Latest Radio: David Knight Show 10/25/2023


Here’s the audio of my talk earlier today with David Knight; we talked about the some-good-news on the EeeeeVeee front, as well as some other topics that may be of interest! My segment begins at around the 2.00 mark.

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  1. Here is an interesting chart that readers might appreciate, it shows retail vs. wholesale gasoline prices, and a red line for the spread – normally around a buck, but now the greatest ever:

    (roll your pointer on the red line to see the spread)

    Today wholesale gasoline contract settled around $2.25, which means if you buy 42,000 gallons you can have it for that price before state and federal tax. The spread in south Oregon is nearly 2 bucks a gallon.

    California is f-cking with the fuel supply making gasoline scarce.

  2. Great show Eric and I really appreciate that you are telling the truth that they want to get us to quit driving cars altogether. You are the car guy! NEVER HOLD BACK, like the Oregon bumper sticker says, speak until your voice shakes. Just say the truth and fuck all the naysayers.

    Well I am the conspiracy guy and Netanyahu is busted, the entire Hamas attack was a LIHOP, this expose proves it and is a must watch:

    Be sure to read the comments. Netanyahu was the architect of the 911 false flag. This Hamas attack is just another 911 he engineered to get his war on. If you think otherwise, I am sorry, you are wrong. The real politic is very disturbing, and they don’t call him Satanyahu for nothing.


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