologized and seen the light. It’s ironic and rich that this type of accusation was integral to the fracture of the so-called dissident right. The author trafficking in it today with respect to UFOs and aliens is clever but also kind of insulting, as if there is any comparison to the impacts and harms of the renamed flu scam.

  14. I recently got into a pissing match with a friend, an RN, who worked the front lines of the covid thing. I called covid a hoax. She berated me up and down & gave tearful recounts of her time. I believe her 100%. But I also know that she dealt with just a teeny tiny fraction of the population. And no amount of rational explanation would/will change her mind.

    However, I managed to crack her a little bit by paraphrasing Ron Paul, Eric, other free thinkers: there’s no circumstances so terrible or scary that you should give up civil liberties. We talked about the level of ugliness, meanness, vitriol that was associated with it. Hence, the covidcon.

    Now she’s torn based on her experience as a RN on the front line and rational argument. I get it –when you’re the hammer everything looks like a nail. But the beauty of a claw hammer is it can pull nails just as easily as it can pound them.

    • Hi Mike,

      I hope your friend the RN can see the fallacy. Everyone in a hospital (excepting the staff) is there because they are seriously ill. It does not mean everyone is seriously ill – or will be seriously ill. There are lots of people with serious heart problems in the ICU. Does it mean everyone on the outside has serious heart problems?

      Yes, there were people sick with “COVID” in the hospitals. Most were elderly, frail, obese or already chronically ill. Most of the general population never went to the hospital. Most people never got particularly sick (if it had been any other year, most of those who did would have said they caught a cold – or pehaps the flu – as we did before hypochondria was weaponized).

      Maybe show her this!

      • Hi, Eric,
        Great observations. As you’ve noted, medical workers interact *all* *day* *long* with only the ill and infirm, which can cloud their perception of what is “normal,” even though, when thinking rationally, they know better. Sometimes it helps to get their attention, and snap them back to reality. I expect most are likely to do so when prompted, although there may be some “hard cases.”

        I conjecture the opposite extreme case may also be true. If you are a weightlifting coach, perhaps you’ll get to thinking that *everybody* can bench press 400 lbs (you mean you can’t do that??), because such people are who you interact with all day long.

        If you are a “hot shot” pipe welder who makes it look easy (it’s not) you may be dumbfounded to find out there are people who can’t burn rod the way you can, no matter how hard they try (raising own hand, here).

        I dunno. Expectations…

      • And the whole illusion that there “weren’t enough beds” to handle the surge. True, there probably weren’t enough of the specific type of room (ICU?) that met the requirements of handing a respiratory disease as defined by the regulatory agency. But I’m sure there were enough “beds” to handle whatever came along. And let’s not forget the makshift hospitals that were set up, like the entire Colorado Convention Center, that sat empty the entire time.

        I’m open to hearing another viewpoint though. If the hospitals were truly standing room only, then the question is why? Most hospitals need to pass a rigorous “statement of need” assessment before they can add on. The wise regulators will determine exactly what the proper number of beds are for the community. One would think the wise elder regulators would have anticipated a global pandemic, since that’s their job…

        Unlike the messy free market, with its overproduction and excess capacity, which might have come in handy, along with agility in staffing and room design.

        • Hi RK,

          In re “not enough beds” and “overflowing”: Some here will recall my checking this out – in person. I went to the regional big-chain hospital (Carillion) for SW Virginia at the height of the “pandemic.” Several times, in fact. It was always nothing-going-on. No lines of sickness supplicants, at any rate. Just the usual coming and going. The dumpsters were not piled high with recent dead.

          • The larger issue of the whole overloaded hospitals story was that the “journalists” just took the marketing insect’s word for it. As you and the few people who actually got out of the cubicle or off the couch reported, that was another lie.

            I blame Bush the second. He often kicked people out of the White House press pool if they asked uncomfortable questions, even before 9/11. Once the shareholders got the news desks in line the profession of journalism became synonymous with stenographer.

    • I find that many people not only can, but prefer to live in denial so they don’t have to face the mental consequences of what they’ve done. I hope she can make things right with her maker. I’d bet she engaged in some truly awful things on the “front lines,” like administering Remdesivir, ventilating and locking patients away from their loved-ones, which probably accounts for her tears.

      These quotes might be more applicable than the hammer and nails:

      “It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.” ― Mark Twain

      “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” ― Upton Sinclair

    • I had an RN friend of 50 years who relinquished contact with me 2 years ago. Guess why. At almost the same time, her husband had a resurgence of cancer which had been in complete remission for years. I’m dead certain he got vaxxed at her insistence. I’m torn between hoping she see’s the connection, and hoping she doesn’t, and avoids the avalanche of guilt she will suffer if she does.

  15. Another choice: call, and raise the bet.
    My raise was a black balaclava and a long sleeved black tee shirt imprinted with “Allahu Akbar” in Arabic calligraphy. It was demanded that I leave the premises. This was two years ago.

    The bank manager followed me outside to tell me I had “scared” her and the other employees, as I calmly withdrew a small amount of cash from the ATM. I just shrugged my shoulders and left. After that, I made all deposits (to my business account) by mail, and did not enter the bank premises at all, until very recently, and then only out of necessity.

    I will no longer exchange pleasantries with bank personnel. Call me the Iceman. if you like. I can be one cold son of a bitch, if you choose to provoke me. Your choice.


    Speaking of “it’s our policy,” it was recently demanded of me by a (Gamma minus) minion in a Docturd’s office that I surrender my California driver’s license as a condition of an audience with one of the Exalted Ones, “because you are a cash patient.” No, sorry, it doesn’t work that way. I offered to a) write a check, in advance, for the full amount, b) sign a blank check and let her hold it, c) hand her a credit card as security, all to no avail. As I recall, option “c’ was their former “policy” (I seldom set foot in a medical office).

    I told them to …. well, you know, which, predictably, elicited the deer in the headlights look, minions being Gamma minuses. After I left, never to return, (since I would not be “seen” by the High Priestess, who BTW is not a bad person, but, as a corporate employee does not “set policy”) I realized one possible challenge would have been to say “I am not carrying a driver’s license,” but I did not think quickly enough to do that.

    Since DLs are becoming more like internal passports every day, her demand was, in my eyes, equivalent to a Gastarbeiter being forced to surrender his passport to his employer in order to remain in country and be allowed to work. The movie, “Syriana,” comes to mind. However, we are still nominally “free Americans,” and do not (yet) have o put up with that garbage. I emphasize, YET.

    Zu Papiere, bitte? Nein, danke.

    Wring this post has made me realize that it is imperative that I write a letter to my (now) former physician to let her know why I am no longer her patient. I have no quarrel with her, only with the unreasonable demands of her employer.

    Thanks, Eric, for your hospitality. 🙂 We thought criminals must all hang together, or we shall all hang separately, as Dr. Franklin remarked long ago.

    • ‘I realized one possible challenge would have been to say “I am not carrying a driver’s license.” ‘ — Adi Heidler

      Exactly what I did three years ago, in my last encounter with the Health Gulag. The clerkette accepted a debit card (my proposed form of payment) when I refused to produce photo ID to obtain a self-paid service.

      Underlying this papiere, bitte scheme is third party payers’ fear of being defrauded. If you had no-deductible Govco ‘coverage,’ and I had none, theoretically I could obtain free health care by impersonating you — plastic surgery to further enhance my brutal good looks, for instance.

      No such fraud risk applies to cash patients. But asking Gamma minuses to make such distinctions is beyond their pay grade. So everyone gets carded at the doctors office, just as I got carded checking into a cheap hotel last week.

      Do you not feel secure in our Homeland, comrade?

      • >No such fraud risk applies to cash patients.
        Gee, really?

        A normal business would *prefer* cash payment, because a) they get paid immediately (zero float), and b) there is no administrative cost to collect. In fact, some normal businesses offer a cash discount, for that reason, while others impose a 3% surcharge for using a credit card, to cover their added cost.

        So, ask yourself, why does the medical industry prefer third party payment, which requires them to wait for their money (float someone else a zero interest loan), and imposes an administrative cost on themselves for doing so?

        Once you have figured out the answer to that question, you will have a better understanding of the Medical Mafia. Hint: they are rational actors, not innumerate rubes.

  16. I was at the local Costco yesterday and spotted 4 Covidians. 3 were customers with one woman having to remove the Fauci holy cloth to communicate with her husband and then putting it back on. The 4th was an employee who staffed the gas pumps outside!? BTW, gas was $3.15/ gallon. So I had to fill up before it shoots back up again.

    • I did a double-take as I pumped gas at the Costco off Santa Fe and Hamden in Denver… $2.99! I almost skipped out, having seen $3.49 at another station because my mind thought $3.99 until it sunk in.

      But I’m sure there’s enough moonshine in it to make a martini.

  17. ‘Now might be a good time to withdraw most or even all of your money, as the lawyer lady threatened to do.’ — eric

    This past spring, when Silicon Valley Bank and two others failed, fedsters backed ALL their deposits, even though legally FDIC was on the hook only up to $250,000 per account. The fresh slug of fiat dollars gave a pop to stocks and the economy during the summer.

    Now the Fed is stuck on the horns of a dilemma: bailing out banksters with funny money entrenches chronic inflation. BUT, with trillions of uninsured deposits — thanks to 15 years of reckless QE keystroke kurrency — vaporizing those balances will usher in Depression II.

    What’s a shifty-eyed ‘crat gonna do, eh?

    Meanwhile, a lesson from millennia of human history is that war is inflationary. Today our living standards are boiling frogs in the pot, shrinking as they cook. But the Uniparty is preparing to borrow another $100 billion for our favored belligerents — more logs for the inflationary bonfire. Yeah, they’re Genocidin’ with Biden [image]:


    Hey, hey, Joe Bidet
    How many kids did you kill today?

    • Comments on this image at the host site:

      Q: Where’s the rules-based world order?
      A: It’s in the fiction section at your local library.


    • “war is inflationary”

      Ironically, Dr. Thomas DiLorenzo has this today on Lew Rockwell:

      The Spanish-American War of the same era is considered by many to have been the final turning point where America abandoned the idea of a constitutional republic and became an empire. This was eloquently stated by the great libertarian Yale University scholar William Graham Sumner in his famous essay, “The Conquest of the United States by Spain.” Sumner wrote of how the war created for the first time a regime of “war, debt, taxation, diplomacy, a grand governmental system, pomp, glory, a big army and navy, lavish expenditures, political jobbery – in a word imperialism.” The “jobbery” created “enormous wealth for a few schemers” and was “a grand onslaught on democracy.” Sound familiar?

      Source: https://www.lewrockwell.com/2023/10/thomas-dilorenzo/false-virtue-the-life-and-death-of-american-exceptionalism/

      • Hi Mike,

        One can trace it even farther back, arguably. The Mexican-American war was entirely about annexing Mexican land on the shabbiest pretexts; Robert E.Lee – who participated in it – was appalled by it, as were may others at the time, who saw it for what it was.

        • >Mexican land
          Mexican land, my ass.
          Before there was Mexico, there was New Spain, populated by Spaniards (white Europeans), who came as conquerors (conquistadores) to rape, loot, burn, pillage, and steal all they could from the natives.

          Look up the name Juan de Oñate Salazár, if you do not already know of him. Carved his graffito* “paso por aquĂ­” on El Morro. Not real popular among the Acoma people.

          *Some things never change. But if your placa stays up long enough it becomes a “historical inscription,” ‘specially if you become infamous.
          Yet, somehow, “white European colonialist exploiters of indigenous peoples” have become “Hispanic victims” of (other) “Whites,” who chew tobacco with the few teeth they have, hunt coons (both two legged and four) and possums, distill and drink moonshine, and drive ’60s Mopar hemis with Stars and Bars front plates and a bumper sticker commemorating the Man in Black.

          At least, that is what some Goddamn Commie faggot Yankee peckerwoods say…

          >the shabbiest pretexts
          And they hadn’t even discovered uranium yet! Amazing!
          Gotta get that Jornada del Muerto back from the greasers, though. Never know, we might need a place to test weapons, someday…

          • Hi Adi,

            Yes, but the point is New Spain was not America. And America invaded New Spain/Mexico because Americans wanted the land – in part because of the squabbling over slave vs. free states after the Missouri Compromise. Right?

            • hi, Eric,
              >America invaded New Spain/Mexico because Americans wanted the land
              Yep. Lebensraum. 🙂
              Not saying it was a righteous war – far from it.
              Just saying the Americans (formerly English) took it by force from the Mexicans (formerly Spanish). The Native Americans were the ones who got screwed, in any case.
              The name Winfield Scott pops up, as you undoubtedly know very well. Trail of Tears? No problem. Invade Veracruz? Bring it on!

            • Further squabbling resulted from the acquisition of all that real estate, including the Wilmot Proviso and the Compromise of 1850. There was actually, for some time, a self-proclaimed Confederate government of the Arizona territory, though it fled the place in 1862.

          • Adi, could you (or someone) explain to me whether Spaniards/Portuguese are White or not? Those countries are in Europe, but no one considers their descendants living in Latin America White. I don’t know a thing about the history.

            Also, they’re completely making up for any losses in the Mexican-American war. America is their land now, and becomes more so every single day. Facilitated by the power that owns this former-nation.

            • Hi, Brandonjin,
              From what I know, people of pure Spanish or pure Portuguese ancestry are white Europeans, with fair skin and a range of hair colors, from blond to dark brown. In Spain, there are also Basques and Catalans, who each have their own language, but also are white European.

              Of course, since the Arabs ruled Spain for quite some time during the Middle Ages, many Spaniards have Arab blood, but the Arabs I have known do not have significantly darker skin than Europeans.

              In the New World, you have the (relatively) pure European heritage folks, those of mixed European and Native American heritage, and pure blooded Native Americans of various cultures depending on their area of origin.

              In Mexico, the pure blooded Europeans are known as criollos (cree-oh-yo), mixed race as mestizos, and pure Native American as indios (Indians). I am told there are special schools for los indios whose first language is Nahuatl.

              Not all criollos are rich; in fact, some are quite poor. But, historically at least, the wealthy ruling class is criollo, although I think the current President, AMLO, may actually be mestizo (I am not certain).

              The brown skinned ones are either mestizo or indio, and, as such, are easily distinguishable, and easily exploited by unscrupulous individuals, both American and Mexican.

              Light skinned Mexicans (criollos) who come to this country can easily pass for U.S. citizens if they work hard enough on losing their Mexican accented English (most do not – their accents give them away). Their U.S. born children tend to grow up perfectly bilingual, speak unaccented Spanish, unaccented English, and do not mix the two languages (no “Spanglish”).

              • Adi, thank you for your comment! You were the right person to ask. You condensed so much into so little. What you said makes total sense. I went from not having a clue, to feeling very well informed. Thank you.

            • Where I am from, in New Mexico, nearly all of the Spanish speaking, at least years ago, are descended from Spanish explorers and conquerors, and consider themselves to be Spanish-American, not Mexican or Mexican-American. In fact, it is just about “fighting words” to call them “Mexicans.” Most will take offense at that, since they are not descended from wetbacks.

              There is an interesting parallel between the Spanish speaking remote mountain villages of northern New Mexico and the English speaking remote mountain villages of Appalachia, particularly with regard to language. Just as the “hillbillies” of Appalachia speak a language akin to Elizabethan English, the “hillbillies” of northern New Mexico speak a language akin to Spanish Empire Spanish, or so I am told.

  18. There are those who want to normalize face diaper wearing during cold and flu season, which has been around forever. Prior to 2020, there has NEVER been calls that I’m aware of for universal face diaper wearing during cold & flu season. And with these COVID jabs that have increasingly shown to be UNSAFE & INEFFECTIVE, instead of pulling them off the market (which I’d say SHOULD have been done at least 2 years ago), now these public health bureaucrats such as CDC Director Mandy Cohen are pushing for everyone from 6 months old to seniors to take “vaccines” for COVID, FLU, AND RSV, even going so far as to claim we can take all 3 such jabs at the same time. However, I’ve read elsewhere that doing that could overwhelm if not completely shut down your own immune system. This whole thing has obviously become a cult if not downright evil, much like Cliiiiiiiiimate change and the obsessive push for NET ZERO, which could cause far more damage to modern civilization than did the draconian COVID measures of 2020.

    • Hi John,

      Yesterday, we went to a gift card shop to find some birthday cards for Dawn’s kids. There was a single Freak in the joint, its double Diapers cinched tightly against its face. They are still out there…

      • Eric,

        Where I live, I still see people wearing face diapers whenever I go somewhere, but fortunately it’s a tiny minority. However, I did see video from Ashland, Oregon on the local “news” the other day of high school students outdoors protesting the “Climate crisis”. These kids were essentially demanding that the city of Ashland enact a ban on natural gas to “Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaave the planet from climate change”. What made watching the video even more disgusting besides seeing these kids obviously propagandized by somebody was the fact that some of them were also wearing face diapers.

      • Come to the Bay Area in California, Eric, the maskholes are everywhere. Hospitals are planning to bring back mask mandates in November of this year…right after Halloween.

        • That’s tragic, Alvin –

          I have been to the Bay Area many times; SF – despite some canker sores – was a beautiful city. It’s a shame to see what it’s become.

          • Attended an SF Giants game in their recent campaign of utter futility. Just the short walk from the Giants lot, just south of the ballpark, was an eye-opener.

            The A’s, across the Bay, draw worse than their AAA-affiliate in Las Vegas. Not just that the team is abysmal, but they won’t even pay for security for the BART entrance nor the Coliseum parking lot. The city of Oakland refuses to have officers patrol or respond to calls during A’s games. People are genuinely AFRAID. You can’t “carry” either. But you can get a blow job in the upper deck seats!

        • Weird I was just there last weekend visiting my sister and attending my high school reunion and didn’t see any masks. Maybe am just getting better at ignoring the few maskers I do run into.

          • You must not have gone into a grocery stores. Try walking into a San Francisco Whole Foods, Trader Joes, or even Safeway, trust me, you’ll see at least 15% masking, higher for employees.

    • I ask maskers that question every time: Why didn’t you wear that before 2020? How many grandmas did you kill during past flu seasons, Swine Flu, Bird Flu, Covid-13, Covid-15, Covid-17 and so on?

  19. A little known fact, your bank does not necessarily have your account balance in cash. Which is sort of odd, since that was the original purpose of banks. I gave my son a cashiers check for his share of my late fathers estate, $30k, because I wanted a record of it. It took him all afternoon, and a visit to five banks to get it cashed. One should also be aware that if you withdraw more than $10k the bank will likely inform local armed goons, so make sure you have means to lock that money up, to prevent asset forfeiture.
    No is my very favorite word.

    • After depositing the check and letting in clear, make ten separate withdrawals, each a week apart, of $3K each. The bank should have that much currency on hand, and they don’t have to report it.

  20. Eric, I’m sure some will be screaming for the Face Diaper as winter approaches. However, the obedience mentality will be used in other areas.

    Here’s just one of the emerging examples of what you are not allowed to say re: Hamas

    I heard a talk host say that firing is only the start of what people must suffer should they express such thoughts. Where does it end? I don’t know but, when does it morph from “you can’t say that” to “you can’t think that” to “you MUST think this”?

    The sign being held in the picture you placed along side this has the phrase, “Never Again”. Some Jewish groups have pushed back against the use of that phrase when used in relation to covidiocy. Sadly, I think it will only get worse.

    In Liberty & The Prince of Peace,
    Mark in BC

    • Indeed, Mark –

      We’re seeing this elaborate all around us. If a person can be required to pretend a biological he is a “she,” then they can be required to pretend they believe anything they’re told they must believe. Face Diapers – Idiot Rags – were the first step toward imposing this principle en masse.

    • In the united States of America today, it is becoming more and more obvious that we are no longer operating under Constitutional principles, which are supposed to be the “law of the land”.
      We have been thoroughly “taken over” by corporations that operate under no “rules of engagement”, conveniently ignoring any semblance of operating within Constitutional principles. As it stands now, it would appear that because of their massive power inherent in their size, corporations are free to ignore Constitutional principles. Corporations “do whatever they want” with impunity. It seems that in most cases, “no one can touch them”.
      Most Americans are unaware that, in many cases, corporations actually write the legislation that our “public servant” congresscritters enact into law. This has a toxic, corrosive effect on our system of government, relegating our elected officials and others to the status of “yes-men”.
      Observe the unconstitutional COVID “jab” mandates that corporations happily complied with. Forcing Americans to ingest a foreign toxic substance “jab” under penalty of job loss is not only wrong but is un-American as well. Corporations went along with the government, threatening those who refused the “jab” with job loss to which they were partially successful.
      Corporations can and do fire employees for no other reason than “wrongthink” perusing their employees’ social media sites so that they can rid those who do not subscribe to their notion of their “corporate culture”
      Exempting corporations from laws that “the rest of us” are forced to comply with are un-American as well. Pfizer’s immunity from prosecution for “defective products” is but one egregious example of corporate malfeasance and outright criminality that is “protected by law”. Add to that, the whole “vaccine industry” is protected from liability for adverse reactions caused by their products.
      Since under present-day law, corporations are considered to be “persons”, it is only right that corporations be bound by Constitutional principles as well.
      If I had my way, every corporate charter would have within its founding documents, the requirement to honor and abide by ALL provisions of the Constitution of the united States. Present-day corporations would have this requirement added to their charters. This requirement to abide by Constitutional principles would be enforced by state and federal courts. Corporations would then be protected from prosecution for abiding by Constitutional principles. Corporations would then be required to refuse to operate outside Constitutional principles. Such a change cannot come soon enough.

      • The whole planet is run under maritime law…corporate law….you are tricked into being a corporation too, so they can control you in their system….

        corp…..oration….corp means dead….the land of the dead….

        actually the slaves are under admiralty law….so they have zero rights….

        if the slaves were under common law they would be free and sovereign…..you have to get yourself out of the system to attain that state…..

        the marxist satanists control the big corporations and the whole planet…..

    • Much as I dislike antisemitism, I also dislike the thought police.

      Here’s my $0.02:

      It is ok to tell someone “you can’t say that as a representative of this company.”

      If they say/do it on their own time, representing themselves and not the company, not on company property, that’s their business.

      Far too many companies fail to respect that boundary. They think they own you. They don’t. You can hold and express whatever opinion you want.

      Having said that, if you want to be racist or antisemitic or whatever, I strongly encourage you to rethink that position.

  21. @Eric. Fear mongering from three years ago. Capo Gecko’s TV station, WPLG 10 in Miami.


    People in Miami bought it because the word came from a large Latin man speaking with the voice of authority — and a hint of potential violence — with some initials after his name. He is God.

    Note how someone had to correct the doctor’s masking technique in the middle of the briefing. The Gecko’s minions edited that part out.

    BTW, Obstetrician.

    • Hi Roscoe,

      In Oregon, the state’s “Health Authority” fined local businesses that didn’t have their employees or customers wearing face diapers when then Governor Kate Brown had a statewide face diaper mandate in place in 2020/ 2021. Not sure what happened with those fines or if the state ever actually collected such fines.

      • Kate Brown was another gift from John Kitzhaber.

        I hope that he gets to find out if those snazzy sport coats look as sharp with an orange prison jumpsuit as they do with blue jeans.

        • Roscoe,

          John Kitzhaber seems to have disappeared from public view after he resigned in disgrace shortly after starting a 4th term as Oregon Governor in 2015. His opponent at the time, Dennis Richardson, should have won that gubernatorial election given that Kitzhaber was involved in a scandal involving his then girlfriend Cylvia Hayes, and Oregon also had its own Obamacare Health Exchange which ended up being an expensive boondoggle.


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