Latest Radio: Bryan Hyde Show 11/28/2023


Here’s the audio of this week’s talk with my friend Bryan Hyde, host of theBryan Show in Utah! We talked about the push to get us out of cars, using EVs – as well as the worthwhileness of pushing back:

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  1. Eric – while I don’t necessarily second-guess your decision not to take flight lessons and get a private pilot’s license, since ownership of even something like a modest Cessna 152 is our of reach for most folks, I’m reminded of the advice of a high school buddy that now owns THREE aircraft (he got them before the hig price increases) :

    “If it floats, flies, or fucks, it’s cheaper to RENT”.

    • Hi Douglas,

      I hear – and agree! The Sport pilot thing has some definite appeal. If I had the flat land to fly off my own acreage, I would be more enthusiastic. But having to keep a plane at someone else’s place gets expensive quickly. And I’m having enough of a time trying to keep the poor ol’ Trans Am in good running order! (Two new tires – $400.) Forget the fronts (and the new shocks) for now…


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